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  On 12/19/2020 at 10:40 AM, Doccer19677 said:

I totally agree with this. I had a similar debate with someone who was spouting all the bill gates / 5 G / Covid Hoax nonsense. They were citing their source as “the internet” 🙄.


We live in a world where pretty much everything is digital and tracked be it social media, financial transactions and unless you live on a desert island alone, you will have a digital footprint. 

Frankly is anyone that interested in me or what I do - my life is not that interesting to the worlds superpowers. It’s the same as those people who put the forbidding sydney university using their images. The digital  tracking  ship has sailed. 

The acid test is to ask these people would they be happy to work on a Covid ward without PPE, invariably the answer is No....so much for their confidence in their key informational source - the internet  



i'm a critical care nurse and have worked with Covid positive patients since March. i volunteer to care for the positive patients, caring for sick people is my chosen profession. This pandemic has similarities to the AID's crises during the early 80's when we had just discovered the disease. People were afraid then too. Fear and the threat to life and health brings out the best and the worst in people.  There are health care workers who refuse to care for Covid patients, just as there were during the AID's crises, and there are some who simply cannot for various reasons. There is already a nursing shortage in the US, and a lot of nurses are burning out because of the pandemic. The hospital where i work has remained so full, it is often on divert because we simply do not have a bed for another patient.  

This is the reality i have lived since we opened a Covid unit where i work in March 2020. Yet, i still get family members of patients calling me and trying to argue with me that Covid is fake while their loved one is in the Hospital with Covid.  It's bizarre. i had one family member rake me over the coals because he had traveled 200 miles to see his brother and hosptial policy would not allow him to visit. His brother was on high-flow O2 which has the effect of aerosolizing the virus and making it more contagious, so people on high flow are not allowed visitors as a containment measure.  

The guy was verbally abusive and questioning my expertise. He asked: "is Covid worse than a staph infection?"  In his mind, he was convinced that he knew something the medical profession did not, and he was trying to trap me with his brilliance.  It was not an honest query on his part,  in his mind, he already had the answer and he was just trying to nail me.   i had to take time away from caring for my patients, trying to explain the infectious process to him, but he would have none of it.  That can be really challenging, even with those who want to understand. Learning physiology is an complex degree, not a 10 minute explanation on youtube.  my efforts did not matter though because he was not listening. In his mind, he already knew the 'truth' and that made everything else a lie or some sort of evil plot or deception.  He was literally attacking and undermining  the very people who were trying to keep his brother alive.  

It's sort of like having a family member with polio and calling the polio vaccine an evil plot to control and take over the world. 

That is the crux of the problem i believe. There are people in the world who have an absolutist mentality that closes them off from reason or science.  Reality can be slapping them in the face, and they will insist that it is wrong in order to preserve their way of thinking and their conclusions.  The internet becomes a gathering place where they affirm one another's notions, giving them size and momentum  and seeming validity. 

The internet is a double edged sword. It can be used to find and disseminate valuable information. It can also be used for propaganda and deception. 

For those interested, The Social Dilemma  is a great documentary that explores some of the very things we are talking about here.


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Will get my two doses as soon as I can. Then I can return to taking cum doses up my hairy ass. Not that I have totally abstained through this pandemic . Couldn't let my guts forget how to be a load receptical. 

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Honestly, not convinced for it. 

What I know is the Gov doesn't know anything. They don't know how long it incubated, they don't know how much it mutates, they don't know how it spreads. If    they did their "harm reduction" would have curbed the viral. Spread. 

In 2012 it was Swine Flu (H1N1).   In 2015 was Avian Flu (H5N2). Both of those presented as "urgent for vaccination" but everyone who got vaccinated still got sick. At that time, my mother (allergic to eggs and bread) was exempt from the vaccinations mandated for employees of a hospital. She was the only one who didn't get sick. Same with my brother (refused vaccination from the school), he didn't get sick but everyone who vaccinated did. 

Both of These were called serrious health issues. As was SARS & MERS. Now we have a mix of Flu and SARS (Coronavirus-SARS-2).  

I know it was 20 years to develop the polio vaccination. Even longer for Chicken Pox. Small Pox also took a vaccine and decades of. Use before it "cured" Small Pox.

We still haven't cured Cancer, the Common Flu, the Common Cold, or HIV. But somehow, these two untested shots. Are. Suppose to work? 

For me, I haven't needed a Flu Shot yet ever. However there are many people who do rely on those shots. I'm glad this is worked on, but I. Believe medically this vaccination is in its infancy, and people need to know that.  

Now that said, for me between my experiences of life that show that at this this time, I don't Need It. 

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I will take it as soon as I have access. 


I haven’t heard any argument against the vaccine that was based in anything resembling fact. A bunch of rambling anecdotes about things that happened to people you know is not the same as scientific studies and statistical  analysis. 

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  On 12/19/2020 at 9:57 AM, Hotundilad said:

I'll be having the vaccine just so we can get back to normal... and fuck whoever whenever we want again


That goes without saying as well. I had all these lofty plans as I was touring the country with a show of getting breed across the US. 

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As soon as I can get in line for the vaccine, I'm getting in line (socially distanced and masked, of course). I have way too many high risk factors not to get the vaccine, and I'd much rather spend 2021 working on my yard instead of being in a hospital bed.

@tallslenderguy - you're well on the way to sainthood. I would have wrapped an IV tube around the guy's neck, pulled it tight, and sent him on his 200 mile return trip.

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