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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!! I remember all of that too - but your re-spelling is First Class !!!
  2. That part sounds interesting ... promises to who (or what)? Promises can be renegotiated according to differing circumstances (with the one you made the promises to), so if a renegotiation of promises was in order, what happened?
  3. And thanks back, SRQDude. I've been wondering if anyone would pick this topic up. Briefly: Voting rights: Obviously identification is required. That has become almost universal. It's the willful and illegal abrogation of these rights that are the danger, on every level of Government. Apparently, in my district here in FL, many of the election-day volunteers (lots of older ladies) have resigned out of fear for their safety. So, I went downtown to the registrar's office and volunteered to help at my voting location. It's at least something I can do. I'm not suggesting that someone who is not registered should be able to vote. What I'm suggesting is, we expand who is able to vote, which would broaden, not contract, the voice of the people. Packing the precincts on voting day with folks not legally allowed would be wrong. Packing the precincts with legal voters would be the goal. A perfect example of the rapacious greed. I have nothing against her politically (can't say I agree with all her positions), but she's just as vulnerable to the greed encrusting Congress. I'm not quite THAT old ..... but I was a small part of the "Machine" for a number of years. Obviously that old, outdated type of political activity belongs to be ended, and for the most part, it ended with Richie Daley. If I recall, Ed Kelly was the last of the lot. Don't forget though, that Cook County Government is the real source of rapacious, rampant greed. That said, I do remember when around - oh - 4, 4:30 pm on election day - sometimes the graves would open. That's pretty much long gone now, though. Lightfood doesn't wield anywhere near the power that the Daley's did. However, it was Jane Byrne that put a stop to the cops raiding the bars. Constitutional Amendments: Of course. And, what any Amendment alters depends on people voting. Legal residents who can't be bothered to vote should be sent to Siberia, as far as I'm concerned. Voting is a "right" AND a "duty". Far too many ignorant legal citizens that can't be bothered to take care of our Republic, which may well damage it. 2A: The "defund" stance is simply ridiculous. I would be for replacing that term with re-fund the police. Give their non-critical law enforcement duties to other civic entities. Since we no longer have "officer friendly" walking the beat, there is no real connection between the neighborhoods and their police dept. The social-support tasks belong elsewhere, not to the cops. Also, I'm also a Organized Labor supporter, and many police unions need a bit of adjustment. I do not believe that gun ownership should be banned wholesale. I also do not believe that our streets should be awash in them. Keep your legal guns. I hope you don't need to use either of them, but it's your right to own them as long as they're legally registered. Some of these weapons do not belong in the hands of regular citizens, and should not be available to them. Another item in the bucket to be addressed. That may be the case - but I'm not qualified to actually assess his mental capabilities. What I can say with confidence, is the Senate he remembers is no more. Whether he grasps that fact or not remains unclear. His heart is in the right place, but that's not going to be enough. CDC/Fauci: Neither is a bastion of uttermost truth. What may have been unclear earlier, is that I need to be able to trust someone ... and I settled on Fauci. Thanks so much for the reply ... let's continue this, even if no one else will ...... right now though, I really need to get some supper ....
  4. Nothing. I was born this way, thank Whatever .....
  5. So are puppies and kittens ...... 🥰
  6. Sounds like a deal to me !!!
  7. Well, if there isn't one as of yet, then you and I better figure out a way to plan one. BUT ... not with just young men, at least some over the age of 30 ..... <<<filthy grin>>>
  8. Frankly, while "eye-candy" is always nice to look at, they're seldom experienced enough to know their craft. Puppies are cute, sweet, all of that ... and some young guys are too. I mean, 25 or under (or boys that have just come out). My Cock much prefers men. Men who are comfortable in their Lusts, have plenty of experience in servicing Cocks, aren't full of the inevitable insecurities that young guys are sorting out. I'm always ready to extend help/advice if asked, but when it comes to Breeding, I want experienced Holes.
  9. Thanks, 1988BBcumdump, and welcome. While there may have been other avenues to your self-realization, the fact that you achieved it through sexual lust is impressive. I'm sorry you felt poorly about yourself at some point, but I'm happy for you that it's no longer the case, that you understand your value, embrace your calling, and feel damn good about yourself now. Cheers !!!
  10. Well ..... thanks for clearing that up .... or would that be cleaning it up ....
  11. My next appt with the vampires is on Wednesday, and it takes a couple of days to get the results. So, I'll have an update around the end of next week ....
  12. Thanks for the information, ericnl and BootmanLA. Most unwelcome obviously, but most important as well.
  13. 9, 3, 12, 15, and the guy in-between 10 & 12. Can't see what the number is. They're all looking a bit too young though ...
  14. Those risks aside, the husband might get a hardon to strong it'd rip through his pants. But that's just one possibility. Even with a breedsweat on my brow, I still think the best thing to do for a loved one is sharing the truth with him. Maybe the other half has known for a while, and is bemusedly waiting patiently for "the reveal" !!! No way for us to know, of course, that a night out won't at least assuage, if not cure. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  15. Yeah ... big time. I haven't been to my favorite (and probably most dangerous, health-wise) since the first week of December. Merry fucking Christmas, huh? It wasn't the fear of std's though - they'll come when the come, and I get tested regularly, have vacced against those that can be, on PReP, so I've done as much as I can, and still maintain some shred of my Lusts. That said, and despite the regular "help" of a fb, I'm pretty much going nuts. I used to hit the fuckjoints every Fri & Sat nights, and that was enough (well, usually) to carry me through the week (plus an occasional visit with a fb during the week). Since it's February now, I think we should just declare it Leap Year this time, and Leap back into the pool of rutting, Breeding, load-taking, Seed-pumping men, and regain our whole-ness. I'm really getting tired of all of this covidiot mess ....
  16. Well, one of these days, you'll be dusting off those sawblades and jumping into the PigPen. Felching a Hole full of loads off other Cocks is probably my favorite fetish ... and once you try it, you may find that group sex is a little bit on the addicting side of things. But to the posted question: I was a Pig almost from the first time I experienced sex with another guy. What has changed - deepened - improved that state though, is I'm not the "joiner-to the pigscene" anymore ... I'm more of the instigator now. And ... I love it.
  17. Well .... I started fucking guys before hiv came along, so raw was the way every guy fucked. There wasn't really a specific term for "bareback" sex, since that was what every guy who had sex did. There were a few guys that had "fetishized" condoms (or "rubbers", as they were known then), but there were very few guys into that. Every guy who fucked, fucked raw ... it was totally normal. Yes, there were the usual "bugs" that got passed around, but nothing like hiv. Guys that didn't live through those years may have a difficult time understanding how rampant the fear was, when no one knew the "how's and why's" of transmission at first, but we all knew it was passed via sex. Of course, the answers to the "h's & w's" came relatively quickly, but the reaction to the fear of dying a truly horrific death remained for years.
  18. Thanks, fskn, for the update. I think I'll copy this to the letter-writing program and print it, and discuss with the doc next week at the regular checkup.
  19. LOL .... Great mental image !!! I think if my mother ever witnessed me in "action", she'd have called on Jesus to take her right then and there ....
  20. Hmmmmm .... I see your point. I did shift into 5th there. Thanks for pointing that out.
  21. No problem at all, BootmanLA ... I like your <polite cough> challenges. It's entirely proper to offer them. I very much enjoy the discourse, sharing of ideas; that's why I'm here. Now: the title of this post was "Do you still cum in a bottom who asks you to pull out". There was no qualifier, no hint of when (before/during/almost done) and I answered that question according to my personal thoughts. I claim to speak for no one but myself. I don't mind sharing what I happen to think on whatever subject, but it's only my perceptions, and on the behalf of no one but me. The one possible exception: there was a post a while ago about "negotiations" "rules of the road", "safety", all of that, for a Bd/Sm scene. I happen to be experienced in that particular corner of the m4m world, and offered some considerations that could possibly be considered "speaking on the behalf of others", since no one else within the LeatherLife world had not responded to that thread. I look forward to more interesting perspectives from you - and everyone else, for that matter.
  22. I agree. First, it would only stir up trouble for someone, and I'm assuming that wouldn't be something you'd want to do. Secondly, both of them would probably avoid you if you do that. Stick to their dicks - keep your Hole open and your mouth closed. Then, all three of you win.
  23. Well, I had to wait to reply - busy day around here, and I tend to get a bit down-in-the-weeds sometimes 🙄 We, as citizens of this country, need to have some measure of trust in our government on certain issues. One of these would be on issues of health, wellness, etc. While there are crackers in government, there seem to be fewer in the various health-care arms of our current administration. That said ..... In the Congress, we need some major reform. Being elected to the House or Senate should not be someone's ticket to vast wealth. There have been hues and cries over the years, and they are completely valid. Given all the other messes we're dealing with currently, the issue of Congresspersons on-the-take, whether from lobbyists, political organizations, whatever, needs to be reconstructed. The days of Jimmy Stewart in Washington are long, long gone. Once Voting Rights are secure, bills to care for the least of these among us (not quite a direct quote) are passed, the SCOTUS pigpen is cleaned up, and the really crucial issues to our Republic are addressed, we should turn to: 1) Term limits, 2) Financial issues pertaining to Congresspersons, NGO's contributions (i.e. bribes) to Congresspersons - both Republikan*, Democratic or Independent. Progressive or Liberal. Whatever the label, if they're "serving" us in Congress (as opposed to serving themselves trainloads of cash), then that's what they should be compelled by Law to do. Apparently, greed has become the norm in Washington, particularly when Congresspersons can run again and again for literally decades. The issue of jerrymandering is related, but probably not germane to this topic. Having been politically active in City of Chicago politics for a number of years, I know first-hand how much that reform needs to happen. In essence, I'm endorsing a national re-assessment of our Government, and I am about as far from endorsing conservatism as one could get. After 200+ years, that's not so unimaginable. I see the Constitution as a crucial document of great importance, since our Government is based on the precepts laid down within it. That doesn't mean it should never be updated, obviously. Glaringly, the 2nd Amendment needs major surgery, but there's plenty of updating needed throughout. It will take sincere, honest discourse amongst the citizens of our country to start righting these wrongs, which seems impossible these days. How we do it, I don't have a road-map. But, it's up to each of us to do what we can. I think the "medical" area of the Government has become too large, too unwieldly to act judiciously. There are too many people on the take from Big Pharma to effect fundamental change in focus. One thing about bureaucracies is, they tend to get fat and lazy, issuing "guide lines" to more bureaucrats on lower levels - in our case, State Governements - and assume they will be followed. Yet another layer of molasses to grind through. Another thing about these collections of civil "servants" is, they tend to develop into a "take care of myself first, then the rest of the citizenry" mindset. I'm not saying all the people working for Government are corrupt - far from it. It's more like a creeping, gradual drift. Which is why we need a more holistic approach to reforming these institutions of Government. However well meaning, these outfits are not equipped to do it themselves. Thus, it it's to be done, it must be via the electoral process, starting at the local community level, proceeding through the ranks of calcification to the Federal Government. Some today think that armed revolt (called for yesterday by Cheeto-Head - he of that ridiculous pompadour - I could go on and on, but that's for a different place - and that would wind up with tragic consequences. Somehow though, the health-care arm of the Government simply must be reformed to include the welfare of every damn person on this continent. Every single one. Regardless of race, creed, origin, who they fuck and how often, on and on. There's no quick fix here; things have been oozing along for so many years it will take a general "shake-up" to bring these much and sorely needed reforms. I wonder if it's already too late. But I'm an optimist - a fool, maybe, but I actually believe we can right these wrongs together - as an educated citizenry. Well, I'm sorry to say that at present, we have to assess for ourselves how factual the information we get actually is. Frankly, I do trust in information from the CDC regarding covid - however lugubrious their testing regimens are. I don't think some of the arms of Government are quite as fucked up as some others, and they're the doctors, not me. So, I do what Fauci tells me to do. I have to place at least some trust in our Government. When we press our concerns/issues firmly and consistently, together as one, we will get some of these folks attention. As far as I'm concerned, we could start pressing Congress to announce that there was no 45th President of the United States. *intentional
  24. I don't see these two (the fuck or the load) as separate. The one naturally follows the other - or should, barring any late-surfacing "disagreements". The fuck and the Breeding are two parts of the act - one without the other just doesn't scratch the itch for me.
  25. Obviously. The root of the question though, is when the Top is made aware. We are men who need sex with other men, we have what some other men need, and they have what we need. The problem is, "consent" or "non-consent" to fill the guy up should (or I would even say "must") come before the fuck (preferably), or shortly after it commences. If a bottom says "gimme the load" and then waits until the very last instant before he gets it, and suddenly says "no - I didn't mean it - I don't want the load - pull out" then I find that an abrogation of the limits first agreed upon. Bareback Tops don't exist to cater to bareback bottoms that think they can run the scene, alter the terms from second-to-second. That's irresponsible, manipulative, and anything but fair. Bottoms that try a maneuver like that are more into trying to "Top-from-the-bottom" than a sexual exchange. Bottoms are only 1/2 of the breeding calculus - and trying to co-opt the Top's half is unacceptable. To be clear: When in a 1-1 situation, I ask where he wants the load before I shove it to him. Then, when I'm razor-edge close, I tell him something like "now it's time to Breed" ..." or "now I'm gonna make you one of my boys" ... or something like that. He's already had chances to decide, and when it's too late to alter the impending event, it's just too damn late. Obviously, in the fuckjoints, this subject wouldn't even rise to the level of discussing the weather ... let alone anything else for that matter.
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