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I love Christmas, that special time of year when the decorations are up and everyone is so full of joy, but the main reason I love it is that because of my age, my powerful build and my deep baritone voice I get employed as a Santa, it’s a handy bit of pocket money.


So that’s where this story kicks off, I was working at a small shopping centre, chortling and doing the ‘ho ho ho’ bit as countless times before as a bratty girl sat on my knee asking me for a pony, after her mother took a picture she jumped off and ran off with her mother, the next was another girl, the plain unimaginative dress and neat hairstyle denoted devout Christian or some other religion and that was further confirmed by the way her mother was dressed, however my attention was stolen away by the very cute blond teenage son that stood just behind his mother, I guessed him to be about 18 and though he was short and dressed in a very repressed kooky conservative way I could see that he would have a fine athletic physique underneath those dreadful clothes, I also saw the way he looked at my bulge.


The girl sat on my lap asking for the starving in Africa to end and that peace should reign over the earth, I swear I had to stop myself from yawning as she chattered on about helping the needy, finally I realised she’d stopped, “Ho Ho Ho what lovely sweet wishes for Christmas my dear, what a good Christian you are!” as soon as I said that I could see the look of pride beaming on the mothers face “but you must wish for something for yourself?”, the girl looked shyly at her mother who sighed and nodded as the little girl became animated asking for a new dolly. 


The girl jumped off my lap and I turned my attention to the lad “come and sit on Santa’s lap son”, the kid blushed bright red croaking “I’m too old for that” however much to his chagrin his mother insisted and he looked so deliciously uncomfortable as he walked to sit on my lap, his eyes darting to my bulge again


He sat on my knee and I tentatively brushed my fingers over his small firm round arse, though he stiffened he did not say anything so I took the lead and as I chortled “and what do you want me to give you for Christmas little man “I squeezed his little firm bum.


While his mother and sister were giggling at the pictures they had taken I discreetly whispered “I finish in an hour or so boy, come back then for your present”.


I saw him about 15 mins before my finish time, furtively hanging about, shyly looking away when I looked in his direction. “ho ho ho, its time for Santa to go to the north pole now, Merry Christmas everyone”, there were the usual claps and whoops, I stifled a yawn thinking ‘arseholes’ as I made my way round the side of the unit, I looked over my shoulder seeing him standing about twenty feet away, gave him a jerk of my head and went inside leaving the door open.


I took off the beard and hat rubbing my short salt and pepper beard, before removing the Santa jacket and padding leaving myself wearing just the red trousers held up by braces and boots on, I scratched my stocky hairy belly as I heard the click of the door close behind him “you took your time boy”, I turned to look at him, the lad was visibly shaking “I didn’t want anyone to see me”, I smirked “and did they?”, he shook his head “I don’t think so”, I unzipped the fly on my trousers tugging my fat cock and balls out before sitting down and spreading my legs, I lit a cigar “c’mon boy suck my dick that’s what you’re here for”, he licked his lips but stayed still shuffling his feet “I’ve never done it before”, I slapped my forehead, trying to hide my excitement at getting a virgin “well no time like the present to try it son” and clicked my fingers “NOW!”


I smirked as he obediently walked over getting on his knee’s in between my legs and held my rapidly growing cock in his smooth little hand, he stared at it for a moment and then tentatively put his lips on the end of it, I grinned “that’s it son, that’s what you need” as he became animated and literally sucked on my cock like hoover, I rested my hand on his blond hair giving him encouragement  and instructions on how to suck a man properly, he caught my cock with his teeth only once and a slap to his sweet little face ensured he didn’t do it again.


I settled back smoking my cigar and swigging brandy from my hip flask luxuriating in the sloppy wet tongue job my cock was getting from his inexperienced mouth, I looked down catching his blue puppy dog eyes looking up at me “when I cum boy hold it in your mouth until I say so”, he nodded and went back to sucking in earnest, I made a mental note to write a letter to Santa myself thanking him!!


When I did cum it was a nice big load as I’d not wanked off that day, I filled his mouth so much that some of it did dribble out over his chin, as I put my cock away I smiled “hold it there boy”, “open your mouth and show me”, he opened his mouth showing my spunk swimming round in his mouth and over his tongue “good boy, swallow it now”, as he gulped it down I got up and put my jacket back on wondering how I was going to him back again.


I handed him a toothbrush and toothpaste “clean your teeth so your mother does not smell my spunk in your breath”, as he cleaned his teeth I admired his pert little bum wiggling and then it dawned on me “want a job as my elf son?”, he nodded furiously spitting out the toothpaste in the sink “I’d love to but I dunno about my mum, she’s a bit”, I interjected “repressed?”, he blushed nodding as he smoothed out his hair, I patted him on his bum and pulled him close to me “don’t you worry about her son, go find her now and bring her to me, I’ll talk her into it”, as he left I asked “what’s your name boy?”, he grinned at me “Noel”


He scurried out, and I did wonder if he would follow through but just to be on the safe side I sprayed the unit with air freshener and dressed myself as respectfully as I could possibly do, and then for an extra touch I put my copy of the good book on the side table.  I was obviously very pleased when he brought her back, seems she was overjoyed at the idea of her son earning some extra money, unemployment was rife in the area and when she saw the bible on the side she was even more keen.


I explained that I did not work on Sundays as it was the lords day, well that’s not entirely true I never worked on a Sunday due to drug and alcohol fuelled Saturday nights, she nodded in earnest agreeing with me but I then added “of course young Noel needs to be fitted out in his costume and instructed in the workings of the grotto, I can tell you’re a strict religious woman but would you consider allowing Noel to receive training tomorrow so that he can start work on Monday?”, she was undecided at first but then I lifted the bible up stroking its leather surface “I know it’s a lot of ask but its so unusual to meet such good Christian people who understand the true meaning of Christmas”, with that she elatedly blubbered  “he’ll come after church tomorrow morning!!”, as they left I winked at Noel, he blushed and as the door closed I opened my hollowed out bible and took a good few swigs of brandy from the bottle secreted in there as I checked my stash of Tina humming to myself ‘have yourself a very merry chemmed up little bum boy’

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That night I did not go out, I wanted myself alert for the next day, the next morning I’d picked out a nice elf costume for Noel and though it was maybe a little risqué I knew he’d wear it with a little bit of encouragement, I dressed myself in my Sunday best and sat waiting resisting the urge to light a cigar, drink some brandy or fire up the meth pipe.


At 11.34am exactly Noel turned up along with his mother she was relieved when she saw me “I thought you did not work on Sunday but when I saw the Santa out there???” I stopped her, “unfortunately my dear lady, commercialism does not  but recognise the ways of our lord “ I sighed “that is a colleague, an ungodly man, but the stores insist on a Santa everyday” I lowered my head “it’s not right but what can one do?”, she rested her hand on my arm “I completely understand” adding “may I leave Noel with you, he will do whatever you say”, I nodded ushering her gently out of the door “of course my dear lady, do not worry I’ll take care of him”


I closed the door locking it, I walked across the room getting a cigar out of the draw lighting it up and started to undo my shirt, “don’t just stand there boy, take off your clothes”, I sat down groping my cock through my trousers as he shyly stripped off, folding his clothes as he went until he stood in front of me in a pair of old off white y-fronts “those too son”, he blushed as he pulled them down and off.  He stood there like a little short Adonis, he was indeed beautiful to behold with a nice smooth lightly muscled body he stood covering himself with his hands,  I stood up and walked round him “hands behind your head boy”, he hesitated as first but a swift slap to his peachy rear made him put his hands behind his head, I fondled his sweet six inch thick penis “that’s better boy” as he groaned and squirmed as I massaged his hard little prick and furry little balls, before tugging on this pubic hair “this needs to go”, I could see his emotions wave over him as I added “that’s if you want to suck my cock again son?”


He groaned in anticipation as I sat him on the chair slathering his pubes with shaving foam, not being a stranger to shaving boys I did it expertly until his cook and balls were as hairless as the day he was born “is your crack hairy son?”, he fidgeted a bit “no Sir”, I raised my eyebrows “really?, show me”, he looked a bit scared but he raised himself  up settling down so his legs were over the arms of the chair, his arse was deliciously smooth, like a plum, his voice was trembling “is it ok?”,  I took a lick at it growling ”its perfect” before burying my tongue deep in his arse crack.


I love the shock and surprise a boy has when a tongue first flicks over his arsehole, and Noel was better than expected, he shrieked “oh my god”, I grinned “like that son?” he squirmed and panted as I stuck my tongue right into his young arse “oh god Sir yes I love it!!!”, I savoured the fresh taste of his arse, I detected a scent and taste of soap as I tongued him, he was trembling playing with his cock “I never, never, oh my god forgive me”, I pulled my tongue out of his quivering boyhole “don’t you dare cum yet boy”, he groaned letting go of his cock, “that’s a good boy”, “you finger youself boy?”, he blushed nodding, I chuckled “show me”, Noel slowly licked his finger before putting it down to his smooth young hole, pushing his middle finger into himself moaning as he wanked himself with the other, I grunted slapping his hand  “no wanking boy, just pleasure your arse”, he obediently let go of his cock, he looked so cute his eyes clearly needing approval  as his finger slipped into his hole and he started frigging himself, I nodded “good boy” and smiled down at him at I picked up my tub of Tina laced lube, “that’s a good boy, here use some of this”, he looked at me quizzically “I’ve only used spit before”, I chuckled “this is much better than spit son”, he scooped a glob up as I grinned “show me how you do it son, go on just for me”, he rubbed the big old gloop of lube onto his hole “like this Sir?”,  I had to control my voice as I whispered “very good boy, now finger it in, show me “ and just like that the kid chemmed himself up, I had to puff out my chest in pride, who wouldn’t?

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