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Everything posted by Totop

  1. ah.. just watched a couple all the way through. I see thats towards the end
  2. Nice. Anyone got any links with fucking and cum scenes?
  3. Anyone been to the BBRTS cumunion event in Toronto on Friday lately? It's from 6pm to 6am. I'm not sure when would be a good time to go there. I haven't been there before so I don't want to be there too early or too late. Any suggestions?
  4. I`ve been reading threads of stuff going on the places like Berlin. How do you guys resolve STD`s when in a foreign place? if you pick something up in a foreign land, and that's a very real possibility when BB-ing, what do you do to get it fixed?
  5. I very rarely do second chances. I always deal with guys this way: I'm dealing with and adult and expect responsible adult behavior. Anything less isn't acceptable.
  6. I used to like it and thought it was hot. But as I got older I found that I like to see the person. Anon fucks don't excite me anymore.
  7. On my profiles I request to 'have clear face and body pics if you expect to get my attention'. Anon profiles get ignored. I'm not flattered if someone tries to stealth-cruise me. I cant be bothered to be interested if he cant be bothered to have pics to share in his profile.
  8. Which brand do you use?
  9. It isn't really an apology in the true sense of an apology in this case.
  10. This for me ^^
  11. wow! wish I could go that many times that quick! I can usually go 2-3 times but with a min 40-50 min break in between.
  12. here is another thread related to this one : https://breeding.zone/threads/16740-What-you-do-when-someone-you-don-t-like-contacts-you-in-a-sex-site-app
  13. BootmanLA explained it well with examples. I understand that in real life if someone says/does something you would acknowledge the person with a response. It took me a while to figure out that online no response is a response. It means 'not interested'. I usually reply 'Thanks' to compliments when I'm not interested. But as others have said that sometimes leads to the misunderstanding of interest. But other times I simply get a 'YW' and sometimes they get the hint and quit at that point and very occasionally I've been blocked.
  14. I like to return the favor. If I cum I try to take care of him and make him cum. If he is only interested in getting a load and leaving ti ti unlikely I'll breed him. I like things to be mutual.
  15. I don't know how most of you manage to find that many guys to unload into. I guess it must be related to the kind of scene. I'm not into anon pump-dump-and-go scenes or cum-dumps. I need to see the person and have some level of attraction to him before I can dump a load in him. Else I cant even get hard.
  16. I don't know if it is the type of poppers but when I first did them ~15years ago, i could keep my hard-on.. But since then I loose it if I do a bit too much. I still do a hit or two if I'm jerking off. But when topping I do a small sniff towards the end only. I'm not a bttm so cant speak from that .. um .. end (no pun intended)
  17. lol... exactly what I was thinking. I see no reason to insult the guy back and escalate it to an insulting match. Serves no purpose and benefits no one. When I respond depends on how he initiates contact. If he complements me on my pic, I'll say 'Thanks.' and I don't return to complement. Lots of guys get the message and some even reply with a 'you're welcome'. If he takes it as an invitation to converse further I'll first ignore it. If he is persistent then I'll reply with very short uninteresting responses and not promptly without asking any questions in return. Eventually he will get the message that I'm disinterested. If it starts with a 'hey' or 'sup' I'll ignore it and usually they don't come back. If he is persistent I'll answer with short responses. If he makes a comment that he wants to meet, I'll reply with a "I'm sorry but we aren't a match" (note the apology and the use of 'we' rather than 'I am not interested in you'). Some have even responded with a "Thanks for replying/being honest" message! If you are a nice guy then let it come across as you are a nice guy. Crapping out his mood could result in him crapping out your mood and helps no one. Now if someone went on the offensive and messaged you with an unprovoked insult and for no reason at all, then that's a different story.
  18. I don't know where you are or what app you are on but from what I've read on other forums the problem is the opposite. Guys online mostly looking for sex and not to date/chat/friends. While I prefer to chat for a bit with someone to get a 'feel' of him, I've never gone onto any of the kind of conversations you mentioned. Yes guys dont read. My profile clearly states I prefer SINGLE (in caps) guys and every now and then I get messaged by attached guys. I decline and tell them I'm looking for single guys only. Some replied that "it's just sex" and I've responded "Sorry, I'm looking for more than just sex" I always state what I'm looking for and ask what the others expectation is. I suggest you take charge of the conversation ask a question about what you are looking for and work it that way. e.g. him: hey you: hey. How are you? him: I'm good. you? you: horny looking to fuck. you? If he is interested then ask you: what do you like doing in bed? him: I like to aaa bbb ccc in bed. you? If he doesn't reply appropriately or starts to give you a roundabout answer. Just don't continue the conversation. Be straightforward but assertive and polite. To me a direct question gets a direct answer. Else I'll move on.
  19. I know nitrates are not recommended along with viagra/cialis. Anyone know if Maximum Impact has any issues with them?
  20. If a bottom handed me a condom, I'd put it on as that's what he wants else why bother handing it to the top? If they were lying around and he didn't bother to hand me one or say anything about playing safe then I'd take it that the decision to warp it up was left to the top.
  21. Me too. Its deceitful. Yes it may only be an FB but still deceitful thing to do.
  22. With that in mind I'd say play it safe. I wouldn't do bare at any time with anyone until I am absolutely sure that I can get on meds in case the inevitable happens.
  23. I dont see any reason why others should know his status. Just as they don't need to know who is the top and who is the bottom and if you spit or swallow.. etc.. I'm happy for you and hats off to you for deciding to be with a poz guy. All the date-able neg guys I've told (and there have been only 3), ran away. I dont know the law where you are but here in Canada if you disclose anothers status you could be breaking the law. It's upto him to disclose his status though it isnt necessary as he isnt having sex with your friends. http://www.aidslaw.ca/publications/interfaces/downloadFile.php?ref=187
  24. Nice! Love a guy who keeps at it even after he gets a load. All the guys I've had are done after getting a load.
  25. 4 months would indicate to me that you are still in the romance/lust stage. For me what works to get over someone is to complete cut off. Dont check that he still has you as a FB on his page..etc. As has been said previously he either didn't want to get closer and wanted to keep fucking around or is just and asshole. I'm curious though: did you guys do other non-sexual stuff like go out for dinner/drinks ..etc or just hooked up and talked?
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