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Wanna Avoid/Reduce STDs? Try Monolaurin

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Some of you may have noticed ads on here in December/January that were for a site that promised "safe" condomless sex. If you followed the link it was a infomercial-ish narrated animation with a cheesy straight Las Vegas bartender talking about all the girls he's fucked and how he avoids STDs. It was a very hard sell that was simultaneously very obscure (it says a lot about straight guys that a pitch like that would work on them). After watching the sales pitch I wasn't really clear what it was they were selling. Turns out it was an e-book.

I bought the e-book and it was about as high-quality as the sales pitch. A number of you bought the e-book, and the sales were showing up, but then all of a sudden the sales just stopped. I've been around the block a few times when it comes to online sales/promotions and clearly they just stopped paying commissions, so I took down the ads. After the sleaziness of the sales pitch, I wasn't surprised they stopped paying.

Anyway, they took something like 40 pages to say that monolaurin (a "good fat") can protect you from STDs (and other stuff). One of the best sources of monolaurin is virgin and extra virgin coconut oil. Monolaurin is also found in breast milk - but that's much harder to come by ;) The e-book made it sound like monolaurin could protect you from just about anything. It felt a lot like a snake oil sales pitch. Needless to say, I felt weird about promoting them 'cause I didn't trust them. So I ordered some Lauricidin - I hate the taste of coconuts, and Lauricidin is basically refined coconuts - to the point where there's just monolaurin and no coconut flavor. (Instead it tastes like soap - apparently soap is largely fat - so it's all sort of connected and makes sense).

So here we are 6 months later. I had a fair amount of sex at MAL, and there were two very slutty weekends, plus my normal sexual activities. There was one time when I thought I had gonorrhea - I did take a Cipro or two trying to get rid of it - but that's not the recommended treatment. When I went in and got tested it came back negative. And I tested positive for herpes in the last few months - doc says I got it sometime since last July, BUT I've never had an outbreak of herpes.

I've been in communication with another guy who bought the e-book and he's had similar results. He'll think he's caught something but then it goes away and when he goes in for STD tests he'll test negative for STDs.

So the e-book was wrong in many respects - you'll still catch stuff. BUT it did touch on a possible truth - you seem to catch fewer things when you're taking monolaurin, and when you do catch something monolaurin seems to fight it and in some cases appears to be able to get rid of it without drugs. And my experience suggests that it may be able to control herpes outbreaks.

Bottom line, if you want to reduce the number of STDs you have, try monolaurin either in the form of virgin / extra virgin coconut oil or Lauricidin. One scoop of Lauricidin daily seems to be sufficient. I was taking 2 a day, but when I scaled back it seemed fine. And the guy I'm in contact with just takes one scoop. We're not talking about anything weird or toxic - it's all stuff that's found naturally in our diets - it's just a matter of pumping up your intake. In fact a few months ago the nurse practitioner I was seeing told me my good cholesterol was a bit low and suggested I get more oils in my diet. I had just ordered Lauricidin so I described it to her and she said "that would be perfect".

If you also bought the e-book and have been experimenting with monolaurin, please let us know your experience with it…

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Hey Raw- can you mention where you are getting the lauriciden from-- is it a Whole Foods or GNC type product, or are you having to mail order it in from a supplement company? If you are doing a mail order or even, Whole Food- maybe an average price paid would be helpful for those of us who are frugal ( yeah, OK - cheap) and do price shopping comparisons all the time ?

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Hey Raw- can you mention where you are getting the lauriciden from-- is it a Whole Foods or GNC type product, or are you having to mail order it in from a supplement company? If you are doing a mail order or even, Whole Food- maybe an average price paid would be helpful for those of us who are frugal ( yeah, OK - cheap) and do price shopping comparisons all the time ?

lauricidin.com but I saw it available on amazon as well. I think it's cheaper in large quantities on lauricidin.com, but cheaper in small quantities on amazon.

If you don't mind the taste of coconuts you can get (extra) virgin coconut oil at your local grocery store. I think it's basically a paste and you have a big spoon full every day or something.

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I'd be more inclined to call it good luck. I used coconut oil as a lube in the seventies and didn't get significantly fewer STIs, including HIV. However it's an amazing lube as it's liquid at body temperature (the downside being that it's absorbed very quickly). Much as I like coconut based eastern cuisine, I think I'd barf at having to eat an entire spoonful.

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Easy on the coconut oil too, especially if you're getting on a bit in years or have or are prone to heart problems. It's really high in saturated fat, much more so than just about every other vegetable oil out there. It's actually worse than cooking with lard, and we all know what the best use for Crisco is LOL.

HIV and STDs ain't the only thing you got to worry about after all....

Edited by MascMountainMan
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Easy on the coconut oil too, especially if you're getting on a bit in years or have or are prone to heart problems. It's really high in saturated fat, much more so than just about every other vegetable oil out there. It's actually worse than cooking with lard, and we all know what the best use for Crisco is LOL.

HIV and STDs ain't the only thing you got to worry about after all....

That's HIGHLY debatable. People are looking at fats differently now and monolaurin is seen as a good fat. In fact more and more nutritionists are saying that a very low fat diet is not healthy. I think if we were talking about massive doses of monolaurin you'd have a point. But a tiny scoop or a tablespoon of it every day isn't all that much.

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