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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. 19 minutes ago, JimInWisc said:

    @phxman54 I am really enjoying reading.  Decided to read again to lovingly and gently give you some feedback.  

    Part 1:  Man a stellar story!  I love the progression so far; from days prep for the beach to the horny apparent departure at the end of Part 1.  Their meeting seemed relaxed and natural.  Complete, not rushed but not overly detailed.  A lovley balance and cadence.

    When Robert entered info into Tim's mobile phone, the item seemingly left out was his Address.  You might have picked up on this in Part 2 (I will be curious when I reread); but I wanted Part 1 fresh in my mind as I left it.  The only reason I even read back to see what he entered was address; and my impression was they had a date.  

    It is a pleasure to read, bones me while reading.  On to Part 2.


    Part 2.  Fuck man what a beautiful next step from part 1.  This could have just been one big long delightful story.  Your story telling cadence so satisfying for my horned up penis brain.  And the story itself is excellent.  Aside from the knowing poz/neg the focus is truly on the hot man to man energy building between them.  

    A singular complaint...  An editor to do what spell check doesn't would help.  Some of the newer spell/grammar checks really help avoid a perfectly nice word but wrong in context.  🙂  It is of course a wierd twist I guess of my horny-cock-leaking mind to also stumble over things like a "his" when "is" was evidently intended.  

  2. @phxman54 I am really enjoying reading.  Decided to read again to lovingly and gently give you some feedback.  

    Part 1:  Man a stellar story!  I love the progression so far; from days prep for the beach to the horny apparent departure at the end of Part 1.  Their meeting seemed relaxed and natural.  Complete, not rushed but not overly detailed.  A lovley balance and cadence.

    When Robert entered info into Tim's mobile phone, the item seemingly left out was his Address.  You might have picked up on this in Part 2 (I will be curious when I reread); but I wanted Part 1 fresh in my mind as I left it.  The only reason I even read back to see what he entered was address; and my impression was they had a date.  

    It is a pleasure to read, bones me while reading.  On to Part 2.


  3. It's my very favorite thing to do.  I love how men's cocks respond to my tongue and throat; how they enjoy some ball pleasure and often some butt pleasure while I suck them.  And I love not only the taste of cum, but knowing his seed is going into my stomach.  My cock leaks the most when I am sucking a guy.

  4. 7 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    One of my degrees is in journalism. One of the first things we learn in the discipline is the necessity of context. Again, if you feel the need to further explain your original point, you have every opportunity to do so. I’m certainly not going to engage you any further.

    Clearly that degree in journalism did not benefit you.  The facts speak for themselves.  My request sir is that you don't misquote me.  Otherwise I really don't give a crap what you say.  

  5. 2 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    I think you’ll find that truncating quoted matter to direct attention to a given passage is common practice across the web. I do so in the majority of my replies to posts, and intend to continue. 

    Regardless of the brevity of the quote, my comments did not address yours out of context; they merely disagree with your plain statement as posted, and as repeated in your original reply to me. If you feel that your position needs clarifying, issuing a follow-up post to that effect is your prerogative.

    Issuing demands is not.

    Perhaps you are in a real-life situation in which you are accustomed to issuing orders like “don’t do it again” to people obliged to obey them; I am not your subordinate. You posted in a public forum. How I respond to it or any public comment is my choice - and according to your argument, making my own choice is just fine.

    Then sir you are clueless about how context sets the stage for understanding.  

    • Upvote 1
  6. 4 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    I know plenty of high schoolers who could easily save up $100 from a single paycheck. $1,000 would take a few weeks, perhaps a few months, but it's still not out of range.

    Secondly, a LOT of porn consumers are not about to go down to their post office with ID and demonstrate to the government that they're purchasing porn. Aside from the general privacy issues involved, who's to say the government wouldn't keep a record of all such transactions, and if later these flash sticks are de-legalized, going after those who have them?

    Add in that many modern internet devices, including most tablets and phones, can't use flash drives.

    Most importantly, this is a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. 

    I would submit that there are plenty of records about which of us is buying porn and where.  Registering to buy porn we essentially already do when we sign up for any website.  Going to the Post Office seems like it would be redundant.  

    Truly the forces are pretty clearly opposed to allowing OTHERS to view or own porn.  

  7. 12 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    I actually get very tired of hearing this, as though all choices are equally valid and have no effect on anyone but the chooser. That’s just bullshit. This legislator may make his own choice to villainize sex, but he’s also going to take that conviction and make it the law of the land so that everybody has to live as he sees fit. 

    If a man chooses to believe that people of color are inferior and uses racist language according to that choice, is that also just fine? Of course it’s not fine.

    If a man decides homosexuality is unnatural and an affront to God, is it just fine for him to make that choice? No, it isn’t, because in one way or another, subtly or overtly, he’s going to act on that conviction at some point, and what he does will be wrong. If his son comes out as gay and he chooses to send his son to conversion therapy, is it just fine for him to choose that for his son? No, it isn’t, because his actions will likely cause harm to his son.

    If a man decides he wants to smoke while standing at a gas pump, is it just fine for him to make that choice? No, it isn’t, because he runs the risk of destroying life and property.

     I could do this all day, because there’s no end to the examples of ways some personal choices are not fine, and can’t simply be accepted because it’s “their personal choice.”

    Sir, if you choose to quote me, quote all of me.  When you snip out the center part of a sentence and use that for your rant; you have failed to set context and thus taken us down some path attributing it as responding to what I said.  Please don't do that again.  

    • Like 1
  8. It might be that as I never had more than classmate play as a kid I truly can't speak from experience.  However, I was pretty hot for some neighbor dads growing up, just never found the opportunity.  I can't imagine how I would have found it anything but a pleasure.  

    I am blessed that I never grew up with any notion of sexual intimacy being bad, dirty, sinful....  None of that is in my experience either.  When I started masturbating I just continued a happy little bator.  I do recall wanting to take advantage of a couple gym coaches and my physics teacher.  I imagine it would have been a great awakening rather than my slower more plodding patch to sluthood...  

  9. I don't think we should be too quick to assume that @ReluctantSlut's winkers were no doubt just paying a compliment.  He did well to message them and perhaps they'll be back.  There are a number of guys here to only check into BreedingZone periodically.  I don't characterize them as playing games.  They saw something they liked in your profile, or for something you wrote.  

  10. 12 hours ago, poptronic said:

    I’m vers but whether I’m topping or bottoming, I love giving it hard and rough, though not a necessity to get me off. Depending on what the other guy likes, I’m down to roll with it. 

    When topping, I love the feeling of overpowering my bottom, and knowing that he’d have it no other way. Love ramping up the intensity until I’m cumming balls deep in his well pounded hole, then regressing into a soft cuddly bear…

    … and that’s exactly how I like to take it when I bottom. I love to look my top in the eyes when he’s jackhammer fucking my hole deep and hard, letting him know that he can take my hole as hard and he pleases.

    In retrospect I wish we had played when we met years ago pop.  Yeah you were newly converted then, but I would have happily enjoyed your jizz in me....

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, ErosWired said:


    Villainizing sex isn’t fine, it’s stupid. Every human being on the planet needs sexual outlet in some form, so villainizing sex does nothing but make a villain of everyone. And if everyone’s a villain over it, then no one is. Think for a moment about all the individuals and organizations, even governments, who have done their damnedest to stamp out porn over history.  The sum total of all their massive, combined effort has still left us with the ability to take three seconds to open a website and begin viewing a 20-minute popper training compilation featuring dozens of highly explicit clips of homosexual fucking. They accomplished not a hell of a lot, it would seem.

    This may make things difficult, and must absolutely be resisted, but porn will find a way. It always has.

    I agree ErosWired.  It is stupid, but it is fine for people to make their own choice, and if they want to consider sex evil; I suppose that is consistent with their equally stupid "original sin" crap.  

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