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Who taught you to jack off?

Guest MattDillan

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Guest RawCunt

I can't remember how, or exactly when.. but I remember my first time without any cum.

I near rubbed the skin off my dick not long after that trying to achieve that again.

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All by myself, when I was really, really young, we are talking about early elementary school aged. It tickled and I liked it. I did not cum of course because you cannot cum that early on in life, but I liked the fact that rubbing it through my underwear or pants tickled me. I had no idea what it was, but I thought it was fun, so I proudly showcased it right in front of my parents, not naked, but just rubbing it through my pants that day through the couch. They were shocked to say the least, no idea where I learned it from, and told me not to do it again without any explanation. As the years went on, and as I was going entering into puberty when I could actually cum, I thought it was urine and it turned me off because I did not like the thought of peeing myself. Sometime in middle school, when I entered into the world of internet porn, and found out what it actually was, and of jacking off while watching porn and the rest was history!

What was funny is that between the time I figured out what it masturbating actually was, and the time my parents told me not to do it, I was watching YouTube and heard someone say the word masturbate. The exact phrase was "you better not be masturbating". I did not know what the word meant, nor did I look it up, but I did have a teacher named Mrs. Bates and the word reminded me of her. So, loud and proud, I repeated the phrase right in front of my parents, who were again, shocked and had no idea where I got it from and grounded me for a few hours until we went to Peter Pipers and everyone sorta forgot about it.

Those two experiences when I was young taught me to look up things that I do not know of when I first hear it.

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Guest Grayson

Summer camp after third grade, so 9 years old. There were about ten of us in the room, we all went to school together. This kid (who'd grow up to be one of the biggest jocks in school) told us he knew a way to "make his dick tingle", that it felt really good and that his dad taught him (!) He showed us and most of us played along, without cumming. We did it every day for a week or so.

After that summer, no one mentioned it again. It was weird, I completely forgot about it until a few years ago when I realized "holy shit! That really happened." 

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It was self discovery that taught me. I recall that as far back as age 5/6, I enjoyed humping a pillow as I lay in bed. I knew for sure that I was going to hell, but damn that felt good laying on top of a pillow under the covers. As time went on I became more brazen as the covers were exposing my ass for god to see as I fucked the pillow. There were many close calls being almost caught by my parents or my brother. I was 13 or 14 sleeping on my aunts couch and humping away when this wetness came when I was done....now I had to hide the evidence...lol. Even after I got married, no pillow in the house was safe when the wife was away and I became too horned up.

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Self taught here. was masturbating to dry orgasm at 7 with the aid of a very strong water jet from one of the water returns from the pool pump into our backyard pool. Between that and hand stroking it was doing it all the time. I credit this early discovery to my healthy view of sex, since by the time my private christian school started addressing it when I was 12, I knew the sin stuff was total bullshit and likely highly unnatural. 

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I'm surprised how many guys are saying 11+ to this.

Like a couple of posters here I discovered the pleasures of playing with myself at a very early age (4 or 5), and had always thought all boys 'fiddle' with themselves from time to time at any age. Of course there wouldn't be any orgasms for several years, but there was often a sense of a 'dry' climax.

I actually can't remember when I shot my first load but do know that from then on I masturbated at every opportunity I could throughout my teenage years.

What I do also remember is that from around 7 I always thought of other classmates or adults usually focussing on the image in my mind of an ass in tight swimwear or trousers which I had seen. Kissing another boy/man often crept into my thoughts too. All of this came naturally to me without any suggestion from an adult or peer and so was self-taught instinctively.

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Self taught. I think I was around 7 years old when I started. Discovered it quite by accident when I was just messing around with a balloon and noticed that my cock got hard and it felt good to grind into the balloon.

I had orgasms even back then, but only a little liquid so not sure what it was at that age.

I almost got caught a few times, by my parents, brother, neighbours, friends. Horny fucker, what can I say?

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Pretty young.  When I was in kindergarten I made friends with these two boys N and J.  We talked about our bodies (not sure I knew about sex, just that I liked my dick, and I liked other dicks). I dared them to pee on their hands the next time they went to the bathroom. One day N and I went to the washroom, I was about to kiss his dick, but I chickened out and just kissed below his belly button instead. I regret not going for it. My first time cumming tho, I was around 11 or 12. I found an old Playboy, and altho the women didn't do anything for me, there was something about knowing they were doing something "bad" that really got me off. I love corrupting people. So, one day i was on my bed looking at them, and this bubble of stuff comes out of my cock. It felt good to rub my balls, so my first real experience of masturbating to ejaculation was putting my hand in between each nut and rubbing. Then I learned to take my dick between both hands and rubbing almost like making a playdough snake. I taught that method to one younger guy. I wonder if he still uses the method I taught him when he jerks off today. Never caught. At least that I've noticed.

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I was 11 or 12.  My grandmother had a couple of dogs, a small male sheltie and a big male Samoyed. The sheltie liked to lick so one day I let him lick my dick. It felt really good and before I knew it, I felt something happen.  I ran to the toilet think I was going to pee when cum spurted out. It was amazing. That was the only time I was able to get him to lick me to orgasm. 

This was long before the internet and I didn’t have anyone to show me how to jack off so I figured it out myself.  I would lie on the bathroom floor on my stomach and hump my hands. I would apply pressure to the base of my cock when I came which limited how much cum would shoot out, thus containing the mess. I’m sure this wasn’t a good idea.  I didn’t figure out how to jack off the normal way until my late teens. Oh, and I also used to love to let the Samoyed fuck my ass every chance I got. Looking back, I wished I found an older boy or man to fuck me as a teen. I’m sure I would have been receptive. I was a horny kid and loved things in my ass.  I still do. 😄

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During showers after PE at school I noticed some of the lads seemed to be walking around while moving their hands briskly behind their towels.

Some time later at home my dad gave me the "chat" about masturbation and how wrong it was (they are Jehovah's Witnesses) and I worked out that what the boys were doing. So started myself and had my first dry orgasm. It was sensational! Tried again immediately but to no avail so assumed it was a once a day thing...

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I figured it out on my own, but it was a progression of discoveries. I'm not sure how old I would have been at the time, but I remember I was at an age when I was still wearing onesie pajamas. We had a carpeted staircase, and I discovered that if I slid down the stairs, feet first, on my stomach, I would sometimes get this fleeting tingle in my penis from the friction. I later discovered I could also get the same feeling by thrusting myself backward along the couch. Even though I always remember having a curiosity about this thing called "sex", I didn't really make the connection. It thought it was just something quirky that my body did.

Flash forward a few years. At this point, my parents had given me "the talk". But I still had questions. Mainly; if I'm having sex, how does my body know to release my sperm once I'm inside my future wife's vagina? (I got the hetero, no-sex-before-marriage version of the talk). Was it at all similar to how my body intuits to release urine when I'm standing in front of the toilet? I knew I had definitely had erections, but to the best of my knowledge, no sperm had ever come out.

After giving it a lot of thought, I arrived at two possible theories. Either ejaculation is triggered by some sort of hormone in a woman's vagina, or; there's something particular about the shape of a woman's body that triggers it when you're laying on top of her. At that time, I lacked the means to test my first theory. But I thought if I were to take a bunch of bedding and fashion it into the shape of a woman's body, I might be able to test my second theory.

So, one afternoon I snuck into my family's camper, where I'd not only have some privacy, but access to as many pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags as I'd need. Once I'd assembled what was essentially a rudimentary sex doll (including ample boobs - which I thought might somehow play a key role), I slid my shorts and underwear down, climbed on top, and started humping away. Sure enough, it didn't take long before I my body was shuddering in its first full-blown orgasm. I had cracked the mystery! I don't recall if I immediately understood that it wasn't really about the shape, but the friction. Nevertheless, I felt tremendously relieved that I would no longer have to worry about making the faux pas of peeing in my wife on our wedding night.

Although, my successful experiment had led to yet another mystery. I had clearly just experienced an orgasm, but where was the sperm? I knew they were microscopic, but I had expected something visible to come out. But no, it was all completely dry. I shrugged it off, and just assumed that they were there but too small to be seen. After that, I experienced a good 6+ months of dry cums before I discovered what an actual ejaculation is like (somewhere in there I scaled things down to just a pillow).

I've never been clearly caught in the act. Growing up, I had a few close calls in the woods, and a department store dressing room. Several more "what are you doing over there?" instances while sharing a room on family trips, or when staying with relatives. It's less of an issue these days, as I've developed a pretty keen ear for keys in the doorway or footsteps coming down the stairs.

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