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When you’re horny or in heat, do you feel like a different person?


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On 3/8/2019 at 11:22 AM, Guygonebad said:

I’m 2 different people, one normal, sane, hard working with sex on my mind frequently. But as it starts building in me, 2 to 3 days without cuming or being mounted and bred; I start thinking about it more and more and just jerking off no longer does it for me, I have to be fucked and bred.  I mean I need to be on my knees, and tops have to mount me soggy and breed. Once it gets to this stage I need to be used, roughly bred by multiple tops. I’m so horny I will do anything, no limits. Once I’ve done that and cum my self I go back to normal! 

Yes I have two different personalities; one everyday normal gay guy, one when I’m in heat!

Me too exactly like that except for cumming I set a goal every Monday to get bred 20 times for the week and I always (except in COViD times) have beaten that.I work during the week but still get cock almost every night and weekends that is my hobby - as much seed and cock as I can get. I have been bred by two guys tonight and still prowling

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I can control myself through the normal day. Sure, sex is on my mind pretty frequently, but my feelings are fairly in check. I have seen guys at parties making out, and I am still the same. I won't say no to someone inviting me to the bedroom, but I can keep the horny feelings in check.

Until my clothes come off. It's like flipping a switch. Total nudity brings out my inner aggressive slut. I am suddenly a different person once the clothes (a metaphor for inhibitions?) are shed. For me being nude means being free. Free to move without hiderance, free to feel sensations all over my body. No barriers, physical or mental. Once I am nude I am climbing the walls (and any offered cock) with sexual energy. A long running top fuck buddy of mine has me strip as soon as the front door closes because he knows at that point I am ready to go.

I'd join a nudist colony if it wasn't for being totally horny 25/8 (24/7 just doesn't feel like enough!) as long as the clothes are off.

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Absolutely!  I've played with many semi-closeted men who are wild and frenzied and forceful in their rutting, then, once they cum, they're almost embarrassed at what they just did to me and what made them cum.  I think it's a lot like that. There is a deep desire that gets awakened when I need to be bred.  I don't have any control over it and it won't go away until my hole is flooded and used. The longer it goes, the bigger the drive gets until I can't think of anything other than being FUCKED - hard and long and by everyone in the room. I have no standards. I have no limits. Luckily, I know myself well enough to keep that frenzy at bay and get bred fairly regularly. It keeps me to a manageable cumslut wIth, albeit very low, standards.

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On 3/28/2022 at 10:30 PM, fskn said:

I've always wondered whether the lead-up to orgasm is similar to the fight-or-flight instinct, which briefly causes the brain to shut out all extraneous influences.

I've found that the longer I go without Hole the more concentrated the need for Hole becomes, even when I have other requirements that preclude any fuckjoint-time.  I'm generally a happy guy, try to reflect a sunny disposition, all of that, but when the sweat is upon the brow, I can get surly real fast.  And, I do think fskn's comment is right-on.  When I fuck Hole, I like other men to watch, get hard to Breed the Hole too.  When I've gone hungry for too long whatever outside stimuli there are fade a bit. Whether it's tied to the "fight or flight" instinct, I don't know - but the "Breed regardless of who, what, where, when" instinct carries a lot more weight than anything else.  

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3 hours ago, phukhole said:

Absolutely!  I've played with many semi-closeted men who are wild and frenzied and forceful in their rutting, then, once they cum, they're almost embarrassed at what they just did to me and what made them cum.  I think it's a lot like that. 

All the blood rushed back into their head from their cock. 🤣🤣

It's probably at that point that they realized how much they really enjoyed that primal and cathartic feeling of shooting their load up a guy's ass and can't believe how amazing it was. How easy it was to just get you to let him fuck you, how little pretense there was behind it, how much you appreciated him fucking you and how good he felt blowing his load into someone that he'd love togo another round eventually once he accepts that his carnal desire felt amazing. That's how it feels for me, minus the guilt of it being so different or any embarrassment.

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When I'm horny/ in heat its completely different from when I'm not. I've also noticed that the more horny I am the more my inhibitions disappear until I become nothing but my urges. 

Which I'll tell you puts me into some situations as I don't think I just act. So if someone can easily convince me to do things I wouldn't normally do. 

Then afterwards I sit there embarrassed as hell. 

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28 minutes ago, ashk23 said:

Then afterwards I sit there embarrassed as hell. 

How do you then deal with those feelings of embarrassment? Do you quickly shrug them off and move on, or do they linger and prevent you from doing other things? Does the embarrassment have an effect on how quickly you begin to feel urges? What sort of thing, if you don’t mind my asking, would you do that you wouldn’t normally do that would leave you feeling embarrassed, and what would happen if a guy were to proposition you very shortly thereafter? Would it make the embarrassment go away, or worsen it?

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5 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

How do you then deal with those feelings of embarrassment? Do you quickly shrug them off and move on, or do they linger and prevent you from doing other things? Does the embarrassment have an effect on how quickly you begin to feel urges? What sort of thing, if you don’t mind my asking, would you do that you wouldn’t normally do that would leave you feeling embarrassed, and what would happen if a guy were to proposition you very shortly thereafter? Would it make the embarrassment go away, or worsen it?

The Embarrassment hits me and I take a few minutes of me going "oh god". But I'm also the kind of person who accepts things as they are, I cannot change the past but I can accept it and move on. 

As for how long after it depends on when my next horny time is. But when I do get horny it's for a long time, some sessions with me can last upwards of 6 hrs. 

I wouldn't know if someone propositioning me after would work as I don't really get many people wanting to have sex with me. 


For more deets you can DM ^^

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11 hours ago, YourNoLimitsBottom said:

Total nudity brings out my inner aggressive slut. I am suddenly a different person once the clothes (a metaphor for inhibitions?) are shed.  A long running top fuck buddy of mine has me strip as soon as the front door closes because he knows at that point I am ready to go.

Good to Know 😉😈……hot have the sub totally naked, exposed, vulnerable- while the top is still mostly dressed 

although I also like it when everyone is naked- one reason I always find bath house more enjoyable that an ABS …. Best yet are the house parties- where you pay the host line $20 bucks and everyone is totally nude - not even any towels….

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On 2/2/2019 at 10:13 AM, ErosWired said:

When my body is ready to be fucked, I find that I become very different mentally from when I’ve just recently been bred. Mind you, my insatiable ass means that switch gets flipped at the drop of a waistband, but if any time has passed in which I have to go without, it’s like my blood starts boiling.

The longer it goes, the more in-heat I feel, and the more willing I become to do just about anything to take a cock. Inhibitions melt like butter, caution flutters away like a moth in a hurricane, modesty and dignity cease to have any meaning.

Once I’ve been serially bred, it all calms down somewhat (I always end up wishing for just one more cock) and I kind of think, Damn - what was I doing? Not remorse or anything, just a little surprise that I would descend so far into depravity, or that I let so many men utterly degrade me.

It doesn’t last, of course, the fire never goes out under my pot, so it’s inevitably going to come to a boil again sooner rather than later. Right now, I’m so in heat I can almost see the fuck-me waves rising off me. (I use ‘in heat’ to describe me because I feel as though ‘horny’ is connected to cock, and my readiness is all about my cunt - I’m literally a bitch in heat.)

Does anyone else experience this kind of back-and-forth?

I'm not sure I ever go out of heat given my appetite for sex. I have pushed my body so hard for so long that I am most everyday rising my oversize toys whether I hook up or not. I live for open group use settings (sex clubs, sex resorts, bathhouses, sex centered events) and I am always cruising and will have sex anywhere. I experience moments when I am more aggressively than normal seeing out guys for sex play but for me, thank Asmodeous, the hunger is never satisfied. When I'm at what might be termed "my horniest," it's coming off of an event weekend like Pig Week or Fist Fest where I have enjoyed piles of daily use and my body needs that to keep going. That is, I am even sluttier after a lot of sex than I am before--the fire feeds itself, apparently.

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I'm always horny/in heat. The longer I go between hookups the worse it gets, but I immediately go back on the prowl as soon as I'm finished. When I'm somewhere sex is readily available it isn't unusual for me to hookup on my way back home from my last hookup.

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