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Part 23,  The tall one and the muscled one.

As Daron pulled out of my now dripping cunt, he started to make a move toward the door.

I commented to him that my daddy said I am to always clean the cock off after it comes out of my mouth.

The shorter muscle one held my legs high in the air while the long haired tall one shucked off his clothing.  Once his baggy pants were dropped I could see a really long slender cock poking out of the piss opening in his boxers. 

Daron climbed on the bed and knelt by my head and slowly entered his cock into my mouth and grabbed a hold of my nipples.  This is my go to way to shoot my load.  So I grabbed onto my cock to start yanking it.

The tall one slipped under the arm of the short muscled one and slapped my hand and said, 'who the fuck said you could touch that princess?'

'Oh, sorry, I guess I wasn't thinking.'

'Fucking right you aren't.  Get the bitch fucked up again and concentrate on cleaning off Daron's cock.  Fuck, he was nice enough to load your fuck hole up with his gift wasn't he?

'Yes, Sir, sorry Sir.  Of course.'

And with that, I turned and pivoted my head so that Daron could get his hole cock deep down my throat and I soon felt his hairy heavy nut sack being sniffed into my nostrils. 

While I was focused on Daron, I couldn't down below, but I could feel the tall one slipping his narrow but super lengthy cock into my hole.  I felt the muscle one moving my legs onto the shoulders of the tall one and I clenched my legs around his neck for stability.   The tall one put his hands on my hips and just started to piston fuck me like cutler x would.  Long and furious strokes.  Deep up into my cunt.  Daron was having a hard time focusing on my nipples because my chest was flailing around so much.  Instead, he put his fists onto the bed and just slowly started to throat fuck me in a kneeling doggy position.   I could feel his cock get hard and I  could see him looking back at me from down by my chest.  The short muscled one climbed on the right side of the bed and took his left hand and put it on my neck and put his right hand on my right pec.  I felt his hand start to tightening around my neck as Daron picked up speed and the tall one just kept power fucking me.  I grabbed onto the cock of the muscled one and just like his body, it was incredibly thick.  I could hardly get my hand around it.  I was moaning semi in pain from the lack of air from his hand and the big cock down my gullet, but also from the assault that my hole was being subjected too.  He was pushing up the fuck chute deep.  He took his hands off my hips and held onto the front of my quads and pulled me into his fuck tool as he pushed deep deep into me.  Daron raised up on his knees and was now doing push ups into my throat with his thick hard raw cock.

Raw cock?  Oh Fuck, I forgot to see if the tall one put one of those rubbers on that I saw.  I should remind him in case he forgot.  But I couldn't really speak.  I was getting light headed, not from poppers but I think just from the lack of oxygen?  I heard a buzzing sound in my head and my eyes closed.  Oh I feel dizzy.  Oh, things are going dark, whats happening to me?  I few moments later, I felt a slap on my face and I opened my eyes.  The muscle one had taken his hand off my throat and my face was covered in nostrils were heavy with warm sticky cum being inhaled into them.  Daron was unloading the rest of his load into my throat and the tall one was still between my legs. 

WOW, I thought, that was strange, everything seemed to stop for a minute or fast forward.  I will have to ask Mr C about that later.  But as the tall one was pulling out the muscle one very quickly jumped off the bed.  The tall one let one of my legs drop and he withdrew his softening cock from my hole.  Oh, I bet he is done?  I guess he must be?    The short one moved into position and slapped my ass and told me to get on all fours.  I rolled over and the tall one climbed onto the bed and presented his cock to me.  It was still almost 10 inches long, but was quickly shriveling back up like a dark worm.  Oh wow, I realized by the taste, he did cum.  His sperm was very sweet and thick as it clung in globs to his withering dick. 

Daron moved off the bed and commented he would go check on Mr. Big and see if the twink was still doing ok.  The muscle one was grinding his fingers into me.  I heard him comment, 'come on boy, you are going to have to get wider than that.  I am happy to just tear that shit open, but Mr. Big usually like to be the one to break the skin to allow the sperm to set into place.' 

I wasnt really following what he was saying as I was trying to make sure I got the tall one all cleaned up nice.   But all of a sudden, I felt pain.  It was like he was clawing inside me like a mouse.  What the heck?  I pulled my head off the now clean cock of the tall one and looked down from all fours between my chest and the bed and saw muscle guys cock.  He appeared to be trying to stab it into me while his 3 or 5 fingers were still in my hole. 

I heard him tell the tall one to get me medicated and then I felt the cold glass of the brown bottle on my nostril and the familiar vapors started to help me relax.  I stopped looking back and just laid my head down.   The tall one was kind enough to put a pillow under my head and kept the bottle right at my nostril that was not muffled into the pillow.   The poppers helped me melt. 

I felt a slap on my ass and heard. 'let me in', 'arch your back', 'no, arch it', 'yeah good boy', 'yeah, very good boy', 'let me in', 'oh fuckkkkkk yes bitch'.   I zoned in and out  with the poppers but could tell muscle man was getting a little more depth with each rhythmic rocking motion he was making.  After a couple minutes, I felt his fingers back around my hole, he was alternating on each side and seemed to be pulling my ass cheeks apart as he pummeled deeper and deeper into my soft warm boy hole.  My ass started to make these little farting noises.  I should have been embarrassed, but the poppers were making me horny as fuck and he seemed to know how to move his cock to make the sounds louder and louder.  Soon he picked up speed, each thrust in made more air and suction come out.   He was working my hole good.  I felt him go faster and faster and soon, the poppers were back under my nose by the tall one. 

The tall one put his head down by my ear and said, 'hang in their boy, you are doing great, you are about to get the most gifted load you can imagine.   Well, until Mr. Big, but that is another story.'

Hearing that, I knew I loved getting a gift so I started to push back against him. 

'Oh, your fucking whore, you want that sperm in you down you babe?'

'Yes', I muttered, 'YES', 'Yes please, let me have that'.

I felt him pull his fingers further apart on my ass walls and piston fuck his big fat head into me.  His speed was picking up and Daron hopped back on the bed.  I heard the floor creaking and felt the presences of another.  I was in bliss and soon I felt muscle guy remove his fingers and collapse on my back.  He was panting hard and I knew, oh no wait, I am now feeling his thick clumps of cum spew into my fuck hole. 

Holy cow, how much blasts were there.  Seven?  Eight?  God I felt wet.  God I felt full.  God I felt like I had purpose.

WTF, I was pulled from my silence and harmony when I then heard a very deep loud voice say, 'boys present her to me'.

With that, I felt the muscled one pulled out and quickly scurried to get his cock cleaned off.  I felt a collar go around my neck.  It was super tight and was choking me a little bit. 

Daron then grabbed one arm and the tall one grabbed the other arm.  The muscled ones cock dropped out of my mouth as I was being pulled off the bed from behind.  A blindfold went over my eyes and I was spun around and put on the my knees on the floor.  I felt one of them put a knee in my back and had me straighten my back.  I felt a hand come under my chin and raise my chin up to parallel with the floor.  

'Down a hair', I heard.

I felt someone take my chin and lower it just a slight amount.

'Put the ear buds in', I heard the deep voice saying. 

'Yes Mr. Big'

I felt my left ear go silent as something was pushed in, the right ear went silent as something pushed in.  My head felt full and a slight ringing in my ear took the place of all sound.

Then some very soft music was starting, it has a lot of bass and made me feel warm.

As I knelt there, I could tell by the vibrations and little sounds most people were leaving the room.  I think it was Daron was still behind me petting my hair and holding on the rope connected to my leash.  Everything seemed very still for a few minutes.  The way Daron was holding me, I knew I was to stay still.

'Perfect', I heard through the ear buds, 'I am ready... come to me boy'


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Give it to him Mr Big, give it to him hard, make it hurt, make his hole bleed so he is infected when you breed!

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Part 24, Mr. Big leaves his mark.

As I knelt there, I could tell by the vibrations and little sounds most people were leaving the room.  I think it was Daron was still behind me petting my hair and holding on to my leash.  Everything seemed very still for a few minutes.  The way Daron was holding me, I knew I was to stay still.

'Perfect', I heard through the ear buds, 'I am ready... come to me boy'

I looked to the left and to the right not understanding exactly where the sound was coming from.  But then I felt a yank on my chain and got up on all fours.  I felt the leash being pulled toward where I think the door was.

I again heard this sound in my head.  'Good girl, let your big brother bring you to me, come on, be a good girl and come to me' I kept walking on all fours.  Feeling some dust and sand from the creaky wooden floors get stuck in my hands and knees.  Then I heard.  'That's good Daron, bring the little bitch right in here to me.  What a pretty girl she is.   Are you a good girl princess?  Wag for me.'

Somehow, I knew to nod my head and I think my butt even moved left to right.  'Good girl, that's right, turn left a little through the door.'  With the ear buds in, I could only hear half the conversation in my head, so I wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but I did hear....   

'Is she in heat?   (pause)  Nice, did she spot on her way down the hall?   (pause)    What color was it?   (pause)   Pure white?    (pause)   Good, I know how little muscle man likes to do his stretching exercises.  She must have good strength.   (pause)   Ok, have her sit there and shut the door on you way out and deadbolt me in here with her, I will text when I need something.  And keep an eye out for Tony and Jax.  I had a very disturbing text from Jax that Tony was on the warpath so I got to hurry.  Now, go.'  I felt the leash be laid on my back down to my butt and I sat up like a had in the other room.

I felt footsteps vibrate the floor near me as he got closer.  I felt him pick the leash up and put his hand under my chin.  He raised my head with one hand and ran his big, I mean huge hand over my head and down my shoulders, he just petted me for a minute and I could feel my cock getting harder than a rock.  I dont know what it has been with my erections lately, but my cock was so hard it was hurting.  It was a strange sensation to see darkness, hear nothing, but just sense movement and occasionally his very deep voice in my head.

'I will have to thank your daddy for letting you come over when I see him.   You must be the new special load carrier he hired that I heard so much about last night?  I would have love to come to the party but my invite got lost apparently due to an 'oversight' on Mr. Ali's part.  So thank you for the special delivery.  What limits did your daddy put on you?

I didn't know what to do, I knew I couldn't speak or at least I didn't feel it was my place to speak, so I shrugged my shoulders.

'Oh of course, pups cant speak, can they?' and he laughed.  His laughter seemed to be getting louder and darker in my head... almost sinister.

'Let  me ask it this way, did your daddy give you any limits to make his customer's happy'?

I shook my head no.

'Good, I don't do limits anyway, and fuck, I used my free pizza loyality card, so I feel entitled to help myself for a nice tip.'

I could sense he was moving and felt a tug on the leash.  I was jerked to the left and I began to crawl over toward the direction being pulled.  I heard in my head 'jump up on the bed here, just kneel there in the wet spot pup.... (pause)  Get the fuck off the bed and get into your chair you fucking whore.'

I froze, I didn't know what to do.   I felt some commotion on the bed.

I felt his hand on my head after realizing he had scared me and said. 'Oh sorry princess, not you, there was another bitch on the bed, but he is worthless and is all sloppy now.  But sorry, he fucking bleed all over the fucking nice sheets that I had.   I will fucking rub his nose in it later.  But yes, just lay there.  On your back.'

I could feel the wetness from the sheets on my butt and lower back.  My shoulders and head were in a dry spot.  I soon felt Mr. Big between my legs.  He reached his arm under my thighs and pulled me toward the edge of the bed.  My butt was in the warmer wet spot and my back and head were now in the colder slimy wet spot of the bed. 

'Good girl, stay right there.  I know your daddy and Uncle Terry have a big dick, but would you like to feel Mr. Big?  

I nodded.

'I am sure if does hurt, you worthless little faggit twink.  Don't make me come over there and shut you up, you little whinning snivveling whore. I dont know how many times I need to tell idiots like you, you shouldn't fucking go online looking for BBC if you cant handle a real big black cock.  Now Shut the fuck up and watch a real gift from heaven take dick.'

I smiled and I my left hand found Mr. Big.  Holy fuck, it was bigger around than my wrist, I couldn't even get my hand around the whole thing.  and it was as long as my forearm.  I smiled.

'Hey fag, bring my pup over a fresh bottle of Amsterdam poppers from that fridge over there.   Now, faggit....., damn, hurry the fuck up....'

A few seconds later, I felt someone getting back on the bed and felt my nose being pinched shut and the vapors filled my head.

There was music now playing in my head, dance party music like they would play at those bars were lust and sin fester.  In addition to the music I could hear Mr Big saying... 'deeper boy, hold, hold, keep holding, ok exhale.  Now repeat that you fucking twink until he goes limp.'

I felt pressure at my hole.  A lot of pressure.  Oh fuck, I hope daddy was right when he said I would be amazed at how much it can stretch.   With searing pain, I grabbed ahold of the wet sheets,  my hand was covered in slime, it smelt like iron and piss and cum and lube.   'Be a good princess, I know you can do it.... come on baby, make your daddy proud, you are so close, come on baby, let Mr. Big in.'

And with his encouragement and the 4th hit of deep poppers I felt my hole give way.  If felt like it was tearing from the based to my belly button, but I could feel his huge cock snaking his way into my pussy.   Stretching and stretching, tearing and tearing its way in. 

'Good  job little prince.   You are doing great,  you are sucking my cock in now, you feel that?'

And he was right, like a vacuum trying to suck up and eggplant, I felt his cock pushing deeper into me. 

Within a couple minutes, I heard, 'You did it, you are only the second person to let me bottom out in them.  You are fucking amazing.'

And I smiled big and had an image of my  daddy's face in my head.

But then he started to pull out, again, like the suction of a plunger stuck in a toilet, it came back out.  And went back in, and came back out and slowly, he picked up speed. 

'Ok twink, but the bottle down and play with his nipples, rub them and roll them like I did on yours.   Good faggit, you can at least do that right'.  

'Oh pup, guess what?'

I shrugged my shoulders.

'Your hole is magic, do you know what just happened?'

I shrugged again.

'The first couple times I pulled out there was white sperm on my cock from the other guys, but thanks to the magic of your pussy, it turned it a little pink.'

I felt his strokes picking up speed. 

'Keep going baby, you are doing great, keep working that magic, it is pretty bright pink now and getting frothy like cherry cool whip.'

He put his hands on my ankles and pushed my legs into the air and wide apart,  I was laying there spread eagle taking the biggest cock I can imagine there being.  I was so happy that he was pleased and would be glad my daddy had me come over.  I smiled knowing my hole even did a magic trick for  him, daddy is right I am so lucky to have this gift.  I just wish daddy could see me now.

'Oh jesus, oh fuck, oh fuck, you fucking sweet pussy, look the fuck at that hole sucking my bloody cock into it.  You ready boy?  you ready for the biggest darkest gift you ever had?'

I felt like I was already getting it, but I shouted out 'fuck yes, give it to me.'

I heard Mr. Big moaning, groaning, laughing all at once and he collapsed onto me.

I felt him bite my neck really hard, I tried to push away, but he bit harder.   'I just need to leave my external mark as well, so your daddy knows I was here, tell him it is a message from me and that i told you that you will be back for more.  Once a boy like you goes big, there aint no going back to pin dicks.  If you ever get tired of working for him, you would be amazing on my team.  But, I should tell you, I wont always be so gentle, Mr Big can get pretty rough.'

I smiled and my dick flexed against his belly.

'He bit my neck on the other side and said, you are a fucking slut that is going to need a lot of Mr. Big.  Remember that boy, when you think it is a dream, your cock will tell you it is real and that pussy will twitch for more of the gift of Mr. Big, remember that?'

I nodded

And with that the whole room shook with several loud Incredibly loud bangs.  Even with my head phones on, I could hear noise.  It sounded like someone was trying to tear the house down.   

Even with the ear phones on I heard daddy yelling. 

'Let me the fuck in there now or I am going to bust this fucking door down and have every cop in the city over here.' 




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I must be a slut too as I need a lot of Mr Big too after reading this chapter ...... I am ready for the biggest darkest gift I ever had and I want him to churn the cum in my hole frothy like cherry cool whip ..... I am so jealous of this naive little slut    ... great chapter

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Thanks to two of my most generous guys for comments.  I really appreciate them and as many others have said, your comments.... are sure inspritimg to write more.    But glad you liked the last couple.   Have a great day.   

  On 7/11/2018 at 4:18 AM, mrpistons2010 said:

I just finished reading every one of your story posts on this topic, to date.  Definitely one of the hottest stories on the site.  Keep up the good work!


Agreed .... I always look forward to a new chapter and to find out what the next adventure of Pup and his father.

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I would love to be hypnotized like Lucas and turned into a popper pig pup whore  ....... oh wait other than being hypnotized I am.   

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Just wanted to say thank you for continuing this. Really loving the directions this story has taken, can't wait to see more.

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