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Hey guys.  Sorry for the long build-up and scene setting...the good stuff will start soon.




Chapter 1


I woke slowly, sluggishly, not sure where I was.  I tried to sit up, but I couldn’t seem to make my limbs obey.  I had an itch on my forehead but even though it stung, I couldn’t move either arm to scratch.  It took me another minute to realize that I was tied down, my arms held in place with what felt like velvet ropes.


First reaction:  panic!  I opened my eyes and panicked further.  I was naked and my skin tingled; as my vision cleared, I realized that most of my body hair had been removed and that my butt hole felt sore.  I was restrained on some kind of platform covered with black velvet:  my arms were held out from my sides; my legs were free, but there were stirrups like an examination table at a doctor’s office.  It was a little chilly, as if I were in a basement room, though I was covered with a shiny black satin sheet that was embroidered in gold.  I craned my neck, but couldn’t really see it; it was some kind of symbol.  I could just make out a crescent shape on one side superimposed over a circle and what looked like some kind of insect superimposed.  My neck started to feel the strain, so I let it drop back onto the platform.  The floor of the room looked to be thickly carpeted, and the walls were covered with heavy looking tapestries that showed guys having sex.  In front of the tapestries were a couple rows of wooden pews.  There didn’t appear to be a door, at least not that I could see, and definitely no windows.


What the fuck had I gotten myself into?  The tapestries gave me a good idea of what was coming, no pun intended.  I tried to piece together my memories…maybe I’d be able to figure a way out of here?


was a freshman in college, and had been invited to a Friday night party by a guy I’d met during orientation, a knockout upperclassman:  tall, lean and muscular with dark hair and eyes that contrasted with his pale skin, reminding me of the actor who played the vampire in that British TV series.  He introduced himself as Mike, said that he represented the newest fraternity on campus (Alpha Iota Delta Sigma), and that he thought I was a perfect candidate to pledge with them.  I told him I didn’t think of myself as “Greek life” material and had no intention of joining up, but he said he really wanted me to come, and gave my arm a friendly squeeze.  What the hell, I figured; I could get a free drink and didn’t have to join, but I’d be happy to hang with Mike, especially since it seemed like he was interested. 


The last thing I remembered was lying on his bed, drinking some wine he’d insisted on giving me even though I’d asked for a Diet Coke.  Then, it got increasingly fuzzy.  Idiot, I thought.  He drugged me, but I couldn’t understand why.  He already had me in his bed, had quizzed me about my sexual experiences in high school, eliciting the information that I’d never been fucked in the ass and wasn't sure I wanted to.  But I’d been ready to do whatever he wanted.  And that was when he'd pressed the glass of wine on me, telling me to drink up, that I needed to relax.  Idiot, I chastised myself again.


I had absolutely no idea how long I’d been in this room, trussed up and ready for…I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it.  Maybe this was just some kind of weird hazing routine?  But I didn’t recall saying that I’d pledge, so how could I be getting hazed already?  Was there such a thing as pre-hazing? 


I heard a sound behind me – a door opening? – and there was a slight draft that cut off abruptly.  Mike appeared wearing only a loincloth, having discarded his t-shirt and jeans.  His body was beautifully cut and sculpted, with six-pack abs, perfectly symmetrical pecs and well-developed biceps.  I could see the outline of his large dick tenting the thin, gauzy loin cloth, and I gulped and licked my lips.


It must have been nerves that made me blurt out:  “Okay, very funny.  Now will you untie me and let me out of here?”


Mike said, “Sorry, can’t do that.”


“But why?  We were in your bed, it wasn’t like I was fighting you off.”


He grinned, “Yeah, you got me hot,” he said looking down.  Then he stepped up on the velvet platform, and took my legs over his shoulders.  “I wish I could have dicked you right then, but there are rules and regulations and rituals that have to be observed in this fraternity.  It’s unique.”


Judging by my circumstances, that seemed accurate.


“What kind of ritual?” I asked nervously.


“It’s your initiation,” he answered.


“But I didn’t even agree to join!” I exclaimed.


“Huh.  So you were just after my body?” he said, with a mocking smile.


I didn’t have any answer to that.  It was true.  I’d wanted to get laid…and that’s how I’d ended up here.


“Just relax,” he said, rubbing against me, a little precum staining his loincloth.  “I’ll be with you the whole time.  Just concentrate on me.”


A gong sounded.  I looked around, afraid of what it meant.


“Gotta get a grip,” he said, reluctantly pulling away and standing to my right at my feet.  “They’re coming.”


“Who?” I asked, trying to remain calm.


I felt the door open and heard voices chanting and bells ringing and smelled the heavy perfume of incense.


Ave libidinem” chanted a basso voice.


“Hail to lust,” answered a chorus of male voices.


Fratres, in cupiditate” chanted the bass voice again.


“Brothers in lust,” the chorus answered.


As the room filled with guys they continued their antiphonal chant.  Leading them was an older man:  massive, muscular, with a shaved head, wearing a black robe that fell open as he walked, revealing the same kind loincloth that Mike wore.  Following him, I thought I recognized others from the party.  One guy swung an incense box that was smoking, others shook bells.  They filed into the pews and turned to face me, then grew silent.  Their leader stepped up on the platform where I was bound, circling around to stand at my head.  I got a good look up his loincloth – I assumed that was the point of that maneuver – and could see that he had a hairy body and an immense, pierced dick.


Ouch! was all I could think.  Oh, God, was that part of the initiation?  I shuddered, and then realized that I hadn’t felt any “jewelry” when Mike was humping my butt.  I breathed thanks for small favors, proving just how dire my situation was.


The guys assembled were a range of body types and races.  So they believe in diversity, that’s good.  I was grasping at straws, trying to distract myself from speculating on what was coming.  All were dressed like Mike:  white gauze loincloths that revealed more than they hid. 


I was tied up, naked and helpless in a room full of barely dressed men.


I had a feeling my ass wasn’t going to be virgin after this night.

Edited by NYBBGUY58
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As promised, here's some of the good stuff.  Plan for more to come...pun intended.




Chapter 2


“Sons of the Scorpion, is everything at the ready?” intoned the Leader (as I had named the older guy in my head).


I did my best not to giggle (talk about inappropriate laughter) at his oratorical tone as if he was a high priest or something, but a snicker escaped me.


The Leader stopped and looked down at me.  “Do not mock us,” he said in a harsher tone.  “For soon you will be one of us.”


I restrained further laughter and an eye roll with difficulty, but he seemed seriously peeved with me.  And Mike unobtrusively nudged my right leg with his foot, which I took to be a warning.  I’d play along with whatever weird game these guys were into, but it was hard to take them seriously with all this rigmarole.  Sons of the Scorpion?  If these guys were into astrology, then they were in for a rude shock.  I was not a Scorpio – my birthday was in August, I was a Virgo.


“Yes, all is ready Father,” intoned all the others, including Mike.


“Is the novice you have brought before us fully prepared, Prefect?  And is he truly a virgin?”


“Yes he is, Father,” replied Mike.


Wow, Mike had a title.


“Then let us begin the initiation,” the Leader…oops, I mean “Father of the Sons of the Scorpion” intoned.  “Acolytes, begin the Communion of Lust.”


Exactly 10 guys stepped forward; all were on the short side (like me, probably no more than 5’8” or 5’9”), but every build from slightly chubby to swimmer’s to muscle-boy, smooth to lightly hairy and a mix of races.  That diversity thing.  They walked towards the platform; I recognized the first one to reach me, he had chestnut hair and bright blue eyes, I think his name was Aaron?  I cudgeled my fuzzy brain for a clue as to how I knew that, and then I remembered:  when I first came in, he’d been cuddled up with some guy and necking so deeply that it looked like they were trying to lick each others' tonsils.  They stopped long enough for an introduction.


One of his companions, a little blond muscle guy also approached, and they took the silk sheet off of me, and carefully folded it as if it were an American flag.  They handed the silk sheet to the Lea…Father, and then returned to me, each taking one of my legs, putting them in the stirrups, and then bound them in place with more velvet rope.


“Now, just a second here,” I shouted.  The entire room went still and I saw Mike bury his face in his hands.


“SILENCE!” roared the Father.


“Look, Daddy Scorpion, I’m not one of your ‘sons’ so don’t take that tone with me.”


“You are even less than one of my sons at the moment, so do not blaspheme in this space,” the Father said in a cold tone.  “Continue the Communion,” he said.


I heard a click, and felt a jar.  I lifted my head, and a portion of the platform had been lowered.  Aaron knelt before me, leaned forward, pressed his face into my ass and took a loud sniff, then exhaled sharply over my hole.  I gasped at the feeling, and immediately my dick stirred.  Next, he began to kiss my anus, teasing little touches that made me quiver and squirm.  I’d never felt anything like it, never dreamed I could feel anything like it.  Then he added his lips, his tongue, and I felt his tongue penetrate me.  By now I was panting and fully erect. 


“Yes,” said the Father.  “He will make an excellent acolyte, a true Brother in Lust”


I wasn’t laughing now.


Aaron stood, walked over to me, and kneeled over my face, flipped up the back of his loin cloth and pushed his ass over my nose.  I tried to turn my head, but the Father knelt and held my head in place.  At the same moment, I felt and heard another of the – what did he call them? – Acolytes, that’s it, repeating the routine that Aaron had initiated.


“This is your initiation into our communion,” he said.  “Do not resist, or there will be consequences.”


Since I was tied up and in no position to argue, I decided I’d better not push this guy.  He was seriously cray-cray, obviously, and I needed to cooperate so I’d get out of here in one piece.


“Yes, inhale deeply the scent of a true Acolyte of the Scorpion.”  I did as he told me.  Actually, Aaron didn’t have a heck of a lot of scent.  He was scrupulously clean, though there was a trace of musk.


“My son Aiden, continue the ritual of communion.  Initiate, you will now pay further tribute to my son:  kiss his ass, the Omphalos of Pleasure.”


I did as he asked, while Aaron squirmed above me, and pushed his firm, round butt against my mouth.


“Lick it!” the Father ordered.  “Abandon yourselves to the osculum infame, the obscene kiss.  Do not be content with the lips of his asshole – bury your tongue inside of him.”


Aaron whimpered with pleasure as I followed the orders I was given, humping on my tongue, and chanting “Ave libidinem” breathlessly.


“Take him in your mouth,” the Father ordered, and Aaron leaned forward and closed his mouth over my aching dick.  “Do not allow him to discharge, but take him to the edge.”


Aaron was a world-class cocksucker.  He had this way of licking with his tongue as his head bobbed up and down on me.  I moaned, nearing climax, and Aaron immediately stopped.


“Excellent, my son,” the Father praised him.  “Bring the receptacle for his seed,” he ordered.


What felt like a glass dish was placed on my chest.


“Spill your cum into the dish, so that it may join with the others when the time has come,” I heard Father Scorpio say.  I couldn’t tell if he meant me, but since my hands were otherwise occupied, I assumed he didn’t expect me to think myself to orgasm, though this was incredibly erotic as it turned out.  Who would’ve thunk it?


Aaron was rubbing his ass against my lips, pressing as hard as he could; from the sounds and his movements, I gathered that he was beating himself off and going to ejaculate into the dish.  And then what would they do with it?  Ugh, I hope they weren’t expecting me to drink it.  I had a world-class gag reflex, and would likely vomit it back up.  Aaron’s movements were getting more frantic, he was grunting and gyrating, and then I heard him moan, and felt his cum shoot on my chest, just beyond the dish.


“Gather it up, do not lose a drop,” the Father ordered. “Place it in the receptacle.”


I felt a sucking sensation and heard a wheeze, like a squeeze bottle.  Aaron turned around and kissed me full on the mouth, then got down from the platform.  The little stud muffin blond took his place kneeling over me, and yet another of the Acolytes was working on my ass.  Each of the 10 Acolytes was called forward and repeated the ritual (what else could I call it) down to the letter, though most of them managed to hit the “receptacle.”  After the final one finished, the glass dish was taken off my chest.  Mike kneeled next to me.


“How do you like your initiation?” he whispered against my ear.


I just groaned in reply, glad it was over.  My erection was painful; the only other time I’d been anywhere near as turned on was when one of high school BFs and I had experimented with a 69 position, sucking each other’s dicks.  That was kid’s play compared to this, but at the time it felt so wild.


“I will deposit the Acolytes’ seed in the initiate,” said the Father, and I raised my head as far as I could.  He was kneeling between my legs, holding the dish, and what looked like a nasal syringe.  He put it in the dish full of semen, and drew all of it in.  With an evil grin, he inserted the nozzle in my ass.


“Your first seed of the night,” he said.


“No, not there,” I begged.  “Please, I’ll do anything.”


“You will do as I say,” he said, “including taking this holy, charged, seed.  It is your first gift.”


He pushed the bulb, and I felt the slippery stuff go inside of me.


“Now, while it is fresh, Prefect, begin,” he declaimed.


Mike kneeled over my face as had each of the acolytes, and took off his loin cloth.  He pressed his asshole over my nose.  Unlike the Acolytes, his butt was quite musky, the odor strong.  I tried to turn away, but he crossed his ankles behind my head, and kept it in place.


“Yes,” hissed the Father.  “Inhale the scent of a true man, a true Son of the Scorpion.  You will be his consort to do with as he pleases.”


I could hardly breathe; he changed the angle slightly, and his ass was over my mouth.


“Kiss him, lick him, worship he who will be your lover, your master.  Do not hold back, you must experience ever scent, every taste, every touch.  Ave libidinem!” he shouted.


Fratres, in cupiditate” answered all the others, including Mike, was pressing his ass hard against my mouth.  I had no choice, I kissed his ass, then licked it, then inserted my tongue in his rectum.  He jolted and moaned, reached back, and pulled my face into his butt.


“Yes, Ave libidinem,” Mike chanted, and was answered by the assembly.  The he released my held, and turned around.  His dick looked immense; it was veiny and thick and twitching.  Pre-cum drooled from the tip.  I saw that on his right hip he had a tattoo – a scorpion superimposed over that odd symbol that was on the sheet that had covered me earlier.  Mike brought the dripping head to my mouth, and I knew what was expected.  I parted my lips, and he inserted his already hard dick in my mouth and began to thrust.  Predictably, I began to choke, but he didn’t let up, kept pressing it on me.  Tears ran down my face, and I was certain I would pass out or vomit.


“Do not discharge in his mouth,” the Father intoned.


Phew, I thought, as the hard dick was taken out of my mouth just in time.


“Place it in his boy cunt, his hole.  Breed him, bring him into the light of positivity and out of the darkness of negativity.  Join your seed and his blood so that you may be one, and he will be one with us.”


What!  Bareback?  Were these people crazy?


“No,” I screamed.  “Stop, please stop…”


Mike released my legs, and took them over his shoulders, I tried to struggle, and the Father leaned down and slapped my face. 


“Do not resist.  This is your place in our brotherhood.  This is your place in the world from this moment forward, and you will revel in it.”


Mike leaned forward to kiss away my tears, and whispered in my ear “I’ll make it good for you, I promise.”  He kissed my lips, and I had a sudden stabbing memory of being in his bed, exchanging the same melting kisses.  And somehow my erection hadn’t subsided, even though I was frightened.  I wondered if they’d done something to make that happen – Viagra?


Mike pulled back, and I saw him push down his rigid dick, and he began to push it against my anus.  I flinched, but he held me in place.


“Look at me, Darrell,” he said.


His eyes were mesmerizing, sherry brown and the expression on his face was one of sheer bliss.  He pushed past all resistance, and it felt as if a burning brand had been put inside of me.  I whimpered again, and he stroked my dick and balls as he went in further and further, invading me, taking over all my senses.  Finally, I felt his balls and pubic hair against my tender, depilated skin.  Then he drew back, and pushed in again.  It hurt, but now it felt like he was hitting a hot spot inside of me that I didn’t know was there.  Again, and again, over and over, his thrusts growing stronger, and we both began to pant.  It was as if no one else was there, time had stopped, and the only important thing was the sex that we were having.  I realized that sex was too tame and pallid a word; this was a mating, I would be his, already was if I were to be honest.


He seemed to sense the shift, or maybe it was because I was angling my hips towards him, joining in his rhythm.


Ave libidinem,” he said.  “Say it with me.”  And he leaned over, and began to lick my nipples, and then kiss and lick my neck and ears – my other hotspots.


The words tore out of me, “Ave libidinem!” I screamed, over and over again.


Distantly I could hear that everyone in the room had joined our chant, and then over it I heard a voice that sounded like mine shouting “Yes, fill me, breed me, don’t stop!  Give me your cum, I want it!  I need it!”


Mike’s thrusts picked up in speed and force.  He was ramming his dick against me, and I could hear him began to grunt with each thrust.  The harder he fucked me, the closer I came to my own orgasm, and he hadn’t touched me after he had fully embedded his dick in my ass.


Finally he slammed against me even harder and roared “Ave libidinem!  He is mine!”  He gave three final thrusts against me; I could feel his dick swell and spasm inside me, felt his warm sperm coating my insides and that pushed me over the edge.  I began to come like a geyser, my own semen splashing in my face.


Mike had collapsed on top of me, and I could feel his heartbeat still racing.  We were both panting, the others were still chanting, but nothing but this man who had taken me and in the process given me such unbelievable pleasure really registered.  He braced himself on his elbows, and kissed me ravenously.


My Father in Lust untied my arms.  He gave me a wicked grin, then commanded, “Again.  Meld all the seed inside him, mix the DNA together and ensure that he receives the gift.  Ave libidinem.

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Chapter 3


I could feel that Mike’s cock hadn’t softened a bit.  Maybe they’d given him Viagra, too?  Without pulling out, he began to fuck me again, and this time I was able to put my arms around him as we kissed, and run my hands down his back, feel his ass muscles flexing as he drove inside me, urging him to thrust harder and faster.


“You’re amazing,” I said in whisper.


“No, you are.  I knew you were the one, the minute I saw you,” Mike said.  “Play with my balls, that’ll make me cum fast and hard.”


I shivered with the intensity of our mutual desire, and felt a funny twinge behind my solar plexus.  I worked my hand down between us, stroking and tickling his balls, reaching back to gently stroke his asshole, then teasing touches to the front of his dick as he pumped in and out of me. His huge, heavy balls began to tighten, and he started to drive his thrusts into me again.  This time he covered my mouth with his, sticking his tongue inside my mouth to ravage me, just as his cock was ravaging my butt.  He was still hitting that spot inside my butt, make me crave more and more of his hard cock, wanting more of his cum, no longer afraid.


He broke off the kiss to shout to the room, “Ave libidinem, he is mine,” and like before, he gave three brutally hard thrusts, I felt his cock spasm, but this time my hands were free to grab his clenched butt and pull him so that his load would go deep inside of me.  I came just as hard as I had a short while ago, and my response was driving Mike and his was driving me.  He collapsed on top of me, again, his heart hammering.


We shared a few lazy kisses, oblivious to the rest of the room, until the Father Scorpion said, “Show us the mixture, the blending of our charged seed and the Initiate’s blood.” 


Mike pulled out of me and I caught a glimpse of his cock, which was coated with a shiny, pinkish layer of what I assumed was his cum, the Acolyte’s cum and my blood.  He stood and first showed his still rigid dick to our Father in Lust, who raised his fists and announced “The breeding has begun.  Show your brothers the mixture of our contributions this night and the Initiate’s blood.”


Mike turned towards our audience and was greeted by cheers and shouts of Ave libidinem and Fratres, in cupiditate.


The Father commanded, “Initiate:  prepare to clean his member with your mouth.”


Member?  Member of what?  I didn’t get a chance to ask what that meant; Mike knelt over my face and brought his dick to my lips.  I felt slightly queasy at the thought of licking and sucking his blood and semen covered cock, but I closed my eyes and thought about how this would please Mike.  And judging from his gasps, he was more than pleased.  Maybe he’d fuck me again when I was done.


Once I’d finished, the Father directed “Now the rest of the Sons of the Scorpion will mate with the initiate, and mix our gifts and his blood.  We will bring him into the light, he will burn with the flames of our lust!”


I felt a pang of fear and looked to Mike.  I opened my mouth, but before I could speak he said, “It’s our custom.  All relationships are open within our brotherhood.”


“But,” I started.


“I’ll be right here.  Just concentrate on me.” Then he moved closer and whispered, “It’ll get me really hot to watch you be fucked by my buddies.”


I held on to that thought, that it would please Mike just as I had when I’d cleaned off his dick.


First up was a tall, husky, muscular black guy.  He had a build like a linebacker, and had already removed his loin cloth to reveal a huge dick, shorter than Mikes, but thicker.  I gulped as he approached me, not sure what to expect. 


He kissed me, and murmured, “Mmmm…I can taste ass and balls and cum on your lips.  Hot!”


Then he pushed my legs to my chest, his head dipped and I felt his mouth on my anus.  He was humming as he did it, thoroughly licking me clean, even driving his tongue up inside me.  Then he was on his back, pulling my head down to suck his dick, pushing it into my throat until I gagged again.


“Gotta train that throat,” he said, not letting up on the pressure.  “Feels good to have your spit running down my dick.” 


Finally he let me go and I gasped for air and coughed.  Then, he turned me around, put me on my hands and knees and shoved his dick inside me with one thrust.


I screamed, and the room erupted into their chant as I was mercilessly pummeled by his immense dick and hard thrusts.  Another guy – this one a smooth-skinned Latino sporting an even larger erection sat in front of me, his legs spread.


“Suck me, don’t want to waste your mouth.”


I moaned, then tried to take his dick in my mouth, but it was so think that I could barely manage the head.


“Don’t want to suck me, is that it?  Maybe you’ll like this better.  Hey, Ike,” the Latino guy said, push him down when I’m in place.”


The Latino guy turned on his stomach and positioned himself so that his ass was under my face.  The Black guy, without stopping his thrusts pushed me flat, and made sure my face was buried in the Latino guys ass.  He was more than musky – outright dirty – and I tried to pull my head away.


“Get your face in there,” the Black guy growled.  “You don’t suck dick, then you have to eat ass.”


Forcing me to rim his brother seemed to push him over the edge; the Black guys thrusts seemed were violent now, as if he was trying to push me through the platform.  Then he was howling “Ave libidinem, he has taken the first of my loads.”


The first?  I thought, horrified.


He wouldn’t let up, kept fucking me until my ass throbbed.  I thought Mike was amazing for shooting twice in a row.  This guy came four or five times before he was ready to stop.  Then the Latino guy flipped me on my back, raised my legs and drove into my already abused asshole.  And another of his brothers – this one a smooth white guy with red hair and pubes – came to use my mouth for his pleasure. 


It went on for who knows how long; as soon as one guy had finished with my ass, the one who was at my mouth would fuck me, and another would take his place.  I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I counted ten guys, each of whom came at least twice in my ass.  By then I was exhausted, and hoping that my initiation – more like a marathon trial by fire was over.


“You have done well, my sons,” the Father said.  I was lying at his feet, curled up on my side.  “He is now prepared for the final stage of his initiation.”


Oh, God.  Now what?


I heard a rustle of fabric and looked up to see him shed his black robe and his loincloth.  His dick wasn’t the largest I’d seen that night, but it had that huge ring through the tip shaped like a horseshoe, but with large ball bearings on each end.  I knew what was coming next...

Edited by NYBBGUY58
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Chapter 4


Father Scorpio looked ready and raring to go.  His dick was fully erect, oozing precum; I guess watching while I was gangbanged had turned him on.  I automatically looked to Mike.  He looked concerned (I guess he could see how tired I was), but gave me an almost imperceptible nod.  I sighed inwardly.  I would do it to please Mike, and so as not risk his looking bad in front of his Fraternity.  It only made sense – I had a feeling that I would need his protection in this pit of, well, scorpions.  It was in my best interests to support his authority.


“Approach me, Novice.”


I guess that counted as a promotion from “Initiate,” or “SILENCE.”


I wearily crawled towards him on hands and knees.


“Lie down between my legs,” he commanded.


Oh, Lordy.  I did it immediately, realizing that I shouldn’t be surprised, since his “sons” seemed to like this so much.  He was likely the one who taught them their moves, after all.  He knelt over my face; his ass was very hairy.  It was almost like being with some mythical creature, Pan or a centaur.  He lowered his ass slowly, making sure he got his butthole right over my nose.


“Inhale deeply the man stink of your Father.  Let my potent scent fill your nostrils, your lungs, and block out all the others whom you’ve worshipped today, and you will then take my potent, charged seed.  I am now your Master, as I am the Master of all those who have used you tonight.”


He was certainly pungent, but still clean.  It was the scent of sweat rather than lack of hygiene.


“Kiss my asshole, Novice.”


I hesitated a moment (proving the old saw about hesitation and being lost) and that was too long.  He sat on my face, full weight, smothering me.


“You must always obey my orders immediately.  I have told you there would be consequences otherwise.”


I was trying not to struggle, but I couldn’t breathe and my back arched as I involuntarily tried to get some air.  That seemed to be his cue to release my head, and I gasped in air (getting another healthy whiff of his butt) and immediately started the inevitable trajectory, kissing, licking, eating and finally thrusting my tongue inside of his butt.


“Yes, yes," he said.  "Obey me and feed my lust.  Ave libidinem,” he bellowed, the fraternity guys answering with Fratres, in cupiditate.  God I was getting sick of hearing those fucking words.  Maybe eventually it would be like white noise, and I’d stop noticing?  He moved a little so that his balls were over my mouth.


“Worship the repository of my holy seed, Novice,” he intoned. 


I wasted no time in sniffing his balls, then kissing them and licking them.  Then he pushed the tip of his cock with its metal adornment against my lips.


“Open your mouth and receive my rod, the instrument of the transfiguration that will bring you into the light.  You will be exalted, a receptacle for our lust and desire, a chalice into which the athame will plunge.  Brothers and Acolytes, gather to witness my gift to the Novice,” he said.


The entire assembly came close and formed a ring around us.  He roughly pulled my legs over his heavily muscled shoulders, lined up his drooling cock with my ass and began to push in.  It was nearly unbearable; my anus and rectum were already sore from having been used multiple times by 11 men of all different shapes and sizes.  It would have been okay but for that infernal piercing; he punched through the first ring of muscle which, try as I might, caused me to shriek.


“You may scream as much as you like,” snarled the Father.  “No one can hear you except me and my Sons.  Soon you will moan with desire.”


Soon being a relative term, I thought, wincing and struggling as he began to pump in and out.


His breathing was speeding up, there was a cruel smile on his face and he seemed suffused with a perverse joy as he thrust more and more strongly, pinning me in place.


“Yes, YES, YESSSSSSS,” he howled as his hips pistoned his dick in and out of me.  “Stroke my balls, to encourage the seed to shoot into your soft, sweet boy cunt, made for a man’s pleasure.”  I did as ordered immediately, running my fingers over the sack of crinkled skin, and reaching behind to the sensitive skin between his legs.


That cause him to pound into me without mercy; screams tore out of me as that thing he had on his cock battered my insides.  I could feel his balls tighten and rise underneath my tickling fingers.  Please cum, I prayed.  I can’t last much longer.


It began as a low growl in his throat rising to a roar worthy of a wild animal.  He rammed into me once, twice, three times, then shouted “Ave libidinem, Fratres, in cupiditate, his innocence is fully destroyed, his asshole is wrecked, my deathstick fills him with my charged…positive sperm.”


Positive? I thought, terrified.  Not that, please, not that.


“The breeding is complete, he will join us now as a Son of the Scorpion, bearer of the Virus — HIV.”


“WHAT?” I shrieked, and then began to sob.  “No, no, please, no.”


“It is too late,” he said.  “The conversion is underway.  My seed was already passed to you through my Sons, the brothers and the acolytes, and it has been sealed with the seed of the Father.  You have taken 45 loads of toxic sperm.  Soon you will get the fever and burn with the raging fire of lust.  The transfiguration has begun; you will carry my mark for the rest of your life.”


I must have fainted from shock and exhaustion.  I was vaguely aware of being lifted, immersed in warm water, gently bathed and tucked into bed.  Half-awake, I felt tears seep out from under my eyelids, and all I could hope is that this was a nightmare and that I’d soon wake up, safe and secure in my dorm room.

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