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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. Both sides bring valid points for different reasons.  

    Certainly we want to protect our children.  However seem to have shifted way to far into the "It takes a village".  

    Sex is villanized.  And I think that is fine.  If you don't care for something don't do it.  But just because "you don't care for something" doesn't mean I do as well. 

    Currently each political party lives at its wingtips.  We're on a trajectory IMO towards representation of the majority should be met over all representation being for the minority.  We've been here before and we'll be here again.  Onus though is on us to work to stop legislating against an individuals right to think and make choices for themselves.  It has been interesting to consider our social/political trajectory over the past few years.  My hope is that we get to choose for ourselves what we consider our "line" to be.  


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  2. On 12/15/2022 at 5:34 PM, Moose143 said:

    I served a n the navy so this shit wouldn’t happen in this country. Enter the facist Republican Party! I won’t get political sorry

    Not really being political.  As least IMO @rawTOP isn't.  

    I think only time and combined efforts of many will change so that we stop trying to enforce social decisions about other individuals domain over their own body and self.  

  3. 5 hours ago, rawTOP said:

    It appears WHO officials have settled on a new name for Monkeypox - MPOX.

    [think before following links] https://apple.news/AU3gNGS5_QnO6wT3pJ3GaAA

    Some of us have been using MPX, so need to add a letter going forward…

    Wow, can I sue for copyright infringement?   (no, I don't hold the copyright).  MPOX has been my "shorthand" for monkeypox all along since we started the 2022 iteration.  

    Here in Wisconsin we've no active (reported) infections.  A good many people here took advantage of drive through MPOX vax clinics.  We didn't even have to get out of the car.  

    MPX always meant multiplex in my texting shorthand.  

  4. 14 hours ago, Gohandsome said:

    In the end I wanted to ask; there is any solution for anal herpes? This happen sometimes with me, never know what to do. Any medication or cream?

    I've lived with HSV for decades now.  My doc prescribed acyclovir.  At his encouragement I have experimented with reducing my 3x a day tablets to see if outbreaks calmed down.  But I'm back on 3x to keep it controlled.  As @BootmanLA wrote above, there is no cure.  

  5. 14 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    I would encourage you to post about this in discussions elsewhere when people are glamourizing chasing. Granted, people who become poz after chasing (and who test regularly hoping they've converted) can go on meds themselves to keep HIV under control. But even that has long-term impact on your body's ability to ward off other infections.

    Even worse are the ones who encourage others to go get pozzed and to stay off medications so they can poz others. This is the kind of thing that can happen - once your body's immune system collapses, almost any kind of infection can incapacitate you for extended periods. Those of us who lived through the 80's and early 90's when HIV was truly a death sentence and not a "health maintenance issue" know what that's like.

    @BootmanLA What has been the effect on you?

  6. 1 hour ago, BootmanLA said:

    I appreciate that this is a goal of yours - and don't mean to disparage it in any way. But quite a few of us don't want to spend more time at the center, the way we did under Clinton and Obama, always waiting for the "flip side" to any advance we made, because precious centrists had to be appeased.

    The truth is that when individual positions  - the expansion of medicaid (and even single payer health care), increased legal immigration, abortion rights, same-sex marriage rights, contraception rights - are polled, a huge majority of people in this country support all of them.

    (For those who question that statement on abortion: most surveys ask something along these lines: Abortion should
    a) Always be legal
    b) Be legal but with some restrictions late in pregnancy
    c) Be legal but only early in pregnancy
    d) Never be legal except to save the life of the mother
    e) Never be legal period.

    A substantial majority of people in this country believe either a or b. A smaller group believes in c, and even smaller numbers believe in d or e. But anti-abortion people will lump b through d together and say "people overwhelmingly want restrictions on abortion" while concealing the fact that a majority of people want very, very few restrictions at all.)

    The problem isn't that we can't get back to a centerline; it's that one side constantly hawks fear and hatred of the other such that groups who would otherwise be natural allies are divided. Poor white people ought to be in solidarity with poor black and brown people, but the right has been telling the poor whites for decades that the reason they're not all upper middle class with great jobs is that the black and brown people get preferential treatment and take jobs from (more deserving) white people. They don't come right out and use this racist language, but that's what they mean when they say "affirmative action is robbing real Americans (ie white people) of jobs".

    It's why they used feminists as the same foil (those women are taking your jobs) and LGBT people in a different way (you don't want to have to go to the same BATHROOM as those people do you? They'll be putting the moves on you as soon as you step up to the urinal). And it's why they raised the specter of perverted men in dresses claiming to be trans so they could go into women's restrooms and rape your daughters, while omitting that if you follow a strict "only persons with vaginas can use the women's room" policy, that's where Buck Angel, in all his tattooed, perverse glory will be pissing.

    Like it or not, if we don't find out center and expanding Common good over individual WANTS we will continue to live in a polarized society.

    I am quite aware that compromise has fallen by the wayside.  That is a big part of the problem.  My winning means "you" lose.  It doesn't have to be that way.  

  7. Whew....  I am glad I went back and got current...  What I need to spend more time on is rereading this thread while I compose my thoughts  with cogent examples to defend them.  

    Both of you are making excellent points.  The thread I am seeking is discovery of where we might mine that center line in this valid discussion; which at times seems like opposing points.  When we're both right we can agree upon our defense (as it were) of the argument.  And as I read each side I find myself nodding and thinking "yes and yes, now what?".  

    What I observe in general by both parties is that there is too much asking of how we feel - which is valid and is worthy of consideration.  Our social situation if influenced by a number of concurrent factors. 

    Media.  Discussions such as this are best done by slow media.  Coming to understanding when we are valuing different things takes patience, time and persistence.  Our overly noisy media and breaking news on our phones distracts us from focus.  We've taught ourselves that we need to know what happened in Washington as it happens...  Why?  What exactly are we going to do? 

    Actions in each nation does have an influence on our shared economy.  We moved to a world economy decades ago.  And what hits our pocket is almost never the events of today.  

    After this, our reactions seem to have more direct influence than our actions.  Those are almost always strong emotion over reason.  We socially judge with often pretty serious consequences on the judged.  


    What can we do; those of us here discussing this; to help move us back to finding our centerline?  

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  8. 2 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    I think we should pass a resolution in the new Congress to the effect that there was no 45th President of the United States.  Only a mickey that slipped through on a bed of hatred.

    No matter who he is, he was 45.  No wishing can rewrite history.  History has its great times and its challenging times.  But pretending it didn't happen brings us down to his level.  We're better than that.  

  9. @BootmanLA I fear there are legion of our fellow citizens who seek a king more than a president.  Maybe not in name but in effect.  Our progression to oligarchy appears to be well on its way.  And yet, perhaps some of that may be crumbling if Twitter, FTX, even Amazon are the canary in the mine.  A little too soon to determine how the Republican's will organize.  45 certainly didn't bring in the votes...

  10. I have been contacted by someone after I hooked up with them telling me they tested positive for an STI.  I was glad to know, got check by my clinic and took care of it.  

    There are no guarantees of safety in our interactions.  Expecting guarantees is foolhardy.  If one is that concerned about catching anything then masturbate on your own.  If you catch anything then you can sue your hand.  🙂

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  11. 1 minute ago, 11bi11guy said:

    It’s discrimination to ask if someone is negative for STIs? Wow, what a soft world we live in these days.

    Attempts at serosorting has been with us for decades.  One can ask but often people don't know.  They just state or show a card that their last test was neg.  Or they just say "no" and the other one believes them and they go on to have hot sex and not fret it.  If the only thing one does is ask if the other is neg for STI's that is pretty lame if the individual is truly concerned about catching an STI.

  12. Continuing though; each infection cycle results in some of the hosts DNA becoming part of the shedding virus.  The more rapidly they cycle though our species the faster they mutate.  

    To the altruistic that point would not be lost.  We benefit our species by our informed behaviors.  

    I talked a friend off the ledge yesterday.  He sent me an article showing the monkeypox problem locally with the nearest city at 37.  I replied that indeed that's how many cases occurred but there are no active cases.  With alarm he passed on a graph saying "don't believe it, here are the graphs!".  I view them, noted that the last reported case was on October 8 and no new cases have been reported since.  I indicated where on the graph one could see that.  

    I don't think we have a problem of intelligence or ability though.  There is a lot of social noise these days and in a breaking news world, when does one spend time to reflect?  He was finding the information, he was just too distracted and/or alarmed to take time to read what was in the graphs.  

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