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Tell Me Your Thoughts On Hookup Sites/Apps & Finding Sex

Questions About Hookup Sites  

1,032 members have voted

  1. 1. Overall, Is It Easier Or Harder To Find Sex On Hookup Websites?

    • Harder than it was a few years ago
    • About the same as it was a few years ago
    • Even easier than it was a few years ago
  2. 2. Is It Easier or Harder To Find Sex On BarebackRT?

    • Harder than it was a few years ago
    • About the same as it was a few years ago
    • Even easier than it was a few years ago
  3. 3. Is It Easier Or Harder To Find Sex On Hookup Aps (on your phone)?

    • Harder than it was a few years ago
    • About the same as it was a few years ago
    • Even easier than it was a few years ago

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It's taking me years, but I'm gradually building a hookup site to accompany Breeding Zone. Actually it will be a couple different, interconnected hookup sites – one for bareback, one for poz fetish, one for oral, one for vanilla, etc. I realize things change over time, so I want to understand what works and what doesn't work for you.

Specifically, I want to know where you guys go first when you're looking for sex. Do you use a website, or an app, or do you skip all that and just go to a bathhouse or sex party, or what?

I specifically want to understand your experience with BarebackRT since it will be the primary competition for what I'm building. It's grown a lot, but on the guys on there now as easy to hookup with as they were a few years ago? In other words, are quality sex pigs who actually want to hookup and fuck now or in the near future harder to find because bareback is so popular and the more average guys (or the prettier guys?) aren't actually as uninhibited and piggy as the ones who were on the site initially? It's sorta my theory that that's the case, but I wanna hear your thoughts.

But overall, more guys are barebacking, but if they're pickier than the old-school bareback pigs (before PrEP got everyone to go raw and take loads), then more people doesn't mean a better experience when you want to fuck. Do you have any suggestions for how I can keep things piggy with what I'm building? Would going invite-only once things are up to critical mass be a good idea? I'm thinking I'll have a vanilla hookup site and people start there, and then to get access to the raunchy hookup sites guys have to be vouched for by a trusted member. That means guys will probably need to have sex with someone to get vouched for. Good idea? bad idea?

Meanwhile with apps, I quit Grindr when it just became all buff torso shots. Scruff had more "regular" guys, but now it's getting to the point where it's all buff torso shots too (just more hair). Do the apps actually work for you? When was the last time you had a good hookup off an app? (And compare that to how much time you put into trying to make it happen).

In general, what is it that you want to help you fuck and get fucked? I'm thinking a lot broader than a hookup site (which is one reason why it's taking me a long time). I mean for starters everything here on Breeding Zone will (a few years from now) get merged into the hookup sites. So there will be a social / sharing aspect to what I'm building – but also a hookup component. I'm also  envisioning a place database similar to Squirt.org where guys can talk about their experiences at different places – only improved and not limited to a few views per day like Squirt. And then there are things like party listings – both commercial parties (which are technically lacking on BBRT, except CumUnion), and non-commercial ones like hotel gangbangs.

So think about what you need to improve your ability to hookup and share it here… I can't make promises to do everything (I can only do so much), but your thoughts and ideas will definitely inform what I'm doing.


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Posted (edited)

I got fed up of Grindr and despised it so much, to the point that I ended up deleting it and not looking back. Hate that app so much. The overwhelming majority of guys on there are time wasters and pic collectors, however I have had a number of meets from Grindr which turned out to be really good fucks. But I'm glad to be rid of Grindr. 95% or more of the guys on there just like to see pics and not go beyond that. Shame.

The majority of the sex I have, is obtained in the bathhouses. Sometimes I like to use male escorts for their services (and the occasional female escort, too!). 

Also, once every now and then I will go cruising in public places, such as parks or woodland areas which are known for being gay cruising grounds (such as Hampstead Heath here in the UK, for example).



Edited by concerned1
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Yeah, I wish there was more sex in public spaces here in NYC.

Not sure if it's just all the competition from the new PrEPsters for loads, or if it's me getting older (and tops want younger bottoms), but it seems I don't do as well on either hookup websites or apps as I once did (not that I ever did that much on apps). I'll send messages to guy who show as "online" and they don't read them for hours. Or I'll unlock for a bunch of guys and fewer of them get back to me. Maybe that's the sites exaggerating who's actually online, but the end result is not much dick. 

So yeah, I also just go straight to sex parties, bathhouses, etc. But that isn't an ideal solution much of the time. Wish there were reliable places near me where I could go out and get fucked 24/7. 

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For me the primary anymore is the bath house and sometimes once in a great while, one of the ABS that's nearer to my location works, but not often. I did get on Scruff awhile back and was contacted by a guy that was not too far from me, but then it didn't work out either due to conflicts on a meeting place. The thing I find with the hookup sites is that, the guys that are into it and seem willing are always too far away from my location to be viable contacts and have a hookup, but then I'm also located out in the mid-west here and in the sticks also. My action is limited by the fact that the nearest bath is a bit over 100mi away and what I call the local ABS are about 35mi.

A hookup site with guys nearer and more open would be great and also, one that could possibly weed out the fakes and wannabe's, that's another problem here in my area with Scruff, A4A, BBRT, etc, the few that are local all seem to talk the talk, but when walking the walk, they seem to disappear into thin air.

Guest Memphian

I agree Grindr is very disappointing.  Never actually been able to hook up.  But there seem to be a lot of younger guys on there who aren't interested in middle aged guys like me.  Squirt.org has worked for me but it's really hit or miss.  I've always had the best luck on Craigslist but it seems to be less dependable lately.   I counted 30 massage ads yesterday in my local M4M Casual Encounters section, and then you have the ads that are not obviously spam, but seem to be run by the same guys day after day.

So lately I've just been getting cock at the adult theater.  No app required.  


BBRT is really the only I app I use reliably these days. NEVER had any luck with Grindr or Growlr. A4A I get a bunch of guys wanting to seed me, but not following through. Recon, i have NEVER connected with anyone. Handful of messages on other sites - hornet, dudesnude, nastykinkpigs, bareback, Volttage, gayternet, fuckbook, etc.  BBRT is only running about 50% for me, which is still higher than any other site.  Maybe it's me, hard to say.  Used to be I could log on, hit someone up and 1/2 hour later I'd be shooting in them or them in me.... Nowadays, it's less reliable, but still can be fun. I WILL say the quickconnect ads and party listings are pretty consistent, just not the active real-time cruising.  It's becoming a lost art. :-(

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Reliable sources lately have been friends and referrals. ..private party's where everyone has been friends before. X factors only when I am together with another buddy like myself. Flip flops are definitely the best for me. 


I find it's about the same but then again I'm a chubby 45 year old bottom that's poz so I come to keep those factors in mind with responses I receive.

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Guest GoneFishing

I cut off  the middleman and have all my pig out at the baths or cum union or just a cum dump.  but hook up site based on the next step pig would be awesome !


Grindr or Growlr. A4A  are a waste land all players no one serious  bbrt never had a hookup yet   only place is bar or bathhouse and of course craigslist is still hot for me  cause i can host and there are so many married cheating guys on there that are always horny for a cock or ass  and so fucking many go bare its unbelievable

Posted (edited)

Yes!  Monogamy isn't always the best answer for any group. Sometime I find partners that can shot multiple times and they're comfortable because their regular session's seems to be very VANILLA or unimaginative. So,  they're comfortable with an outside arrangement to satisfy their unusual desires to shot lots of loads freely and take themselves to another level of lust, privately. Example: 5 + time's during each session. 

Edited by AZRawPig

Apps, in my experience are a complete waste. There is always one parameter you don't meet.

I used to have great luck on gay.com and a4a years ago, but no more.

Face to face ie: baths, bars, abs is the only thing I will invest time in. I have deleted all the apps.

In my opinion, the only thing that could salvage the app arena is some kind of feedback system, so you know, from a 3rd party, what the guy is all about. That would also take care of the invite only or other ways of "screening" posts.

My biggest pet peeve is all the fake shit. Close up pics that show 2sq inches of skin, pics that are 20 years old, etc. A feed back system would take care of all that.

The downside, obviously, would be trolls. Perhaps, you couldn't leave feedback till you had a minimum number of feedbacks on you.

I really miss the chat aspect of the original gay.com. it was by far the best site I have ever used. The various rooms were awsome, where like minded people could get together. The first time I logged on to gay.com, I was out on a hookup within 20 minutes, and I live far from any city. Nothing has come close since.

Just my 2 shekels... good luck.

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Ok, to start, I find this website refreshing and, to me, more appealing because it's not a hook up site. But at the same time, yes it can be, if you happen to run into a member who's situation makes hooking up feasible.

I live in Columbia, Mo a town/city of about 124,000 ppl. 2 universities and a college. My website of choice for hooking up locally is BBRT.

Only because of the type of member it attracts, ie Pig, more risky and at risk members, the broader and more intense sexuality, etc. plus

they include my area and have given it, it's own room per say. It's member coverage, potentially would include the areas up to where the St Louis and Kansas City influence picks up, east and west. South down to where Springfield's influence starts and north, I would imagine could go as far as Des Moines, Iowa. 

However, I've never seen more than 8 members on at any one time. If we only use Columbia's pop. numbers, take the out the females, then remove the straight men, leaving only the gay men, you'd be left with a member potential of about 4000+. Now factor out all the quirks

and you're left with about 2000 potentials. Your online member average is 4, making your online market share of approx. 0.2%.

I've bored you with all this because you had said BBRT was your main competition. I don't think so. Adam4Adam as of right now, has 

89,000+ online members where BBRT has 13,000. Today's market target is probably 18-30yrs. These are the ones that are changing or maybe rearranging the social sexuality that we're accustom to. In the leather community the Old Guard is on it's way out, being replaced by the New Guard. If you've noticed, the Hanky Codes have probably tripled in the last 10yrs. I could see that as the old generations die off, those old codes will too, leaving the new codes. Look at the old pig and the new pig. You can just tell the old pig, is a pig. He has that "Fuck yeah" sexual essence. The new pig doesn't need to look the part to play the part. Back in the day if you were pulled, sexually, in that direction, your only resources for learning were other Pigs and porn. Both came with the persona. Today, that same kind of sex, is on the internet, But without the leather costumes and uniforms, the dark and dank dungeon and most importantly, the raw, from the dirt, animalistic intensity that could only be characterized by one word "PIG".

Personally I wont join A4A  in this area. Im sure my odds of hooking up would increase but i'm not one to sacrifice quality for quantity.


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I much prefer meeting in clubs and saunas to online as the websites and apps seem to be so full of flakes. 

That said there are aspects of different sites that are good. I like the way you can leave "reviews" of encounters on Squirt so you can see if someone is a player or a fantasist easily. I like the way I can easily find guys into similar fetishes on Recon. Planet Romeo / Gayromeo has a features where escort profiles are flagged and you can switch them off or specifically search for an escort if that's your thing. 

I think the key to a site aimed at this community is to somehow make it exclusive to keep the tourists and one handed typists out. Some kind of reputation score would work ?

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