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About JamesMeTherson

  • Birthday 06/01/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Coachella Valley
  • Interests
    Hail SaTan, Bareback fucking only, smoking and bumping sexual *enhanceMETHs*, feeT, geTTing ballbusTed, breaTh conTrol, KO, being restrained and blind folded, cock sounding, tit/cock/balls/asshole pumping, lots of sTuff I would geT banned for. "Cum1nm3br0666" will lighT my wick😉 or send Morris code to @SaTanicfaggoTsluT.

    If sex with you includes; condoms, vaginas, or #2....I already have made other plans for that time slot, but thank you for looking at me with lusT and desire in your gonads.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Grew up on a farm in Montana and I don't have any interesting stories to share....fucking stupid wholesome upbringing. HIV improved my quality of life exponentially. Absolutely everything in my life can be traced back to SEX. The only true motivation I have is for you to fuck me in my asshole and pump your cum load as hard and as deep into anal cavity as you possibly can
  • Porn Experience
    Damon James "Pulling Out is for Porn 5" bbrt and I have onlyfans and pornhub pages, but the new rules may prove those to be way to boring to care about.
  • Looking For
    SEX. I'm a bareback sluT and a whore. Will Take all raw cock and cum. Unfiltered honestly is: The less I know about you, more I want you to fuck and abuse my fagcunt. So use me as your cumdump slut first, then tell me your name....or don't.....I really don't care....SSSooooo....are you going breed me again? If not, I'm just gonna go now. But let me know when all your buddies want to video gang RAPturE my holes.

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  1. Damn, that is some hot meThed up shi... STUFF! Loving it! Another raw dimension I once avoided with timid fear... now all up and comfy in it! And yes... turning poz has improved things for me too! Odd how that turned out!

  2. It is really cloudy on my newtumbl. [think before following links] https://jamesmetherson.newtumbl.com/
  3. Man, I would love to find you in a sex club, used and wet, I’d eat your hole and clean it up

  4. Hi sexy pig nice and hot profile

    1. JamesMeTherson


      Thank you! We have loTs on common 😈

  5. I know right. It is all gibberish.
  6. I do all this on my phone Samsung S20+ with only the editing software built in Samsung's gallery app. Some are making this really complicated.
  7. I did 3 mL booty bump of Tina bong water about an hour ago and I am spun out of my fucking mind now.  20211018_074946.jpg.33c9dd5c992873e5ff1b00edea9a9de8.jpg

  8. I made iT To 100 followers.  Thanks guys!  Now could all 100 of you nuTT in my buTT please.20211017_055512.jpg.cfbf665fa610e0500510e3c98b2f3e32.jpg

    1. Bicycledude


      Yeah, but I want to eat it first 😈👅🐷💦

    2. Mammut


      Would love to! 😉


    3. ga97
  9. My cock so fucking hard to see that my pic is posted in the forum "Meth"  I love when I cum across others posting me looking like the meth whore faggot.  HSVideoCapture_20210810-063948.thumb.jpg.aeb56d076957e9457ce07ffb824c9719.jpg

    1. shinelover


      Fuck, I'd love to dive right into that ass and eat for hours!

  10. Hail Sarah Palin bro. Very pevert bro you're hot...

    1. JamesMeTherson


      Hail pervert.  Thank you.  Hope you are having a sinful night.

  11. You are so fukkin hot and sexy😈🐷💦👅😍

  12. Most [banned word] tweaker barebackers say they have no limits. But I can't say that because there are things that I am not willing to do or find a waste of time. Safe sex/condom use is one of them. I find the sex completely boring and will turn a fuck down. Also, I find vaginas to be a huge turn off; they look gross, feel gross (tried one once when 19), and I can't even think about putting my face there. I don't enjoy shit either. That is my list of "limits"
  13. Thank you for reacting to my pics, I makes my fag cock feel all tingly 🐷🐷🐷

    1. MTWTFSS


      you are fuckin' hoT bud

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