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This article may be well researched and reasoned. But asking why me why I bareback is like asking me why I breathe air, drink water or eat food: pure instinct. Anything else is, by definitition, unnatural.


i believe that it is the natural thing to do and that is what draws us to it. Condoms are completely artificial and put a barrier between us and our partners; thus decreasing the connection we feel. There is no stronger connection then a guys raw cock being in your and giving you his load.

  • 6 months later...

i dunno about anyone else. I got so turned off with using and fumbling around with those fucking befrigged things, that i chose to just NOT fuck for atime. Theres nothing natural about rubbers/there is for sex tho and the primal need to inseminate and make babies. give a good deep DNA shots into the asshole


For me condoms are real dick killers. First time I barebacked I thought I'd pass out it felt so, well, FUCKING GOOD! I was addicted to hot tight slippery, manly/butch holes from the get-go. Also I don't wanna waste my seed in a piece of latex.

  HardhatBB said:
hate rubbers...makes it hard to get inside a guy, too thick here..rubber makes it painful for em. and lack of sensation, and not bieng able to plant a load where it belongs. And when i tried to play safe..btms id rip it off my cock...LOL...so i gave in

my thoughts exactly HardhatBB, rubbers are a mood killer, no sensation and they make my cock go soft everytime, have tried to use 'em but same thing each time so I gave up and went bare. There's no better feeling than natural skin on skin fucking, real men fuck bareback.


I love barebacking, because it feels great, and it sounds good when guys are fucking each others and cumming in ass, mouth and face. But, even tough i love sex without condom, i would rather stay hiv negative and without any other std:s. So thats why i dont reject condoms. Many people dont want bareback sex, so thats why i have to compromise sometimes and when i think its ok to have bareback sex, then ill do it.


I think the answer lies in millions of years of evolution. I don't think that being gay is just a 'gene' gone wrong, but a very, very complex system that took millions and millions of years to get to where we are now, and as part of human evolution gay men and women have played an important role. We are exactly how evolution intended us to be.

Then all of a sudden in these millions and millions of years that got us to this point you suddenly introduce artificial, man-made, barriers between the biological outcome of sex, whether that is male-female or male-male. I just don't think that we can even begin to rationalize or understand why bottoms take loads of cum, and tops give them, when we have been doing this for millions and millions of years. We just can't flip a switch and stop, even when there is a deadly disease that should prompt us to change our behaviors.

I don't pretend to understand why but I do believe that somehow the entire evolution of man did benefit by some of us men being born to want to get fucked anally and also take loads, and other men that wanted to give those same loads that otherwise would have impregnated a women. Maybe we are the outcome of a complex population control mechanism.


Men have had "bareback" sex since we first appeared in evolution -- otherwise, our species would not exist. There was no "bareback" sex until the term was coined during the AIDS epidemic as a shorthand label for sex without condoms, which have been around for a much shorter period. "Bareback" sex is simply sex the way we've done if for millennia.

  • 3 months later...

I'm so old that when I started getting fucked so called safer sex was not invented. Then AIDS and HIV came along and most of us gay men got so scared that we donned rubber every time we had sex, even with our boyfriends. I know I did. Thinking back upon it I regret all the loads I missed but maybe that is why I'm still negative. Now a days I really don't want to get fucked with a condom but I still try to be careful. My attitude now is that I want the load deep in my pussy. It is such a physical and mental high. But I'm very discriminate and reserve that high for my boyfriend and some regular fuckbuddies.

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