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Part 1 - The State Visit


Alex stood in front of the full length gilded edge mirror in his dressing room, his eyes darting and following the reflection of his valet watching his every move the closer he got. Alex let out a gentle moan and rolled his head back at the the soft hands touching the bare skin of his neck. He couldn't help himself getting lost in the moment fleetingly allowing himself erotic pleasure whilst his valet fastened the top button of his tunic, his whole body tingled like the fingers were touching every part of him. Jackson was well versed having practiced this several times on Prince Alexander since his return from military school and his appointment as valet to the prince. It wasn't hard to comprehend how things went from duty to erotic sensations, it certainly didn't help matters when Jackson stood behind the prince almost pressing his groin against the royal arse. He was risking his job without question if he was found out and was certainly never meant to happen, the prince was so cute and provocatively sexy that they ended up tangled in a sexual attraction for each other. For the prince was desperate to free himself and finally enjoy the intimacy of a man, for Jackson it was pure unashamed pleasure.

"Keep still your highness" Jackson said deliberately taking his time with the button.
Alex lowered his eyes staring back at Jackson's reflection "Hurry up then" he replied.
"Shut up or I will undress you again" Jackson warned catching Alex eye and smirking.
Alex chuckled "You can't speak to me like that!" he exclaimed tongue in cheek.
Jackson smiled "You might be a prince but in bed.." he said pulling the tunic.
Alex giggled rolling his neck back again sighing "At least you perform your duties well".
"Stand up straight your highness" Jackson commanded in a hushed tone partly giggling now.
Alex tried to keep a straight face "Do this, do that!" he said, "Man you are bossy!".

They both laughed then stopped hearing the main lounge doors open, their eyes glancing at each other through the mirror hearing the metallic clanking sound hitting the door. Alex knew this meant his brother the crown prince had entered and he quickly tried to put his royalness on, he just couldn't help smiling knowing full well he was sporting a semi erection from his valet man handling him. Jackson quickly removed his hands and stepped aside picking up a brush and running it over the tunic whilst Alex stood still. He was mustering all his strength to stop giggling but his eyes kept fleeting back to Jackson's reflection as Prince Alden entered the dressing room.

Jackson stopped and turned to the prince bowing his head "Good Morning your highness".
Alden saw the way his brother looked at his valet "Your late!" he said.
Alex turned his head to face his brother "They are not due for another hour" he replied.
Alden looked at the valet "Walk away" he said using the royal command to dismiss staff.
Jackson bowed his head then turned to Alex "Your highness" he said before stepping backwards.
Alden waited for him to leave "We are to attend the briefing before their arrival".
Alex sighed "Whatever!" he said picking up his gloves, "And you don't dismiss my valet".
"I was under the impression a valet is the last thing you wanted" Alden replied.
Alex put on his gloves "Mind your own business!" he said checking himself one last time.
Alden stopped Alex from walking out "Don't forget your manners spare" he said smirking.
Alex nodded and stepped back bowing his head to his brother "Fuck you!" he said.

Alex pushed his way out hearing his brother laugh and clanking along behind him. It was the one word his brother used that got under his skin immediately. Being the second born Prince Alexander was second in line to the throne until Alden had children then he would go further down the succession line. It had never bothered Alex growing up, his brother being three years older had started tormenting Alex when he was old enough to understand what that meant in the line of succession, he was the spare and Alden enjoyed playing on that and reminding his brother constantly. Alex loved his brother despite the tormenting and for the most part it just washed over him, if Alex was not in the mood it got under his skin. Alex soon found out that being the spare meant more freedom without the world watching his every move like a hawk, he was so thankful that the spotlight was almost always focused on Crown Prince Alden. Despite those slight differences the brothers loved each other without question and were very close, they fought, they played, they joked. The banter that went on between them was a loving one and Alden had no idea that his brother was finding the whole royal life thing hard to deal with the older he got. He knew he was different from around 14 years old and took until he was 17 to fully understand how different he was. He had had absolutely no inclination to women and often stared and watched the male members of the royal household going about their duties, thoughts of secret trysts in the numerous secret passage ways the staff used aroused him immensely. It was a heavy burden and Alex knew if he left all of this he could be free to enjoy a life he wanted, that was until he was appointed his valet Jackson. It provided some sexual satisfaction but failed to lift the restrictions that were almost suffocating him. 

Alden caught up with his brother "Royal protocol spare, get behind me" he said smiling.
Alex stopped and waited "If I had a sword I would stick it in your back" he replied.
"Somehow I don't think you are even joking!" Alden said looking back at his brother smiling.
"You never use to be like this" Alex said dragging his feet behind his brother.
Alden stopped and turned to his brother "Royal life bro" he said in a matter of fact way.
Alex stared at him for a moment. "Our positions grew with age" Alden said sympathetically.
"Maybe I just want to slip away from all this" Alex replied, "I hate it".
Alden smiled "No you don't, anyway I need you by my side to make me look good".

Alden glanced back at his brother affectionately, even if his suspicions were correct about Alex being gay he would love him and accept his brother no matter what. Their lives growing up had been so intricately entwinned yet despite the ribbing Alden gave his brother he knew Alex loved him the same. They approached the doors to the state reception room where the footman opened both sides 'Their royal highnesses Crown Prince of Monrovia and Prince Alexander of Monrovia' he announced to the room which was in a flurry of activity putting the final touches to make the room ready to receive the dignitaries and invited guests. Everything went quiet for a moment as they all turned and bowed or curtsied at their entrance before going back to their tasks. There in all his glory stood the man Alex hated most, Major Lipscombe or arse wiper as he referred to him as. He held the position of Master of the Household and was responsible for all their personal staff and ensuring the palace was running efficiently. Major Lipscombe was waving a piece of paper around talking to the kings private secretary and the head of royal events and ceremonies. Major Lipscombe immediately left and headed towards to the two princes bowing his head then taking them through the reception party, Alex then went off with the head of Royal Events to go through the guest list.

"A word please Lipscombe" Alden said watching Alex being briefed.
"Of course your highness" Major Lipscombe replied.
"The valet assigned to Prince Alexander" Alden said looking at Lipscombe.
"Jackson" Lipscombe confirmed, "Excellent valet and highly trained sir".
Alden smirked "Maybe too well trained and a little familiar with the prince".
"Really?" Lipscombe replied, "Are you sure?" he questioned Alden who nodded.
"Better safe than sorry" Alden replied glancing at Alex.
Lipscombe nodded "I will have him removed from the palace immediately" he offered.
Alden looked at him "No, don't do that or the prince will know" he said clearly.
"Swap him over with my valet" Alden said giving Lipscombe a clear order.
Lipscombe nodded "Yes of course your highness" he replied.
"Good" Alden replied, "Just don't let the prince know. Walk away" he said dismissing him.

Major Lipscombe acknowledged and bowed his head stepping several paces backwards. Alden glanced over at his brother, he was sure about the stolen looks he saw between the valet and his brother indicated there was a little to much casualness between them and it had to stop before it got messy. His plan to swap the valets over would be taken as a promotion for Jackson, his own valet Eldred would probably be annoyed or even angry about his removal from the crown prince. Alden was no fool and knew Jackson was gay, his brother was still very impressionable and somewhat naïve when it came to life experiences and men. He had found out about Alex by pure coincident from a close friend who told him his brother was swaying more to male company as he called it. Alden was doing his best to look out for Alex and remove any staff that he got close to and effectively cutting it off at every turn, he had to maintain the dignity of Monrovia's first family. Alden was as straight as they came and he was currently dating the daughter of King Constantine of Hellenic to much fanfare across both their families and nations. Alex left the reception room and walked in to the private lounge next door where his parents the King and Queen had just arrived. He sat down next to his mother chatting for a few minutes, at least his parents spared Alex all the protocols and were very down to earth with him just like parents should be. Alden was a different matter, a stickler for protocol since he had been groomed from the age of 12 as the Crown Prince and he took it way too seriously for Alex's liking. If there was one thing that Alden found hard to deal with it was the way Alex was treated and given more freedom and flexibility.

The door to the lounge opened and the footman bowed his head announcing the guests arrival on to the palace grounds, it signified a long day ahead where Prince Alexander would have to play his part. They waited until the footman signalled and opened the doors to the reception room, two trumpeters played the royal fanfare and the dignitaries turned to look at the open doors. The master of ceremonies waited for the fanfare to end 'His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen' he called out loudly then pausing, 'His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Monrovia and Her Highness Dowager Queen of Monrovia'. Again he paused for a moment 'His highness Prince Alexander of Monrovia' this was his cue to cross over the threshold and enter the reception room alone and greeting the dignitaries. His mother ever the watchful one kept a close eye on Alex being his first official royal reception in full dress. The Queen was not disappointed watching her son charm the many people he met, she leaned in to her husband telling him who she thought Alex was a natural. The King turned and smiled watching his son, the ability to engage people did appear very natural to Alex and the guests instantly warmed to him vying for his time. Alex on the other hand was taking discreet glances at two of the newest crown protection officers, in fact he found that during the pre-lunch reception that he couldn't keep his eyes off them and struggled to focus a little. With the luncheon over and many guests departing except the dignitaries who were staying in the palace the royal family retired to the private family rooms for a debrief and then a few hours down time before the state banquet. The King went over and joined his son on the sofa after the debrief.

"Alex you did amazing out there" his father remarked.
Alex smiled "Thank you father" he replied, "Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be".
The King chuckled "How would you like to take on a more public profile?" he asked.
"I don't know father" Alex replied trailing off, "I am not sure I am ready or ever will be".
"Alex" the King said affectionately, "You are going to make a great prince trust me".
Alex nodded and his father continued "You are kind, considerate and charming all excellent qualities".
Alex leaned back with a worried frown "Do I have to?" he asked cheekily.
His father smiled "It is part of us Alex" he replied patting his son's knee.
Alex nodded "So I will take on more of my own events?" he asked.
"Eventually yes" his father replied noticing the doubtful look on Alex face.
"Your mother and I have the royal visit in September to Spain" the King now said.
Alex nodded "Yes I am aware of your diary" he replied.
"Good, how would like you to accompany us in your official capacity?" the King asked.
Alex mused a moment "Is this a royal command or choice?" he asked slightly taken back.
The King chuckled "Purely your choice Alex" he said lovingly, "I would like it if you did, so would your mother".
Alex smiled "Yes I would love to" he replied watching his father smile broadly.
His father stood "Alex if anything is on your mind you can talk to me" he said.
Alex looked up at his father but refrained from opening up "Thank you" he replied.
"Come let's get some fresh air" The King said as his mother approached.

Alex joined his parents for a walk around the private gardens to get some fresh air and enjoy the early summer sun before heading back to their respective royal apartments. The thought of going on an official state visit without his brother lording it up got him a little excited at the prospect. The household staff were quick on their feet receiving word the family were returning to their royal apartments and disappeared down various corridors and passages. Jackson made it to the dressing room ahead of his prince and tidied up a little waiting for Alex to appear.

Alex entered walking to the dressing room "Your highness" Jackson said bowing his head.
"Jackson, you sneaking up on me?" Alex asked surprised by his appearance.
"Only to attend to your needs your highness" Jackson replied helping with the tunic.
Alex grabbed Jackson's hand "Can you run me a bath please" he said, "I can manage the rest".
Jackson nodded "Of course your highness" he replied bowing his head and leaving.
Alex stood at the bathroom door watching Jackson "You want to get in with me?" he asked.
Jackson turned his head folding the towel ready and smirked "No, I have work to do".
Alex finished undressing and walked back to the bathroom "Thank you" he muttered.
Jackson smiled "I will return at 5.30 your highness" he said bowing and leaving.
"Stop calling me your highness" Alex said annoyingly.

After Jackson had left Alex laid in the bath for nearly half an hour chilling out and mulling over the conversation with his father. It frightened him a little and the doubts started creeping in again, his life was careering in to the public eye. In his heart he understood the decision was already made by his birth right and it was now only a matter of time. Alex laid on the bed naked on his stomach reading the palace's social media updates. Forgetting the time he suddenly became aware of someone watching him and turned his head smiling at the grin on Jackson's face. Alex jumped off the bed and sauntered past Jackson. His clothes already laid out for the state banquet made easy work for them both. Jackson attached the scarlet red sash over the formal tunic, it rested on Alex's right shoulder down to his left hip. The scarlet red sash was only worn by the reigning monarchs and direct descendants. Jackson then picked up the silver Royal House of Monrovia coat of arms brooch and attached it to top right side of the sash, he then picked up a similar sized golden brooch with images of his parents coronation inlaid and attached it beneath the first one. 

Jackson stepped back and bowed "You are a fine prince your highness" he said smiling.
"Fine?" Alex questioned him grinning.
Jackson chuckled "Fine" he replied, "With a great arse".
Alex looked at him and smiled "I am glad you approve" he replied.
"You are escorting Lady Trasillion to dinner" Jackson informed him.
Alex looked at him "Okay I briefly met her earlier, what do you know about her?" he asked.
"Not a lot" Jackson replied, "She is chairwoman of the International HIV Foundation".
"Really?" Alex suddenly replied, "That is a big charity I hear" he said.
Jackson nodded "Spans many countries supporting many things" he replied
Jackson stood back "Perfect, you may go" he said.
Alex turned to him "No you may go" he replied laughing.

Jackson opened the doors for his prince to leave, across the hallway two maintenance staff were varnishing the door to the small apartment opposite his, they both stopped and bowed as he walked past, thinking nothing more it he carried on down to the cocktail reception. The two footman bowed and opened the large double doors announcing his arrival 'His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Monrovia' one of the footman called to the reception guests. The guests parted and followed royal protocol as Alex entered the room, he stopped and chatted casually with a few people as the reception started up again, then spotting Lady Trasillion Alex worked his way around the party and was formally introduced to her, together they waited for everyone to find and take their seats at the state banquet. Then filing out behind the King and Queen then his older brother Alex escorted Lady Trasillion in to the state banqueting hall. Alex spent most of the dinner in conversation with Lady Trasillion and subtly brought their chat around to her charitable work. He found out that she was very passionate about it and the work they did across the many countries as a joint international charity. As usual by 10pm the King, Queen and Crown Prince departed the banquet but Alex held back to talk more with his guest. Their conversation so far had been incredibly eye opening for Alex and Lady Trasillion had insisted that Alex call her Margarite.

Alex put his coffee down "Margarite, does the charity have Royal Patronage?" he asked.
Magarite shook her head "No, we applied twice in the last five years" she replied.
She continued "I guess we ask for too much involvement on your families part".
Alex nodded "Yes the King and Queen are over burdened with patronage requests" he said.
Margarite nodded "Your highness this evening has been an honour but I must leave".
Alex smiled and stood "Margarite it has been a pleasure talking to you" he replied.
"You are too kind your highness" Margarite said curtseying.
"Come to the palace and lunch with me, I would love to talk more" Alex genuinely said.
"Thank you that you would be delightful" Margarite replied then took her leave.

Lady Trasillion wasn't overly sure if the prince had meant his last remark or if he was just being polite and appeasing her. Alex slipped out through one of the secret doors in to the private quarters of the palace, tired and his feet aching he wandered the expansive hallways towards his rooms. On the plus side he saw the latest two recruits to the crown protection office again who joined a few months ago to start their training. He never really paid that much attention but he had noticed that both the recruits were youngish, pretty hot looking and certainly bed worthy. That thought alone made him chuckle as he turned the corner towards his rooms. Alex swung open the doors to his rooms with great fanfare and leaving them wide open knowing that Jackson wouldn't be far behind, he made his way to the dressing room and sure enough Jackson appeared through the servants door then going to the lounge area he closed the doors and returned to the dressing room. Alex stood in front of the mirror deeply lost in thought and glanced at the reflection of Jackson in the mirror and producing a small smile. It certainly didn't take Alex long to imagine the stimulating touch of his valet, even despite his tiredness his whole being felt illuminated and those familiar stirrings emerged from within his body.

"Good evening your highness" Jackson said bowing his head slightly following protocol.
"Jackson, get me out of this outfit please" Alex pleaded placing his arms by his side.
Jackson began undoing the buttons to the tunic "You look tired" he said softly.
Alex watched Jackson's hands at work "That and my feet really ache" he replied.
Jackson smiled and removed the tunic hanging it up "Breeches!" he remarked.
Alex spread his legs apart slightly "Go for it" he replied smirking at Jackson.
"Stop flirting you little tramp" Jackson replied slipping his hand inside them.
Alex moaned coming back to life "How dare you fondle a prince" he said seductively.
Jackson removed his hand "You enjoy it way too much" he replied removing his shoes and breeches.
Alex watched him put the clothes away. "Shall I do your shirt Alex?" Jackson asked.
Alex nodded "Yes please" he replied waiting for Jackson to stand within inches of him.

Jackson couldn't help smiling feeling the princes hand rubbing his cock. Alex chuckled feeling the shirt fall away exposing his young soft body. Jackson folded the shirt up ready to be taken to the laundry. He turned back to the prince and ran his hand over Alex's chest feeling the soft supple skin. Alex moaned rolling his head back and Jackson moved in tenderly kissing the neck of his prince and slowly working his way upwards until he felt the moist tenderness of his lips and mouth. Briefly they exchanged a kiss before Alex felt his feet leaving the ground and being carried towards the bedroom. Jackson laid his prince on the bed and removed his socks taking one foot he gently massaged and kissed it. Alex raised his head off the bed watching Jackson and moaning softly, his hands working his underwear down to his ankles where Jackson finished off and removed them then began undressing himself. Jackson stood there naked and climbed on the bed forcing his way between Alex's legs, his face looming closer with a gentle teasing manner until he kissed his prince lightly on the mouth, their eyes meeting briefly then all hell let lose. Jackson kissed the prince aggressively, Alex's legs flung upwards wrapping around Jackson's body whilst his hands roamed coveting every inch his valet's strong athletic build. Finally securing his arms and legs tightly around the torso he swung Jackson over on to his side. The aggression from pent up desire in their kissing slowly calmed to a more intimate flow, fingers lightly dancing and caressing each other for several minutes until Jackson rolled on to his back pulling the prince and forcing his highness to straddle across him. His hips gyrating his solid seven inch erection against Alex's arse whilst their kissing continued. Slowly inching his hips forward and using his arse until he felt the head of Jackson's cock pressed up against his hole. Alex let out a tiny cry before pushing his hips back and jiggling his arse, slowly his arse lips eased apart perfectly surrounding the head of Jackson's cock. The wriggling of his arse and upward push of Jackson's hips paved the entry way. Alex stifled a cry at the burn in his arse, his head pulled down in to a kiss and held there by Jackson's arm whilst the other circled around his body holding it firmly in place. Jackson was every part a man and a very dominant lover, something that Alex had learnt over the last few weeks combined with a sense of safety in his company allowed him to relax and enjoy their passionate romps. So enthralled in the kissing his mind completely oblivious to the pain in his arse taking more of Jackson's cock, only when Alex felt the coarseness of the pubic hair rubbing against the sensitive skin around his hole did he moan succinctly in to Jackson's mouth. The steady pace of his hips pushing up whilst his arm pulled Alex down impaling him deeper each time on his cock. He was sex, he was all man and all sex and Alex was left in no doubt each time they were together. The sweet whimpers and gasps from his prince danced in the air shrouded by their intimate reaction towards each other. Jackson speared Alex's mouth with his tongue feeling the start of his orgasm, his arm pulling Alex's mouth tighter to his own kissing him with sexual aggression and urgency, his hips jabbed and thrusted up in rapid succession before holding them aloft clenching his arse muscles and feeling the freedom of his cock pulsing out his orgasm. Alex gyrated his hips, no longer did he try to free himself and pull off before the orgasm, after feeling the exhilarating power of Jackson's orgasm once before by accident he needed more of it. Alex had slipped into the rush and thrill of feeling Jackson's orgasm, he was after all a man who enjoyed sex and never pulled out when he was done. Alex kissed him delicately on the mouth then leaned up pushing his arse down firmly on his cock, slowly working his arse on the cock he allowed Jackson to take hold his royal cock rubbing it gently. Jackson loved this part even more, watching the prince stimulating himself on his cock until he would roll his head back and shudder, expelling his cum on Jackson's chest then finally falling forward wrapping themselves in each others arms kissing once again.

Finally disentangling themselves Alex laid in his arms. Often in this state Jackson could feel the vulnerability and the insecurity of the prince, he was a far cry from his sometimes arrogant brother and seemed almost lost and in desperate need of a real companion who was level headed. Jackson was not the person for Alex and a silent truth existed between them knowing this fact.

"Do you enjoy living in the palace?" Alex suddenly asked stroking Jackson's chest.
Jackson stroked Alex's face "Yes, to serve crown and country is the best job" he replied.
Alex leaned up "You don't find it oppressive at times?" he asked, "I do" he exclaimed.
"How so, I mean you are a prince and it is your home?" Jackson replied looking curious.
"It never use to bother me, sometimes it feels like a prison" Alex said with sadness.
Alex laid back down "I just want some freedom, I want to be me, not the prince".
Jackson chuckled "You will have a little more freedom soon" he replied stroking his head.
Alex leaned up again looking at him. "Your crown protection officer" Jackson said.
"Oh dam, I forgot about that. A fucking shadow following me around" Alex replied annoyingly.
A brief silence fell between them. "I want to love who I want to love" Alex spoke softly.
Jackson looked knowingly at him and Alex continued "There is an expectation of me".
"Talk to your parents Alex and explain how you feel" Jackson said assuring him.
Alex stoked Jackson's chest "I fear they would be disappointed" he replied.
Jackson kissed him on the head "The Governor Premier will be on your side Alex".
Alex sighed "Yes I know" he replied yawning and stretching.
Jackson laughed quietly and kissed him "I have to go it is nearly 1am" he said getting up.
Jackson dressed whilst Alex watched him. "What time do you want waking?" he asked.
Alex shrugged "Usual time" he replied, "Bed sheets will need changing in the morning".
Jackson smiled "Messy little prince aren't you" he said leaning down to kiss him.
"You shouldn't cum so much" Alex replied looking at him, "Walk away sexy" he chuckled.

With that Jackson disappeared laughing quietly and heading back to his quarters. Alex laid in bed with the scent of Jackson still strong on the pillow, he rolled over hugging the pillow closely and shuffling away from the damp patch where Jackson's cum had seeped out of his arse. 

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Can't believe I've only just spotted your latest story. Great opening chapter. I wounder how Alex will react when he hears that his brother has commandeered Jackson as he personal valet. Is it to protect his younger brother or do Crown Prince Alden have ulterior motives? Guess we'll have to wait and see. 

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Part 2 - Where It Began


His words came out of nowhere and Alex was too young to understand what his brother was talking about. It was the second day in a row that Alden had been taken off to private lessons leaving Alex with Greta the governess to continue his education. On his return today though he pushed Alex out of the way and called him 'The Spare' then laughed running off to his room. The following day in lesson Alex asked Greta what those words meant, she tried to explain in as gentle way as possible. From that day on he knew his brother was destined to be king and he would just be a prince for the rest of his life. Alex would often pass by the private room where Alden was being coached to accept his role in life. Alex knew his brother and he didn't fail to impress when he lost his temper with the royal courtiers teaching him in constitutional matters. It was only after a couple of months had passed that Alex fully realised how lucky he was to be spared all of this and how easy he had things in comparison. Only on casual royal visits did the princes accompany the King and Queen, for the most part they remained away from public eye in the Balenciaga Palace on the outskirts of the capital city of Victoria in the beautiful and affluent country of Monrovia. The brothers were very similar in looks and mannerisms when observed from a distance, once you go to know them the difference in their characteristics was plain to see. Alden more outgoing and the leader when they played jokes on the household staff, he was also very dependent on other people and at the same time he was a sharp observant individual. Alex was more independent and hated the household staff fussing over him all the time, definitely the brighter of the two brothers, kind hearted and not afraid to help others. The one thing Alex had in abundance was a warmth and natural ability to connect with anyone. Never once did he put a foot wrong with the governess and was eager to learn. It was no surprise to his parents that he came top of the class every year he was in military school.

When the royal standard flew over the palace the gathered crowd of tourists knew that the monarch was in residence, many of them standing at the main gates with cameras held aloft just in case they spotted the royal family in the grounds. During the summer months it flew over Greenacres Palace the country residence of the royal family, set in the peaceful countryside of the Greenacres estate. The palace was smaller than the Balenciaga, apart from the summer residency the family would spend several long weekends here entertaining other royal families from across Europe. Alex still didn't get how they were all related through the generations stemming back from the British Victorian era. Being the peaceful nation that Monrovia was its many inhabitants were happy, prosperous and had a very dignified respect to their royal family. The love they had for the Dowager Queen Beatrice, mother of the reigning King, was celebrated each year by parties held in the grounds of the Balenciaga palace over the weekend nearest to her birthday. The highlight was seeing the Dowager Queen with her grandsons Alden and Alex. The people of Monrovia enjoyed a quality of life was in many ways superior to their neighbouring countries, everything from healthcare to education and liberation was celebrated. The current Governor Premier was openly gay, married and won the last election by a landslide victory. To the outside world the country was one of the most desirable places to live, their strict border controls were in place to protect the people of Monrovia and anyone entering the country to live was expected to show they had gainful employment or the means to live without requesting state funding.

Throughout his childhood Alex knew they were a different family, popular and everyone bobbing when they entered a room or passed down a line. To the young prince it was all very funny and had no real understanding until he reached his teen years. At the age of sixteen Alex was sent to military school training following in his brothers footsteps, Monrovia did its part as members of NATO taking part of training exercises although it was one thing the prince never got to be part of during his 4 years there. During the later part of his time at military school the prince became increasingly self aware of his difference, that and the interest in male bodies that were nearly always naked around him in the dorm rooms or showers. There was a discreet amount of playfulness going on yet Alex was always too scared to touch anyone since he could not guarantee discretion on the other persons behalf. It was during his last year that the Duke of Eisenberg's son Erik collared the prince and they kissed and masturbated each other in the shower. It may have been just an innocent boyish fondle in exploration but it was enough to ignite a spark in Alex, a spark that the young prince knew was never going to be extinguished. Alex would never know that Eric had told the story of their sordid showering to Alden until a few years later during their biggest blow up. 

When Alex was due to leave military school the young prince was briefed that he would be appointed a valet and security detail in due course. At 20 years old Prince Alexander of Monrovia was a pretty decent sexy looking lad, standing five feet ten inches tall with brown hair and eyes, his body was quite athletic and generously proportioned. A nice muscle tone that he had worked up during military school allowed him to carry himself to great effect. The prince was definitely seen as bed worthy sex god and his impeccable manners had the girls he met cooing over him for his affection. Whilst Alden at 23 stood an inch taller and a more heavily set frame from his exercising and now in full military training, he was even more stunning than Alex and usually kept his hair neatly trimmed. Alex on the other hand let his hair grow out, it wasn't long by any means but it was just the right length to grab a handful to hold him still when he was getting fucked from behind. It was this that Jackson found more than stimulating when he was in bed with the prince. When you took everything away and just had Alex standing in front of you he was definitely a catch, a wicked personality that hardly ever shone unless he was in the company of someone he could trust. His parents were discreetly aware that Alex showed no interests in girls and when Alden would go on and on about girls Alex would simply roll his eyes and the check out of the conversation.

A month before his first full official state visit Alex arrived back at the palace, he had attended several low key visits in the last few years albeit it was only a brief appearance and quite frankly he could do without the one coming up, this one was a full blown state visit and all the regalia that entailed. It was hard going for him, so much standing and talking, pretending to be interested when all he wanted to do was hide away in his private quarters in the south wing of the palace, having only moved in to them two months ago he hadn't had much chance to spend time there. He was getting older and no longer needed a governess, just like his brother for his 20th birthday he was appointed his own suite of rooms or royal apartment as it was called in the palaces private quarters. His brother was in the west wing occupying the rooms next to the Dowager Queen, their parents had the entire east wing which was also where Alex and Alden had grown up. The north wing or central part of the palace contained all the state and ceremonial rooms along with visiting dignitaries accommodation. The private quarters were still magnificent in space and luxury, importantly they afforded privacy away from public glare. The royal families quarters were all on the first floor with a formal dining, lounge and reception rooms on the ground floor opening up in to the gardens in the east wing. The majority of the ground floor was were the offices and household staff quarters were located. Alex walked part way with his mother to his quarters having a quick catch up and reminding him to be in the downstairs reception room at 3pm for his meeting with the head of the household and his new valet. The Queen laughed watching her son rolling his eyes and glancing at her, he knew better than to question the decisions being made knowing it was happening no matter what he said. Alex kissed his mother on each cheek then bowed his head as she left him, there were still some protocols he learned that had to be respected, after all his parents were the King and Queen.

Dressed in shorts and a t-shirt Alex arrived at the doors to the reception room at 3pm on the dot, the footman opened the door and announced his arrival 'His Royal Highness Prince Alexander', Alex walked in seeing Major Lipscombe standing there next to a sexy looking man dressed in a grey morning suite with white shirt and grey tie. The more Alex looked at the man the more he was warming to the idea of having a valet, he certainly looked well built under the suit and stood just marginally taller than himself.

"Your royal highness" Lipscombe said bowing his head, "Welcome back home".
Alex nodded then the man spoke "Your royal highness" he said then slowly bowed his head.
"Your highness may I introduce Jackson who is appointed as your valet" Lipscombe said.
Jackson bowed his head. "Jackson trained as Lord Denholm's valet" Lipscombe informed him.
Alex looked at Jackson "How long have you been here in the palace?" he asked.
"Almost six months your highness, I have been trained by the Kings valet" Jackson replied with respect.
"Your protection officer finishes his palace training in 4 weeks and will be assigned to you then your highness" Lipscombe now told him.
Alex let out a small sigh "Is it really necessary?" he asked looking at Lipscombe.
"Yes your highness, royal protocol dictates..." Lipscombe started saying.
Alex stopped him "Blah blah, yes I know, protocol this, protocol that" he said exasperated.
Alex noticed Jackson trying to stop himself smiling, "Something amusing Jackson?" he asked.
"No your highness" Jackson replied fighting his urge to smile.
Alex smiled at Jackson "Be in my quarters at 6pm then" he said then turned and left the room.
Jackson looked at Lipscombe "Is he always like that?" he asked.
Lipscombe scowled at Jackson "He, Prince Alexander is a very nice young man, misguided a little but none the less he is a prince".
"Of course sir, I didn't mean anything by that" Jackson said apologising.
"The Prince needs a lot of training Jackson, he needs to tow the line and stop fighting at every turn" Lipscombe said.
Jackson looked at him "I guess by your tone you don't like him" he said confronting Lipscombe.
Lipscombe glared at Jackson "Just do your job" he said in an unfriendly tone.
"You may go Jackson" Lipscombe said dismissing him, "6pm in the prince's quarters".

Jackson didn't have to show any protocol to Lipscombe so he could walk out of the room facing away from him. Personally he thought Major Lipscombe was a nasty piece of work and couldn't work out whose pocket he was in to secure his position as head of the household. Jackson had designs on progressing up the chain and wanted the majors position. At 30 Jackson came from a civil background and fought off hundreds of applications when the palace advertised for a valet position. Residing with Lord Denholm who had employed Jackson from the age of 18 and trained him well, quickly he learnt the ropes of how a noble household was run. With strawberry blond hair and brown eyes he was quite a looker, his body was relatively smooth and well tuned from years of working out in the private gym at the Denholm's mansion. Jackson was gay and this part of his life he never broadcasted around the palace, his sexuality was no secret and for the most part he kept a low profile refusing advances from a couple of the other gay household staff. His involvement with the butler at the Denholm's had been a disaster of a relationship over several years and was partly what drove him to leave. Completely put off of from getting serious with guys he chose random anonymous men for pleasure. Inside work Jackson was devoted to his career and abided by all protocols that members of the royal household must adhere to including a non-disclosure agreement or gagging order as most of the staff preferred to call it. Jackson was one of the elite group that spent time close to their member of the royal family, even Major Lipscombe was not privy to this world as it was behind closed doors. Dead on 6pm Jackson walked in to the small pantry area from the staff passage way and knocked on the door to the lounge of Prince Alexander's quarters, slowly opening the door he walked in.

"Your here then!" Alex said coming in to the lounge and checking Jackson out properly for the first time
"Good evening your highness" Jackson said bowing his head.
Alex smirked trying to keep himself together "Well come on then let's get this over with".
Jackson followed Alex in the dressing room "Has your highness decided what to wear?" he asked.
Alex turned and looked Jackson up and down "No his highness has not. Undress me" he ordered trying to keep a straight face.

Jackson bowed then stepped forward and reached up to unfasten the buttons of the prince's polo shirt. It was the first time Alex caught the male scent of Jackson standing so intimately close, he closed his eyes inhaling quietly but deeply and getting lost in a world of erotic fantasy.

"Your highness, may I?" Jackson spoke and Alex opened his eyes forgetting where he was.
"What?" Alex replied, "Oh yes of course" he replied lifting his arms up.
Alex couldn't help letting out a moan as Jackson wrestled with his shorts "Careful!" he said.
Alex could tell Jackson was trying to stop giggling, "Mind the crown jewels" Alex said.
"Excuse me one moment your highness" Jackson said backing off and trying to cough the laugh out.
"When you have finished you can run me a bath" Alex said putting on a bath robe.
Jackson nodded "Of course your highness" he watched Alex dropping his underwear.
"Catch" Alex said flicking his under wear up on his foot in the air.
Jackson reached out catching them effortlessly, "Well done!" Alex said smirking at him.

Jackson could see a very mischievous person under the prince's outer exterior, he smiled and bowed putting the underwear in the dirty laundry basket and went off to run the bath for his prince. Alex went through his clothes looking for something to wear for dinner, fortunately it was just family so it required nothing fancy, he was finding it hard to concentrate knowing he was curious and incredibly turned on by his valet, he understood roughly what valets did but he was about to push this further entering the bathroom. Jackson had taken his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves to stop himself getting wet, Alex stood there naked and waiting casually leaning back against the marbled wall.

Jackson turned opening his eyes widely "Your highness" he said gesturing to the bath.
Alex walked past and climbed in to the bath "Would you like to wash me?" he asked.
Jackson hesitated a moment. "In fact I order you to wash me!" Alex said sitting in the bath.
"Yes your highness" Jackson replied, "Will your highness require all of you washed?".
Alex smirked "When I trust you then you may wash the crown jewels" he replied giggling.

Jackson smiled shaking his head, it didn't take long for Jackson to notice that the prince was sporting an underwater boner and this in turn was causing his cock to stir and had him thinking of all the things he would love to do to the prince. There was never any indication that the prince was bi or gay, it was confusing to Jackson figuring out the signals if there was flirting or just the prince being himself. Nowadays there was no need for secret signals or discreet meets in bushes late at night, being gay was an acceptable part of life across many countries and especially here in Monrovia. The only problem with this was you could never really tell them apart as straight men had become more metrosexual in their attitude and mannerisms. The prince laid back resting his head against the end of the bath staring at Jackson.

"You are my first you know" Alex said keeping his eyes focused on Jackson.
Jackson glanced at him "I hope you will guide me to things you like your highness" he replied.
Alex closed his eyes "Why?" he asked, "Aren't you suppose to anticipate my needs before I know I need them?".
"Of course your highness" Jackson replied, "As I get to know you it will fall in to place".
Alex smiled and opened one eye "Jackson, drop the highness thing it is so tedious".
Jackson stopped washing Alex's leg "I do not think that is wise your highness" he said.
"Protocol when other people are around" Alex said looking at him, "When it is us be normal with me".
Jackson smiled and nodded "And what do you propose I call you, when it is us?" he asked.
"Alex" Alex replied then smiled, "If you dare of course" he added opening one eye again.
Jackson saw that twinkle in his eyes "Oh I dare" he said flicking water at Alex.
Alex chuckled "I could have you thrown in jail for doing that" he said smirking broadly.
"Is that so, then who would catch the royal underwear when you flick them off?" Jackson asked.
Alex grinned with his eyes closed "Fuck you!" he said in a soft tone.
Jackson tutted and pinched the prince's toe "That is no way for a prince to behave" he said amused.
Alex opened his eyes and caught Jackson's "I am serious Jackson, be normal with me".
He stared at the prince "I will try but it is who you are" Jackson reminded him.
"I know, I just want normal conversation, someone I can feel relaxed around in private" Alex said.
Jackson stood and held open a towel "Come on shrimp get out of the bath!" he ordered.
Alex poked his tongue out and stood up "How brave of you" he said, "Now dry me".
Jackson laughed and threw the towel at him "Do it yourself".

Alex threw him a look making Jackson laugh, he was nervous about this whole idea of treating the prince normally and rightly so. It wasn't like the prince had been hidden away from public view, the royal family were very careful to shield the boys as they grew up so not a whole lot was known about Prince Alexander. In the space of an hour Jackson had discovered a very bright, genuinely funny and nice guy hidden inside. Combined with his looks they all equalled dangerous traits that Jackson liked in a man. With the prince dressed and leaving, Jackson tidied up in the dressing room and bathroom then went down the servants passage way to get his dinner.

"Jackson" Lipscombe called from his office as he passed by.
Jackson stuck his head in the door "Yes" he replied.
"Come in" Lipscombe said, "Sit, so tell me how it went?" he asked.
Jackson chuckled sitting down "Well I think his highness needs whipping in to shape" he said.
Lipscombe smiled "Prince Alexander can be a little tyrant he likes to do things his way".
"Yes I got that impression" Jackson replied, "And my god he talks!, wouldn't shut up".
Lipscombe raised an eyebrow "Really?" he said smiling, "Well that's a start I guess".
Jackson nodded "Major, he did ask that I talk to him normally in private" he explained.
Lipscombe sat pensive for a moment "Retain correct protocol when in public and do not overstep the mark" he said.
"Of course" Jackson replied in a matter of fact manner.
"Good" Lipscombe said, "And I expect you to be my eyes and ears with the prince in return".
Jackson raised an eyebrow "Certainly not" he replied causing Lipscombe to glare at him.
"Jackson do not cross me" Lipscombe said sounding serious, "You will keep me informed of what goes on".
Jackson stood "I will tell you what I think you need to know and nothing more" he replied.

Jackson left the office with absolutely no intention of telling Lipscombe anything that went on between the prince and himself, only what he thought would be useful for him to know. He knew enough about the trust that had to exist between valet and master and his liking of the prince so far would go very far in keeping his lips tightly shut. A few days passed by where nothing untoward happened, Alex was enjoying the time he spent with Jackson and they would gossip about the other staff and Prince Alden and his girlfriend Princess Elethera whom Alex didn't care much for. Jackson confirmed that many of the staff agreed with Alex's conclusion that Elethera was after a crown, and the crown of Monrovia was very desirable. By the fourth evening Alex was returning to his quarters a little tipsy from drinking wine at the dinner where his parents were hosting Princess Elethera and her family for a few days. Besides Elethra and her parents the Sovereign Prince Andreas was also staying at the palace. At 30 years old and next in line to the Hellenic throne, he made Alden look like a mouse compared to his attitude, demands and complete arrogance. Alex disliked him from the word go, despite his very Greek looks which were stunning to say the least. His dislike went so far it upset his father the King when he outright refused to chaperone him then eventually they negotiated an agreement to keep him entertained during the day and at dinner.

"You don't look very happy Alex" Jackson said walking in to the dressing room.
Alex turned to him "That prince is a dick, I really don't like him" he replied.
Jackson shook his head. "Dinner was awful and he looks down at me" Alex complained bitterly.
Jackson undid the buttons on Alex's shirt "Stop complaining he will be gone soon" Jackson said.
Alex could feel Jackson's breath on his cheek "Do not tell me what to do" he replied smirking.
"Why?" Jackson asked looking at him inches from his face, "I thought you wanted to be treated like a commoner".
His words were left hanging in the air before Alex replied "I do" he replied softly.

Alex felt his shirt falling away from his body and stood staring in to the mirror, a strange but unhappy look was etched across his face. Jackson stopped and watched the sad expression on his prince. Jackson slipped momentarily and stepped forward putting a hand on Alex shoulder rubbing it very gently. The prince stared in mirror at Jackson's reflection like he was about to break down, it was like Jackson knew and he gently put his arms around the prince comforting him. In turn Alex leaned back accepting the welcome embrace, he then turned around to face Jackson. Unsure what was driving this Alex leaned forward and his lips touched lightly against Jackson's before he realised what he was doing and pulled back apologising profusely. Jackson stood there smiling with his head cocked to one side, his prince didn't need to say anything and Jackson dropped his professional manner feeling this was the right thing to do. Slowly he put his arms around Alex and gently hugged him again. Alex raised his arms and encircled them around the valet, his hold was much tighter and he rested his head on the shoulder of Jackson. His suspicions confirmed by Alex reacting this way yet he could also tell the prince was scared to invoke anything further. Alex took the scent of Jackson in and he felt an incredible sense of comfort, he knew this was wrong and breaking almost every rule in the royal protocol book by overstepping the mark but he couldn't deny his attraction to Jackson was increasing second by second. Almost in unison they moved their heads until their lips touched again momentarily.

Jackson let out a desperate sigh "This is wrong I am sorry" he said trying to move away.
Alex held on to him "Please, I need this" he said almost tearing up.
Jackson hugged him tightly again "I would do anything for you Alex please know that" he said.

They stood alone in the dressing room, his valet holding him and giving the young prince some much needed companionship. Jackson's head was in turmoil yet he couldn't and didn't want to let go of the prince. Alex was unfolding before Jackson's eyes, the young prince had shown his sexuality for the first time inside the palace. His hold was tight in a comforting way and he whispered to Alex 'You can trust me Alex, nothing goes outside of these rooms'. Alex lifted his head and looked at Jackson nodding, he wanted nothing more than to be taken to bed by him and was mustering up the courage to go through with it, slightly disappointed he was lead in to the bedroom where Jackson put him to bed and wished the prince a good night. The silence and stillness of his surroundings only compounded to the loneliness he was feeling.

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I love the way you always take time to "flesh out" your characters in your stories. So many writers here miss that out and just go all out for sex scenes.  I'm hoping this one develops into another novella.

  • Like 1

Look forward to seeing where you take this one @losolent. You are a master story teller but strange to see you in this section and not in the usual pozzing one LOL. But nevertheless, this story certainly hooking me already.

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Part 3 - The Unwanted Attention


"Good morning your highness" Jackson spoke with a spring in his voice entering the bedroom.
Alex turned over in bed "Is it time to get up already?" he asked in complaining tone.
Jackson put the cup of coffee next to the bed "Your highness has a busy day ahead" he replied.
"Sit on the bed and tell me what I am doing then" Alex commanded with a grin on his face.
Jackson sat on the edge of the bed "Lunch with the royal guests and the Governor Premier".
Alex pulled a face "Please tell me that is it" he said dreading what else was to come.
Jackson chuckled "Dinner with the royal guests and you entertaining Prince Andreas" he said.
Alex sat up "Actually I think you can entertain Prince Andreas" he replied with sarcasm.
Jackson stood up "Not on your life, don't like him" he informed Alex.
"I will make it worth your while" Alex offered then giggled.
Jackson grabbed Alex and pulled him out of bed "Nothing you can do would make me do that".
Alex ran his hand down over Jackson's cock "Your highness that is inappropriate" he said pushing his groin forward more.
"So why is it almost hard then?" Alex asked causing Jackson to grin.
Jackson kissed Alex then pushed him down to his knees "Suck me off!" he demanded.

There was no hesitancy apart from Alex fumbling around trying to unzip the trousers then finally pulled Jacksons hefty cock out from his underwear, he was amazed seeing Jackson had already leaked precum. Alex knew it was enough of a sign that Jackson was feeling the same way. Close up it looked menacing the way the eight inches of his cock protruded out of his trousers and arching down in a semi hard state for a moment before it seemed to magically rise. Alex looked up at Jackson his eyes said it all, he had no idea what he was doing. Jackson smiled and started guiding the prince letting his tongue flickering at the partially rolled back foreskin hitting the head of Jackson's cock making it bounce in anticipation. His head being guided Alex opened his mouth the anticipation of sucking his first cock had him diving on to the cock at light speed and squealing in pure joy, his mouth taking in the fullness of the girth and feeling it quickly change in to a very hard state. Careful not to choke or gag himself Alex allowed Jackson to guide his head forcing his lips up and down delicately, the head of Jackson's cock ran across his tongue slowly at first. Suddenly his taste buds assimilated the tangy saltiness of precum, his head held still by Jackson's hands who was now gently using his hips to control the thrusting. Both overly excited Jackson would pull right back and slap Alex's face with his cock before pushing it back in to his mouth. Alex giggled through a mouth full of cock each time and grabbed his own cock pleasuring himself, his eyes half closed moaning sweetly. Jackson felt his balls contract quickly and sharply pulled his cock out of Alex's mouth just in time, the first three splats of his cum shot across Alex's chin, nose and left cheek. Alex groaned shooting his load and just missing Jackson's trousers, his mouth opened accidentally took a few after shots making the prince splutter spitting on the floor, Jackson pushed his cock back in to the succulent warm mouth that gently clamped down on his cock. Alex's head bobbed rapidly rewarding with the last few squirts of cum flowing down his throat. Alex pulled off unsure what to make of the taste at first, he found himself being pulled up by Jackson until they were face to face. Jackson licked the cum up Alex chin towards his mouth then kissed with him with an incredible passion taking Alex completely by surprise. Alex stood there eyes half closed in a dreamy state then felt himself fall backwards landing on his back on the bed.

"Did you just push me?" Alex asked between laughs.
Jackson leant over placing his hands either side of the prince "I am in charge!" he said.
Alex grinned "I am a prince, you can't push me!" he said then cracked up laughing.
Jackson hauled him off the bed "Not when it is just the two of us" he said, "Go shower".
"Yes sir" Alex replied bowing his head mocking Jackson's bow.
Jackson chuckled "You keep doing that and next time I won't be so gentle" he warned.
Alex looked over his shoulder "Is that a promise?" he asked and Jackson nodded winking at him.

Jackson went to the dressing room and prepared some clothes hanging them up on the rail ready for when his prince had finished showering. He stopped holding a shirt his thoughts second doubting himself and this is was a good idea being sexually involved with his master. It could put his career in jeopardy if word got out, his head was nowhere near ready to rule over his heart though and he quickly dismissed the thought deciding to play things carefully and not spend too much time in the royal apartment. It was the strangest of relationships, proper and official when dressing the prince, then erotic caressing when undressing that ultimately lead them to sexual antics. Alex knew he could trust Jackson and for the few weeks they had together he was so happy just being treated normally and relished the time they had together. With Alden so busy with Elethera it was down to Alex and play pretend at being a friend to Prince Andreas. Walking towards the family dining room he was not looking forward to this one bit and for the first half an hour he played nicely. The footman opened the door announcing 'Your Majesties and Royal Highnesses, Monrovia's Governor Premier', Steven entered the room and bowed his head and immediately went over to King and Queen, then Alden and finally Alex. His father introduced the Governor to the Hellenic Royal Family then surprisingly the Governor turned and  headed towards Alex. 

"Your highnesses" Steven said bowing his head, "May I have a few minutes of your time?".
Alex nodded "Of course, excuse us Andreas" he said grateful for the interruption.
Alex walked to the garden windows and outside "What can I do for you Governor?" he asked.
Steven smiled "Well your highness it is about your future plans" he said.
"Been speaking to the King?" Alex asked knowing full well his father probably had talked.
"I wondered if you would take on more official duties now your highness?" Steven asked.
"Oh" Alex replied the stopped to look at him, "In what way?" he asked curiously.
Steven tried to gauge his reaction "Well some state visits and public appearances to get you use to them" he offered.
Alex nodded slowly understanding "You will of course go on the civil list" Steven explained.
"Is there not enough royals on it already?" Alex asked, "After all I am only the spare".
The Governor chuckled shaking his head "Your highness, you are not perceived that way".
They carried on walking "People only see you as the younger prince, never under estimate how well liked you are" Steven said.
Alex chuckled and looked at him "Carry on" he said, "You might be winning here".
Steven smiled "You are also very smart and savvy" he continued, "And, your attractive".
Alex stopped and turned to him "Oh!" he replied caught off guard by the remark.
"Do you mean to say my brother is dumb?" Alex asked smirking which Steven noticed.
"Not at all your highness, he is more constitutional in his thinking" Steven replied carefully.
Alex laughed "How very politically correct your answer is, no wonder why you are the governor" he said beginning to like him.
"Prince Alexander it would be an honour having you as a serving royal" Steven emphasised.
"Instead of a layabout you mean?" Alex replied almost too quick off the mark for Steven.
He stopped the Governor from replying, "One condition though!" Alex exclaimed quickly.

Alex knew the governor was gay and it was like a magnetic connection appeared out of nowhere between them, he definitely got the impression that Steven liked him as a person, it was his body language and the casual but still retaining the official stance in the way he spoke. It was like a breath of fresh air and Alex felt his heart thumping in his chest from nerves and what he was about to do that was long overdue. They continued walking and Alex was quiet for a moment making sure they were perfectly alone.

"Is your highness playing at keeping me in suspense?" Steven finally asked.
Alex laughed "Not at all. I want to do more in helping the gay community" he said.
Steven quickly glanced around "We can do that, but you should consider equal split so not to draw attention".
"I am glad you understand Governor" Alex said glancing at Steven, "I am not ready on that part of my life to be open".
Steven smiled "Your highness has my unquestionable discretion" he said suddenly clicking.
"I think we understand each other" Alex said, "How is your husband?" he asked changing subjects.
"Sexy as always and very well" Steven replied assessing if he overstepped his response.
They started walking back. "Steven, do you think I will have to find a royal one?" Alex asked hoping the governor knew what he meant.
"The Queen was of a noble family here in Monrovia" Steven said slightly deviating in his answer to the the  question.
Alex sighed "Drop the dam political answers when we are in private" he said getting annoyed.
Steven grinned "Your highness needs to learn patience" he said, "The choice is yours , proceed with caution though".
"Is it really though?" Alex replied staring off over the gardens, "The King and Queen may not approve of anyone I choose?".
"Your highness, the monarchs will be happy if you are happy" Steven spoke sincerely, "That is the beauty of Monrovia being so liberal".
"When you find someone let me have them checked out your highness" Steven offered.
Alex chuckled "You mean have sex with them?" he asked grinning.
Steven laughed unable to contain himself "No that is most certainly not what I meant".
"Liar!" Alex replied laughing then going quiet, "I feel trapped here, unable to move freely" he said.
Steven stopped walking "I don't understand, in what way?" he asked.
Alex spoke quietly "I can not do anything without someone looking" he replied confusing himself.
"If I can help I will your highness" Steven said reassuring him, "You only have to ask".
Alex nodded "What if I want to turn my back on this life?" he asked, "You know go for a quiet life hidden away just a normal job".
Steven looked him in the eye "I would not accept that decision from you" he said sharply.
"Wow calm down" Alex replied feeling he had upset the governor.
"Apologies your highness but I never expected that" Steven said looking shocked.
Alex looked up the palace. "Are you that unhappy here your highness?" he asked.
He shrugged "I do not know Governor, I am trying to work a lot of things out".
"Please do not say anything" Alex pleaded approaching the French doors.
"You can turn to me for anything your highness, please remember that" Steven said kindly.
Alex noticed the look he was getting from Prince Andreas "Can you make that go away?" he asked.
Steven didn't need to look in the direction Alex was looking "I wish" he replied.
"May I invite your highness for lunch at the governors mansion?" Steven now asked.
Alex smiled and nodded "You may indeed and I will gladly accept so along as we can drop the formalities" he replied smiling.

Steven let Alex pass through the door ahead of him bowing with a big smile on his face. The King came over keen to know what was going on and the Governor spoke of his intention to get Prince Alexander involved more with public duties. The news put in the King in a jovial mood over lunch, he was so happy that his son was starting to take on a more active royal role. Alex on the other hand was trying to extend their lunch for as long as possible by eating slowly, his mother had picked up on this and hinted to him several times to finish his lunch, he hoped it would mean having to spend less time with Prince Andreas. With lunch finished Alex grabbed the Governor's attention with conversation whilst Prince Andreas stood there watching him what looked like a malevolent smirk on his face and tapping his foot indicating he was waiting. His plan didn't last long since the Governor had to get back to his daily business and took his leave. With the Governor gone and the families retiring to the lounge area Alden and Elethera went out leaving Prince Andreas with Alex, he was quick to remind Alex that he was promised a tour of the palace. If there was one thing he could do well since he had shown an interest growing up in all the different rooms, portraits, furnishings and artefacts that were strewn through out the palace. Going from from room to room in the palaces official state rooms Andreas was paying attention and watching Alex very carefully. After several hours they moved in to the royal residencies and Andreas coerced and unassuming Alex to show him his royal apartments. Andreas strode beyond the closed doors to the apartment, dressing room and in to the large bedroom that overlooked the private gardens, the room was quiet an almost peaceful serenity existed here.

He turned waiting for Alex to follow him through "Close the doors" Andreas said.
"Sorry?" Alex replied looking suspiciously at him, "We are not staying here".
Andreas smirked at Alex "I saw you flirting outrageously with the Governor" he said.
Alex looked on with a shocked expression "We are talking, you assume too much" he replied.
Andreas brushed past Alex closing the doors and turning to him "Entertain me!" he demanded, "I think you know how I want to be entertained".
Alex stepped back as Andreas moved forward "Let's go for a swim" Alex suggested.
Andreas smiled shaking his head "No, I want something more exciting" he said inching closer, "Something that you can provide".
"Err no, I don't think so" Alex quickly replied wondering if he should hit the panic button.
Andreas moved closer smirking again "Is the Governor fucking you?" he asked. 
"Certainly not, how dare you" Alex said feeling very unnerved and glancing at the button.
Andreas grabbed him hard around the wrist "Don't even think of it princess" he sneered.
"Get the fuck off me" Alex shouted angrily trying to force Andreas to let go.

His hand gripped tighter pulling Alex away from the button and pushing him down to the bottom of the bed out of reach of the button. Andreas was stronger and loomed like a dark shadow over Alex, all the time his eyes bored in to Alex with a purpose and intent. Alex couldn't shake off the fear in him knowing full well what the Sovereign Prince wanted and was intent on getting it. A bit of Alex was quite open to sexing Andreas since he was not half bad looking but not like this, it shouldn't be this way and Alex tried again to fight him off, Andreas was quick and grabbed his other arm pinning it to the bed.

"Be a good little princess and satisfy me" Andreas said pushing his way between Alex's legs.
Alex struggled again at his arms being held down "Stop fighting it" Andreas said laughing, "It will be over quickly".
"No one will mind, you are only the spare part of the family" Andreas said taunting him.

His wrists were getting painfully sore at the vice like grip Andreas had on them, his body and face began inching closer. Panic set in again only know his body was trapped under the weight of Andreas, twisting his head left then right feeling the warm breath increase with intensity against his face the close he got. Andreas was so close to stealing a kiss and Alex knew that it would not end there. The struggle was real and Alex was powerless to push the prince off him, he was about to rescind and close his eyes to get it over with. Behind them the doors to the bedroom opened and Jackson walked in and held back from rushing at Prince Andreas.

"Your highness, I have placed your clean clothes in the draws as requested" Jackson said.
Andreas jumped up letting go of Alex "How dare you walk in here, leave!" he demanded.
Jackson bowed his head "I don't believe I shall your highness" he replied, "Prince Alexander is who I receive instruction from" he sad standing his ground.
Alex hopped off the bed rubbing his wrists "Jackson escort him out and lock the doors".
"With pleasure your highness" Jackson replied bowing his head.
Andreas stood staring Jackson down, "Leave or I push the button" Alex said with his hand on it.
Andreas turned to Alex "You will keep for now princess" he said brushing past Jackson.
He turned again to face Alex "This isn't over until I make you sing" Andreas said staring at him and making sure he understood.
It was enough to make Jackson push Prince Andreas towards the door "Get out" he said.
Alex sat on the bed shaken up when Jackson returned "What was that all about?" he asked.
He shrugged looking at Jackson "He just tried it on with me" he replied in a shaking voice.
Jackson sat beside him "I never lead him on or even inclined I was that way" Alex said.
"Of course you didn't, he just thinks he can take what he wants" Jackson said soothingly.
Alex nervously smiled "I hate him even more now" he said looking at his wrists.
Jackson stood "Do you want me to stay a while or are you okay Alex?" he asked.
"Stay. Please" Alex replied quickly.

Jackson stayed with Alex and returned to keep him company when he retired after dinner to escape the leering and off the cuff remarks Andreas was making. Jackson was acting as protector and the bond between them grew stronger, over the following days and Jackson was careful not to lead Alex astray until he was sure the young prince was over the incident with Prince Andreas. Thankfully he left with no further attempts with his family in tow along with Alden, he was spending a few weeks with Elethera before returning for the state visit. If anything Alex disliked Andreas even more now and if there was always going to be the need to look over his shoulder whenever the slimy prince was back in Monrovia. Alex had a few conversations with the Governor and King and stipulated that he wanted to be patron of the International HIV Foundation, the request caused the King to glance at Steven who didn't bat an eyelid. On the cusp of questioning his son's request the Governor quickly advised that it was a good idea considering the reach of the charity and publicity for both the royal family and charity. Agreement was made and Alex asked them to hold off any communication until he had Lady Trasilion over for lunch to seek her approval. Retiring to his apartment one evening the same thought was playing on his mind, he wasn't sure if Jackson had gone off him since he was acting very cool and protective around him. Jackson was already in the dressing room waiting for Alex to arrive, he walked where Jackson bowed his head in acknowledgement and Alex stood in front of the mirror. He knew immediately that the touch of Jackson's fingers against his neck would stir his emotions, without thinking he sighed feeling the touch and dropped his head back against Jackson's shoulder.

"Do you not like me anymore?" Alex asked speaking in a hushed tone.
Jackson glanced at Alex's reflection in the mirror "Stupid thing to ask course I like you".
Alex turned and stared him directly in the eye "Then take me to bed, properly" he said.
"Stand still" Jackson said tutting and undoing the shirt, "Are you asking me to fuck you?".
Alex nodded slowly keeping eye contact and almost afraid of the rejection "Yes I guess so" he replied nervously.
Jackson smirked "Am I allowed to take your royal virginity?" he asked chuckling.
"Someone needs to before I explode" Alex replied looking at him, "I need you to teach me".

Alex shrugged the shirt off letting it drop to the floor and raised his hand stroking Jackson's cheek, the look between them was one of consent and mutual adoration. Simultaneously they grabbed each other behind the neck forcing their lips together painfully hard. Jackson slipped his hand inside Alex's underwear and roughly grabbed the soft suppleness of the prince's arse. Alex moaned lifting up on tip toes and kissing Jackson harder, the movement invoked a response in Jackson where his arms circled around the prince lifting him effortlessly off the ground. Alex opened his eyes wide in surprise, his hands locking firmly around Jackson's neck and his legs systematically wrapped around Jackson's waist. Their kiss held firm, slowly moving out of the dressing room into the bedroom, Jackson using his foot closed the door and carried his prince over to the bed. Alex moaned softly each time Jackson took a step, it was excited nervousness of what was about to happen but also the unmistakable feel of cock pressed up against his arse. With tender handling Alex found himself lying on the bed, his legs and arms still wrapped around the torso of the man looming over him, hips gyrating and grating the erection hard against him, swiftly Jackson exposed the prince's arse running his fingers over the delicate hole feeling the body under him respond sensually in ripples of delight. His hand moved to extract his cock and pulling the foreskin back that was already moist with precum. Slowly he rubbed the head against the royal hole eliciting the desired response from his prince, tiny noises of pleasure drift off in the expanse of the bedroom. The urge to fuck him bareback was too strong to fight, he knew if he was going to risk his career and take the prince's virginity he may as well plant his commoner seed in him. These thoughts running in his head quickly resulted in more precum secreting out and moistening the hole. Carefully he worked at the hole with his cock until it began to loosen slightly allowing him to start the penetration. He felt the hands of his prince pushing his shoulders away and gasping at the pain of the intrusion, 'Relax' Jackson whispered softly ignoring the natural reaction of Alex to push him away. He leant forward and kissed Alex softly telling him he would go careful and to relax his body. Alex stopped pushing and ran his finger over Jackson's lips 'Kiss me' he pleaded, 'Make love to me' he pleaded with a desperation in his voice. Jackson pushed his hips down allowing the head of his cock to completely disappear inside the princes' arse, quickly his kissed Alex to stifle any loud noises. His finger dug in deep on Jackson's shoulders hoping this would ease the pain and discomfort, the slow tiny movements Jackson made with his hips reduced the pain he initially felt and replaced by a fire of passion in his body that burned scorching every nerve in his body. The enticing movements in his hips pushed more cock inside and every movement Alex made under him only exaggerated the speed of his penetration, careful not to push to much in one go but steadily little by little his cock was disappearing, devoured by the prince's hole.

His body trembled as a coping mechanism, the pain was real yet somehow endurable like his body craved sex. Alex was going through new sensations and each time Jackson stopped kissing he looked down in to his eyes seeking reassurance to continue, too preoccupied to kiss his valet again he pulled Jackson back down seeking his mouth and tongue. To him it seemed the only way to reaffirm his intention to Jackson who shifted his legs towards the prince pushing his cock further inside. Alex moaned in his mouth arching his neck back desperate to let out a louder moan, but his valet's mouth followed keeping their mouths connected. His legs resting against Jackson's thighs comfortably he let out one last gasping moan and his legs quivered, snapping his eyes wide open knowing Jackson was fully inside him. Jackson raised his head peering down at Alex and raise an eyebrow, in return he nodded slowly feeling the first of many gentle and tender pelvic thrusts. Alex was transfixed on to Jackson's eyes as they continued to look deep in to each other, wondering what the other was thinking right now, prince and valet crossed the boundaries engaging in sexual intimacy. His arse aching but not wanting Jackson to stop he grabbed on to the muscular arms resting either side of him, Jackson's hot breath wafting over his face like a drug enforced tranquilizer brought the passion to life in Alex, he sough Jackson's mouth again and kissed him with more vigour. Alex could feel every movement of Jackson's body as he made love to him, there was a gratefulness inside that Jackson was the first one he would have a real sexual encounter with. It brushed off any awkwardness or trust issues and if anything Jackson knew Alex's body better than anyone else right now. A drop of sweat landed above his eye startling Alex and bringing him back to focus on Jackson who was smiling down at him, his whole body was moving much quicker echoed through the dull pain Alex became aware of inside his arse. Jackson leaned down and kissed Alex with such loving that it threw him off guard, 'I can't hold back any more' he whispered to Alex. Alex moved his left hand up to Jackson's face and wiped some of the sweat away 'Will you ejaculate in me?' he asked in different pitches of his voice from the constant thrusting  he was receiving. Jackson chuckled having never hear any of his previous sexual partners using the word ejaculate, but then this was no ordinary person under him. Jackson smiled 'I am going to flood you!' he exclaimed, 'make you pregnant' he followed up with making Alex giggle and moan. The intensity increased and strangely Alex felt Jackson's body completely change as it neared orgasm, unsure what to expect in reality so he clasped his hands around Jackson's neck. He felt his balls tingle then sharply tighten as the pulsing began surging down the shaft of his cock. His whole body pushed forward and letting out several loud groans followed by powerful jolts of his pelvis smashing up against Alex's arse, he could feel Alex's grip tighten around his neck and only just aware of the painful noises coming from under him. Right now Jackson didn't care, his human instinct to breed had taken over and in the throws orgasm, each pelvic thrust forcing his cock deeper and releasing several hefty volleys of cum inside his prince. The trusts eased off and Jackson breathed out heavily collapsing on top of Alex. Only now Jackson became aware of Alex's legs moving in sporadic rapid movements around his thighs, the arms still tightly clenched around his neck holding on, Jackson looked down at Alex's wide open eyes and delirious smile on his face. It was like the prince had left the building so Jackson gave ground his pelvis against Alex's hole, the resulting moan sounded mesmerising and his eyes fluttered.

"Oh god!" Alex said softly reaching up and kissing Jackson.
Jackson kissed the tip of his nose "Was that okay?" he asked.
Alex nodded and sighed relaxing his body "Wow!" was all he could muster in his head.
"Again?" Alex asked looking up at Jackson who chuckled at his request.
Jackson shook his head "Better not your arse will be sore tomorrow" he said.

Slowly Jackson extracted his cock and laid beside Alex holding him in his arms. The significance of this night would never diminish in both of them over the coming years. Jackson taught and perfected Alex's sexual activities over the many nights they spent together. Despite Alex's urge to want to fuck Jackson it was strictly off the cards, Jackson was top only and after a few nights Alex learnt why Jackson liked being a top, using his many techniques that left Alex a complete mess after experiencing them. Jackson slipped off the bed and retrieved his clothes, dressing quickly he tucked the prince up in bed and kissed him one last time before leaving. Alex stared up at the ceiling chuckling away to himself and still trying to figure out how his body felt each time Jackson had finished with him.

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Alex losing his virginity to Jackson has sealed their friendship forever. I imagine Jackson will be fiercely loyal and do everything in his power to protect Alex from Andreas. I have a couple of scenarios in my head of what could possibly happen and I can't wait to find out if you decide to take the story in the direction I'm thinking of....😉

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  On 8/9/2021 at 9:22 PM, billy88666 said:

Alex losing his virginity to Jackson has sealed their friendship forever. I imagine Jackson will be fiercely loyal and do everything in his power to protect Alex from Andreas. I have a couple of scenarios in my head of what could possibly happen and I can't wait to find out if you decide to take the story in the direction I'm thinking of....😉


I know which direction I would like @losolent to take the story but it would mean changing forums 😉

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Part 4 - The Morning After The State Visit


"Good morning your highness, your coffee" Eldred said placing the cup down.
Alex turned over in bed slightly confused "Where is Jackson?" he mumbled.
"Reassigned to the crown prince your highness" Eldred replied bowing his head.
Alex stared at Eldred looking angry. "I will return shortly your highness" Eldred said.
Alex sat up "No need I can dress myself thank you, walk away" he commanded.

Slowly the words began sinking in and Alex sat up in bed seething and waiting for Eldred to leave, he jumped out of bed and paced around naked the bedroom several times then grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Without even thinking what he was going to say he strode angrily out of his apartments towards the staff areas and Major Lipscombe office. In the other wing Alden stood there in the mirror studying and watching Jackson carefully, every move was delivered with precision and minimal fuss. Expecting massive backlash from the change he had orchestrated from his brother, Jackson showed no outward sign of annoyance that had Alden questioning if there was any physical contact going on. If there was then Jackson was very tight lipped about it yet it had to be done before things escalated and the rest of the palace found out and it became the gossip story of the month.

"Thank you Jackson" Alden said turning to face him, "I hope you will enjoy being my valet".
"As you wish your highness" Jackson replied bowing his head.
Alden moved away and turned to look at him "I had to do it, you understand don't you?".
Jackson looked curiously at Alden "It is not I you need to explain things to your highness" he said going straight to the point.
Alden shifted uncomfortably on the spot "I know, he is going to hate me even more when he realises".
"The Prince is your brother, there will be not question that he will be upset but he loves you" Jackson replied.
Alden nodded "Are you in love with him?" he asked completely out of the blue and Jackson stopped dead in his tracks.
Shaking his head "No your highness we are not in love" he replied, "Affection yes but not love".
"Good" Alden replied, "I won't need you until this evening, walk away" he said in a very kind tone.

Jackson bowed again and took his leave from the crown prince, he felt a little embarrassment that Alden had picked up on them so quickly. Lipscombe had collared both of them before their duties started that morning and without explanation they were switched princes. Right now he could only think of how Alex would react and if he would stand for this. Jackson checked his watch and decided to head to the staff restaurant for some breakfast before heading to the gym in the palace basement. Lipscombe nodded avoiding any conversation with Jackson and went back to his office along the corridor and sat behind his desk going through the footman's rotas for the coming month. Suddenly he became aware of a commotion in the corridor and rose from his seat. The noise meant only one thing, a member of the royal family had entered the household staff area and but all accounts it was one unhappy person. Numerous staff addressed him standing still and bowing as Alex entered and stood there, catching many of the staff by surprise as it was very rare that royal family came into this part of the palace. Two footmen quickly put gloves on and bowed in unison 'Your highness how may we assist you?' they both asked. Alex stopped realising he had only been in here a few times as a child and had no idea where he was actually heading.

"Lipscombe's office please?" Alex asked knowing the staff would talk about this for days.
"The open door at the end of the corridor your royal highness" one of the footman replied.
Alex nodded "Thank you" he said hearing the scuttling of chairs in the staff restaurant.
The staff called out "Your highness" in chorus as Alex past by in a hurry.
Lipscombe appeared at his door "Your highness" he said bowing, "May I help you?" he asked.
Alex pushed his way into Lipscombe office "Return my valet" he said loudly.
Lipscombe closed the door "I am sorry your highness but I promoted Jackson" he explained.
"Well you can demotehim then!" Alex said getting quickly flustered with him.
"Your highness, it was a request from above to promote him" Lipscombe tried to explain.
Alex turned to look out of the window "Who?" he asked.
Lipscombe thought quickly on his feet "Senior members of the royal household your highness" he replied.
Alex turned to face him "Fine I will take it up with the King" he said moving to the door.
"As you wish your highness" Lipscombe replied breathing a sigh of relief way to quickly that let his guard down.
Alex picked up on it and opened the door "Remove Eldred as my valet I will do without".
Lipscombe returned to his desk "Eldred is your appointed valet your highness" he said.
Alex walked over to the desk "I do not want him in the my rooms. Just remember you are replaceable" he remarked.
His words shocked Lipscombe "The Royal Council appoints the head of the household" he reminded the prince.
Alex looked at him "I know, and the Governor is head of it" he replied.
"You are well informed your highness" Lipscombe said with a slight mocking tone.
Alex half smirked at the major "Be careful Lipscombe, do not underestimate me, we may have a mutual dislike for each other and I can fix that".
Lipscombe was taken back by his backbone standing up to him. "Remove Eldred immediately, do not disobey me" Alex repeated.

Lipscombe stood there watching the prince storming out ending their conversation, he would need to talk to Alden quickly before the prince put a spanner in the works. The scuttle of chairs sounded again as he rushed along the corridor and one of the footman reappeared and opened the door for Alex smiling and bowing his head 'Your highness' he said in respect to the prince as he walked past. Despite his anger Alex took a moment to look at him then thanked him for opening the door, usual protocol was to be oblivious to the footmen and pass through the door, occasionally a nod was made to signify acknowledgement. Artem the footman was stunned at the prince for not only speaking but also looking at him on his way out and he quickly glanced around to make sure the Major was no where to be seen, Lipscombe would hit the roof if minor members of the royal household engaged in any form of interaction with the family that much he knew from his short time being in the palace. Artem closed the door watching the prince make his way out in to the royal residences, his heart pounded in his chest at the fear of the unknown, he made direct eye contact with the prince who seemed pleasant enough he thought. Alex smirked walking away knowing the door was taking way too long to close meaning that the footman must still be watching him. Apart from his anger he felt a little flushed in embarrassment having stared at the young very sexy footman, desperate to turn his head and have a look he pushed forward fighting that urge to look back. Alex knew his father would not have shown the slightest interest in such a trivial matter or request Jackson to be moved. The only person who came to mind now was his brother, after all Eldred was his valet and the swap pointed directly back to Alden. Angry to even bother confronting him, Alex went back to his apartment and saw the two palace maintenance men finishing with their varnishing of the door to the rooms opposite his apartment. They both stopped and bowed at the young prince before he inquired if someone was moving in to the rooms, it didn't help matters when he found out it was for his crown protection officer who would be moving in the following day. Alex returned to his lounge at sat down, the whole place seemed empty without Jackson bustling around his duties. The one person he had found trust in and be very normal with was gone, he couldn't even send him a text message since their phones were monitored by the palace press team to ensure nothing damaging was sent. Alex changed in to something more presentable for breakfast and noticed that Eldred must have been back and tidied up. At breakfast Alex quizzed his father over the valet situation, his response was sympathetic but he told Alex to sort it out with Lipscombe. All the time he kept one eye on Alden who kept glancing at Alex then looking away quickly in a sheepish manner, it was enough to validate his suspicion that Alden was behind the whole thing. Just before Alex finished breakfast one of the footmen approached with a silver tray and a letter for Alex, he slowly opened it and read the note from the Governor Premier smiling as he did so.

"What is it Alex?" his father asked casually out of interest.
Alex looked at his father "The Governor Premier has invited me for lunch tomorrow".
"That is good news Alex" his mother replied, "You and he did seem to get on well".
"Yes we did rather" Alex replied, "He wants to discuss my role going forward" he said.
"Good, good" his father said smiling, "And official engagements?" he asked.
"I guess that is what he wants to talk about" Alex replied putting the note back on the tray.
Alex quietly played with food on his plate, "What is it Alex?" his mother asked.
"Not sure about all of this, do I even really fit in" Alex said rambling words together.
"Alex you are no making any sense" She replied and her husband stopped her going on.
"Come and talk to us after your lunch appointment Alex" his father suggested.
"Thank you" Alex replied, "I will need a car tomorrow if that is okay".
"Perfect timing Alex, you get your crown protection officer tomorrow" his mother reminded him.

Alex nearly rolled his eyes in disdain but knew it was no good and agreed with this mother before telling the footman to issue an acceptance to the Governor Premier. Alex excused himself from breakfast and noticeably he paid more attention to the footmen trying to find the cute one he saw earlier, fruitless as it was he went for a walk in the private gardens. Alone and with his thought Alex was a pile of dynamite waiting to explode, that trapped feeling around his sexuality was playing on him again, then there was the thought of taking on a more active role then finally he shivered remembering the dirty advances of Andreas. Underneath he dam well knew if Andreas had played it differently he would have quite happily had sex with the Greek god. Andreas was incredibly attractive looking but he couldn't get past that slimy tone that whilst sickening also left you feeling degraded and completely inferior to him. He looked up the palace where his royal apartments were situated staring at them blocking everything out. The rest of the day he hid himself away by swimming then hiding out in the extensive grounds of the palace gardens with a book. After a quick change of clothes Alex returned to the garden before dinner and as usual he was over thinking his life and easier it would be without all of this. He was still unsure if he was cut out for a royal life and seeing how his brother had taken it in his stride made him wonder if it was worth all the attention. It was the loneliness and the constant pressure of being perfect in public that he didn't respond well to, opinions were never thought about before so he had no idea how much or if he was liked by the people of Monrovia. He was brought out of his mind boggling thoughts hearing his name called. Alden slowly walked over trying to assess Alex's mood then sat on the bench next to him.

"I am so pleased and happy you are getting involved Alex" Alden said in an approving tone.
Alex glanced at him "I don't need your approval or sarcasm" he replied sharply.
Alden nodded and was quiet for a moment, "I deserved that. I had to do it" he finally said.
"Do what?" Alex replied pretending he had no idea what his brother was going on about, suppressing his anger.
Alden looked at his brother "Replace Jackson" he said quietly, "Before it got messy and you were the talk of the palace".
"Why what do you care, you are next in line" Alex replied with a sharp sting from his tongue.
Alden glanced at him "I know you are angry Alex" he said pausing, "I am sorry for doing it but needs must".
Alex stared at the palace "He treated me like a normal person, joked with me, made me laugh and brought happiness" he replied.
"I know, I could see the casualness between you both" Alden tried explaining himself, "Are you really that unhappy?" he asked concerningly.
"You took my only piece of normality away to suit yourself" Alex said raising his voice, "Is life going to be about what you can take from me?" he asked.
"Certainly not Alex, I love you bro" Alden replied raising his voice "I did for our family not myself, he should have respected you!".
Alex fumed "Well he did even when we had sex!" he blurted out and welling up then regretting what he had just admitted.
There was silence as Alden stared at his brother. "Forget it!" Alex said shaking.
"Wait" Alden pleaded grabbing Alex's arm, "Gay or not you are my brother and the prince" he said, "You have to man up and face it".
Alex sat down putting his head in his hands nodding "I can't fight it Alden" he said, "I am not a strong as you at dealing with all of this".
"Alex it comes with practice trust me. Are you in love with him?" Alden asked almost too scared in case of a big lashing out from Alex.
Alex shook his head "No, well maybe a little bit of me loves how he makes me feel and I enjoy his company".
Alden put his arm around his brother "I love you Alex, unconditionally and no matter what" he said.
Alex was amazed at his brothers reaction "You don't seemed shocked by all of this".
"Well, I sort of knew from a friend at military school" Alden replied, "I even had a go, you know how it is at that place" he confessed.
Alex looked pensieve "What if I want to give up the crown" he said in a hushed tone.
"Alex it would break my heart if you did and our parents" Alden said looking at him, "Granny I think would never talk to you again if you did".
Alex looked at him "What about my happiness, what if it lies beyond the palace wall?" he asked.
"Alex I do not have the answers, who says you can't be happy here?" Alden asked.
Alex shrugged "I am trapped Alden, I want a boyfriend, I want to be normal and be in love with someone" he said.
Alden chuckled "Alex, you have never and will never be normal, even if you give this up you will still be known as the prince".
Alden put his arm around his brothers shoulder "Start by telling out our parents Alex" he said, "They dote on you more than me being the youngest".

Alden never let on that his parents had already asked him about Alex and if he had confided in him or was hiding any secrets. As a family secrets was abolished and their parents had always emphasised the point about being open and discussing things as a family, Alex knew it all made sense since their very close knit family could confide in things that went no further than the four walls of the room they were in. Alex nodded knowing his brother was right and it was the right thing to do. It was the first time the two brothers had sat down and had a very real in depth grown up conversation about how each other was feeling. Alex learnt that whilst Alden joked around about Alex being the spare many years ago, all he wanted was to be with Alex instead of being taken away to learn how his life was mapped out. As it turned out Alden was envious of the simple life Alex now had in comparison, there was so much expectation on Alden's shoulders that his young life was being stripped away from him and he had to grow up very quickly.

"I know it is harder on you Alden, but you have the stomach for it" Alex said looking at him.
Alden smirked "I want you to come on more engagements with me Alex, sometimes I feel sick to my feet" he admitted.
"I can't do this without you Alex, promise you will be by my side" Alden said looking all serious.
"Get rid of Elethera and I will do" Alex replied half jokingly but making sure his point got across.
"Wow you really don't like her do you?" Alden asked hoping his brother would be straight with him.
Alex shook his head "No and I am amazed you can't see that she is a crown grabber and Andreas is a dirty pervert" he replied.
Alden glanced at him "Did he try it on with you?" he asked changing his tone to concern.
"Doesn't matter Alden" Alex replied quickly looking away from his brother glare.
"You don't need to answer your look said it all Alex" Alden said getting angry.
Alex put his hand on his brothers leg "Nothing happened so drop it, anyway Jackson stepped in and protected me".
"That whole family is weird" Alex said, that news was not new to Alden as he had already concluded that.
Alden sighed "Okay" he replied shocking Alex that his brother didn't argue about her, "Only if you get involved in the family business".
Alex sighed and nodded slowly. "Do the visit to Spain with out parents then maybe go off somewhere and take a break" Alden suggested.
Alex partly smiled "I want Jackson back then" he said offering a compromise, he knew all along the answer would be no.
"No" Alden replied smirking, "I will get rid of Elethera next year but you can't have him back, I need to protect your dignity".
Alex was about to protest before Alden spoke again  "Just be discreet with him" he now said.
Alex looked confusingly at him. "You know what I mean" Alden said winking at him.
Alex nodded "You know if you hadn't replaced him with Eldred I would never have known it was your doing".
"Yeah stupid of me to do that, you see why I need you Alex" Alden said chuckling, "But you have Eldred now".
"No, I don't want him, he is in Lipscombe's pocket" Alex replied, "I know he tells him everything that goes on up here".
"We are running out of valets Alex" Alden said, "You make a fair point though. I have never really trusted him".
"Then we get one of the footmen trained" Alex suggested, "After all Lipscombe listens to you and thinks I am stupid".
Alden play punched him "Very funny" he replied, "Okay lets talk with Lipscombe in the morning, I will summon him" he said chuckling.
"Thank you" Alex said genuinely, "I want to chose my valet though" he said making it clear. 
Alden smiled as he loved summoning Lipscombe as he got on edge when called, "Come on spare, lets go to dinner".
Alex stood up and looked at his brother "You know you are a real royal knob head at times" he said then ran off.

Alden cursed and chased Alex around the garden until a footman appeared advising the King and Queen were waiting for them. Alex stopped and finally Alden caught up with him and flung his arm around his brothers shoulder. Unsure when to broach the subject Alex took the opportunity whilst they waited for the Dowager Queen to join them. He talked about his choice to support the International HIV Foundation charity, in return it had opened the doors to questions by his parents and Alex eventually, after taking a deep breath tentatively opened up about being gay and revealing his true feelings. It stopped the conversation dead it in it's tracks for a few seconds but neither of his parents looked overly shocked and they were watching him avidly. The silence around the table for those few seconds almost freaked Alex out and he started regretting what he said.

The King turned to his wife "You loose the Victoria tiara then?" he said.
Alex sat there confused "Did you hear what I said?" he asked.
"Yes" his mother replied, "Dam" she replied as the Dowager Queen arrived and they all stood.
"You seem a little upset Helena" the Dowager Queen remarked taking her seat.
"You win!" Helena said to the Dowager Queen, "Dam I really wanted that tiara!".
"Hah!" the Dowager Queen said chuckling then looked at Alex, "So you came clean then?".
Alex looked even more confused than before "Came clean?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"Don't do that" his grand mother said, "Well, now we have to find a nice prince for you" she said.
Alex looked at his mother "I bet grannie you weren't gay" his mother said, "And now I have lost".
"Not only bet, she wanted the Victoria Tiara if she won" the Dowager Queen added smiling.
"Just so we are clear" Alex said speaking up, "No fixing me up with royal idiots! I want to find my own person if I may" he said.
"Oh no" his granny replied, "I want to see who else I can out with the European royalty" he said smiling gleefully.
"Granny!" Alex said in shock, "You make it sound like a witch hunt, have you been overdoing the gin again?" he asked.

It was a relief that it was no big deal, also it rather shocked him that his mother and grand mother had bet each other if he was gay. The whole coming out thing had been a real anti-climax, his father was more concerned about how Alex was feeling and sat down with him after dinner and was assured by him not to make any rash decisions and let things settle down for a while and then see how he felt. Alex entered the apartments and closed the door mentally exhausted, his mood was a lot better and he walked into the dressing room that was eerily quiet. Alex took his shirt and trousers off and placed them in the laundry box and was about to take a shower when he felt the familiar hands hold his waist. He jumped slightly from shock and turned around to find Jackson there. Jackson cupped Alex's face in his hands and kissed him passionately then lifted him off the ground carrying him to the bedroom. Alex's body completely relaxed shedding a tear of happiness in Jackson's arms, his emotions surfacing from all the days ups and downs. Now being held by the one trusted person outside his family he couldn't hold on any longer, Jackson held Alex tighter comforting him all the while whilst the excitement eased off and he was able to engage Alex in conversation.

Alex looked at him "What are you doing here?" he asked kissing him in between his words.
Jackson smiled "Your brother ordered me here to see to you" he replied.
"You mean his highness sent you here" Alex said taunting Jackson, "Remember I am royalty".
"Not when you moan from my cock pounding your arse you aren't" Jackson replied kissing him.
Alex turned to face him "Alden actually sent you here?" he asked needing confirmation.
Jackson nodded "Yes, it felt like he was giving consent to this" he replied.
He heaved a huge sigh of relief "Yeah he thought if you continued as my valet... well you know".
"Palace gossip I guess, but at least I am allowed to sneak up here" Jackson said picking Alex up.

Alex laughed and their arms fought each other playfully after Jackson dropped him on the bed, Alex soon found his naked body under Jackson's, legs wrapped around Jackson's thighs, powerless to resist and in a predicament he so enjoyed with this man. Alex moaned softly at the familiar warm moistness of Jackson's cock nudging and slowly teasing open his hole. Alex looked at him and like there was an invisible language between them Jackson leant forward and kissed him softly at first then applying more pressure and enjoying Alex's response with his back arching ever so slightly. The feeling of his body felt so good to Jackson that he wriggled his hips until his cock slid upwards a little finding the goal and penetrating Alex steadily, gliding his cock in slowly and without stopping until he could go no further. The pelvic thrusts providing the sensual enjoyment they both felt. Staring each other in the eyes so deeply. Transfixed and hypnotised, each in their own little world of erotic pleasure. Jackson leaned down and kissed Alex again, it was clear that Jackson was not about to tease or play tonight. His pelvis moving more rapidly delivering powerful thrusts full of purpose. His climax came quickly and Alex made a noise between a painful whimper and pleasure as Jackson pushed down hard with such force. His groans and body tensing allowed him to focus all his energy down through the shaft of his pulsing cock that flooded the prince's arse. Even for him this was a big load and Alex could feel the warmth inside increasing, quickly he sought Jackson's mouth in urgent need to kiss him. The instant their tongues met a chain reaction surged through Alex and he pushed his hips up and began releasing his load between their bodies, Jackson giggled and watched his prince's look of shock at shooting his load without touching himself. After Alex had regained his composure Jackson scooped him up in his arms, his cock still inside Alex and carried him to the bathroom and the shower, only there did he extract his cock by lifting Alex higher. Carefully Jackson extracted the head of his cock followed by a gush of cum dripping down in to the shower tray. Alex giggled at how uncontrollable he was at stopping it from happening, finally Jackson released Alex and allowed him to stand on his own feet where they kissed softly before turning on the water to clean themselves up. 

Alex rested back against Jackson's manly figure of a body moaning softly at the hands roaming all over his chest washing him. He loved it when Jackson played the part of a real lover, being tender and kissing him softly on his neck and shoulder, in truth there was a part of Alex that had come to love this man.. It was by no means a physical love that needed explanation, it was born out of gratitude and respect for Jackson along with sexual power hold that Alex knew he had on him. He did nothing to fight that in fact it was what made them so hungry for each other. Jackson turned the water off and grabbed a towel then slowly he began drying Alex.

"I needed this tonight, needed you in fact" Alex said enjoying their closeness.
Jackson kissed his neck "Please don't fall in love with me Alex" he said softly to him.
"I promise Jackson" Alex replied softly, "I like what we have and anyway you are to old" he said.
Jackson slapped Alex on the arse laughing "Yeah but man I can make you scream" he said smiling.

There was a momentary silence that they both happily fell in to, sometimes words were never needed and Jackson picked the prince up carrying him back to bed. Alex laid there with his fingers playing with Jackson's semi hard cock, Alex looked at Jackson who seemed very calm with a broad grin on his face. Alex rolled on to his stomach and leaned over to kiss Jackson.

"I met your protection officer today" Jackson informed him, "Very nice" he added.
"Oh right, nice as in?" Alex asked wholly unconvinced of the idea of having one.
Jackson smirked "Sexy and hard as nails so don't fall in love with him" he said.
"Do not worry a CPO is the last thing I want. Shadowing my every move" Alex replied.
Jackson kissed him on the head "He will keep you safe" he said getting out of bed.

Jackson pulled the sheets back for Alex who climbed under them and waited for Jackson to lay with him. Jackson set him alarm for one hour then kissed Alex and stayed until the prince fell asleep.

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