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Depression & Barebacking/bug Chasing

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Wondering how many people who bareback or bug chase suffer from depression? I do, and my psychiatrist thinks this may be related. As in risk taking behavior/self destructive.


Unrelated but interesting/hot, his husband barebacks behind his back....so there's that too. Ran into him in a bathhouse and had some fun.

Edited by cheatingjock
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Guest ff-whole

I have been suffering from heavy depressions all my life...

I think that the destructive behavior could be very well part in it. It probably does with me.

I am not really a bug chaser, but I am still having extreme risky sex.

Like jumping out of a building and being asked half way down how am I doing...

"So far - so good..."


I take Cannabis Oil with THC and for the last couple of months I finally found some rest in my head. FINALLY....

However now that I am hooked on barebacking and taking anonymous loads, so I doubt if I'll stop this way of having sex.

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I don't know that I suffer from depression as such, it's never got me down so much that I've felt the need to go and see a doc about it. However, in my daily life and my work situation, there are few moments where I could say i'm truly happy and having fun. The overwhelming feeling for me a lot of the time is just one of severe boredom with what society considers to be a "normal" existence. I have non-sex hobbies and passions that I enjoy but don't get the chance to practice them as often as I'd like. So when I'm getting fucked, playing with guys and taking cock... That's one of the times in life where I am really happy and enjoying myself.

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I had anxiety for many years when the AIDS crisis started. I kept on barebacking and taking loads at bathhouses. I was hooked so I just said fuck it: what will be will be. If I get a disease, I get a disease. I don't know why I am still negative because I have taken so many poz loads over the years. So if you are depressed or anxious make up your mind. Stop barebacking and not have those problems or accept life as it is and as it unfolds for you. Life's too short to live in fear.

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@cheatingjock. What are your own thoughts about your situation? Is it guilt because you cheat on your partner and have bb sex with others behind his back. And you love that but maybe down inside you wish you didn't and you don't like that part of you? Or do you like the excitement of bb sex with others (and can't resist it) but know you put yourself at risk of catching something? And/or pass it on?


Your depression may not even related to bareback sex even though your psychiatrist thinks so. Don't know why he comes to that conclusion. There could be many reasons. I am not a psychiatrist but it could be work related, relationship related, your move to a different city. You name it.

I have had periods where I felt depressed for all types of reasons, but sex wasn't one of them. Or maybe it was, but then the fact I didn't get as much as I wanted.....

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He doesn't so much think the sex is causing the depression.  more that the depression is (at least partially) responsible for the risky sex.


I've had depression and anxiety since at least middle school (diagnosed), much before I had any sexual activity. Tried different combinations of medications and therapy with varying success/reduction in symptoms. Dealt with suicidal behavior/attempts, cutting, panic attacks, etc. Right now in a bad place.


And I think sometimes I feel wtf am I doing to myself/boyfriend, but then at the same time, the sex and cheating is so hot. 

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  • 5 months later...
Guest fitnessfreak

I know I do have some mental health problem but not ones that I need to take meds. My mental health problem should of been pick on when I very young still at school but they fail to act on it leaving me with many difficulty later in life. I don't think I have depression but some days I do feel like it and some time I can go through a self destructive mood.

Yes I know that I'm a bug chaser and have been for some time I have been working to stop it but every thing I have try has fail. So far I know I need to have a more of positive out look on life and be around positive people and feel positive but how far should I take it, I know it doesn't mean only be with poz guys and be poz myself but some time I want to be poz and live life and be free and have no fear.

I do have a boyfriend and have been together for over 10 years during this time I never had sex with any one else and I'm not interested in cheating on him. We only have bb sex together but over the last few month I get a feeling that I want more like going to sex party's or bath houses etc etc but my bf is not interested in this sort of stuff and doesn't understand why I'm into chasing .

I have spoken out about my feeling and issues I have but I'm not getting much or any help and support in sorting myself out. I don't have the money to see psychiatrist but I hope by speaking out I may get some help from people you been in the same place.

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Guest GoodExercise

Several of my best FBs have been or are bipolar.  Its always good to catch them on an upswing, and send them home even happier with an assful of cum.

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On 10/22/2016 at 10:00 AM, samshadowxxx said:

I don't know that I suffer from depression as such, it's never got me down so much that I've felt the need to go and see a doc about it. However, in my daily life and my work situation, there are few moments where I could say i'm truly happy and having fun. The overwhelming feeling for me a lot of the time is just one of severe boredom with what society considers to be a "normal" existence. I have non-sex hobbies and passions that I enjoy but don't get the chance to practice them as often as I'd like. So when I'm getting fucked, playing with guys and taking cock... That's one of the times in life where I am really happy and enjoying myself.

I resonate with this.  I don't feel as though I'm depressed to the point where I need to see a doctor, and I DO have activities that I do when I can (concerts, shows, dinners with friends, reading, etc...) that make me happy.  My thing is loneliness....I've lived alone for over 10 years now, with limited dating, etc.. and the loneliness can make me want to go find hookups and do the BB fucking and such, for connection. 

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