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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. 12 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    are you suggesting you want to restore your foreskin so you can increase your risk of contracting HIV?

    Because the study in question - though its limitations are substantial, and there are contradictory studies out there as well - suggests that being circumcised provides some additional protection over being uncircumcised.

    The operative word being "suggests"...  If one wishes to avoid HIV one can use PrEP.  No need to cut off thousands of pleasurable nerve endings to achieve a "maybe"...  

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  2. On 5/23/2021 at 5:33 PM, BootmanLA said:

    With some tweaking, I think this is a pretty good model.

    For many people, "immediate family" means people not related by blood or marriage, because their own blood/marriage "families" have rejected them. My own is very accepting and loving and welcomes my partner into anything family-related (he was listed with me in the survivors when my father died five years ago), but not everyone is so lucky.

    I think part of the issue is bandwidth. Very few people have the emotional and interpersonal reserves to maintain large numbers of relationships at the level required for "core" or "inner circle" in your model, and competing in that bandwidth are all the other trials and tribulations of modern life, from the minor (traffic and leaky faucets) to the major (family member illnesses and job losses and the like). When something like Covid strikes, we're forced to ration that bandwidth to those who mean the most to us, in order to preserve some semblance of sanity.

    I am lucky in that my job wasn't affected much at all by Covid. I can do much of it from anywhere, so lockdowns weren't an issue, and neither my partner nor I faced any financial repercussions as did so many people we know. So I was able to be "available" to several friends who were less fortunate and strengthened some bonds in the process. But I also understood that some of the people I like and whose company I enjoy didn't have that same ability.

    As for the original question: In my view, a friendship is a net positive for both parties, and that's what I look for - someone who will be a net positive in my life. Not that I "keep score", but I am pretty good at spotting people who give back only reluctantly and avoiding them. Not perfect at it, but good enough to avoid the real sociopaths. 

    @BootmanLApost and....

    We appear to have a popular unproductive notion that talking about politics is "bad"; which added unnecessary divisions.  Not that we should only talk politics; that would be taking an extreme view.  But the notion it is "bad" took people away when I would have preferred it bring them closer.  Talking with each other seems way more productive than having media trying to make us feel good (here in SE Wisconsin the networks have this whole feel good thing going on).  I don't listen to news to feel good.  How I feel is up to me.  I just want information.  So the notion, for example, of my local weather forecaster "protecting" me is just silly.  

    Sadly this has cast divisions in my family of siblings, nieces and nephews (generation above has passed; we're next) which changed pre pandemic to now.  I am hopeful most of us will seek to regrow those. 

    My immediate family is my husband.  There is an outer band of intimate friends.  Friends where there are no conversational barriers.  (I never understood how keeping secrets from my mate was ever going to be productive).  Sadly a smaller group than I prefer, but it is what it is.  I am grateful for them.  

    Social network; my car club, my mens club, coworkers, neighbors have grown quite a bit over the past year.  And it might have been fool hardy to expect a rebound to exactly where we left off.  But there is an observable change here in comfort being together and increasing honest dialogue as we approach local elections as well as other things for which we share common interest.  

    Quoting @BootmanLA "As for the original question: In my view, a friendship is a net positive for both parties, and that's what I look for - someone who will be a net positive in my life. Not that I "keep score", but I am pretty good at spotting people who give back only reluctantly and avoiding them. Not perfect at it, but good enough to avoid the real sociopaths. "

  3. It is too soon for me to hold opinions about who "might" jump into the R race.  For that matter, too soon to see what other names might jump in to the D race.  This is the evolution of the next 18 months.  

    There are only two (potential) candidates we as a society have a good amount of knowledge.  Trump and Biden.  Trump is clearly bending authoritan; something which we all have plenty of good solid evidence based upon his own words.  Biden certainly displays finesse in dialogue.  Both men stumble in their speech.  And while they might have good speech writers, I think we need to "elect" those speech writers (or those providing speech direction) and wish them a comfortable retirement. 

    I agree with Nikki Haley that it is time for a generational change.  There are observable social and physical changes under way.  Our ability to produce crops sufficient to feed humanity is diminishing not only as our climate evolves with all the old storms and drought.  Our world leaders are clearly anxious for change.  All nations are grappling with droughts and floods.  And so the human land grab seems upon us.  

    We could sit back and go nuts at the baths and not think about the trajectory of our species; and ultimately humans die off as other species on this planet have.  Or we could let current forces unfold unquestioned and unchecked, and experience massive die off as parts of humanity die off from any of the warring and geological events which are happening more often and with increasing severity.  

    For myself?  I might have 20 years left.  No one is gonna utter reading my obiturary "he was so young"....  I think though that our best evolutions as humans have come when we recognized our challenges and took action to mitigate the worst outcomes.  

  4. 11 hours ago, topblkmale said:

    Its the sad reality of our lives in the US and other western societies. One can no longer be around any family, friends or co-workers without hearing mindless, endless political 'discussions'.

    (I just nod in agreement and politely change with subject)

    Honestly I believe this squelching of political conversation is a big part of our social disarray.  While avoiding such conversations are the comfortable path, it isn't one that opens up our critical thinking to other points of view.  

    I think we need more healthy conversations about the diverse political (actually social "arbitrated" by political) views.  We've isolated ourselves and become afraid of even angry words (when perhaps bullets might be a wiser fear to hold).  

    This whole thread titled "why to Republicans hate gay people?" has to be a social/political discussion by its very title.  If one is reading this "tired of the political debate" then why are you following this thread at all?  Honestly I am glad you are!  

    In truth Republicans don't hate gay people.  That is the popular view perhaps, but it would be incorrect.  And certainly when we pay attention to the wing tips like Ted Cruz, MTG, Jim J I can understand why one might think that.  What we're not paying attention to are the quiet Republicans.  I would hope we seek them out more.  

    For myself, I am not a member of any party.  Neither of the two noisy ones are a significant cause of our social polarization.  The quiet ones are too quiet.  And it is uncomfortably popular to hold the view "I don't like political discussion".  

    Each of us can make a difference just by participating with rational, fact based dialogue about social matters.  

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  5. @harrysmith25 a million headlines about transgender people?  Where are those statistics kept?

    @BootmanLA it is certainly harrysmith25's right to use any reference he chooses.  And others may react however they will to his less than sensitive references.  If we ever hope to work ourselves off the wingtips of political discourse, we would to well to ignore the words and focus on what was said.  While Transgender individuals certainly are working as hard as us queers of the 70's to get themselves recognized; I suggest paying attention to local (city, county, state) legislative agenda.  Gay rights are definitely on the line here in Wisconsin.  Unless we stand back up again we're apt to see much of our progress the past 50 years roll back along with RVW.  

  6. True that the election deniers are entitled to their opinion.  We all are.  However, truth is truth.  I recall the Trump voters of 2016 (when Trump actually won the Electoral College votes; albeit not the popular vote) telling those who didn't vote with them "Deal with it".  Right neighborly of them don't you think?

    These same people carry on the lie Trump promulgated in 2020 and which he and his ilk still push.  But he did not win that election, either by Electoral College nor by popular vote.  To the contrary, he as actually committed a series of illegal acts to overthrow the will of the majority.  

    Now, indeed they can still think of 45 as their king.  But he lost.  And he committed (as yet unprosecuted) treason.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    There's another way to deal with "group" Breeding events, but it does take a while to develop, particularly in sparsely populated areas;

    Say you know 4 or 5 other guys that love raw sex (T or b), and you've known them long enough for them to become somewhat of a "regular".  Get those 3,4,5 guys together, and form a "fuck group".  Don't let them get too big; instead encourage "spin-off's", i.e. other groups forming.  Make getting together to fuck a regular thing - monthly, every other month, daily (wouldn't surprise me, ya bunch of pigs), whatever.  The schedule isn't important, the regularity of the group Breeding is the point.  Each guy can/is encouraged to bring fresh meat to the next event, whether Top or bottom or switch.  

    Don't hesitate to mention the group to other horndogs you know, and spread the word.  Try to get the word out within the gay community that there are these groups forming in the area.  It doesn't work as well in large cities, where there's easy sex in numerous bars, backrooms, fuckjoints, and it's more likely to "take off" in smaller towns / rural areas.  

    The point is, if a handful of these "groups" can be established (naming them can be a hoot), then gradually one group turns into 2 or 3 "groups", and larger events can be planned with the camaraderie of guys that have at least a glancing knowledge of most of the other guys.  That, in itself, will retard any negative behavior alluded to in some of the above replies.  The ability of those who never learned manners to not mess up other people's places, or ghost events will either be eliminated, or the guy will be.  

    This may not be an attractive idea for some guys who love the adventure, mystery of cruising fresh meat, but it can be a fairly reliable source of action when getting enough raw sex is presenting a problem.  Obviously, not every guy will be able to make every single event, and that's fine.  

    This worked fairly well some  years ago in Northern Illinois, where there are plenty of very small farm-towns along route 173 far enough from Chicago to inhibit a lot of going "into the city" for sex.  Some of those farm boys will take your breath away !!!

    I host group events at my house a few times a year.  If I guy is new to me I prefer to get to know him 1x1 before inviting him to the group.  We are a member club of about 200 guys.  Typically 35 or so show up for events post covid.  Breeding not a requirement.  We get more guys if they are free to explore and discover.  

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