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  2. wait, you man it is now almost 200 bucks JUST to get into the market? that is insane. just insane.
  3. I did not stay at Congress this year. I went to The Congress on Friday night and hung out in lobby bar with friends. The bartenders were clueless. Congress used to have such a friendly and organized staff. Two years ago at The Congress, my room got robbed, and the staff couldn't do anything right, so I'm not going back. Every time we came into the hotel we had to go through security and show we were guests, butt I still encountered 2 people in the halls that were definitely not IML patrons, and I got robbed. This year I was not going to pay $180 for market pass. My friends said the market was really disappointing and didn't buy anything. I asked my friends to get me poppers butt I bought poppers at Steamworks for $25. I really enjoyed staying at "The Den off Eastlake." I'm not giving IML any of my money anymore. I just wrote a post about my adventures at Steamworks in "Where did you get your last load?"
  4. I’ve also absorbed loads overnight a couple of times. I would have never known he came in me, except I cleaned him off after he fucked me.
  5. I always wish there was a follow up to this story
  6. I could even guess it all... Paul keeps his boys on Prep until he's out of jail. Then it'll be his duty to upgrade their neg status
  7. June update... After the marathon Pride week of May, things slowed down to a trickle. But this was expected: second half of May and June are pretty much dead periods for me. It does allow my hole to return to more anatomically recognisable form 😉 Nevertheless, I thought I'd post an update seeing how we're almost halfway through the year. As I mentioned in my earlier posts I get my fix of loads mainly in the sex clubs and even after all these years of fucking and collecting loads, I still can't tell for sure who's nutted inside or not. Because of that, I will be very conservative and count (approximately) only the ones where the tops go loud, trembling, shivering, spasming, or other physical signs that they reached the end. And as it stands right now, I believe I am around the 520-550 mark. Let's make it 520. or I should say 521 because I love when one of the bartenders from my fave sex clubs sneaks in the dark room and fills me up. He's got a pretty recognisably large cock and his verbal repertoire is unmistakeable. I know it's him (obviously the voice is a dead give away) because he also fucks like a maniac and just before cumming he pushes my head into sucking another man's cock and holds the poppers to my nose. Thank you mister! So here you have it boys... 521 loads for now. Not too shabby, eh?
  8. Today
  9. After a couple weeks most of the details had been handled. Norma had made all the arrangements in advance and an urn containing her remains was respectfully packed to be taken home by the boys His sons were named Charles and Dallas but preferred to go by Chip and Dale and yes they knew both the chipmunk and erotic dancer implications ro those names though both had been far before their time Nick had initially apologized to them for not being there before this point “What do you have to apologize for? You had no idea we existed and I don’t think it took you even half a day to get to us once you did find out” Dale said “If anything, we should apologize. We knew about you and even had your phone number from Mom’s phone number but we never reached out to you. Grandpa would have freaked out” Chip followed up “You did what you had to do. Lets just be happy we have each other now” Nick said and they dropped the subject As for their home and where it was going to be. That very first night as they all dealt with the shock and grief of Norma’s passing, the boys had asked to spend the night anywhere but in the place they grew up, Nick had taken a large hotel suite and there was more than one bedroom so that was no problem If Dale’s hair had not been long while Chip had a shorter, well styled hair, Nick would never have been able to tell them apart at first but over time he would learn their personalities were very different Chip was intelligent but he tended to be very intense and serious, He wanted to get things done with no fuss or muss. He came to remind Nick of Zeke Dale was just as intelligent but had an easy going, somewhat forgetful personality what was so like Dr. Cole, it made Nick smile sometimes. Dale never forgot the important things but the little things sometimes slipped his mind That first night the boys had chosen to sleep in the same room though they could have had their own bedroom as the suite had three As they got to know the boys Nick and Tex found out why they didn’t want to go to the house they had been raised in beyond packing up a few personal things and their clothes Norma’s Dad had been a religious fanatic and displayed the casual cruelty so many people like that inflicted on anyone who did not live up to their standards. At the age of six he had made the boys start sleeping in different rooms just for the sadistic pleasure of separating them. He didn't like the way the boys always ended up in one bed and had called them “little perverts” as long as they cold remember He had bought a new, bigger house just to have the room to get them apart and even locked f them in to prevent them from sneaking in with each other. Good thing there was never a fire He didn’t lock their windows however and the back porch provided an east walkway. They never got caught once Nick didn’t get the sense the boys were doing anything more than sleeping together all that time. They were by no means innocent but their wisecracks and jokes had an innocent quality to them. Nick and Tex could tell the boys knew about sex but had never actually done it Her dad had their mom totally cowed so she let him treat them however he wanted. After his death and some intensive counseling she started to grow more confident, The boys suspected from stray comments she made that they her dad had been the pervert living in the house but she never confirmed it and they respected her decision Then the cancer hit and in six months she was gone The boys wanted everything in the house to be auctioned off and the house to be sold so Nick hired a company to do just that, The auction house had appraisers go through the house and when they were though he asked for the high end value of the house's contents then paid four times that amount, had it all packed up and delivered to a storage facility just outside the city he and Tex lived in, The packers were paid extra to separate out pictures, scrap books and anything else that looked personal. Those were packed in two boxes and shipped to the apartment where Nick quietly put them in the back of his closet. He hadn’t told the boys about any of this but their memories and mementos would be there if they ever decided they wanted them. He would tell them that in a year or so The top floor of the apartment Nick shared with Tex was actually two master suites separated by the foyer which was two stories tall and they were connected by a walkway at the top of the stairs. Barry technically lived in the larger of the two guest rooms on the first floor but spent most nights with Tex and Nick As they were wrapping things up with the sale of he house and the boys finished their last three weeks of high school Nick made some calls. The second master suite was repainted and refurbished, he let the boys pick the colors and furniture style and was pleased that they seemed to have good taste Nick and Tex attended the boy’s graduation and were proud to see that Chip and Dale had tied for first in their class. As a graduation present they gave each boy a $20,000 gift card to spend on clothes and whatever else they needed once they got “home” as the boys were already calling the apartment though they had never seen it. They wanted to see an apartment that was nearly twice as big as the house they grew up in and had a pool to boot Barry was waiting for them when the elevator doors opened “Welcome home” He said with a big smile The boys both froze when they got a look at him “Ummm Dad? Why do we look exactly like Tex’s son? Tex had mentioned that his son, Barry lived with them a few times Barry was just as wide eyed “Yeah it is kind of obvious Big Brother” he said and the secret was out Nick sighed “Lets go sur in the living room and I will tell you a story” he said “Is this a happily ever after story?” Dale asked Nick looked at his father and said “So far it has been” Nick told them everything from beginning to end and just hoped they could understand “So, you are telling us that Tex is our step dad AND our Grandfather? That Barry is our Uncle and he has sex with you and Tex? That you are all HIV positive? That despite being father and son, that you two are LEGALLY married?” Chip asked incredulously “It took some doing but yes, we are legally married and yes I have sex with my father and brother and yes we are all poz” Nick said Chip and Dale looked at each other and Nick saw something pass between them. Something that looked an awful lot like hope Dale grinned wickedly then and turned to Tex “Can we call you Grampy?” he asked sounding far more innocent than his face showed “Only if you want to be taken over my knee and spanked. Tex will do” Tex growled and everyone laughed Two weeks later the boys turned 18 and things relaxed in the house, Nick, Tex and Barry were still more careful to close doors and drapes but at least being seen wouldn’t be a crime now Things started to happen around the house. One afternoon Tex called “Anyone else want tea” from the kitchen as they all sat in the living room They all heard a loud POOF and Tex walked in, wide eyed, holding the tea canister and covered in flour The twins cracked up and soon Nick and Barry had to join them though they tried to hold it in Tex just glowered at his giggling grandsons Chip and Dale cheerfully went into the kitchen to clean up the mess and made everyone tea, which was now in the flour canister Nick found that every pen at his desk now had either purple or pink ink in it and got a poof of glitter when he opened up the side drawer to get a new one The twins never would say how they got the bullfrog that scared the hell out of Barry by croaking loudly from the toilet while he brushed his teeth They finally called a family wide truce after the boys came home one afternoon to find their room had been redone in a “Barbie” motif complete with throw rugs, curtains and bed linens “If these jokes stop I won’t have the painters come in and make your room look like the inside of a pepto bottle” Nick said pleasantly from the door as the two gaped “You know we hate Barbie and do you know bad our hair would clash with pink walls?” Dale asked “That was a consideration when we decided in your room’s new theme” Tex said from behind Nick “Ginger on pink is really unattractive” Barry agreed from the hall “Change it back! We will stop!” Chip said and from then on there was peace in the house Barry’s wedding was fast approaching, there was less than a month to go, The twins had met Wade and his son Alan and again had no problem accepting the somewhat unusual relationship between the three. The boys were especially fond of Wade who they always treated with respect and called “Gramps” much to the silver Daddy’s delight They were all sitting in the living room talking about the upcoming wedding and honeymoon when they heard the sound of a helicopter approaching. Zeke sometimes flew in from the estate and landed his copter on the building next door so they didn’t think much of it till it got much closer than it normally did The plants by the pool started thrashing and a strong wind came in the doors. A rope ladder dropped from the sky and a very muscular woman in a black suit and sunglasses climbed down it, a black duffle dropping behind her Everyone but Tex and Barry freaked out, Tex just rolled his eyes The woman stood framed in the door as the ladder disappeared and the helicopter flew off “Really Carry?” Barry said “You really pulled a stunt like that after telling me you couldn’t get time off to attend my wedding?” Then he jumped up and hugged the woman tightly “Hello Dad” she said to Tex, then laughed “Barry don’t crack my ribs!” Tex went and hugged her too “It’s so good to see you Carry! It’s been so long!” he said. Tex obviously adored his daughter Nick approached a bit shyly “Hello Carry I’m…” was as far as he got before the woman grabbed him and hugged him tight “You are the big brother I never met who makes my Dad so happy, it’s nice to finally meet you Nick” she said with a huge smile There were higs for Wade nd Akan too “Carry these are my sons, Chip and Dale” Nick said indicating the twins who stood nearby Carry looked at the boys with compassion “Do you mind if I hug you boys?” She asked and they shook their heads The hug she gave them was very maternal and the boys seemed to pick up on that, relaxing into the hug. They would share a very special relationship with their Aunt Carry for the rest of their lives. She wasn’t mom but she mothers them from that moment on and that was something they needed to heal “How long can you stay?” Nick asked herm really wanting to get to know his sister and hoped this would not be a short visit “Indefinitely” She sad “I quit the service when they would not give me the time off for the wedding. Besides, I have been worrying about the fact that you guys have zero security here for years. I am going to organize full time security around this building. You and Dad are very well off and people try to take advantage of things like that sometimes” Nock blinked and though he had never thought about it before, he had to agree with her. What would he do if someone threatened Tex or one of his sons? Rather than protesting he just said “how much of a budget will you need?” She told him and it was less than he expected “You got it and if you need more just ask. I will introduce you to Theo, he secures the building next door for out friends, maybe you two can coordinate” he said “Way ahead of you there, Theo is a legend and I will be working through the company he works for. I actually know his boss Sal and I will be learning all I can from both of them” she said and it was all settled Carry moved into the 2nd guest room at first but after Barry’s wedding she moved down to the old hookup apartment Nick and Tex never used anymore The security she organized was almost invisible and almost never intruded in their lives Nick came to deeply love his sister over time and she was just as fond of him The boys decided to attend a nearby college that was just a short drive or a long walk away but a month before classes started they came to Nick with a request “Dad” Chip said “We want to go to Costa Del Stonewall and get married” He took Dale’s hand in his “We have been in love since I can remember but Grandpa practically beat into us that sex was only for married people and it’s hard to get past that. It’s how we were raised" “When you said you were legally married to Tex we finally saw a way we can be together but we didn’t want to steal Uncle Barry’s thunder so we waited till after his wedding” Dale said “Sons, if that will make you happy then of course I will take you! I’m so happy for you two!” Nick said It took about a week to arrange and everyone went, Zeke, Tommy and Red flew them all down on the Ze-Corp Jet, They had never heard of the place and it’s laws so they took the opportunity to finally, legally bring Red into their marriage. Charles and Dallas were married at sunset, standing on the beach with their entire family in attendance. They had slept together almost every night of their lives but never been in bed naked together before. They had always given each other privacy to take care of their own needs so they had never even seen each other naked before. The temptation would have been too much That night they kissed and Dale’s hands were actually shaking as he pulled his twin’s shirt over his head ad then slid his pants down, then Chip did the same for him There were really no surprises, they were twins in every way. They were both hung nicely, about 8 inches, uncut and had low hanging proportionate balls. The were both almost completely smooth except for a ginger bush above their cocks and a thin treasure trail that ran thinly up to their navels Even though both boys would tell you that they personally were nothing special to look at, in their love filled eyes, their twin was the most beautiful man on earth They fell into the roles they had always known the would, Dale was always going to be the top and Chip the bottom, They didn’t want it any other way between them Chip sank to his knees and sucked his brother, he had watched lots of porn so he had a general idea what to do. It was inelegant but it got Dale hard Fucking was a bit easier, Dale was very gentle and it only hurt a little. The were 18 years old so the managed to get off, several times and it just made them closer “We can be stubborn and try to learn this all on our own or we can ask for help” Dale said as they lay in bed holding each other while they were naked for the first time “We have the experts right across the foyer from us, Why not ask them?” Chip agreed “Do you care that we will probably get HIV?” Dale asked Chip shrugged “It’s treatable, Dad and Tex don’t seem to have any ill effects and you know they are unmedicated. I think we can live with it too” “Besides, Dad and Tex ate hot” Dale Said “Yeah, they are” Chip agreed "The one I really want to be with is Wade though, all that silver fur is so hot” Dale said “You think uncle Barry will share?” Chip asked “All we can do is ask” Dale said and he kissed his twin/husband, holding him till they fell asleep They all flew home the next morning and the twins decided to ask for help the next day, to give everyone a chance to rest up ******************************************************************************************************* Next Chapter: Oh, Hell Yes! Let ne know what you think Scanbu
  10. International Mr Leather 2024 report. IML host hotel was totally boring on Friday night. I went to Steamworks 3X in 4 days. Cumunion party on Thursday I got bred more times than I could count. Bro's with huge cocks too. Saturday afternoon the Bear party I got bred more times than I could count in 6 hours. Da' Bears know how to fuck. The Sunday Steamworks party I got bred more times than I could count. The World has changed in my favor. I'm older BBButt sex is not [banned word] anymore. Not one dude used a condom. When I lived in LA, NYC, or Chicago dudes would become hostile to me when they found out I was HIV+. Nobody cares in '24. There was too much sexxx to write about anyone as particularly exciting. Sometimes the most average looking man was the hottest load. I finally cum down a dudes throat in the dickpit. Chicago is still my favorite sex city, butt FTL is second. I still can't believe prices on everything= room + gas + steamworks admission. IML and Congress hotel just $gouge gay men.
  11. I used to think piss was gross until one day I was really hitting poppers and stretching my hole to new limits and then I started squirting a bit of piss with each thrust. It just felt so hot and kinky in that moment I don't know what came over me but I grabbed a nearby cup and just filled it while fucking my hole even harder, then I just drank it. I felt like a cheap slut and I didn't like the taste but I kept fucking myself and filled another to drink. Now I'm into piss haha
  12. I did it couple of times. Sometime a night would suffice for me. 🙂
  13. A big thick cock with massive balls. The top sucking and biting my nipples while he fuck me hard. Being slapped and spanked. Him being verbal, telling me he going to get me pregnant.
  14. I really love this story. There's still so much depravity and pozzing sex in this story my dickhead is thumping like it has its own hart pumping
  15. A silky, cum coated hole, with the sound of sloshing cum being churned inside the hole I'm fucking, the guy on his back begging to get my load, the look in his eyes asking to be made mine forever, the cum oozing out of his limp dick and the shivering of his whole body whilst my cock thrusts, hits, scratches and massages his prostate. That guy will get my load right there and then.
  16. i think the pendulum swings. as a older guy, i feel like my interest in gettin bred is directly proportional to the 25 years i was told it was a suicidal death sentence. i just wonder why younger guys are so obsessed with it, especially those who lost their cherry post prep. i also feel like it's setting yourself up for failure as antidepressants, recreational drugs, ED meds, all seem to make it harder to cum. if i didn't lean in to enjoying the fuck for the fuck, all those guys who tap out (including myself) are just a waste of time. it's like bizzaro world where premature ejaculator are king
  17. I'm guaranteed to cum hard if I'm getting fucked and the top is verbal - the nastier the better. Oh and getting fucked hard, but I think that's common... 😉
  18. Every once in a while, the "sadist" part of me rolls out. (I use the term sadist lightly.) Occasionally, I really enjoy fucking a hookup missionary or in a sling so I can better jerk him off or have the sub jerk himself off. When he cums, he will inevitably tighten up on me which is simply exquisite. Then when he starts to mellow and get the inevitable post-nut clarity, I begin my final assault on his ass. Short thrusts, long thrusts, whatever I want because his hole tends to struggle to offer any resistance. He effectively becomes a used fuckhole for my sole use and pleasure. Then, when I am ready, I can breed him. And for the record, I also enjoy being on the receiving end though I like to be cuffed or restrained. It's only happened a few times in 20 years but the euphoria is beyond comparison.
  19. @norefusal Given that this site is called "Breeding zone", I'm guessing the results are skewed because we are here for the load. Breeding implies cumming and as such the vast majority of us I venture to say are cum addicts. Naturally, nothing too scientific here, but I think it'd be safe to say that the load is the end goal. Fucking bare is the requirement not the goal for many here. What do you think?
  20. Old public toilet - stank of stale piss, full of grafitti and you were guaranteed to get fucked, which I did...
  21. Love being on my knees sucking his cock and making eye contact when cums in my mouth.
  22. I meet a lot of tops who seem like they can not cum. I think it is a real issue. Couple of friends I have known for years I've never seen cum. I'm one of the guys a tight hole makes me cum sooner than I wood like. Fast ejaculation is good for something I don't talk about here.
  23. I don't ever make political donations to anyone but the poor devils that give money to that fat fuck dumb criminal Trump, who allegedly is a billionaire, will forever baffle me.
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