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Everything posted by hellion1971

  1. You're off to a good start.
  2. What an interesting story. It was very well written.
  3. It's fun. There are few things as enjoyable as taking cock after cock after cock and receiving their cum.
  4. Same here. I used to be rabidly anti-smoker, now I'm 1 PPD and looking to smoke more.
  5. I was 15 when I got my first anon load in a park bathroom gloryhole. The guy's cock is the only part of him I ever saw.
  6. Level 6 for the last 20 years. Poz and proud!
  7. I hope it goes well for you.

  8. I would say no, given that one cannot be both gay and christian. The magical book of fairy tales that christians worship has very specific instructions as to how gays should be treated. I often wonder at the level of masochism it takes for a member of the LGBT community to try to reconcile themselves with a belief system that openly calls for their execution.
  9. The breeding, definitely.
  10. Don't sweat it and take your time. You'll know when you're ready to take the plunge.
  11. I disagree. People watch porn relevant to their interests. Most people who watch bareback porn are usually already barebackers themselves.
  12. Age of consent in Texas is 17.
  13. David Tennant (Billie Piper calls him "David Ten-Inch") and/or Matt Smith.
  14. A slap on the ass when fucking is one thing. Slap me in the face or punch me in any way, and the slapper/puncher will have a minimum of a broken hand and will be physically thrown out of my bedroom - which is on the second story, by the way. I've dealt with enough abuse in my life that I won't tolerate it in a sexual situation.
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