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This is a side-project that goes along with my other story. However, it can easily be read on its own. Be warned it will have a similar set up to another story on here, but only in setting up the setup of the plot. Let me know what you think down in the comments!


Part 1

“That's it boy, suck on that nice piece of meat. Get it nice and wet for what’s coming!”

Urged on by the hot, muscled man standing above me, I forced his cock deeper into my mouth, enjoying the feeling and taste of his dripping, uncut cock sliding around on my tongue, my own cock throbbing in anticipation. I moan as I felt him place his hand on the back of my head, urging me even deeper down on his cock. Forcing myself not to gag from its massive size, I let him slowly rape my mouth as he let out a content sigh. Soon I'd finally get what I fantasized and dreamed of. A huge cock shooting a thick load deep up my virgin ass.

It was hard to believe that that morning I was just a young, 18-year-old virgin. I knew from a young age that I was gay; girls never even blipped on my radar, and I always found myself fantasizing about some of the hotter guys in my class kissing me and feeling me up. However, I never acted on it.

My family had moved to our small, midwestern town when I was in 6th grade, leaving me friendless. My former best friend was over 1000 miles away on the east coast, as well as everyone I knew growing up. I hadn’t been popular, but I was at least well-liked by nearly everyone. In my new school, I was an outcast… quiet, shy, too smart for the popular crowd and disliked because I actually enjoyed being at school.

By the time I hit my senior year, I knew I wanted to be like the guys I saw in the porn I found online. A slut, taking cock from multiple guys until shooting all over myself. My only friends were a few of the nerdier, but in my opinion, much cooler girls who shared some of my same interests in different books and shows at the time. Nobody, however, knew my secret… that I wanted nothing more than to lose my virginity to a hot top.

This obviously didn’t stop me from being made fun of, with being called things like fag or queer by the hotter, popular jocks in the in-crowd. Rationally, I knew it was only to get a rise out me, but a part of me always worried they knew I was what I secretly wanted to be.

By the end of my senior year, I couldn’t take it any longer. I was tired of jacking off and pretending I was getting fucked by some hot, muscled guy as I fingered myself to climax in my hand, licking my hand clean to keep my secret from my thankfully more liberal parents and 5 sisters. I decided to finally lose my virginity and started to secretly hatch out a plan.

Having gotten a few letters from some prospective colleges from the large city about 3 hours away, I planned to go and look at a few, staying at my distant cousin’s apartment near one of the campus. Knowing he wouldn’t care if I was there or not, I figured I could make my parents believe my half-lie.

I would look at the school that week, during spring break at my school, and during the weekend I would go to a gay bathhouse I had read about in some of my lurkings online. It would be a week after 18th birthday, so I would finally be legal to enter. And maybe, just maybe, I would find someone to help me fulfill my wish of losing my “cherry.”

The week came quickly when my parents sat me down, my bag already around my shoulders and my keys to the small Honda my parent’s bought me in my hands. I had hoped to sneak out with a quick goodbye.

“Buddy,” my father, still in his lab coat from work at the local hospital, “We need to have a talk.”

SHIT! I thought to myself, THEY KNOW. FUCK!!!

“Uh… yeah, dad?” I said, trying not to let the fear in my mind crack into my voice. My plan was ruined, I was sure of it. The tone of his voice and the look on my mother’s face said it all.

“Your mother and I have talked… we know you’re a man now, but… we’re concerned. You know we love you and only want what is best and…”

“Oh Robert!” my mother sighed, her thick accent coming through as she crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at my dad, “Shit or get off a pie.”

“Pot… mom… it’s pot…. it’s slang for toilet…” I said, smiling slightly at her mistranslation. Thirty years and she STILL got idioms wrong. I was beginning to think it may be intentional.

“I like mine better,” she huffed before continuing, before glaring at my father, “We know you are going to college soon. Tell him.”

Pulling a pile of condoms and a handful of pamphlet out of his coat, he held them out to me.

“You need protection. We know things happen at colleges… and we don’t want you coming back and trapped with a baby on the way with some girl, or something like HPV or herpes…” my dad blurted out, rubbing his hand on his coat as he sat back on the couch.

“Uh….” was my only reply. I felt my cheeks start to burn. My parents thought I was going to get some girl pregnant.

“Just take them and be careful. And have fun. We love you very much,” my mom replied with a slight nod.

“And don’t trust a girl just because she is on the pill. She could be on an antibiotic, or could be asymptomatic or…” my dad replied, refusing to meet my eyes as he blurted out everything.

“Thanks… I guess…” I said slowly, grabbing them with a slight grimace, “You guys know…. I learned about most of this from health class… right…? And I really am just going to check out a few schools. I’ll call and everything if you want…”

“Just go have fun my little zaychik. Call when you get there so I know you are okay,” my mom replied, shooing me away.

3 hours later, and thankfully over a hundred miles from my family, I sat my bag down in the small living room of my cousin’s apartment, glad he was willing to let me stay there while he and his friends went to spring break somewhere out east.

It’s Friday night, and I’m ready to finally get down to business.

Pulling out a tight pair of jeans I had outgrown the previous year, and a similarly fitting t-shirt, I changed quickly and looked up the directions and information I had written earlier and made my way to the bar where the bathhouse was located.

Arriving, I quickly made my way to where the entrance was at the back and walked up to the small window, much like the ones I had seen in movies that they had at a seedy motel.

I rang the bell and out from the back room came one of the hottest guys I had ever seen.

Easily over 6ft, he had piercing grey eyes, long thick blonde hair, and a large piercing in his nose. He was wearing a tight-fitting wife beater that nearly covered his well-muscled chest and abs, and black leather pants that clung to his body, leaving nothing to the imagination. My eyes were quickly drawn to his pert ass and large bulge. A heavy five’o’clock shadow covered his face, which reminded me of an extremely hot bad boy version of Thor for some reason.

Even his voice made me melt, gravely and deep.

“Can I help you, boy? The bathroom is back in the other side of the bar,“ he said, pointing back towards the bar, looking up and down my body before smiling, “Unless you see something you like?”

Flustered, I blushed and shook my head.

“No… um…. I’m here to… I mean….” I said, suddenly unable to form words.

“Look, no offense kid, but you got to be at least 18 to even be in the bar. You gotta be… what? 15? 16 tops?”

Shaking my head no, I pulled out my wallet and pulled out my ID, sliding it under the glass.

“No, sir… I’m… I’m 18,” I said with a gulp, “See… my birthday was last week.”

“Sir, huh? First time to the baths then, huh?” he asked, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes, deftly lighting one and blowing the smoke at the glass.

“Uh, yeah… I… it’s that obvious huh?” I replied.

“You’re a cute fucker. They are going to be all over you!” he said with a smile, the cigarette dangling in his mouth., “Room or locker?”

“Oh… um….” I replied, realizing that I had no idea what to do. “I don’t really know which one…”

“Hot piece like you will definitely get invited into a room in no time,” he said, “I’d go with a locker.”

I nodded as he continued.

“Normally the fee is $40 to get in, full $100 for a room, but seeing as you just had your birthday, and it’s your first time… how about $20?” he said, turning around and grabbing a towel and a key.

Reaching into my wallet, I pulled out the two bills, left over from my gifts the week before.


“Don’t mention it. We all have our first times,” he said with a smile, “Maybe you’ll still be around later when I get off. Would like to help show you the ropes.”
Smiling back, I entered the entrance, the door buzzing as he pressed a small button under the counter in front of him.

Looking around, I took in the sites, as dozens of naked men walked around, some with towels and others in various states of undress. I quickly found my locker, and with a deep breath, I quickly undressed.

Throwing the towel around my now naked body, I grabbed a few condoms from my jean pocket, tucking them in between my skin and the cloth.

Taking another look around, I felt like a fish out of water.

18, skinny with just a small amount of lean muscle on my frame. Black hair, blue eyes, and an average sized uncut cock were all I had to offer. And around me was every possible type of hot character from every gay porn I ever saw.

There’s no way anyone would be interested in someone like me, I thought to myself as pulled the towel even closer.

And that’s when I saw HIM. 

6ft tall, heavily muscled, with a head full of thick brown hair. A face like a Greek statue, which sported a goatee and mustache. Nipple piercings and a thick hairy chest. And a what looked to be an uncut 10-incher with what looked to be a large PA peaking out from under the small towel that barely covered him, framed by a pair of low hanging bull balls. Tattoos all over his body. The man looked like sex walking. A bad boy who would ravage my hole if given the chance. Something straight out of the hottest porn.

AND HE’S WALKING UP TO ME! I thought in a panic.

I felt myself start to blush as he eyed me up and down, my cheeks burning even hotter as I saw his cock stir under the towel.

“I’m Garrett.” he said, stopping in front of me and holding his hand out, “You must be new here.”

“Jeez… it’s that obvious, huh?” I said, biting my lip as I stared at his hand, almost afraid. I looked around, lost.

He waved his hand slightly in front of me drawing my attention back to him.

“And you are?”

I panicked for a second, thinking maybe I should make up a name before realizing that even if he knew my name, nobody around here would know me. Pulling up the courage, I shook his hand and replied.

“Yurik… uh… nice to meet you…” I said, trying desperately to sound cool as my voice threatened to break as I suddenly started to spout a massive flow of words, “My mom is from Russia and that why I have a weird name. It’s-it’s my first time. I’ve never done this before, and I didn’t expect to actually find someone so hot to actually talk to me, especially you. Not with how I look. And… and… and I…. should really shut up now…”

He let out a soft laugh as he let go of my hand before slowly rubbing his hand up and down my arm while looking at my smaller body.

“Dude, calm down. You got nothing to worry about. Fucking sexy thing like you is a rare find here,” he said in a low, calm voice and his fingers traced down my chest and ran over my left nipple, causing to bead up instantly.

I fought back a moan and looked up at him in silence.

“Need someone to show you around? I would love nothing better than to show you around. Make all these fuckers here jealous,” he asked, his smile growing bigger as he saw what his touching me was doing.

I slowly nodded and smiled nervously as his hand wrapped around my shoulder and he pulled me closer. 

“Mind if we stop by my locker first?” he asked as I felt him slowly reach down and grab my ass under the towel.

Fuck, that feels so good, I thought to myself as he slowly ran his fingers through my crack, teasing the hair near my hole.

“As long as you keep doing that!” I replied with a moan.

“Oh, I plan on doing much much more…” he replied, and we started walking, drawing the attention from a few guys.

We came to his locker and I stood there quietly as he grabbed his key and opened the door. Pulling out a large leather pouch from his shirt pocket, as well as a brown glass bottle.

I knew instantly they were poppers, which I had read about and seen in various sites online. I wanted to try them, and it looked like I might get my chance with this walking sex god. I was however slightly shocked when he pulled out a large, black and green cigar and stuck it in his mouth.

Some of the guys in my school smoked them when there were no adults around, looking somewhat goofy to me. But this man looked even hotter somehow with it firmly in his jaw.

Looking at me suddenly, he stopped and pulled the stick out of his mouth.

“Mind if I smoke?” he asked, looking directly at me as he waited for my reply.

“Oh, uh… no, go ahead,” I said, my cock now throbbing under my towel at full hardness, my face still blazing red.

With a smile, he pulled out the lighter from the same pouch and lit it. Drawing the flame to the end, he stuck the cigar back in his mouth and brought it to life, taking a deep drawn in before blowing it straight up in the air.

Quickly enough he put everything back into the locker and wrapped his arm around my waist and we set off into the bathhouse.

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Dude! You can’t do that!  Come on, throw some physical action, loving the way it starts. I think a lot of us want to be that young man being led away from his innocence like we all have been. Please keep writing and posting and get into the sloppy piggy details. Seriously loving your writing. The details remind me of when one guy attempted to poz me back in college. Looking forward to more. Let him get lost in the ecstasy of the act.

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Here's the next update. I know it was annoying to be given a full chapter of filler material, but trust me when I say it gives some information that is important to my other story (let's see who figures it out). Also, its fun leaving a chapter update on a cliff-hanger. Enjoy the next update. :)


My First Times- Part 2

“Right there is the maze. Not that many guys use it, but it can be pretty hot,” Garrett said, pointing down a dim hallway that ended in a turn, “And that’s the theater. Guys in there tend to just get sucked unless a really hot movie is playing, then its a fuckfest.”

As we walked around, I felt Garrett continue to play with my ass, much to my enjoyment. At first, the cigar he was smoking was a bit irritating to my senses, making my eyes water slightly as the thick, musky smoke swirled around us, making me cough slightly. However, as I got used to it, I became somewhat aroused, watching the sex god giving me the tour enjoy the smoke.

“Over here is the sling room. Might work your way up to that since you're a newbie to all this,” he continued, eyeing me slightly as I continued to check out his perfect body.

The tour continued with a quick show of the gloryholes, then to the steam room and pool, and finally to a dark room near a flight of stairs.

Upstairs were the private rooms.

“And this is the dark room. Anything goes in there. I would warn you to stay clear of there unless you want to get fucked non-stop by anyone with a hard prick. Can’t see them coming st you usually,” he continued, with a laugh, smile, and shake of his head.

I slowly nodded, my mind racing with all the sites and sounds bombarding me.

“So, bud, what brings you here tonight?” he asked pulling the cigar from his mouth and resting his hand on my shoulder as he began to play with my nipples.

Looking down, I saw his massive piece of uncut cock was sticking in front of him. Not only a shower but a grower as the cock had to have gained another inch of girth and 2 inches in length.

“You can play with it if you want, boy,” he said, flexing his abs and causing the monster to jerk forward, “It won’t bite… too much.” 

Tentatively, I reached out and grabbed it. Warm and thick, I could feel his pulse throbbing. Reaching back to his face he stuck the cigar back in his mouth and began to rub his hands along the front and sides of my smaller body.

“Fuck that feels good,” I sighed, as I slowly hardened with his hands feeling me up. Slowly, I began to stroke him.

“And that does too, baby,” he said around the cigar with a growl, “I can think of a few more things that would be even better.”

I knew instantly what he meant. Only 20 mins being here and I might actually get my wish and be fucked by a hot muscle top. My mind raced. Should I do this? Is this really what I want? Wouldn’t it be better if I took my time and dated the right guy for my first time?

I received my answer when I felt the first finger begin to probe my hole.

“Fuck!” I gasped, enjoying the rough feeling of his finger diving slowly into my tight hole, “Yes!”

With a big grin and a nod, he pulled his finger out and led me upstairs. 

I followed him as he climbed the stairs, my attention switching my the sudden change in sound and atmosphere from the stead soft thump of a club music to one of sounds of muffled moans of guys getting fucked.

My ass instinctively clenched at the thought of my own virgin hole being stretched and filled as I followed Garrett down the long hall, a thick cloud of cigar smoke trailing behind him.

Grabbing his key, Garrett opened one of the doors and we both stepped in.

I followed behind him and quickly he gently pushed me back onto the bed. I let out a gasp as I fell back and bounced slightly on the mattress. 

I laid in a momentary daze as he lifted up my towel, and in one quick motion swallowed my 6in dick deep into his throat.

“HOLY SHIT!” I blurted out as his throat muscles massaged my cock, the suction making me instantly want to lift up off the bed.

It felt amazing, feeling him sucking my deep, his fingers wrapping around my balls and massaging them. I laid back and enjoyed to skilled top suck me for several minutes when he suddenly pulled off, my building orgasm going away from the sudden cold air hitting my wet, throbbing member.

I lifted my head up and went to ask why he stopped when I saw him take a deep draw on his cigar. Blowing the smoke back in my face, he began rubbing my hole with his thumb.

“Gotta stretch and lube you up,” he said, before spitting on my hole and shoving the thumb in, “Mind if I rim you and you hold my gar?”

“Uh, well….” I said, pleasantly shocked.

I had read about getting rimmed, but I never imagined would actually get to be rimmed.

“I haven’t ever been rimmed before. I’m open to trying it though…” I said, grabbing the cigar from him tentatively.

“Mind keeping it lit for me?” Garrett asked, spitting a second time on my hole and quickly adding a second thumb.

I let out a slight moan as I felt the two large digits pull open my hole slightly further. Unable to form words at the moment I only nodded and laid back, bending my knees up and spreading them open, giving him more access.

Looking at the cigar in my hand, I watched some of the smoke drift out of both ends before finally sticking it in my mouth. Cautiously, I stuck it in my mouth and started to puff on it.

It tasted a lot different than what I expected, and nothing like how it smelled. Peppery, with a bit of a chocolate taste, and almost a cut grass. Aiming to keep the top now at my hole happy, I continued to smoke it as I felt him slowly massage my opening. I inhaled sharply when his fingers pulled out and I felt his hot, wet tongue start to lap at my cunt.

The sensation felt AMAZING! I drew harder on the cigar in my mouth as he lifted his head up.
“Fucking tasty hole boy!” Garret said, before diving back in.

For several minutes I laid back, enjoying the rim job I was getting, Garrett’s tongue stabbing at my tight anus. After a few minutes, I felt my ass slowly open up under the constant assault of his tongue and fingers.

Standing up over me, he pulled the cigar out of my mouth.

“Damn bud,” he said, taking a deep inhale, “You’ve got the ass of a fucking virgin!”

Looking down I blushed, I looked down, embarrassed.

“Wait…” he said, noticing how uncomfortable I was becoming. “You’ve never been fucked before?”

“N-no… sorry…” I said, pulling the towel that had came untied from my waist back around me. I waited for him to start laughing at me, or worse, to be kicked out of his room. However, he instead ran his spit-slicked thumb along the side of my face before lifting my chin upwards.

“Why are you sorry?” he said exhaling another cloud of smoke in my face, “It’s fucking hot I get to be the one to bust your cherry!”

With a smile, he moved his thumb to my bottom lip, urging it open.

“Get my dick hard with your mouth babe, I want to mount that tight virgin hole and claim it.”

I scooted over to the edge of the bed and sat up, bring my face perfectly level with his semi-hard monster. I slowly licked the head, surprised at how warm the PA at the tip of his cock was.

Suddenly, he placed his hand on the back of my head, and my mouth enveloped his growing member.

Slowly I began to suck, running my tongue along the bottom of his cock as I pulled back.

“Fuck yeah, you’re a natural,” Garrett replied, his hand running through my hair tenderly.

For the next few minutes, we continued, before he finally spoke.

“That's it boy, suck on that nice piece of meat. Get it nice and wet for what’s coming!”

Urged on by the hot, muscled man standing above me, I forced his cock deeper into my mouth, enjoying the feeling and taste of his dripping, uncut cock sliding around on my tongue, my own cock throbbing in anticipation. I moan as I felt him place his hand on the back of my head, urging me even deeper down on his cock. Forcing myself not to gag from its massive size, I let him slowly rape my mouth as he let out a content sigh.

Finally, he pulled out and let me catch my breath.

“Fuck! I need in that hole!” he growled, grabbing one of the condoms from next to me before letting out a frustrated sigh.

I looked up at him, wondering what had him so mad.

“The one time I need to put one on, and they’re all medium.” 

I watched as he slowly opened the packet and slowly unrolled the condom, barely able to roll it down his dick before it finally reached the end halfway down.

Looking at me, he smiled.

“Damn this fucker is tight. You sure you want to take this monster?” he asked, grinning at me before continuing, “Because once I start, I’m not stopping. Last chance.”

Laying back, I pulled my knees to my chest and said softly, “Please fuck my hole.”

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