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  1. Cunt is fine with me. But I much prefer pussy.
  2. It has amazed me. Just read this article where Swalwell says Republicans are terrified of crossing Trump. [think before following links] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/27/republicans-trump-threats?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  3. So now the R leadership has recommended that congress only do online town halls. They’re scared of the videos they’ve generated.
  4. Per Steve Bannon, Insurrectionists’ J6 Prison Choir to Get Performance at Trump’s Kennedy Center. [think before following links] https://operawire.com/per-steve-bannon-insurrectionists-j6-prison-choir-to-get-performance-at-trumps-kennedy-center/
  5. Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip. [think before following links] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  6. I think US has already lost that credibility. The Gaza comments have been insane, Vance and Hegseth were truly embarrassing last week, Rubio meeting with Sergei Lavrov in Saudi Arabia to begin talking about carving up Ukraine is terrifying. Ukraine and Europe are pissed, and it’s clear the Trump-Putin romance is back on. Trump saying in press conference that Ukraine should have already made a deal and that Ukraine shouldn’t have started the war with Russia was one of the most shocking things I’ve ever heard him say. There’s no way that our Western allies are going to be able to trust us with intelligence (nor should they - especially with Gabbard running the show.) I fear for the future of Ukraine, NATO, and Europe.
  7. Just spitballing, but what if both Trump and Musk lose control? I suspect that the four guys Musk has rummaging through the government systems have numerous back doors by now that any one of them could exploit. They may have even more power than Musk. What do they do with this information? How long will it take for Putin to put them to work? I just don’t think we have a clue of where we’re headed.
  8. If Musk was truly trying to identify waste and fraud, he would have brought in accountants instead of coders.
  9. I fear we're thinking way too small. As frightening as Trump is, Leon scares me more. He had way too much power even before Trump won. He already had control of most of the country's satellites and space program. With X he controls the largest conservative mouthpiece in the world. He personally speaks to Putin and is trying to manipulate electkons in other countrkes too. Now he's gained access to massive troves of sensitive information. How much has he scraped? Have he and his minions inserted malicious code into the systems? He can accumulate more power every day. And at this point, if Musk wants something badly enough, who's to stop him?
  10. I've never actually had sex blindfolded with someone I didn't know. But I LOVE having sex in a darkroom!
  11. When I was 8, we moved to a new town. I had a friend whose sister was in an iron lung. I never saw her other than in the machine. My friend shared a bedroom with her, so I saw her every time I went to their house. As I recall, she died a few months after I moved to the town. Shortly after that I remember lining up to get the polio vaccine on a sugar cube. It was remarkable homoow quickly the polio threat disappeared. Anyone who doesn't believe in vaccines either has a screw loose or needs a serious rethink of their sources of information. Masking and vaccinations have kept me safe from covid. Hooray for the Mpox vaccinations. And from experience I know you don't want to get shingles, so if you're over 50 get the vaccination! I fear we're headed to a bird flu pandemic and we'll be even less prepared than we were for covid. Maybe ivermectin will work. Or perhaps bleach injections.
  12. Well, on the positive side, think of the job opportunities!
  13. Pro tip: Stay out of the LGBT Politics section.
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