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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. 1. Quit going to church with the family a lot earlier. 2. Start fucking boys in high school. Unfortunately, I didn't start fucking boys until undergrad. At least I knew instinctively not to get married, like so many of the guys in my h.s. class did. Who was I fucking in h.s., you ask? Pushy, soft, lumpy, shapeless, smooth, self-centered "you-know-whats". Hard to believe, but at the time I didn't even know guys could have sex together. Thank you Religious Indoctrination.
  2. Or, for that matter, a second glance. Maybe they should take up knitting? At least they'd have something to show for it - like doilies under their vases of roses from all their religiously-motivated admirers .....
  3. No reason to apologize - the longer these threads run, the more they sometimes seem to wander off. Actually, never anything overt. I think that guys that harbor "racist" feelings (and that's what they are - merely feelings, usually taught by generations of forebears) are essentially ashamed of those feelings, and sublimate them while in a sauna, backroom, fuckjoint, The most likely realize instinctively that they have some intellectual work to do, which would allow them to arrive at a more reasoned point of view. Most guys just don't give a rats ass about religiosity anymore.
  4. Well said, Colonel !!! Definitely a crucial part of a successful night at the fuckjoint - at least for me.
  5. Thanks, Brianbttm & BBncguysx: Well, we live, we learn ... I had no inkling that some compu-doo-dad like that counting device existed. I suppose one of these days, some actual living, winking, hungry Hole will jump outta the phone / computer for us to Breed in ... but I'll still hit the fuckjoints, even if it does become anachronistic. 😲
  6. I happen to think that using/not using condoms is a personal choice. It's up to each individual guy to 1) determine what his risk-level is, 2) decide how to react to that determination, and 3) regulate his sexual behavior accordingly. Period.
  7. Some of these responses are amazing. Do some of you guys actually keep track of the actual numbers? Keep a record of each time you take a load?
  8. I surely don't understand the closeness twins feel, but I did witness it as a kid. There was a large family across the alley, and two of them were identical twin boys. Occasionally one or the other would come over with other kids to play in the yard (I was maybe 10 at the time?). I never knew which one it was by name, unless they both happened to be over and I heard them talking to each other. Usually though, as I recall, it was only one at a time. So I clearly remember that once a number of us we playing "you're it" or whatever - and the twin that was there suddenly stopped dead-still, kind of a distant look about him - and he just said "I gotta go", and ran off. I later found out that his twin brother had fallen down and hurt himself (not seriously) somewhere else, and the twin playing in my back yard sensed it somehow. I don't remember much more, but when I found out the brother had hurt himself, and his twin "knew", "sensed" something was wrong and went to find his brother to help, it was startling. I know it sounds crazy, but this actually happened. That family moved away at some point (the only other thing I remember about them was their old Willys) but that event is crystal clear in my memory. What a treasure to be so connected with a loved one.
  9. Yep - he actually had the balls to say that right to my face.
  10. Usually average breeding in a couple of holes every Fri & Sat nights at my favorite fuckjoint. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but that would be a fairly accurate guess. That, plus having a fb over, or going to his place might add up to 20 something. That would add up to somewhere around 125. Can't say I keep track of the numbers though; all I care is that I get Hole regularly.
  11. Fodd i Skarbocka, Ostergotland, Sverige (don't know how to type umlauts). Bara en bondpojke. Bor i FL, USA.
  12. 9 out of 10. If asked by the moderator, I'll mention which one is too vague for relevance (imo).
  13. Addendum: Before anyone hollers judgemental stuff at me, let me be perfectly clear: I don't judge others for the choices they make. I get to make mine, others get to make theirs. Personally, I've seen too many guys lose everything to drug use to be interested in that habit. A few months ago, a very nice, cute, horny kid in the next block hung himself, strung out on meth. I lent him garden tools, helped him fix his car, and never let it get any farther than that despite his best efforts. I never said one word to him about using, because it's none of my business. One of my best buddies years ago had the world on a string, and lost everything - wound up homeless. I did warn him when I saw what was happening, and that was the last time I ever said anything to anyone about using.
  14. There were two, each equally unfortunate, but in different ways: 1. This was when I was still using cruise apps, years ago. A youngish guy, said he was all bottom, decent-looking, had been hitting on me for a while. He didn't really pull my chain, and I always had "something else to do". So finally one day, I said ok - and he came over, we went to the slingroom whereupon he pulled out a very modest dick and almost commanded me to suck it !!! Well, that's just about the very last way to generate any interest on my part. I said no, now get those shorts off and get in the sling. The guy looked kind of surprised that I didn't cave-upon-demand, but he got into the sling anyway. So, the required pre-fuck sniff-test didn't quite work out. He protested, blah blah blah, so I said he could go to the john and finish his work. Can't remember how long it was, but a substantial amount of time passed, and finally I went down the hall towards the bathroom. He heard me coming, and hollered (this I remember very clearly) "don't come in here". Same commanding tone, which I found even more off-pissing than the first time this little prick said it. Of course, I opened the bathroom door, and he was in the tub, half full of water, surrounded by floating turds. The stupid wanna-be tough guy didn't even know how to use the hose !!! I told him to get out of my house, and it damn well better be now. Grabbed all the towels (I have nice linens), and threw him one of the dog-towels. Went back to the slingroom, grabbed his clothes and threw them on the bathroom floor. The haughty little prick left very shortly after that. And, of course I had to clean up after him. I could almost hurl just typing this ..... 2. Also years ago, an Oriental guy hit me up, and I already had one of my buddies over to cruise (online, natch) with. This was the buddy that sometimes brought over these little cameras so he could broadcast the goings-on to some website - maybe one of the apps? So eventually the doorbell rings, and this really cute boy is there, along with a fairly large gym bag. As I began to salivate on my t-shirt, brought him upstairs to the slingroom, introduced him to my buddy, blah blah blah. The kid starts sucking our Cocks, and he was really good at sucking Cock. My buddie's phone started making little noises, so I figured other guys had tuned in, were watching, and we might get some more guys over. Then, when the kid had sucked our Cocks for a little while, messed with his phone, he opens the gym bag, and out comes a rubber hose to tie onto his arm, needles, and the drugs. Now. In every profile I ever made for those cruise sites, I made it perfectly clear that I was not interested in drugs, and they were definitely not welcome in my home. Unmistakable. Yet, out came the paraphernalia, and I told him to just take his shit and go. By this time, several guys had contacted my buddy (maybe assuming there were drugs for them too?), the phone was clattering away, the kid had packed up all his junk, and I led him downstairs. I remember saying that my profile clearly stated "no drugs", and he actually said back to me, "I didn't think you meant it" !!! Why the fuck would I have put it in the profile if I didn't mean it? Christ on a cracker - that really pissed me off. These, and a number of other less egregious experiences were why I finally ditched the whole online-cruising apps. From then on, I hit the fuckjoints in-the-flesh and to hell with the bullshitters, addicts, idiots, flooding the cruise sites.
  15. Spielberg and his entire crew would have stood in line for their turns ......
  16. Fortunately, as the old nursery rhyme goes - Jack Sprat could eat no fat, but boy, could he take cum !!! Nice to be a good neighbor, right? Just try not to smile too broadly when you meet the wife !!!
  17. Very sorry to know that - but I'm not surprised. Katrina was a national tragedy, hammering NOLA like it did. I haven't been back to your neck of the woods since ...
  18. You and me both. I wonder how many hours - years ago - I wasted on the cruise sites. I don't like to fuck guys that aren't "present", off on some damn "cloud" somewhere. As the online stuff got more and more full of junkies, I just quit them. Haven't missed them one iota, either. Qualifier: in the darkrooms, I'm sure there are plenty of drugged-up holes, and I couldn't care less. In the darkrooms, they're already there, full of Seed off other Cocks, ready for more, and that's all I care about in the fuckjoints. I have a few fuckbuds that come over, or I go to their place, and these are guys I know, they're not junkies, and I do give a rats ass about them. A couple of beers or a smoke (as in weed) is one thing - the rest, no thanks.
  19. Sounds like a great experience ... a couple of things before the restraints come into play though: 1. Make sure you get a "negotiation" first. If you're unclear about what that entails, I've addressed it in other posts, or you can ask. It can only help with the group scene if he knows you're aware of potential issues, want them resolved beforehand, and he will respect you for it. 2. Be sure to leave your whereabouts with a friend, instruct that friend to call you on your phone at X time, and if you don't answer, call the cops. The Dom will only respect you more for taking these precautions if he's the man you think he is. There's another thread on here that's been getting a lot of attention, because a guy suffered a serious trauma at the hands of a "wanna-be" human being. You can't take care of "Daddy" without taking care of your own well-being first. Good luck with the group-thing ... probably my favorite too !!
  20. This is what I was trying to write above, but much better conceived. While there are men like me (never having suffered a sexual trauma like rape), that are ill-equipped to offer any kind of *real* feedback, simply because we have no basis upon which to offer it. The fact that there are sexual predators, rapists, Dahmers out there, until one survives a horror like that it's difficult to imagine. The defensive mechanisms are not within our life's experience. That's still no real excuse for disbelieving the experiences of others though. My best wishes as you wrestle with the issue. At least you have sound advice from other men who have experienced these kinds of crimes first-hand. You're trying - that's all anyone can ask of anyone else.
  21. Thanks, Karl8181 For me, it was sharing the day with my best buddy and his husband. Laughing, talking, a few presents, appreciating each other, walking the dogs, just being together. The "present" was spending the time together.
  22. Yes !!! There is a prize !!! Hmmm ... now where is that little button we can click on to relieve one's self of loose thought-trainlets, silly demonstrations of inability to compose coherent points of view? I know it's somewhere around the site ... What is particularly inappropriate is when thoughtless individuals waste the intelligence of truly impressive minds, belonging to altruistic individuals who truly do give a hoot about helping others. One last word to Mr. Hungry Hole: There are many qualities that excite a Top's interest, and one of the most important is fucking a man with a brain, and who uses it for other's betterment. Dullness = disinterest. Intelligence = sexy. Intelligence + altruism = totally sexy.
  23. Thank you, Shotsfired, for the excellent reply. Living most of my adult life in Chicago, there was a steady stream of Af/Am guys coming from the South Side up to the North Side (boystown), to get away from exactly what you describe. There was also (at least with some of the guys we hung around with) sort of a "network" of gay households that would help out with getting a SouthSider settled, find a place, a job, make sure he had what he needed, all of that. We called it the "new" underground railroad, and it gradually expanded to Mormon kids out west too, some of which were afraid for their lives.
  24. I agree completely. I still have some fuckbuds that come over to get fucked, and I like that - but nothing compares to a hot, sweaty darkroom full of rutting men. I can't see all of them, and I don't really want to. I can hear them, Tops and bottoms, groaning with pleasure and Lust, their Cocks squishing around in full wet Holes - and I'll eventually work my way over to them. In the dark, eating wet Hole, rutting in wet Hole, sucking a Cock fresh out of a wet Hole, reaching out to feel a hard Cock busy Breeding a Hole - maybe taking one up my gut - all of it is just what I need. The more the better. One after the other after the other after the other. Just typing this turns my Cock to granite, and it's only 8:30 in the morning, dammittall.
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