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Everything posted by TNVersGuy

  1. I’m unsure if this is the proper forum to ask this but I saw an online video a bit back called Chronicles of a Cum Dump Bottom. Any idea where I can find this again? Found it on one site but it was private and no new member requests are being accepted. Wish I could remember what site I watched it on. Any idea how to find this?
  2. Viagra’s side effects messed with me…flushed red face, pain behind my eyes, etc. Now I’m on 20mg of Cialis a day and have no side effects. Really like Cialis.
  3. It absolutely baffles me that I can tell a guy that I’m neg and they’ll bend right over and take my load raw. But, when I tell them I’m undetectable, they panic and run. The science says that undetectable is untransmittable. The science also says negative only at the time the blood was drawn. Why aren’t guys equally scared about getting hiv from a “neg” guy that hasn’t been tested for a year versus an undetectable guy? I also hear the argument that an undetectable guy might be lying….do “neg” guys not lie or are undetectable guys the only ones that are dishonest? These type of arguments are a slap in the face to us undetectable guys. if you’re gonna take loads and not take prep, you’re safer rolling the dice with the undetectable guys than with the “neg” guys that rarely get tested.
  4. I’ll be at World Bear Sept 21-24, DoubleTree SeaWorld. Looking for bottoms.
  5. Anyone here using DoxyPep for sti prevention after cumdump events? Curious to know how popular it is.
  6. Was on prep for many years. Stopped prep….only took 2 months to get pozzed. I was mostly bottoming.
  7. I’m atl for work. Giving loads of fun to those that are face down ass up. Offering very special seed.
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  8. My Dick is thick. I love a loose hole. My last boyfriend was very tight and very hairy around his hole. It was like fucking sandpaper. plowing into hotel cum dumps feels incredible when the hole is nice and open.
  9. Very well put. I agree totally.
  10. There are gays in my community that won’t give me the time of day in public or in front of their friends. Guess I have a cumdump reputation. However, these are the same gays that use my hole the most behind closed doors.
  11. Need to read up a bit more to verify but some studies show that by taking 4 pills a week…you’re protected.
  12. Started prep in 2014 and averaged 800 loads a year. I was a frequent traveler for work and went ass up in hotels around the country. Then my traveling stopped in 2020 and I wasn’t taking as many loads. Was mostly hooking up with regulars so I stopped prep to give my body a break from the meds. 2 months later…I’m poz. Everything is fine now. No more worries either. Poz and proud.
  13. The problem I see with this test option is that I only need rectal swab testing for Gonnoreah and Clamydia. That’s only included in the most expensive test kit which also includes HIV testing (I’m already poz).
  14. I’ve stayed at the Marriott on Canal street and taken loads there. But are there any other places that are better for taking loads and have easy all night access?
  15. Took between 600 and 800 loads a year between 2014 and 2020 while on prep. Once I stopped prep in November 2020….only took 2 months to get pozzed.
  16. Question: How many guys on this page actually have a close friend or close acquaintance that has gotten pozzed while faithfully on Prep?
  17. Plenty of tops in Knoxville. Why can’t you use apps? That’s how we all hookup these days.
  18. My oraquick test was neg because it was too early. The dr’s blood test was how I found out.
  19. Welcome to the club. It’s awesome to have an idea of who your gifter was. All my tops said they were neg or undetectable. Yea….right:)
  20. I’ve been asked that question. I simply replied: “I was going ass up for raw dick.”
  21. Deep inside. Outside is a waste of cum.
  22. West knox here. Vers and ready to fuck raw.
  23. I do ask a few questions of the top to get a feel of who he is. Problems I’ve ran into....old guys that are truly looking to get in your room and just watch or just eat ass and can’t get hard, guys that are tricked out on something and can’t get hard, or guys that claim they’re 8” but are 4” and can’t even get close to cumming. I love taking all loads but a few questions can many times head off some hookups that simply aren’t going to work.
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