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Everything posted by guilfordcigarman

  1. Big bellied, cigar/pipe smoking policeman or state trooper... I want to submit.
  2. This big bellied, cigar smoking bareback bottom would love to meet you and your buddy...
  3. SMOKEOUT/Las Vegas 2019 will be here soon. Who is going this year?
  4. I enjoy SMOKEOUT almost every year. I worship cigar smoking bb tops. See you there!
  5. Central Connecticut shoreline, here...
  6. I have always wanted to be bred while the top was smoking a large ring cigar.  I envisioned smoking a cigar and poppering up for a top.  Carl

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. guilfordcigarman


      I would love to be with you.  I am in Connecticut.  Write me?  guilfordcigarman@aol.com

    3. Knx90


      Are you close to Milford ?


    4. guilfordcigarman


      Milford is on the western side of New Haven and I am on the eastern side.  But pretty close.

  7. I love the response your post has received. I hope that joining this site keeps you busy breeding hole in real time.
  8. ...and breathe your cigar and pipe smoke. Also, would appreciate being turned into your popper pig
  9. Time to repost! Big bear bareback bottom, 56, 5'11", 235 pounds Buzz cut, goatee, moustache. LOVE poppers and to be poppered up by my top men (917) 575-1965 Near New Haven, Connecticut. Can host or travel. Say you saw my breeding post in Breeding Zone, Thanks
  10. As a member of the gainer/encourager community for over thirty years, I've seen it ALL! The thing to bare in mind is that there are 100's of variations to this fetish, and not just gaining and not just encouraging. I have been searching for that perfect encourager all these years, and he has been elusive. I did have an encourager top boyfriend for a while who took me up to 300+ pounds. What a ride!
  11. I like the hypnotic voice helping me submit to popper addiction. Telling me poppers are stronger than me and that I actually NEED poppers with machine-like force. The positive re-enforcement you get with all the sexual images. Even the green color of the video turns me on...
  12. I am addicted to poppers and addicted to the poppers machine training video on x-tube. Any top popper coaches want to get in touch?
  13. Did anyone else realize that the original poster fired off his big opinion then ran...? Who does a thing like that?
  14. I wasn't as sexually active as you were in 2012/13. I went exclusively bareback and exclusively bottom in the year 2000. Even though I was somewhat active and being bred repeatedly by poz guys, I didn't convert for seven years. Go figure...
  15. I hope I can partake in sling sex (as a bottom) when I attend SMOKEOUT in Las Vegas in April. Anyone here going to SMOKEOUT?
  16. All very interesting responses. This is a great group...
  17. Poppers are my friend. Poppers make me want to submit. I like a top who likes to control me with poppers. I like popper tops who are very verbal about their control of me through poppers. I'm seeking a popper coach that would get off enabling a popper addiction.
  18. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): guilfordcigarman Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): (917) 575-1965 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): 06437 Times you're generally not available: Tue/Thur/Sat days Age: 56 Height: 5'11" Weight: 225 Ethnicity: Caucasian
  19. I hooked up with a guy last night. New him for years and always wanted to be his bottom, but we were never able to make it happen until last night. Here's what happened. I had prepared before he came with an enema. I never saw his cock before and had no idea it was FAT! Just regular length, but FAT FAT FAT! In my mind, I was like, can I TAKE all this cock? Somehow, even though I am older and not getting fucked much lately, it eventually slid in and felt good. But then, the more he fucked me, the more sore my ass got. We were using plenty of lube. It finally got excruciating. He could tell by the sounds I was making that I was not enjoying it, so he came right away and it ended. What a terrible let down for both of us... So, in our case, when it got bad, it soon ended... I'm glad he didn't just keep fucking me.
  20. PLEASE make a date with me and it will not be broken. Your raw load streaming up into my insides is what I dream about
  21. I especially got off on how you deliberately intoxicated Ernest. That's a huge fetish of mine.
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