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I showered and cleaned up the sauan. It was pretty quiet the Bill called me over. "I've got an errand for you, since its quiet." He said. "Get dressed"

I put on some clothes and went to the reception desk where he handed me a package with the name of a local hospital on it. He gave me an address and said "take this over and give it to Mick - its his meds which he forgot to pick up from the clinic."

"I's a basement flat. He lives there with some other guys who are all poz, though not all on meds." I felt my heart skip a beat and he gave me a filthy smile. "They're pretty far gone, most of them and they don't have the cash to visit the sauna often.  I told them you're coming over. It's up to you whether you want to stay for  while." Then he raised an eyebrow and I knew what he meant. Did I want to stay and have sex with these men.

I took the package. The flat was about 20 minutes walk away in a run down area of old victorian buildings. I went down some steps and knocked on a peeling fron door with carboard in the window and an overflowing rubbish bin next to it. I knocked, and the door opened to reveal a dark hallway with an overwhelming smell of body odour, cigarette smoke and the tang of poppers. The man in the doorway was fat, short, balding and dresed in a stained threadbare dressing gown.

"Wotcher want?" He growled looking me up and down.

"I...I'm Timmy." I said, recoling from the smell and his grubby appearance. "I've got something for Mick."

He smiled revealing stained teeth and the tongue which licked his lips was furred yellow/green.

"Oh, right. Heard about you. Come in."

He turned and I followed him into the hall way. "Mick ain't here, but you can leave his stuff." He scratched under the robe which gaped open to reveal a flabby belly and masses of hair around a heavy cock.

I swallowed, feeling repelled as he scratched busily in his groin, but I was also excited especially as the strong smell of poppers made my head swim.

I put the package on the floor and stood awkwardly.

"Come and meet the others." He said, noticing my glance at his dangling cock. "Bill said you was a good boy, real friendly like." and he leered at me and laughed.

Before I could speak, he led me down the hall and into a small sitting room, dimly lit by a small window high up on the wall. It was smokey and smelled of sweat and worse. There were two sofas on which sat five or six men, all old and all looking like they needed a bath. Several were just wearing singlets and underpants. Others were smoking and they were watching porn on an old TV as they passed a bottle of poppers around.

It was really hot and I felt sweat trickling in my armpits.

"Well. aintcha gonna sit down?"

I squeezed on to a sofa between two old trolls who were watching the TV and sniffing poppers. They ignored me as did the guy who had let me in.

I was wondering what to do when the man next to me, dressed only in his underwear said "Fuck, this porn has got me on the go!" He pulled his undepants down and a thick, swollen cock slapped against his hairy belly. It was slimey with pre-cum and I noticed what looked like blisters under the head. "I could do with a fuck!"

Suddenly, the other man's boney fingers were on my belt, undoing it and unzipping my fly.

"Know what you mean, Fred. I could do with some arse around my cock."

As they spoke, they dragged my trousers off, followed by my underpants. The man who'd let me in came

over with a filthy tube of lube.

"So when's your next clinic appointment Fred?" He said as they pulled me round so I was kneeling on the sofa.

"Next week" They spread my arse roughly apart and I felt cool lube being rubbed into my anus.

"I guess I'll have to go on meds soon." I heard Fred say as he got heavily off the sofa. "Viral load's through the roof."

He got behind me, and I felt his cock against my arsehole. What was I doing? This was a disgusting old man, in a filthy flat, about to put his diseased cock in me without even caring who I was, that I was just an upraised arse and a hole to fill.

The man who'd let me in, who I later found out was called Paul, matter of factly pushed some poppers under my nose and as the chemical washed through me, Freds thick, diseased cock slid wetly up into my rectum.

In front of me, Paul's robe was open and he was scratching his groin and complaining about it, even as he offered me his swelling cock to suck as Fred fucked me in long, slow, delicious strokes.

I was lost. I couldn't resist as the poppers and the thick cock in me made me gasp with pleasure.

"Oh yeah!" said Paul. "Fill it up, Fred. Let some others have a go!"

Fred was grunting and thrusting hard and I realised he was about to come in me. I felt a moment's fear, a moments regret, and then he gave a pig-like grunt, pushed against me, and I felt his cock throbbing as he spurted into me.

When he finished he gave a sigh. "That were good!" He said, sliding his softening cock out of me. A drool of cum slithered over my balls and he scooped it up with his finger and pushed it back in.

I stood up, my cheeks flushed with shame and looked across the room. Two men were on the other sofa, one pale and gaunt, the other wizzened with sores around his mouth.

They had pushed their clothes down and were jacking their erections as they chatted about someting. Paul grabbed my arm and led me over.

"Any one want some tea?" He said. As he spoke, he turned me round and I felt hands on my hips pulling me down on to another cock. It slid easily up me through the spunk and the lube until I was sitting on the old man's lap, impaled on his cock. "Two sugars in mine." I heard him say behind me and then he started to thrust up into me and empty his sperm with the rest...


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Fuck, this just gets better and better. This is one of my fantasies that I really want to live out, visiting a bunch of nasty full blown AIDS fuckers and bringing them some pleasure, draining their balls before they're done with me. And when I leave, hopefully well and truly bugged up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I left a couple of hours later, spunk drying on face arse and thighs, and stinking of their sweat and cigarette smoke. I was literally dripping cum into my underpants and didn't want to go home in this state, but the sauna would be closed by now. It was dark, but the night was warm. I decided to head down to the beach and find a place to rest, then I'd call home later and say I'd been to a club.

I followed the road down to the beach, crossed the promenade and dropped down onto the pebbles. Behind me was a dark space beneath the promenade where the concrete had eroded. It was quite narrow and low, but I decided it would be a good place to hangout until daylight. As I bent and crawled inside I first smelled body odour, then heard someone give a hacking cough. It was obviously already occupied and by several men by the sound of things. "'ere! watch out mate!" Said a voice, followed by a cough and a spitting sound.

"s..s..sorry." I said, starting to back out, " I..i was just looking for a place to rest."

At the sound of my young voice, I heard someone chuckle in the dark, and boney fingers grabbed my arm and pulled me into the dark.

"well now, " said another voice. "I guess we've always got room for a lad...providing he's friendly like."

I was pulled slowly into the small dark space beneath the promenade like a fly in a web. Once inside, it was completely black and I could feel warm bodes and foul breath around me. 

"Get your panties off, then." Said the rough voice.

"Wh..what?" I gasped, but a hand clutched my throat and a voice whispered. " I said, get those panties off.  You're gonna get that sweet bum fucked. You didn't think we let you in out of the goodness of our hearts did you?"

He squeezed again and I gasped and undid my belt and fly. I pushed trousers and pants down and felt the cool sand against my belly. Above me, I heard footsteps and the sound of council workers emptying bins, but I couldn't make a sound. There was an overpowering smell of unwashed body as a man got on my back. I squealed through the boney fingers as I felt a large, slimey cock slide between the cheeks of my arse, seeking my hole. Suddenly, he found my slit which was still wet with spunk, and he drove down and into my rectum. I gasped as the heavy cock began to thrust and tried not to breathe the stink from his body as he buggered me whilst only feet away I heard the workers laughing and joking. If only they knew I was being knocked up just below them.

The man in me growled and bit my ear. "Pig!" He hissed. "Dirty little sow. Love my dirty old cock, don't cha?"

I could only groan with pleasure as another man slithered round in the small space. His smelly trousers were open and he forced his cock into my mouth. It was wet and covered with fleshy bumps which I realised must be warts, and the head tasted slightly metallic and I found my tongue touching what felt like a sore on the tip which explained the wetness. I tried to pull away but there was no room and I was pinned to the sand by the man jerking on top of me. I was forced to suck the diseased cock until the man in me jerked and grunted as he spurted probably diseased cum up my arse.

"Get off him, then! Let's have a go!" The man got off me, his cock sliding out with a wet farting noise. I tried to crawl out, but strong hands pulled me back. "No you don't! You got to pay the rent!" I heard laughter and realised there were several men in that small space. The man who's cock I had been sucking was waiting for me. He pulled me onto my side as someone pulled my legs up to my chest and then I felt his warty cock slide up me from behind as his hand snaked over my thigh and began to jack my cock. 

"Who want's a nice fresh cock, then?" He whispered.

I heard rustling as clothing was removed, and suddenly a cold, flabby backside pushed backwards into my belly. Between the cold cheeks, the cleft was hot and greasy and I was helpless as the man fucking me squeezed my cock and got it into position. The cold backside pushed back, and suddenly I felt my cock sliding into a delicious, grainy, wet heat as I was deep in a man for the first time. I gasped as the filthy old arsehole moved up and down my cock, my body sandwiched between the tramps, and as the man in me began to cum, I felt my balls tighten and then I came too, shooting my sperm into that filthy hole like a pig, and sobbing with the shame and excitement...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dawn was breaking by the time they finished with me. My face and bottom were covered in spunk, and my belly felt like it had been pumped full of it a well. I manged to retrieve my clothes and crawled out onto the beach. I dressed, but realised I still couldn’t go home like this. I remembered an old, brick toilet set back from the beach in some bushes and thought there might be a basin I could wash the worst of the filth off.

There didn’t seem to be anyone around, so I crept up to the building and went inside. It smelt of piss and damp. There were some urinals and cubicles and a cracked wash basin which had running water. I took off my trousers and peeled my underpants off my sticky buttocks and ran some water in the bowl. It was difficult, but I managed to raise one leg on to the edge so I could apply water to my arsehole which was puffy and sore.

Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps and a short, fat man came through the door. He was wearing stained overalls, rubber boots and was carrying a mop and bucket.

I froze with shock, and he grinned as he saw my bare arse and the puffy slit between the cheeks.

“’ello.” He said. “what’s all this? Got yourself fucked did you?”

I lowered my leg and stood there miserably as he laughed at my discomfort.

“That’s why I like the early shift,” He said. “There’s often some dirty bastard washing his bum hole in the morning.”

He put the bucket down and unzipped the front of his overalls. He had a fat, hairy belly and around the belly button was a large biohazard tattoo. When he pulled the zipper lower, a thick cock with a large mushroom cock fell into his fist and swelled into erection.

“You alright in there, Mick?” Shouted a voice from outside.

“Oh yeah,” He called back, turning me round and bending me over the washbasin. He dug out a battered tin of Vaseline and smeared it over my gaping hole. “This won’t take long, mate!”

I felt his cock pushing into me. It forced my hole further open around the mushroom head, then slid into my gut with a delicious sliding feeling.

“I’ll just clean the ladies, then, shall I?” Called the voice from outside.

Mick was thrusting in and out, gasping with pleasure as he sodomised me over the basin.

“Y..you…ooof…yeah you do that!” He gasped, lifting his belly onto my backside and going deeper up me.

I was crushed over the cold porcelain as he worked himself to a climax.

“Here it comes you dirty sod!” He grunted and I felt his cock throbbing inside me as he added his spunk to the cum already swimming inside me.

“That’s better.” He sighed, pulling his cock out, wiping it with a dirty cloth and zipping up his overalls before wiping my bottom with the same rag.

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

He turned away and started mopping the floor.

“Bye then.” I said.

He ignored me, so I pulled on my underwear and trousers and went outside. Another man was emerging from the ladies with a bucket, and he raised an eyebrow when he saw me, then jerked his hips suggestively. I blushed and walked off with his laughter in my ears.

By now it was nearly 9 o’clock and I knew Bill would be at the sauna, so I headed of there to get a shower.

I let myself in and found him behind the desk drinking coffee.

“Where you been?” He said, “Your mum’s been round looking for you.”

I explained about what had happened and he gave a whistle of appreciation. “You ended up under the promenade, then? Bloody hell, they’re real tramps under there. Did you get fucked by an old guy with a warty cock and sores?”

I nodded my head.

“Then your arse will be swimming with bugs by now! His names John and he’s well known for having the clap and god knows what else!”

As he spoke, I noticed his cock thicken and stiffen in his shorts and a dark pre-cum stain appear at the tip.

“Mind you, there’s some find that gets them horny. Strip off and show me your arse.”

I did as I was told, and he turned me round and stuck a finger up me, which slid in easily from the cleaner’s spunk from earlier.

“We’d best phone your mum and tell her you’re ok.”

He dropped his shorts and bent me over the counter and then dialled my home.

As the phone rang, he slowly slid his cock up me and grunted with pleasure.

“Oh yeah, nothing like an arse full of bugs around my cock.”

I heard my mother answer and Bill said “That’s right, he’s here. I’m with him now.” He pushed his cock deeper and I squealed with pleasure. “Yeah, he’s happy enough….that’s so wet and dripping…no I was just saying there’s a drip in the shower…oof I’m going to cum..sorry I said I’ll make sure he comes straight home..ahhh.” With that he shot a huge load up me in spasms as my mother thanked him for looking out for me and rang off.

Bill pulled out and I saw his cock was covered in slime. “”Lovely!” He said, pushing his cock back into his shorts. “I’ll leave it dirty to marinade”

He ruffled my hair. “You’re a good one, a right dirty little pig. Lube yourself up and get off upstairs. They’ll be in soon and you’ve got work to do.”

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