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Hey guys, if u missed chapter one it can be found at https://breeding.zone/topic/33550-new-city-new-story-bisexual-chapter-1/
Warning: This chapter contains use of drugs, explicit sexual details and more. This should only be viewed by consenting adults... and if you don't want to see this stuff, why are you on this site?????
In part 1: new kid on the block, we met Aidan, a tall blond scruffy white stoner-type teen with blue eyes, wide shoulders, tight abs, bubble butt and bigger than average dick who dropped out of high school, got his GED and took to the road to gain some life experience and become a writer. After a few months of bad jobs, cheap rooms and no direction, Aidan found his was to Denver where he got a job at a bookstore and befriended his trainer at work, Liam, a recent college grad with brown hair, green eyes, athletic build, large Dick, and a lot more life experience. Aidan and Liam are practically inseparable, despite the fact Aidan has never met a guy who is openly bisexual before. Having been raised by a pastor and college theology professor, Aidan led a somewhat sheltered life, even though he and his parents have always had open minds when it comes to sexual orientation and lifestyles. One night while they are out at a bar, Aidan convinces Liam to tell him one of his wildest experiences, so Liam tells him about a time in college when he and three of his friends gang banged two girls. Once the story is over, Aidan tries to find a place to jack off and ends up catching Liam getting head from some girl at the bar. With little encouragement, he joins them and feeds his load to the girl while Liam tells him what happened after the gang bang with one of the guys. Aidan takes the girl home with him and the two of them fuck all night. When she goes to leave, she asks Aidan if he wants to try Tina the next time they play, and he doesn't know what it is. Her response: "Ask your friend."
Chapter II: new experiences make better writers
"How did it go last night ABs?" Liam asked his buddy, combining his initials to make a nickname that also referenced his muscular torso. Aidan had become used to the moniker and had even begun to enjoy the way it made him feel: special. He answered Liam, as they ran the track at the nearby rugby field, by giving him the entire play-by-play in exuberant detail, embellishing certain details for effect and glossing over certain particulars including the moment they fell out of bed and breaking the towel bar in the bathroom by trying to put the girl up on it. jogging to a stop so they could catch their breath and stretch, Liam slapped his pal on the back and congratulated him. As they were about to start up again, Aidan grabbed Liam's sweaty arm and pulled him to the side of the track for a chance to find out something that had been bothering him for hours.
"Dude can I ask you something?" the younger of the two asked, looking around to be sure he couldn't be overheard.
"Of course bro," Liam responded, moving in closer while pulling them both a little further off the path, sensing his friend was about to ask something that wasn't fit for public ears. "You can always ask me anything, you know that. Hell after the shit I shared with you and a bar full of strangers last night, I'd be offended if you didn't feel like you could ask."
"Cool Lee, it's about something that bitch said when she was leaving this morning," he paused and looked around one more time. Sure he was not going to be overheard, he continued quietly, "when I asked her what she wanted me to stock in case I had her over again, like booze and pot and stuff, she said something about...tina?"
"What's your question ABs," Liam said after a minute waiting for the boy to ask something specific. "You need to know where to get some or what?"
"No, well maybe, but what I need to know is..." embarrassed to ask, he looked away and said the rest very quietly. "what is it?"
"what did you say?" Liam leaned closer, not hearing Aidan's request.
"What is Tina?" Aidan said a little louder, causing Liam to smile and chuckle a little, before asking if his teen friend was for real. "Yeah I'm for real. I have heard of Molly and x and that stuff, but I don't have a fucking clue what Tina is. I was going to look it up online but until my internet is installed the only places I can do it are at work or the library and I didn't want to be arrested or fired for looking up some weird Spanish fly shit or something."
"Dude!" By this time Liam was full-on laughing, and was having a hard time not making a spectacle of the two of them. He tried to suck the laughter down as he put his arm around his buddy and led him over to their gym bags on the lawn. "Tina is crystal ABs, you know, Meth."
"Seriously?" Aidan stopped and stripped off his sweaty tee shirt and toweled down as he wondered how he'd never known that term. His father had run a rehab group for addicts in his home town for years and he was sure he'd heard all the slang for Meth, heroine, crack, coke and the like. "So she wants us to do meth?"
"I guess," Liam said, trying not to stare at his friend's tight abs and low hanging running shorts, which revealed the top of a bike jockstrap waistband. He turned back to his own gym bag and slid his clean tee over his head, hoping it was long enough to cover the semi he was growing under his own shorts and jock.
"Do you think I should get some Lee?" his friend's question caused Liam to turn back to him. As far as Liam could tell, Aidan's only experience with drugs was trying some tabs of x and a few lines of coke at some parties in New Mexico before he'd moved to town, if you didn't count the copious amounts of weed the teen smoked when he was hanging at home or chilling Liam and his buds. Liam's own experimentation had gone much further, but he had never admitted just how far he'd gone with drugs. "I mean, what do you think it's like?"
"I... that's not... I don't know if you're ready to handle something like Tina, Aidan," grabbing his bag he turned and started walking back to his apartment, not watching but still aware that his young bud was only a few feet behind him, trying to get his attention. "That kind of thing is not like anything you've done before and you can't just decide to try it with some girl after one night together."
"What's the big deal man?" Aidan was trying to pick up his pace to catch up with Liam's stride, but Liam was keeping a step or two ahead so Aidan wouldn't be able to see the look on his face. "The whole reason I left home and came out here was to gain life experiences just like this! No writer ever wrote a great book by playing it safe. Besides, it's not like I'm gonna try it once and quit my job and start hooking for drugs or anything. I just want to try it once or twice to know what it feels like."
"And what if you like it so much you can't stop or end up doing something when you're high that you regret?" Liam stopped and turned on him so abruptly that Aidan almost ran into Lee's muscular chest. "You can't just jump into that stuff head first with someone you don't know that well."
"Oh shit Lee," Aidan smiled at a realization. "You've done it before, haven't you? You've tried Tina! What was it like? What did you do when you tried it? Did you do something you regretted?"
"That's... not the point," Liam spun back around and was back on his way, picking up his pace even more to avoid the teenager's questions. "You just shouldn't do something so... dangerous with someone you barely know!"
"So I should do it with someone I can trust?" Aidan said, following his friend with eager curiosity.
"No, that isn't what I meant," Liam slowed down and let his buddy catch up to him. "I just don't think you can handle something like meth bro. It is a serious trip and it makes you higher and hornier that you thought possible, and it doesn't take much before you can find yourself so tweaked out of your mind that you can't see that what you're about to do might make you hate yourself or worse."
"I'm not some stupid kid asshole," Aidan said, now angry and walking ahead of Liam. "I can take care of myself and I know when to stop myself so I don't end up sucking Dick for crack or holding up a liquor store or something."
"So you don't regret jerking me off last night?" Liam said loudly enough to stop Aidan in his tracks and get the kid to turn back to face him. "I saw that look on your face last night after we came on that bitch's face. You weren't even high last night and your hormones and a couple drinks made you so horny that you let a dude play with your cock and kiss you. If you can tell me you didn't hate yourself after we messed around last night, then I won't say another word about it."
"Fuck you Lee," Aidan stepped in close and talked in a hushed tone filled with disdain. "Yeah I felt a little weird about what happened last night, but only because I have a lifetime of memories of church freaks and homophobes telling me that type of thing is a sin. But I don't feel weird now because it didn't mean anything, it was just two guys helping each other out and getting off while a girl ate our cum loads. Just because I'm not bi like you, doesn't mean I'm some pansy ass sheltered little preacher's son from the boonies. I'm not going to say no to an experience because you or anyone else says I should, and I won't let any fuckers make me do anything I can't handle."
Liam watched his friend turn and leave in a huff and stood there for a few minutes wondering what he was doing. Why was he suddenly acting like an over protective big brother instead of being the chill, open-minded guy he prized himself to be? Aidan was only a few years younger than he was and despite his youth, he was already more determined and focused than anyone Liam knew. Shaking his head at himself, he dashed towards Aidan's crappy apartment complex and caught his buddy just as he was about to shut the door to his basement apartment.
"ABs, Aidan, dude, I'm sorry," Liam apologized and pushed his way into the tiny studio. "I didn't have any right to pull that shit on you. You're your own man and you can do what you want. I just want to be sure you can trust the person or people you are with when you try stuff like Tina, so you don't make a mistake like I've made in the past."
"Thanks bro." Aidan pulled his friend into a hug and almost let it linger too long before pounding his fist on Liam's back and pulling out of it. "I appreciate the worry but I know what I'm doing. But maybe if you told me what your experiences have been like I'd know better what to watch out for."
"Not a chance ABs," Liam said, picking his bag up and heading back to the door. "There are some things even I'm too embarrassed to share. Just promise me you won't try it without somebody you can trust to watch your back."
"how bout you?" Aidan's question stopped Liam with his hand on the door and before he could begin to protest, Aidan continued, "there's no one else I trust here as much as you, and I'm not even sure how to get something like Tina unless you hook me up. That way, you can be sure I'm playing it safe and I can make sure you don't make any MORE decisions you might regret."
"Fine," Liam gave in after a moment, eliciting an excited cheer from Aidan. "Just remember to follow my lead, always stick to what I tell you, and keep away from any sketchy situations. I'll see if I can hook us up with some favors next weekend after work, cool?"
"Yeah, I promise I'll be the perfect pupil." Aidan's excitement was clear in his tone, even though he was trying hard to play it cool.
"Very good, grasshopper," Liam said, sharing a laugh with Aidan. "now take a shower, you're ass smells like cheap hookers and dirty jockstraps."
That week seemed to go by incredibly slowly for the two friends, with work and planning keeping them busy enough that they barely had time to chill or even chat before Friday arrived. Finally there was less than an hour left as the clock was inching its way towards closing, when Liam asked Aidan to help him reorganize some boxes in the basement. Checking to be sure the coast was clear, Liam pulled Aidan between some tall shelves and pulled out a small cloth bag and told Aidan to take a look. Pulling the drawstrings apart, Aidan turned the top of the bag into his hand and watched as a glass pipe, small section of a plastic straw and a plastic baggie containing some small see-through rocks slid out into his open palm.
"Is this what I think it is?" Aidan whispered a little too louder, causing Liam to cover his mouth before smiling and nodding at his friend. Taking the glass pipe and motioning for Aidan to listen for the door, Liam slid the tip of the straw into the bag, filled it with some of the crystals, and deposited them into the round end of the glass pipe. Aidan's eyes were locked onto Liam's actions and his heart was beating harder than he'd ever felt it beat before. All week he'd wondered if he'd have the courage to try Tina as was planned but he'd figured it would just be him and his friend in Liam's apartment and he could back out if he got scared, but here in the basement at work he could barely breathe and he had to be cool and go through with it because he wouldn't be able to make any excuses without possibly drawing attention or taking too much time.
"lighter?" Liam whispered, pulling Aidan back to reality. The terrified teen nodded and produced his lucky Zippo and watched as Liam lit it and held it to the bottom of the clear glass bowl. The rocks crackled and cracked and began to melt, turning into a cloud of white smoke as Liam rolled the bowl back and forth over the open flame. "inhale when I say go.''
Aidan leaned in, his body obeying as if in a trance while his mind screamed out 'no, stop, make him hit it first!' but it was no use. Liam signaled, and on cue he emptied his lungs and sucked in the smoke from the pipe as hard as he could until he could no longer inhale. The taste was almost non-existent, but as he began to exhale, it burned very differently from the pot and cloves he was used to smoking. He tried his hardest no to cough, but a couple small ones escaped into the elbow of his shirt; which he had turned his mouth towards. Opening his eyes he thought he'd find Liam looking angry at him for not being able to smoke without coughing but the college boy was busy lighting the bowl and taking his own hit from it. As Liam exhaled into Aidan's face, both of them felt a rushing wave of tingling power wash over them.
"Holy shit. That is..." Aidan couldn't find a word fully capable of describing what he was going through at that moment. Taking the pipe, he let Liam show him how to light it himself and took another hit. As the smoke poured out of his mouth for a second time, he decided to keep describing it. " amazing... like having an orgasm and riding a roller coaster while jumping out of a plane."
"That good huh?" Liam whispered back to him, taking his second hit. "I knew you'd like it."
The two men handed the pipe back and forth a few more times, evolving into taking shot gun hits from each other's mouths on each exhale, in order to get as much from each hit as possible. Soon the bowl was empty and Aidan was asking Liam to load the rest.
"Not yet," Liam said, pulling out breath mints and some body spray for them to use. Checking to be sure the coast was still clear, he snuck the pipe back into the bag with the Tina and straw and put them into a big pocket on his cargo pants. "This was just the teaser before we go get more from my guy after work. I was going to wait till we got off, but this way you won't be riding your first hit when we get there. Nothing is as obvious as a first timer looking to score some party favors, except a first timer looking to score party favors right after his first hit."
"what do you mean, party favors?" Aidan asked, having trouble not reaching down and whipping his cock out right that second. Liam was right, he was higher and hornier than he ever remembered being, even compared to his few times with x and coke.
"It is code for Tina or almost any hardcore substance," Liam was also using all his focus not to reach for his own cock or grab at Aidan's. "Now help me get these boxes onto the right shelves for the rest of our shift so we don't have to go back on the floor."
The two tweaking men spent the next 30 to 40 minutes getting the pallets cleared off and everything put away, only stopping once to each do a line of Tina off a laminated form explaining the companies drug policies.
"It would be a crime not to," Liam said as he crushed, drew out and snorted the first line before handing the straw to Aidan and watching him do the same.
Suddenly it was 630 and announcement went across the store that they were closing and customers would be welcome to return the next day at 10AM. The guys shared a look that spoke of both anticipation and nerves before turning to climb the stairs and close up the store. As Liam had planned, most of the closing duties were covered so once the drawers were counted, all the men did was clock out, grab their coats and head out the door. Fresh air filled their lungs as they stepped out into the evening dusk, and it made Aidan high all over again. Feeling a tug at his arm, he let himself be led to Liam's car and got in, sitting silent for a second as he waited for his driver to go around and get in on the other side.
They drove quietly for a few minutes before Liam began to explain that they were heading to the home of a man named Benjamin who would be hooking them up for the evening. When prompted, Aidan produced the 60 dollars he'd been told to bring, and Liam added it to a stack of his own that looked to contain 5 or 6 20 dollar bills, reminding Aidan that Liam was probably putting in more in order to keep the younger one out of trouble and out of debt. Pulling up outside a split level blonde brick house in a nice area of town ten minutes from their store, Liam turned off the car and announced they had arrived.
"This is it?" Aidan gave the home a thorough inspection and felt confident he never would have believed this was were they were going. More likely a home like this would contain a family of four with two dogs, a cat and a gerbil, with nothing more exciting going on than the occasional dropped dish, blown fuse or burst pipe
"What did you expect, a shack in the woods with a neon sign that said 'crack den?'" Liam tucked the money into his pocket along side his phone and deposited his wallet and all his keys except for the key fob that unlocked the car into the glove compartment. Following his lead, Aidan did the same, before the two of them disembarked and made their way up the thin concrete walk to the front door. "Be cool."
Knocking three times, they stood on the front stoop for a minute before Aidan heard the sound of someone walking towards the door. A shadow moved over the pee hole and lingered longer than was probably necessary, causing Aidan to feel like he was being scrutinized by someone who was serious about who they let in.
"Hey Benji man, it's Lee." Liam's quiet declaration began a chain reaction down the many locks of the door, eliciting clicks and snaps as five different tumblers turned and creaked until finally the door slid open with a whoosh of air that gave the impression that this entrance was sealed better than most Ziploc bags. "Let's go in ABs."
Stepping inside, Aidan found himself even more surprised by the interior than he'd been by the exterior. Laid out in front of him was a living room adorned in beautiful décor with nice plush tan couches, wood and glass coffee and end tables that matched the bookcases and entertainment center, which held a nice collection of novels, DVDs, video games, electronic devices and framed a huge flat screen TV. Seated on the couch was a burly older white man with thinking brown wavy hair and a full, but well-trimmed beard. He was busy playing Assassin's Creed and barely looked over at us as Liam said hi and called him Dave. So enthralled by the surroundings that he forgot what they were doing, Aidan almost screamed when a tall, slim, muscled black man in his mid twenties appeared from behind the door before shutting it, locking all the many locks and motioning them to go in and have a seat.
The two friends walked into the room from the entry hall and took their places, Liam on the couch next to Dave and Aidan in a leather arm chair, while Benjamin, or Benji as Liam had called him, played host.
"You guys want anything? Water? Soda? Cocktail?" Benjamin's deep voice showed signs of education as well as an upbringing in a less polished neighborhood, and it caused Aidan to look back at the man with more attention than earlier. He was shirtless, and ripped from head to toe with tattoos dotting his light brown skin, but Aidan had failed to appreciate how intricate the tattoos were until that moment. Luckily Liam answered for both of them that water would be fine, because Aidan had lost himself in the amazing detail of each line and curve of the man's ink collection. The trance was broken only by Benjamin disappearing into the kitchen, allowing Aidan to turn back to the gents at hand.
"Dave, this is my buddy Aidan." Liam made introductions, causing Aidan to reach out to shake the older man's hand, but only getting a nod from the distracted bear who was busy murdering some aristocrat on the screen while slouching into the corner of the couch in his ball shorts and open Hawaiian shirt. Benjamin reappeared from the other side of the living room, where Aidan guessed the kitchen wrapped could also be accessed. Handing each of them an open bottle of water, Aidan greedily chugged two thirds of it before looking up and seeing Benjamin and Liam both giving him disapproving looks.
"You always this stupid or just too trusting?" Benjamin asked Aidan, making the boy stutter an apology while looking confused. "Don't sweat it bro, I didn't put anything in your drink man, but you never know who might so don't be downing open bottles of water unless you open them, coo?"
"Would someone really do that Benjamin?" Aidan looked at his bottle with wide eyes. He'd heard of people being drugged, but he'd never thought that he could be.
"Call me Ben man, or Benji if you're a Tool like Leroy here," Ben laughed and motioned to Liam, the two of them sharing in some private joke over their names. "and in all honesty, yeah. Some niggas might try to slip some shit in a pretty white boy's drink and once you take a swallow you never know if it will just fuck you up a little or if you'll wake up two days later tied to a bed in Bangkok while a dozen Mutha fuckahs rape yo fine white ass. Hell, if you're lucky you wake up, and not just end up in a morgue somewhere."
"Stop scaring the new meat Benny," Dave paused his game and pushed the younger black man away from Aidan, causing him to topple onto the seat next to Liam. "Don't let him freak you out kid, we're all on the up and up here. He just likes to make straight bitches squirm, right Liam?"
"Right Dave," Liam couldn't help joining with Ben on a quick laugh at Aidan's terrified face, before winking at his bud to reassure him. "So you guys got what we came for?"
"I got it right here," Ben said, grabbing Liam's hand and placing between his legs, outlining a thick big bulge running down his jean-clad thigh.
"Fuck you Benji," Liam gave Ben's cock a squeeze even though he was pretending to be pissed. "fucking dog with a bone... you know what I mean."
"Yeah, how much you want?" Ben sat up and reach down below the end table, retrieving a wooden box. Opening it, he pulled out a scale like the ones used to weigh pot, some small bags, and a small plastic Tupperware container that opened to reveal lots of crystals just like the ones Liam had smoked with Aidan at work.
"A shirt, plus 2 tabs of v and a couple caps of g," Liam spoke with authority, impressing Aidan, who was trying to look cool although the warm temp in the room had him sweating bullets. Dave was involved in his game again and seemed totally unpaved by what was happening, so Aidan figured this must be a pretty common occurrence.
"Damn you boys got a party planned huh?" Weighing some of the crystals, Ben didn't look up as he spoke. "got the cash for all that?"
"yeah, how much?" Liam leaned in and watched Ben weighing the stuff as they spoke.
"For a shirt, 2 tabs of v and a couple caps? 200?" Aidan almost choked hearing the total.
"Nice try man, most that shit is worth is 140." Liam calmly responded, sounding like he was negotiating for an apple from a street cart.
"140 my black ass," Ben looked up for the first time and turned to Liam. "This is prime time stuff white boy, it's worth 140 by itself. Gotta add the rest up to 180 at least."
"Only if the v is dipped in gold." Liam came back. "How bout 150 and my usual bonus later?"
"You ain't that fine Leroy," Ben responded. Liam shrugged and leaned back against the back of the couch, causing his shirt to ride up a little a reveal his fuzzy muscly abs, which he rubbed his hand across. Aidan watched as Ben licked his lips. "A'ight bitch, make it 160 and we got a deal."
"Done." Liam fished the wad of bills from his pocket, lifting his shirt even higher to gain access, and Ben smiled as Liam stuffed them into the pocket of the dealer's jeans, not coming back out for a good 10 seconds. "Now let's get a bowl loaded and get fucked up."
Ben produced a bong from below the table, but instead of the classic bowl Aidan was used to seeing, this one was like the pipe he'd smoked at work with Liam. The dealer filled a tiny metal straw with crystal from his own stash, as Liam put a few crystals from his new bag into the bowl, which Ben then added to with his contribution. Turning to Aidan, Ben lifted the heavy glass water pipe over to the teen and motioned for him to take the first hit. Accepting nervously, Aidan held the pipe to his lips as Ben lit a small butane torch like the one Aidan used to crystallize the crème Brule at his last restaurant job, and began to melt the huge collection of rocks in the glass bowl at the end of the bong. When white vapors began to swirl, Liam nodded to Aidan and the young man took it as a sign and began to inhale as deep as he could. He was sure he wasn't getting anything but when he went to exhale, a giant cloud came out and he coughed like he had never smoked before. Ben laughed, but Liam gave him a thumbs up and motioned for him to pass the bong to Dave.
The older man had paused his game for a second and lit and smoked the bong with no assistance. Once he'd taken it in, he turned to Liam and pulled the younger man's face to his and shotgunned the smoke into his mouth, ending with a tongue filled kiss. Liam exhaled almost as much as Aidan had, even though it was second hand from Dave, before taking the bong and hitting it himself. As he exhaled, he too coughed, and then, complaining of the heat, peeled away his sweaty polo, and kicking off his shoes and socks so he was in nothing but his baggy cargo khakis which rode low enough to reveal the black waist band of his white undies. Ben muttered some comment about Liam's nipples before taking his first hit off the bong, which he decided to shotgun to Aidan. Leaning over the arm of the couch, he curled his finger to the straight teen and Aidan scooted in until there was less than an inch between their lips. As his exhale began, Ben locked eyes with Aidan, who sucked in as much smoke as he could, without realizing he was leaning closer to catch it. Suddenly their lips touched as the last of the smoke escaped, and Ben pulled back after a quick peck. Letting his lungs deflate, Aidan felt his nerves buzzing as he worried about what these guys might want from him, but once he was taking another hit, he looked over and realized his new best friend was seated only 5 feet away and was there for the simple purpose of ensuring he was safe and happy.
They continued to smoke for the next 25 minutes, until Dave got too tweaked to continue his game and suggested they put on a movie. As Ben reloaded the bowl, Dave pulled out a big black leather book of DVDs and asked Aidan to pick one for them to watch. At first it was just some raunchy r rated films and some bad ads action flicks, but slowly the book turned into a collection of pornos, each of them dirtier and kinkier than the last. Some were gay, some were straight and a few were bi, although most of the bi DVDs looked like they were only for bi males, containing no lesbian action. Thinking he should keep things from progressing any further, Aidan was about to turn back to the front of the book when he found a DVD that made him freeze. It wasn't a professional DVD like the others, and it had no picture on the cover to suggest what went on in it. All it had to identify it was a date from a few months earlier and a few words written across it in red sharpie: Benji, Leroy, & Mark gang bang Emily.
Smirking, Aidan looked up and pulled out the DVD, handing it to David who read the title, and smiled back at Aidan. Liam and Ben were too busy passing a pipe between them, having decided the bong was too cumbersome, and talking in hushed tones to notice Dave and Aidan's conspiratorial glances. It wasn't until the DVD was in and began to play that either of them even realized Aidan had picked one. Liam leaned forward to make it less obvious that he'd been whispering with the ripped ebony god on his right, and handed the pipe to his friend, only glancing momentarily at what was on the screen. Reaching for his bottle of water and taking a swig, he stopped mid gulp, slammed the bottle down on the table and stood up, spinning back to face the TV.
"No no no no! No way man!" Liam protested, reaching for the remote on Dave.a far side, which the older guy was quick to snatch away and hold out of Liam's reach. "Come on Dave, we're not watching this shit, not with ABs, I mean Aidan here."
"ABs?" Ben asked, taking the pipe from Aidan and showing no sign of worry that this DVD was showing.
"It's my initials, A. B." Aidan said, catching the remote as Dave threw it over Liam's head, and holding it far from Liam as he came around the table for it. "Come on, 'Leroy' it's just a little video."
"Fuck you Aidan," Liam said, missing his chance as Aidan tossed the remote back to Dave. "No chance am I gonna let you see me in this. Come on Benji, we can't let him see the... thing."
"What thing?" curious, Aidan looked at the two men across the room, both of whom just laughed and dropped the subject.
"We got at least an hour til then, more like two, I'll turn it off before that Leroy," Ben assured his friend. "I swear."
"Fuck. Fine, whatever, but as soon as you-know-what starts, it goes off, deal?" Liam turned to both men and made them promise before returning to his seat. They'd all been so distracted trying to control the viewing, no one had been paying attention, so they were already a few minutes in. On the screen were Ben and Liam and some other guy, each lounging or sitting on the edge of a huge king size bed. All of them were naked except for boxers or briefs, and they were passing around the same pipe that Aidan was smoking right now, while they watched porn on a screen just outside the shot. If there was any doubt that the sound coming from the screen was porn playing, the hard ons that each of the three of them were displaying made it a sure thing. They shared the occasional comment about what was happening on screen and inquiring about the where abouts of Emily but mostly they stayed focused on hitting the pipe and groping themselves through their undies. Without warning Ben and the guy Aidan assumed was Mark decided enough was enough and they dropped their undies, letting their hard dicks pop out. Aidan gasped, making his fellow smokers laugh, when he got a peek at Ben's huge Dick.  It was at least 10 inches long and uncut, with a tattoo around the base that he couldn't quite make out. Mark walked between Ben and the camera and Aidan almost gasped once more as he switched his focus to this guy's 9 inches of also uncut meat. Taking his first good look at the man, Aidan was surprised to see that Mark was latin, and probably about the same age as he was. Totally engrossed in checking out the two nude men in the film that he had all but forgotten Liam, he managed to remember just in time to look over and watch as Liam pulled off his own undies, and the familiar 8 inches of circumcised cock, that Aidan had handled just a week ago, was also free. Watching in a mix of horror and awe, Aidan sat dumbstruck as Liam sank to his knees and began jerking and licking the other two men's monster cocks.
"See?" Liam said to Ben and Dave. "Aidan is freaked out, we should turn it off."
Aidan almost agreed when a noise on the screen got Liam off his knees and back into bed while Ben pulled on some boxers (which Aidan would have sworn were Mark's) and disappeared off screen for a minute. Upon his return, he was followed by a beautiful girl with long, light brown curly hair, a gorgeous curvy tall body, a sweet innocent young face, and the cutest young voice. Aidan's cock jumped in his pants as she took a hit from the pipe while Ben removed his boxers, walked up behind her and began to undo her fly. Crawling across the bed, Mark and Liam met the two of them at the foot and started unbuttoning her shirt and taking turns kissing her while encouraging her to take more hits from the pipe. Now nude and getting progressively higher, Emily couldn't help but moan and giggle as three men took turns touching her in every sensitive area they could get to.
"I gotta hit the head," Liam announced as he stood and left the room, poorly masking his discomfort over the public showing of his private group session. While he wanted to stick by his friend, Aidan was now in lust with the teenage bombshell on the screen and had no choice but to let the video unfold as Ben pushed her back on the bed and told her to suck Liam's cock while he and Mark took turns eating her out and sucking on her fits. In the real world, Ben was enjoying himself on screen, as was Dave, so the two of them didn't hesitate to undress and begin jacking. Looking over when he heard Ben's zipper coming down, Aidan gulped and turned back to the TV so he didn't have to face Ben's real life monster meat or the massively thick cut and pierced penis that Dave had revealed. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the men stroke themselves to full mast, and wondered what was taking Liam so long. A moan from the TV signaled the first penetration as Mark began to slide his thick Latin snake into Emily's shaved snatch, and Aidan couldn't help but reach down to feel his own cock.
For a split second, panic swept over Aidan as he realized his cock was no longer hard, and, in fact, had shrunk to the smallest he'd ever felt it, at least in the past few years. Before he shouted for someone to call 911, Liam reappeared and seemed to know what was happening without even turning the corner entirely.
"Dude, can you get us those Viagra tabs?" Liam's request made Ben groan and drop his Dick, turning his attention to the wood box where he kept his Tina stash. Seconds later he fished out two blue diamond-shaped pills, and tossed one to each of the guests. "Thanks man, I don't know about you ABs, but I got a serious case of Tina Dick and nothing helps get me up again like a little V."
Tina Dick? Right, me too man." Pretending to be in the loop, Aidan realized that 'Tina dick' must refer to Tina making your cock soft. Swallowing the blue pill with a gulp of water, Aidan was grateful that he hadn't tried this with some girl and ended up thinking his Dick was broken. Returning his focus to the video, Aidan saw that something had distracted the guys on the screen and now it was just Liam and Emily laying bed smoking from the pipe, with Ben and Mark no where to be seen. Since the video had lost its appeal and Liam had distracted the real Ben, the party changed focus and Ben said he wanted something to eat. Asking if anyone else was hungry, Aidan was surprised to say no, even though it was now nearly 10pm and he hadn't eaten anything since having a granola bar before work. Too nervous to eat at lunch time, Aidan figured he'd get the munchies with Tina just like with weed and could eat once he was high, instead all he felt was horny as fuck, hotter than hell and thirstier than a fish on dry land. When he asked for something more to drink, Liam offered to get him something, and suggested Dave might like to show Aidan around the house in case he needed to find the kitchen or bathroom later.
"My pleasure," Dave stood and towered over Liam and Aidan by a few inches, probably standing between 6'5 and 6'8. Even at that height, he and Ben were probably within an inch of each other, making Aidan wonder if Tina caused growth spurts. "follow me young master, and I'll see if we have something cooler for you to slip into."
Walking and talking, Dave led Aidan first to the kitchen and powder room which were just off the entry hall past the living room. Between the other end of the kitchen and living room was a small dining room with an expensive cherry dining set. Cutting back across the kitchen, Dave pointed out the detached garage across the backyard before they crossed into the entry again, this time descending the stairs into the basement where Dave explained they spent a lot of time in the summer when it got this hot. The main area which Dave referred to as the rec room, was carpeted in what looked like orange shag that had survived there since the 70's with a couple black corduroy couches facing a flat screen that was almost as big as its friend upstairs, but didn't come with the surround sound speakers, various electronic devices and awesome entertainment center. It was mounted on the wall, above a blonde brick fireplace, with two long cords attaching it to a surge protector and simple DVD player from ten years ago. On the far wall was a sink and bar and a door that led up a small staircase and into the back yard. To the left of the stairs was a tight hall with three brown doors, one leading to a full bathroom that had a huge steam shower, one leading to a bedroom that was locked up tight, and one containing just enough space for a washer, dryer, drying rack, ironing board and a small chest of drawers.
Reaching in to the top drawer, Dave retrieved a pair of blue shorts with yellow piping that looked like something magnum p.i. would have worn in the late 80's, a small green well worn t shirt, and a pair of cheap rubber flip flops. Aidan looked at the clothing and realized it was for him, which made him laugh a little as he declined to put it on.
"Suit yourself," Dave shrugged and set the stuff on the dryer. "Just seems to me that you're sweating like a hog in your long sleeves and slacks, and those clothes will be ruined if you keep sweating like that."
"I guess you have a point," Aidan smiled and picked up the shorts and tee, hoping Dave would move to the door. He didn't budge, obviously planning to watch the teen change. Resigned to the fact Dave wasn't gonna leave without a little peek, Aidan unbuckled his belt, undid his pants and let them drop to his feet, confident that his shirt hung low enough to cover his briefs. Pulling the shorts up his legs, he secured them over his butt and waist before unbuttoning his shirt. Looking up at Dave for the first time during the strip, he smiled to himself to see the beast of a man almost drooling over his fuzzy thighs and calves. Pulling his shirt down to just one arm, he swung it over his head and let it loose perfectly timed so it flew into Dave face. While he peeled away his undershirt, he listed as Dave took loud, long sniffs at the scent of his sweaty oxford. Donning the tight thread bare green tee, he pulled it down as far as it would go, but some flesh still showed between its hem and the waist of the ridiculously short shorts.

"Damn you are hot boy," Dave complimented Aidan as he bent down to remove his socks and slip into the flip flops. A hard smack rang through the small room as Dave's palm hit Aidan's turned out ass cheek, causing the boy to yelp and jump up and out into the hallway. "Too bad you're straight. Well, shall I show you the rest of the house?"

Up, up, up they went to the second story, peeking behind door after door to view the hall bathroom, linen closet, the guest room, an office with an expensive computer set up, and finally the master suite. Jaw agape, Aidan looked around the master and confirmed it was the room from the video, as Dave went past him to the master bath to empty the ol' garden hose. By the photos on the nightstand and dresser, Aidan realized this was Dave's room, which surprised him since he believed the house belonged to Ben. Opening the top drawer of the dresser, Aidan began pawing through leather harnesses, Velcro bondage cuffs, metal nipple clamps and various rubber and plastic toys. Glancing in the mirror to see what he'd look like in a leather collar, Aidan caught the reflection of Dave's pierced Dick as he emptied it into the toilet. With the light on and door wide open, Aidan couldn't help but stare as the man began stroking the cock while he peed.  Closing his eyes, Aidan imagined getting to feel the massive pierced cock in his hands. He fantasized about stroking with Dave while the girl from the video suck them off. Reaching into his short shorts, Aidan could tell the Viagra was working as he was now fully erect and leaking into his briefs. He palmed his cock as the images in his head transformed and the girl on her knees became Liam, begging to suck Aidan's big cock until it exploded. He was so lost in his fantasy he didn't hear Dave finish in the bathroom and come up behind him.

"thinking happy thoughts I see." Dave's voice was low and deep and his beard was soft and scratchy at the same time as it rubbed across Aidan's shoulder. Jumping at the feel of a rough manly hand joining his in his shorts, Aidan stopped jerking and pulled his hand free, where Dave caught it and moved it back against his own naked stiff penis. "Don't stop on my account. I promise not to tell your friend if you tell me what got you so hard."

"Just picturing the girl from the video." Aidan spun out of Dave's grasp and dislodged the hand from his cock. "Wonder what's happening in the video, wanna see?"

taking the steps two at a time, he bounded into the living room and almost ran over Liam.
"There you are!" Liam handed Aidan the unopened bottle of Gatorade he'd brought for him. "I was looking for you to see if you wanted to try some ghb with me."

"Sure, where? In the kitchen? Let's go." Pushing Liam ahead of him, Aidan led them through the living and dining room and into the kitchen so they wouldn't run into Dave as he made his way back from upstairs. Needing some time to cool off and get away from his molester, Aidan would probably have said yes to doing anything in the kitchen at that point, so he only half listened as Liam explained that ghb was kinda like drinking a ton of liquor or being roofied.

"... Pretty much just helps to even you out so you're not too tweaked." Aidan caught just the end of Liam's explanation as Ben handed them each a shot glass. Looking at how little was in each one, Aidan realized how strong it must be, so it was no surprise that Liam was protesting to Ben about his being twice as full as Ben's or mine.

"We made us a deal remember Leroy?" Ben winked at Liam, who turned and smiled half heartedly at Aidan before shrugging and downing his shot. The other two men followed suit, and Aidan gagged a little at how bad the taste was. Ripping the lid from his Gatorade, he swirled and gurgled a few gulps of Gatorade before he was sure he wouldn't Ralph, and then asked how long it would take to go into effect.

"5 minutes or so, but we should go back into the living room and finish the movie." Ben led them towards the couches, but Aidan made an excuse that he needed to get his phone from his pants and take a leak, so he could avoid seeing Dave for another minute or two. "A'ight bro, just make sure to go through the kitchen to get back to the living room, cause people sometimes come to buy stuff and might be in the front hall and I doubt you want them seeing your ass in that shit."

In the laundry room, Aidan felt guilty for avoiding Dave when he found his shirt and pants hung nicely on hangers. He decided to go right back up and apologize for being a freak, and figured it was too soon for anyone to be in the hall yet, so he went ahead and turned into the entry instead of going through the kitchen. Before he made the turn into the living room, what he saw stopped him dead in his tracks. On the couch in front of him was Liam, his arms pinned behind his back, his pants and briefs around his knees, with Ben on top of him, holding his arms with one hand while the other was busy trying to force a finger into the white boy's hole.

"Please stop Benji! Aidan could be hack at any second!" Liam's pain and fear were undermined every time he tried to buck free and Ben's finger managed to get a little deeper in his ads, eliciting moans that betrayed his hunger for what was happening. "Stop before he sees me like this!"

"That hitch is coming back through the kitchen and Dave is there to give us the signal before they come in here," Ben worked a second finger in Liam's asshole, making him cry out. "Besides, you and me made us a deal that I get to seed that pussy."

"Not on your life Benji," Liam fought a little harder when Ben announced his intentions, which only drove his butt further onto the fingers. "I said I'd do what I did last time, which was suck you and Dave off and let Dave suck me off, nothing about fucking me."

"Yo mouth may be saying it doesn't want to get that butt pounded," Ben started rhythmically thrusting his fingers in and out of Liam's hole, forcing sighs and moans to escape his lips. "but that ads is hungry for it, ain't it Leroy? Ain't it?"

"No, please, uuuhhhhn, you'll rip my ass up," Liam collapsed onto the couch and Ben started to move up like he was going to mount Liam right then and there. Aidan was sickened, but found when he looked down, that his hands had pulled his big cock from its cotton prison, and were stroking for all they were worth.

"That's the plan cunt boy." Ben pulled out his fingers, spit into his palm and rubbed it along his shaft, getting it up to its full length, looking bigger than earlier on the video. Aidan suddenly realized his friend was about to get raped, and the haze around him lifted just long enough to remember why he was doing this with a trusted friend: so neither of them would do something they didn't want to do. He turned down the hall and shoved his cock into his shorts and jogged down to the kitchen.

"Ah, here's Aidan!" Dave called out, obviously trying to warn Liam and Ben. Shuffling and some curse words could be heard from the living room as Dave made small talk and tried to slow Aidan's progress back into the other room. By the time he made it to where he could see his friend, Liam was back in his briefs, but his pants were now around his ankles, and Ben was across the room in the leather recliner, stroking his massive uncut Dick like everything was normal.

"Everything okay?" Aidan asked, sitting next to Liam and looking for signs that his friend needed help.

"Yeah man, just waiting for your slow ass," Liam responded, smiling and elbowing Aidan, before leaning over and picking up the pipe to take a hit. Not believing what he was seeing Aidan sat stunned as he watched Liam chat with Ben and Dave like he had just almost been raped by the dealer's humongous uncut doing. Taking the pipe in his hands, he wondered if he imagined the whole thing.

"Let's finish this bowl quick boy," Ben commanded as he took a hit. "After we finish it, Leroy promised to finish helping me with something downstairs, right Leroy? Gonna help me drain those pipes and take whatever comes out till they are empty, just like you promised?"

"Sure Benji," Liam reached over and took the pipe, agreeing to let Ben fuck his hole under the pretext of plumbing, not even batting an eye. "I promised to help you snake that drain, and I will."

Aidan was wide eyed and slack jawed as his friend handed him the pipe. Whether Liam was saying he wanted to get pounded or not, Aidan didn't know. All Aidan knew was a) he had to find a way to spy on Liam and Benji when they went downstairs, and B) he was hard as a rock imagining Liam getting fucked.

To be continued in part 3...  

Included below are some photos that inspired me.







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