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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. 4 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    That's the same as here in FL.  One poll worker has to go outside exactly at 7:pm, look to see if anyone within sight is running to get in line, and stand guard at the end of the line (after any visible last-seconder's are actually in line), so that no one later can get in line. 

    I think the idea of dividing the election-day workers into 2 shifts is a great idea, but the problem around here is, a high percentage of the workers are old Af/Am ladies, and lately they're quitting in droves, afraid to be there if troublemakers show up.  So, we have a dearth of pollworkers to handle every polling place.  An aside: I got an email yesterday notifying me that my ballot was in the mail.  For the past couple of years - since covid, I guess - I've brought my ballot downtown to the Registrar's office, to witness it going into the safe.  The USPS is still suffering from that idiot Orange Jesus put in charge - his name is something like DeMisery - can't quite recall it though - and ever since, the USPS has only been hiring dyslexics as mail carriers.  In the early evening, most of the neighbors meet out on the street to give each other all the mis-delivered mail.

    But, Biden's got a lot more important things than the USPS to clean up.  

    It will vary by polling location here in WI; but locally we split the day into two shifts with a bit of cross over.  In a big election I've been known to come back post closing to assist.  We're paid hourly (not much, but....).

    • Thanks 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    Here, we (poll workers) have to be at the assigned polling place at 5:am, stay through not only the polls closing 7:pm, but through the process of putting all the documentation generated throughout the day into the properly marked bags, officially sealed, and on and on and on.  It's exhausting, but if that what it takes, so be it.  

    Yes, same here in Wisconsin.  We're a dedicated lot which makes some of the assertions all the more insulting.  They haven't done it but think they know...  

    • Thanks 2
  3. On 9/18/2022 at 9:35 PM, BootmanLA said:

    And this is important for two reasons. First, in theory, Congress could amend or repeal either the 1964 law or the 1993 law (in fact, both have had amendments over the years). It's unlikely they would be fully repealed, but it's possible, which would leave religion unprotected in the private sector. Secondly, the current Supreme Court has shown an increasing deference to religion, especially conservative religions, and could theoretically revisit the Civil Rights Act and determine (similar to the Hobby Lobby contraceptive decision) that closely held corporations have a First Amendment right to only hire members of their faith, striking down part of the Civil Rights Act entirely. It's considered a reach - currently - but this Court has shown an increasing interest in such reaches.

    On one hand the court might not be entirely wrong.  I just think owners of an interstate corporation should not be held to the same standard as a one shop business.  Large corporations have, IMO too large a reach already.  They fund nonsense ads that in another time were topically experienced by us as humor rather than an assertion.  I recall so many of the Q stuff I was reading in the Onion.  Only now it seems people read the Onion as if it were a news source rather than the parody it is.  

    I am concerned at what the courts are doing this week.  There seems too little mention of the hypocrisy spoken during their so called hearings.  I am concerned about our democracy.  Being a poll worker here we are preparing for a Presidential sized election meaning we're in for a long day.  But, crowds do make my time seem to fly by.  

  4. 41 minutes ago, PushMePullYou said:

    My hubby and I are open. I think sex is like a restaurant menu. Do you really want to eat the same meatloaf platter every day for the rest of your life? I say, no! Order the daily specials and enjoy.

    Well sometimes the meatloaf is particularly delicious and so a few repeats are in order.  But indeed, variety for me is important too.  

    • Like 1
  5. I've met one for sure and one I seem to recall, but not taking bets on that.  The one I recall for sure is still here and we've chatted in the year plus since my return to BZ.  (my diversion for Covid was to BateWorld as it was a time to be alone - good and productive place; enhances what used to be "jacking off" and I am grateful for that.  Met even more from there. ) 

    If my friend happens across this I'm sure he'll recall it as we've chatted here recently.  But I don't disclose unless I am 100% certain disclosure would not cause strife.  If he is reading this however, he is invited to jump in and out us as having met.  Sadly not sexual although I have always wished we had.  There are many I actively interact with and at a point in time we privately message and ascertain whether if we're traveling to each others area sex is ON the Table; although our pillow talk might continue certain "conversations".  The other I am pretty sure was a sexual hookup, the I'm in your city/state next week, let's connect one night.  And sadly that was in my former forgotten profile and we haven't stumbled across each other.  

    Interesting that I recall more vividly the intellectual hookup. There were circumstances going on with him at the time where he took sex off the table; which is OK.   At the time I agreed.  Here as 2022 is coming to an end; as far as I'm concerned with any of the guys here, I am all in to have sex.  Accepting if we meet and you don't wish to play.  

  6. 2 minutes ago, analluv27 said:

    This is by far the description of some of the dynamics in infidelity. Emotionally we like to think it's rather cut and dry, but in cases of a couple having children it can complicate things. 

    Sometimes even if one isn't happy they may recognize in separating it could do more harm. For example a person does cheat realize they could just call the marriage off (which most would say is the proper thing to do) but their spouse isn't working and has something like cancer. Once a divorce is finalized that former spouse loses medical coverage. Now unless the person hated their spouse there's no real happy ending

    I have sexual friends who are in exactly this position.  And in my generation it was not uncommon for spouses to stay together for a variety of reasons.  Save for the death of one there was nothing unhappy in their relationship.  They chose to experience each others lives to the end.  The exact foundation of my present relationship.  What we do sexually has evolved and that is no one else's business.  Our choices do not cause each other suffering; something we are aware of with each other because we communicate candidly.  There is a big world out there of couples (and even couples +) who navigate and negotiate meaningful, fulfilling relationships with rules between them you might not accept.  I don't understand this returning penchant to define what the rules are in others private lives?  Especially in our relationships those rules belong only within that relationship.  

    • Upvote 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    There's a world of difference, of course, between that and people who cheat because they think it's exciting to transgress. I feel sorry for the partners they're choosing to deliberately hurt in pursuit of their cheap thrills.

    Ah lovely recollections of my last relationship.  Sweet guy but traveled a lot globally and had a family in every city....  Every time he came home from a week or three long trip he broke up with me.  Then a few days later he "UN-brokeup".  It became the defining characteristic of that relationship.  Ended when I decided to not accept the UN-breakup.  Once it was clear monogamy was one sided that ended long before we broke up.  

  8. 4 hours ago, downtownswallow said:

    Cheating while in a relationship actually says you're not in a relationship. It demonstrates dissatisfaction with your status and the so-called "relationship" should end.  Otherwise, the cheater is simply using the other person which is wrong.  

    @downtownswallow it really isn't up to you to decide that.  Those who are IN the relationship define it; and they are the only ones who should decide whether cheating invalidates their agreement so badly that they dissolve the relationship.  But good that you've a handle on what your requirements are for your relationship(s).  

  9. I suspect some of this is sort of learning to reengage with humanity.  That lock down sort of fucked with my head a bit.  I got too used to isolating.  Something I never used to like.  Plus social strife just seems so fucking intense some days.  

    • Upvote 1
  10. Honest I am glad the mods have left this in place.  That small group of malcontents seem to be bullies.  Similar to a lot of recent political behavior, their way of "absolving" themselves seems to be to self describe in the form of blaming others.  This is a great thread to discover who some of them are... 

    As a thread though, I'm done with this particular one.  So glad that most of us are understanding of our mods here; and as Hillary said, there are some "deplorables".  🙂

    Peace my brothers!

  11. On 10/2/2022 at 1:43 PM, hotpussyboy said:

    Yes, I agree with what you've said. Viking8x6 downvoted me twice unnecessarily so I simply ignored the downvote. When you're dealing with an idiot it's a waste of time to try reasoning with "it"; it simply won't get you anywhere. Downvoting is probably the only thing that gets him off - pretty sad.

    ( including @BoyStrangler)  Do you equate a downvote as bullying???  That seems to mean then that anyone who disagrees with you is bullying you?  And you find them "sad".  Or anyone who disagrees is "getting off"....

    To the extent that is so; man I hope that eases up for you.  In a healthy forum we should be able to disagree with each other.  If you're getting downvotes; then asking about that is the only way you'll learn why someone disagrees with you.  Perhaps you'll learn that your assertion was mistaken.   Perhaps you'll be able to add supporting fact on your position.  Maybe you were getting downvotes as a reflection of your own bullying?  Absent clarifying text though; a downvote is simply an "I disagree".  That's how we inform each other and learn other points of view.  It is fundamental to how we learn.  If we stop supporting healthy dialogue what do you imagine our future to be?  I ask because history doesn't frame humans in a loving, caring, friendly light aggregating first human to now .  When we stop exchanging ideas and differing points of view we risk isolating ourselves into closed pods of thought.  Disagreement joined with understanding helps all of us evolve.

    My direct interactions with @viking8x6 was definitely not bullying. He properly called me on posting a particular POV that belonged in the back room.  He was absolutely correct.  It was my eff up and I know better.  I didn't have to, but I apologized; as one might expect when we are behaving respectfully towards each other.  He was very friendly in replying to that.  I would have to look to see if he has downvoted any of my posts.  But even if he had; I would have been glad he expressed his opinion.  He is a member here; and was a member before becoming a mod.  Under a different handle and at a different place in life I was a moderator here on BZ.  I am glad to not be doing that; but I am grateful for these guys as they are the fellows charged with helping keep us in line.  Which in turns helps @rawTOP keep this site alive.  

    There is more than one moderator here; but all of them see what each other does; in effect moderating each other.  If any of them were actually exhibiting bullying behavior they would have checked each other.  @rawTOP is an active participant here, not just the site owner.  I love it when he joins in the "conversation" that is BZ.  We're all on the same team here.  That doesn't mean we have to always agree.  Just be respectful, ask and learn, or make your point and be happy you said it.  Nothing "sad" about that. 

    On the plus side, if this was bullying you; then this is great news!  Because in that case you are one of the lucky ones who has never actually been bullied; with fists and broken off beer bottles...  With actual palpable threats of physical harm.  I don't condone any of that BTW, but I have personally experienced it just for being gay in the "wrong place".  Disagreements are not bullying.

    • Upvote 4
  12. I have never found the rule or intention hard to follow here on BZ.  I really don't think there is anything that needs fixing.  I like for example that there is an acknowledgement that comes with an infraction.  It assures the member (like me today) who made a mistake understands it.  

    I have a difficult time believing that any mod here is bullying anyone.  

    It is an unfortunate habit many have followed to treat any text as a "blah blah blah" bunch of junk.  Context helps as well.  We the consumers of BreedingZone are not under a financial contract; post or certain way or we're exposed to financial ruin.  So to the degree we choose to ignore instructions, I really don't see how we're harmed or penalized in any significant way.  Maybe I am just weird.  I actually read my insurance policies cover to cover.  It is worth understanding what I am paying for.  It saddens me how many I know who didn't read and then some event happens and they're shocked that they were not covered.  For example, most policies have limits above stated limits to account for additional costs to rebuild.  Post covid rebuilding costs have sky rocketed.  But I am one of the few clients of my insurance agent who contacted them once the actual costs of a rebuild rose above my policy limits.  

    To bring this back to this topic, not reading the rules and then getting angry because one didn't isn't an excuse.  rawTOP nor any of the mods nor the modlike members like BootmanLA should feel compelled to change anything.  It's perfectly fine the way it is.  

    But then, that's just my opinion...  

  13. 1 minute ago, BootmanLA said:

    Thank you, Jim. However, I think the OP is from Greece, if I'm not mistaken - but almost certainly somewhere overseas. As such, as much as I'd like to blame the Mango Mussolini for  this, I suspect it's not his fault. 

    I did not catch that, but similar movements are afoot around the globe

  14. 24 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    I've actually had all these cases on my radar since the Court agreed to hear them, except the Warhol one, and tbh I haven't spent enough time on any related issue in recent years to have an informed opinion. In all of the other cases, there's a serious chance of major rollbacks in civil rights and environmental and humanitarian policy.

    A sarcastic "thank you" to all the people in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania who couldn't bring themselves to vote for "the email lady" figuring she was going to win anyway. Especially considering the cavalier way Hair Furor treated classified information during and following his presidency. 

    and perhaps a tacit non sarcastic "thank you" to those of us here in Wisconsin who are poll workers to ensure fair and free elections, regardless of what the big R party is declaring

  15. On 6/19/2022 at 3:52 PM, VersGuyAnon said:

    Last time I went to the sauna I douched for just under an hour and I stayed pretty much squeaky clean for hours.  Today I douched for a similar time and I noticed it wasn't quite right after the first fuck. It was OK, but when I checked there was "something. I recognised the guy (he fucked me last time and fuck he is hot) when he dashed off to get some lube (lots of which I'd fingered up me anyway) and he fucked me senseless. Three or four fucks later (those seemed fine, including one massive load from a hot guy with a lovely big fat cock), another guy fucked me hard and things were definitely not "OK." I figure I know what NOT to eat the day before or in the morning (i.e. I'm doing a trial and error exercise on my body). Once I know I have it spot on, I'll get back out to sex clubs where there aren't showers. That's when the load count will skyrocket!

    I find a couple of anti diarrheal pills just before I douche really makes a big difference for me in the hours following.  

    • Upvote 1
  16. Indeed @BootmanLA.  However, if employers are going to provide health insurance then the objective should be healthy employees.  The thought of imposing their kingly morals on all of their staff has nothing to do with the agreement to employ.  Employers are receiving plenty of public good to run their business; shared public good such as water, sewer, utilities...  We as a society pretty much leave them alone to run their business as they see fit.  (pretty much within constraints of local laws).  This regardless of the individual views individuals in the management hold.  This should apply equally to employees.  If the employers doesn't wish to offer healthcare, so be it.  That may reduce their pool of possible employees but that is their choice. 

    At end, I agree, taking healthcare out of all employment contracts might be better.  And yet, that places it more in the hands of politicians whose goals are often more for their personal good than public good. 

    Socially, while likely not possible, I would love to see society evolve towards a world where we stop imposing our personal decisions for ourselves on others.   

    • Upvote 1
  17. 3 hours ago, Slinglizard said:

    I’ve been wondering a bit about transmission and when somebody is actually contagious.

    I can’t get the vaccine yet, so I’ve been looking through experiences and notes from the CDC and NHS, as well as various other health authorities.

    There doesn’t seem to be any reliable information as to if you are able to transmit MP if you don’t have any lesions.  Unless you got it from a dark room or anon session, surely you’d notice lesions on somebody’s cock?  Has anybody had any experiences with someone who had no noticeable symptoms but turned out to be positive?

    One may not see lesions though.  They might be in hidden places; inside anus for example  Or just in a place not easily seen until it is too late.  

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