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versmetropig posted a blog entry in Blog versmetropig
ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE - P'TOWN PARTY WEEKEND PART 10 Installment number Ten of what was probably the best real party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4-day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown by myself, with him joining me after his convention for the much more vanilla style sex he prefers. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but Friday morning, emergencies hit him and Lou the local candy-man, leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me – progressing to that night when a storm and blackout led to a bathhouse style house party at the guesthouse, with blond Boston frat boy type Kieran and his surprisingly chem friendly hubby Charlie; the Houseboys and the skinhead Manager Zar; an old friend – an Episcopal Priest no less – from Philly; some hot leather dudes; older daddies; a hot Saudi jock type, and of course Lou and Vice. Chapter 8 and 9 recount the str8 boi finally giving up his hole incredibly! This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me - at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story on that soggy Saturday morning with the guesthouse doors soon to be opened and Vice, Lou and I relaxing and cooling down. Once again, apologies for the delay. SATURDAY DAWNS – STILL SOGGY STILL SEXY Vice was popping grapes and having a bit of Yogurt around 5:30AM when he looked at me, and with all sincerity asked, “So, Daddy J, is EVERY weekend like this for you?” Lou couldn’t even control his laughter as I sputtered, “sadly no, Vice, even I cannot claim to have a weekend like THIS very often at all.” We laughed and I added “and hell, it’s still not even dawn on Saturday morning!!” After a few more grapes and some more drinks for each of us we all fell into one of those comfortable “fugue” states that can happen when taking a break in a marathon party weekend. Vaguely still stroking cock, nips or holes and drifting in almost a hypnotic state, next thing we knew it was just after 8AM. A loud noise out in the hallway seemed to rouse us all, and we all began to stir ourselves and stretch out. The view out the window showed lots of puddles everywhere along with downed branches and other wrack from the storm the night before. “Well, that sure was one stormy night,” I quipped. “You boys have as much fun as it seems you did?” “Hell yeah,” replied Lou while Vice jiggled his eyebrows at both of us smirking “No regrets, J-daddy, NO regrets.” Excellent, so THAT was out of the way, and all was not only well, all was awesome seeing the stud still so enthusiastic. “Anyone have any idea what Jimmy’s surprise is for this evening?” Vice did not, but then he’d only met Jimmy on Thursday afternoon, but Lou answered that he had a few clues but was due to hear more details later today himself. “What are your plans until then J-Man?” Lou asked. “Eating sounds good,” I began. “And frankly, I’m going to come back here after breakfast and take half a sleeping pill and get some actual sleep before I start the chemical bacchanalia back up. Later this afternoon if the sun comes out, I’ll probably go out to the dunes and get some sun and fuck around out there a bit, it’s been years… oh, and I need to go to the leather store for a few things as well. How does Café Heaven sound to you boys?” Café Heaven was by far the closest breakfast spot and one of my favorites. “Won’t the line be hellacious?” asked Lou. “Not if we find 2 more guys to eat with us,” I replied. “They have a table that fits five and only five people that they won’t give away to a group of a different size. If we shower and get over there by 9 we will likely be able to get that table. My treat by the way…” We started to move with a bit more alacrity – a few pipe puffs admittedly helped – and checked with one of the houseboys (Noah) who was out in the hall cleaning and tidying after the orgy just hours before to see if we were still clear to use their group shower room. When told “yes of course” we bundled up our kits and headed down the back stairs with just towels around our waists. We were greeted with enthusiasm by Lorenzo and a moment or two later by Miles and Zar the manager who had just entered from the laundry area with a big load of towels and sheets. Some good-natured ass-grabbing and cock-tugging ensued before we were released to shower, shave and all the rest, including each of us using the shower shots and was gratified that Vice was the first to insist we all use them to be “ready for anything”. As we were toweling off and drying our hair, we mentioned going for Breakfast, and we got our additional two guys – Zar and Miles – to join us. The other staff would finish the cleanup and other duties as these two would be taking most of the evening shift that night. Telling the guys it was time for me to call my Hubby, I left them all joking and chatting, and getting back to my room, dialed my husband’s hotel and asked for his room (no, he didn’t have a cell phone – it was 2006, and he hated them, didn’t get one until 2017. Seriously.) We chatted a bit, and I asked how the “Evening of Entertainment” was at his Convention the night before - “tragic” he responded with a chuckle, and he filled me in on a fascinating seminar the day before and which topics he was scheduled for later in the day. I was telling him about how wild the night before got with the blackout, and with Father Frank (swearing him to secrecy) and was just getting to Vice deciding to get fucked, when the boys returned. My description made Vice blush a bit, but I noticed the tent making itself known in Vice’s towel. Though most of the evening wasn’t my husband’s kind of scene, THAT portion was very hot to him he informed me. Again, promising him that I would both eat and sleep we said “I love you” to each other and ended our call. The guys were both shaking their heads. “Vice my man,” Lou began, “just how often would that conversation happen with any CHICK whose guy just had sex with a ton of other people?” Vice laughed, responding “like NEVER… can you imagine the world of abuse you’d take for that?” “Nice to know there’s an alternative, yo, right?” Lou offered while Vice smirked and nodded. Grabbing something from one of my drawers I addressed Vice. “Here” I said as he caught it easily, “put a little of this on your hole now and a couple of times today, it should keep you from getting sore.” He looked at the tube while spreading some on his bud with a finger. “Anal Eeez? That’s wickie wild man, you guys think of everything – well sex-related everything, don’tcha?” We all got dressed, with Vice pocketing the tube, and although we packed up all their stuff, including Lou’s supply box, we locked it in the closet for them to retrieve after breakfast, and headed downstairs where we collected Miles and Zar and headed out to eat. We arrived and saw a line already, but after a minute, the door opened and Deborah the owner (a former Broadway dancer with lots of friends in common) saw me, gave me a hug and kiss and asked me how many. “Five” I smirked. “Come right this way gentlemen,” as she ushered us in ahead of lots of 2-tops and 4-tops who were waiting in line for the next table that size, and were shocked that our group was heading right in. “Brilliant,” Lou whispered to me, “I have to remember to only bring 5.” It turned out to be a very fun breakfast – Lou and Zar catching up and telling stories from when they were in High School together; Vice excitedly – but quietly – telling how amazing everything the night before was especially getting fucked, while even Miles turned out to be a lot of fun. There was a wicked sense of humor on this farm-boy from Kentucky, and he just could not get over the fact that despite my being from a 4th generation New York City family, I actually loved Country Music and even sang some once on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry with Phil Campbell’s band... He was also a baseball fan too – Cincinnati Reds – and boy did he freak when I let him know that I’d been to Opening Day at Riverfront Stadium three times due to my appearing at theatres in Cinci and Dayton in late winter and early spring three years in a row. Lou, Vice and I knew we’d still be pnplaying later and ate accordingly. Lots of Yogurt and Granola and Oatmeal and such, although I couldn’t resist a plate of Heaven’s famous fried potatoes, so peppery and so good. With everything else I’d had in the past 36 hours; I needed breakfast to be both digestive and party friendly - I hoped the one indulgence wouldn’t become an issue (it didn’t). We were back at the guesthouse by 10am. Jimmy had texted that he would meet Lou, Vice and me at “After Tea” Tea Dance at 6:00 and he’d go to the leather store with us after that. After setting up meeting at 6, at the Crown & Anchor, Vice and Lou shlepped all their stuff out in the bags they brought last night and headed back to Lou’s to similarly crash and get some sleep. Zar helped them carry some stuff, leaving Miles in my room looking at me speculatively. “Yes…?” I drawled out in my lowest register. “I ain’t gonna to be able to fall asleep ‘less I jizz one more wadd,” Miles told me, then gave me the big boo-boo eyes and asked “so do you wanna’ fuck around some while we tire out a bit more? I know you need to sleep, so just more of a quickie?” I chuckled, nodded and we started stripping. I pulled out a pipe and torch and he began to talk again. “Ya know, s’ really rad meeting a dude who likes the same music and sports and shit I do. Most gayboys don’t like ‘em… and you don’t even care whether you bottom or top more and are down with both…” I nodded as he continued, “That’s the way I wanna’ be too, I hate being stuffed into a box I don’t fit into…” “In professional theater, we call that ‘Type Casting’ and it happens to me all the time, more when I was your age. And that goes for sex too – all the way up to the present day; looking like I do? Party guys think I’d never be into it…” I paused to pull a big hit from my waterpipe, grabbed him by the neck, blew a shotgun into his mouth, and handed torch and bong over to him, then continued; “I’ll admit it sucks sometimes, but don’t let it get to you – just strike out and be yourself. Damn, kid, you are nice enough and hot enough that you’ll be able to stick to your own course if you want.” He nodded as he inhaled the glass cock then pulled my neck to him and shot-gunned me as aggressively as I had just done to him. I winked at him as I exhaled and said “I’ve got a prediction here – I guarantee you after last night’s performance, NO ONE around here is going to typecast you as a twink bottom…” He grinned hugely at that. “Getting typecast as a redneck TOP, now that might happen from now on…” “Oh yeah? Well, then…” at that the little ginger hottie pushed me onto the bed on my back and pulled up my legs, his hard cock ready for entrance. “Hey country-boy! Some lube? Yeah, I’m pretty open but currently dry down there…” He smirked and dropped to his knees alongside the bed and dove face first into my hairy hole. Unfortunately, it was too good to last. Not two minutes after we started there was a commotion out in the hallway and we heard someone knocking on the door of the room next to mine (Father Frank’s) and then my door, with Zar voice calling “Seth? Miles? I need you both, emergency.” “Damnation, what horseshit do they need from me right this minute?” Miles stood, and with the both of us fully naked, and hard, pulled open my door in annoyance and drawled, “you have the worst goddamn timing Zar…” Without blinking an eye at our condition, Zar bumped into the room and replied, “sorry guys, this really IS an emergency, one of the guests…” he was cut off by Seth busting in behind him whining “Now, what?” The disheveled and confused blond twink was trailed by a rumpled Father Frank looking utterly pleased with himself, Seth wearing a very skimpy purple bikini brief and Frank looking kind of studly in an old Bike jock strap. Zar closed the door behind them, then spying my bong and torch grabbed them, sparked the torch and once the vapor began to churn, took a large hit then sighed as he blew a major cloud into the room. “Sorry for not asking Daddy J, but I really needed that… thanks.” I put my hands up indicating it was no problem then indicated to him to pass it around once he started talking again. Everyone took a hit or two. “So last night, during the blackout one of the guests stumbled on the stairs once the emergency lighting started fading. It hurt, but not really badly, he thought, so he continued playing for a bit, then went to bed after popping a couple of PM painkillers. When he woke up a little bit ago he was in agony, his ankle swollen to the size of a cantaloupe and angry red, black, blue and purple… and he can’t walk, AND he’s a single, no one with him.” “Provincetown Ambulance, or Outer Cape Health?” I queried. “Called ‘em both,” Zar replied. “The Ambulance Corp is swamped because of the storm last night, apparently there were lots of similar and worse injuries around town, and Outer Cape is understaffed today – the doctor can’t get in, and the tech for x-rays and stuff is one of the injuries from last night… so our guest Earl needs to get to Hyannis Hospital because I’ll be damned if that ankle isn’t broken.” “Shit, that sucks,” Miles muttered. Zar continued, “It does. Now Karl and I are going to drive him down to Hyannis, so I need you two on duty right now.” Looking at the condition the four of us were in he said, “I know I’m cutting into off-time for two of you and fun time for Daddy J and Father Frank, and I promise I’ll make it up to all of you somehow, but it’s Saturday morning, our busiest time for check-ins and outs for the entire week and Miles, you’re the only one who can take over the front desk for me, and Sethie, I need your magic down in the laundry to get all the sheets and towels we used up last night ready for the guests, especially the check-ins. I’m sorry, really.” “It’s totally understandable, man” I told him; “and it’s the right thing to do on your part, both as a human being AND as the on-site manager of this business. I’m sure these two young studs will find time for us ol’ geezers later in the weekend.” Father Frank nodded and mumbled his agreement. I started the bong going around again saying “why don’t you guys all take a hit or two to get your energy back up before you all run downstairs and have to get busy…” Zar whispered “Thanks, I owe you one…” in my ear, after he blew his cloud, the boys took their hits, nodded to each other and shot-gunned me and Frank. With a “bye daddies, why don’t you two take care of each other” indicating our hard cocks, the three of them slipped out my door and closed it behind them. Looking at my old buddy, whom I’d known for fifteen years but had only played with sexually for the first time only a few hours ago, I enjoyed the view of the compact little Episcopal Priest who looked like a Kirk Douglas clone and was sporting wood in that classic jock of his. I was still fully naked except for a leather snap cock ring around my dick and was just as hard as he was. “It’s not a bad suggestion, you know” I smirked at him, “we did say we’d continue this later.” “We did, didn’t we…” he mused, then added, “It still feels a little weird with you – old friend and my own age and all – but a few more clouds of this stuff and any hesitation will be gone.” I smiled as I held both torch and waterpipe for him to take a hit and was a bit surprised that he indicated a shotgun so I leaned down to him and touched lips as he shot the cloud into my mouth. Pleased, I set the computer to play porn again, added a few more rocks to the pipe and melted them. We proceeded to take a number of hits and shot-gunned each of them, with our lip contact getting more intense with each hit. Finally, I said it needed to cool down a bit, and taking one last huge lungful from the bong, I set both it and the lighter down and turned to Frank to share it. He pulled my head down to him and pressed his mouth much more intensely on mine this time. The shotgun turned into a pretty serious French Kiss, and that clergyman sure knew how to make out! After about 5 minutes of us sucking face, falling back on the bed, groping each others’ cocks, tweaking each other’s nips, squeezing each other’s butts and fingering each other’s holes, we pulled back for a breath, and all Frank said was “You’re right. Friends SHOULD fuck around. I think it’s your turn, right?” I smirked, and said “hell yes… oops, sorry HEAVENLY yes.” He snickered while I took a second to pull poppers and Max Impact back out, and then lit the torch while Frank laid back on the pillows. I took a rip, handed him the set, and knelt between his legs. Taking his hard cock in my mouth I let the cloud billow all over his cock and balls, while he did a pretty good job getting himself a good hit without burning my stuff! As he blew that cloud down toward my mouth, I took a few minutes to orally appreciate his nice hard cut tool – almost a twin for my own in size, cut and girth, and he was much shorter than me – his nice sack of balls and a quick couple of licks to his taint, before I pulled two pillows, one for behind my head and one for under my ass, and spread my legs for him, showing my hole. “Ready!” I stated. Frank got up on his knees and took one last long draw from the bong, put it down, and then copying me to a degree dove his face into my butt sticking his tongue in my hole and blowing that smoke slowly onto and into me. He then rimmed me spectacularly for a minute or two, and lubing my hole and his dick, slowly but steadily pushed into me. I moaned as he bottomed out and palmed the bottle of poppers to me, indicating both our noses. I really didn’t need them at the moment, but figured I’d go with his flow while he was topping – I took a small hit, then held them for him as he did big hits in both nostrils – this really set him going, and he started a nice hard grinding fuck with lots of hip action, and a good amount of nasty talk on his part. He might have been inexperienced as a bottom, but he was well-versed in topping. I responded to his excellent fuck with my own nasty responses to his sex chatter and worked my ass muscles on him for all I was worth. “Holy Toledo!” he growled, “whatever you are doing with your ass, it feels amazing.” “Just like what you’re doing with your cock man – see, age and experience can be a good thing…” He nodded then indicated the bong, I took a quick hit and then held it for him while he took a long, long drag. He leaned down after I put the pipe down and rammed his mouth onto mine, exhaling the hit and then attacking my tongue with his. While continuing to play tonsil-hockey he really pounded me with a rapid bunny fuck that had both of us moaning into the other, tearing at each other’s nips and sweating like pigs… After a nice long pounding, he ground to a stop, still fully inserted. We both took deep breaths, and he slowly withdrew, both of us falling backwards laughing and gasping for air. “Nice work, Padre, that was one for the ages,” I complimented. “Sure was… yowza, you can do wonders with that hole of yours,” “Not bad for a mostly Top, eh?” I asked. “Now, Let’s see if I learned anything from that – I can’t believe I am saying this, but I need you to fuck ME again,” replied a chagrined Father Frank. “Well, your prayers are about to be answered Frank” I shot back. I quickly got a small booty bump ready for him and shot it into his hole to work on releasing any inhibitions as we drank some Gatorade, changed the porn, wiped up a little bit with paper towels and took a few more hits on the bong. To distract him from the minor burn, I sat him on the edge of the bed as I frequently do with my bottoms, knelt on the floor on a pillow and proceeded to worship his hot hairy ass cheeks and manhole. I feasted on that sweet, clean, inexperienced butt going from kissing and sucking to deep tongue fucking and nipping until my old pal was groaning and grunting and finally begging me to “fuck me already!” Standing up at the side of the bed, he grabbed my hard cock with lube in his hand and slicked me up while I took the lube from him and made sure his almost virginal hole was good and wet and slippery. He took a hit of poppers in each nostril, then nodded, whispering “Slow, please”. Nodding back, I slowly pushed the head of my cock into him, pausing if he flinched until I was finally balls-deep in him. “There it is man, those are my balls bouncing on your cheeks,” I growled. “I can’t believe how good this feels… wish I had done this before.” “Dude, I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you in your cassock at your church. Always thought you were a hottie.” I gradually began thrusting into him and accelerating until I had us moving at a good fuck-speed. “Holy Cow that’s amazing,” he grunted. I must admit, I always found his use of non-obscene cusswords and expressions amusing but found them even more so in a sexual environment. Wanting to give him his money’s worth, I started varying my thrust speed and angle. It was easy enough for me to do, considering the discrepancy between our sizes and weights. I shortly had him taking it on his side, on his knees doggie style, then flat on his belly as I got up on the bed. Maneuvering us a bit, I popped out only for a minute while I got onto my back and had him ride me cowboy style. He seemed to like that a lot (many top guys learning to enjoy bottoming do, it gives you a sense of being more in control even if you are receiving…) and while he rode me he was able to grab the pipe and torch and had us exchange a few clouds more. After letting the hot priest ride me for a few more minutes, it was time. Telling him to hang on, I rolled the two of us, returning me to top position in a Missionary position fuck, and began a steady bunny fuck while twisting and tweaking his nips. His rock-hard cock was pulsing all by itself, and suddenly he started to shake a bit and shoot his load. “Holy Fuck!” he blasphemed, both of us a bit shocked by his outburst and both of us turned on by his hands-free orgasm. I started a breathless joyful laugh at that point and after a moment he joined in with chuckles of his own. “You aren’t going to shoot?” he asked as he finally caught his breath. “No,” I huffed, “seems I need a bit more time to recharge and frankly some sleep – hint, hint.” I made sure that I gave him a big grin, so he wasn’t too put off by my needing a break to sleep, and fortunately he took that in good graces. “Thanks for opening my eyes among other things,” he quipped as he grabbed his stuff and headed for the door. “I may need some further tutoring in the future…” “Any time…” I gasped. “Hey Frank? Need a sleeping pill?” he shook his head in the negative as he closed the door behind him. Setting an alarm for the late afternoon, I took one of my already halved sleep-aids and gulped it back with a full glass of water. Laying back on the bed, I closed my eyes, and with the night’s hot experiences replaying on my eyelids, after a few minutes I dropped off. SATURDAY EVENING: SEXUAL SHINANIGANS AND ANONYMOUS ANTICS I woke briefly around 4 and noticed it was raining outside again, so no dune action for me today! Grabbing my alarm, I reset it for 5:15 and barely got that done before I returned to dreamland for another 45 minutes. Hearing the alarm, I was glad I had done so since that meant I had given my body a good six hours of sleep. Turning the claxon off, I stretched some and tumbled out of bed, heading to my cooler for some yogurt and fruit. As I munched, I checked my flip-phone for messages (remember this was 2006) and seeing none, assembled my kit for a shower and clean-out. Grabbing a towel and pulling on shorts, I made my way down to the desk, still manned by Miles, to see if I could still use the houseboys’ facilities downstairs. Assured that it was still okay, I asked how Earl was and was told that he did have a broken ankle and that Zar and Karl were on their way back with him even as we spoke. Grateful for the continued use of the much larger and easier to use facilities, I headed down the back “Employees Only” stairs to the houseboy’s dorm. Giving a quick “Hello?” and getting no response, I headed to the showers and utilized the shower-shot before shaving and brushing my teeth and then a full shower, getting all the funk of the day off. It wasn’t until I was drying off that anyone came into the bunkroom at all. With a quick “hey daddy” Lorenzo was in and out without questioning anything, so I wrapped the towel, taking shorts and kit in hand and headed back up to my room. I arrived at After-Tea right at 6pm and looked around the dance floor at the Pied Piper. I spied Lou and Vice right off and headed their way. Just as I got to them, I felt a tug on the sleeve and there was Jimmy with a big grin on his face. “Hey guys,” he began, “I want you to meet my niece and her boyfriend, Cassie and Doug.” He indicated two college types trailing him, his niece being a diminutive white goth-type with black fishnets under a black mini, gauzy black blouse, red bandanna and lipstick and black lined eyes and brows. Her boyfriend on the other hand, was pretty preppy, quite the contrast. Taller than me, he must have been 6’2”, a bit hefty but with a nice bubble butt, dressed in a polo, cargo shorts, socks and slides - very white, cute face and big black rimmed glasses, with short dark hair combed to one side. Jimmy introduced us, and the niece looked like she was having a blast while the boyfriend looked a bit stunned at everything. Saying “let’s dance” Cassie pulled us all onto the dance floor, where there was so much of a crowd most of us could only sway (though as a professional dancer at the time, I got in some hot moves). After a bit, I dropped out of the group and leaned against the wall watching. Shortly thereafter, Doug joined me. “Wow, man” he said. “This town is really wild. Have you been here before?” “Many times,” I replied. “I even lived here for five summers a while back.” “And you were cool with all of this?” he asked. “You don’t seem like…” “Hold it,” I broke in, “if you mean all this homosexuality, you’d best know that I’m gay before you go on…” I kept smiling however, since he was still young. “Well, no, I mean, yeah, but…” I stopped him again. “So, all of this is new and a bit unexpected for you, I’m guessing?” I asked. He nodded, “Cassie just said she wanted me to meet her uncle and that this place was wild and a lot of fun.” “And that it is, and don’t worry you don’t have to be gay to have a wild and fun time here… I’m told the straight scene here can be lots of fun too.” “Oh, that’s good, I was getting worried,” he responded. “Cassie said coming here would ‘broaden our horizons’, still not sure what she meant by that.” Seeing the group on the dance floor heading for the back deck of the club, I indicated we should follow. Catching up to them outside, Lou had handed Cassie a vape pen and drawing a hit murmured “oh that’s good! Here, Douglas, give this a try.” She put the pen to his lips and activated it, gesturing to him to inhale and obviously giving him no choice in the matter. She had him take another few hits, then did a few more herself before returning the vape pen to Lou with a “thanks!” as she did so. The group of us chatted somewhat pointlessly for a few more minutes, before Jimmy said “oops, it’s 6:30, we have to be going… have fun kids, we’ll see you later at the party at the Crown!”. They waved goodbye as Cassie pulled Doug back into the crowd and the four of us used the back beach gate to head to the alley and out onto Commercial Street. “Can I ask what that was all about?” I said to Jimmy. “Sorry, didn’t mean to blindside you but you seem to have done exactly what I needed you to.” I indicated for him to go on. “My niece wants to spice up their somewhat boring sex life and get Doug in touch with his wilder side – she thinks he has some bi tendencies, and she’s always wanted to be gang-banged, and wanted me to set up both, while getting them both high to do so. So that was the set-up, while the scene itself starts at the Crown Party tonight. We just gave them a preview of Miss Tina, and whether you knew it or not, you just gave him the first inkling that gay men aren’t just sissies and the like…” “Devious” I responded, not sure whether I meant that as a compliment or not. We headed over to one of the town’s leather stores that had a good variety of fetish wear. The clerk and I recognized each other vaguely from my days living in P’town a decade prior remembering a leather jock I bought from him back then. I picked up some more analeeze for myself (having given the stuff I had to Vice) then got another bottle of poppers, and a new chained set of nipple clamps, plus a pair of nipple suction cups. When I was done with my own purchases, Lou asked me to advise on some leather wear for Vice, which he’d be paying for. Vice looked a bit taken aback and said “Yo, you sure man?” to which Lou replied “You gunna’ be my right-hand man, you gotta look the part…” So the first thing I picked out, Jimmy seconded me on – a leather vest with no buttons or closures, but with leather fringe down the side seams. Sounds a bit like something Ike Turner would have worn, I know, but once we got his shirt off, it looked awesome on Vice. “Oh yes” said the salesman. “you’ll have them drooling wearing this.” The second necessity from my point of view was a harness for Vice. I chose one that had leather shoulder straps, but big link metal chains around the sides and heading down the front to a cockring. Next was a pair of lederhosen style chaps with a snap-on snap-off front and back panel and big chrome rivets running down the side seam. “Would you come with me to the fitting room, young sir?” the salesman asked with a vulpine smile on his face. “Go ahead, enjoy the fitting,” I said as Lou nodded for Vice to go on. While they were gone, Jimmy and Lou and I cruised the store looking at more things for sale. The absent two made a brief return for Vice to show off his new regalia both with the flaps on, and then with a slight blush as the salesman pulled them aside, with the flaps off. There was no denying his cock had a semi, and that it was wet. They returned to the dressing room while we chuckled and shopped some more. By the time they returned, the clerk with a smile and Vice with a smirk, I had gotten some toy cleaner; Jimmy had gotten lube and a new paddle; and Lou had picked up a jock, some Max Impact and four leather armbands, two of which were intended for Vice. Lou picked up all of Vice’s items plus his own and wanted to pay for the stuff Jimmy and I had, but we thanked him and refused, paying our own on these minor purchases. The clerk widened his eyes when Lou paid for all his purchases in cash. He told us he hoped all of us would return soon, with a wink and a smile. As we exited the store, Lou asked Vice, “So did he give you all the service you needed?” Jimmy and I snickered a bit. “Yo, guys, that dude got me back there and once I had my pants down he had my dick in his mouth in about half-a-second,” Vice told us. “I would have bumped him off, but it felt so good, I just let him go to town for a bit. He pulled off and said that he needed me hard to test the fit of the pouch and the cockring. After we came out to show you how I looked, he gave me a bit more head before he stopped and looked at me – I told him yo man, have a party to go to later if you catch it. He did and let me get dressed after that.” We all chuckled some more. “He did give me his card with his number, yo…” he finished, joining us in our laughter. It was only a block or two to Jimmy’s place and once inside he pulled out his big glass bong and loaded it up while putting some porn up on his big screens. We all blew some nice clouds while Lou took the time to give Vice the two leather armbands, which looked awesome on his pumped biceps. Jimmy said that he and Lou had to go and make more preparations for the group scene later this evening and needed us to hang until he called us around 11. It seems he wanted us to meet him and Lou and the niece and her boytoy at the Crown, and then as things progressed, join them in the kids’ room. Once things started going, I was supposed to bring Doug back here to Jimmy’s where a few tops would meet us, and Jimmy and Lou and Vice would stay in the room with some others coming to fulfill Cassie’s end of her fantasy. And no, Jimmy was NOT going to fuck his niece, he was hanging to assure her safety. They would then head down to Jimmy’s later to reunite the two kids. “In the meantime,” Jimmy asked. “Could you two do me a favor? Normally on a Saturday I would have one or both of my gloryholes open from now until I went out at 10:30 or 11. It’s one of the busiest times and I’m afraid some of my regulars would be ticked off if there’s no one manning them tonight. Would you guys consider doing that for me?” Again, Lou nodded in Vice’s direction, and so he nodded yes as I replied, “sounds like fun to me!” Jimmy made sure we had his big bong handy with a bag of shards from Lou. There were lubes, poppers, Max Impact and bottles of water at hand, plus he activated the screen in the gloryhole alcove (see Part 1 and Part 2) and put some gloryhole porn on it. Reminding me of how the exterior lights and camera worked and how to turn them on once we were ready, Lou and Jimmy told us to have fun and left by the ground level entrance to Jimmy’s house. Left to ourselves, I noticed Vice was already stripping, so I joined him in getting naked. From Jimmy’s collection on the wall of the playroom, I pulled two stretchy cock-rings and some paper towel rolls. “Are you okay with this?” I asked Vice. “Hell yeah, this’ll be wickie hot,” he replied, “like a vending machine of dicks!” Then I followed asking the enthusiastic newbie, “These holes are set up so that you can get fucked too. Are you ready for that if you feel like doing so?” “Sure am, used that shooter in Lou’s shower,” he responded, grabbing the bong and melting the congealed puddle on the bottom of the bowl. As I watched him take a huge rip, I thought how this kid was supposedly straight as an arrow just over 48 hours ago, and now he was enthusiastic to work a gloryhole? Astonishing. There had to be something more to this in the background that I was unaware of, but my musing was derailed as he took another big hit and shot-gunned it to me. Fuck the mystery, it was time to play! We each took a few more hits from the bong, and I suggested booty-bumps to get us in the mood for anything. Each getting a similar sized shard from the baggie we got down into a rimming 69, and after good tongue work on each other’s hole we pressed the shard as deep as we could into each other. I winced a bit at the burn, and Vice grunted “glad this part don’t last too long…”. As the burn faded, I walked over to the gloryhole alcove which Jimmy had pulled the curtain on earlier. This was a bump-out on the side of the house near the rear corner that the Realtor in me suspected had been a coal chute in bygone days. As it was, it had two side-by-side “stations” facing the outer wall where the holes were. The holes were at average waist height on the outside of the house, but the alcove’s floor was a bit lower than that (hence my feeling it was a coal receptacle in the past) with what looked for all the world like the kneelers from church on the floor of each station – there was an extra pad to put in the closest station for Jimmy who was shorter than the average guy he’d have join him there. The full to the floor stations were built narrowly so that the walls of each chute left room along the sides for padded shelves for a guy’s shins, allowing him to face the other way and have his ass even with the hole. Between the two was a holder for poppers and such, a swing door with shelf to outside and a really primitive b/w security screen to see the visitors. Guys in the know knew that a single green light out by the fence both front and along the lane meant one cocksucker was available, two lights meant two were. Arriving in the roofed over alcove on the side of the house, there was a bell to ring if the cocksucker was away from the holes for a moment. Quite a system, actually. I hit the switches for both holes, pulled the cork and wood plugs from both and watching the porn on the little screen at the back, while we sat cross legged across from each other stroking, smoking and laughing until the first “customer” arrived not 5 minutes later. The dude stepped up to the hole on the left, the one Vice had chosen, so he got on his knees and took in what looked like a decent sized dick. Only a minute or two later, the security cam showed another guy heading for the right hole and I got on my knees beside Vice and began servicing a fatter but shorter uncut dick. Using hand signals we decided to race to see who could get his guy off first. I won, but only by a couple of seconds. After that there was a fairly regular stream, never more than a five-minute break with neither hole used. Sometimes just one of us was busy, sometimes the other, sometimes both. When it was just one, the other of us would rim, suck, or rub our hard cocks against the sucker’s ass. We had just taken a water break about an hour into the session when the security cam showed 2 guys showing up together. Vice immediately perked up and whispered “oh fuck this is hot! I know them, old friends… left, go left… YES” Though I didn’t know the whole story, what little I got made me very horny and I went to town on the other old friend while Vice slipped the longest cock so far between his lips. Both dicks were beautiful, big and full, but Vice’s pal got a bit thicker than he could handle so we switched places briefly so I could deep-throat his pal. While stroking his other pal, Vice hissed through the swing door. “you guys want some ass? Wanna fuck?”. The guys indicated they did and asked for a bottle of poppers while Vice returned to his station and we both lubed our butts some and got on our shins and presented our holes to the wall. Vice took a huff of poppers, passed them to me, and tapped on the wall to let them know to start. Meanwhile, I torched up the pipe and we each took a hit as our holes got breached. Vice’s guy apparently made his entrance slowly, while mine was a bit more rushed. Once we had blown out our first hit, I whispered “so what’s the deal”. Vice replied likewise with a whisper that his guy was his best friend in elementary school and played on his hockey team in high school, and the other guy was his pal’s older brother. “I can’t believe I sucked on my buddy’s dick and now he’s got it fucking me… can’t wait for the next time I see him on the street or something and he doesn’t know that I know what his hard dick looks like and tastes like and that he fucked his old hockey buddy up the ass. So wickie hot!!” We made out like teenagers before taking more bong hits as the straight boys outside banged our butts. At one point from outside we heard “Change up?” and the cocks pulled out briefly before we each felt a slightly different tool slip up our holes. “Damn, Jimmy,” came the voice from outside, “whoever you got workin’ the holes tonight, let us know the next time they are here… so good…” Vice and I smiled at each other as the guys withdrew again and returned to their original places to finish off. Sure enough, only a minute or two passed before my guy started to squirt with his brother starting right after. Once they both pulled out, we both sat back to breathe. “Fuckin’ A, that was so hot,” Vice began. “Who’d a thought someday I would suck off my man Matteo, and get him to bang my ass. Damn he’s got an amazing dick!” “His brother wasn’t bad either,” I smirked. “You knowing them made that a lot hotter too. And he has no idea who just got him off so well!” “Shit, now that I know what his dick looks like and what a good fuck he is, I wonder if there’s any way I could get him tweaked up on T, and have him get naked and fuck around together… maybe get a piece of his ass too…” he mused. “I like the way you think son,” I responded. After that we only had one or two more who wanted to fuck, and neither were at the same time. In fact, both holes were only active at the same time once more before we closed down, but when one of us was sucking, the other was rimming him, or sucking him, or fucking him from behind. We kept each other quite happy as we finished off the 8 or so more guys who stopped by before 10:30 when we shut down, turning off the lights and closing up the alcove, putting the plugs back, closing all the lubes and poppers and turning the security cam off. Pulling the heavy curtain down over the alcove, we headed to the group shower Jimmy had on that level, did quick touchups and packed ourselves up (including Vice’s new leather attire and the baggie Lou left us). Right on time at 11:00, Jimmy messaged us to “start heading down” and gave directions on how to properly lock his place up with the keys he gave me before he left. He knew I needed to stop at my guest house to change into fetish/club wear for the party and get Vice changed into his. Jimmy naturally worked this time into his schedule for the evening. I messaged back we’d be there before 11:30. Swinging out onto Commercial Street together, I looked at Vice and said “Looks like you’ll be getting some real pussy tonight, that must make you happy…” He shrugged and said, “Not really sure pussy will be as much fun, and besides, Jimmy’s niece looks kinda skanky, don’t she…?” “I thought she was kind of a manipulative little minx,” I replied. “Already got one of those, who needs more?” Vice quipped. I laughed and slapped him on the back as we headed through the fog to my guesthouse. -
Chapter 1 – We Meet I first saw Jeff at a party some friends had dragged me to. I’m not much of a “let’s go to a party” guy, but they were insistent that I come along. I did have a pretty good time, and meeting Jeff was a highlight for me. We locked eyes across the host’s living room. He’s just my type: dad bod, bearded, balding, but with some hair peeking out of his shirt and a few visible tattoos. It made me wonder if there were other tattoos in less highly visible places. He’s shorter than me and looked like a solid guy. A little about me. I’m in my 50s, but most people think I’m younger. I’m a little over 6’ tall and weigh around 190. I’m in pretty good shape due to hiking in the warmer months and skiing when it’s cold. My chest, arms, legs, and ass are hairy. I usually have some sort of facial hair going on. When I met Jeff, I was also sporting a full beard. It has some grey in it. Dating and long-term relationships have been a challenge for me. I like to have sex with a lot of different partners, and that can be a barrier for some guys. On top of that, there’s my playroom and specific desires. My playroom has everything needed for serious ass play since that’s what I really like. I can work over a guy’s hole and then flip so that he can work over mine. That involves cocks, tongues, fingers, dildos, fists, and whatever else we might want to shove into each other. And, I like to party too. Anyway, about Jeff. I noticed him hanging out on the other side of the room when I first walked in. There were probably about 40 people there, but I was intrigued by Jeff. I asked my friends if they knew anything about him, but they didn’t. Then, they wandered off for some drinks and food. I wandered through the room, greeting a few people I knew but trying to keep my eye on Jeff. At one point, I didn’t see him anywhere in the room, and I hoped he hadn’t left. I went to where he had been standing and tried to look cool as I surveyed the crowd. Someone bumped into me, and I turned towards them. It was Jeff! We started chatting, and he told me he had noticed me when I walked in (blushing!) and hoped we might talk at some point. He had gone to the bathroom and planned to come over to me when he saw me in his old spot. We introduced ourselves and shook hands. His handshake was firm, and I noticed his hand was also quite hairy. Hairy hands often mean a very hairy body, and I hoped to find out if that was true. He had a deep and sexy voice and very full lips. We talked a little about general things, but his friends came over and said they were ready to leave. He suggested we exchange contact info, and I happily obliged, trading numbers with him. Then, he and his friends left. Shortly after, I felt my phone vibrate and saw that he had texted me. In it, he suggested that we get together to get to know each other better. That sounded good, but I played it cool and waited a bit to reply. In my reply, I suggested dinner at my house the following Friday. He agreed. We texted back and forth during the week, getting the important details about dinner, like whether he ate meat (yes!), red or white wine (red, or beer), and if there was anything he really disliked. To that question, he replied that he was pretty much open to trying anything once. I hoped that carried through to other areas of his life. Friday came, and I had prepared a simple but nice dinner. I made my classic beef stroganoff, served over noodles, plus some peas. That was served with a hearty red wine. I didn’t pull out the good china or go all out with candles on the table since I didn’t want to freak him out, but it was a good way to get to know each other. I put on a pair of comfy but well-fitting jeans and a nice button-down shirt. I was wearing an orange jockstrap under it all in case we decided to take things further as the evening progressed. When Jeff showed up, he was dressed similarly. Of course, I didn’t know what he had on for underwear, but I hoped I might find out. He had brought a bottle of wine, too, so I swapped his bottle in place of my original. Before we ate, we sat in the living room and chatted. We discussed the standard stuff: work, hobbies, trying to find mutual friends, and so on. There was some suggestive talk, but I wanted to see how the evening progressed. We sat down to dinner. Jeff complimented me on the meal, saying he liked to cook too and that the next meal should be at his house. I liked that idea. When we finished, we sat around the table talking, and then I decided to clear the plates. Jeff told me to sit, and he would take them into the kitchen for me. So, he was courteous, too! When he leaned down to get my plate, I looked up at him, and he went in for a kiss. His lips were soft, and his beard felt great against my face. It was a short kiss, but it let us both know where the evening might lead. Jeff took everything into the kitchen and put it in the sink. When he came back to the table, he put out his hand to me. I took it, stood up, and went in for a deeper and more intense kiss. We were hugging and feeling each other up as we made out like teenagers. I suggested we go back to the sofa in the living room, and we walked there hand in hand. Damn, it was just like being a kid again! Once in the living room, we sat close to each other and continued our kissing and groping. My hand went into his shirt first, feeling up his chest and nipples. His nipples were large and pierced, and his chest was wonderfully furry. Then, he dove his hand into my shirt to feel up my hairy chest. No piercings, but my nipples are sensitive and enjoy being worked. As he was groping me, I stared into his eyes and began to unbutton his shirt. I pulled it out of his jeans and helped him remove it. This was a damn nice body. Jeff had a great chest with a dense forest of fur. The metal from his piercings glistened in the low light and lured me in. He had a few more tattoos. One large bird was centered on his chest and he had another on his back. They looked great in his forest of hair. I bent down to lick around his left nipple and then took it into my mouth. His low groan told me how much he liked that, so I worked one and then the other. By now, he had removed my shirt and was stroking my back as I sucked his nipples. While I was mouthing his tits, my hands were rubbing around the back waistband of his jeans. I was happy to find that he had some hair at the base of his back. My hands dipped into his jeans to find out if his ass was hairy too. I discovered that he, too, was wearing a jockstrap! My hands slid down through the waist strap and began to explore his hairy crack. With his jeans on, my hands couldn’t get too far down. I pulled my mouth away from his nipple and looked at him, then glanced down at his crotch. He nodded, so I popped the top button and lowered the zipper on his jeans. He was wearing a red jock, which I hoped might signal some of his intent. Now that his jeans were looser, I was able to get my hand further down his ass and could lightly finger his hole. He responded well to my touch, so I kept rubbing and stroking. Jeff had loosened my jeans, too, and was now alternating rubbing my ass and my crotch. I suggested that we remove our jeans to be more comfortable and he breathlessly agreed. We each tore off our jeans, and I reached down to remove my socks. Jeff did the same. While he was bent forward to pull them off his feet, I got a good look at his back and ass. All of it was covered in hair, which I find really sexy. Between his hot, hairy body and his red jockstrap signal, I had big hopes for the night. When he sat back up, he looked over at me and commented on my orange jockstrap, mentioning that he, too, was up for almost anything. Since he knew what it signified, I felt safe assuming he knew what his red strap denoted. We got ourselves into a position facing each other on the sofa, with the arms at our backs. Luckily, it’s a smaller sofa, so we could still feel each other up. He was rubbing my crotch, and I put my finger in my mouth to moisten it and then rubbed it around his hairy hole. I would put my finger in my mouth, rub his hole, then repeat the process. He leaned back, opening his hole for me. At this point, I suggested we move to the bedroom. I had put a few smaller dildos, lube, and poppers in my bedside table, but the sling, along with the bigger toys and party materials, was next door in the playroom. I led Jeff up the stairs, with him fondling my ass on the way. When we got to the bedroom, we fell on the bed together while embracing. Luckily, I had readied the bed for play earlier in the day, so we didn’t have to worry about making a mess. Now, we were able to really explore each other’s bodies. Jeff pulled my cock and balls out of the pouch of my jock and was playing around with it, and I was still massaging and rubbing his hole. I noticed a growing wet spot on his jock, so I moved my mouth to the pouch and sucked it into my mouth. The jock was well-worn and had obviously seen some previous use. It had that heady aroma of old cum, piss, and sweat. I enjoyed mouthing around it but wanted the prize inside. So, I moved the jock aside and was greeted with Jeff’s cock. It was a nice sight. He had a full bush but had trimmed it back some. His balls were low-hanging and only had a dusting of hair. His cock was cut and about 7” long. Like him, it was thick and well-formed. I took it into my mouth after spending some time roaming around his crotch with my tongue. While I was doing this, Jeff moved around to play with my ass. His cock fit my mouth well, and I lovingly caressed the head with my tongue while moving up and down on the shaft. Jeff was massaging my ass, spreading my cheeks, and rubbing over my hole. We played like this for a while, with me sucking his cock while he kneaded my ass. Then he asked me if I liked having a dildo used on me. To answer, I leaned over and opened the drawer on my nightstand, showing him the selection available.
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[Continuing a story, Pimped Out By Two Daddy's, that I started under another screen name a while back] To recap: Part 1: I was blowing clouds with a daddy that I’d been hooking up with for a while. He would have me come over and there would be a pipe loaded and ready for me when I arrived. “Sit, hit this until you finish it.” He’d say. And for the next twenty to thirty minutes I’d watch porn as I hit the pipe. When I was done, he’d fill it again. “Ok, lemme know when this is done.” And so I’d continue. “I want you a spun cock whore for me, so hit that pipe hard boy.” By the time I was done I’d be flying and he’d be ready. He’d fill it again, move to the bed and take his clothes off. “Get between my legs and suck my meat, boy.” He nonchalantly order. And I’d take my clothes off, leaving on my jock, and I’d begin to suck he thick daddy dick. He was southern, white trashy / redneck sort of guy. Nice enough, with a great cock between his legs. I’d suck his dick for hours, and he’d feed me the pipe. He loved getting me higher and higher and having my spun mouth work over his dick. At some point in the night, after hours of me nursing his meat, he’d say, “Grease up that hole and sit on daddy’s dick.” And I would eagerly oblige. One night, about midway into the session he received a text, responded to it, got another and said.. “Hey, I need to go get some more shit. I have a friend staying in the other room. You are going to entertain him until I get back. Go across the hall, knock on the door and he’ll let you in. When I get back, you can continue.” Without hesitating I stood up and walked out of the room. I knocked on the door, it slid open, dark except the glow of a cell phone on a nightstand. And I walked in. A figure, taller than me, muscular, quietly said “Hey there.” and shut the door behind me. I moved toward the bed and he followed. He was naked and hard. “Is your hole open yet?” He asked. “Haven’t been fucked today yet” I responded. He reached over and lubed up his finger. “Lay down.” He told me. I laid on the bed and he guided my legs in the air. Lubing my ass and pushing in with his finger. “Not too tight. Good.” He pushed me further back and climbed on top of me. He handed me a bottle of poppers. “Hit these deep a few times, let me know when you are done with them.” He said. I hit them deep and hard, and immediately my skin and head buzzed and I felt light as a feather. I could feel him lubing up my hole more, and then he pushed my legs all the way back by my ears and placed a pillow under my ass. Then I felt his cock head on my hole and it pressed in. My hole was eager and I just wanted it to be filled with something big and thick. I still couldn’t make out his face really, but his body was firm, long and muscular. His dick with thick and just long enough. He slid all the way in. And I started to move a little for position. He grabbed my neck and said, “Do not move. Your job is to lay there, silently and take it. You move and I stop. You make a sound and I stop. If you need poppers, just tough your nose. Otherwise don’t move. Got it?” I was so turned on. “Yes.” I quietly responded. “Good. You are a bottom. My whore. Just a hole. And I want to get off. So shut up.” And he proceeded to fuck me deep and hard. I didn’t dare move. He handed me the poppers and and I inhaled deeply. About twenty minutes later he blew his load into my hole. It was still completely dark, I still hadn’t seen his face really. And when he was done shooting his load he pulled out. “Thanks. I think our bud is back.” And he walked to the door, slid it open while staying in the dark and ushered me into the hall. I went back to the daddy’s room. He was laying in the bed, porn on, dick out, pipe loaded. I went right back to sucking his meat. “How was my friend?” He asked. “Great.” I mumbled as I worked his cock with my mouth. “You just made me $40.” He said. “Daddy’s little whore.” My dick got rock hard. And I sucked him until he came. He fell asleep almost as soon as he came, and I quietly dressed and slipped out into the pre-dawn cool air of the street. I wasn’t nearly done. So I drove to the local sex club, Mack Folsom, parked and went in. This place was a sleazy hole, no private rooms, just lockers. And it had a few slings, some glory holes and a second level lofted with various spots to fuck and suck. I stripped down to my jock and sneakers, locked my locker, grabbed a cigarette and ran to the little smoking room towards the back. It was fairly quiet, no one doing anything, a guy was on the computers scrolling through profiles online, and another guy was already in the smoking room. Wearing jeans, a leather harness, and boots. He was smoking a cigarette. I sat down, he offered me a light. A few mins in, he pulled a pipe from his jeans and torched the bowl, and blew a big cloud. He offered me a hit, and I took it. We started chatting. He asked about my night, and without sparing much detail I told him what had happened so far. He smiled. “Woof!” He snarled. “Want to get fucked more?” He asked. And I nodded. He stood, pulled out a bag, and then found a small but nice size rock. “Bend over bud, lets get this deep in there.” And I turned around showed him my ass, and he pushed the rock deep inside. I turned around and sat back down. He pulled out his phone and started typing. “I have a few buddies who might be close by who would love a go on your ass. Let’s see what we can get going.” And he hit send on his phone. “Ok, go get that hole in a sling. I’ll be right there.” I walked out of the room and found a sling I liked toward the front. I slid up into it, and noticed a few more guys had come into the club. One big bear, younger, and fully clothed. An older guy, about 65, tall, lanky, with his dick hanging out of his jeans and a leather vest. And a third guy, about 40, long hair, long beard, kinda looked dirty and homeless. The all took note of the me hopping into the sling. My friend from the smoking room came out and handed me his poppers. “They are heading over now.” He said. I hit the poppers and he stuck a finger in my ass. The other three circled closer to the sling. He looked up and said to the dirty looking one, “Want his ass?” And with that he gave me to the dude. I never saw his dick, but felt it go in. He pushed all the way deep, and it felt amazing. My new smoking friend moved toward my head, gave me a hit of poppers. Looked quickly around, pulled out his pipe and lit if for me and I inhaled deep as the homeless guy plowed into my ass. “Your hole is mine tonight, and I’m going to keep it full.” My new buddy announced. As soon as the homeless guy blew his load in my hole, he motioned for the lanky older guy to take his place. This guy had been quiet so far watching, but as soon as his dick entered my ass it nearly doubled in size and he tore into my hole hard. It hurt from time to time, and my bud would make sure the poppers were at the ready. This went on for at least a half hour, and I noticed a few others had joined us. The old man finally busted his nut and pulled out. He leaned in and whispered to me “I love a good fucking whore. what locker is yours, I’ll slip me number into it. Call me as soon as you are done with here tonight, and I’ll keep you busy later.” I gave him my locker number and off he went. “My friends are here.” My smoking bud said with a smile, handing me the poppers again. “I also had them text their friends.” And before I had finished the hit of poppers, another dick was in my ass. Part II After a few loads the guy from the smoking room pushed a large shard in my hole and walked me back to the smoking room, he handed me the pipe and said: "wanna take this back to my place?" I nodded, finished a cloud and we dressed. I followed him in my car to his place not too far away. The sun was rising, and i couldn't wait to get back inside and take my clothes off. Once at his place i followed him into his garage, and at the back of his garage he opened a door to a room with a sling, multiple televisions of porn already playing, and toys everywhere. "Get comfortable and hop in the sling. I'm going to put an add up for your hole, and text a few more buddies." he said and handed me a pipe - loaded, and placed a full can of Maximum Impact on the table next to the sling. "Hit that too a few times, when i get back I'm going to breed you until others get here." He left for a moment, and I hit the pipe and the can of poppers. When he came back he didn't say a word, just walked up and stuck his dick in. I don't know how long he fucked me but eventually I noticed another guy in the room. Older, mid 60s, not much to look at other than his massive 8" cock. As the old guy approached my bud pulled out and told the new guy to enjoy. I noticed that I was must be being taped as my image getting impaled from this guy's meat was on three different screens from different angles. All of a sudden a hood went over my face. The mouth of the hood had an opening and a tube was placed against it. "I've hooked this tube up to a water bong boy, you stay high and suck on that tube all you want, and I'm going to make some money from your hole like the true whore you are." I was both petrified and more turned on than I ever have been before. It wasn't much longer before more men were in the room and I could hear him telling them it was " $20 to breed the slut's hole." The tube I was sucking clouds from was removed and a jock covered in poppers placed in my mouth as a gag. "Breathe this deep, your going to need it boy. Trust me." I inhaled deep and hard, and I could feel a cock against my already open hole, stretching it even wider. It hurt and felt amazing all at the same time and I just wanted it deeper in my hole. I inhaled harder on the jock... Later the hood was pulled from my face and as this tall muscle bear was drilling my ass he wrapped his hands around my neck and squeezed. I came instantly, and seconds later I could feel his meat pulsing in my hole as he dumped his load.
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Moderator's Note: This discussion was begun in response to a story in ChemSex Stories. If you are interested in reading the story, you can find it here. I wonder if any of our black members are offended by threads that mention race In particular🙄? I sure hope not...
I’ve been reading and getting off on hot stories and posts here for years (thanks guys!) and thought I’d finally add one of my own. It’s a mix of real and fiction. Had found myself with an unexpected afternoon off so started sniffing around checking all the apps and sites. Usual hits of “hey”, “what’s up”, “looking?” with not much follow through. Then got hit from a guy that looked close by. 47, 5’ 10’, 175, 7.5 cut, brown hair, versatile bottom, could host or travel. Started a back and forth with usual “where are you?” “into?” He was more bottom, really like to suck, and asked “party?” Hmmm now getting interesting, had been thinking something quick but felt my dick twitch. Had been a couple of months since last time partying and did have the rest of the day off… A bit about me, 51, 5’ 8”, 165, some hair, trim, 7” cut dick that curves up with a nice girth to it (been told when fucking feels great as it gets thicker in the middle and hits all the right spots). Versatile, easy going and happy to see where it goes as long as it feels good. First time had partied was about four years earlier with a guy I also met online. After we got naked and started fooling around he pulled out a pipe and asked if I wanted some. Told him I didn’t know what it was. He said it was meth and would make me feel good (an understatement). Not much of a pot smoker and been awhile since had done coke so figured I’d give it a try. He showed me how to hold the pipe, keeping the flame below the bulb so not to burn the meth, wait for the wisps of smoke and breathe in slowly. FUCK it felt amazing. We hung out for a couple of hours smoking and some fooling around though he was a bit of a flake and too high to really do much but it had totally opened me up to exploring more. Since then I party every couple of months or so, (if not for work would do it more often) and find the whole ritual of smoking an incredible turn on. Shotguns that turn into hot kissing, booty bumps, one-on-one, group fun, all good. Have had some great times and some not so great but guess it’s part of the experience. So back to that afternoon, we moved to texting direct, told me his name was Jim, could host, and would take him about an hour to get ready which worked for me. Cleaned up and out (just in case), showered, put on a worn jock, shorts, t-shirt and got a text saying he was ready for me to come over. He was close, and in 15 minutes got to his place where he buzzed me up. He was in shorts and a t-shirt and pretty much matched his pictures and description. Small clean apartment, walked though a kitchen into a bedroom which had a large bed that took up a good two thirds of the room with the rest filled by a desk and chair and a door to a small bathroom. Jim said get comfortable, so kicked off my sneakers, and sat back on his bed while he sat on the chair by his desk and pulled out a pipe and a lighter, lit it and took a hit then handed them to me. While I lit up he got down on his knees and start rubbing my legs and dick through my shorts. I took a couple of big hits and handed him the pipe and torch while I lay back feeling that fucking awesome feeling that goes right to my dick. He takes a couple of hits, puts down the pipe comes over, pull down my shorts and gets his face right in my bulging jock. Moaning he spreads my legs and starts sniffing and then licking getting it nice and wet while his hands move up under my shirt feeling up my stomach and up my chest to tweak my nips. So fucking good, he pulls back and grabs the pipe while I pull off my shirt, takes a couple of hits and hands it to me. He pulls my dick out of the side of my jock to start sucking while I blow smoke down at him, damn my dick is tingling. Had taken a blue pill so dick was getting nice and chubbed too. Jim takes the pipe from me and says to move back on the bed while he take a couple more hits, hands pipe back to me while he gets naked. Takes the pipe, does another big hit, puts it down while I’m now laying all the way back on his bed with my head propped up with pillows. He gets down between my legs, pulls off my jock and exhales a big cloud on my dick before swallowing it again. FUCK! So good. Am moaning a bit and thrusting up. He goes shhh, relax and don’t move too much, let me do all the work. I feel a bit embarrassed and ask if everything okay and he says all good, lay back, then swallows my dick again while rubbing my stomach. I usually like mutual play but follow his lead, lay back, spread my legs more and fuck it’s feeling good. We go at it like this for a while, (never really sure about time while high), taking breaks to take hits, then him having me lay back, staying quiet and trying not to move much while he swallows and licks my dick while also rubbing my stomach, chest, and legs. As am pretty high I spread my legs as my hole is feeling tingly and hoping he’ll move down there but at the moment he’s concentrating on my dick which has been hovering between semi and full mast and feeling great. He’s kept me totally passive and at one point while he’s sucking and rubbing my dick I can feel I leak out some piss. I look up and tap him on the shoulder and say sorry about that, I should go take a leak. He looks at me, shakes his head, keeps his mouth on my dick and pushes his hand down on my lower stomach. FUCK! Am totally turned on and my dick swells but he keeps sucking while rubbing and pressing my on my stomach and bladder. I start getting that feeling of my body and dick relaxing and start pissing but since am so high it also feels like I’m cumming, feeling the piss going through my shaft into his mouth with every nerve ending tingling. He is nodding his head while keeping his lips tight around my shaft egging me on to keep going. FUCK! And I do, It feels like I got a gallon of piss which he just keeps swallowing. The feeling is incredible, it’s nothing I’ve experienced before, like one long orgasm. After I don’t know how long the flow of piss slowed and then finally stopped with Jim never taking his mouth off my dick. Was total sensory overload and pushed him gently off, though now my dick was hardening after having my bladder emptied. Jim said think time for a smoke break which sounded good to me. We both got up, him sitting back in the chair and me on edge of bed. He torched up the pipe and when the wisps of smoke started took a big hit, smiled and leaned over to give me a shotgun which we exchanged back and forth which turned into deep kissing where I tasted the acrid taste of piss mixed with smoke. FUCK! He then gave me the pipe where I took a deep hit and did the same to him. Did this a few more times until we both both flying, with each hit going right to my dick and my hole. While we were making out I started to feel him up but he pushed me gently back and said it really turns him on giving me pleasure and that he was okay as is and said do you want to lay back again? I said sure but asked would he give my hole some attention. He smiled and got a gleam in his eye and nodded while licking his lips. Then he said let’s take a couple of more hits. FUCK! He puts down the pipe and says lie back and damn I’m flying and feeling good. He gets down between my legs and takes my dick in his mouth again. My dick now is hard and leaking and I’m trying to keep from moaning and moving as he directed. He’s now spreading my legs raising my knees a bit and he starts licking down my dick all over my balls. He then licks under my balls pushing my legs up and starts licking on my hole. Oh yeah! I say quietly. He really starts eating me out and I reach for my dick but he bats my hand away. His tongue feels amazing and he starts to both lick and finger my hole. I’m trying not to squirm and keep my hole open to him. After a while he pulls off my hole and grabs some lube. I look down and he’s grinning and nodding while I feel him lubing up my hole. I feel the lube on my loosened hole and then a finger going in. Uhhhh as my head sinks back into the pillow. He keeps his finger massaging my insides. Then pulls out a bit adding more lube and shoves two fingers in. Uuuuhhh, my dick jumps. Then he puts in a third and I feel him hitting my prostate and my dick spurts out precum onto my stomach which I reach down and taste. I feel a fourth finger but my butt is not open enough and he goes back to three. He smiles and swallows my dick again while he keeps fingering me. FUCK! He’s gone back to two fingers massaging my insides while sucking and nursing on my dick. I feel my dick leak every time he hits my prostate, it’s like a mini orgasm and that gets him going too. My dick is rock hard and I can slowly feel a full orgasm slowly building. After the pissing and prostate massaging I’m feeling like my whole body is starting to tingle. Jim keeps on sucking my dick while his fingers rub my prostate and hole. I start to feel both relaxed and a build up of cum start to move into my dick. It’s not like my usual orgasm that comes in a burst, this one is slow moving where my balls are tingling and I can feel the cum is slowing moving up my dick. Jim feels the difference as my hole opens and he shoves four fingers in. I feel my hole start to pulse and the cum moving up my shaft feeling like I’m pissing cum. Jim starts sucking furiously and then I start shooting, FUCK! The shots are explosive and massive and keeps going while Jim keeps sucking, fingering with one hand and holding me down with the other. Usually once I cum my dick is too sensitive but this time Jim keeps sucking and fingering and am happy to keep letting him. Over the course of the next hour or so he gives me two or three more dick and butt orgasms finishing with me giving him more piss before we finally finish and wrap it up. We buddied each other and got together a few more times but this first was a memorable and unexpected afternoon.
versmetropig posted a blog entry in Blog versmetropig
Another member on this site recently asked if any of us had slammed at work, or at least pnp'd. I actually have a few times... never slammed at work, but have blown clouds/snorted at work and had sex at work at the same time. In my blog here, I've written up some of the times I had pnp experiences as both a performer and as a Realtor (usually in an empty house or client's house who pnp'd and gave permission) but I actually HAVE had sex and partied some in office situations over the years. During the Recession, both performing work and house sales were down, so from 2005-2010 I also managed buildings in NYC, the management company I worked for had its office in Riverdale in the Bronx, in what was originally the pool house and club of a multi-building development... the offices were right next to the pool and my personal office was in one corner of the structure down a long corridor and had both a door to the inside corridor of the building, AND its own door to the exterior into a small fenced in area adjacent to the pool with a latched gate door. My boss' older son was a college age kid who just finished his freshman year and was now serving as a lifeguard at the complex pool during his summer vacation. I was frequently the last person in the offices, as most left by 5:30 and some nights I was there until 7 or 8 or later by myself. The pool closed at 6pm, and if the boss wanted to leave early and I was staying, he'd ask me to bring the kid home to the burbs where we all lived. I had no idea up until this point that the kid was gay, let alone that he appreciated chemplay. I mean, come on, he was only a freshman - though I was pretty "advanced" at that age I seldom meet too many others who were (or are). One of the first times this occurred, Stefan came into my office closing the door behind him, still in his long red lifeguard board shorts and a sleeveless white cotton top - open to show his washboard - and flipflops showing his oversized bare feet. I knew the kid was hot - frankly, so was his dad, my boss, and the company actually had a reputation of hiring very attractive and fit male employees - but this went beyond. While running his hand up and down his treasure trail, he mentioned that I was "busted". Tearing my gaze away from the pretty sight, I asked "why"? He proceeded to tell me he found my profile on Nasty Kink Pigs and a PNP oriented site that was popular at the time. The pictures being obviously me, I couldn't deny it, and he described them to me perfectly. Intrigued, I asked what he was doing on those sites and did his father know he was gay? He replied that he found those websites that year at college when he really found and accepted himself, and no he hadn't come out to his parents yet. He said he certainly wouldn't say anything about my extracurricular activities to his father so long as he and I could "indulge" them sometimes on the evenings I was driving him home... I told him I was flattered, and wanted to know exactly which activities on those sites he wanted to indulge in, and would I be playing teacher or did he have experience? He smirked and replied that he was looking for the bareback chem sex experiences he learned to love that year at college that took him from a naive virgin to a "probably poz party boi"... I was, suffice to say, a bit stunned. Now, to be fair, in the summer of 2006 he wasn't the only one with a 6-pack, at 43 I was still doing some modelling and in really great shape, so it wasn't TOTALLY insane for a hot college freshman to come on to an older guy, but JEEZUS this came out of nowhere, and DAMN was it hot. He proceeded to tell me he knew exactly how to make sure we were never caught (and we never were...) since my office was originally intended to be accessible after hours by the pool staff, the inside door to the rest of the offices could not only be locked and bolted, but the outside door could be locked and the gate to the little inner fenced area (the fence was 8 feet tall and opaque) could also be locked and bolted... to gain access from outside, someone would have to ring a "doorbell" and from the inside, if anyone entered the office suite, an electronic "beep" sounded in my office. There were no security cameras in my office, or at my end of the hall, or in the fenced area - and I could turn on the burglar alarm and exclude my office until I (or we) left. Stefan had thought it all out. With those assurances, I agreed. That first time he had a little bit of his own stuff in his pool bag, and I ran out to my car and brought my play bag in - out came two pipes and the clouds started. I kept asking if he was sure, and he said he liked fantasizing that I was his coach... DAMNATION he was hitting all the right buttons. That night was mostly just oral (we both rinsed off and washed up in the small shower the little bathroom my personal office had) sucking and rimming mutually... he had a real swimmer's body, 6'4", trim, slightly out-sized shoulders, long thin floppy dick and nice muscular if not large ass, green eyes, tanned white skin, torso naturally almost hairless except the treasure trail but waist down hairy like a satyr or something... Our sessions eventually included fucking each other on my desk or the floor or on a pool lounge chair brought inside, with porn playing all but silently on my computer from my external hard drive, and always with us blowing clouds, booty-bumping, snorting or hot-railing. The first session where we fucked, I had him fuck me first - he was rock hard and his youth and relative inexperience showed in his impatience to get his raw tool in me resulting in some soreness for me that evening and the next day - but his skills improved over time and that long cock of his was quite the enjoyable after-work treat, along with the copious loads he would fill me with. That same evening, when it was my turn to fuck him, I kept reminding him that I was poz, and was he SURE he wanted me to bareback him. He told me he was sure, and that he was fairly certain he'd been pozzed since he'd done several group scenes with guys he knew to be poz and took their loads... I was still a bit uncomfortable with that, and though I fucked him bare, I did not begin breeding him until he'd gotten his test results back a couple of weeks later (he was poz as he thought). He loved to spew out his filthiest fantasies as I pounded that hot frat boy hole. As summer progressed I was able to hook him up with my contact-buddy for supplies so he could pay less than in the burbs. A couple of times we had group scenes at my bud's place on Central Park West and the guys present would descend on Stefan like starving animals and he loved every minute, though we always had to leave reasonably early. He also had a friend up from school who stayed with him that summer for a week and came to the pool with him everyday that week - it was the only time we ever had a third join us in my office - a pretty Filipino kid, Alberto, with another swimmer's body but much shorter than Stefan, about 5'6" smooth all over and rippled with trim muscle, brown eyes and black hair with an incredible serpent tattoo wrapped down one leg. He was happy to blow clouds with us, and fortunately he was into "Daddies" like Stefan was, and really enjoyed getting spit-roasted from either end the three times he pnp'd with us. He even came in and gave me a blow job under my desk on one of the days they were heading home with my boss and not me! Stefan claimed to be jealous, but between him needing to be at his lifeguard post AND being 6'4" there was no way he could repeat that particular performance! Damn we had fun until he had to head back to school, and we repeated our hi-jinx the next summer (2007) as well. However, when the summer of 2008 rolled around he stayed at his school in Florida for the summer and eventually moved down there permanently and that crazy memorable set of experiences was over. And true to Stefan's promise, we never got caught! Though we both mentioned many times as we played how hot it would be to get his handsome dad high and convince him to join us. Considering the male employees he tended to hire, there certainly was a possibility that he was at least bi-sexual, but suffice to say, that was a fantasy we were NOT stupid enough to attempt! We already took enough chances!- 15 comments
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ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE – Unsuspected Pnp’ers Who knew they partied? A recent series of posts on Breeding Zone, discussing whether or not your friends are aware of your partying activities got me thinking about the times I discovered someone I knew and would never have expected indulged, was instead well-acquainted with enhanced sex. For 16 years, I've managed to keep my party life from interfering with my two careers or other "normal world" day-to-day activities. Some periods I attend pnp parties once or twice a week, some periods a few times a month, sometimes only once a month. In answer to your question, CERTAIN friends know I party (certainly my husband knows I do, though he does not - our open sexual relationship for the past 27+ years and our opposite work schedules mean I do so only during those times he is working which he is cool with). Only one of my straight friends knows I party, and select gay/bi friends. Usually those are friends I've either met "in the scene" who have crossed over into being actual real-world friends that one could rely on, rather than just pnp-buds (who are fine too, so long as one realizes the limitations and true parameters of that kind of interaction). However, every once in a while I'm surprised to discover someone I never expected is a partier, and I always get a kick out of hooking up in a situation like that. When my husband and I lived in Hell’s Kitchen in the 90s, directly across the air-shaft that sank through the center of our apartment building lived two guys who like us were musical theater performers – these guys were both hot and ripped African-American dancers (my hubby and I are Anglo – and like them I had a muscled dancer bod). It got to the point where we would all do 3 ways and 4 ways together… the catch being that either one or both of them would come to our place, or I would go to theirs by climbing across the airshaft 4 stories up! (My hubby, an opera singer, could not do the same). To be fair, the ventilation shaft was shaped like a hexagon <=> and we crawled across where in the angle where the two windows met. Like us, one of them was really kinky and the other pretty vanilla so no enhancements were ever included. They eventually moved out to LA to do music videos. Then, a few years later, after I had started to pnp a bit more, I bumped into Craig, the kinky one, at a buddy’s afternoon chemparty and finally got to play with him in a supercharged way – we did so several times during the time he was back in New York for a show – it was great to finally fuck that beautiful hot ass bareback and get fucked by his fat black cock the same way, along with some major hole play between us. There was a hot but conservative couple I knew that for years were very vocally anti-party - we'd played together, but it took longer for me to get to their place then the un-enhanced sex would actually take, and so I didn't go out often. Then one day out of the blue they had a total switch and my numerous sessions with them since have been very hoT - I've written about them in my true experiences blog on this site. The same for an actor/director I knew only professionally - we'd starred in two productions together and he'd directed me in a third... what a Christmas Present it was when this guy - a married guy with kids who had a TV series in the 80s and is in a ton of movies we've all seen - got me alone at a rehearsal for "A Christmas Carol" and told me he was bisexual and a 'mutual friend' had assured him that I could mentor him in the T-fueled gay sex scene which I gladly said I would... this was made even more ironic in that I was playing Bob Crachit and he was playing Ebenezer Scrooge at the time. Imagine if you will seeing Crachit and Scrooge naked, blowing clouds and booty bumping, with Crachit topping and breeding a leather restrained Scrooge and giving him chem piss... yeah we played that up in our first sex session (even used the British accents...). One of our other first sessions took place in his house one evening, in his office/library room while his soon-to-be ex-wife was out – we swapped pipe hits while fucking on his desk and blowing clouds on the family pics on his desk. When they separated, he took an apartment in Upper Manhattan and we pnp’d there frequently. Another surprise was recent and very, very welcome. During the '90s when I lived in Hell's Kitchen, there were a number of regularly scheduled sex parties in NYC. There was one I attended very frequently where the guys running it would not charge me the entrance fee if I would come early and get the sex started (having no inhibitions). One of the event runners, Bill, was one of the hottest guys I'd ever had sex with and we'd frequently save our last encounter of the night for each other when we'd flip-fuck, both of us having spent the rest of evening topping others. While I would do some bottoming on some nights, he never did at all, except for me and one other guy and only at the end of the party, because the other guys in management didn't want his big cock and butch leather reputation to be sullied among the other customers/guests - apparently, they felt, correctly it seems, that the possibility of being fucked by him brought lots of guys back week after week. Bill and I also very naughtily broke the “always use a condom” pledge that was part of the event rules somewhat frequently… however, it was usually so late that there’d be no one to notice who ever would have complained or reported it, and hell, he was one of the event runners! Anyway, these parties were very much NOT chem-friendly so how would I know he was into it? After 12 years without seeing each other, he read one of my "real experience" blogs on Tumblr, and as he said "I knew immediately that had to be you!" and sent a message. Funny, he was afraid I wouldn't remember, or that I'd not be interested - WRONG!! I nearly fell out of my chair trying to respond immediately - it's nice to know that someone you think was one of the most amazing sex partners EVER thinks the same of you! The first time I saw him after those 12 years, I met him in midtown to introduce him to my candyman. After sitting around with a few other guys and blowing clouds with them, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other – and since nothing was going to be happening where we were for at least a few more hours – we found a nearby hotel room, raced over there, got naked, loaded up our pipes and dove all over each other. We both ate hole for what seemed like hours, since we’re both addicted to rimming and we each do it VERY well. It was a very hot, unexpected surprise (we hadn’t planned on playing until the following week) and though it was only a couple of hours, it was just so much fun to really LET GO with this kindred spirit. Just this past weekend, I introduced him to a hot versatile couple I play with sometimes in the Bronx, and it was the first time I saw him slammed (he’s done so very infrequently)… it was amazing to watch him truly relax and just have FUN while the four of us flip fucked and enjoyed each other all around. So we've now partied together - one on one, which is unusual for me - several times now and the sessions have been awesome. We also relate on a number of other levels including having husbands with physical disabilities, and its great to have someone to talk about that with as well - its been double bonus time for both of us!
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Chapter 1 – We Meet Again Jason is a long-time buddy of mine. When he lived near me, we’d get together a few times a month to party and play. About a year ago, he sold his startup company and moved to a place outside of Phoenix. He invited me to visit, promising there would be some fun times while I was there. I was excited to get away from winter and to see Jason again. We’d spent lots of time together over the years, but that had always been focused on a day or two for play. This would be the first time we spent a more extended time together, and I’d be staying at his house, too. We got along well, and I had high hopes for the trip. Jason picked me up at the airport, and we drove out into the mountains. He told me that his house was on a lake, and the area around it was secluded. He wasn’t kidding. When we got there, he had a beautiful house surrounded on three sides by trees. The back side was all about the lake. You couldn’t see any houses, and Jason told me that he often swam nude in the lake. He showed me to my room and suggested that I prep for some fun times with him. I got ready in the private bath, put on a jockstrap, then got dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. He told me to meet him in the lower level, so I headed there. Jason was waiting for me and working on his phone. He was naked except for a black leather harness and cock ring. When he saw me, he said, “There’s no need for clothing here,” so I stripped off the shorts and shirt and walked over to him. My cock was straining against the pouch of the jock strap. Jason’s dick was hard and shiny with precum. I knelt in front of him and sucked his cock into my mouth. Jason is in his 40s now. At a little over 6’ tall, he’s about the same height as me. We’re both in OK shape, but it looked like he had been hitting the gym more since he moved and tightened up his body since I saw him last. He’s got an incredible hairy chest that tapers down to a treasure trail leading to his cock. His trimmed pubes help his 7” cock stand out. With the cock ring on, his cock was nice and plump. I also knew that he had a hairy ass and a hole that liked to be used. I’m a little heavier than him and not as defined. There’s some hair on my chest and ass, but not as much as Jason has. My cock is 7.5” long. So, I’m on my knees, giving Jason a blow job. His cock is pumping out some precum, which I am eager to swallow. He let me suck him for a while, then he reached down and pulled me into a standing position so that he could suck my dick. That’s when I noticed that we were in a well-equipped playroom. A sling was set up with a stool at the base and a table on one side with poppers and water. A cart with lube and toys was near the stool. It looked like a fun space. After he sucked me for a while, Jason suggested that we get things started. He reached for a pipe and torch and began melting the crystals. He took a hit when the smoke was swirling and passed the tools on to me. I, too, took a big hit off the pipe. Damn, this was some good stuff! We’d be flying soon. We shared the pipe and got ready for action. Jason suggested that I get in the sling first. He lubed up both of his hands and started working on my hole. He was using fingers from both hands to poke and prod at my hole, teasing it to open up for him. It didn’t take long for him to have four fingers from each hand inside me, using them to stretch my hole, prepping it for his fist. He added more lube to his hands and squirted a healthy amount in my ass with a lube shooter. Then, he slowly inserted his hand, twisting it as he entered my ass. He paused at the widest part and used some twisting motions to let me experience the fullness of his hands inside me. He knows how much I enjoy being stretched like this. Next, he slid more of his hand in, getting in to about mid-forearm. Once he was settled in there, he gave me a minute to adjust. That first insertion is always fantastic, and he knew that there would be many more insertions to follow, so there was no need to rush. After a moment, Jason started some small movements inside me. He was flexing his hand and twisting it around, letting his knuckles graze over my inner walls. Jason was also working his hand deeper into me. He paused once he hit my second hole. We both knew that we would breach that barrier, but there was plenty of time for that. Jason then pulled his hand all the way out of my ass. He added more lube to it and slid back in. This time, he went all the way in on a single push. Jason worked my hole, pushing back and forth, all while twisting his hand around inside me. He was getting me well-opened, and I enjoyed the ride. Next, he pulled out and looked over his selection of toys. He always liked Mr. Hankey’s toys, and it appeared that he added significantly to his collection. Some of my old favorites were there, but there were plenty of new items. He chose a new one that looked like a super-sized version of a real cock and started to lube it up. This toy was thick from the start, and his insertion made me gasp in pleasure. He looked up at me and smiled then as he slowly drilled the dildo further into my ass. He occasionally paused to let me adjust to it, but he kept a steady pressure on it. Twisting and moving it forward got most of the toy inside me until he hit my inner sphincter. With the thickness of this toy, it was unlikely to go through my second hole yet, but it felt amazing having it there. Jason gently extracted the toy from my ass, pulling it all the way out and then shoving it back in. He repeated this action, pulling it all the way out before sliding it in again several times. Each time, the initial penetration of the head was easier, and my ass adjusted to accommodate the thickness, allowing the toy to slide in deep. He was shaking and twisting the toy as he fucked me with it. He was really getting into working over my ass with this, so I decided to take a hit of poppers and let him go wild on my ass. I took one small hit in my left nostril, blew it out, and then took a deep hit on my right side, which I held. When Jason knew that the rush was on me, he pulled the toy out and quickly shoved it back inside me. Now, he was moving the toy with great speed, letting my ass feel every penetration and each wrinkle and vein on the dildo as it slid through my chamber. Then, Jason dropped the toy on the ground and, as the poppers were wearing off, shoved his hand inside me again. This time, he was able to get deep inside me quickly and was poking at my second hole. He teased it just a bit and then slid his fingers through. Feeling him inside my colon was a huge turn on and I moaned in pleasure and appreciation. Jason suggested more poppers and held his hand still while I snorted the fumes. Then, he began his assault on my deepest areas, pushing through my second hole, moving his fingers ever deeper inside me. I was bucking around on the sling, reacting to the intensity of the workout he delivered. My cock had been leaking a steady stream of precum, but now a huge gush erupted from it, coating my hairy stomach. Jason was oblivious to this since he was so focused on my ass, so I reached down and scooped some of the fluids into my mouth. The sweet and salty taste turned me on and excited me for what was to come. Jason slowly slid his hand out of my ass. He took his time removing it, letting me feel the bumps and texture of his hairy paw as it was extracted from my ass. When he was all the way out, he again used both hands to spread my hole open. After the session we just had, it opened readily for him. He dipped in with his tongue and gave my hole a few licks. I shivered in delight as his tongue licked and probed my inner flesh. Then, he helped me out of the sling, and we swapped places so that he was now in the sling, legs spread and ass temptingly exposed to my yearning gaze.
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Another Real Experience - Elbow Deep Party In Harlem
versmetropig posted a blog entry in Blog versmetropig
ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE - ELBOW DEEP PARTY IN HARLEM About a month ago, my candy-man and his roommate were having some issues with their landlord and asked me if I could maybe come down to their place, look over their lease and give them some advice. I had finished my appointments for the day so I told them okay. I got to Washington Heights in less than 30 minutes and sat down with them to examine their lease. They filled a huge water pipe with lots of magic crystals and proceeded to have me blow clouds with them while we discussed their problem at length. In 90 minutes or so, I had outlined a way for them to resolve their differences with their landlord that would satisfy both sides, and they were ecstatic. Now they'd kept me hitting the pipe quite generously and gifted me with a nice amount of tina to take with me as a reward. I was now somewhat tweaked, very horny, and in Manhattan late afternoon on a Saturday. Unfortunately, neither of them was up for pnping, as they each had non-sexual appointments they were on their way to. Before we finished our puffing festival, I checked on line to see if anyone was nearby and up for hosting. Fortunately, there was someone only 20 blocks away - a guy I'd been trading messages and emails with on the site for some time, always hoping we could play, but never being able to make our schedules match. He invited me to his place immediately and I hopped in the car and headed to Harlem. It took only 5 minutes and amazingly, I got a street space only a half block from his building. I gave him a call when I parked as he needed to come to the lobby to let me in. Good thing I found that close space as it started to rain for the first time in weeks as I was heading to his building. Clayton met me at the lobby door and escorted me to the elevator and up to his apartment. It was a nice - and really large - apartment, and it peaked my interest that it seemed like there was someone else home. Clayton led me to his room and shut the door behind us, looking me up and down and nodding while saying "finally". As mentioned we'd messaged and cruised each other on line but timing had never worked out before. Finally was right! I pulled out my supplies and filled his water-pipe with some quality crystals, and we puffed and shot-gunned as we stripped each other and got things started. Clayton turned out to be 40-ish, and very tall - at least 6'5" or so, to my 6' - and very lean. He's Trinidadian, beautiful cafe au lait skin and a light dusting of hair on his chest leading down in a treasure trail to his pubic patch, which framed a long cock, not quite as thick as mine but definitely longer! His long legs led up to a perky bubble butt also with a light dusting of hair. He really went for my hairy chest, legs, balls and ass and my pale skin. After making out and puffing and getting each other hard as a rock, we had to break so I could quickly clean up in his shower. As I was about to go, he asked if I'd be interested in his roommate joining in a couple of hours, and I told him that it sounded like fun to me. He smiled and picking up the pipe, said "Let me introduce you guys before you hit the shower." Going out into the long hallway, we passed the front door and the bathroom and continued down to what looked like a workroom filled with (unusually for New York City) hand tools and hardware. And also filled with Clayton's very hot roommate, Rod. Rod was facing away and on the phone, dressed only in leather shorts, boots and a harness. He turned hearing us enter and quickly told the person on the phone he'd call back in 5 minutes. Rod was probably around my age (just turned 53), and a shorter, stocky, muscular African-American guy with much darker skin than Clayton's, and he looked awfully familiar. We traded shotguns off the pipe while Clayton introduced us, and we both mentioned that we were convinced we'd met before. Rod told us that he needed to get back to his client and do another two hours of work then we could join him in his much larger play room. We headed back down the long corridor and I jumped in the bathroom with my kit to do a quick clean up and out. I had my travel-ready straight pipe and took a few hits to aid the process, gargled a little mouthwash and headed back to Clayton. He was naked and puffing, stroking while he watched some bareback leather porn I brought. I guess Clayton had been tweaking for a while before I got there, as he was totally AMPED and ready to go... so enthusiastic that I had to imagine he'd been frustrated from playing for at least several hours. In a minute we were on the bed locked in a 69 hotter than any I'd had in some time. It was a beautiful cock, and long, and thank god, I was on top during this segment since although I deep throat well, that amount of length might have been an issue if he decided to face fuck me from above. After long mutual suck jobs, we hit the pipe again shotgunning every hit, and making out between. Finally, we each took a huge hit, followed by each taking a nice huff of Maximum Impact and slid back down to a 69-Rim session, this time with me on the bottom with my neck boosted by a couple of pillows. He had a hot tasty hole that blossomed under my eager tongue; from the sounds he was making, and the enthusiasm with which his beefy tongue was raping my hairy hole, he was a very happy camper. Once our holes were getting sloppy and open it was time to get them filled. While he hit the glass cock, I got behind him and sank into that hot warm chute and starting a slow grinding fuck while he spun out his clouds. He definitely was going for my girth, and asked to turn on to his back for deeper penetration. As face-to-face is my favorite position to both top and to bottom, I was more than willing to comply. We fucked for a while with me on the bed with him, then I got down on the floor to stand with his long legs over my shoulders while I really wailed on his hole at his request. All this time we were either furiously kissing or biting and sucking the others nips and neck. More clouds and we switched... it took a little patience, and maximum impact, but he got that entire length into my hole and fucked me in several positions, making me feel incredible the longer we went. For another hour we would literally pull out of each other and without moving switch top and bottom, filling and being filled. It was heaven. Time came for a break and to join Rod. Some piss play and a quick rinse in the shower and we were moving all our equipment and materials to the very large room at the end of the apartment. Rod had his king size bed and all sorts of leather, restraints, dildos and toys, lubes and porn screens in there. I filled his water pipe and we got spun some more as Rod stripped the leather shorts off to reveal a flaccid cock as thick and long soft as mine is hard. Now I normally have no issues with my endowment - it is average length and greater than average width and I very much know how to use it - but there are times when I'm playing, especially with African or Latino guys that I just have to kind of sit back and marvel, and get over a minute or two of feeling inadequate! The rest of Rod was worthwhile to, a very hot muscular ass and he appeared to be naturally smooth all over... well, he probably did shave his head a bit, but not the body. I brought out some G and we drank some, smoked more, and began to get down to more chemmed up man-sex. Each of us fucked the others, and I was lucky that Clayton had gotten most of my stretching done prior as Ron went in without pause and started his fuck on me. After the mutual all around fuck we broke for a bit more refreshment and clouds and that's when Rod and I remembered where we'd met. A mutual friend of ours on Central Park West used to host Tuesday Afternoon pnp parties about 10 years ago and we'd encountered each other there a number of times. That also reminded Rod that I was a Fisting top, one he very much enjoyed getting hand-balled by, and we knew what would happen next. Working with Rod's "special lube" - a private combo of crisco and j-lube laced with tina and tina piss, I began working fingers into his hole. He was flat on his back on the edge of the bed (a waist high bed) while I alternated sitting on a fuck stool or sitting on Clayton's cock as HE sat on the fuck stool. Very shortly, I was stretching Rods opening alternating four fingers on each hand, determining which arm would be better, finding it to be the left, I sank all five fingers in to his welcoming manhole. He was literally squealing with delight over the attention to his hole, and I pulled my special maneuver. Being double jointed and still flexible from my dancer days, I can rotate my wrist 360 degrees without much problem - by stepping over my arm, now butt to butt with my fistee, I can continue the turning in the same direction. Stepping over with my second leg, I return to facing my fist-bottom and can still complete the rest of AN ADDITIONAL 360 degree turn. 19 out of 20 fisting bottoms seem to go nuts over that! And then of course, I can reverse direction and do it again the other way, bringing myself back to where I was. During the session, Clayton went from fucking me from behind to sitting on Rod face while I blew Clayton or kneeling so Rod could blow him and I could rim him. Anytime I went for deeper penetration, Clayton went behind me again so I could assure eye-contact with Rod. We played several more hours in various combos and I headed home, promising to come back for both more group play and one-on-one's with each hot man. The following Tuesday, I got to do so with just Rod - I arrived at about 11AM - this time Rod took care of the party favors. We blew clouds, had a bit of G, did booty bumps and began a day long session. It was a wild day - though I fucked Rod on and off, most of the time I spent as a top I spent fisting since he was so delighted with last time. I was in his unbelievable hot muscle ass up to my elbow on my right arm, and just past my elbow on my left. And I got both hands in at the same time past the wrist. In exchange, Rod fucked me pretty frequently with that big thick cock of his. And get this... he gave me four loads. FOUR LOADS. I kid you not. Since I spend more time in most sessions topping, I don't get to be bred too often. So, even once is special... but FOUR? There were a few large group parties in my long career of man-sex where I was bred three times, and once or twice four... but always by different guys, never four loads from one! And between the chems and the company his huge cock not only didn't hurt, not only felt good, it felt GREAT. We were two happy pigs when I left with promises to return. I hope to rendezvous with Clayton soon, and get them both not too soon after!- 11 comments
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The second part of my real experiences that came about because of my work in real estate – to be fair, this doesn’t happen OFTEN, but being a realtor has afforded me a number of unexpected chances to play - even more frequently than my OTHER career, performing. So here's a few more of the hotter sessions that started out as "just work". RENOVATION CHEMMING. A number of times, bumping into the workmen who are doing a renovation at one of my listings has turned into a hot scene in hot surroundings. One of the first of these involved a colleague named Kevin who was a “flipper” of condos along a stretch of the “Gold Coast” in Jersey, from Fort Lee to Hoboken. This guy had me coming to meet him at his latest purchase in a tower building facing Manhattan. Now, I did know he was gay prior to heading down there, but wasn’t aware he was a real player. I arrived earlier than expected, but since he’d said he’d be there with the workmen “all day” I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t have the front desk call up to let them know I was there because I knew the unit number already. So when I arrived it was a bit too soon and Kevin was not quite prepared when I arrived. I tapped on the unit door, and apparently, one of the workers thought I was there for something else as he peeked around the doorframe. It was obvious he was not wearing much if anything. He winked and gestured me to come in. Kind of an honest mistake, as I WAS wearing a leather motorcycle jacket, jeans, and engineer boots, but I do that a lot in Fall and Spring in the NYC metro area – it’s an accepted enough look, especially when heading to a construction project! I looked around and raised my brow and smiled, which was when Kevin noticed me, and whispered “Diego, that’s my REALTOR”. What began to ensue was a certain amount of panic – trying to turn off porn, find clothes, put away incriminating items… I felt bad I interrupted, and was honestly a bit envious, so I pointed to a bong that was poorly hidden behind a chair and mentioned that “if that’s Miss T you’ve got in there, I’ve had a hell of a morning and I could use a hit.” Well, THAT certainly slowed down the panic, and worried looks changed to smiles and laughs. Kevin looked at me and said “Didn’t you get my text?” I shook my head “no”, looked at my phone and shook my head again. One of the other guys held up a cellphone and said “Yo, Bossman, you forgot to hit SEND…” all the while busting out laughing. Kevin looked abashed and started to stammer, until the same guy said, “look at his jeans man, he’s into it, no harm…” “I’m sorry,” Kevin began. “I meant to send a text asking you to come late afternoon”. it was now barely 10:30. “You’re really cool with this?” he asked. I laughed and looked around. “Of course I am, especially if I’m allowed to join in” I replied, then asked, “That cool with you guys?” Kevin looked amazingly relieved, and then looked me over again, appreciatively. “Hell yeah, get naked.” I said I would but wanted to run out to my car and get my play bag that I always keep in the trunk. I was back as fast as humanly possible, perhaps faster, and started a quick strip. As I pulled out my leather harnesses, metal cockring and such, the talkative guy, Lonzo, said to Kevin, “oh yeah, he’s into it… looks like he’s TOTALLY into it!” The bong was brought my way, and a torch applied. I breathed in slowly but for a long, long draw and finally let out a huge cloud. It was GOOD stuff too. For me to feel that much on one hit proved that. I was encouraged to take a good number of hits while the guys appeared to be starting to get back into the activities I had interrupted so unexpectedly! Kevin beckoned me to follow him as I looked from side to side at the construction project well underway all over the unit – with tarps and sawhorses and some exposed framing here and there, it was actually a damn good and hot play space. “What a great space and what a nice way to do business,” I said to him. “I wish every new client-meet turned out this way. And damn, your stuff is REALLY good. I’m half-way there already.” Kevin agreed that it was very good product, and that he got only “the best” for his workers, it kept them loyal and coming back to work for him over and over. I imagined that it would. He led me to the bathroom, which was by far the most renovated in the entire place, and had a huge shower already hooked up with a sure-shot. “I don’t know whether you’re top, bottom or between,” he said, “but everyone’s ass gets played with in our groups, so please clean out. Here’s a dick pill and a pipe and torch to help out, that cool?” I told him it was and that I was versatile, and pleased about that rule, and set about getting ready. As he was about to leave, he said, “oh, and if you’re into it, don’t waste piss in the toilet, we have a few watersports fans…” I assured him I would and got down to business getting ready. Fortunately, it was a quick cleanup, a brief rinse under the shower, and drying off I opened the door. I put my leather on, put my package through my favorite metal cockring, took the pipe and torch and headed back out. At Kevin’s suggestion I put my boots back on, just like all of them. When I got to the living room area, the guys were kicked back, kindly waiting on me to really start going at it again. There were two large laptops running bareback porn, and lube, poppers, Max Impact, and some bongs and other paraphernalia in view. I looked around the room; Kevin was a white guy with dark hair and handsome face, lightly hairy average body with a little middle age spread, and partly hard cock that was not particularly large or thick, but his ass was a work of art. Lonzo was the only one apparently taller than me – either Italian or Hispanic, big chest and arms, great legs, big weapon swinging below a hairy torso with a slight beer belly, and a beefy butt. Diego, the kid who answered the door, was young, Hispanic, smooth pretty much all over, thin but wiry body about 5’6”, nice cock for his size and adorable little ass. An Irish guy - and I mean FROM Ireland - just shy of my height, incredibly pale, muscular, tatted, several piercings, low hangers below a normal size dong was sporting a shaved all over skinhead look that was pretty hot. And finally, another guy from Eastern Europe – scary hot green eyes, hot daddy soccer player type, lightly furred with a thick cock. This looked better and better. “Pull some clouds, dude” said the Irish guy handing me an even bigger and more intricate water bong. I started to melt the contents of the bowl while I said: “You saw my cloud earlier guys, I’m a singer too, so I have huge lungs… if anyone likes shotgunning, I’m good at it.” Several of the guys took me up on that, so I got to lock lips a bit with most of them including my host. We were all stroking our cocks – and others – getting our motors running for some great partysex – or in their case, a continuation of it! Little shots of G were handed out, while mouths found cocks and nips, and I took advantage of Lonzo leaning over while he put down the tray of shot glasses, and sunk my tongue into his hairy hole. He wiggled a bit back my way and I started to go to town on his beefy butt, causing my cock to start to plump up, but not get fully hard as the blue pill hadn’t quite kicked in yet. “Hold up just a minute and you can go back to that anytime,” he said, as he called us all over to take our shots. When I do it I always have to take a couple of good rips on the pipe to make sure I keep a “healthy balance” between my two letters of the alphabet. Diego took that opportunity to start sucking my rod, and started bringing my soldier to attention. “Right,” said the Irish guy, brandishing a long needless syringe like a thinner turkey baster, “if you want to be fully part of the crew, you gotta’ get initiated. Bend over the scaffold.” There was a sturdy looking paint scaffold – thick planks secured to several sawhorses with some tarp covering at just about waist height. I bent over leaning my elbows on the thing, and presented my butt. Diego scooted under me and resumed work on my cock, while the Irishman crouched behind me and stuck his tongue up my hairy hole to loosen me up for a booty bump. Ever get rimmed by someone with a tongue piercing? It’s awesome, and not only did this guy have one but he knew how to use it too… fuck, he was good! I moaned at the two oral assaults, wishing I had somewhere to put my mouth and tongue. Then I felt the cylinder of magic pressed into my hole and the bump was pressed into my hole. “Clench” I heard from behind me and did so while the guy ran his tongue and piercing and lips all around my cheeks and taint and the back of my balls, while Diego continued his magic on my cock. “Boss, could you get me ready”, said the hot skinhead behind me, as he followed with “unclench” and dove tongue first into my now relaxed hole. I saw my client/host/new fuckbuddy Kevin get on his knees and start sucking that pale cock while its owner went to town on my pulsing bud. The G, the booty bump and dick pill all seemed to kick in at once, and I was feeling amazing. Through my legs I could see Lonzo and the Euro guy had stopped 69ing and came over to watch, dropping a bottle of poppers and a Max Impact spray and cloth in front of me on the scaffold. “Take a quick hit before he nails you,” was whispered in my ear. I sprayed the cloth and started to suck it in, when the tongue on my butt disappeared to be replaced by a feeling both warm and cold – the head of his uncut cock and his prince albert. Fortunately, it was a thicker gauge so it did not cut going in. There was some discomfort at first, but hands tweaking my nips, Diego lapping my hard cock and the entire scene was so hot, that it faded pretty quickly into a very hot fuck. He wasn’t super-hung, a bit smaller than me, but his cock and his piercing felt really good, and I was super turned on by how his long, hefty ballsack swung back on forth and slapped me each time he pumped me. “Yeah, fuck that daddy ass, Devlin,” I heard someone mutter. At least now I had a name for the Irishman, one more to go… Euro guy pulled one of my arms up and popped up onto the scaffold spreading his legs so I could suck his cock while I was being fucked, I went to town swallowing that thick pole and enjoying it, before he rolled back some and then pulled himself back to the edge, presenting his pucker for a salad tossing. I dove in with gusto, it being a very favorite activity, and as usual, my cock got stiff as a board. Apparently this was a signal to Diego, who stopped sucking me. Being young, flexible and short, what he did next should have surprised me. He got on his feet in a bent-over crouch and backed up onto my cock, which entered him with almost no resistance. Oh my god, pure nirvana – my ass, cock and tongue were all performing their favorite jobs. Taking a quick breath and Max Impact hit, I noticed the entire party was now part of one scene, as Euro guy had laid fully back, 69ing with Kevin, while the “bossman” was plowed by Lonzo’s big dick as Lonzo balanced on his knees on the opposite edge of the scaffold. Damn, what a hot scene. Devlin’s strokes started to get faster and more punishing, and he grunted “Hope you wanted this load!” seconds before he blew off strongly in my ass. What felt like waves of sperm must have been flowing into me from the way his cock shaft was pulsing. He pulled out a bit too fast and I gasped, while Devlin dropped behind me and stuck his tongue up my hole to reach his own juice. It was incredible, but after another minute or so, I tapped Diego on his flank, pulled my mouth off hot Euro hole and said, “I HAVE to straighten my legs!” I eased out of Diego’s hole and stood up flexing my thigh muscles and going up on my toes for a couple of times to stretch my calves too. Devlin and Diego pushed me towards the Euro hunk and his now perfect cock height vulnerable hole on the edge of the scaffolding. My cock slid in like it had been pumping this channel for years, not the first time. The beefy daddy legs went up over my shoulders while Kevin continued to blow him for a few. Kevin pulled up and got off the scaffold saying “we need some more hits” quickly bringing the bong over. “How’s his rod feel in your hole, Caz?” said Kevin as he held out the bong for us both to take hits. Caz. Short for Cazamir, it turns out. Nice to finally know. “He fucks good,” came the deep growl from this hot construction guy, with a definite accent. “Then the boss gets next dibs,” Kevin said. I made out and shotgunned with Kevin as we blew a few more clouds and I fucked Cazamir, then he quietly let his boss take his place and I pounded Kevin hard the way he begged me to. Then it was time for me to take a break on a couple of cushions that were under the tarps. I watched the porn, blew some clouds, sucked down some hydration, and shortly Lonzo pulled me forward, rolled my legs back and began furiously tonguing my hole, searching for the Leprechaun’s gold, no doubt… he then sunk the most sizable cock in the room into me and began a nice fuck. Shortly, Diego came over and sat on my face, while I licked his boy hole and he made out with Lonzo. As the afternoon progressed, I would eventually fuck everyone there for at least a bit, and was fucked by everyone except Kevin and Diego, who apparently were strictly bottom guys. I got into some fisting with Devlin and Caz, their holes blossoming open for me as we gave them some enormous stretch – I love those trashy hot Euro guys – and watching my technique, Kevin made me promise to come back and help train his hole to accept and enjoy a fist. I promised I would. Toward the end of the session, a hot water sports scene ensued in the most unfinished room – the floor was covered completely wall to wall with rubber sheeting that went up the sides a bit (the space had to be a large walk-in closet or pantry or something, with guys getting wet down and sprayed by each other, and guys swallowing chempiss or taking it up their cumholes, eventually all down on the floor rolling and sliding around each other with mouths, cocks, nips, fingers and holes all being used indiscriminately. W/S isn’t always my favorite thing, but I can certainly get into it, especially with guys who really enthusiastically like it – and this scene was by far the hottest ever W/S scene I’d experienced up to that time, or for that matter, since. Any time I met with Kevin for playtime after that, either alone or with his crew, at a work site or in his own place, there was always an area for that rubber sheeting, and he loved nothing more than to be fucked while he and his partner and anyone else were soaked and slippery with chempiss. It was, I’ll admit very hot. Sometimes, the shower clean up afterwards could be ALMOST as hot as getting messy in the first place….
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(First attempt at a story. Be gentle. Based partially in fact. Somewhat embellished) Part 1: Reginald I got a text from Reggie today out of the blue. "Can u cum over?" I've taken his load on many occasions. Hot black guy who only really likes to fuck white guys. A lot of the time I can't say yes because I'm married and my husband Timothy doesn't know I fuck around behind his back. Today, though, I was absolutely saying yes. Timothy was at work all day, and i was home bored and horny. What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right? Reggie ordered me to get to his place asap. I knew he expected me to be ready to take his load. He shoots huge loads that fill me up and make me feel complete. Of course I would beg for his load. When I got to Reggies house I stripped to my jock and went to work getting his dick hard. He's taught me how he likes it. I want to do a good job for him. I want to make him feel good. I always try to please him in any way. While I sucked, he started loading the Tina pipe. I hasn't had any of that in a while. I've been teetering on relapse. Now all I wanted was to follow the clouds into a world of sexual experience. He got me really spun. He didn't hit the pipe at all. He just kept encouraging me to do a little more. Finally I put the pipe down and refocused on his cock. I wanted to beg him to fuck me right away. I'm always impatient. Reginald doesn't like it when I beg, so to please him I just worship his cock and try to get him turned on enough that he wants to fuck me. Reginald picked up his phone and started videoing me giving him head. I had told him once that he could record me but onky if he was careful not to snow my face (I'm cheating on my husband for God's sake). He likes getting my face on camera though, and I want him to keep giving me his loads, so I let him do what he wants. Usually he fucks me doggy style, which is my favorite. This time he on my back and had me lift my legs in the air exposing my jock strapped ass to his camera. "Fuck yeah faggot. My group chat loves when I send vids of you. You have fans. You ready to show them how much you love getting fucked by a black man?" The Tina really does mess with my judgment, because in the moment I didn't see anything wrong with anything going on here. Reginald finally fucked me. He didn't disappoint me. He knows how a white faggot needs to be fucked. As he fucked me on my back, with the camera still pointed toward me, he asked me questions? "Why are you here instead of letting your husband fuck you?" "Besides me, who do you cheat on your husband with?" "How often to you smoke Tina?" Each question I answered honestly and ccompletely. Each answer, Reginald recorded on video that alternated between my face and his big black dick going in and out of my hole." Somehow, in my spun state, none of this bothered me. Finally one last question: "Do you want my cum faggot? Tell me how much you want it." I shouted my need for his cum with visceral emotion. I did need it. What I didn't realize is the sequence of events this would put in motion.
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I always suspected that I liked cock from a young age, but I did everything to push it out of my mind. Still a virgin at age of 18 went off to do my military training. I always waited until all the other guys in my platoon had finished showering and then would go shower. sometimes while showering a guy from another platoon would come shower, and I found my cock would start to get stiff especially when i would take the odd glance and see the guys cock hanging. It was not until my last 6 months in the military did I realise I wanted cock so bad. One event is forever etched in my memory. My platoon had just returned from survival training, and of course everyone rushed to the showers. I waited as usual, and then when I thought everyone was done went to shower. As I took off my clothes and was stepping into the shower, one of my buddies from my platoon entered. He undressed and came to shower next to me, initially unaware of the impact he was having on me. Fuck, he was gorgeous, muscular body, uncut cock, not too huge, but i could see veins protruding on the shaft, and for some reason this turned me on. My breathing became more shallow and rapid and i was doing everything I could to keep my cock down. Then it happened he leaned over to borrow some shampoo, and our cocks touched, and our arms. Oh shit it was electrifying, he could feel the electrical energy and seemed stunned. I quickly jumped out the shower, grabbed my towel and made a hasty retreat for the tent. I got there , fuck my cock was so stiff. Everyone had gone for supper. I started to dress, feeling shocked and confused. I had my back turned to the tent entrance, and my lilly white bubble butt was exposed. I heard rustling, and turned slightly around, and it was my buddy. oh fuck, I thought he is going to rat me out as a queer. I ignored him and carried on dressing, I just managed to get my underwear on with my uncut bulge protruding very obviously, and then i felt from behind his arms around me, and he was whispering something in my ear which i couldnt make out. His breath was warm and titillating in my ear. But my attention was on something hard pushing in my butt cheeks. Fuck its his cock I realised, so hot and hard. I tried to turn around to see, but he was much stronger than me. His arms had gripped my arms so tightly from behind. He whispered now more loudly in my ear, you know we both want it, it doesnt make us queers. I stammered er want what, what are u doing? And now with his arms and powerful legs he was forcing me to the bed. I flopped onto it on my stomach, lying there feeling so many things at the same time. Then I felt his muscular body on top of me, and I could now feel his cock so hard and his mushroom cock head pulsating as it search for my hole. Oh shit, he found it. I could feel that thick cock head pressing against my virgin hole. He now had his arms under my chin, his legs were forcing my legs open and he whispered to me, i have wanted your ass ever since i saw it, and now I am going to breed you and fill your hole with my cum. Then he started kissing me, while simultaneously that cock head of his was pushing. Things were racing through my mind, what if we get caught, what if he hurts me, fuck it was getting sore. Then he got off me instructing me not to move, I just lay there. All I could feel at the moment was my stiff cock and precum oozing out. Shit i was horny, but also terrified what he was going to do with me. I felt the weight of his body on me again, I could now clearly feel his low hangers lying in my crack and the spongy cock head. Then his hands back around my neck, he put a little bottle in front of my nose and held one nostril closed and said breathe. I sniffed the vapour and then again from the other nostril. Oh shit i suddenly had this warm feeling all over me and i could feel my hole opening and closing. I felt myself making involuntary movements of my ass and thinking I want you to fuck me. He then held the small bottle to my nostrils, and he said take it deep. I sniffed deeply and as I did this, I felt his cock head slip into my hole. Oh shit, the pain, I was feeling confused it was so sore, but i wanted it. As I clung to that little bottle and got wasted, I could feel his thick shaft going in. He was breathing weirdly, and i realised that it would not be lomg before he shot his cum. so he worked my hole slow deep moveents becoming longer each time, now he was thrusting his cock in and out my hole. I could feel his balls banging against my ass, and i was saying to myself, fuck me give me your seed. His point of cumming happened very easily, next minute he pulled his fat cock out and I could feel his body shaking as cum was shooting on outside of my hole. he then grabbed his cock and fucked his cum into me. i could hear splishy sounds and I realised that he had filled me with his seed. I could feel him removing his cock from my hole, some cum was oozing out, he quickly scooped it up and put it into his own mouth, and then started kissing me, sharing his cum with me. He then told me to lie on my back, and then he came to straddle over me, his balls in my face, and said clean my cock. I cleaned every bit of cum off his cock. He now replaced the butt plug in my hole and lay down next to me, looking absolutely spent. I was still coming to terms with what just happened and oh yes I wanted it to happen again. For the remaining time that we were in the military he serviced me every single night, quite often more than once. He would often spoon me, his cock deep inside me. I loved that boy so much now. Every week he would introduce me to new things happening. It was from him I learned the thrill of being fucked anonymously. He taught me the pure ecastacy associated with the feel of another mans cock on your cock. He taught me how to dock and the difference between wet and dry docking. One of my favorite memories is when he came home from work, he had a metal rod (flat )sound and greased the entire rod. He then, started to push the rod down his cock, He got me to mount the other side of the rod so we fucked that rod till our cocks touched.. i just love the feel and when our cock heads touch. After I left the military, I never saw him again, and i managed to convince myself that it was a once off thing and would not do it again. But as we all know that yearning aching for another man does not go away. One day while teaching at a tertiary institute, a black student came up to me after my lesson to ask me something. I just happened to look down and i got a quick glance of his package, it must have been huge, i could see full outline of one massive thick cock. This was my trigger, I needed a cock and cum straiight away. I searched through the personals in the newspaper of men seeking men, and came upon a guy who does massages with happy endings. What he also did was some light cock and ball torture. I still remember driving like a lunatic to get to him, my zip undone and my cock put in the car. He was a tall slim man but had a massive cock. I lay naked on his massage table and i got my first intro to cbt. He tied up my balls, and then started to lift me off the massage table by my balls. fuck it was amazing. I was on tip toe with my balls and sac pulled up holding me, and then he put his cock into me and pounded me like that. he came deep in me and then fed me some. It was sweet having mixed with all my juices. This session seemed to satisfy me for a while, but of course cravings came back. This time however i wanted to have my cock in a guys hole. i found easiest place was at a sex club, and so 3 times a week i would visit a club and breed whoever through the glory hole. I love it anonymous and something exciting about fucking someone you do not know. I developed a real love for assess and specifically assess on young men, men who often had a daddy fixation. I found every opportunity to fuck a hole and breed. Now as I have got older the desire to be a bottom is almost overwhelming. My fantasy is to be pinned down on a bed and then fucked by huge cocks and filled with their cum. Tomorrow im off to see a young guy who has an amazing curved veiny cock, and he is going to pump me full of chem cum. Can hardly wait. My new adventures as a bottom begins. I fucked this ass so many times and filled it with my cum
Why? Please don't. Granted, the comments here are not the norm, but isn't a bad place to be exposed to different people's perspectives. Two things to perhaps consider first: 1. Are our libidos so fragile that any serious discussion arising from our sexuality is an instant kill-joy? Mine is definitely robust enough to hear a thing or two that makes me think from a different perspective, and still bounce back, probably better for the experience. 2. If this country, if our society, our community is ever to heal from the things that have been done in our name or from which we still benefit or which were done to us and upon which the world we now inhabit is based, if that's possible (and we all hope it somehow has to be) these are exactly the places that these conversations need to take place: everywhere, every single where.
It was late on a Friday afternoon, the work week was over, and I felt like letting loose and having some fun. While waiting for my dealer to arrive, I got cleaned up and cleaned out, then took half a dozen hits on the glass pipe. For once, my dealer was right on time, fixing me up with a nice fat 8ball, so I was ready for the weekend. After I pulled on a black jockstrap, my bare assed chaps, and my boots, I decided to check out my favorite bar. I like it because it’s a large space, with high ceilings, and it has a patio that’s perfect for cruising. The place draws a very masculine crowd, and it has a well deserved reputation for attracting men into PNP. I tied a long sleeved flannel shirt around my waist, to cover my bare ass, and off to the bar I went. I was leaning back against one of the benches that line the back wall, casually watching a game of pool, when I saw this guy walk in who caught my eye. Even though he was dressed like he just came from the office on casual Friday, wearing Dockers and a Polo shirt, he gave off a strong vibe that he could very likely be a hot prospect. It didn’t take long for me to find out. After he ordered a beer, he stripped off his Polo shirt, then his Dockers, folded them neatly, and laid them on one of the bar stools. He looked to be around 40 years old, had large hands, a broad chest, a great tan, and obviously worked out regularly. Now, he was wearing just a pair of tight black cotton briefs that really showed off the curves of his muscular bubble ass. I could see why he had positioned himself at the end of the bar. It was the perfect location for him to rather discreetly expose his big, thick cock and show it off. As he occasionally took a pull on his bottle of beer, his other hand pulled on his cock, and it quickly swelled to impressive length and extremely impressive thickness. He certainly had my attention. Most of the time, he looked straight ahead, but, once in a while, he would look my way, and flex his cock, making it jump. It certainly looked like an invitation to me. After a few seconds, I got up my courage, walked around the pool table, and stood right next to him, at the bar. He raised his beer, in salute, told me his name was Tony, then he asked me what I was drinking. He bought me a bottle of water and another beer for himself. I couldn’t help but notice how large his pupils were, so I knew that he had been partying, too. Before long Tony said that he really needed to take a piss, and he asked me if that was something I could take care of for him. I knew exactly what he meant, and I said, “Yes, Sir.” He had me follow him out to the patio where he positioned himself in a dark corner. Without saying anything, he placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down, so that I was on my knees, in front of him. Immediately, a lot of men gathered around to watch, as he pulled down the front of his briefs and flopped out his still semi-hard thick cock. As soon as I took his big helmet head between my lips, he let loose with a flood of warm chem piss. There was nothing I could do but keep guzzling it down, as fast as I could swallow, until he was completely drained. My stomach felt extremely full, and he voiced his approval, impressed that I was able to take it all. I knew that it wouldn’t be very long before I would be the one who needed to unload. Sure enough, not more than 10 minutes later, I felt like I was going to explode. We went back out to the patio where Tony spotted a Dad and his young boy, both dressed in full leather. He asked the Dad if his boy was into chem piss. Without answering the question, the Dad put the boy on his knees, in front of me, and I blasted what seemed like an endless stream of chem piss down the boy’s throat. When I was finished, the Dad told his boy, “What do you say ?” The boy looked up at me and said, “Thank you.” Walking back inside the bar, Tony asked me if I ever slammed. I said, “Yeh, a few times.” He said, “Good. Let’s get you recharged.” With that, we both went into one of the restrooms that was supposed to be for only one person at a time, and we locked the door. Tony pulled out a small zippered pouch from his pants pocket. He tied off my upper arm, and found a good bulging vein, which he swabbed with an alcohol pad. After pulling off the cap with his teeth, he slowly slid the needle in, pulled back on the plunger, got the flash, then completely depressed the plunger. Very quickly, he removed the tie from my upper arm and pulled out the needle. I pressed 2 fingers against the crook of my elbow, and held my arm over my head, as I coughed loudly, and a tremendous rush began coursing through my body. Tony said, “How you feeling, now ?” Between rapid breaths, all I could say was, “holy fuck !”
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Part 1 This is the story about the time I went to Sacramento, California for a work meeting, and had the time of my life! My name is Ricky, I am from Washington (State) and was working for a major healthcare provider, 24 years old, 5’10, 160 pounds, fit build, 6.5 uncut and just thankful and happy to have a secure stable job in high demand. I had also been parTying on occasion since I was 22 and loved it, but kept it discreet and rare. So in June, I was told I needed to fly down to Sacramento for a 3-day training. I was excited to go! I had never been to California and was looking forward to it! While I made my travel arrangements, I had the thought I should take a few extra days off and stay there. Explore and see what kinda trouble I could get into. The company allowed us to take extra time, I’ll I’d need to do was pay for the room for a few days, the flight was all paid for by them! With that I made my flight arrangements, and paid for the extra nights in the hotel at a discounted rate! I needed a break from my boyfriend, taking care of my younger siblings (our mom passed away suddenly when I was 22 and I became instaparent) and just all the stress that living in Washington brings. I got my A4A, and BBRT account set up and was on the hunt to set up some encounters while I was there. That’s when I came across a profile on A4A which practically made me drop to the floor with lust! His name was Scott, he was 38, POZ, and parTyed! I shot him a message and asked if he’d be interested in meeting up. He replied immediately with “fuck yeah boy! I wanna breed that ass!” 🤤🤤 That sent a chill throughout my body and I swear I was in love! He was everything I never knew I always wanted! He had the most beautiful blue eyes, 6’2”, 200 pounds, dark blond hair, 9” cut cock and a muscular build! I replied back with “fuck yeah, I’ll do anything you want!” So we set up a time and place to meet. My work meeting was Monday morning through Wednesday afternoon so we agreed to meet at the Arden Mall Wednesday evening, just to make sure we liked each other in person. Everything was set and I was excited, but I also was feeling a slight hesitation. I am a very bad boyfriend when it comes to being faithful sexually. I had already cheated on my boyfriend so many times I lost count, and secretly parTyed. That was hard to do because he used to parTy before we met so he could identify it easily. For two years I had been able to keep it from him 😈 I had taken so many POZ and unknown loads before, mainly at Steamworks and Club Z in Seattle while spun but they were all undetectable (so they claimed), Scott was POZ and unmedicated. That turned me on so much, because low key I wanted to be part of the brotherhood but still had never converted. I quickly pushed the hesitation out of my mind and decided that I wanted Scott to be the one, to be my daddy! For the next few weeks we exchanged several messages a day, discussing what we were into, what we wanted to do together, and before I knew it I found myself catching feelings for him. my boyfriend and I only fucked a couple times a month, so to cover my tracks I seduced him on Sunday afternoon and we fucked (with a condom 🤮). Poor guy was uncomfortable fucking BB (did he know I was a cheating slut?) and insisted on wearing one. Once that was over I packed my bags and he took me to SeaTac for my evening flight. We get to the departure zone, and before I get out of the car he kisses me and tells me he loves me. I kiss him back and instinctively tell him I love him too. He’s a good guy, but so vanilla… A good, wholesome daytime boyfriend you could introduce your family, friends, and coworkers to. Little did he know I had a dark, sexually thirsty dark side I needed to explore and fulfill. I walk into the airport, check in at the Alaska Airlines counter, and go through security. As I go through the line, I catch the eye of the TSA agent who gives me this subtle grin. Maybe he saw the poppers in my bag as it went through screening. This man was probably about 30, 6’ a solid 220, deep blue eyes and jet black hair (my FAVORITE combination)… I hand him my ID and ticket, he looks it over and smiles at me. my heart melted! He hands them back to me along with a piece of paper. I quickly stuff them in my pocket, get through security and hop on the train to the D gates. Once I’m there I pull the piece of paper out of my pocket. On it there was his name, Martin, his phone number, and “You down for a pump n dump before your flight? Text me!” I am always down for a pump n dump! Before leaving home I had prepped myself just in case! I quickly texted him “fuck yeah where can we meet?!?!?!?” He replied with “Boy turn around, I saw the poppers when scanning your bag and I followed you hoping you’d message me! There’s a discreet handicapped bathroom with a locking door around the corner, meet me there” Sure enough, I turned around and there he was! We locked eyes and he gave a slight head motion to the right, turned around, and started to walk towards the handicapped bathroom. I felt like the vampires in twilight when it comes to their speed and quickly rushed to follow him! Around the discreet corner I met him. He grabbed my hand, led pulled me into the bathroom, and after we entered he put a sign on the door that said “out of order” and locked it behind us. Once inside he grabs my hands, pushes me up against the wall, and kisses me so deeply, so passionately! He said “boy, the moment I saw you in my line I got hard knowing I wanted to breed you, gift you with my seed… my POZ seed!” I almost melted and said “fuck yeah daddy, I want you to load me up and breed me!” As we’re passionately kissing, we pull each others clothes off and standing there, each wearing NP jocks. His was black, mine was red. Just above his throbbing 8” cock was the tattoo I had come to love, the biohazard symbol! I ruffle through my bad and pull out my poppers. He turns me around so I’m facing the wall, he gets down and eats my ass, practically tongue fucking my hungry, hairy hole. I take about 8 hits of poppers, 4 in each nostril and am begging him to breed me! He stands up, spits on his cock, and pushes it against my hole. “You want daddy’s POZ cock don’t you boy” he whispers into my ear. “Fuck yeah daddy, breed my NEG hole” I whisper back. “You on PrEP boy?” he asks? “No daddy, I want to join the brotherhood” I say. I take a few more hits of poppers and push back on his throbbing BB cock and he pushing forward into me. Suddenly I feel him slide in. My hole was already pre lubed with the hope I’d get fucked soon. He slides his 8” fat python cock into me balls deep. He holds it there for a moment and whispers into my ear “that’s daddy’s good boy, a nice lubed up slut ready to take my BB load!” His cock had just the right curve to where he was pushing up against my prostate and I start to drip PC like crazy! His right hand grabs me by the throat, his left hand pushing my back into the wall, he pulls almost all the way out, then rams his cock back in! I let out an indescribable moan of pleasure, and he starts fucking me. “Ohhhhhh fuck, fuck me, harder daddy, yeah, use that NEG hole to satisfy you!” “Fuck yeah boy, this ass is MINE! Fuck, it feels so good! That’s it, push back hard on daddy’s dick! Milk that POZ cum out of me” He then starts piston fucking me for about 15 minutes then releases his right hand from my throat, grabs me by the hair and forced the side of my face info the wall while still using his left hand to push my upper body into the wall. He is ramming my HARD and I start to feel him tense up and growl as I push back hard on his dick. Finally I felt him start to shoot his load in me. As he’s doing so, my semi hard cock shoots a fat load right onto the bathroom wall. That caused my hole to tense up and clench around Martins dick, milking it as hard as I could, which only made him shoot more POZ seed into my thirsty hole! By now, we’re both panting like animals and he keeps his dick in me, his sweaty chest on my sweat back. He pulls my head around with his right hand and kisses me. “Fuck that was so good, this is the first time I’ve ever shot hands free” I say. He looks over and sees the waterfall of cum I shot into the wall. He scoops some up into his mouth, swashes it around in his mouth, swallows it, then kisses me. By then I feel his getting soft and ready to pull out of my hole. I clench as tight as I can when he finally pulls out, milling every last drop out of him as possible. When he finally does, he turns me around, grabs my hands and holds them over my head while he kisses me. My body is practically shaking, I’ve never felt so satisfied in my life! He whispers into my ear “Now you’re mine boy, always and forever. When you come back, I’ll be waiting. Your new life with me begins next week. I will allow you to keep your job, stay in contact with your family, and let you provide for those who depend on you. At the end of the day though, you’ll come home to me, your new daddy. I’m POZ but not currently medicated. I’ve waited years to convert the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and that’s you!” All I could do was look him in the eye and say “yes daddy, I hope you were successful in knocking me up!” He said “good boy, now get dressed and while you’re in Sacramento, take as many loads as you can. When you come back we’ll go to the Poly clinic in downtown Seattle and have a special test run to see if the DNA from POZ load I gave you matches mine. If it does, I’m your daddy, if not, I’m your step daddy. Either way, you’re mine. I know where you live, where you work, and everything else about you.” With that, he gave me a passionate kiss, got dressed and left. Told me to wait a few minutes before I walked out too. And, that his load was to stay in me. I happily agreed and said no load I take ever leaves me. He gave me this evil grin and walked out. I got dressed and walked outa few minutes later. Then waited in line to board my flight.
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Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of my soul... High heels and lip-stick, watching the snow-bunnies dance in my head while doing cocaine enemas. I beg the Whore-Goddess to reward me with a steady supply of powder and hard bare sex for dead presidents to spend on my best friend Tina and more silicone injections to please whoever i'm calling Daddy at the moment as he and his friends use all my holes and shoving crystals in all my holes... When the party is over I look down at my 36E tits, fishnets, and thigh high boots and try to remember how I got here and where it will end. Then, in a cold sweat, I jerk myself up off my bed and think... FUCK, what an awesome dream! Reach over and grab the glass pipe and put the torch flame to it and blow an amazing cloud signaling it is time for this slut to get my ass into my leather skirt and halter top and hit the bars to find tonight's party favors!
SF Chem Slut Fuck Pig Bottom in Sacramento Thursday 11/11 - ?
Guest posted a topic in San Francisco / Oakland / San Jose
I'll be in Sacramento later this week (Thurs 11/11) looking for a hosting cloudy top(s) to use my ass. I'm sleazy, wild to very wild bottom pig looking for fun, aggressive tops (alpha's) who get off using a partied-up, cock-hungry, pig hole hard. Into long, sweaty, connected cloudy fuck sessions. I like sex on the wild side, pushing limits (yours/mine), and rough/hard (give/take) verbal breedings. Into anon scenes and loads, adventurous pigs who get off on degradation, uninhibited group play, and fantasy exploration. Uncut cocks, old fuckers with big swinging dicks, redneck/trashy pigs, trucker dick, wasting poz dads, & sub tops that I can use as hard. I can be a sadistic fucker who will give as good as I get. Kinks include: - Verbal/Rough Alpha Tops - Restraints / Bondage - Forced Chem Play - Choke Fucking - Spit / Piss - Slings - Cock Pumpings - Ripe Pits - Group Fucks, Bathhouses/Sex Clubs -
I'm looking for an aggressive man to manhandle and discipline me (over the knee spankings to start)...slam me and fuck my slave cunt....for long sessions.
Anyone in GA?
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This fun, sleazy, and slutty bottom will be taking dick and raw loads all evening tonight (Sat, 12/12) beginning at 5 PM at the Bay Bridge Inn San Francisco. I'm 40, GWM 6ft, 210, 7.5c, bearish, mild to very wild, pig bottom with few limits. I love cum in my hole, and my ass can really take a pounding like a champ! More details, pics and videos of me on my NKP profile: fuckhardsf Come for a pump-n-dump or stay for a longer, connected, breeding session. All hard cocks and loads are welcome. Message me to coordinate and get room details.
Cum Dump Taking Loads At San Francisco Bay Bridge Inn Sunday 11/29
Guest posted a topic in San Francisco / Oakland / San Jose
2 fun, pervy, sleazy pigs (1 bottom & 1 vers) looking for top fuckers to cum seed the bottom's hole this Sunday evening 11/29 at the Bay Bridge Inn. All breeders are welcome. Anon is great. The bottom can be blindfolded and ass up ready for you to use his hole. Sleazy, piggy, pervy a + but will take your load regardless of your scene. Message for room info. -
versmetropig posted a blog entry in Blog versmetropig
AS I STATED IN PART ONE OF THIS MULTIPART EXPERIENCE: Most of those who’ve read my real life “party” experiences may know that I’ve kept a “sex diary” since I was a teen-ager coming out in pre-AIDS New York City. This multi-part entry tells about the longest party weekend I’ve had in all my years back in 2006. I had started to tell this story on another now defunct site almost 10 years ago, but the notebook of my experiences from that time went missing when a friend borrowed the whole set and returned it with one book missing. He found the misplaced notebook just this month while doing a closet overhaul to relieve Corvid Cabin Fever. I will post it as I finish typing and editing, in several parts. PART 3 - FRIDAY MORNING FOG The bulk of the guests had departed as Kieran, Adam and I helped Jimmy clean up, while Lou and Vice put the office back in order, downloading a few things onto a USB drive. We all took a quick rinse in the playroom shower – except Vice who Jimmy let use the upstairs shower so as not to be too “uncomfortable” in the locker room style shower with the rest of us. So as we walked out into the early grey morning as I mentioned at the end of Part 2, there was some “what do you want to do?” type stuff going on. Adam was going to Manny’s so they could continue to wreck each other’s holes for a few hours, until the high wore down and they each needed to get ready for their shifts later. Actually, Manny had let me know I’d be welcome to be their third before he left the party, and Adam had agreed. But despite how hot these two pigs were – and the fun I’d had with each in the past – I also knew it would be a session focusing on getting those two ravenous holes full of as much of ANYTHING as we could, and I’d be serving more as a facilitator than an equal participant in that triangle. Wasn’t really what I wanted at the moment, and I also felt responsible for getting my Fratboy home to his hubby at our Guest House. So Adam wished us all a fun day and took off into the fog towards Bradford Street. Meanwhile, Lou had been distracted by several messages he got on his phone since the party wound down, and he looked up after listening to his last message. “Gotta handle a little down chain distribution issue, need to head up cape for a few hours,” he said. “Alone” Vice looked a bit taken back as Lou threw an arm around my shoulder and addressed me. “So, J-man, no worries, I’ll be back by mid-afternoon, text you, and I’ll stop by your room around 4pm,” he said to me, chuckling. ”Yeah back at T-Time.” “I’m not coming with?” asked Vice. Lou shook his head and said, “definitely not, can’t have you in on this one”. “Fuck. I understand yo, but where do I hang meantime? Can I have the keys to your crib and crash there ‘till you come back?” Lou shrugged and said “Vice my man, you KNOW nobody is allowed in there if I ain’t there too. I trust you boy, but I just can’t do that… can’t go to your Aunt’s house? Ain’t your uncle just headed to the boat around now?” Vice snorted and muttered “fuck that, no…” Just then it began to drizzle. Lou looked over at me, “so J-daddy, you think you could let my man here crash in your room until I get back? I’ll make it worth your while…” he said, as he waved a bag at me and winked. “If Vice doesn’t mind that we’re gonna continue the sex games for a while, that’s cool with me.” Vice shrugged and nodded yes. Lou grabbed my neck and laid a wet one on me whispering in my ear “thanks – now keep working on his barriers” as he slipped the baggie into my pouch. Lou took off into the drizzle and gloom also towards Bradford and the final three of us started a brisk walk and turned onto Commercial Street. I gave Kieran and Vice a better introduction. Kieran asked why Vice had stayed in the office all evening. “Vice generally doesn’t work our side of the street and the rules were everyone had to flip – even if he was cool getting blown or something, he certainly wouldn’t be bottoming.” Vice was blushing, but nodded then admitted sheepishly “My bitch is outatown, and Lou had me party a bit with him and Jimmy and J here – did some wickie freaky shit I thought I’d never do, but getting my ass reamed or my face fucked was just too much, you know?” Kieran nodded “Makes sense, I guess – well, I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but if you feel like repeating what you DID like before with us now, I’d be down with that.” Vice pursed his lips and nodded his head in the affirmative. “Besides,” I put in with a smirk, “listening to all that sex noise for the past 4 hours you must need to blow a major load or two.” Vice chuckled and replied “man, you don’t know the half of it.” Conversation shifted and Kieran and Vice bonded over hockey, both having played through high school and both being huge fans of the Bruins, and switching to baseball to include me, not without a lot of ribbing about being a Yankee fan surrounded by Red Sox territory. We were bit of a strange trio as we walked – not that Provincetown isn’t quite used to seeing Leather Men returning home at 6am – just not usually accompanied by a guy in basketball shorts, socks and slides, and a white B.U. hoodie over it (loaned to him by Jimmy). Vice had his ball cap on under the hood, and pulled the hood down as far as it could go and still let him see as he periodically looked around us from side to side. “Fuck, I knew this could happen…” he cursed under his breath as he pulled us into the alley by the Lobster Pot. “Let me know when those two guys with the green jackets are gone… fuck, fuck, figures…” I stepped back towards Commercial Street and leaned against the side of the Pot, pretending to be fiddling with my phone. They were obviously local fishermen, one older one young, who took no notice of me as they continued down Standish to the fishing pier. After they were well past, I slipped back and said they were gone. “Jeez that was close,” Vice muttered. “Looked like fishermen… friends of yours?” I asked, all innocence. “Not friends, family… my frickin’ bastid of a uncle and my bass ackward cuz.” Peeking around the corner again, I added “who you’d really rather didn’t see you out at dawn with two tricked out leather fags, I suppose?” “Don’t be like that man, turns out you guys are really chill, but they’d never get it – I’d never hear the end of the shit they’d give me for that – totally nothing against you, ya know?” Both Kieran and I nodded and smiled as he continued “see, ‘at’s why I couldn’t hang there – showing up as they were headin’ to work, them knowin’ I’d been out all night and obviously a bit fucked up? Hell, they’d make up shit to accuse me of… and my Aunt would just sit there clicking her tongue at me, shaking her head, while she burns through a half-a-pack of unfiltered Camels…” The kid sure had a way with words – couldn’t wait to write some of this stuff down! “Let’s get a move on then,” I said. The chatter on the last few minutes of our damp walk shifted back to sex and some of the wilder stuff Vice had seen us doing on the computer monitor and times when the door was opened for a while. Fisting, for example was just overwhelming to him, astonished it was even possible, let alone fun. Still, Kieran and I traded a silent smirk at the tent in those basketball shorts. We finally reached The Ranch and Vice let out a laugh and shook his head, “never thought I’d see the inside of THIS place…” as I keyed open the outer door and we crept in quietly. Heading to the stairs I sent the two of them ahead of me and stuck my head into the tiny office where one of the house boys yawned while watching a vid without sound. “Could you drop some extra towels up to room 21, Karl?” I said to the German ex-pat, “we need to dry off some leather, and there won’t be any left for showers otherwise.” He nodded an affirmative as I moved quickly up the stairs to catch up, letting the guys into my room, where Vice let out a sigh and pulled the damp hoodie off. “Let’s keep the mood going,” I said as I pulled my water bong and torch from the inside of the nightstand drawer, adding some crystals from the most recent baggie from Lou. Melting the crystals carefully, I let the pool recrystallize while the three of us started removing our wet items and laying them out on the towels already in my room. Sparking the torch again, I took a huge rip and indicated to the guys I was ready to shotgun – and amazingly, Vice got there first! I passed the flame and glassware to them and booted up my laptop setting it on top of the dresser facing the bed and put on a porn dvd (extreme low volume) that was a compilation a friend had made up and given me for just such an occasion. A mix of gay bareback scenes, a few amateur partying vids, and a few clips that started out with bi scenes and a T-girl scene or two which hopefully would be enough of a turn on for Vice without turning me or Frat Boy off. He and Kieran were almost naked sitting side by side on the edge of the bed passing the bong back and forth and shot-gunning, though not really making out, not yet at least. I took the bong back for a hit and returned it to Vice as I brought out a couple of types of lube and maximum impact and a cloth, plus a roll of paper towels. Indicating the bedside drawer, I said “pipes, more T, vitamin V, a bit of G are ready in the drawer, “accessories” in the open suitcase…” I indicated the roller case laid flat and open on the floor of the closet displaying toys, cockrings, and more leather. “And the cooler has Gatorade, yogurt and some fruit… hydrate bois!” I had nothing left on me except chaps and so bending to pull out a large bottle to start us off, I gave the boys a full view of my muscle butt framed in black leather. “Fuckin’A, there’s that hawt friggin hole again,” growled our captive straight boy as I continued pulling out a few refreshments replying “I guarantee you’ll like Kieran’s butt as much if not better than mine – and he’s a lot younger too.” “Doubt it man, but hafta’ test it out…” Just then we heard wind and heavy drumming on the window. “Holy cow we got back just in time,” I said looking out the window at what was now a howling downpour. “Supposed to last all day and tonight,” Kieran said then smacked his lips. I turned with a smirk to see Kieran on his knees swallowing Vice’s uncut linguica as the tradie stud sucked down some more clouds. Kiernan switched back and forth from my cock to Vice’s as I sucked in a huge hit and leaned over to shotgun. That was the moment there was a quick tap and a voice saying “towels” as the door opened a crack and Karl slipped inside. “oh, yes… that’s a sight,” he whispered as he made sure the door was closed behind him. Putting the towels down, he surreptitiously ran his thumb along the bulge in his running shorts while eyeing us and the pipe with hunger. “Please, if I may, I’ve been alone on shift all night – would you allow me to partake?” Wondering where he learned his very formal style of English, I passed him the bong, and held the torch for him as he took several good long draws. As he slowly blew out his third cloud, he looked around at us with a guilty looking smile. “I waited an extra few minutes hoping to find you like this… forgive me, but you are all very hot. My shift ends at 7am and I am free until the afternoon. Feel no obligation but would you be interested in one more?” The three of us suddenly looked like buyers at a BMW lot as we scoped him out – I couldn’t have said it then (since the movie hadn’t been made yet) but he kind of looked like a compact version of Kristof from “Frozen”. In his string top and shorts he was chesty, with nice arms, killer “soccer” legs and butt, tip of a fat uncut dick peeking out from the shorts. Ice blue eyes, buzz cut, smooth and vascular with the whitest white skin ever. Hell, worked for me. “I’m up for it,” I said, “but I have to see if my guests agree. “Totally,” that was Kieran, who looked up from his cock work at Vice who just chuckled and said “why the hell not?” I looked back at Karl and smiled, “Unanimous, come back when you’re done… oh, you know us, but this is Vice – now Kieran and I are both verse but he’s our straight pal, just having some fun with us today, so he’s top only and the only thing that goes near his ass is tongue. Period. That cool?” Karl nodded yes, “That is hot,” he said looking at the local stud “I hope you will fuck me.” As he took another long draw from the waterpipe, I held up a crystal and lube saying “booty bump for the road?” Karl bent showing his magnificent ass, and applying lube with my pinky, I then slipped the shard in, “might burn for a minute or two, but that fades quickly… see you in 15 minutes or so.” Karl said “20 minutes – I am cleaned out but want quick touch up shower.” He slipped out the door with a wink. “Dang you guys are a panic – is it this easy all the time for you guys?” “Yes,” I said exactly at the same time as Kieran was saying “No.” Laughing, I mumbled “well I’m older and I have absolutely NO shame.” “Ya know before we get started, I need to run back to the room, drop my stuff and leave a note for my man in case he wakes early… otherwise you got me until 9:30 or so.” Pulling on the jock he left in my room last night, he bundled up his sneakers, shirt and shorts and cracked the door. “Back in a flash!” “He can go out there like that?” Vice asked as I was loading more into the bowl of the pipe. “No problem, the place is clothing optional on the upper floors. By the way, just so you know for later the bathroom and showers are right next door to this room so you can slip right over there wearing as little or as much as you like.” The kid just laughed shaking his head, indicating ‘mind blown’ with his hands as I melted the crystal for us. “I’m so glad you showered at Jimmy’s” I told him as I held the torch and bong while he drew. He raised an eyebrow at me saying “Oh?” on his exhale. “Yeah,” I replied “so I could go back to where we were before.” Taking a long pull, I handed him the stuff while holding the hit, got behind him, having him lean and spread his legs some, then dropped to my knees got my face in his crack and breathed that cloud into his hole. I followed it with my tongue, and both of us moaned. “Why ya’ think I took the shower?” he laughed. “Was hoping to get more of this.” It was as good or better than the afternoon since we were both ramped up. Kieran slipped back through the door, “nice, keep doing what you’re doing.” He dropped a bag with his key, poppers, rubber cock rings and stuff on the dresser and picked up the pipe and torch. He turned Vice at an angle from where he had been leaning on the dresser and dropped to his knees in front of that uncut cock, while I was still behind chowing on that hairy hole. Sparking the torch, Kieran said “Charlie’s still totally out, left him a note, and yeah, supposed to storm all day and well past midnight…” I heard the water in the bong bubbling, and pulled out to say “meaning it’s a day and night to have fun indoors, what will we do?” Snickering, Kieran passed the pipe holding his hit and fondling that meaty cock, I drew my own hit, and winking K and I simultaneously clouded Vice’s cock and hole. “Awww…” was all we heard for a while, then “died and gone to heaven.” We spent a few minutes oral double teaming the stunned stud, until I needed to stretch my neck. Sitting back on my haunches, I looked at them “time for you to start you ass comparison, man.” I directed Kieran to his knees on side of the bed, and told him to show his hole. “Get his cock hard and wet, while I get your hole ready.” Vice knelt on the other side of the bed getting his cock sucked while I stayed on the floor rimming Kieran’s hot hole… after the fucking we’d all had during the party, he really didn’t need much prep, but hell, I wanted some rim time before Vice slipped in. Finally, I barked “Batter up!” Chuckles as Vice got off the bed and I heard the Max Impact spray from the direction of Kieran’s head. His hand slipped the can and cloth in my direction, and I took a whiff myself as I watched those hairy satyr legs step up to that frat hole, and the whisper “slide me in?” With a quick lick to the hood and head, I maneuvered that straight boy cock into that beautiful jock hole. Admiring for a few moments the two sets of balls swinging against each other, I tongued the junction of dick and hole for a minute, then slipped away once they’d adjusted to the position and Vice began to fuck in earnest. Damn it looked hot. Standing, I just watched for a minute, as they got into a rhythm and both began to mutter and moan. “Dude, up here, my mouth is lonely.” Getting up on the bed, I knelt in front of Kieran and he swallowed me whole. That boy sure knew how to suck! We got into a nice groove and I was pleasantly surprised when Vice reached up with one hand and tweaked one of my nips! “Am I doin it right?” he smirked at me. “Damn dude,” I replied, “yes, yes you are. Thank you.” “’S only polite,” he breathed. “Yeah, suck that man’s tool, dude – hot boi takin it from both ends.” Kieran’s eyes widened and looked up at me as he sucked, showing his surprise at how far this straight guy was getting into it. “Fuckin’ yeah, can’t choose which hole is better, gotta test it more.” He started to really pound for a minute, then altered his style by twisting his hips on each downstroke. Kieran looked like a happy fulfilled pig. We were in this configuration when Karl tapped and slipped into the room. “Mmm… latch the door?” said Kieran pulling off my cock for a second. “You guys keep at it and I’ll start welcoming our new guest,” I said, getting off the bed.- 5 comments
- 12
Jamal was hard in his jeans as he knocked on the apartment door, his mind awhirl with arousal and anticipation. Replaying in his mind the conversation he'd had on Grindr earlier that day with a white dom (who on the app used the nom de plum BOIMAKER) he'd been talking back and forth with for almost a week now: Are you ready for tonight BOY? This white cock is hard and hungry for a black hole to fill! Fuck yes Master, this boy can't wait to be your slave. I'm hard already. Hard and ready to obey. To be a slutty black slave, whose only thought is pleasing your master cock with whatever hole you desire, Like a good boy should be. When I'm through turning you, molding you, nigger, you'll never want to be anything else. Just a slave. A slut. A hole. The man followed this exchange up with a closeup cock pick. White, uncut, massive. Jamal's idea of heaven. You'll just be my nigger hole. Good for nothing but getting this inside him. The 26 year old black man could already feel the white cock inside him, using him, claiming him. The white stud debasing him. The dark skinned young professional had always been submissive in bed, but there was something about raceplay that really turned him on. Maybe it was the [banned word]. Maybe it was the hot white cocks. He'd always had a weakness for white men, particularly bears and cubs, he loved the feel of body hair on his smooth black skin. The give of their soft bodies that belied the muscles hidden underneath. The very thought of them dominating him, controlling him, owning him... What had been a fantasy had over the years become his obsession. And as he waited in the silence following the knock announcing bis presence to his Master-to-be, a little voice whispered to him, Dark truths he could not quite yet accept. Maybe it turns you on because you know it's more than mere fantasy, a quiet voice whispers from the corners of his subconscious. Maybe it turns you on because you know where all black boys belong: serving at the feet of their white betters. Because you know what all blacks truly are: beasts of burden, not meant to have wills of their own. So when the door opened, and a thick young cub opened the door in a wifebeater and thigh hugging latex boxer-shorts, his arms thickly matted with curly black hair, Jamal nearly came on the spot. He could give his soul to this white stud. "M-m-master!" The black man stammered, "I am here to serve." The young man, no older than 20, eyed Jamal with a hungry sneer. His pursed pink lips and arrogant expression framed by closely cropped black stubble. He looked down at the 9 inch bulge straining Jamal's jeans. "Look at you boy, even your cock leaps to a white man's bidding. We're gonna have fun tonight ." "Yes Master." "Take off your clothes." In moments, Jamal was naked, hands awkwardly behind his back leaving his hard black cock jutting prominently from his muscular frame. Even between his massive thighs, balanced from behind by firm, dimpled ass cheeks, it was clear his endowment had few peers. The white man cast an appraising look over Jamal, gray eyes betraying nothing before he commanded him yet again. "On your knees, you black faggot. I want you to crawl over to me." Jamal eagerly sank to his knees, and crawled over to the center of the room where his Master stood. His eyes never left the massive bulge beneath the cub's hairy muscular stomach. The boxers left none of his foot long cock to the imagination. Its impressive length, and girth evident from how it strained against the material, some sort of latex or spandex like polymer. When he reached the man, the white man grabbed the back of Jamal's head and forced his nose into his crotch. "Sniff my crotch. My powerful white cock. Good slaves should know what a real man smells like, so that they know they will always be boys." The smell was pungent, overwhelming, it was pure masculine dominance. And Jamal felt lightheaded as he inhaled, he was too aroused to think. Every sniff chased the impulse to think furthger from his mind, every independent instinct. He did not need them anymore. He was where he belonged, on his knees. All he had to do was obey. This scent. His Master's potent white musk, was like a drug, a corrective rewriting his very DNA. When his Master pulled his face away from the bulge barely constrained in the Jamal's eyes were vacant, drool pooled at his mouth. Cock, was his only thought, I need that big white dick. "You liked that didn't ya boy?" Jamal's new Master tilted his head up so that his gray, confident gaze consumed Jamal's own, the black boy's sense of self shrinking even more in the strength of that gaze. He felt himself dissipate in the forceful glare, his throbbing, black tool leaking uselessly in his shorts. "Ye'essss Master, love your-yer cock. S-s-smelled gooooood." "And that smell. Your master's smell made you feel good, didn't it boy?" "Yesss." "Made you feel horny and slutty-" "Yesss." "Made you wanna serve me, eh? Turn off your nigger brain and serve." As the white man towering above him spoke, he stuck one, then two, then three fingers into Jamal's mouth, which the boy sucked instinctively. So in answer to the last question, he merely moaned. Black damp spot in the crotch of his jeans spreading. The cub turned to the table behind him, and Jamal saw a pipe and a bag filled with translucent crystals.Though he'd never used it before, he recognized the telltale signs of meth immediately. For a moment, the euphoric haze cleared. He wanted to serve, to obey, to be used, but... hard drugs were dangerous, weren't they? Addictive. Life-ruining. How far was he willing to go for a fantasy? The white man loaded up the long, thin glass pipe with a few sizeable crystals, noticing as he did so the uncertain look in Jamal's eyes. He smiled, the cruel assertive certainty not leaving his gray eyes, "What? Never traveled to the clouds, eh." "I haven't done any master. I knew some friends who dabbled in college and, uh... it got out control." Even as he spoke, Jamal picture himself taking the pipe from his master's hands and smoking it. The smell of Master's cock still in his nose. How hot would it be to debase himself like this? How slutty would he feel, submitting to white cock both inside and out, while in the throes of a powerful drug? "I-I was always afraid of losing myself." He continued, blinking rapidly as beads of nervous, and anticipatory, sweat, beaded on his forehead. "Well that's the idea boy," he handed Jamal the loaded pipe and a lighter, "Slaves have no control. Slaves have no self to lose." The white cub grabbed Jamal by the back of the head and shoved his face into his armpit. "Sniff boy, play with that black cock of yours while my scent empties your mind." Jamal complied automatically, eagerly. The sweaty, mascinline aroma buffeted away every concern, thought and need, but... Obey. Slack-jawed, Jamal barely hesitated as he took the pipe, melting the crystal with the lighter before putting it to his lips. "Suck it deep. Deep and slow." After twenty seconds of filling his lungs, Jamal exhaled a large cloud into the air. The remainder of his doubts exhaled with it. The boy sat back on his juicy black ass, grinning dumbly as his whole body buzzed. His mind was foggy. He felt good... detached from himself, but very aware of every sensation his body felt. He felt warm, electric, open... "Good boy, feels good don't it? Getting high, and obeying me. Serving me. " "Yesss Masser." "Hit the pipe again nigger. Slower this time. Deeper." The cloud billowed out of Jamal's mouth and nose seemingly in slow motion. The warmth spreading throughout him hit his crotch, and without thinking he began rubbing his own black faggot hardon. "Every inch of your black body tingles doesn't it. At the thought of obeying me. Getting high for me. Being used for me." "Yessss." "Take another hit boy. Deeper this time. Slower." He hit it again. Exhaling an even more bilious and voluminous cloud into the air, the familiar tingle grew stronger. The detached sensation he felt was somehow compounded even further by drugs in his system meeting his Master's smell. "Take another boy." He did, and the warmth inside him began to tingle insistently around the ring of his ass. And also deep within his hole. As his glazed eyes fell on the bulge now a mere foot away. The tingle became an itch. "Again." Jamal's vacant pupils were as wide as dinner plates as a billowing cloud of smoke exited his lips. He smiled as he felt that familiar feeling, the odd combo of intense focus and blissfull detachment. Every inch of his body tingled even more insistently as he felt his mind drift on clouds of meth and musk and lust. The itch in his black hole, his nigger hole, grew into a hunger. As if sensing that hunger, his Master peeled the compression shorts off his massive, alabaster thighs and kicked them to the ground, and his pendulous cock hung swinging from his crotch, nestled in a dark thicket of pubes. He stood there, cock looming large in Jamal's tunneling vision. The man did not speak. He knew, with the amphetamine in Jamal's system, and the musk of a superior white cock in the boy's nose. He did not need to. The nigger's own inner desires would do the work for him.
*My first story here. Mostly true, I think, but I was so high l can't be sure. So I'm posting it here. Hope it amuses... My favorite dealer is from a few years back when I spent 4 months in New Orleans. I'd only slammed few times by then and it'd been several months since then. I was bartending part time to keep busy and as a way to meet people. One guy who became a regular for me was a real hot late-30's slim tattooed shaved-head dealer who lived across the street from the bar in The French Quarter. When I was needing supplies I'd stop at his place after my shift where I'd hang out do we got to know each other a bit. I could sort of tell I wasn't his type. But we got along well enough for him to admit his favorite scene was to get a straight customer high enough that he'd let the dealer fuck him. He told me many stories of his successes but he had one new customer that he hadn't been able to close the deal with yet. The guy was our age, dark, hairy, a delivery man for a beer company and straight. Married-with-a-kid-and-another-one-on-the-way straight. But the guy liked his Tina and would hang out for hours getting high and pawing his crotch every time he made buy. It was driving my pal crazy; he was sure he could get into the guy's shorts with a bit of help. I told him an idea that might just get him over the hump and into his hole. And it worked out pretty well. The hottie usually stopped by when his last shift of the week was over, early afternoon on Thursdays. My shift was done at 1pm that day (New Orleans hours) which gave me an hour to get myself ready. By the time he walked in I was already half naked, on my knees and sucking my bud's cock. The guy didn't seem turned off or even too surprised. He just did his business and asked if he could hang a bit and blow some clouds, which is exactly what we hoped for. The guys kept chatting, I kept sucking and we all kept smoking. My pal kind of hinted that I was a bit of a Tina whore who earned my way by entertaining the dealer anyway he wanted. After a bit the dealer slid his hand down my spine to my butthole and started to finger me. Then he took a big rock and slipped it up my hole. The new guy hadn't ever seen a booty bump before but from the sound of it he was unzipping his fly in his excitement. In fact my dealer had me taking his shorts off while I kept sucking him but I got a good look at the guy across the room on the couch. 7" uncut, thick, hairy and juicy. The guy's eyes were black and laser-focused on us, especially when my pal turned around and buried my face in his ass. Well the newbie went nuts over that, said he'd never seen anyone do it though he'd heard of it and always fantasized about a tongue licking his shitter. He dropped his shorts and stood next to us to get a good view. The dealer said, "You should try some of this," meaning me. "He's one high cock-hungry bitch." The dealer grabbed my hair and swung my face in front of this straight, veined, slick cock. I held my mouth open and reached with my tongue for this perfect slab of mancock until the guy gave in and stuffed it down my throat. Pretty soon he remembered my rim-job and turned around. But here's where the next step out my plan came into play. I backed away and said, "Sorry. I'd love to but I only eat clean hole." But the guy was too high and too horned to let that stop him. I mean he begged a bit but I stuck to my plan. Now the dealer stepped in and suggested that he clean up in the shower. I even offered to show him how I do it since I needed a little break. So I took him to the bathroom and introduced him to the shower hose, making it look like no big deal. I left him in there alone and came out to wait for the plan to pay off. After 10 minutes the shower shut off and the guy came out in a towel still wet. But we were ready for him. We had a fresh full pipe to hand him and while he sat back on the couch my friendly dealer surprised him again. He tied off my arm and stuck a full rig I'm my vein so the new guy could watch. He said, "Watch this. He'll do anything we want after this." He then pressed down the plunger and popped the strap. WOW it must have been a big one cuz my eyes went won my and my ears rang and I coughed more than ever before. I guess it was my reward for bringing home the prize. All I wanted was cock and I crawled across the floor to the couch and that last cock I could remember sucking, which was lucky cuz I still had a job to do. I buried my face in his pubes with his half-hard dick in my throat, gagging and sputtering and moaning. My pal then came up behind me and fingered more tina in my hole. The guy on the couch was smoking away on the pipe and groaning as much as I was when my bud pulled his fingers out and stuffed his cock in. One long shove all the way to the bottom. That was my cue to lick down past the guy's balls to his taint and then to his furry cherry hole. I licked, I sucked, I nibbled and I tongued away for a long while I think. I know I had my spit all over my face and dripping off my chin. That's when I started fingering him too. Not much to start but eventually I had a finger from each hand and my tongue in there tasting the pink meat. The guy was groaning and tossing hires had around. I pulled back enough to show my progress to the guy dickin me from behind. That's when he tagged me out and went in for some butt-munching of his own. That was also my cue to slip away, grab my few clothes and the little bag of tina (that in fact I'd paid him for) plus a little sumthin-sumthin unexpected- another fully-loaded rig, I guess to show his gratitude. Gotta love this guy. Thus I left him to his own devices. High as I was I knew I wasn't heading home. I went to the old Midtown Spa, the sleazier of the two available. On Thursdays they rented rooms at half price so all the nastiest men crawled out from under their rocks. Plus a more colorful crowd went there and I loves me some BBC in need of white hole to breed. And I got plenty. Also later I heard the outcome of the great plan. It all went as hoped. In fact the newbie stayed most of the night getting higher and getting fucked. He even showed up at my work one day looking for action. But that's another story.
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