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Part 49 - Deception and Protection


The party was in full swing by the time they arrived, a lady at the door took their jackets and hung them up then took them through in the main room of the party. Briefed and fully aware she made the formal introductions to many of the celebrity guests. The whole place was adorned in a white and gold theme that made everything sparkle. Felipe came rushing over as soon as he spotted his prince arriving, he only had one chance tonight and it he needed to make the most of it and win him away from Max. He couldn't remember where or when it happened, he just couldn't get Alex out of his head and had fallen head first for him. The vented anger of his prince finding a boyfriend was in the past, he concentrated on his plan with his new accomplice to get him alone. 

As soon as the group went inside he came out of the shadows where he had been sitting and waiting. He was excited beyond words to see him again. Checking around that the coast was clear he casually walked over to the jackets at the front of the coat rack and rifled through the pockets finding what he was looking for. A key card to the hotel room where Prince Alexander was staying, smiling to himself he put the key card in his pocket. He had what he wanted for his backup plan, then slipping around the building and avoiding the main part he went along the corridor to the suite where the private and intimate party was to be held. The only three guests in this party would be himself, Felipe and Prince Alexander. The plant was in place to redirect Max's attention long enough for Felipe to bring Alex to the suite alone. In reality he was no longer interested in any part of the plan, his sole aim was to get Alex and if Felipe got in the way he could be swept under the carpet so to say.

Felipe went over and chatted to Alex briefly but long enough to ensure he persuaded the prince to attend the private party for a few minutes. The planted person was ready to engage Max and broach the subject of art, they had done their homework diligently and knew this would sway his attention when the time was right.

"What was that about?" Max asked taking Alex away from being badgered by guests.
"Felipe is hosting a private party in his suite for a few VIP's or something" Alex replied.
"Are you going to attend?" Max asked as Franco and Liam appeared with Artem.
Alex smiled "Well I should I suppose, just for a few minutes" he replied.
Max kissed him quickly "As long as it is not sexual. I find him a bit weird" he said.
"Shifty" Artem said and looked at them all, "Sorry, but he is".
Liam and Franco laughed "One thing for sure you are not going anywhere without us" Liam said.
Alex rolled his eyes "I know but you will have to wait outside." he exclaimed.
"With your track history, anything could happen" Liam said staring at him.
"Felipe has private security on the door Liam, I am sure it will be alright" Alex insisted.
Artem looked around "To be honest I am skipping out, this is so not my thing and dull" he said.
Alex nodded "Okay, phone the butler and he will send a car for you" he said saying goodnight.

Artem disappeared through the crowd and made the call then retrieved his jacket and stood outside waiting for the car to take him back to their hotel. He fumbled around in his pocket realising his key card was missing, he was sure he had it when he came out. He called again to Mateo and asked if he could get a new key card for him on his return.

Felipe made his round in the party and ended up standing next to Alex. The plants cue was taken and he went over introducing himself to Max and quickly engaging him in the subject he knew all about. Alex left with Felipe with Liam in tow, Franco stayed by Max's side. Arriving at the door the two security guards at the door opened it and stopped Liam from entering. Liam looked at one of them with a slight familiarity about his appearance. None of them knew that the security were put their intentionally by the figure waiting inside, their job to was to ensure that the prince entered with Felipe and no one else. Liam shifted uncomfortably and called Franco to come along and bring Max with him.

Alex stood inside the empty suite scratching his head "I thought this was a party?" he remarked.
"It is" Felipe replied, "To celebrate us" he said taking Alex further away from the doors.
"Wait here I need to fetch something from bedroom" Felipe said looking excited.

Alex stood there looking at the terrace windows that were open allowing a soft breeze to billow in. The ground floor suite meant the escape route was easy and he glanced over and saw his car waiting and ready. It was almost too funny for words as he secretly watched Felipe returning holding the small box in his hand.

"Alex" Felipe said getting on one knee, "I love you so much, always have done..." he said.
"Wait" Alex said looking shocked.
"No let me finish" Felipe pleaded, "Alex my heart belongs to you. Will you marry me?".

Alex stood there completely stunned and stumped for words. The figure stepped through the terrace window, the carpet muffling his footsteps allowing him to get close to Alex. Felipe's eyes glancing to the left of Alex gave it away and he turned to see him standing there. It was the one person he never thought would ever be standing in front of him again. Yet here he was.

"What the fuck?" Alex said completely confused and rooted to the spot.
Prince Andreas smirked "Well if it isn't my little princess. Been a long time!" he said.
Alex stared at him "You have some nerve!" he remarked stepping back and beginning to freak out.
"You owe me big time after what you did to me in Monrovia" Andreas said smirking.
Felipe stood up "Wait what is going on?" he asked looking at the nervous look on Alex's face.
"Shut the fuck up!" Andreas landing a back hand on Felipe knocking him to the floor.
Alex stepped back "Still the same nutcase I see" he said fumbling for his phone.
Slowly he walked towards Alex "We have unfinished business you and I" he said.

Alex pulled his phone out of his pocket with all intention to hit the panic button. Andreas swooped in knocking it out of his hand then kicking it across the room and grabbing hold of Alex. Felipe stood up with blood trickling from his nose in an angry motion he flew at Andreas who let go of Alex pushing him to the floor before swiping another hefty blow to Felipe knocking him backwards where he hit the table knocking the glass vase of causing it to smash loudly.

He grabbed Alex again "This time you are coming with me" he said dragging him towards the terrace.
"Get off of me!" Alex protested struggling to get free.

His hand quickly covered Alex's mouth preventing him from calling out as they crashed in to the dining table in the suite in their struggle knocking another vase over and smashing it. Andreas lost his balance and let go of Alex to steady himself. Alex darted across to his phone diving the last few meters and grabbing it one hand, Andreas got hold of his legs and dragged him quickly across the suite back to the terrace. Alex managed to hit the panic button almost dropping the phone in the process. He managed to switch hands and grip hold of it harder and manging to key in the pin code. Code sent flashed on the screen of his phone and Andreas seeing this got furious and aggressively picked Alex up by his shirt collar strangling him in the process, he got hold of the phone and threw it with tremendous force against the wall to hopefully kill his location signal.

Franco and Liam's phones both went off with the alert and they both didn't bother looking at the phone. Liam suddenly remembered the one guard he sort of recognised was at Greenacres and belong to Prince Andreas. Demanding to be let him they refused and Franco pulled out his gun and shouted at them to open the door. Immediately they opened it seeing how serious Franco looked and the protection officers ran into the suite. His eyes spotted Prince Andreas and Liam flew so quickly it shocked both Felipe and Max seeing him in action. He panicked seeing Liam again and the other one who was pointing a gun at him. He pushed Alex forward crashing in to Liam and then made his escape through across the terrace in to the waiting car that sped away in to the night. Liam and Alex fell back on to the floor and his arms went around the prince to hold him close to mitigate any impact as they landed. Liam called out to Max to close the doors and lock them. Felipe was sat on the floor still dazed and confused by the bodies rushing around in his suite.

Franco appeared back from the terrace "Gone, he had a car waiting outside" he said.
"We are okay" Liam said as Franco checked on them.
Franco now hurried over to Max putting his arms around him "Are you okay?" he asked quickly.
Max nodded "Yes, who the hell was that?" he asked.
Alex stood slightly shaken "That is the Crown Prince of Hellenic, Andreas" he said.
"Oh!" Max simply said remembering what Alex had told him what happened last year.
"I am so sorry, this wasn't meant to happen" Felipe said looking horrified.
Max turned to him "This is your doing, you had this planned" he shouted angrily at him.
"No. No!" Felipe said looking at Max, "I had to try. I am in love with Alex" he said.
Alex and Liam stood in front of him "Max he wouldn't have known about Andreas" Alex said.
Liam grabbed some tissues and went over to Felipe "What was you thinking of?" he asked angrily.
"Liam" Alex said softly, "He asked me to marry him, he had no idea about Andreas".
Alex lowered his eyes "Felipe I am flattered, but I love you as a friend" he replied softly.
Felipe put the ring back "It is not that simple Felipe. You have to ask the king anyway" Alex added.
"Sorry, I feel so stupid thinking this would actually happen" Felipe said as Liam ended his call.
"Hotel car will be here in five minutes" Liam said.
Felipe sat on the bed and Max looked at Alex "Go talk to him" he said to Alex who nodded.
Franco, Liam and Max walked on to the terrace "Are you sure you are okay Max?" Liam asked.
"No" Max said looking at him, "Will our life always be like this?" he asked.
Liam smiled "Not at all Max" he replied, "That prince is still angry at what happened".
Franco put his arm around Max "I don't think we have seen the last of him" Liam added.

The car pulled up to the terrace as instructed by Liam and he called out to Alex that it was time to go. Max walked back inside and in a show of no hard feelings he hugged Felipe, he couldn't help feeling a little sorry for the actor who had fallen in love with Alex. Felipe explained that it was only with Max on the scene that he had a fear of losing Alex that drove him to despair. Franco did a sweep outside to make sure it was clear then Alex, Max and Liam dashed in to the car and drove back to the hotel forecourt.

Across the street Andreas sat in the back seat of the car watching them hurrying inside. He knew from Felipe's conversation that Alex was in the presidential suite on the top floor. He tapped on the window indicating to leave. He flipped the key card in his fingers looking at him and smirked as the car pulled away. Quietly saying to himself that this was in no way over.

Liam knocked on the door and entered the bedroom hearing Alex and Max talking quietly, he could tell Alex was still unnerved by the evening. There was no way he was leaving them alone tonight, and he walked in closing the door, dressed only in his shorts he did what he knew was of comfort for Alex and be by his side. Without batting an eyelid Max pulled the sheet back for Liam indicating for him to get in, then making it clear to him that he wanted a cuddle off him as well. With Alex in the middle he soon relaxed turning on to his side and pushing his back up against Liam and facing Max they kissed softly. Max slipped his hand across Alex on to Liam and stroked his arse. Liam chuckled and did the same to Max, it was the first time he had actually touched Max in a closeness like this.

Max giggled and kissed Alex who turned his head "Do you want to fuck my boyfriend?" he asked Liam.
"Of course he does" Max replied quickly pinching Liam's arse and getting a gentle slap off Liam.
"If his royal highness wishes me to" Liam replied.

Alex shuffled in bed and kissed Liam softly then knelt up moving out of the way. Max giggled staring at the muscular body moving closer then sliding on top of him, his legs and arms wrapped around the protection officer who was full of surprised as he leaned down and kissed him openly with some force. Alex laid down on his side with his eyes wide open watching them closely, a smile so wide on his face seeing their tongues dancing together. Liam slowly moved his hand down Max's body and scooping his leg up around his waist as he moved gently in to position. He glanced across at Alex then laughed at his mesmerised look, he leaned over and kissed him quickly then focused back on Max. He had never considered him this way before and couldn't deny that being in this position now he really did want to fuck Max and his cock was hard as nails waiting to start. Max lost in his own little world feeling feeling all his muscles and their solid mass couldn't stop sighing in pleasure. Liam moved his hands under to grab his cock and he began to slowly push it inside Max. He gasped softly staring up in to his eyes, it hurt a little, yet the overwhelming desire pushed the pain aside. Liam moved his face closer to Max and kissed him softly then pushed more of him inside, he stopped and kissed Max again then proceeded to push again. He continued in this fashion until his cock was deep inside and Max arched his neck back slightly and moaned deep in his throat. He found he was lacking any control and his hips started working on their own, his instinct was to perform the natural art of mating, to sow his seed and be a man. The octopus laying under him was hands on, covering every part of his body within reach, every touch heightened his sexual need almost driving him to instant orgasm. Quickly he grabbed Max's hands and held them above his head to retain control of their sex. Powerless in his grasp he whimpered and moaned staring up at Liam and leaning up to kiss his biceps that were protruding from the strength of holding Max in place. Alex laid there playing with his cock watching them, he had never seen anything so sexually arousing, seeing his boyfriend sexed in to a mesmerising state like this. He knew exactly what Max was feeling right now as he remembered back to the first time Liam and he fulfilled their desire for each other. Max turned his head managing to see Alex 'Kiss me' he pleaded to Alex then moaned louder. Alex slipped under the arm of Liam and kissed Max furiously then rolling on his back he shot his load over his chest and panted loudly, his head turned on its side facing Max and Liam as he started fucking Max harder. He growled thrusting his body forward and clenching his arse hard driving his orgasm home. Max's legs frantically wriggling around and crying in pleasure as he felt every part of Liam's orgasm shuddering through his body in ripples. Liam gasped then released Max's hands and fell forward collapsing on top and giving him a kiss for a job well done. Alex chuckled running his hand down Liam's back and arse, his protection officer breathing rapidly with the occasional moan escaping his lips in time with his arse clenching driving his cum in deeper. With his hands free he wrapped them around Liam and gently stroked his back.

Liam moved slowly and rolled on his back and was about to have a go on Alex but Max was quick. So horned up he beat Liam to it and got Alex on his back then slowly nudged his cock inside and kissed his neck as he began pounding out his need to orgasm and quickly. Finally they fell asleep with Alex in the middle of them. 

Franco was up early and briefed Artem and Tom about what had happened the night before. They both knew full well of Prince Andreas. Liam appeared to wolf whistles from the three of them as he did the walk of shame across the lounge. Mateo knocked on the door and appeared with the coffee tray and placed it down. A subtle but very obvious glance to Tom and a little smile and wink that Franco and Artem spotted. Tom thanked him and Mateo left whilst he prepared two coffees for Alex and Max in silence but only too aware they were both looking at him smirking. He ignored them placing the cups on the tray and walked over the master bedroom knocking on the door.

Tom walked in "Good morning your highness, sir" he said bowing his head.
"Morning" Alex said already sitting up in bed, "Did the vampire get you last night?" he asked.
Tom chuckled "You can see it?" he asked going over to check himself in the mirror.
"Who was it?" Max asked still laying on his stomach fiddling with Alex's cock under the sheet.
Tom turned back and grinned "The butler did it" he said happily placing their coffees down.
Max sat up and shook his head "Seriously Tom!" he said then laughed, "And?".
"Mind your own business!" Tom exclaimed smiling and walking out to them both laughing.
Artem appeared at the door "Film set and studio tour today, 10am" he reminded them.
Max waited then looked at Alex "Are you okay Alex?" he asked softly.
"I am fine Max" Alex replied kissing him, "He doesn't scare me".
In the lounge Artem went over to Liam "Hey, I am sure my key card was stolen last night" he said.
"Really?" Liam asked looking at him, "Okay we need to get the door lock reprogrammed" he suggested.

Liam got on the phone and within minutes Mateo arrived with the concierge and they reissued new key cards and changed the code on the door. Alex appeared asking what was going on and Artem explained what had happened. Mateo stood there watching Alex then Max as he appeared, he could only imagine what it must be like working for a prince. From what Tom had said last night he loved it and could clearly see that Alex really was a nice considerate person by the way he chatted and joked with them. The cars arrived and they left for their day out touring the filmset and studios as guests of the studio owner.

Mateo busied himself tidying the suite and refreshing the flowers and fruit when he got a call from Artem explaining they were leaving shortly and would require afternoon tea on arrival at the hotel in the suite. Mateo went down to the kitchen and sorted everything out, he loved it when things were set to times like this, he knew what time they would leave the studio and when they should be back at the hotel. He finished preparing the dining table went back to the butlers pantry to make sure he had the correct tea and fruit scones. Those were the only two stipulations so in essence this was quite easy and he was looking forward to doing his job properly since Artem had requested he serve afternoon tea. Mateo checked himself again in the mirror to ensure he looked tip top when he heard the lock of the suites main door beep in error, he knew that was the sound of a key card failing to activate the lock.

Andreas tapped the key card again getting frustrated that it was not working. He knew the occupants were all out and it was his chance to take something belonging to Alex, something that he would know was missing and hopefully realise it was he who took it. There was no way he was letting him forget that he was still around and how easily he could get to Alex outside of Monrovia. Little did he know that the prince's protection officer had alerted the royal palace in Monrovia of the incident and the king had spoken to Prince Andreas's father. He in turn had called the ambassador in Washington who despatched a detail to bring the prince and his wife home. In one sweeping move the Hellenic King had also revoked his son's diplomatic status, the act leaving him vulnerable if he did anything untoward and got caught.

Mateo panicked hearing the beep again and called down to security, in turn they called the LAPD requesting backup assistance having remembered that one person from the party reported a stolen key card. Slowly he walked out of the pantry and across the lounge to the double doors, peering through the spy hole he saw a rather well dressed man that seemed tense and a little on edge.  He looked harmless enough Mateo thought stepping back from the door and his hand reaching for the handle.

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I hope he ends up getting arrested and put behind bars for the next 15 years or so. It would look good on him. But I do feel sorry for Felipe now. He really ended up with egg all over his face. And LOL at Liam's walk of shame.

  • Like 1

Wow my ride on the emotional roller coaster continues.

I have a vision of whenever Prince Andreas's name is mentioned of Dastardly from the cartoon with Mutley his faithful dog. I've no idea why I my vision is of him but it could be the moustache as I could visualise him stroking it when hatching a plan!

  • Haha 5

Bingo! Prince Andreas. The world is closing in on him and he doesnt even know it. What a loser.

Felipe tried, but it was a pretty lame effort.

Liam, now with Franco, saves the day again.

More excitement awaits in the next chapter! Cant wait. Excellent as always @losolent. Thank you 😁


  • Like 3

I knew it! The psycho obsessed prince and he is married?  Must have missed that when I was going through the previous chapters.  I hope Mateo will be ok as the last part worries me (queue suspense music).  I hope Felipe finds someone to love in the future and I hope  the Andreas gets his just desserts.

@losolent you did it again and I am loving this chapter!

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  On 5/22/2022 at 10:16 AM, BBLincoln said:

Wow my ride on the emotional roller coaster continues.

I have a vision of whenever Prince Andreas's name is mentioned of Dastardly from the cartoon with Mutley his faithful dog. I've no idea why I my vision is of him but it could be the moustache as I could visualise him stroking it when hatching a plan!


I think that's Snidely Whiplash.

  • Haha 6

I'm kind of hoping that Tom has stayed in the hotel for round two with Mateo.. He'll instantly recognize Andreas and I'm sure will know how to handle him if Mateo opens the door before the police arrive.  I'm still not 100% convinced Felipe was not in cahoots with Andreas... he may not have expected him to be in his suite last night but I guess well find out soon enough.

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Part 50 - The Street Wise Butler


Downstairs outside the hotel car arrived back from the studio pulling up behind the police car that had also just arrived. Liam noticing the police wondered what was going on but they acted quite calmly like there on a casual visit to the hotel.  By the time the second car pulled up the police had already gone inside the hotel.

Andreas looked up hearing the door unlocking from the inside and opening, he had no idea who was on the other side of the door at that moment and his heart started beating faster. He was sure it was no one from the royal party, in theory this should be a piece of cake getting a piece of Prince Alexander. Andreas produced a smile like only he could ready to charm the person opening the door.

"Can I help you?" Mateo asked standing there all official in his butler uniform.
"No you may not" Andreas replied, "I am here to collect Prince Alexander's royal sash" he said.
Andreas stepped forward to get past the butler "I am sorry I cannot let you in" Mateo replied.
He smiled again "I am Crown Prince Andreas, the prince asked me to collect his royal sash" he said calmly.
"I am not authorised to let anyone enter the suite" Mateo replied standing his ground.
Andreas glanced at him "I don't think you realise who I am" he said with soft confidence.
"Does not matter who you are, you have no access to this suite" Mateo said defiantly.
Andreas flashed him his diplomatic passport "I am Crown Prince Andreas, so move aside. Now!" he demanded.
"No!" Mateo responded, "You come back when the occupants are in residence".

Andreas smiled nodding his head and Mateo dropped his guard slightly. In that moment Andreas pushed Mateo hard into the suite causing him to fall over on to his back. He entered the suite swiftly closing and locking the door as Mateo scrambled to his feet. Andreas knew he didn't have time for games with this idiot and struck Mateo with a hefty blow using the back of his hand across his face knocking him back to floor, it was his go to strike that he used to great effect. He quickly glanced around noticing the double doors at one end of the suite that must house the master bedroom. Grabbing hold of Mateo by his leg he dragged him the struggling guy across the floor as he marched over flinging the doors open. Still dragging Mateo he wen over to the large dressing table where he hoped the royal sash box was stored. Mateo finally gaining control of his legs leaned up and could taste blood, he wiped his hand just under his nose seeing the blood, angrily he stood albeit shakily to his feet shouting at him to get out rubbing the side of his face watching as the guy rifled through the draws.

"Make your life easier and tell me where it is?" Andreas said walking towards him.
Mateo stood there staring at him "No" he said clenching his fists.
Andreas laughed "Going to punch me are you?" he said drawing a menacing look.

Mateo stood there smiling then wiped the blood and licked his finger. Andreas raised his arm in an effort to strike Mateo again, this time he was caught out with Mateo grabbing his arm with his left hand then using his right arm and elbow he caught Andreas on the chin stunning him for a second and stumbling back.

In one lift two men from the hotel security team arrived along with Officer Eric Matson and Officer Mark Pasco, the rushed over to the suite standing outside the doors. The second lift chimed softly with the doors opening and the royal party exited looking concerned as the security team knocked on the door. Security tired the emergency key card which worked and click the lock, they tried opening the door but found it was locked.

"What is going on?" Liam asked rushing over.
Security turned recognising him "The butler called down, said someone was trying to get in".
"We should break it down" officer Matson suggested in his no nonsense manner now things got serious.
"No" security said pointing to another door, "Butlers pantry door" he suggested.

They moved down the hallway to the door that unlocked and opened "Arms?" officer Matson said.
"No not unless needed" Liam said quickly answering, "Alex, Max stay here with Franco".
"I am sorry sir you must wait outside" officer Matson insisted.
"Like hell!" Liam replied, "I am the prince's protection officer he replied following them in.
Max looked worryingly at Alex "Bet you a holiday in Mauritius it is Prince Andreas" Alex said.
It made Max chuckle tensing up knowing he was right "I like that bet!" he replied nervously grabbing his hand.

Mateo shouted at him to leave again but Andreas lunched himself at Mateo. He went to strike Mateo again who managed again to grab Prince Andreas's hand in mid air, his grasp holding firm and crushing his hand stopping it dead in its tracks from making contact with his face again. Mateo suddenly let out a gurgling cry, Andreas used his free hand and grabbed his neck, instantly closing his fingers with tremendous force, holding tight and cutting off his airflow. Mateo struggled but the vice like grip had him raised up on to his toes, using all his strength he was trying to lift Mateo off the ground. Mateo raised his other hand in an attempt to prise the hand away from his neck but the fingers held strong and dug deep squeezing even tighter. Struggling to get air and going higher off the ground he let go from holding the guys hand and now tried to use both hands but the grip was so secure on his neck he was sure it was going to break before he passed out. Street survival instinct now took over Mateo, he threw multiple punches in to the side of Andreas's face in the temples until he felt the hands loosening their grip form his neck, Andreas responded throwing his own punch with such force that it dazed Mateo allowing Andreas to use both hands lifting him high above his head. Mateo gurgled and grabbed both arms feeling light headed as the pressure built rapidly in his head, the hands compressing his neck inwards. Mateo reached out and managed to land a punch hitting him on the mouth and nose, swinging his right leg back he kneed Andreas hard in the chest causing him to let go. Mateo fell to the floor with a thud landing on his back, grabbing his neck at the throbbing pain. Andreas fell to his knees and was about to get back up but Mateo grabbed his arm twisting it before landing several punches to his face. Andreas now buckling over received a further knee hard in to his chest then two elbow blows to his back causing him to fall on the floor. Mateo pinned his arms to his behind on his back then promptly sat on them and holding his head he was about to twist it sharply but he held back, knowing if he did that he would kill the guy. He looked up with relief racing across his face hearing the commotion of the pantry door bursting open, he shouted out for help several times as Andreas began struggling. Mateo used both hands holding the guys head down and preventing him from moving. He felt sick knowing that if they had arrived a few seconds later it would have all been over and he would have been in dire trouble.

Liam moved like lightning catching the cops and security by surprise as he sped across and in to the bedroom seeing Mateo sitting on Prince Andreas holding him down. Mateo was bleeding from his nose and had red finger marks around his neck. He went over and helped him to his feet taking Mateo out in the lounge whilst the security and police cuffed the prince dragging him to his feet. Andreas was laughing shaking his head as he was pushed in to the lounge, his nose and lip bleeding from the damage inflicted by Mateo.

"Take the handcuffs off me now!" Andreas demanded, "I have diplomatic immunity and claim it".
Office Matson looked at Liam who was shaking his head "He is Crown Prince Andreas" Liam confirmed.
"Call the Hellenic embassy" Andreas now demanded, "Before it gets real bad for you all" he smirked.

Officer Matson dialled the number Andreas gave him whilst the other cop undid the handcuffs releasing Andreas just as Alex and Max walked in to the lounge with Franco, Tom and Artem. Tom immediately went rushing over to Mateo and checked he was okay and attending to his bleeding nose, whilst Franco and Artem stood in front of Alex and Max as a barrier. Officer Matson looked smug and turned to look at Andreas ending his call, now he was smiling and nodded to his partner to put the handcuffs back on him.

"What are you doing. I have diplomatic immunity?" Andreas said struggling.
"Sorry!" officer Matson said grinning, "The king has revoked your diplomatic status".
"He would never do such a thing" Andreas complained, "Take these off now!".
"You are to be charged then deported to Greece in the morning" Officer Matson now advised him.
Liam looked at Andreas "Oops!" he said with a straight face, "I informed his majesty in Monrovia".
"Why?" Alex suddenly asked walking and standing in front of Andreas, "Why?" he asked again.
Andreas looked Alex in the eye then smirked "One day princess, I will make you pay!".
"You pathetic individual" Alex said, "I am not scared of you Andreas".
Andreas moved like he was going to attack Alex who stood and didn't flinch "Pathetic!" Alex said.

Officer Matson took Alex and Liam's statement of what happened the previous night at the party and going over it carefully to ensure he had it all down correctly including the part about Artem having his key card stolen. He walked over and took the statement from Mateo who looked quite nervous knowing his status in the country was yet undecided and he could also be forced back home to Mexico. This didn't go unnoticed by Officer Matson who had a history weeding out illegal Mexicans and getting them in to detention then deported.

"You are Mexican right?" officer Matson asked and Mateo nodded, "Green card?" he now asked.
Mateo looked up frightened by the question "I should be..." he started saying before being stopped.
"Mateo is working for Prince Alexander" Tom said quickly trying to think on his feet.
Officer Matson smirked "Wearing a hotel uniform?" he asked looking at Tom then Mateo, "Illegal immigrant".

Liam glanced at Tom who glanced at Alex, Franco glanced at Tom then Alex. Max was looking at Mateo then Tom and finally Alex. There was a certain desperation in Tom's eyes for Alex to just say yes to take the cops off Mateo's back.

Alex looked at Mateo then Tom "That is right" Alex said, "He is training to be our butler".
"I am not a fool!" Officer Matson claimed standing and knowing what was going on.
"No one is suggesting that" Max stated intervening, "Mateo is our butler" he added.
"I want to press charges for him assaulting me!" Andreas claimed understanding what was going on.
"Shut up!" everyone in the room said to Andreas.
"Officer Matson, may we talk outside" Liam said gesturing for him to follow and he did.
Liam closed the terrace door "I know what is going on with the Mexican" officer Matson said straight away.
Liam nodded "His name is Mateo" he said, "And he did protect the prince's welfare".
Officer Matson nodded "That maybe but he is an illegal immigrant".
"I know" Liam said, "You do have a crown prince in custody, I am sure that is a huge amount of paperwork".
Officer Matson looked as Tom joined them "Give him a chance. Please give him a break!" Tom pleaded.
Officer Matson shook his head "He has no family or life in Mexico" Tom added feeling sorry for him.
"That is not my problem" Officer Matson replied, "The law is the law in this country".

From inside they watched the conversation going on between Liam, Tom and officer Matson. Alex looked at Max and shrugged unsure what to do until he reminded Alex that he had the power to go to the top if need be. Alex looked over at Mateo who was about to be cuffed by the other officer.

"Wait!" Alex said going to Mateo and sitting beside him, "Would you come to Monrovia?".
Mateo looked curiously at him "Your highness, what would I do though?" he asked.
Alex smiled "How about you do become butler to Max and I?" he suggested, "A royal job" he added.
Mateo looked at him then Max "Like now but just for you both in a palace?" he asked.
"Yes, the Balenciaga Palace where you will live, work and travel with us" Alex informed him.
"Oh!" Mateo said unconvinced, "I not be a butler all my life" he added.
Alex nodded sincerely "What is it you want to do then. Get from life?" he asked.
He shrugged "I good at maths, good at cooking. That is it" Mateo said.
"Tell you what, come and be our butler and you can help Artem with the finances" Alex suggested.
Artem looked at him "Please say yes Mateo, I hate doing the finances" he pleaded.
Mateo nodded "You really mean it?" he asked and Alex smiled nodding, "Then I do it".
"Good I will make the call" Alex said beaming.

Mateo sat there quietly stunned and could see the prince being genuine and Max came over telling him it was a good decision and he would be able to live without fear of being sent back to Mexico. Mateo just sat there fearing the worst and also completely confused at what was going on now. The guys entered the lounge again and they all looked at them. They could see by their expressions that their chat bore no fruit and officer Matson still had that awful smug and satisfied look on his face as he put the cuffs on Mateo. Alex in the meantime was on the phone and hung up just as officer Matson finished cuffing Mateo. Alex had wasted no time in getting the ball rolling going straight to the ambassador who was now going to make some calls and to hold tight.

Alex stood "Officer Matson. Mateo is leaving with us tomorrow for Monrovia" he said with authority.
"Sorry man he is the US illegally and he goes back" officer Matson replied.
Franco coughed "Excuse me officer, you are addressing royalty and as such respect should be shown".
Officer Matson looked at Franco then officer Pasco spoke "It won't hurt" he said.
"What and ruin my tally of deportations" officer Matson replied, "I will fetch the paperwork, he goes back".

He disappeared and officer Pasco apologised profusely to Alex explaining that his hands were tied. Officer Matson returned 10 minutes later with his clipboard and started writing up the charges and taking statements explaining that they will need to come to the station in the morning and sign their statements. Officer Matson stood closing his clipboard and reaching over to grab Mateo and take him and Andreas away when there was a knock at the door. Liam went over to open it and noticed the police man standing there was no ordinary one, he stood aside.

"Officer Matson, release the Mexican please" the captain said walking inside.
"But sir he is here illegally" officer Matson responded.
"This is gone way higher than both us Matson" the captain replied, "Release him now".
Officer Matson knew he could override the captain on this "By whose authority?" he asked.
The captain smiled "The president himself has authorised it" he replied, "I gave you a direct order" he said.
He did as he was told and the captain bowed to Alex "The president has pardoned him to take leave with you".
Alex nodded "Thank you, Mateo will leave with us and he is now in my employment".
"Artem can you arrange flights via Washington to pick up a passport for Mateo" Alex requested.
Artem bowed his head showing them how it was done "Yes your royal highness" he said.
"We have to overnight in Washington and our ambassador will confirm he leaves" Alex advised them.
"Thank you your highness" the captain said, "And what about this one?" he asked addressing Andreas.
"Oh I want charges filed for bodily harm to Mateo and attempted kidnapping" Alex stated clearly.
Andreas looked shocked at Alex "We have your statements and will charge him" officer Matson replied.

Andreas was read his rights in front of them all to add more embarrassment to the whole situation. In reality he couldn't believe that Alex was proceeding to press charges, he knew being deported meant he would never be able to return to the US even when he took the crown from his father. The charges would always cast a shadow over him unless he got a presidential pardon. The two officers marched Andreas towards the door.

"Alexander please!" Andreas pleaded before he was ushered out and in to the lift.

Their last view of him was of a worried looking spoilt brat and Alex had no remorse around his actions. He knew that his status as a crown prince would probably mean house arrest before his deportation. It was the shame of his actions that finally ended his terrorising of Alex once for all, that and someone leaking to the press about his arrest. 

Mateo stood by Alex "Will he get deported?" he asked, "Being a prince?".
Alex shrugged "I have no idea Mateo, I expect someone will pull some strings" he replied.
Mateo looked at Alex "We need to get a doctor to check you over" Alex said looking at the marks.
Mateo smirked "I okay, have gone through worse!".

Tom walked over to Mateo and took him in to his arms giving him a very comforting hug. He had never really experienced this sort of affection or had anyone look out for him like this group of people had just done. Alex though ignored Mateo and summoned a private doctor to come and take a look at Mateo to make sure there was no real damage done. Whilst he sat there waiting for the doctor he couldn't help wondering what he had agreed to, everything had happened so quickly and he was trying to comprehend that he was going to Europe. Artem came and sat beside him getting his personal information to arrange his passport to a new life. The doctor arrived and checked Mateo over confirming there was no damage and checking for pain, the red marks around his neck were all but gone against his light brown Latin skin colour. Slowly he was watching everyone and taking them in more detail, Tom he knew quite personally now since their episode of rampant sex in the pantry. He knew the two guys standing and chatting were what Tom called protection officers, yet being new to the world of royalty he had no idea what that actually meant and assumed they were body guards. Both in their own right were sexy in different ways. Liam looked over in Mateo's direction catching him gazing at Franco and himself, he noticed it wasn't a worried look, more of a curious one. Liam patted Franco's arm who then disappeared in to the bedroom and Liam walked over towards Mateo.

He sat beside Mateo "How are you feeling?" he asked watching Mateo staring obliviously at him.
Mateo shrugged "I nearly kill him" he replied in a strangely soft tone.
Liam raised his eyebrow "Would you have done?" he now asked trying to assess him.
Mateo gazed out of the window then back to Liam and nodded "I hold him down and..." he trailed off.
Liam held Mateo's hand comforting him "I wanted to break his neck. He attacked me" Mateo added.
"But you didn't Mateo" Liam replied, "You showed control when it mattered".
Mateo looked at him "Am I bad person?" he asked and Liam shook his head.
"You did what you had to do to survive" Liam said assuring him, "What is the other side of Mateo like?".
Mateo looked sadly at him "I learn to survive, fight my way to live every day in Mexico" he said.
"I thought as much" Liam responded, "I hope you will learn that life can be so much more".
"What are you?" Mateo asked looking quizzically at him.
Liam smiled "Franco and I are what is called royal protection officers, bodyguards if you like".
Mateo nodded "I think that. When I see you" he said then looked seriously at him, "You help me?".
Liam looked slightly confused "Help me control my street side, be better" Mateo clarified.
"Of course" Liam replied, "Working for the prince you can learn how to protect Max and him as well".
Mateo smiled "It really happen then. I go work for him?" he asked still unsure what was going on.
Liam laughed "Yes Mateo" Alex said standing there, "In fact you will come with us this evening".

Alex had Mateo added to the evenings dinner party that the studio owner was hosting at his mansion for the prince and Max along with all their staff as a thank you. Alex and Max were dressing for dinner with Artem and Tom helping, it was to be a casual dinner with Felipe in attendance. Liam was dressed and walked in to the bedroom just as Artem and Tom had finished who bowed and left.

Alex noticed that Liam look on his face "Okay what have I done now?" he asked looking at him.
"Nothing!" Liam replied, "Well... Mateo, have you seen all his tattoos?" he asked.
Alex shrugged and Max chuckled "Are you concerned he might be hotter than you?" Alex asked.
Liam laughed "No one is hotter than me!" he replied, "He is a bit street rough" he added.
Alex looked up at him "You know, I mean how he dealt with the nutter, he was brutal" Liam explained.
"Good!" Alex replied smiling, "Liam I am not stupid, I know you think I am" he replied.
Liam remembered what the king said about him being a good judge of character "Not at all" he said.
"Liar!" Alex replied smirking, "Seriously Liam, Was it the right thing to do?" he asked.
Liam nodded "Yes. Sorry for questioning you Alex. At least he keeps Tom busy" he added grinning.
"Yeah I wouldn't mind a go with Mateo!" Max said spraying on some cologne and looking serious.
Alex turned to look at him and put his hands on his hips "What?" Max asked, "He is hot!".
Mateo appeared dressed in his butlers trousers and shirt that was open to be casual "Cars here".
Liam rolled his eyes "Mateo! Your royal highness, sir. The cars have arrived" he said, "Then bow".
Mateo gave him a finger then laughed before walking out "Well... I did warn you!" Liam said smugly.
"I let you get away with it!" Alex remarked smirking at Liam, "In fact you get away with a lot!" he added.

Liam stuck his middle finger up at Alex and walked out exactly like Mateo did, he could hear Alex and Max laughing behind his back but he kept on walking away from them. Mateo stood there in his confused state as the hotel manager now stood there telling him to hand his uniform in and leave due to his status.

Artem walked over "Mateo is now employed by his royal highness" he stipulated to the manager.
"I see, he still needs to return the uniform" the manager stated.
"We will drop if off on our way out" Artem said, "And ensure the suite is secured properly!" he said having a dig.
It was a statement that the hotel manager understood "Yes of course" he replied.
"Good, and you will pay Mateo the wages he is due tomorrow morning before we leave" Artem added.
"Yes of course" the hotel manager replied again.
Artem looked at him "That is all, you may go" he said dismissing him.
Mateo watched him walk out of the suite "Gracias" he said softly, "You a mean boy" he chuckled.
Artem laughed "Come on my clothes should fit you, lets find you something to wear" he offered.

The evening went by pretty uneventful considering the past few days and the awkwardness of seeing Felipe again who looked entirely embarrassed about the whole fiasco and was keeping his distance from the royal party until Alex made the move over to him.

"Felipe, we need to talk" Alex said, "In private" he added gesturing towards the garden.
"I do not know where to begin Alex" Felipe said closing the terrace door, "I am so sorry and such a fool".
Alex shook his head "What the hell was you thinking proposing to me?" he questioned.
Felipe looked at him "That is not what I thought you was going to ask" he replied.
Alex just looked at him "I felt threatened by Max, he is taking you away" Felipe said.
Alex sat on the bench they came across "Felipe, I am so angry with you for doing that" he expressed.
Felipe sat next to him "I panicked, I didn't know what to do" he said, "God I am a fool!".
Alex smiled "No you are not. Seriously I was flattered you asked me. But marrying me is not that easy".
"I guess so, being a prince" Felipe said pausing, "And the Andreas thing" he added sadly.
"You were not to know about our history" Alex said putting his hand on Felipe's knee.
Felipe looked seriously at him "I put your life at risk didn't I?" he asked.
Alex shook his head "No silly. I think he has this thing about wanting sex with me".
Felipe grinned "Me too" he said causing Alex to burst out laughing.
"If you ever pull a stunt like that proposal again I will personally slap you" Alex said.
Felipe chuckled and saw Max walking in their direction "You did well with him" he remarked.
Alex smiled and nodded "I would never say anything, about you and me" Felipe told him.
"I know" Alex replied, "After all you told me about some of your skeletons" he said winking.
"Mistakes you mean" Felipe said smiling at Max, "Join us Max" Felipe said.
Max checked with Alex who indicated all was good "We are waiting for you both" Max said.
Felipe stood and kissed Max on the cheek "I am sorry for what I did" he said looking at him.
Max nodded "I know you have a thing for him, but marriage?" he said smiling.
"I know Max" Felipe said taking his arm and walking with him back to the mansion.
Alex could see a thawing appear between them "Hey! What about me?" he asked walking alone.
"Needy!" Max said to Felipe patting his hand.
"Tell me about it!" Felipe replied looking over his shoulder "You have legs, walk!" he said.

Inside Mateo felt like the odd one out before Tom reminded him that they were equals in the household and to never feel like he didn't belong. Artem was the one who seemed to bond quite easily with Mateo, apart from Tom that is, he got even more excited when Mateo revealed he had been teaching himself accounting, he was adamant that he was going to better himself somehow. Although he did have to admit to stealing the books as he couldn't afford them, then at eighteen the orphanage sent him to work in a factory and this was when he decided to skip town and sneak in to the US. Artem made no secret that he found keeping the finances of the prince and Max daunting at times, his words planting seeds with Mateo, Max and Alex. His hope was that Mateo could take over the financial part of the royal finances and funds. 

The following morning Mateo had his wages paid, having very little in the way of clothes and personal effects there was little luggage. He had slept the night in Tom's bed on best behaviour since Artem was also in the bedroom. Losing his job meant he lost his accommodation in the staff rooms of the hotel. Mateo could have easily caused trouble for the hotel manager who was aware of his status in the country, to be fair he was paid his wages and a bonus to keep him sweet and quiet.

One thing Mateo hadn't thought about was that he would be flying across the country to Washington then staying overnight at the Monrovian Embassy, he was clearly bricking it having never been near an aircraft. Mateo quickly learnt that Liam and Franco always walked either behind or to the side of Alex and Max whilst the three of them stood a few paces behind, it was like learning to walk again with Artem giving him instruction when Mateo was unsure how or what to do. He was like a sponge and soaked everything up and storing it for use later on. His voice a bit croaky today through a sore neck but at least there were no bruises showing so he didn't look like he had just come out of a street fight. Inside the airport VIP terminal security checked the paperwork and instruction from the customs border protection office to allow Mateo to travel to Washington under temporary diplomatic status. He watched how people bowed to Alex and Max then turned to look out of the window again at the airport watching the planes so close was making him feel nauseous at the thought he would be getting on one shortly.

In a one off special the flight that usually terminated in Washington from Victoria was sent on a royal flight to Los Angeles to pick up the royal party to bring them back to Washington before the scheduled return to Victoria. Mateo was mesmerised at the window and Liam came over taking him outside on the small terrace, watching the aircraft turn off the runway and along the taxiway before turning again heading straight towards them. The smell of kerosene hit his nose, the noise from the rolls royce engines getting louder the closer it got, suddenly it turned again revealing the full livery of the Monrovian airline and the sleek design of the dreamliner aircraft. Suddenly the engine noise cut out and steps were taken to the front door that was opened. Two cabin crew stood at the top of the stairs and two at the foot. Liam tapped him on the shoulder telling him it was time to leave. Away from prying eyes and photographers the royal party walked across to the plane, Mateo noticed the pilot now hoisting a small flag above the cockpit that he recognised as the Monrovian royal crest from seeing it in the suite at the hotel. They stood at the bottom whilst Franco went up first to quickly check as protocol dictates, followed by Alex and Max then Liam and  finally Artem, Tom and himself followed on and stepped inside to the first class cabin.

The doors immediately closing and the engines whirring slowly in to life as Mateo sat next to Tom and fastened his seatbelt. Within minutes they were moving and heading to the runway, Tom put his hand over Mateo's sensing he was nervous. The two chimes overhead and the engines grew louder briefly as the aircraft turned lining up on the runway. Suddenly the engines sprung in to life hitting half power until stable, the plane started moving and he was pushed back a little in his seat. The engines then wound up even louder as full power was established and they picked up speed forcing him back against the seat even more. Mateo shook nervously and Tom squeezed his hand 'Dios mio!' Mateo said closing his eyes for a full minute until he heard the clunking sound of the nose gear locking away and a weird silence ensued feeling nothing now they were in the air. There was no movement as the plane climbed out of Los Angeles and over the coast, Mateo daring to look out the window in wonder then sweeping in a right turn heading for Washington he got the most amazing view of the airport, city and coast getting smaller and further away.


  • Like 14

I wouldn't have minded seeing Mateo put Andreas into the hospital for a month or so. Still, great to see him getting hauled off in cuffs, with Alex calling it like it is: "pathetic." Ingenious plot twist to get Mateo back to Monrovia, where life in the palace is about to get livened up even more.

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