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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. Excellent start!
  2. Politics and religion have joined in an alarming rate. Too little is mentioned about WHY separation of church and state. I hope we begin to embrace that separation more publicly.
  3. I've already experienced ebb and flow of public opinion. That said I agree with you; those four words often are the source of undesirable behaviors and our trajectory hasn't turned yet. History is filled with periods of tolerance and intolerance. And look globally; so many are still under the thumb of religion. And while certainly much social good has come from religion over the millennia; a whole lot of the evil foisted upon our fellow man has been at the behest of organized religion.
  4. Nice months have passed, how has this evolved @sthrnguy?
  5. Definitely Van. We all know the social pendulum swings. I am hoping it will slow its course soon and start to swing back.
  6. Thanks. I was expecting they were.
  7. Thanks @viking8x6 Hopefully we didn't lose BootmanLA as a result.
  8. @Jaygusher that bottom guy looks very much like YOU
  9. Perhaps you should clue him in....
  10. Honestly if it was the first time I played with a guy, even if we had discussed his desire to not have a safe word and clear instructions to not pull out no matter what; as I would not know him very well I might stop anyway. Unless, perhaps, I had a signed document in hand from him.
  11. @rawTOP wishing you a speedy and thorough recovery.
  12. I think there is a lot of me that trends towards introvert. But I push myself frequently to develop a practise of extrovert. Public office has helped that a lot. So has leading projects.
  13. My clinic standard STI testing is quite thorough so they check that routinely.
  14. Sure @Bttml00king I am happy to share. There were no symptoms at all. Treatment was an antibiotic. It took three treatments to knock it out for me over four years. Jim
  15. It took several treatments for me to get rid of this one.... But finally....
  16. Yowzers.... This is getting interesting...
  17. I'll do either, but love viral loads in my ass...
  18. Sounds like a lovely thing to have happen...
  19. A hot story, even though I am not a fan of stealthing. I don't see Jake sticking around much longer though after this.
  20. And for those claiming this is all unfair censorship; it just isn't. We don't own this site nor carry the liability as owner for social forces who would shut this site down in a heartbeat. For well thought out reasons this site has locations for specific sorts of dialogue where one can be much more forthcoming. Honestly if we don't care for these rules there are plenty of other venues for that.
  21. I would love your toxic jizz in me....
  22. @viking8x6 Similar experience here. I think down in Milwaukee WI experience seems better. Away from the city BBRT not so effective. I find mostly local married guys who love head but don't get it at home.
  23. One thing I truly enjoy about BreedingZone is that rawTOP and our friendly moderators actively participate in our diverse discussions here. There are sites where those managing the site seem to be non participants. I'm finding owner/moderator participation makes the site a safer home. Collectively we're pretty diverse which is reflected in posts. True some tend to get into the weeds; rather than just nodding and acknowledging that not everyone believes as we ourselves believe on every topic. But man I am so glad to be aware of our differences. Socially, in the world outside of us here; it is truly concerning that some want to shut us down or prohibit participation here. We are certainly not dictating how those who object to us live their lives. What we do has no effect on them. Sadly, human history is rife with this stuff.
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  24. @viking8x6! Man it's scary how inside my head you seem to be. And true, I do get the occasional STI. I have one soon to be identified one now (I get results tomorrow). Still, I will always prefer skin on skin. Else it seems more like robot sex. 🙂
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