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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Ahhhhhh ... the Heart is still in business, I see. At one time I didn't live far from it, and enjoyed many boys being whored out by their Daddies. I am surprised though, that Banana Video is still around ... Hope you have one fuck of a visit, Eager. I heard M.C. building has been torn down a couple of years ago, replaced by a condo bldg. Folks just have no respect for a BreedHouse Legend anymore. Inside, was the last iteration of Chuck's world-famous Gold Coast-cum-Eagle bar, complete with the magical backroom ... ahhhhh, what wonderful depravities occurred there. I hope the Leather Archives is still operating ...
  2. I've tried to understand why some guys send pictures - purporting to be of themselves - but turns out to clearly be not the case. But never quite figured it out. What's to be gained by that kind of subterfuge? Even if they're a thousand miles away - virtually no chance of actually meeting - why bother to lie? Why steal someone else's pic and foist it off as one's own? Even deeply closeted guys, for one "reason" or another, can send at least something that's actually real. It's destructive of ones self, one's integrity. A pic of some hot guy, sent by someone who is not, will only poison the well if they ever do meet. It's happened to me on occasion - probably most of us. A poor self-image is a shame, but it's not an excuse to lie to others, send phoney pics, invent some story, all the mess. I just don't get why guys do it either.
  3. It's difficult to answer, in that when hiv appeared, and since I have always detested rubbers, I simply stopped Breeding Hole for about 2 years. It was completely depressing, but the only way (at the time) to stay alive. When I resumed raw fucking, I didn't (knowingly) fuck the same Hole twice, since I already knew what the Holes I'd bred felt like on my Cock, and there were so many Sperm-hungry Holes to Breed in. More, given that I have particularly liked darkroom action best, where nothing more than Cocks rutting in Holes matters (or, for that matter, is apparent), there's no way to know if I did fuck the same Holes multiple times over the years. It's entirely possible that I unknowingly fucked the same Hole at some point. Some backrooms, fuckclubs, etc tend to become favorites for both Cocks and Holes, so it's likely that I ate Holes, fucked them without knowing I'd already pumped it full before. I never have paid a whole lot of attention to facial characteristics; the only physical characteristic I tend to avoid is obesity. If the ass has grown fat from endless plates of Alfredo, I just move on to the next one. I'm assuming this poll does not include fuckbuds that were/are regulars or members of small BreedBuddy-type groups. I did have a live-in for a few years, who'd taken Sperm off at least half the Cocks in this town, but I only counted his Hole once. I did try to figure it out a few years ago - and while I can't be 100% certain, it has clearly been well over 1,000 individual Holes that have taken my raw Cock / Sperm. This would be a conservative estimate. Thus is the happy life of a man devoted to his Lusts.
  4. OK ... OK ... I get it ... I'll spend more time on the fingernails !!! Maybe the Dremel tool will be helpful ... <wry grin>
  5. I couldn't agree more !!! Fortunately, I was not cut as an infant, and I very much appreciate that fact. So to the "tight-foreskin" problem. Mine was when I was small. My dad threatened to have my foreskin cut if I didn't figure out how to keep clean. Not that I knew I was gay - I didn't - but I was horrified at the prospect, and diligently worked on stretching the foreskin. It didn't take all that long - maybe a couple of years - before I had developed the ability to pull it back over the head, and also a nice, loose overhang. When I finally figured out what my cock was meant to fuck, I had noticed how some Cocks had an attractive overhang of foreskin, which - to my eyes anyway - only made it more attractive. When I suck an uncut cock, I particularly like to pull the foreskin taught, with the guy on his back, and let the foreskin fill up with Cockdrool ... a delicious "appetizer" if ever there were one. In the event I want it up my gut, and as everyone knows, Cockdrool is also an excellent lube, second only to Sperm itself.
  6. No. First, the required "sniff test". There actually are some bottoms that don't properly "prepare", and fudge-packing is not among my favorite activities. If the sniff-test results are positive, I just move on to a different Hole - one more dedicated to his calling. Once that test is passed, I prefer to employ "tongue-braille" to determine the ability of the Hole to take my Cock. Hopefully, other Cocks have already pumped some loads up there before I arrived, so that evidence of Sperm previously pumped will be clearly apparent. In the event that mine will be the first, I can usually make it open using "dining techniques" as well as spoken instructions - i.e. "trash-talk", salacious suggestions, verbalizing my depraved intentions, etc etc etc. Only if the Hole is unresponsive to the above do I use fingers - and this only if there's a dearth of available Holes - mostly because I know fingernails can damage the goods, so to speak, and that's the last thing I want to do. That is seldom the case, however, since I tend to hunt for Holes in places where the truly hungry Holes go - fuckclubs, orgies, etc.
  7. I don't think I've used a downvote either ... I'd much rather engage in the discourse and offer a different perspective ... hopefully in a kind and respectful manner.
  8. hej, Svensk - hur mor du idag ... So I notice a common theme running through these postings. They seem to be just below the level of conscious thought, until a guy finally - one way or another - "finds" himself in a situation wherein he takes Raw Cock pumping Sperm up his gut and presto - the world is new all over again. What condoms do is protect one from illnesses, but they do something else too. Condoms interrupt the Connection - the Union - the Mating - being a part of our Brotherhood, which is that deep-seated longing to "belong". When we fuck freely, we're one part of the whole, we're joined together in our Lusts, We're Connected. The reason guys use condoms is clear. The reason they finally reject them is also clear. There is no Mating - no Connection with our Brotherhood without one guy pumping the critical, uniting element into another guy. Sharing our Sperm is the essence that makes us whole men. Of course men need to share their essence to feel Connected. Every human being wants to feel that Universal Connection to his/her Brothers/Sisters. Some use the contrivance known as Religion. Some use racial identity, as we so clearly are witnessing these days in the US. Some folks use other social or cultural contrivances. But everyone needs to feel "connected" on a subliminal level to those who are like themselves. The way I see it, we're the lucky ones. Our thirst spans far more than nationalism, far more than racial hatreds, far more than religious bullshit. We know, instinctively, that it is nothing but the exchange, sharing of Sperm that offers us that connection we crave. Half-measures are settling for half the apple, but half an apple doesn't fill us up like the whole apple will. At the advent of hiv, sure - we had no choice but to defer to self-preservation, probably the strongest instinct humanity possesses. Now, there are other choices for consideration, and each man gets to make those choices for himself. All life depends on some permutation of an exchange of fertilization: plants have seeds, animals have the instinct to Breed, but we get to choose how we Breed. For us, it's the exchange of our Essence - our Sperm that connects us to the Universe. We're the lucky ones. As always .... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  9. You and me both, bud - expecially if they're pre-loaded ... yummmmmmm
  10. The patio used to be the place where guys fucked/sucked/whatever, but now it's inside the main bar, to the left as you first enter, by the pool table. There's a fairly dark corner at the end of the patio bar where Cocks get sucked off, occasionally in one of the johns (the south one), and cruising outside the bar, in the surrounding blocks goes on all night long. Usually, it only dwindles down when the sun comes up at dawn. I've also heard that at the N end of the bridge between Ft.L. and WM (east side) there's an area along the river where guys fuck/suck. No personal experience with that one though, but it would make sense - the high-rise apt building right across the street is almost exclusively gay. I've fucked guys over there many times - even in the elevators.
  11. Much prefer Holes that have taken several loads off other, previous Cocks ... every Hole tastes better with loadS already pumped in ...
  12. My favorite is a heavy stainless Cockring engraved with strands of barbed wire on the outside. The supplier is Gear Essentials - I bought it years ago, probably at IML or Mr.S. It came with (and still lives in) a round, black metal can about an inch high, with a large G embossed in the lid (further garnished with "gear-teeth" around the embossing). It's lived on the nearest nightstand for many years, so anyone in my bedroom can see it. Of course, a full harness has a Cockring built into it. I may be mistaken in this, but during the initial cruising (as in at a bar, bookstore, grocery store, or just walking down the street), bottoms check out the Cock inside the jeans, to figure out what kind of fuck they'll get from that particular Cock - right? So, I give them something to look at. My Cock isn't particularly huge - so wearing a Cockring maximizes the visual impact for the potential Hole's enjoyment - right? Wouldn't a potential bottom glance first at the crotch, trying to gauge the size, thickness? Imagine how it would feel Breeding his Hole? I know I've caught all kinds of people - in a store, on the street, men, women, straight, gay - sneaking a peek at my Cock inside the jeans, so in my mind, it stands to reason that bottoms would cruise my Cock first, and the rest second. If I'm mistaken, tell me ... The Spermpumps are good-sized, and have never fallen through any Cockring I've worn. Frankly, reading this is the first time I've heard of that issue. Plus, in a pair of 501's, they hold up the Cock and keep it pushed out for others to appreciate. I've always been on the slim side, so there's not much else to look at except the Cock/balls. If a bottom is wearing a Cockring, great. For me, that's merely an indication that he likes attention paid to his Cock, either visual appreciation or maybe something more in-depth. I surely don't mind sucking off a hot-Cocked bottom, even if Sperm tastes best sucked out of a freshly-fucked Hole. Any use of sounds though, would have to be negotiated prior to a "scene".
  13. I've managed to get quite a lot of traveling done - and Leather69 is right: Folsom in Berlin has always been fan-fukkin-tastic. The Pig Party & the Perverts Party have always been the Standard of Excellence, at least to my taste. Stayed in Fuggerstrasse, in the beating heart of Breeding Berlin - however there were plenty of German boys that insisted on condoms once hiv came calling. Took the train out to Karow to buy some gear from VK79. Juergen didn't tempt me, but Mirco (r.i.p.) was was a totally filthy pleasure. Didn't miss an IML for at least 25 years - I remember when the Gold Coast was out on Lincoln Ave (before 501 N. Clark St), and the events were held at the Park West - a smallish auditorium near Lincoln at Clark St - and I still hear from guys I met at IML over the years, even if only occasionally. All of which is to say: whatever you need to do, do it now. Don't sit around and wait. Make it happen, and you'll be smiling at the memories for the rest of your life. While the LeatherLife offers a tremendously enriching life, but - on BZ, it's all about .... Cock/Hole/Sperm
  14. For me, a fuckbud is a guy that answers some of my fetishes, and I answer his. It involves mutual respect, a kindred soul, but neither guy "loves" the other in the romantic sense. It also encompasses similar world-views, but the foundational component is I have what he wants, he has what I want, and it's a mutually beneficial (though somewhat limited) thing. There are a handful of guys I can call to come over for a group-scene, and they can call me for the same. Maybe not every guy can attend every time, but that's ok. These guys would be casual fuckbuddies. One of them, however, can call me and say "get over here now ..." and I know and trust him enough to know that he wouldn't say "now" unless he knew it would be something special for me too. The reverse is also true. That particular guy knows and shares some of my specific Lusts, and enjoys sharing them with me. We trust each other, and we're probably as much friends as we are fuckbuds. Sometimes we head over to the bars/fuckclubs/orgies together - we've even pimped for each other. My Cock is the perfect size for his Hole, his Cock is the perfect size for mine. We both love wet Holes, we're compatible in many ways, sort of like an ideal roommate, but we don't live together. Kinda like friends with benefits. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  15. Define "public" ... does a fuckclub count? Or anywhere that I could be observed by anyone ?
  16. between a pickup truck and a van, parked on the street ... anyone walking by on the sidewalk could have seen ...
  17. Good morning, Bob I have a couple of suggestions. First, define your use of generic terms (i.e. "gay", "straight") for yourself. These are fairly amorphous terms, and can mean whatever you tell yourself they mean. Take your time to consider where on the spectrum of sexual identity your needs lie (your *real* self, not your "cultural" self), and be honest with yourself. I know there is such a thing as bi-sexuality, and if that's where you fit in, fine. Always ask yourself this question: if x statement is true, then why is if true?* When I was a kid, I fucked girls because I honestly didn't know it was possible for guys to fuck each other. Talk about a repressive childhood, huh? That said, when I discovered that guys could actually have sex with each other, I never fucked another girl. Define yourself and your requirements for yourself, disregarding what others might think. It's your life, not anyone else's. Do what makes you happiest, most fulfilled. You wrote that you "know" you're "straight" (perhaps a brief nod to cultural norms?), and then wax poetic about fantasies of "gay" sex. If the first is true, then why is it the second reads as so much more interest? At least do some serious and honest reflection on what you really need to be a "whole, complete, fulfilled" man. You also mention a "partner", but neglect to mention the gender of your partner. I would guess it's female, but that's unclear. Why not say? Perhaps because you're subliminally trying to disguise the situation you're in to yourself? In any case, no one want's to hurt their partner, since the partnership implies a level of caring for that person, loving that person. Of course you want to protect that person from being hurt, injured in any way. That said, if the "partnership" is built on a substantial secret ... oh, say lusting for sex with a differently gendered person/persons/many persons ... the fair and honest thing to do is include your partner in that fantasy. Perhaps that partner already senses (or even knows) what's in your mind, and doesn't know how to deal with it. All of which leads to two tasks you may want to consider. First, your own private and honest introspection which I most sincerely hope will lead to resolution. Secondly, including your partner in that hoped-for resolution. Then, you (and your partner) can move forward with your lives. Dishonesty between "partners" always leads to unhappiness, so do what you must to avoid that, but be true to yourself first, since without that, it's hardly possible to be true to your partner. Thanks for the very interesting post, and my best wishes to you (and your partner). It's all about (at least for me ...) Cock/Hole/Sperm *this applies across the board of intellectual inquiry; cultural identity, sexual identity, politics, religion - everything.
  18. As usual, I'm with ErosWired on this one. Stealthing may be something that interests +guys, but this is a practice that is inherently dishonest, unfair, and destructive, and based in an unhealthy mind. BreedChat is one thing ... acting on it is quite another.
  19. btw ... for a long time Ramrod had "Cock-Police" (employees) roaming around, making sure no guys were sucking Cock, Breeding Hole - even in the patio-bar (where some of those raw Breeding orgies used to be filmed). One of my neighbors mentioned the other day that guys are sucking Cock, Breeding around where the pool table is now - finally. So another option would be stop by RR, have a few drinks, catch a few loads, and then head over to Slammer to spend the night getting fucked full ... not endorsing the RR scene - neither am I not endorsing it - just saying ...
  20. CdD; my usual m.o. is to start at one end of the fuckbench and rut my way down to the other ... then, cruise around a bit ... go up on the gh platform and let the Cocksuckers enjoy the Sperm on my Cock, go have a beer at the bar, go suck a Cock or two, and head back to the darkroom to eat wet Holes, and finally Breed in whichever Hole I liked best ...
  21. Per Tighthole's comment about bringing your own liquor, Slammer used to be (years ago) what was called a "Gentlemen's Club" - basically a straight whore-house. The liquor license was not renewed by the city (maybe the then-mayor wasn't one of us, I don't know), and never renewed. So that's why you have to bring your own, give it to the bartenders who will tag it as yours. If you don't drink it all (i.e. a bottle of whiskey), they will keep it there until you finally do finish it on subsequent visits. It may be a unique policy in every other decent-sized cities in the whole wide world, but ... Ft.L. is probably the biggest small town I've ever encountered in the US.
  22. Morning ... if you line up on the darkroom fuckbench, then chances are real good you've felt my Cock rutting in your BreedHole ...
  23. I never had any problems either. Wore an 8-g in my left nipple, bb, left side of the foreskin, and a special little 4-g surprise through the left side of the cockhead rim for a number of years. The visible steel was clear enough to any guy as to what I was interested in, but when a guy knelt down to suck my Cock, and peeled back the foreskin, presto - there was that little ring through the Cockhead. Neither the foreskin piercing or the Cockhead ring bothered me, but both were fully healed before I started Breeding again. Airports were always fun - one time the attendant signaled for a Supervisor when all the bells rang in the x-ray machine - I was just standing there, waiting - the supervisor must have been sucking dick in the john, because he never showed up. So, I just started to unbutton the jeans and said to the attendant "Well, do you want to check it out for yourself? I have a plane to catch" Of course, many other travelers had begun to notice, and the buttons were half undone. The attendant just stared - but before I could go any farther he just said "go". So that was that. Some years later I had to have a surgery, everything had to come out for the duration, and the piercings had grown shut enough that I would have had to get all of them re-drilled. So, I don't wear them anymore, but the Cockhead still has a really hotttt scar in the rim !!! Back then though, every once-in-a-while some guy would want the foreskin ring taken out, and if I wanted that Hole enough, I'd take it out. But usually they'd want it rutting in their gut too.
  24. I hope with all my heart that the above respondent in PA finds all the fulfillment, happiness, pleasure, and lives a long and happy life. Our tent - unlike some - is enormous.
  25. Well, there's just something about a Hole full of Sperm off other Cocks that scratches the itch. Love eating a hot Hole full of Seed off other Cocks, preferably fairly fresh. It's fun to shove my Cock in and have previous loads squirt out on my pubes, balls, his balls, thighs ... but what is means on a deeper level is, the bottom has devoted himself to accepting his Lusts for men using his Hole to pleasure themselves, and "connect" his Lustsfto theirs. Feed the Cock's Lusts, just as the Cock feeds of the Hole's Lusts. It's the union - mating - connection to each other's Brothers - all the previous Cocks that have rutted in that Hole, and all the Holes those Cocks have rutted in at some point - that is so compelling. It's the pure joy of wanton Breeding shared by like-minded men, that makes all the difference. So, Eros - it's definitely ethical to answer questions like that, since those kinds of questions put parameters around a potential Breeding that, to be kind, are relatively shallow. It may be that these questions would approach a particular fetish, but satisfying a fetish for one attribute or another hardly rises to the level of Ethics. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
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