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  1. I was laying in bed this morning and had a fantasy scenario playing inside my head and decided it would make for an interesting story, so I decided I would try and write it and see how it goes. I'm not done yet but I need to take a break so I'm posting what I have written and am interested in what you guys think. ------------------------------------------------------------ I was on my way home from work one day when my boyfriend Patrick called me and told me we’d be having guests for dinner. His uncle Steve was in town visiting his brother Frank, my boyfriend's father, and the two of them would be eating with us. Patrick also mentioned we'd have a third guest, a buddy with whom Frank had worked with at a local factory. I had met Frank several times, and he and Patrick are quite similar: same hair, same eyes, same build, same height, same weight, and I can only speculate, but I imagine they have the same cock, about eight inches, somewhat thick, with a nice set of balls that always pump out a huge load. I had never met Steve before, but upon doing so, was amused to see Steve, Frank and Patrick were spitting images of each other. It was, however, Nick, Frank's friend, who got me drooling. Now, I’m 5’8” 150 pounds, am modestly built, and Patrick, his father and Steve are even smaller at 5’ 3”, 125 pounds, nice and trim. In contrast to the rest of us, Nick was 6’ 3” 200 pounds of solid muscle, not muscle from a gym, but muscle built from an active life, and no doubt, from a lifetime of loading trucks at the factory. Now, I’m the top in my relationship with Patrick. I’m bigger than is he, both physically and in terms of dick size, but when I see a man like Nick my eyes glaze over and my asshole starts to twitch. Thankfully Patrick, Steve and Frank like to cook, so they announced they would handle putting the meal together, and warned Nick and me that we would only be in the way. I was so smitten with Nick that I gotta admit I was hoping Steve, Patrick and Frank and get to talking over a glass of wine and the three would forget that either me or Nick were there at all. We all went into the living room to have a drink and talk. Patrick, Steve, and Frank occupied our one recliner and the sofa, and as there were no other seats, Nick followed me to have a seat behind the bar to the back of the room. As I suspected the family trio started talking and tuned-out Nick and me, so I poured the two of us a strong drink and we started talking, mostly about the factory, what it was like to work there and how he really enjoyed it. He had started college and attended for a few years but decided he’d much rather be working class so dropped out and never finished. He was in his late forties and from stealing glances at his crotch while sitting at the moment I would say that he was packing something in there. A few times he noticed me looking and smiled which made me melt even more. After he finished his second drink he asked where the bathroom was so I asked him to follow me, and I led him through the house upstairs to the main bathroom. At this point I was confident enough to ‘joke’ with him. After switching on the light I asked him if he would need or wanted any help. He gave a nervous laugh, said no, and shut the door behind him. I was honestly quite taken aback, I was certain that he would be game. Dazed and confused I returned to my seat behind the bar and poured myself another drink. Looking at my glass and feeling the beginning of a buzz I decided that it was the alcohol that was making me feel a bit over confident. In addition, Nick was quite a stud, so to be sure my mind wasn’t thinking correctly. When Nick returned and resumed his seat, I made some lame remark about alcohol and having made a pass at him. “No big deal. It usually isn’t 'till after the third drink that I need help” he responded with a chuckle. My jaw hit the floor, here I thought it was all over and he just wasn’t ready. I just sat there dumbfounded till he broke the silence. “My drink ain’t gonna pour itself.” I was grinning from ear to ear as I poured him another. “What are you smiling about?” asked Patrick. “Nothing,” I replied, “Nick just told me a joke.” “Oh, well, you two have fun. We are going in the kitchen to get dinner ready.” Finally!! The trio got up and went to the kitchen where they will be cooking, leaving Nick alone with me. No sooner had they left the room than I turned to face him, wide eyed, and excited like a kid on Christmas Day waiting to open what was certain to be the best package. He chuckled a bit then shifted to a more comfortable position with his legs spread for better access and undid his jeans and zipper, then went back to his drink. The rest was up to me. I dropped from my bar stool and knelt in front of him pulling his jeans open far enough for me to reach in and pull that sweet meat out into the world. It was beautiful. At least seven and a half soft with a good thickness to it. My god, when fully erect it would be huge. Fortunately since we were behind the bar, should one of the guys cooking come back into the living room, Nick and I would be hidden by the counter, so no one would know I was blowing him. I sucked his flaccid dick into my mouth and tried my best to swallow it. I love sucking cock and love it even more when it goes in limp and I get to feel it swell and get hard in my mouth. Few things stir the desire to suck harder than that sensation. I kept the whole thing in my mouth as long as I could but eventually there was just too much. Fully erect it was nine and a half inches long, thick, but not so thick I couldn't blow it, particularly as his cock had a perfect torpedo shape - absolutely great for sucking, but also undoubtedly a pleasure to ride. I sat for a moment stroking that massive thing before me, I was in heaven, the perfect cock and I was sucking on it, my boyfriend and his family in the next room cooking and chatting away - I must admit, the fact that I could hear them chat away only added to the excitement. I glanced at this factory god with his flawless cock, his eyes were closed with a dreamy smile on his mouth. I wondered for a moment of whom he was thinking, but decided it didn’t matter. I grabbed that monster with both hands and nursed hard on the head while drilling my tongue into his piss slit. The taste of his precum was intoxicating and considering I was already pretty much drunk this was pushing me over the edge. I took his big cock as far into my mouth as I could get it, reached behind him grabbing the bar stool and pulled myself farther onto it. He moaned and grabbed my head and pushed me the rest of the way down on his cock. I knelt there, savoring the taste of his cock, the way it felt to have it filling my mouth and throat, the smell of his crotch and the weight of him holding me down on this monster. I pulled back to come up for air but he held me down choking me with his dick. Heavenly. A second later I tried to come up again and again he held me on his cock. I needed to breath, but still he held me. I slapped his thigh to let him know I enjoy this but need to breath and he just laughed and held me tighter onto his cock. I frantically grabbed the rungs of the bar stool pushing against him with all my strength trying to get this cock out of my throat so I could breath. My lungs were aching and I was starting to feel faint when he finally released me and I stumbled to my feet, violently coughing, choking, and loudly gasping for breath. I put my hand to my neck breathing deeply, staring at Nick as Patrick came running to the doorway asking, “What’s going on?” I looked at Patrick, then back at Nick who just sat there with his dick fully erect dripping saliva and precum, remarking “Your boyfriend here almost choked on an ice cube.” I looked back at Patrick, who, by this time, was backed-up by Steve and Frank. The three of them stood in the doorway and Patrick remarked (disapprovingly) “Well, he does drink too fast, always trying to get it all in.” With that the three of them walked back into the kitchen to finish dinner preparations. As I caught my breath, I stared at Nick's beautiful cock as it bobbed up and down. Nick, not to disappoint, reached down and grabbed it by the base and shook it at me, quietly saying “It’s time to fuck.” As hot as I was, I couldn’t say no. I dropped my pants and turned around, presenting my ass for Nick's pleasure. Or should I say 'our pleasure'? After all, I wanted that cock in my ass as much as he wanted my ass. While the circumstances dictated discretion, I was in a very clumsy position to take a huge cock up my ass, but necessity, as we all know, will find a way, so I found myself, essentially, laying on the bottom shelf of the bar, which, fortunately, was more or less empty, my ass raised to afford Nick access. While this meant I was essentially inside the bar laying with my body twisted sideways so I could barely see him, I could certainly feel Nick, and that was all that mattered. In the corner I noticed a small brown bottle of poppers that must have been lost. Thank god, I was already shaking in anticipation of that cock fucking me, partly because I was excited about it and partly because I was scared that he was going to make it hurt. I couldn’t exactly scream in this position because there would be absolutely no hiding this. I quickly unscrewed the bottle and started to inhale deeply as I felt him press the head of his cock against my hole. I could feel the thick saliva that had been dredged up from the back of my throat mixed with his precum on my hole as he started to press himself into me. AHHHHH. It hurt! I rammed my thumb in my mouth and bit down to distract from the pain. My body tensed and he stopped pushing. I took another hit of the poppers, and another, and another. Finally I got hit with that rush of heat and it was at that moment that I realized that he didn’t have a condom on. Oh well I was too high on poppers to care and was enjoying the feeling of just having his cock in me. He kept sliding farther in till I tensed then he would stop and wait a bit. Then a bit more till I finally felt his hips right behind mine with his big cock buried neatly in me. I took another hit of the poppers to keep the feeling going as I felt that big cock slowly sliding out of me and then back in. As rough as he was holding my head down on that cock he was super gently with the fucking. Slow and rhythmic. I could periodically hear him place his glass back on the bar above me so knew that up above it would appear business as usual, while down below I was getting filled. “Where’s Andy?” I heard the familiar voice asking. It was my boyfriend. The fucking rhythm ceased. “He slipped out for a bit of air. After his choking bit I think he needed a little breather.” Nick laughed a little with his response. “Well he shouldn’t have left you alone.” “It’s fine, I don’t mind, I can keep myself company.” “Well my Dad and uncle can handle the kitchen for a minute so I’ll stay here till Andy gets back.” I’m Andy, by the way, in case you hadn’t figured that out yet. And here I was crammed inside a bar with a huge cock in my ass while my boyfriend was chatting it up with the god the cock was attached to. Occasionally Nick would shift his standing position which would move his cock either further in or a little out of my ass, so I was kind of still getting fucked but I wanted a pounding or at least more than what I was getting. The cock in my ass was nice but I wanted some movement. I fantasized about Nick being able to finish fucking me then feeling him pull out and shoot his load all over my face. I imagined me licking every drop of his load from wherever it fell. Then I was horrified when I realized that the cock that was impaling me was going limp from lack of stimulation. I rhythmically squeezed my ass together around his cock to bring it back to life. I most definitely didn't want it to slide out of my ass. As I took another hit of popper. Nick shifted and I realized that the bar was quite solid, and that if I was careful, I could ride Nick's cock with alerting Patrick as to what was going on. I hit the poppers again and backed up a little. Nick resisted, which forced his cock back into me. Then I kept hitting the poppers and rocking my hips back and forth moving his cock in and out of my hole. Between the poppers and the constant pressure on my prostate and knowing that my boyfriend was right there while I was getting fucked I was in pure heaven. Suddenly Nick grunted a bit. “Are you okay?” Patrick asked. “Yes,” Nick replied as he grunted again. “Are you sure?” "Yes. Just a little…uhh…cramping in my…ahh…thigh is all.” The noises didn’t clue me in cause I was poppered out of my mind but I felt his cock swell and get warmer and start throbbing and I knew that he had cum or was cumming cause the throbbing seemed to go on and it suddenly got easier to get him farther in me. As hot as the situation was I was ready to cry, this was not what I wanted at all. I wanted Nick to have fucked me good, cum on my face and leave. I didn’t want to get fucked bare and I most certainly didn’t want his load in my ass. It was about five minutes after Nick had cum inside me when I got an ever greater shock. His cock was still rock hard in my ass and still being horny as hell, I kept hitting the poppers and rocking back and forth working his cock while my boyfriend was still talking with him. “So my Dad told me you have HIV and....” WHAT! I completely froze. I put the bottle of poppers down in front of me and then didn’t move. I had just been fucked in an unbelievable position by a man with an unbelievable cock who had cum inside me and now I find out he has HIV? My head was about to explode and my mind was racing. What should I do? There was no way to pull out without being noticed by my boyfriend, who for some reason decided to stay at the bar and keep Nick company, but I did not want to stay with this infected cum in my ass. Time was passing so slowly with everything that was on my mind. Nick’s cock was still hard as a rock and I for some reason was getting horny again. I hadn’t gotten off from the first fucking but finding out that Nick was positive really killed the mood. Unfortunately feeling a cock in my ass was quite stimulating. I imagine Nick was feeling uncomfortable about the situation because after I stopped stimulating him when I heard he was positive, his voice changed a bit when he was talking with my boyfriend. He seemed a bit edgy, but he certainly hadn’t lost the erection. I tried to move forward slowly to remove the cock from my ass but my head was already in the corner of the bar. I tried to slid my hand to a better position and knocked over the bottle of poppers that I had been sniffing. The poppers had spilled everywhere. And a huge cock had plugged-up my ass, ensuring the poz load couldn't escape. And I was getting high again. The poppers. I had spilled them in an enclosed place. Oh god. A minute later and I was hard as fuck again and rocking back and forth getting that cock farther inside. I didn’t care about the load it felt hot inside me. I was hungry and wanted more.
    6 points
  2. Hit the bookstore yesterday afternoon, it was too hot outside with high humidity & 32c so i was not expecting much & i was right it was pretty still in there only a few guys, So i went in to the straight section where this big black guy was stroking his BBC a good 8 inches, I sat 2 seats away from him so i could see the action. At one stage i had to take a piss, So when i got up & walked away this guy whistles at me real low. But i did notice it & turned around. fast forward 5 mins i was back & he was alone in the straight section still stroking & i was horny for his dick in my ass so i pulled my pants down to show him my clean lubed hole & stuck a finger inside, within seconds he was on top of me pounding his dick in me hard, A few minutes passed & then i heard a familiar grunt & the guy shot his load deep in my hole, I tried to get up after he was done but he pushed me back down & whispered in my ear ( i'm not done ) he was going for round 2. When he was done i had 2 thick loads up my cunt, Just what i needed to get good bred & anon too. I love that. While i walked home it hard hard keeping those loads inside & i could feel them dripping out.
    5 points
  3. I don't know who planted the load that finally converted me, but I know when it happened. You see, I work at a medical testing lab running blood and urine samples all day long. We do all kinds of testing: drug, disease, CBC, etc. In order to ensure the accuracy of the test machines we have various samples of blood with all the pathogens we test for. We run "calibration" tests often. When I started barebacking more and more, I got in the habit of running my own blood through for the HIV calibration test. Then it happens. The antigen test with my blood shows hiv antigens. I must say the initial shock passes quickly; I know the machines can be wrong. I run a PCR test to see if my blood is truly toxic. My viral load is north of 5 million. So this is it. After being less inhibited and less careful and taking more risks and more loads, it happens. I have an arednaline rush and my hands shake some. I feel tingly, numb, thrilled. I guess I feel a little more shock when the PCR test was done, but I start thinking about it. I think about how toxic my blood and cum are. I think about how *my* cock could deliver a life changing load of *my* seed, and I suddenly realize my cock is hard, rock hard, straining against my clothing. The thrill of knowing the power I have between my legs is intoxicating. Before I finish my shift I start making dates. That evening I visit Nicky. Nicky is a gorgeous boy with a strong taste for tina. I don't touch the stuff, but I always get extra hard when I find a vein and send whoever I am with spinning. When I get to Nicky's place I tell him he has to empty his balls into my ass before I will slam and fuck him. Nicky is thick and about 7 inches. He tries to fuck me well, but I can tell he really wants my cock and a hit of tina inside him. He stretches me out good and leaves about a quart of jizz sloshing in me. I can tell he is aching more and more for tina and my deadly cock... although he doesn't know that last bit about me... yet. I want my first poz top fuck to be worthy of my newly toxic status. I think how I am about to do something major to him that cannot be undone. My hard cock gets harder and harder. While I mix the tina and fill the rig I was wonder how to rough up Nicky's hole without being too obvious. Then inspiration strikes... Nicky has already tied off and is itching, dying for that hit of crystal. I find his vein easily. Out comes the plunger, making the clear potion in the syringe dark red with Nicky's blood. In goes the plunger, sending that burn up his arm and straight to his brain. He gives a small gasp and shakes a litle as the tina goes to work. Now he is staring at my cock. "How about a little extra?" I ask. From the look on his face, I can tell he is curious but not sure what I mean. I take the needle and slide it into my vein. Out comes the plunger, filling the clear tube with my concentrated death serum. I look at it. Nicky looks at it and looks at me. I slide the needle into his vein again and pull the plunger out some more. Our blood - my lethal and his spiked- mix. In goes the plunger, and with it my mark is forever on him. I can see the look in his eyes. His mouth quivers a little as he catches his breath. He is deeply into it, but not at the level I am. I have precum flowing down my shaft. Nicky licks it all up, and sucks me deep. Then I go to work on his ass. My cock is hard beyond belief. I show no mercy. Only my precum and Nicky's spit lube my cock. I thrust in balls deep and push deeper. I fuck as hard as I can. I can hear Nicky wimper with each especially hard shove of my deadly cock. I am at the edge. In addition to the intense hot pleasure of violating Nicky's beautiful ass, my mind is flashing on the poison welling up in my throbbing cock; the seed of change. Finally I give him my second load of biotoxins. I see he has cum again from my fucking. Later that night I am finally able to mate with a kid from adam4adam who has been teasing my cock for almost 4 weeks. Him waiting, playing shy, and not meeting the first night we chatted makes a lasting difference for him. I gather from our chats that he is the only son of a well to do family from the east coast. He is finishing his first year of college. He tells me he is a virgin. At first I assume that's a load of crap but later I believe him. He says he has been using his fingers to anally pleasure himself since he was 12, and he just knows a cock in his ass will be amazing, like it's his calling. As we chat almost every night on a4a, he makes a big deal of how conflicted he is. He says he knows safe sex is best, but he wants his "first time" to be special... and raw. I figure he's just being a cock tease but I play along. At first he asks me a few times if I am clean. I tell him, honestly at the time, that I am. At some point he stops asking, but he keeps teasing. Finally he gives me his address and asks me to come over. He opens the door and he's not disappointing. He's cute, slender without being skinny, and he smiles at me in a way that tells me I meet with his approval too. I go in and he closes the door. I gently use my fingers to lift his chin so he is looking up at me. I kiss him; I slide my tongue in his mouth. His arms wrap around my waist and he presses his body to mine. I feel his hard cock through his pants. He leads me to his bedroom and we continue to make out and undress. I take a quick break to pee and while I am in his bathroom I see a razor sitting on the sink. I laugh to myself as I bet he needs to shave once a week at most. I go back to the bedroom and he's totally naked now. I soon join him and we continue to make out, our cocks growing harder and harder. As he sucks my cock (clumsily) I notice he has some hair around his pink hole. I get up and order him to follow me. He does so obediently. Good boy. We go to the bathroom and climb into the tub. I sit on the edge of the tub and bend him over my knee. I run some warm water and finger his hole to open him up some. I soap his ass up and grab his razor. I go to work shaving his hole clean. Every so often I stick a finger or three inside. The soap stings him a little, which is good since it makes him not notice that I am also using his razor to makes some small cuts just inside his relaxed anus. I rinse him off good and lead him back to bed. I make him lay on his tummy with his ass in the air, and I start to rim him. He is groaning with pleasure. My tongue dances over his sensitive little boy cunt, and slides inside now and then. He pushes his ass back against my face, wanting more. He is going to get more... much more. I think about how in the previous weeks when he chatted with me he would chicken out... tease my cock to a diamond like hardness then back out and ask to chat more later. I decide he is going to be punished for teasing me that way, and he's going to be punished for being a barebacking little faggot. I drop a wad of spit on the tip of my cock and spread it over the head. He has his arms folded so that his head rests on his hands. I move his arms down by his side and place his hands on his back. Now he is down on his chest with his ass in the air. His arms are in such a position as to be useless. He is vulnerable. He is mine. I move the head of my cock against his hole. I put my hands on each of his shoulders and hold him down. I rocket my hips forward as hard and fast as I can. My whole cock goes all the way in. He shakes and screams in pain. I think to myself, "This is your punishment for being a cock tease." I hold a pillow over his mouth until he stops screaming. I let him catch his breath and give him more brutal thusts. He starts to make noise again and I cover his mouth with the pillow again. He is struggling in vain against me. His hole is tight and clenching around my swelling cock. I keep thrusting. I show no mercy. He is whimpering, "Please, please, please... it hurts... please stop... please..." I thrust harder and see tears running down his face. As I continue to pull out and brutally push in, again and again, I can see in the dim light of the bedroom that my cock is covered with blood from his torn up hole. I remember how toxic I am. I wonder if the precum alone would convert him. I think about him... so young... such a... a what? A blank canvas! Yes, that's it... he's my blank canvas and I am going to make him be what I want. I will take away his plans and he will be, for the rest of his life, an example of my work. This is his punishment for being a barebacking slut the first time he gets fucked. I ram harder and harder, more and more. He is crying quietly and his whole body shakes as I climax. My deadly cock shoots like a gun... bang, bang, bang, bang bang. I pull out and make him lick my cock clean as he continues to cry. I get dressed and go home without saying a word. To be continued...
    4 points
  4. My boyfriend I met my boyfriend at a party. But. before I continue, let me introduce myself. My name is Jeremy, I'm 5', 10", and 120 pounds, so I'm quite slim. At the time of this story I was 23. I had been invited to go to a friend's party. I didn't want to go, but since I had nothing else to do, I decided to go thinking about going home early. After I got there, I saw that my ex-boyfriend Tony and his new boyfriend were also in attendance, so I started to have a few drinks, if only to give the impression I was over Tony. Then it happened: I noticed an exceptionally hot guy, who was somewhat taller than I, who had a swimmer's build, blond hair and deep blue eyes. I also noticed a chubby guy who was trying to hit-on me, but I wasn't having it: the tall guy was all that interested me. I could see my ex, he didn't seem to be enjoying himself. He and I had broken-up because we had wildly different perspectives in a couple of key areas of life, the the sex with him had always been great. Surprisingly, I found myself talking with Tony's boyfriend, only to discover he was beyond boring. Great. Anyhow, at some point I needed to pee so I went to the bathroom. I barely had the time to close the door that Tony pushed the door and closed it behind himself, and began kissing me. Fuck, was he a good kisser. Then he said "I wanna fuck you." I was okay with his suggestion, but still need to pee from all the drinks I had consumed. I was barely done when Tony pulled his big cock out of his pants, and began fingering my hole, which, fortunately, I had prepared before I left the house. "Suck me bitch," he muttered, pushing my head down, adding "fuck, I've missed your mouth. Get me hard so I can fuck you." After about two minutes, he turned me round and rammed his 18 cm (7 inch) bare cock into my ass, exclaiming "Fuck, that feels good. That little bitch won't let me fuck him bare. Take my big dick! I'm gonna cum in your sweet ass. I'm gonna lube you up, 'cause I know you'll be fucked again, slut!" Once he came, he tucked himself away and left, as if nothing had happened. I love it when a guy just cums and leaves! I went back to the living room and went back to my drink. I chatted with some guys, uninteresting. I just wanted or to get fucked by that hot guy, or go home and find a dick to fill me up. I was thinking about leaving but decided to pee before I left for home. Again Tony saw me heading for the bathroom, and again he made a straight line to join me, where, once behind the closed door, again he dumped a load in my ass, To be honest, however, but all I could think about was the hot guy. Anyhow, after Tony blew his load and left, I emptied my bladder, made my farewell to my host, and made for the exit with the thought of going home to cruise for someone else to blow more cum into my ass. Just then, as I opened the door to leave, there he was: the hot guy, and he was smiling at me with intent. To be continued if enjoyed
    4 points
  5. Get vaccinated. For both A and B. End of worry. Any county health clinic can do it….
    4 points
  6. Although I knew the bar wouldn't likely shift, I was trying not to move too much as I was so horny that I could see myself shaking down the house in my determination to back-up on that cock. The cock felt great and the poppers kept me high and the adrenaline of the situation kept me going. There was so much wrong with this but I didn’t care at that point. Frank and Steve called to Patrick from the kitchen. “Sorry, they need me. When Andy gets back tell him it will be about fifteen minutes till dinner is ready then you guys can come eat. I’ll leave you alone till then. I hope he isn’t too long” I heard my boyfriend say, as, ever the gracious host him got up from the bar. I had to keep from screaming when Nick pulled his monster out of ass, partly because it hurt and partly because it left me feeling so…vacant. I grabbed the bottle of poppers to see if there was any still in it, which thankfully there was, although not very much and slid out from my position under the bar. It’s funny that you never notice how uncomfortable a position really is until you try to leave it. Once out from under the bar I hit the floor, bottle under my nose, ass in the air, turned around looked at Nick begged him to fuck me again. He didn’t take much begging but it was a big turn on to do so. In no time at all he had that monster back inside me and was fucking me as hard and fast as he could with his full length. And I thought the previous fucking was good, man could this guy move. Drunk, poppered, and getting plowed by a poz stud with a huge cock, one load in me and another on the way all while my boyfriend and his Dad and Uncle were in the next room. I moaned in pleasure. “You like this big dick fucking you?” “Yes sir, I sure do, please don’t stop.” “You heard I’m poz?” I took another deep breath from the poppers, “Yes,” was all I could moan in response. He pushed me hard into the floor driving his cock as deep into me as he could grabbing my hair and pulling my head back as far as he could. “You want another poz load in that hole?” Again I moaned yes. “Yeah I know you do. I’m working on it baby. I’m gonna fuck so much cum into you. Does your boyfriend know you’re a bottom cum slut? That’s what you are now, a dirty poz cum slut?” He whispered harshly into my hear while driving that cock in and out of my ass. “You want this load? You want me to breed you? You want me to infect that ass don’t you?” The only answer the pleasure and the poppers would allow me to answer was yes. Yes. YES! God, I wanted him to blow another load into me and keep on fucking. I never wanted his dick to leave my hole. It seemed so perfect, his god-like body fucking me with that beautiful cock forever. The intoxication of the moment was almost too much. His poz load would fill my guts until I too was infected and he would just keep fucking me. The virus would ravage my body and all the while he would be fucking me. When our bodies were old and dead the sexual momentum we has spent the time building would carry on for eternity and he would always be spilling his precious seed into me. Yes I wanted him to fill me again. And just like that I was cumming. I opened my mouth to scream the climax was so intense but it was instantly covered by his rough hand. “You asked for it baby, here it comes.” His body slammed into me again and again as he climaxed and came dumping shot after shot of cum into my hole. I was shaking from the chill, from the orgasm, from the poppers I’d been sniffing for entirely too long, from knowing I had just begged a poz man to fill me with his load, from know that I enjoyed it way too much. He lay on top of me. I could still feel every inch of him in me. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and I could feel his cock throbbing with every heartbeat. What a fuck! After a moment he got up and ordered me to clean his dick off, which I did happily. I put his dick in my mouth and sucked off the cum and ass juice. His cock tasted like fuckin' heaven. Once satisfied that it was clean he put it away and picked up his drink and left to go to the kitchen to join the other guys. I took a few deep breaths and staggered upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. I had cum on my stomach from shooting my load and I would need to clean out my ass. Remembering the cum I starting fingering it into my mouth on my way up the stairs, thinking god I love the taste of cum. Having eaten all my cum on the way, when I got to the bathroom I grabbed a rag to wet and wipe the stickiness from my stomach and was about to use the bathroom when Patrick popped his head in asking "You okay?" "Yes, I'm fine, I just need to freshen up." He entered the bathroom, closed the door, kissed me, and proceeded to help me with my disheveled hair. “No more drinks for you until after dinner” he said, giving me that ‘what am I going to do with you look’. He kissed me again, grabbed my hand and led me down stairs to the dining room for dinner. Nick was grinning from ear-to-ear as I sat down, oh so slowly. It wasn’t until I was actually seated that I realized that since Patrick decided to visit me in the bathroom I never got a chance to clean out my ass. I was so nervous about keeping his cum inside me. What kind of person wants poz cum inside his ass? That’s just wrong. It was the poppers and the alcohol. But it did feel good having it in there. Then, amid the chatter of the guys, I heard Patrick say to me “Oh, after we eat me, Dad and Uncle Steve want to go see the new Harry Potter movie at the theater. Since I know you have no interest in that stuff, and Nick doesn’t either, I thought the two of you could keep each other company.”
    4 points
  7. four weeks later I returned to SF. I finished my meetings late Thursday afternoon and headed right over to Dan's as we had planned. Just like the last time I was greeted at the door and led to his bedroom. Before I could say more than hello he grabbed the back of my head and pulled my mouth to his. He pushed a pill into my mouth grabbed a bottle of water and pushed it in with his tounge. It wasn't long before we were enjoying each others body feeling the closeness only x could provide. By the time the effect wore off I had opened my mouth, legs, ass, and mind. My deepest and most twisted thoughts, desires, and fantasies had been shared with a man who I barely knew but wanted to trust. Dan then gently put his hand on the back of my head and guided my mouth to his soft cock. I opened my mouth and started to suck. He told me to just hold it without sucking. Slowly warm piss started to fill my mouth as he said "Swallow it". He emptied hiss bladder down my throat and asked if this satisfied one of my desires. He knew it did. Then he sent me off to the bathroom and told me too clean up and take a long hot shower. As I showered I started to feel buzzed again. Having learned my new friend was a hardcore partier/business man I knew the buzz came from a gut of high octane chem piss. Back in the bedroom Dan had wasted no time getting ready for a long night. The familiar bag on ther night stand was open and I saw what looked like 15 premade rigs, poppers, lube, straps, and alcohol swabs. My dick started to get hard and my ass started to twitch at the sight of bags contents. I put on a jockstrap, sat on the bed and offered up my arm. "Nope" he said. "If your gonna be a slam pig you gotta learn to hit yourself" We spent the next hour going through all the do's and don't of proper admin. As I watch him show me step by step my feelings for Dan grew stronger as his careful and articulate intructions came from a caring place. After a few bumbled attemps I figured it out and was on my way to pigdom as we timed our hits and started a hot pig session that ended with his dirty seed in my ass. As I cleaned my assjuice off his cock he unloaded another chem charged load of piss down my throat. He then sent the short video of me getting barebacked to a few of his buddies and within minutes had two offers from bareback tops to join us. It wasn't more than 30 minutes when the door rang. Dan returned to the bedrooom with two leathermen who had the hardparty look to them. Dan sat them down and they watched me follow his instructions. A perfect hit earned me an "attaboy" from Dan. As I sat back on the bed with my arm above my head I let out a couple dry coughs. My eyes were fixated on the sight of 3 hot men tied off and ready to fly. With the fisrt hit done the younger of the two started to undress. 45, mediterranean, 6', 175, some hair on his chest and a biohaz tat on shoulder. A thick uncut cock hung down soft until he started to stroke it. Kicked back in the chair he asked me if I wanted his raw cock in my hole. "Fuck yeah" i said and to that he came to the bed as I laid back and spread my legs. Dan watched from the other side of the room with his other buddy as I opened my legs and ass to a total stranger. I was so spun the thought of taking a poz load didn't matter or to be honest was what I craved. Using the cum I had in my ass as lube he pushed his hard cock inside me and pumped my ass. I watched is cock slide in and out with ease. I felt his balls slap against my ass as he held my arms back behind my head. Within a few minutes I felt his cock start to violently thrust as he shot a load deep in my ass. The warmth was followed by a rush that flowed through me. As he pulled out Dan told me to clean off his buddies dick which I happily did.
    3 points
  8. By 40 I thought I had tried everything at least once. One night in SF on a business trip changed all that. I was in my hotel room checking out a hookup site and got a hit by a nice looking guy. Simple profile, mid 30's. 5'9, 160 lbs. some hair. Big cock.... His pic was what I liked in a guy. Average Joe not deep into any scene. I sent him a hit back and he said he loved the pic of my furry ass, big beefy muscular build at 6'3 245, and wanted to know if I wanted to hang out for awhile. I sent my phone number and right away my phone rang. Small talk got me out of my room and over to Dan's place in the next hour. He met me at the door and led me to his bedroom. He offered me a bottled water from the night stand and we talked some more. He then asked me to stand up and show him my ass. Not too hard to do since i was wearing a pair of cargo shorts with no belt that like to travel south as i walked. When he saw my furry ass with nothing but a white jock strap he let out a cool "fuck yeah" and started to tell me how much he like a furry beefy ass to lick, kiss, suck, and fuck. When i bent over to pull up my shorts he told me to freeze. The next thing I heard was the sound of the flicks of a lighter. When I turned around he was deep into the draw of a huge hit of the pipe. He exhaled and offered it to me. I shook my head pulled up my shorts and started to button them. Until that day I had resisted the party life. But this time watching Dan kicked back in his chair holding the pipe in one hand and a torch in the other was just too tempting. I bumbled through the explanation I always gave which ended with why I always tried to practice safe sex, and he said "hey thats cool and I get you man. I looked at his handsome face and puppy dog brown eyes, and slowly started to unbutton my shorts. They fell to the floor and I pulled off my T shirt standing there in nothing but a jock strap and running shoes. He starred at me as i dropped to my knees in front of him. He then fired up the bowl and gave me my first shotgun, then my second, third, fourth, and fifth. That night we layed in his bed kissing and exploring each other with our mouths. We never slept but spent a few hours wrapped in each other. Once my head cleared I left and went back to my hotel. The next day I could barely focus on work waiting for a text or call from Dan. At 5 I texted him. " Was great to meet you. Would like to see you again". Right away came "Me too, you know where to find me" I finished my work stuff and headed to the gym for a quick workout. It was back and bicep day and i blew through back to focus on my arms. I ducked into the locker room for a nice long shower and by 9 I was out the door. Dan opened the door and gave me a very sweet hug and kiss. He then led me to his bedroom. Without a word said he put me on the bed and grabbed the pipe and torch. We shot gunned a few times and he put the pipe down. We both stripped down. Me wearing a jock strap and him sporting a big hardon. Big balls and a full bush that lead up to his bellybutton. What looked and felt big last night seemed ever bigger now. 8" and thick on a lean body made me fuckin hot. I dropped down to suck his cock and tasted a huge amount of precum. As I was sucking him he fired up and would bend over and give me a shotgun. A few minutes later I asked him if we could talk. "Of Course" he said. I told him I really liked him and more than anything wanted to spend the night with him. That I wanted him to enjoy my body and I trusted his judgement. Across his face came a grin follwed by a long kiss. He left the room for a few minutes returning with a small bag he sat on the night stand. He sat me on the bed and grabbed a strap from the bag. He wrapped it around my big bicep and made a big smile. It happened so fast I barely know what hit me. With laser precision he found and pierced one of the many bulging veins on my arm. I looked down and saw him pull back as the fluid turned red. He started to push forward asking me if it stung or burned. " All good" he continued until it was empty. He quickly pulled it ourt and undid the strap on my bicep. For the first time I was not in charge of my body. I started to feel this warmth move throughout me, and I let out two large dry coughs. He told me to lay back and raise my arm. As my head spun I looked at him like I have never looked at a man. Things I didn't notice before had me captivated. I was fucking turned on by his smooth hairless ribcage area and how the V shape in his pelvis made his cock and balls look even bigger. It made me want to open my legs and take what ever he gave me. He gave me a kiss made sure I was good and proceeded to put on a hot fucking show for me. From the bed I watch him tie off, and expertly hit himself. When he raised his arm the sight of his hairy pit made me moan. He came to the bed and climbed on top of me. I felt his cock pushing on my ass as we grabbed at each other. From the nightstand he grabbed the bottle of lube and squirted it on his big cock and then my furry ass. I was feeling fucking great as he shoved his cock in me. The thought of using a condom never entered my mind. As he pushed in a pulled out I could see his thick veiny cock enter and exit my ass. Deep thrusts until he pulled it out and put it in my mouth making me clean off all my ass juice. Another big grin and a "So how are you", "Fucking great man". He got out of the bed as I watched him grab for the bag again. He opened it up taking out two more "rigs" as he called them. Mesmerized now as he went through the same exact motions. Tie off, point, aim, hit, unstrap, cough and give up control of my body. Only this time everything was more intense as I laid back with my arm over my head. Cross eyed I watch him do the same and, again I saw the hottness of his body, the smell of a man who has been giving a good fuck to a big beefy man, and a cock I need back in my ass. As he kicked back in the chair riding his high I could feel my ass hunger for his cock. I asked him to fuck me. I was so spun I think I told him I wanted to have unsafe sex with him. The grin on his face was followed by his cock in my ass. Within a few minutes of his pounding and my begging for his load he started to jackhammer my ass until I felt the walls of my ass catch on fire. Six big squirts were buried deep in my ass until he collapsed on top of me in a sweaty mess. Still inside he continued to pulsate until his cock slipped out. He rolled off of me and guided my head and mouth to his cock to clean him off. He then moved his hand down to my ass and started to finger my hole. First soft and then harder as he finger banged my ass. I asked him if he liked my ass and he said "POSITIVELY"
    2 points
  9. Last summer, I was short on time and money, so for vacation I bought day-passes to a nearby gay resort. Known for its high sexual energy, the place has a clothing optional, pool, patio and outdoor bar. To make the most of my time, I planned to squeeze in as much fun - and fucking as possible. This would mean not being as picky, or indecisive, or cautious as I usually am. I arrived at the inn early and chose a lounge chair in a sunny spot by the pool. I kept on my t-shirt and baggy shorts and settled down with a book. As guys showed up I would sneak occasional glances as they stripped down to their swimsuits and oiled up. Within two hours the place was packed. An older pair of black muscle daddies took the two chairs on my right. One of them stared right at me as they both completely undressed, then quickly donned matching red Speedos. Their cocks were two of the biggest that I’d ever seen. I was glad that I had peeked. I mentally put them on my “yes I would” list, but since they were a couple I didn’t hold much hope. They introduced themselves as Max and Troy, but soon put on earphones to listen to music. A group of six friends, three bears, two cubs and an otter took over most of the remaining empty lounges to the left and behind me. They were loud and friendly, greeting me, Max and Troy, and everyone else that looked their way. There were too many to keep track of, and their personal interactions made it difficult to determine if any were couples. The biggest and oldest bear had extensive tattoos on his arms and was wearing a pair of white boxers. They all joked how he had lost his swimsuit in some trick’s room the day before. The otter and the other bears wore baggy swim-trunks. One of the cubs wore pale blue Speedos and had a huge package. The other cub got completely naked and had a beautiful, furry bubble-butt. They both were mentally added to my to-do list. After settling in, they continued joking and laughing. At least one of them always seemed to be talking. They were quiet only one moment: when I stood up and removed my shirt and shorts. I’m hairy and a little on the short side, but I work out, so I’m what you’d call a fit cub. I was wearing a black, mesh thong that left nothing to the imagination. I guess they liked what they saw, because I heard one of them grunt “Woof.” Max also noticed and I saw him motion to Troy so that he could check me out too. Like I said, I needed to make the most of a short vacation. The otter, who sat to my left, seemed to be the leader. He was cute with wavy brown hair and fine blonde hairs all over his body. He was also the funniest. I was trying not to listen, but after one particularly funny remark, he caught me laughing at his joke. He gave me a little wink and flashed a big smile that moved him to the top of my “yes I would” list. He extended his hand and introduced himself as Peter. We chatted a few minutes and he offered to buy me a drink. We spoke for quite a while at the bar. He was overly sure of himself and pushier than I usually like, but he was easy to talk to and we had some common interests. Before finishing our second drinks, he brought up the subject of sex. We seemed a good match. (He: total top. Me: versatile bottom.) Both of us hated condoms and both of us had last tested negative. He suggested that I join him and his friends for dinner and dancing later that night. I accepted, sure that the evening would lead to something more. When we returned to the pool, the naked cub with the beautiful butt was sitting and chatting with Max and Troy. The rest of Peter’s friends were in the pool. Judging by all the discarded swimsuits, they were skinny dipping. Peter and I stripped naked and joined them. They were standing in shallow water that came up to my nipples. It was hard to see under the surface, but I suspected some of them were jerking off. Peter introduced me and space was made for us to join the circle. But instead of shaking my hand - their hands were all over me; squeezing my butt, pinching my nipples and tugging my cock and balls. Peter pulled me close and French kissed me. Someone else slid a finger up my asshole and worked it around roughly. When I squirmed Peter said, “Just go with it babe. Don’t make a scene,” and stuck his tongue further down my throat. “All lubed and ready now boys,” someone said behind me and removed his finger. “Let’s break this cub in.” I was a little scared, but my dick was rock hard, so I didn’t protest, especially as Peter’s kissing muffled my cry as somebody jammed his giant cock up my hole. Luckily, he held it there a moment while my ass got used to the intrusion. What had started as pain quickly turned to pleasure and my whole body relaxed as the cock slowly moved back and forth in my ass. “You like that dirty dick fucking your butt?” Peter asked. “Oh, yeah,” I managed to say. Dirty? “Good. We’ve got lots more if you’re up for it.” “Yes please.” I said more turned on than I’d ever been. I was a little nervous having sex in public. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, but all eyes were distracted elsewhere. I followed their gazes. Max and Troy were spit roasting the naked cub out in the open for all to see. “I’m getting close,” a voice said behind me. “Breed him,” Peter said. The voice behind me softly moaned as the dick in my ass pumped and unloaded deeply. “That’s one,” Peter said “Next.” The spent cock slowly pulled out and another took its place. Peter worked my nips and between kissing, he talked dirty to me, almost whispering. “Fucking slut, I knew you were a dirty cum whore the second I saw you. You like taking dirty cocks, don’t you? Gonna get you all charged up before the night is done.” The cock in my ass fucked faster and faster as Peter’s talk got nastier. Without losing pace, I felt the dick spasm in my ass and heard muffled grunts in my ear. “That’s two,” Peter said. The dick in my ass softened a bit, but maintained its size. “Milk that dirty dick,” Peter told me. “Milk every fucking drop.” I squeezed my ass muscles and massaged the cock until it pulled out. Peter asked “Who’s next?” From behind, a pair of tattooed arms wrapped tightly across my chest and lifted me several inches off the pool floor. Peter reached underwater and guided the big bear’s average-size, but rock hard cock into my cum-lubed hole. Peter kissed me some more, sandwiching me tightly between their naked bodies. They both talked dirty in my ears as the big bear fucked me slowly. The cub with the big package moved in to help hold me up and rubbed his impressive cock against my leg asking “You like that Daddy-dick fucking your ass?” “Oh yes.” “You ready to receive Daddy’s gift?” “Yes please.” “Yes please… what?” He fucked faster. “Yes please Daddy, please give me your gift.” The big bear made no attempt to be quiet. He grunted and growled with each spurt of cum shot in my ass. A few curious heads turned our way, but a moment later their attention was lost as Max cried out loudly and shot his load up the naked cub’s bubble-butt. The crowd of horny men cheered and applauded. Max pulled out and high-fived a couple guys, but the show wasn’t over. The cub turned around and offered his ass to Troy. “Squeeze tight,” Daddy told me. “Don’t lose a drop.” His cock fell out as they slowly lowered me down. “Next,” Peter said. “I’m going to enjoy this,” the cub with the big package said as he positioned himself behind me. By now I was loose enough and lubed enough to take most any cock, but as the cub’s dickhead push against my hole there was resistance. A few hard pushes and the head entered with a pop that made me cry out. Peter smiled an evil grin asking, “Feels good, doesn’t it?” “Oh…” was all I managed as the fat dick inched its way in. Then, “It’s too big, too big,” I said when I thought I couldn’t take anymore. Dizzy from the pleasure, I almost missed it when Troy came in the naked cub’s ass and the crowd again cheered in approval. “I’m only half in,” the cub said. “Keep going,” Peter instructed. I can honestly say I was grateful the cub had been slowly withdrawing from my ass, and I expected to be relived when he popped-out, but instead he pushed back in again. Then almost out again and back in. Out and back, each time going just a little deeper, each time stretching my innards a bit more. After a few minutes I felt the cub pressing up against my back. “I’m balls deep,” he said. “Go for it,” Peter said. The cub began thrusting harder, but now he didn’t pull out much at all, just an inch or two. I leaned on Peter to brace myself against the increasing force. The cub fucked faster, but deep in my guts. A wave of pain and intense pleasure filled and warmed my body. I couldn’t keep from crying out and the crowd around the pool was now watching me. “I told you not to make a scene,” Peter said. “Now everybody’s going to see you take your fourth poz load.” I looked him in the eyes, but couldn’t say anything as grunts of pleasure escaped my mouth. “That’s right slut. You never did ask them their status. Nothing I like better than watching poz peckers breeding neg hole.” “I’m gonna cum,” the cub shouted. The crowd started chanting, “Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!” “You gonna take that dirty load?” Peter asked. “Yes!” I almost screamed. “Give me that dirty fucking load!” The crowd was stunned silent. The cub bucked and thrashed in the water as he filled my ass deep, loudly grunting with each pulse of his cock. He must have shot ten times. The crowd began to cheer and applaud before he had stopped shooting. He left his enormous cock inside me as he caught his breath. The crowd broke up and moved along. The cub that had taken Max and Troy’s loads got an oversized butt-plug out of his bag and threw it to Peter. Peter held it in front of me and said, “You wouldn’t want to lose a drop now.” “No,” I said, “I wouldn’t.” and “Thank you.” The cub pulled his giant cock slowly out of my ass. I felt empty for just a second then Peter slid the butt-plug inside me and I was full again. Peter kissed me softly. “Thank you,” I said, “For everything.”
    2 points
  10. All the talk on this site seems to be about sub bottoms who want to be used by tops and don't care about their own pleasure only that of the top blah blah blah Any guys out there who would consider themselves a dominant bottom? I'm no sub, but I am a full on bottom. Loving raw dick in my hole and getting filled with loads, but I don't submit completely. I still like to get off and have my needs met- one of those needs being cum in my hole. Any other guys out there like this?
    2 points
  11. * Disclaimer* This is my first attempt at writing, and is based on a true story. Porn has always been something special to me. When I was a young boy, just 8 or 9 years old, i would love to hang out in my club house with my stash of porn mags and just study the pictures. Even though these were straight mags I would study the poses and practice them secretly. I would love to feel the cool air on my asshole has I spread my young cheeks wide. I remember wishing was a girl just so I could become a porn star. At that time I didn't quite understand the longing I felt for the veiny cocks that were glistening nice and bare in the magazines. Fast forward a few years, the Internet was now common and my old porn mags from the clubhouse were a thing of the past. I discovered the wonderful world wide web full of any type of porn you could possibly imagine. I would watch grainy videos and slow loading pictures for hours, sometimes touching my young and growing cock, but usually I would just be fantasying about how much I would love to be able to do porn once I got a little bit older. I ould visit some of my favorite websites (by this time they were mostly gay sites) and click on the 'Become a model' link and fill out the information, telling myself that once I turned 18 I would finally click the 'Submit' button. Well, my eighteenth birthday came and went, and I found myself in a long term relationship with a girl I met in college. At this point in time I considered myself bi and that my girlfriend was holding back my true desires of cock. After all, almost every night after a date, and when we said 'goodbye' for the night, I would find myself spending a few hours searching my favorite gay sites. Around this time I discovered Treasure Island Media and began to discover the intriguing side of bareback gay sex. It always seemed unnatural to me that men would wear condoms while fucking each other. I would think to myself "Why the hell would you wear a condom, it's not like they can get knocked up." I would later discover I was wrong about that, but in a good way. As the college years continued, I knew I no longer wanted to be with the girl and our relationship ended. By this time I was 20, but still hadn't found the nerve to take my first cock, bare or wrapped. I decided that now was the time. I started searching hook-up sites and came across Manhunt.com. It seemed the right time, so I created a profile and threw on some hot pictures which I had had taken of myself. Naturally my profile received a lot of attention, and, as it turned-out, one guy, Chad, lived near by and as his profile attracted me, we chatted several times over the course of a few days. By this time I had convinced myself I was going to get Chad to take my cherry. After a night of a couple beers, I received a text from Chad, suggesting I come over to his house. Chad also mentioned a buddy of his would also be there, and that the guy was about my age. "Well," I said to myself, "Alright this is it, we're doing it." loaded up into my truck and headed to his apartment. I was so excited I could barely grip the steering wheel. Pulling into the apartment complex I located Chad's apartment. He had made it easy by telling me to look for the Colts flag hanging on the front door. Screwing-up my nerves, I knocked at the door, and Chad opened the door. He was wearing only a bathrobe, whereas I was wearing basketball shorts (which did nothing to hide my excitement. I couldn't believe I was about to do this! Chad immediately made me feel welcome, and asked me to follow him into the bedroom where Harry, Chad's buddy, was awaiting us. As we walked into the bedroom I was immediately presented with the vision of Harry, who was already naked, sporting an extremely large cock. Once I saw him the lust for cock took over and I said "Looks like I have some catching up to do," and instantly dropped my shorts exposing my seven inch cut cock which was at full mast. Chad dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth. Finally a man had his mouth around my cock. No girl ever gave me pleasure like this. I knew I was hooked and there was no denying it. Harry walked over and I grabbed his semi-hard cock. I remember being very gratified of how good it felt to hold another guy's cock in my hand. After a few minutes I knew it was time for me to become a cock sucker, there was no going back now. Once a cock sucker always a cock sucker. I wrapped my mouth around Harry's large cock and tried mimicking what I've seen in gay porn since I was a young boy. He moaned and seemed to enjoy it. After a few minutes of that Chad mentioned that Harry should fuck me. I was so ready for my first cock. I owned a few large dildos and three inch wide butt plugs so I was confident I could take his cock. I hopped on the bed and presented my ass to Harry, doggy style. He lubed up my hole and I heard him snap a condom on to his cock. I remember somewhat wished he hadn't pulled-on a condom, but I had other matters on which to focus, including that I thought it odd Chad was letting Harry fuck my hole first since Chad had told me he wanted my cherry. Harry lined up his cock and teased my hole with the head before plunging his dick into my virgin hole and went balls deep. Harry's thrusts into my hole quickened as I got more comfortable. This is when I discovered I was a vocal bottom and began to start begging for him to pound my faggot hole and to make my hole gape for him. Turns out Harry was new to gay sex as well and within a few minutes he announced he was coming and buried his still covered cock into my hole. He pulled out and seemed a little different after coming. He came up with an accuse about having work early and left. I was a little dismayed he had bailed, but then Chad asked me if I was ready to lose my cherry. I said "What do you mean? Harry just took that from me." "No," said Chad "I mean your real cherry." I wasn't sure what he meant. He told me Harry didn't count because he used a condom and it just so happened to be his last condom. Chad explained to me that I hadn't really had a cock in me yet and I didn't fully experience what sex with a man should be. Without a second thought I propped my ass up on his bed again and presented my ass. This time we didn't need as much lube. Chad then asked "Are you ready to take a true cock and become one with a man?" I simply moaned and my cock became rock hard. Chad pushed his bare cock into my newly fucked hole and he let out a moan as did I. It felt completely different! Something rushed over me. It was hard to describe, but it felt so right. I swear could feel the veins of his cock as they passed my sphincter, deeper and deeper into my ass. As Chad fucked me, he told me repeatedly how good my guts felt wrapped around his bare cock, especially when he would fuck me deep for a few thrusts and pull all the way out exposing my gaping hole. "Wow, I've never seen a hole gape so easily" he remarked. As he pushed his cock back in my ass would release a nice gasp of air, showing Chad how willing I was to accept him. I felt Chad's uncovered cock start to stiffen and swell up in me. I knew he was about to cum. I asked Chad "Where are you going to blow your load? You're not wearing a condom." "It's already taken care of," Chad chuckled as he picked-up his pace, and his breath turned into a series of continuous grunts. Then Chad said the words that would change my life "Prepare to be bred by my bare cock, you fucking bareback slut." With that he then buried all six inches of his thick bare cock into my guts and emptied his load deep into my virgin gut. We remained connected to each other, his cock holding his cum in my used ass like the knot on a dog's cock. I loved knowing his cock was holding his cum in while my guts adsorbed his load and accepted it into my body. After a few minutes he withdrew from my ass and I felt my asshole. It was sopping wet, which lead Chad to comment "Well now you're truly a man whore. That is what man-on-man sex is suppose to be. Promise me you will always bareback from now on. Without hesitation, I nodded in agreement. As becomes a good bottom, I left Chad's apartment without cumming, hopped in my truck and drove home, Chad's load leaking out of my hole while en-route. The sensation of his cum oozing out of my ass was too enticing. I had to stick a finger in my hole and feel myself up a bit. So I did and had my first ever taste of cum, and I thought myself fortunate to have had it come straight from my ass. I knew I was a barebacker and would find myself only wanting to watch bareback gay porn. I discovered more and more websites that catered to my desires. One day I was on Treasure Island Media and was watching some of the trailer videos. I loved how hot the no limits bare sex was and I knew I needed to do that. While searching the website I saw the 'Models wanted' link. I knew it was for me to start thinking about taking the next step. Part two coming soon if wanted.
    2 points
  12. I have been called a "pushy bottom" by more than one man. I may be a bottom, but I am in no way submissive. Tops only think they control the action <wink> <wink>.
    2 points
  13. Part four I was dreaming, or was I? my head came popping up, only to find myself naked on a picnic table with some guy with my legs over his shoulder eating my ass with gusto, trying to get what was left of that cum that hadn’t ran out and down on the table. Another guy was there with his pants down jacking off watching this guy eating me out. What the fuck happened, how did I get here, what the hell had I done; what did Dan do to me? There in the branches of the tree stood the black guy from yesterday with this big shit eating grin on his face, he walked up and the other two kind of stopped to see what this black guy was going to do. So, I see you have been having fun, and from what I heard you have been introduced to the parting ways of our lives down here? I just kind of shook my head yes and kind of embarrassed that the word of my breeding had spread so fast around this park of no one I knew. The black guy pulls out a bag and opens it on the table and I recognize the strap and syringe. He tells me to give him my arm, not really sure what or how, but I just did it; he then found my vein and pulled back and on seeing my blood, slammed the drug into me. I was then told to get down on my knees and worship his cock, I have no idea why, but I got down on my knees, naked, in front of these two other guys and pulled this black guys pants down and just started sucking not caring who was there, I just know I was there to please this man, any man and I was loving it!! You like that black cock in the piggy white mouth don’t you bitch? “Say It”! I really didn’t want to take his cock out of my mouth, but I knew what would happen if I didn’t; yes, I love you black cock in my mouth, I love sucking your big black cock in my sissy, white mouth and want to swallow your cum sir! You’re not getting my load down that white sissy throat this time; “Stand Up, bend over the table and spread those legs bitch! Oh my god, he was going to fuck me, fuck me with his masterful big black cock and make me his bitch too. I jumped up and positioned myself over the table waiting for this master of white bitches to take me, make me a bitch, possessed to be bred and knocked up by his superior seed!! The feel of his weight as he bent over me and feeling his cock find my white hole for him to take, to take as he wanted, I was pushing back, wanting, needing and now I found myself begging to be fucked by this black god of a man. Master, fuck me, please take me, make me your white bitch, fill my ass, pussy, cunt with your black manhood and fill my belly with your babybatter!! You white boys are so fucking easy to convert to being a black man’s bitch, little bit of drug, a taste of black meat and your hooked. Yes sir, I am hooked, I want to please you, please any man you tell me too. He then grabbed my hips and started to long stroke in and out of my battered and abused ass, and I didn’t care, I just needed to know that I was pleasing this man and hoping to get his seed more and more. His one hand let go of my hip and reached under me and laid in on my belly pulling me back to him, the other hand grabbed ahold of my hair. He asked me if I was his bitch; yes sir, I am your bitch, do what you want with me!! Tell me to breed you, to knock you up, to put my babies deep in that faggot white ass pussy of yours!! At this point I think they could of heard me in the next county. FUCK ME, IMPREGNATE ME; please flood your bitches hole with your seed, make me your pregnant sow!!! Tell me you want my toxic poz load in that white cunt; bitch. Yes sir; fill me, make me take your toxic poz load in my ass, my cunt; just cum in me. PLEASE!!! The black guy starts to fuck me with purpose at this point and roars out and I can feel his cock pulsing and filling me with his seed, his black superior seed, in me, in my white hole, now a hole that any man can use to dump his seed in and I will just bend over and accept my fate as a bitch to be used. As the black guy pulls out, he tells me to clean him, I have done this and know what is expected of me; I turn and kneel down and see his cum and start to suck and lap my tongue up and down his shaft to get all of his cum, and I could swear I tasted blood mixed in his cum, but as high as I was, who cared. When I was done, he pulled his pants up and wrote down a number, telling me tomorrow was Friday and there as a party he wanted me to attend; and this is not an option, you will be the guest of honor tomorrow!! DON’T LET ME DOWN BITCH!! He then walked away, and as he did, the one guy was already down and lapping my ass, and the other had blew his load and left. When the guy was done eating me out; something I have come to love! He fucked me and then left. I was glad I found my shorts and was able to get myself home and in the shower before I was caught by my parents! Guest of honor eh, wonder what that ment?..........
    2 points
  14. Part Three. I was so high still from either the poppers or the stuff he was putting in my ass I had a hard time keeping up with him as he headed for a group of cars parked along the roadway. Dan stopped and opened a car and grabbed a bag and said “come on piggy, time to make you a whore”. He heads down this path and over a bridge to another trail and ends up under some kind of tree that’s branches all most come the ground with a picnic table under it. STRIP BITCH! Off come the shorts in a heartbeat. He then pulls out two Styrofoam pads and puts one on the bench part and tells me to get up and kneel on it, he then pulls out a dog collar and puts it on me and fastens two chains to the collar and secures them to the ends of the table. He then ties ropes to my ankles and spreads them wide and ties them to the table ends. My hands are handcuffed and tied to the other side of the table. He said this is where the real fun starts my friend. He grabbed his lube and plastic bag, hands me a bottle of poppers “you won’t need those very long bitch”. I can no longer see behind me or move much, but I know I am going to get my ass packed with lube and whatever is in that bag. I feel him filling my ass with lube and I am pushing back wanting more than that damn finger. I all of a sudden hear someone cough; as I look up there is three guys standing in branches with cocks out jacking them, when Dan said “almost ready come on it”! Dan, then asked me if I ever partied; I said sure! (Thinking beer). Dan said I am sure this is going to be a lot more then you ever dreamed of! He then had his friends grab my arm as he wrapped some band around my arm. I am so high from whatever was in the lube, but now I am scared shitless, not knowing what he is doing, then I see him with a syringe and needle coming up to my arm, I start to fight, but I have no where go and not able to fight very well. Dan tells me to calm down that what he has been putting in my ass is the same that he is going to give me now, just more. I see the needle go in my arm and the band come off. I am still in a panic, but aware that these guys seem to be getting naked and see guys grabbing each other’s cocks and feeling my body all over. I put my head down and can see someone is now behind me and feel his cock going into my ass, no pain, no problems. I can hear myself telling myself or them how great it feels, “Please fuck me, please fuck me, fuck yes”. I find myself pushing back wanting the strangers cock in me. My hair is then grabbed and I am now getting my mouth filled with a nice cock and hearing what a complete pig I was. I think it was Dan who said, “He was a straight bitch yesterday, and a cock, cum, chem whore piggy now”! I look out of the corner of my eye and see Dan standing there naked, and more guys seem to have found our hiding spot! I feel the first guy in my moth explode and I start to swallow his cum like a baby to milk. Then hear the stranger in my ass telling Dan he was going to knock this bitch up, then grunted and said take my fucking hot load you cunt!! And I am sure it was a hot load, it felt great!! Two more are now filling my holes and start talking dirty to me about making me one of them, a toxic bitch for them to use for years to come because no one else will want me!! I was confused, but didn’t care at that point, I was getting gang-banged by complete strangers, high as fuck and loving every minute of it and wanting more. Dan leans down as I am gulping another load down my throat and laughs saying, “you have no idea what these guys are talking about do you pig?” I can’t really answer at this point with a cock filling my belly with his seed and the other holding my hips and just slamming into me telling me I am going to be a pregnant piggy before the days end!! I thought back to yesterday and the thought girls must be going through knowing they were getting pregnant and carrying a man’s babies in her, and I was a proud bitch at this point, me pregnant with other men’s babies swimming in me, knocking me up with their seed!! I looked up at Dan, the guy pulled his cock out of my mouth and I just said “I am proud to be the bitch to these men and carry their babies in me”! I want to feel every guy in the world put his seed in me!!. Dan then asked if I knew what being Poz was, I just shook my head “no”, “you will bitch, you will”! As the last of the men, who I was told come down to the park on their lunch hours and after work to release a load or two were done, and only Dan and I were left and even he fucked me again and made me clean him off, released me from my bondage and kind of curled up on the table and fell asleep……………..
    2 points
  15. Part two: So I get up and get dressed and take my sore ass home only to lay in bed and start putting my fingers in my ass while I jacked myself off; I even scooped up my cum and ate it and falling right to sleep. Oh the dreams I must have had that night I woke up with a raging hard on and thought about jacking off, but remembered I had to be at this rest area by noon and it was 9:30, so I get up do my chores and the scene from the day before kept coming back in my mind that just a day ago I was straight and liked girls, and in less than 24 hours I had sucked another guys cock, and a black one at that; swallowed his cum and got fucked by another guy without a condom, was I gay now? I didn’t feel gay; but my cock kept getting hard at the thought of me getting fucked like a girl and sucking off another man!! At 11:30 I bail and head to the park; scared that if I am not there on time this guy would show up at my parents’ house! So I am walking down the road to where I was told to go and found an old brick building off the road, there were several cars parked around, some guys were reading the paper, some were walking along the road by their cars, and some were empty. So I walk into the men’s room and sure enough the white guy is standing there next to the sink; Drop your shorts so I can see if you got underwear on, I start to look around and he yelled, NOW BITCH! I thought I was going to faint not knowing if anyone else was there, but I did what he said and showed him I didn’t have any underwear on. Take off your shorts and give them to me now bitch, then get in the cubicle. So I do it so he wouldn’t yell at me again, since I was no match for him since I was only 140 pounds at 5’11, I was called skinny Minnie in school, and hated confrontation. So I get in the stall and sit down,with only my sneaker on and the white guy comes in the stall with me and asks my name; so I tell him it was Chris, Dan is mine he stated, then he pulled down he pants and told me to get to work, I asked him if it was safe, at this point he grabs me by the throat and pushes me back against the wall and said you are a mans bitch now, you don’t ask, you just do; Understand you fucking bitch? All I could do was nod, as he let me go, he again told me to get to work, I grabbed his cock and started to suck on it. As I was sucking he gave me a bottle and told me that they call them poppers, like the one you had yesterday. So I inhale some and got a rush and started to work a little harder on sucking him, he said that is a good piggy bitch. The guy then pulls out this pipe and puts the lighter under it and starts to hit it a couple of times. He then told me it was my turn, well I don’t smoke, but is was to scared to tell him that; so he put the pipe to my lips and I inhale and started coughing really hard but within minutes I as so fucking high, I didn’t care who came in. I started sucking him for all it was worth but he pulled his cock from my mouth, opened the stall door and told me to go lean over the sink!! I walk over to the sink not caring who sees me and he tells me to spread em, sounded like a cop getting ready to search me. I look back and he is getting finger full of lube and dipping it into the same bag as yesterday and starts to push it up my horny as hell ass, I even found myself pushing back enjoying the feeling. I kept feeling higher and higher with every second, I was almost pleading with the guy to fuck me. He starts to laugh and told me I would be a pure cumdump in no time! He then lined his cock up and pushed in and I just laid my head on the sink submitting to another man who was now making me his bitch to breed and use, and I was loving it. Dan as now going to town tell me how tight of an ass I had and I would be well known in the park before the end of summer. I soon found out what he ment. Dan started to really slam his cock in my ass and I was now telling him how much I loved the feel of his cock and fuck me and use me anyway he wanted; again he laughed and said he planned on it. I hit the poppers again and was in overdrive pushing back, Dan asked me if I wanted his load pumping in me, OH GOD YEEEEEES!! FUCK ME PLEASE, cum in me, he then said I was about to get knocked up again with his babies, all I could do is beg him to impregnate me, put your babies in me, knock me up make me your bitch!!! I then felt that strange swelling and him breathing hard as he told me he was cuming in my piggy bitch ass and I would know it soon enough if I got knocked up!! All I could think of was carrying his baby in my belly and smiled as he pulled out knowing I was now a man’s property to use for their sexual pleasures! Dan told me to turn around and clean his cock off, I didn’t even think were his cock had been, I just got down on my knees and licked and sucked it clean. He then handed me my shorts and told me to put them on and to follow him, I of course did without worry………..
    2 points
  16. So, here I am of my first day out of school for the summer, my parents are at work and I have nothing to do except lay here and jack off and think of something to do. We just moved here a couple of months ago due to a job change for my Dad and I have always lived in the big city’s with room to walk, now I only have a yard and a big ass park down the street to go to. Since my parents are big beer drinkers I figure it is almost noon, so I grab 6 of their beers in a bag and decide to check out the park. After entering the park I start walking and the road and I see trails off into the woods and decide to check one out. I walk for a bit and find a small river/creek that is running fairly fast and sit down against a tree and watch the water and started drinking my beers. I must have been on my fourth or fifth beer when I heard what sounded like a commotion behind me. As I look around if I had not been sitting I would have fallen over, there about 50 feet away was a white guy on his knees sucking a black guy’s cock. In all my life I have heard of the gay life and sex but this was mind blowing. I just continued to watch as this white guy just went to town sucking the blackest cock I have ever imagined. The black guy was talking really nasty to the white guy, telling him “yeah white boy, suck that black cock, get it deeper, going to give you a good load down that bitch white throat”. Now I should have just got back behind the tree until they were done, but somehow I moved further out and broke a branch on the ground that drew both of their attention. Oh shit, now what. I look at the black guy who is smiling at me and the white guy gets up and they both walk over to me with the black guy still having his cock out and hard. As they reach me the black guy asked “do you think this boy liked the show”? The white guy grabs my cock and says “yeah, he is hard as a rock”. At this point the white guy pulls down my shorts to my ankles and grabs my cock. At this point I should have pulled up my short and ran like hell screaming all the way, but here I am with a guy holding my cock and balls and looking between the black guys cock and his eyes and the evil smile. The black guy then puts his hands on my shoulder and pushes down and I seem to just float to my knees where I now looking right at this guy’s cock in my face. The black guy grabs his cock and starts to hit my lips with his cock until I open my mouth to say ouch only to have him push his cock in my mouth. The white guy leans in to my ear and starts giving me my first lesson of how to use my lips and tongue and how to keep my teeth off telling me how I am going to be coming back after today for a lot more. Then white guy then leans down and drove his tongue into my ass, I thought I was going to lose it right then and there, fuck did that feel awesome. Meanwhile the black guy starts calling me all sorts of degrading names and terms “suck my black cock you white bitch, yeah, so easy to turn out a punk white boy for black meat, guess you’re going to get this big fat load down your bitch throat”, all his talking seem to just turn me on more and as he kept telling me what a cocksucking bitch I was going to be the more I tried to get more of his cock in my mouth. The black guy then opens this bottle and puts it under my nose telling me to inhale deep and I do, “Fuck” my head is spinning and I seem to want to suck more and more of this cock in me, I then feel the white guy pushing a finger in my ass, then another one and another, I am in heaven. The black guy keeps feeing me the bottle under my nose and the white guy who is somehow naked is still telling me how much of a pig I am going to become when this is over. The white guy then pulls out a bag of something and a bottle of what I found later was lube, he mixes the lube and the stuff in the bag and starts to finger it up my ass. I am go back to sucking on the black guys cock and hitting the brown bottle, a few minutes later I start to feel a rush of rushes. I start to just suck and not knowing what a gag reflex was yet, but I just wanted his cock buried in me. The white guy was now behind me with his cock pointed right as my ass. He gets the tip at my hole and starts to push, telling me go with it, that it will hurt for a minute but then I am going to love it. The black guy pulls his cock out tells me to hit the bottle deep, as it kicks in the white guy pushes in and now pass my once virgin ring. I tried to move forward trying to get away from the pain, but then I am so unstable and the white guy just keeps talking dirty to me, telling me now I am his bitch, his cumdump and that he was going to breed me full of his seed. What seemed to be an eternity was only a few minutes before the pain subsided and another hit of the bottle I was finding myself getting into it. Now the black guy puts his cock back at my mouth and he tells me to “suck that black cock you bitch” and boy do I ever. It never dawned on my if anyone had walked down there they would have seen a high school kid on his hands and knees with a cock fucking him in the ass and a black guys cock driving in his mouth, and at this point I didn’t care. The black guy starts to tell me he is close and gives me another hit of the bottle and tells me to start swallowing, at this point he lets volley after volley of cum loose in my mouth and I do as he says not knowing any better. The white guy is not far behind telling me I will be pregnant with his babies in a second and he lets out a roar and unloads my ass. The black guy just zips up his pants and says “see you soon” and walks off, the white guy pulls his cock out of my ass and wipes the rest of his cum on my ass cheeks, and I am still on my hands and knees wondering what just happened. The white guy then grabs my cock and balls and squeezes and asks me where I live, the pain was so bad I just blurted out my address to him and he tells me to meet him at the rest area down the road tomorrow at noon and just to wear shorts, no underwear or shirt or he would be at my house to get me, then walks off. To be continued.....
    1 point
  17. I can't believe what just happened. I mean, yeah, I barebacked as a general rule, but I always asked guys their status and only took neg seed. Who would lie about that anyway?? Besides he was so young and innocent and we were only going to meet for coffee. I guess you want some more details. I'm your average guy, kinda husky, but pull it off well. At 37 I'm that perfect age where young college guys look at me as a daddy but older guys look at me as someone who can be a successful son. He was 22. We met on an app for bears and their admirers. 5'7", 140, cute as a button and charming as fuck. We hit it off right away, chatted about everything including the fact that he was in an open relationship with a man more than twice his age. It just sucked he wasn't in my local area. So of course as fate would have it, I needed to travel for work one Saturday. Just a one off thing, home that night, but a trip that would bring me within 30 miles of my crush. I quickly told him and he squeaked in delight as we made plans to meet at a local coffee house. His bf would drop him off, but he asked if I would bring him home as the bf worked the night shift. The conversation was flowing as easily in person as it was online. He was as charming and my gosh that smile! I didn't realize that three hours had passed as quickly as it did. We piled into my car and drive the 10 minutes back to his place. Being a gentleman, I walked him to the door. As he opened it, I turned to say goodnight when he grabbed my shirt and yanked me inside. He pushed me against the wall and dropped to his knees. I didn't think it possible to get someone's pants off as quickly as he did, but less than 30 seconds after the door closed I was fully hard and 7" deep in his throat. After two minutes he finally came up for air and kissed me. "I just had to taste it," he said, flashing that smile. "What happened to just friends," I asked. He looked directly in my eyes as he unbuckled his pants. "We can be friends tomorrow. Tonight I'm cumming deep inside you." There was no more to say. He took my hand and led me upstairs. When we got to the bedroom, we undressed the rest of the way and he gently, but firmly guided me onto the bed on my stomach. After a stinging slap on my right cheek, he voraciously dove tongue first into my hole. The sheer sensation of this eager twink rimming me was unbelievable as he loosened my entryway while giving that perfect little extra sensation of being eaten out by someone with a well groomed goatee. After 10 minutes of that treatment, I audibly whimpered disappointment when he unlatched from my back side. He chuckled mildly, "Don't worry, it won't be empty long." He reached for the lube that was already out on the nightstand and prepared the 8" log swinging between his legs. The pain was intense as he pushed forward. Normally it's easier for me if a guy pokes at it and eventually the head pops in, but this was his show and as much as he had made me feel good in foreplay, I knew I was there strictly to be a cum receptacle. He stopped to let me adjust only when I felt his hips on me. "You ready," he asked. All I could do was nod into the pillow. With my tacit acceptance, he started his assault on my insides. The kid was good, hitting all the right places. My moans only encouraged him as he went nonstop for eight minutes before I heard him change his breathing. "I'm not pulling out," he said. 10 seconds later I could feel the first shot of his DNA lining my ass, followed by six more volleys. He collapsed on top of me as I felt his orgasm subside. It was my turn to show him what I could do as I flexed my ass. He jerked as I milked the final drops of his orgasm out of him. He laid there for a few minutes, getting soft. I was about to ask if I could get up, when he started to stir a bit. The movement allowed him to reharden as he began to fuck me again, slower and in more of a lovemaking way. We continued this for a solid 15 minutes before the telltale change in his breathing happened. I looked back at him and he just nodded as he deposited another load in his new sperm bank. After a minute he pulled out and kissed me tenderly. The lad was too too to be true. As we gathered our things, I noted a picture on the dresser. It was my stud, posed, crouched on his knees with eight men, four on each side, naked, surrounding him. I asked him what that scene was. "Oh, that was my conversion party," he casually remarked. "Jeffrey, my daddy, set it up for me. This was actually my first post diagnosis fuck. Just got past the flu earlier this week. Doc gave me some meds, but I haven't started them yet." I quickly became enraged, "You told me you were neg, asshole!" "I was when we first talked and we discussed it," he fired back. "That was a week after we chatted the first time. Best birthday present of my life." So there it was. I had two highly toxic loads beginning to penetrate my system. As I came to grips with that fact, another thought came into my head. What was I going to tell my husband?
    1 point
  18. Bruce, pictured here, has been after Matt's ass for years. For one reason or another, it never seemed to work out. However, this past weekend, Matt attended a club and happened to run into Bruce. The two began dancing together at the club. Eventually, Bruce went in for it feeling Matt's rock hard cock by shoving his hand in his pants. Matt responded by grabbing Bruce in for a kiss. After a lot of teasing Bruce suggested they leave the club. They didn't make it out of the parking lot before Matt was on Bruce's lap in the backseat of Matt's car. Matt ripped Bruce's pants down and began to suck on his 7" cock. Matt could taste the precum as it flowed down his waiting throat. After a bit of that, Bruce switched positions with Matt and began to suck Matt's 7" cock as well. Matt could feel his orgasm build as Bruce is an expert cocksucker. Matt tried to get Bruce to stop, but he didn't listen, and Matt shot his huge load down Bruce's throat and Bruce, of course, swallowed every drop of it. As the two began making out, Matt could taste his load on Bruce's lips. Matt began to position himself under Bruce, rubbing his ass on Bruce's wet, rock hard cock. Bruce murmured they shouldn't fuck, which confused Matt, considering how he'd heard Bruce talk about wanting his ass for a few years, so Matt persisted by pushing Bruce back into a sitting position and sucking his cock once again. Once he got Bruce's cock nice and wet, Matt leapt onto Bruce's lap and started grinding his hole against Bruce's cockhead. Bruce insisted on a condom, to which Matt laughed and said, simply, "I want your cum in my ass and you want to cum in my ass. That's what we're gonna do." As Bruce protested a bit more, Matt felt Bruce's head slip into his ass. Quickly, but with some difficulty, Matt took all seven inches into his hole. At this point, Bruce's shallow protests stopped, and instead he groaned in pleasure, as did Matt. The two resumed making out as Bruce was now thrusting up into Matt who was riding Bruce's cock like a pro. Eventually, Matt was on his back, legs wrapped around Bruce, begging to get fucked harder. As Bruce pounded Matt's ass, the car windows fogged up. Bruce grunted he was getting close and that he was going to pull out, but Matt responded by wrapping his legs tightly around Bruce, and, with even more enthusiasm, worked his ass up and down on Bruce's cock. Finally, Bruce blurted-out "I can't cum in you. I'm poz!" but Matt kept riding. Again Bruce reiterated "I'm poz, Matt! You don't want me to cum in you!" but Matt grabbed Bruce, kissed him and said, "Do you see me stopping? Shoot your hot poz cum in my ass!" Bruce, still struggling with the decision, tried once more but finally succumbed. Bruce said he was about to shoot and Matt said to "Give me that poz cum! Fill my slutty ass with it!" And with that instruction, Bruce buried his cock balls deep and shot his poz cum deep inside of Matt's ass. Matt kept working Bruce's cock to work the poz load deeper in his gut. Bruce looked at Matt, shocked and couldn't believe Matt not only took it, but wanted it. After thinking about it, Bruce smiled and asked Matt if he wanted some more....
    1 point
  19. This is a story rescued from the late lamented Bugshare site. It was always one of my favourites and I thought it was gone for good until I started cleaning out some old files on my computer. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I'll post it in parts as it's a long read, but worth it Texas Bareback Massacre, Part 1 "We shouldn't go in there," Willie protested with a longing glance back toward his brand new l957 Chevy which was parked askew in a ditch. "Of course we shouldn't go in there," Tad answered his friend in disgust. "We shouldn't be out this late on a school night. We shouldn't have driven your new Chevy out on the Old Loop Road to see how fast it would go. We shouldn't have run it into a ditch. We shouldn't, but we did. So what do you want to do now? Walk ten miles back to town or a few hundred feet to that tavern and call your father for some help?" "My daddy will kill me when he finds out," Willie whined, "he told me never to go near that place." "Well, he's going to kill you about the car," Tad explained in exasperation, "phoning him from the tavern won't make any difference and will save us a ten-mile walk." "We shouldn't," Willie replied, hanging back as his friend walked on ahead. "Come on, baby," Tad goaded his friend and Willie, who was too afraid of being thought to be afraid, followed like a lamb. The tavern was a ramshackle road side inn with a half burnt out neon sign that read "T v rn C ld Be r" and a dirt parking lot containing an old pickup truck and a row of dirty motorcycles. The tavern had a bad reputation with respectable persons not only because it was frequented by bikers but because the bikers were never seen with any biker chicks. Words like 'fairies,' 'queers,' 'faggots' and 'fruits' were muttered about the bikers. Young men from the mill or the college who frequented the place had bad reputations and no respectable man, young or old, ever admitted openly to going into the bar although many of them had remarkably detailed knowledge of what went on inside. "Come on," Tad was annoyed by his friend's hesitancy as he stood outside the tavern door waiting for the all-too-timid Willie to catch up, "We'll just use the phone and get out. Five minutes and then we'll go back to the car and wait for your father." Tad pushed the door open and Willie followed him inside. The tavern was a big square room with a bar running down one side and six broken down, mismatched tables, randomly arranged upon the cracked linoleum covered floor. The floor was dirty, the walls were dirty, the tables were dirty, the bar was dirty and the atmosphere was dirty with the odors of stale bodies, stale beer, and stale smoke hanging in the air, while wifts off stale urine wafted from the restrooms in the rear. The only things dirtier and more odious than the room were the dozen unshaven and unwashed bikers lounging about the tables and the bar. The room fell silent and twelve pairs of sullen eyes turned upon Tad and Willie as they entered the tavern with their fresh washed faces and their fresh washed preparatory school clothes. From behind the bar a sweaty, fat man in a dirty apron beckoned with a soggy, gray rag to the boy's to step up to the bar. "What do you boys want?" he asked gruffly as Tad and Willie approached. Tad for all his bravado before Willie was too abashed by the seedy conditions of the bar and its clientele to immediately speak. Willie was just plain too frightened to say a word. "What ya want?" The barman's tone lowered as he repeated his inquiry. "We know what they want," an intoxicated voice called out thickly. "Well I can give 'em what they want," another drunken voice added. "We all can," the bar patrons all laughed at this suggestion, a laugh as dirty as everything else in the bar. "Shut the fuck up!" the barman snapped before turning back to Tad and Willie. "I don't serve no minors. How old are you?" "Eighteen," Tad finally found his voice but it was slightly cracked. "Eighteen," Willie's voice was so low that he might as well have mouthed the words. "Ya gotta be twenty-one," the barman snapped as his rubbed his dirty rag over the dirty surface of the bar. "We don't want a drink, Mister," Tad was hesitant but polite, "we just want to use the phone." "This is a bar, not a phone booth," the bartender growled. "We can pay, sir," Tad explained as he slid a hand into the pocket of his gray flannel trousers and pulled out a few neatly folded dollar bills. "My friend ran his car into a ditch. We need to call his father to come pull us out." "You don't have to call Daddy," a tall, brawny biker dressed in soiled leather and tarnished chains rose from a table close to the bar, "my boys can pull you out." "Sure as fucking can," a chorus of eager voices assented as the big biker sauntered over to the boys. The big biker stood next to Tad and put one booted foot upon the bar rail. Tad wrinkled his nose as he caught the scent of stale sweat and unwashed clothes and moved a little further away from the muscular mountain of unwashed male flesh. "That won't be necessary, sir," Tad respectfully but eagerly declined the offer, "Willie's Dad can do it." "If you call Willie's Daddy," the big biker said as his casually dropped his leather booted foot from the bar rail and stretched himself to his full height, "Willie will get in trouble. If my boy's pull you out, his old man doesn't ever have to know." "Let him do it, Tad," Willie whispered in Tad's ear as he drew his keys from the pocket of his gray flannel slacks. "I don't want my Daddy to know." Why don't you give your keys to Piston?" the big biker addressed Willie as he pointed to a burly blond biker who was lounging next to the jukebox by the door. "Him and Reb can get your car out and bring it here. Piston was joined at the jukebox by a small dark biker wearing a dog collar, who sidled up remarkably close to his big blond buddy. Reb laid his head against Piston's broad chest as the burly biker put a beefy arm around the younger man's waist. Embraced together they sauntered over to the bar, where Piston held out his free hand for Willie's keys. With a look of fright mingled with disgust, Willie shied away from the embracing bikers, as he held out the keys in his trembling hand. "We better go with them, sir," Tad suggested as he stayed Willie's hand, "so Willie can drive." "Reb can drive," the big biker said as he stepped closer to Tad, "You boys can have a drink with us while you wait for them to bring your car." "No, thank you, sir, we'd better go," Tad refused the unkind offer and taking a step backwards from the towering bulk of the big biker bumped into Willie who was pushed back against Piston's hard shoulder. "Give me the keys, punk," Piston growled as he reached over Willie's shoulder and snatched the keys from his hand. "Take a fucking seat," Reb snarled as he shoved Willie away from Piston and towards the nearest table, "Piston's taken." "Wait a minute!" Tad protested as he reached out to draw Willie back. "You too," the big biker barked as he shoved Tad in the same direction as his friend, "get your ass over there." Tad and Willie were too stunned and frightened to resist. They stumbled over to a dirty table and sat down. The big biker followed the boys and sat down between them as Reb and Piston left by the tavern door. The rest of the bikers quickly gathered around the table like vulture's surrounding a pair of dying animals in preparation for a feast. "What'll you boys drink," the big biker asked. "Nothing, thank you, sir," Tad replied in a subdued tone. Willie could only look nervous and shake his head. "You two boys think your too good to drink with us?" the big biker snarled as the gang pressed around the table and murmured ominously. "No, no, Sir," Tad protested as he smiled weakly in an attempt to mollify the gang, "we're under age. We can't have a drink." "You're eighteen," the big biker turned friendly and smiled but not with his eyes only with his yellow teeth, "you're old enough to drink if you're old enough to fuck." The men around the table laughed and nudged each other at this remark. "Fucking, right," one said. "Give the boys a drink," another crowed, "they're plenty old enough to fuck." The gang laughed again. "Beer for my new boys, Sam," the big biker called to the bartender. "Shit, Wolf," the bartender complained, "I'll lose my fucking license." "Lock the fucking door," Wolf, the big biker commanded, "We'll make this a fucking private party." "Fucking ace!" the gang cheered. One of the gang peeled off from the crowd around the table and snapped the lock closed on the front door, while Sam waddled out from around the bar with two pitchers of beer, which he set before the boys. "Drink up," Wolf commanded the two teenagers. Tad and Willie looked at the foaming pitchers with dismay. Neither one had ever done more that have a sip of his dad's beer. "Drink the fucking shit up," Wolf was back to snarling and showing his yellow teeth. Tad took the handle of the pitcher that was set before him and lifted the jug to his lips. He took a small sip from the frothy contents before putting the pitcher down. Willie sat so frozen with fear that he was unable to speak or move or drink. "These fuckers don't know how to drink," a fat biker behind Tad roared as he grabbed Tad's pitcher and took a healthy swig before passing it into the crowd. The other pitcher too was taken and the gang around the table quickly drained them both before returning them refilled to the boys. "Now drink up, boys," Wolf commanded. Tad picked up his refilled pitcher to take a little sip but as his lips touched the rim, Wolf put his hand on the bottom of the pitcher and held the jug up to Tad's mouth. Tad took several deep gulps as Wolf tipped the pitcher up and forced more of the contents to Tad's lips. Tad could not swallow the cold brew fast enough to keep his mouth from overflowing. Beer ran down his chin and dripped upon the front of his red and white striped button down shirt. Willie tried to reach out for his pitcher but could not bring himself to touch it. A helpful biker grabbed Willie by his red hair and pulled his head back, while an equally helpful friend poured the contents of the pitcher into Willie's gaping mouth. The boy coughed and choked and spluttered and spewed beer upon the gang. "Fucking asshole, you were told to drink that shit," the helpful biker roared as he pulled Willie by his hair from his seat. Tad immediately leapt to his feet to defend his friend and was immediately forced to sit back down by the burly bikers standing behind him. "Sit down, mother fucker. Leave Crank alone," Wolf snapped as he put his dirty hand on Tad's shoulder, "he's just gonna teach your fucking friend a lesson in good manners." Crank, the helpful biker, swung Willie around by his hair and dragged the boy away from the table to the center of the floor. "Ow! Ow! My hair," Willie cried as tears filled his eyes and he tried to keep his feet. "Shut up you fucking cry baby or I'll give you some shit to cry about" Crank shouted as he released Willie's hair to slap the boy across his tear streaked freckled cheek. The force of the blow sent Willie reeling. He fell against a vacant table and sprawled across its top. He lay on its dirty surface in a huddled mass trembling like a wounded rabbit before a beast of prey. He lifted his disheveled head and fearfully looked back at Crank. From his seat across the room, Tad could see blood trickling from the corner of Willie's mouth and the red bloom of Crank's hand print upon his pale cheek. "Leave him alone," Tad protested as he felt rough hands hold him down before he could start to rise. "You better forget about your fucking boyfriend, he's Crank's now." Wolf leered at Tad as he spoke, "You just worry about who your fucking boyfriend's going to be." Crank took Willie's wrist and drew him from the table to his feet. Willie leaned back against the table edge to support himself while he put one hand to his red cheek and tried to stifle his sobs. "Take off your shirt off, cry baby," Crank demanded. "Show your Daddy what you've got." Willie leaned further back against the table to draw himself as far away from Crank as he could. He snuffled as he tentatively put a hand to the button-down collar of his cotton shirt. For a few moments, he fumbled with the button without opening it, then he dropped his hand to his side and hung his head. "You fucking son of a bitch, I told you to take your shirt off," Crank barked. "Do it or I'll do it for you. Take it of, fucker. Do it! Now!" Willie flinched at the sharpness of Crank's barked command but otherwise he did not move. Faster than a mongoose strikes a cobra, Crank leapt forward and with both hands tore open the front of Willie's white cotton shirt. The fat biker's powerful hands quickly tore the shirt apart and stripped the tattered rags from Willie's body. The boy did not have time to react before Crank struck again with both hands to tear the stunned teenager's fresh white tee shirt from his arms and chest. Willie was too timid to put up a fight, but with instinctive modesty he crossed his arms over his nearly hairless, neatly freckled chest. Willie was a varsity swimmer and had a swimmer's body with lean hard muscles stretched tightly over a slight frame. Except for his head which was covered by a short crop of flaming red hair which had been disheveled by Crank's rough hand, he kept his body hairless by shaving everyday to increase his speed in the water so he said. Like most natural red heads, his skin was fair and freckled and he turned a bright pink all over when he blushed. He was in no danger of blushing as he stood with his arms covering his bare chest and the blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "Let's see them pretty titties, boy," Crank said as he reached for the Willie's wrists. "Don't! Please, don't touch me!" Willie screamed and started to cry. "Shut the fuck up, cry baby, I don't want to hear no caterwauling," Crank snapped as he backhanded Willie across the mouth. Willie's head snapped to one side as his body twisted and collapsed in a slow spiral to the dirty barroom floor. "Stop him, please, Wolf," Tad begged the big biker to save his friend. "Shut up, cocksucker, just watch the fucking show," was Wolf's only reply. Tad looked all around him and saw that all eyes in the biker gang were focused on the lurid scene before them. Willie lay upon the floor stripped naked to the waist. His boyish face was bruised on both cheeks and he was bleeding from a cut in each corner of his mouth. Over him stood a brawny biker with his fat belly hanging over the top of his worn jeans. His greasy hair was dark and shaggy, his scarred face was unshaven and his eyes burned brightly with lust. As he looked at Willie's exposed chest and the boy's tiny pink nipples, he licked the saliva from his cruel lips. "On your knees, cocksucker," Crank commanded as he pulled Willie up and forced the boy onto his knees. Crank stood before the boy with his sturdy legs spread and his wide hips thrust forward. With one hand Crank unzipped his grease stained jeans and pulled out his short fat prick from his open fly. His other hand he placed behind Willie's head. "Open up, cocksucker," Crank said as his pulled his dick and pointed it at Willie's trembling lips, "wrap your lips around this and get it hard." Willie's eyes grew wide and his face screwed up in disgust. He had never been so close to another man's dick. With quick furtive glances, he had surveyed from a distance the other boys in his gym class showering which was just to check their size against his own. He had never been so close that he could see the veins and blemishes on the dick shaft or smell the stench of an unwashed crotch or feel the heat roiling from an open fly. Willie licked his lips not in anticipation of the unsavory meal offered to him but in the hopes that he would stop himself from puking on the spot. "I said to wrap your lips around my meat, cocksucker," Crank snarled as he shook Willie by the hair on his head. "Do it now!"
    1 point
  20. Let me start off by saying that I was never really a "bug chaser". I never deliberately set out to get infected and to start a life of meds and bloodwork and fear. Instead I viewed myself as more of a f a "playing with fire" type. I liked the idea of playing poz roulette with the tops that fucked me. It turned me on. One top in particular (Steven) was absolutely determined to poz me up. You probably know who he is-- he has video clips all over the internet of him pozzing guys up-- with filthy poz talk during the act. He always bragged about how many guys he's converted and stuff, too. Well, he lives in my city and I began hooking up with him about a year ago. He knew I was neg and he told me that he lives to charge boys up. While the risk factor turned me on, I was more turned on by his big 8 inch cock. So I would go over to his place about once a month and let him breed me-- usually on video. (Yeah, I discovered that I'm in some of his online vids). Anyway, after the 10th time of him breeding me, I was still neg. And it was starting to piss him off. I kept joking with him that perhaps he wasn't as fertile as he thought he was. He didn't like that. So one Saturday morning he hit me up and said he wanted a longer session where he would breed me a couple times, and would I be okay with that? Fuck yes I would! His cock was really nice, but normally he was all about the breeding so I would only get like maybe 10 minutes of fucking before being filled. I was looking forward to more. So he came over about an hour later and he had a bag with him. "I thought we could try something new this time-- maybe a little bondage. Add to the kink factor a bit," he said. "Sure, we can try it," I agreed. After all, I'd been with him multiple times already and had known him almost a year. I trusted him. But unfortunately I underestimated how badly he wanted to poz me up. I had a big, 4-poster modern canopy bed at the time, sorta like a box. Steven got out his bondage gear, got me on my back on the bed and tied my wrists up, one to each headboard post. Then he put ankle cuffs on me and tied those up to the headboard bedposts too so that my hole was fully exposed. He tucked one of my pillows under my ass to help prop it up. It was a bit uncomfortable, but I figured I could manage for the hour or so that he's probably want to play. I was rock hard and ready for my breeding, but as soon as he got me tied up, he left my bedroom for a bit. I thought it was for dramatic effect, but then I heard him talking in the other room... maybe on the phone? I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, but it started to make me uneasy. Maybe he was going to rob me? Or hurt me?? But then just as I was going to shout out to him that I wasn't comfortable, he walked back in to my bedroom. Carrying my SonicCare toothbrush. "Why do you have my toothbrush?" I asked him. "Because I'm going to make sure that after today, you are bugged up. And this is going to help me do it." "Um... how......" I started to say. "I'm going to violate your ass with your fancy toothbrush here and get your guts good and roughed up and ready to take some poz seed." I started to struggle against my bonds, but he had tied me well. "I don't think I want this. Please untie me!" I asked him. "What you want is irrelevant," he stated. And then he roughly shoved my own toothbrush into my ass. It hurt. And he wasn't being gentle with it. But I will say I did get a perverse thrill when he turned the toothbrush on and the vibrations started coursing through my rectum. He went deep and all around in my ass with the thing, and by the end I started to cry a bit. He turned off the toothbrush and yanked it out of my ass. "Oh yeah, there's some pink on there. You look like you're ready for load one...." The toothbrush thing had left him very hard-- probably because he really gets off on the idea of spreading his deathseed. He spit on my ass and then spit on his cock and prepared to shove in me. "Can I at least have some poppers?" I asked him. "You better save those for later... trust me. Besides, I want to make sure you are good and tensed up for my first fuck." And with that he shoved in. Motherfucker did it BURN!! "Sweet!" was all he said as he started to pump into me. He fucked rough and deep right off the bat. And true to form he kept up his litany of dirty talk. "You've been taking lots of dirty, charged loads haven't you? You fucking pig! You're a chaser! You WANT the bug-- admit it! You want MY strain! You want ME to be your pozfather. You're poor neg hole is gonna convert after this, my friend. You're gonna be another AIDS faggot statistic after this. Another stupid cunt who didn't use protection and let a poz top breed him. You fuckin' idiot!" I kept begging him to pull out, to stop. To untie me. I told him that this was going to far and that I didn't want THIS. I didn't want to be this risky. I didn't want to be poz. Please! And yet a teeny part of me was turned on at the same time. A dirty, dark, secret place inside me was getting off on being used this way and being so careless. Slowly I started to get an erection while he was pumping me. Steven noticed and it pushed him over the edge. "Guess what, boy? Your neg days are OVER you stupid fucker! Aaaahhhhhhhhggggh!" And with that he bred me. He stayed inside me and pumped hard and deep until his load was spent, and then he pulled out. It was about that time that his phone rang. Steven grabbed his shorts and left the bedroom with his phone. I heard my front door open and close, and he was gone for a few minutes. My head was still reeling from what had just happened. I was sore and freaked out and scared and upset... and strangely turned on by it all. Just as I was beginning to process what had just transpired, I heard my front door open and I heard voices. It was Steven... and someone else! Oh fuck no, I didn't sign up for THIS! They walked into my bedroom-- Steven, followed two other guys. One was a slightly heavy, very black guy. The other was a very clean cut looking twink. "See? I have him all tied up-- this is his fantasy. He wants to be raped and used, and pozzed." Then he turned to me and said, "These other guys? They're two of my poz children. I knocked both of them up, and they agreed to help donate my strain to you." The other two guys started getting undressed. The twink boy was maybe in his mid 20's, cute, and very cut. And had like a decent 7 inch cock on him. He got on the bed first. "I need to breed him first, as I gotta be somewhere shortly. That ok?" he asks. Steven says sure, so twink gets on the bed, spits on his cock and shoves it right in me. Normally I am completely turned off by twinks, but I find myself getting hard again while this one fucks me. He really is pretty and he's looking me right in the eyes as he fucks me. He is also fucking just like a 20-something, i.e. like a jackhammer. He's just pounding away at my hole while he looks at me. "It's not so bad, you know? Being Poz? It's kind of liberating," he whispers to me. "Steven tagged me on our first try and I wasn't even trying for it. Then I ended up giving it to my boyfriend.... well... my ex boyfriend. But he says your ass is being stubborn." He keeps sawing away at my ass, and I can feel Steven's load churning inside me. So can the twink. "Oh man, I feel your load in there Steve! So fucking hot! It's gonna make me nut!" And then I feel the hot burning wetness as the twink starts to unload in my ass. And man does he unload! His cock just keeps throbbing and throbbing as he shoots volley after volley of his toxic spunk in my guts. He stays buried in me for a minute or so more, and then right before he pulls out, he kisses my cheek and says, "Let go, and let poz." I would have laughed had I not been basically raped. The twink dresses and leaves and that's when I look over to see Steven on his knees sucking what has to be the biggest fucking cock I've ever seen in real life. And it's attached to the black guy. And holy fuckballz, it's gonna be absolutely tearing my ass soon! They stop playing, and they both climb onto the bed. "I hope those other loads have you good and lubed up, boy," the black guy tells me. "Cuz my cock is 10x7 and yeah. It's gonna HURT." The black guy is VERY black, and semi-nelly with a bit of a lisp. He also has a belly and is balding a bit and is not very attractive at ALL. Other than the cock, of course. I can see where he'd be easy pickings for Steven At this point I beg Steven for both poppers and to have the black monstrosity lubed-- at least a little. The black guy squirts some lube on his cock and rubs it around. "Sure baby, I want this fuck to feel good on my dick." Steven is on the bed up near my face, and he feeds me some poppers. This serves to clear away the rest of my reservations, and I am suddenly VERY ready for that huge black cock. "Fuck him," Steven commands. And suddenly (even with the poppers) I'm seeing stars. The pain is so sharp as he just buries his massive tool in me that I think I'm going to pass out. I barely can gasp out that I need more poppers, and thankfully Steven holds them under my nose. And then I suddenly don't mind being impaled so much anymore. The next thing I know I'm being filled to the point of bursting by black cock, and I'm gobbling Steven's now-hardening cock like a sex crazed maniac. Secretly I'm getting off on the knowledge that I'm taking the biggest cock I've ever taken, and I'm taking it well. And DAMN if it isn't starting to feel good! Well, other than the fact that my pucker is on fire, that is. But 10 inches in, I'm in blissful heaven! "Damn, Steven, you weren't kidding! This boy a good piece of ass! I ain't gonna be able to hold out much longer!" the black guys says while drilling me with his full length. I spit out Steven's cock long enough to shout, "FUCKING POZ ME, YOU FILTHY MOTHERFUCKER!" He's buried up inside my second ring when cries out that he's cumming. I feel his black cuntwrecker swell and throb as his poison spits deep inside me. All I can say is "YES! YES! YES!" with every pulse. My cock is rock hard and I want to cum so badly, but nobody is touching me. As the black dude's cock pulls out of me, I feel so empty I could almost cry. The length of the pullout teases me mercilessly and is epic. "I need more cock!" I say. The black guy and Steven laugh and talk about how much of a cum pig I am. Steven assures me that I'm gonna get one more load today. The black guy dresses and leaves and Steven unties me. I rub my ankles and wrists and as I do, I look down at my pillow. There is a pink/red wet stain on the pillowcase where it's been under my ass. Steven sees what I'm looking at. "Oh yeah, your cunt is good and torn up. Lots of prime real estate in there for the bugs to take up residence." "Fucking finish me off," I beg him. "Give me another load of your charged swimmers. I don't care anymore." With that, Steven rolls me onto my back and kisses me deeply. It's the first time we've ever kissed. Before that, he's only ever used me as a cumdump. I wrap my legs around him, and his cock slips inside me easily. Because he's already cum once, he's not in a rush to cum again. Besides, he wants to massage the other poz loads into my ass with his cock. The cumslick wetness of my hole makes the fuck amazing. He takes his time, slow pumping me-- actually making love to my used hole. And I'm rock hard the entire time. As he's fucking me, I can feel my orgasm building. The impact of the whole Saturday fuck session has finally registered, and I feel myself racing to the edge. "Steven, you're gonna fuck the cum right out of me... no handed!" I exclaim. He just keeps going, fucking me, increasing his speed a little. "Oh my fucking God-- keep going! I'm gonna cum!" I warned him. And then I was shooting. Shooting huge volumes of cum from my nipples to my groin. And I just kept cumming! It felt like I was going to shoot myself inside out. My ass spasms were enough for Steven, and I feel him park still inside me--- and then feel his cock spasm deep inside. It makes me cum a few more spurts. We stay welded together for a few minutes, making out, then he slides out of my destroyed ass so he can bend down to lap up my cumload. "Neg loads taste the best," he tells me. "Especially final neg loads." We got cleaned up together and I walked him to the door. As he's leaving he says, "Now THAT oughta do it. Keep me posted." Sure enough, about 3 weeks later I got really sick. And a couple months after that I got my results. I was knocked up and Steven was a "father". Again.
    1 point
  21. Part 1 It was going to be a great day! I had just turned 18 two days ago, I was graduating from high school in the afternoon and I was going to a huge party that night with my girlfriend Emily, my best friend Paul and his girlfriend Linda. First let me tell you about myself. My name is Caleb. I’m the youngest of four boys in a very religious and close family. I was home schooled until high school and then went to a high school operated by our church. I guess you could call me the nerdy type. I am 5’11’’ and weigh about 160 pounds. My hair was blond and shaggy. I loved to swim so I guess I had what you would call a ”swimmers build”. My girlfriend Emily said most girls thought I was cute, in a “nerdy” way. Emily was my age and we had been seeing each other all through high school. Emily was very pretty. We both were religious and never took our relationship beyond the handholding and occasional kiss phase. We both believed that any sexual contact should remain off limits until we married. We were very naïve about the real world. Paul was my best friend. We had known each other since we were little kids and were inseparable. If I was a nerd, Paul was a “super nerd”. He is about 5’6’’ and weighs 130 pounds. He has a pale complexion with shaggy red hair. Paul even wears the typical thick rimmed glasses. Paul could easily be mistaken for being 13 or 14 years old. Paul’s girlfriend Linda is very shy. I don’t think they had even held hands let alone kiss. They both are even more naive than Emily and me, if that is possible. I have always considered myself total straight and never even thought about "fooling around" with a guy. It was against what I believed and besides I was saving myself for Emily. Tonight was going to change our lives in so many ways and I we were completely unaware. All four of us were graduating together, so after our graduation ceremony, Emily and I met up with Paul and Linda and we attended receptions put on by our parents and by 9:00 pm it was time to head to the party. We were all nervous but excited about the party. Many kids from our class were attending and we knew there would probably be alcohol and maybe more available there. Paul and I had only snuck a few beers in our life and both of the girls had never tried alcohol. Linda said she would go but would not drink but the rest of us had decided to have fun and celebrate our “big accomplishment”. The party was taking place at a remote farm about ten miles from town. When we arrived there were dozens of kids already partying, many from our school and many I didn’t recognize. The farmhouse was huge and there was a very large swimming pool and hot tub in the backyard along with many picnic tables. There was a huge bonfire in a fire pit. Everybody had contributed money to attend so there was beer, liquor, soft drinks and food. All four of us had packed bathing suits and we noticed nearly everyone there was already in their suits and enjoying the pool and hot tub on a very warm night. We went inside to change and were directed to two bedrooms in the back. The house was beautiful and I was surprised anyone would let such a party take place in it. When we got outside after changing I asked around about who owned the home. I was told it was two former graduates from another local school who were great football players and had even played in the NFL before getting hurt. They were now successful businessmen and agreed each year to allow the party on their property. Their only stipulation was that no one leave drunk and that they be allowed to join the party later in the evening. A friend of Emily’s led us back into the house and showed us a picture of the two owners. They were both stunningly handsome shirtless black men appearing to be in their early-forties. They were both about 250 pounds of solid rippling muscle. They looked like Greek gods. I heard Emily gasp when she saw the picture. “They are beautiful”, she whispered. I thought it odd that these two men would own the house together, but I didn’t pursue the matter further. We went outside and found the beer and alcohol and the three of us grabbed a beer and headed to the pool. The beer was flowing fast and furious and Paul and I matched each other drink for drink. We were definitely feeling the effects About an hour had passed when we heard the owners had arrived along with a nephew of one of the guys. A few minutes later they appeared. All three were shirtless and wore basketball shorts. Their picture did not do them justice. My school didn’t have any African American students, so we had little exposure to black men. They were the most beautiful men I had ever seen. Jordan was the biggest and appeared to be in his early forties. His muscles seemed to pop from his body. Emily commented that his thighs were bigger than my waist. He had closely cut hair and an incredibly handsome face. He had only one tattoo I could see. It was an odd design around his navel. James appeared to be about the same age but wasn’t as big but he had a perfectly defined chest with an eight pack of abs and the same odd tattoo. He had his hair in dreadlocks. Aaron, who turned out to be Jordan’s nephew was about in his early 20’s, swimmers build like me and the face of a model. He too had the same tattoo. We were introduced to them and they seemed very interested in us. Jordan put his arm around me and James put his arm around Paul and asked if we were having fun. We looked so small next to them but they really seemed to like us and we talked for a while. Aaron meanwhile seemed to really be interested in Emily which was making me jealous but I knew she was not going to screw up our relationship. Linda just stood and watched as we all talked. After a few minutes, Jordan suggested we all go to the hot tub. We all grabbed beer and headed over. The hot tub was huge. It could easily handle 20 people and there were about 10 people in there. We climbed in and Jordan made sure to sit next to me and James next to Paul. Aaron got there a few minutes later and maneuvered himself in next Emily. Linda said she didn’t feel good and said she was going to lie down in the car. After a few minutes somebody brought out a “bong”, something I’d never seen before. Everybody in the tub started passing it around and taking “hits” off it. When it came to me, Jordan showed me and Paul and Emily how to do it. I took two hits and suddenly I was feeling pretty relaxed. The marijuana and the beer were really making me feel good. I leaned back and suddenly felt Jordan put his hand on my leg. I couldn’t see it because of the foam in the tub but it felt massive and he slowly began rubbing my upper thigh. I looked over at Paul and could tell by the look on his face that James was doing the same to him. Jordan then reached under the water and grabbed my hand and placed it on his massive thigh. You could feel the muscles under his smooth skin and I began to rub him. I saw Jordan look at James and wink. Jordan than asked me if I’d like to try something called “poppers”? I said sure and he told Aaron to go and get his backpack from the house. Aaron asked Emily to go so they could bring back more beer and she agreed. As soon as they left, Jordan yelled “It’s time to party!” He shifted in the water and then next thing I knew he was holding his shorts in his hand and tossing them out on the grass. James removed his shorts immediately as did several other guys and girls in the pool. James turned to Paul and me and said “What about you two?” Neither of us made a move so they took action. They reached down and grabbed us by our waist and lifted us with one hand while stripping our suit with the others. The next thing I knew I was back in the tub totally naked with Jordan’s massive arm around me. I looked over at Paul who looked totally in shock and appeared to be sitting on James’s lap. Aaron showed up at that moment, but Emily had remained back at the house to use the bathroom. Jordan reached in to the pack and pulled out two bottles and tossed one to James. They took the covers off and put it up to our nose and said breath it in. I did twice and felt like I was flying. I felt Jordan put his hand on my stomach and slowly rub me. He moved his hand down to my penis and took it in his hand. I realized then that I was getting hard. He pressed his face against my neck and began nipping it with his teeth. I moaned slightly and when I did he turned my face to his and I kissed a man for the first time in my young life. His tongue played with my tongue and without thinking I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. I heard a moan from behind and saw Paul lying with his head on James’s shoulder. It was obvious that Paul was being touched under the water and was enjoying it. Suddenly I felt something brush my leg. I reached and felt his penis for the first time. It was massive. I couldn’t imagine a man having a penis that large. Jordan smiled and stood up. I was face to face with penis at least 10 inches long but its width was stunning. There was a large metal ring piercing the tip of it. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. I heard several people in the tub as well as some people who were now watching the four of us, gasp when they saw it. “Taste it!” he told me. I obeyed and opened my mouth. It was so big I could barely get it in but Jordan slowly helped me taste my first penis. “Your turn baby” I heard James say and I turned around to see Paul licking the tip of James’s penis. James was not as massive as Jordan but was longer. He had to be at least 13 to 14 inches long. Paul was mesmerized by it all. They both grabbed the poppers bottles again and took a hit of their own. Then they shoved the bottle under our nose and we both inhaled. I knew then that I was really starting to enjoy this and wasn’t going to try and stop whatever was happening. Suddenly we were both picked up by our two Greek gods and carried to a picnic table. I felt so small in his huge arms as he carried me. His body felt warm against mine and I reached and rubbed his muscled chest. He pulled me tight against him and began to kiss me again. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in. Aaron, who was also now naked, was there at the table spreading a blanket on it. We were both placed gently on table next to each other.
    1 point
  22. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Adq4h-G701-#.VXvConkw_IU weekend
    1 point
  23. Took 12 loads up my cunt at the local bath house 2 days ago. Went there to service 2 regulars and more and more guys kept showing up. In the end they made me push the loads out of my cunt into a glass and drink it.
    1 point
  24. Hmmmm--- I guess I would say that most of the tops that I'm attracted to like the fact that I'm an aggressive, pig bottom. I think I learned this from a fuckbud I met at the baths. We had just met, and he asked what I was into. I went into the entire litany of things that I liked (back then I thought of myself as versatile - b4 Miss Tina...). When I asked him what he was into, he said, "I get fucked!" His honesty and straightforwardness was refreshing and HOT!!!! My cock was instantly hard, and we went back to his room and fucked like crazy. Since I only get fucked bare, I cut through the redtape when a guy comes in my room at the baths. I I grab his cock, get it hard, get on my hands and knees and say "Fuck me raw!" If they want a condom, they leave. If not, I get a load! Simple.
    1 point
  25. Cocksucking cumeating is my fave thing to watch, so I have amassed a huge collection of links about just that here are some very dedicated cocksucker jizz juice gobblers I like http://www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=7Bambi18 http://www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=MrSuckUup http://www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=TheCarnivore http://www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=hotelroom_gloryhole http://www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=eatdatshit313 http://www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=ToledoThroat
    1 point
  26. I've been piss fucked by two guys at the same time, would love to take a whole lot more than that though! These guys took turns to fill my hole with hot piss, making me hold it in until I sprayed it out everywhere. Eventually they both came deep inside me, I pushed their cum out into my hand and swallowed it whilst they continued to shower me with piss. It was one of my hottest play sessions ever, would be even better with ten times as many guys!
    1 point
  27. Yeah fukkmenow I have been the bottom in a group piss fuck but it is usually very hard to organise as a lot of guys just cant piss with a hardon ! The most I have got at any one time was 5 but it was so fuckin hot gettin me hungry hole flooded with piss n cum ! Hope it happens for you bro (_0_)
    1 point
  28. Plz be a part two.... This is hot
    1 point
  29. There is a listing on Squirt in NJ page, it's called Gateway Inn. Apparently 6 hour rentals are available, Seems to be lots of action based on the chatter about it.
    1 point
  30. It depends on the top. If he is meek, I'll take control and use his cock how I want. While I like a top to use me totally for his pleasure, I like to turn the table at times. The look on their face is priceless.
    1 point
  31. I prefer to think of myself as a bottom who stays in control of the situation. No one is doing anything I don't like or don't want. For instance, if the top is hung, I make it clear that I need to relax and open up before he starts pounding away. If the top doesn't like that, then we won't be fucking. Nothing is worse than having a guy who doesn't respect this. I am also not a big fan of tops who insist on inserting without my help. Dude, I know where my hole is better than you.
    1 point
  32. I always get what i want & milk that dick totally dry before it gets the chance to pull out before the next one slides in.
    1 point
  33. I enjoy both type of bottoms. I prefer sub as it's just easier.... But I also love power bottoms that will use my dick to get what they want as well!
    1 point
  34. Me too. The top can use me however he wants but I am using him too to get my share of the fun. I want to cum too.
    1 point
  35. Me. I enjoy being pounded, manhandled, etc but I want still pleasure from it too and i still want to get off.
    1 point
  36. One guy, Jake, with whom I've been talking lately is, at 21, a few years younger than either Ari or me. Jake has known for the past four months that he is HIV positive, and he explained to me that he had chased hard for it, taking loads from guys who were up-front about being poz, as well as from random arcade glory hole cocks. Jake hasn't started meds and enjoys fucking around as both a top and a bottom. Since being diagnosed, he has fucked three chasers, two of whom have since tested poz but the status of the third won't known for a while as he won't be tested for a few more weeks. This tally doesn't include the possible infection of any guy who didn't specifically ask about Jake's status. All-in-all Jake estimates that, since converting, he has fucked six or seven guys, and taken an equal number of loads in his ass. Any how, I showed Jake pics of Ari, explaining that I wanted either have my Ari himself poz me, or have him arrange for me to be pozzed. Jake was definitely down for it, and asked if getting Ari to cheat on me would be easy. "I honestly don't know," I replied, and then asked "anyhow, how would I know if Ari cheated unless I caught him in the act?" Jake suggested I should orchestrate a 'chance meeting' with Ari where Jake could test the waters. I thought for a minute, and then mentioned Ari worked in a retail clothing store. With that information Jake came-up with a plan to determine if Ari would cheat on me, and if he did, it was likely Ari would end-up poz. And, if Ari didn't cheat, well, the door to a three-way was always open. With that, Jake instructed me not to have sex with Ari for awhile and asked where he worked. I agreed, and gave Jake the information, and also told him what days Ari has commented on as being slow-customer days. Thus armed, Jake could pick a time when he and Ari wouldn't be distracted by other customers, and during which Jake could test the waters.
    1 point
  37. Part Five; That night as I laid awake in my bed looking at the piece of paper with the number on it and the thought of ME being the guest of honor; what the hell did he mean and what the hell am I getting myself into now? The next morning when I woke up I spent the day with my family as they asked why I had been spending so much time at the park; of course the normal excuse of nothing to do but hike in the woods till they got home. At approximately I finally made the call to the number; still not knowing if they would make good on their promise of showing up at my house and telling my parents what I had been doing or them finding photos of me being a the park faggot bitch. After 3 rings a voice answered and asked who it was; I said I was told to call for a party tonight. The voice on the other end yelled out to someone that it is your white faggot bitch on the phone, a minute later another man got on the phone and asked if I was ready for another good time? I asked what the good time meant; the male stated just be in front of your house to be picked up in an hour, short and t-shirt, no underwear, but before I could ask why in front of my house, he hung up! I ran upstairs to get showered and dressed and outside before they got there. I was standing in front of the house hoping that my parents didn’t come out. An hour to the second almost a black panel van pulled up driven by a black man; the side doors open and two more black guys were in the back and told me to get the fuck in! I jumped in the back where they told me to strip, I asked why, and that the doors were still open; NOW BITCH, STRIP!! I never got naked so fast from them yelling afraid that my parents where sure to have heard them. They then threw my clothes on the street, closed the door and sped off honking the horn; I guess the let all the white folks know that they had one of their white boys, and he was naked!!! As we drove down the street, they fitted my with a leather collar with a lock and two hooks for a leash, then both my wrist and ankles had the same type of leather restraints put on and locked in place. The black guys were drinking and smoking pot and as I asked for something; they gave me a bottle of water. Water; WTF was this, I was surely going to need something more that fucking water. One of the black guys slapped my upside my head and told me to drink it. I was almost done when we pulled up somewhere and stopped, my head started to feel really funny and I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was trying to catch my bearings of where the hell I was at, I could hear voices all around laughing. My body hurt like hell and felt like someone had beat the hell out of me. The black guy from the park was standing next to me and stated that I was coming too, I was offered a drink of water and as I reached for it, I found that I was bent over a wooden padded type bench, unable to move my legs that were now stretched open and tied from my ankle restraints along with my neck and my hands that had some room to move. What did you do to me? We had you tagged for us! What; what do you mean tagged? My now dominate black male told one of the guys to bring him the mirror. He held up a mirror so I could see the small of my back above my ass. He stated that they took me to a tattoo parlor and had me tagged! On looking in the mirror I saw a black spade with an arrow pointing down to my ass; with the words “black cocks go here”. Oh my god why? That black male stated, you are bitch now; you serve us only, you gona be are whore!! Then the black man moved the mirror to both my arms; both had tattoos, one side had white fag for black cock, the other had a heart with I above the heart and cock below. You will now address me as Master or sir; do you understand? How am I going home after this I asked; YOU DON”T BITCH, YOU STAY HERE NOW, YOU WORK FOR US, ME!!! And he then hit me so hard upside my head, I saw stars. Now call me MASTER bitch!! I bowed my head and replied “yes master”. LOUDER BITCH; YES MASTER. You ever forget it again I will kill you; understand? Yes Master!! Good; now I have another surprise for you before we get started. “Fix the bitch up first” the guys grabbed my arm and out came the strap and the syringe with the drugs, after they hit me with them, I was again in heaven and just wanted cock in me. The guys all undressed and started to shove their cocks in me at both ends, making me tell them what I wanted. I was so High, I had no idea how loud I was begging to be fucked, that I was a cum dump for black men, that I just wanted to feel their seed flooding my mouth and ass. My master then asked me to tell them how I became a whore for black cock, how I fell in love with cock and cum; as they took turns using my holes. My Master then grabbed my hair after my rendition of my sexual encounters in the park and had me look at the tv screen, I almost got sick right there; on the screen were both my parents, my 17 yr old sister and my 13 yr old brother watching and listening to me. I could see 4-5 black guy in the background making them watch and listen to me being used and my tales of male sex. My parents had the look of shock; but looking at my brother and sister, they seemed more intrigued that shocked, could they be enjoying this? My master must have sensed the same thing. “Tie the parents up, take the other two to their rooms and see if what we see is true; if so, bring them here after you give them both some fixes!! After the screen went dark, I was taken off the bench and taken out to the van and strapped down on the bed with my ass hanging off the end and my mouth at a perfect height for sucking cocks. They then drove me to a part of town that they just open the doors for my use for the customers on the street. What is going on with my Brother and sister back home I wonder?
    1 point
  38. Tad and Willie lay side by side on their backs upon the floor too exhausted by their gang rapes to move. Willie's eyes were closed and his face was coated with patches of dried semen and flecks of blood from his many small facial wounds. The fair skin of his lean body was marred by bruises and scratches, welts and the cum of several dozen rapes. His prick was rubbed raw by hours of rough masturbation which left it as swollen as his bruised testicles. As he lay unmoving and barely breathing, he moaned constantly in a low drone of pain. Tad was not nearly in such bad condition as Wolf had protected him from the more viscous attacks perpetrated on Willie's teenage flesh. Tad's lips were swollen from sucking dozens of hard pricks and his face was smeared with the cum they had produced. But he had few cuts and just a little bruising from the few slaps he had received to remind him of his place. His body too contained the traces of dozens of ejaculations but he bore little evidence of physical abuse beyond his swollen nipples and the bruise on his balls from Wolf's cruel punch. Wolf had not allowed Tad to be masturbated or his balls to be beaten or anything larger than a his own prick to be shoved into Tad's ass. He had been treated kindly compared to battered Willie and he ought to be grateful for Wolf's kind attentions. But Tad was not grateful because he had a fear that Wolf was only saving him for something worse. Tad's head was swimming from the pain in his body and his mind. He felt as if the table were turning slowly beneath him like a children's carousel. As he drifted from cruel consciousness to the kindness of sleep, he heard two distant voices which he recognized as if through a fog. "What do we do with the fuckers now, Wolf, off em?" Piston's voice was a conspiratorial whisper. "Naw, we'll take the cocksuckers to the dungeon where we can really have some fucking fun," Wolf's replied sotto voce. "Fucking for fun and profit," Piston laughed softly. "You bet! These shits will be fucking money makers," Wolf replied in a dark whisper. Tad heard no more. He joined Willie in the kingdom of blissful oblivion. For a few hours he would not have to worry about what Wolf's dark words meant. as I said I hope you enjoyed!
    1 point
  39. Now Tad braced himself for the worst as Wolf moved behind him and took his position between Tad's legs. Piston, Hog and Bull had managed to stretch Tad's puckered anus into an open hole into which the blunt tip of Wolf's fist sized cock head fit comfortably. Using the cum and detritus oozing from Tad's abused ass hole as his only lubrication, Wolf mounted the teenager in a single man killing thrust. Tad screamed and fell forward on his arms with his head to the floor and screamed until there was no air in his lungs. With no throat raping prick to distract him, Tad's full attention was focused on the agony in his guts. If Piston was a red hot baseball bat, then Wolf was a volcanic telephone pole. Tad's puckered asshole stretched to a taut smooth ring, while his aching rectum tore as Wolf's monster filled the ravaged tunnel beyond capacity. Wolf withdrew his monster until only its head was inside Tad's back door and laughed when he saw that the shaft was streaked with fresh blood. "Told you I'd make you fucking bleed," he gloated as he slapped Tad on his firm round buttocks. Wolf plowed Tad's buttocks with slow deliberate strokes, while the tortured teenager screamed and beat the floor with his fists. Wolf had to do nothing special to cause Tad agony. The mere size of his prick was enough to make Tad scream. Wolf did not grunt or pant or moan but did his damage to Tad's gut in a workmanlike manner with only a quiet snarl curling his lips. When at last he reached orgasm there was no scream or howl, Wolf just held himself perfectly still while his balls pumped his cum into the boy's bleeding guts. His cum seemed to last for several minutes before his large testicles were drained. After his last ejaculation, he gave Tad three of for more thrusts with his softening penis before withdrawing from the boy. "That's a fuck you won't forget," Wolf laughed as he slapped Tad on the buttocks and walked away. Tad with a groan collapsed and lay on his stomach on the floor. He was too overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion to notice the half dozen bikers drifting over from Willie's table to have their turn with him. They rolled him onto his back and one dropped to his knees and straddled Tad's chest while the other knelt between the semi-conscious teenager's legs. The first biker fell forward on his hands and fed Tad his hot dick while the other lifted the teenager's legs to his broad shoulders and shoved his meat into the boy's upturned ass. Tad did not grunt or groan or whimper as he barely felt their pricks penetrate his throat and rectum. After suffering through Wolf's colossal penetrations, the rutting thrusts of mere ordinary men were easy for him to bear. At first Tad thought his torture had ended, that he would endure his gang rape in a semi-conscious unfeeling daze. But then relieved of the overwhelming pain of repeated massive penetration, his body started to react to the more pleasurable thrusts of ordinary men. As each minute passed he became more aware of what his rapists were doing to his body. He felt sensations in his guts that made him groan with desire. He felt the cold aching of his loins warm to sexual arousal. He felt his cock swell and grow to man-size. He felt nothing but shame at his body's reaction, at the desires coursing through him. Tad's mind was racked with the pain of feeling pleasure from his rape, as his body had been racked by the pain of Wolf's abuse. Tad recoiled from the horror of being aroused by the unnatural touch of another man. But his body betrayed him and as one biker replaced another, his cock grew to full erection and his loins begged for relief. By the time the first six bikers had each had a turn at his mouth and ass, Tad had reached orgasm twice and was aching to cum once again. The first six bikers were replaced by six more and then Sam the bartender took a turn. On through the night the gang rapists drifted back and forth between Tad and Willie and used each boy again and again. They untied Willie and bound Tad and then they bound them both together. They raped them separately and they raped them as a pair and they raped them continuously. To Tad and Willie, the bikers became a blur of anonymous male flesh with an erect prick to thrust into their mouths or between their legs. They were all alike in their rutting sexual desires and one man was no different from the next, except for Wolf. Tad always knew by the agony he felt in his throat or ass, when Wolf was at his door. When Tad and Willie grew to tired to respond to the rapes, the bikers invented little games to get their attention. Willie was brought from his stupor by a fist to his testicles and the treatment was repeated whenever his responses flagged. Tad had his nipples pinched and twisted until he wept and begged the biker's to tear them from his chest. But they laughed and twisted them some more. The bikers raped the prep-school boys until they were unconscious, while they were unconscious and when they came to consciousness again. They raped the boys hour after hour in every position and by every method their perverted minds could bring into play. The bikers took sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths and fifths and when they could not use their own equipment they used whatever came to hand. Bottles, glasses, salt shakers, toilet plungers, wooden spoons and from the kitchen vegetables of all kinds were thrust and twisted and plunged into the teenagers' unresisting bodies until the bikers grew tired of their fun. Finally at dawn the biker's were sated and slunk off to clean themselves and rest like dogs after they have finished with their bitches.
    1 point
  40. Wolf had stripped himself down to his boots and cock and ball harness before donning his leather vest and chains. He stood behind Tad with one hand on the boy's shoulder and with the other holding a cock which was out of all human proportion with the man. He spun Tad around and forced the boy to look down at what he held in his calloused hand. "Horse!" Tad involuntarily exclaimed in amazement as he saw the monstrous rod of erect flesh in Wolf's hand. "Like it?" Wolf laughed, "It's fucking big and you're going to take every fucking inch of it." "No, you'll kill me," Tad pleaded as he backed into Piston, Hog and Bull. "You can take it, little engine, you've got a good body. A muscle hunk like you can take this and pull the fucking train too. It'll be a fucking pleasure to put this into you." Tad was a muscle hunk as he worked out with weights and kept himself lean for his place on his prep-school football team. He was tall and well proportioned and had thought himself well hung until he had seen what Wolf had between his legs. He did not believe that any man could be that big or that any man or women could survive penetration by such a thing. Tad felt sick inside as he realized that soon he would know if he could survive penetration by Wolf's superhuman dick, but first he had to survive Piston, Hog and Bull. The three lost no time forcing Tad onto all fours on the floor at their feet. Piston stripped off his clothes before kneeling at Tad's head, where he offered his nine inch prick to the boy. The biker forced his drooling slab of meat into Tad's mouth and without pause down the boy's virgin throat. Tad choked and gagged as Piston started rapidly pumping his rigid prick in and out of the teenager's no longer virgin throat. Tad fought not to choke or puke and tried desperately to breathe between each vicious penetration as his throat was raped again and again. Within minutes his mouth and throat were sore, there was a terrible ache in his jaws and his lips were scraped raw by the biker's coarse pubic hair. "Suck it harder, asshole!" Piston ordered, "Milk that fucker with your throat!" Tad did his best to obey by swallowing over and over while Piston's penis plugged his throat. Soon the boy felt a thick slime starting to coat his tongue and the inside of his mouth. Piston started to grunt as he pulled his prick from Tad's throat and filled the boy's mouth with a flood of his hot biker cum. Tad gulped as fast as he could, but his mouth filled to overflowing and the thick white goo ran down his chin. Piston pulled his spent prick from Tad's lips and to the boy's horror it had not softened but was still erect. "One cum don't make me go soft," Piston said as he laughed at Tad's expression, "it just takes the edge off so I can fuck ass twice as long." Piston gathered up the gobs of his semen hanging from Tad's chin and wiped them on the head of his prick. "That's all the lube you'll get," Piston said as he went around to Tad's hindquarters and knelt between the teenager's legs. "Better plug his mouth, Hog," Wolf suggested, "he's really going to feel that fucker going in." Hog, whose sobriquet was related to his fat body and fatter prick, knelt before the boy wearing only his nipple rings. Tad groaned as he saw beneath the biker's fat belly an erect dick longer and thicker than Piston's nine inch meat. Tad had to open his jaws wide just to take the head in and the fat glans filled his entire mouth. Hog did not wait for Tad to accommodate himself to the size of the prick or prepare for the monster's penetration of his throat. With a grunt of pleasure, he force fed Tad his pork meat and pushed the fat head to the opening of Tad's throat. Piston, seeing that the teenager was gagged by Hog's thick meat, shoved his prick into the boy's gut. Not even Hog's throat stopping slab could completely muffle Tad's scream as every fiber of his ravaged ass burned with pain. The boy felt as if he had been penetrated by a red hot baseball bat. Before Tad could catch his breath, Hog drove into his throat and the teenager was treated to a duet of agony. His ass was forced open and his gut overfilled by Piston's sawing prick tearing in and out of his ass, while his jaws were overstretched and his throat filled to bursting by Hog's chugging thrusts. The minutes passed like hours as every thrust brought new pain which did not diminish as the rape progressed. Hog and Piston were too big, his body could not adjust to them so he felt no diminishment of pain or rising of pleasure. It was complete agony from the first penetration to the last withdrawal of the horrible weapon Piston had between his legs. Piston came and went and was replaced by Hog and the whole rape was repeated again. Bull, who got his name because he had the muscles, brains and cock of an ox, knelt before Tad completely naked with his cock in both hands. The boy saw with horror that he was much bigger than Hog and he groaned as he realized Wolf's evil plan. Tad was to be raped by ever larger pricks so that each penetration would be worse than the one before. The agony of losing his cherries was to be repeated four times over as each man would stretch Tad's throat and ass more than the man before. Tad would be taken from Piston's extra large to Hog's giant to Bull's king size and last to Wolf's bulk packed giant family size dick of destruction. Tad endured the torture as Bull took his throat and Hog took his backside. He screamed and wept and struggled to accept their terrible weapons into his body without doing himself a permanent injury. He knew throughout the rape that no matter how bad it got that there was worse to come. After Hog there was Bull, after Bull there was Wolf and then nine other bikers and one fat bartender to come. Hog squealed as he ejaculated into Tad's gut and pulled out before he finished to unload across the boy's back. Bull quickly took Hog's place at Tad's backside and drove his bull dick home before Wolf was on his knees. Tad had no idea how bad his rape would be until he had to unhinge his jaw to take Wolf's big prick into his mouth. He could not suck Wolf's fleshy log there was no room in his mouth to move his tongue and he could not close his jaws even a fraction of an inch. Bull was fucking faster than when one young bull mounts another and he ejaculated before Wolf had entered Tad's throat. Tad thought it would be a relief not to have the awful anal agony of Bull's raping dick tearing through his guts, but he found that without that distraction, his full attention was focused on the destruction of his throat. Wolf slowly pushed forward driving inch after inch into Tad's gaping mouth and down his throat. Tad couldn't breath at all and tried to pull himself back but Hog and Bull held him firmly in place. The awful invasion of Tad's throat continued until Wolf was pressing the boy's nose into his coarse pubic hair. Tad's face turned red and then blue as Wolf slowly withdrew until Tad could draw air in through his nose. He was allowed to breathe for a few minutes before Wolf slid his giant monster back into its esophageal abode. Two deep throat rapes were all Wolf tried and when he withdrew after the second thrust, his penis was streaked with blood. Tad felt the warmth of his own blood well up in his throat and fill his mouth with salty warmth. He dropped his head and opened his mouth and fat red drops fell from his lips onto the floor. "Don't worry, cocksucker," Wolf laughed his reassurance, "you aren't going to die. A fucker big as mine always makes a faggot bleed some the first time whether I fuck down his throat or up his ass."
    1 point
  41. Part 4 Tad watched in horror as Willie pulled the biker's train of chain rape. One man after another took his place at the boy's mouth or between his legs as they chose. As they waited for their turns at Willie's unwilling body, many of the bikers stripped off their shirts and pants and wore only their boots or vests or motorcycle caps. Some wore harnesses which crisscrossed their massive hairy chests with leather straps or metal chains. Some wore cockrings or ball harnesses or both. Some had pierced nipples or pricks or both. Each man was different in his way but all were alike in that their bodies were unwashed and their pricks were primed and ready for rape. Tad barely felt the roaming hands of Wolf and his two companions as they groped his body unmercifully. The only time he groaned was when they touched his groin and he wished that they would just leave him alone. But they had not gone to join the fun with Willie but remained at Tad's table to torment him with what was to come. As they touched his crotch they asked him how he liked it and if what was happening to Willie looked good. They whispered in his ears that his time was coming soon and that they were going to fuck him really good. As the forth or fifth man took his place between Willie's legs and yet another biker came in his mouth, there came a loud thumping on the tavern door. For a moment every man in the room froze, even the two raping Willie, as the one thought "POLICE" flashed through their minds. "Open up! It's Piston and Reb," a gruff voice came through the door and every man let out his breath and relaxed. As Crank opened the door, the rapists went back to their fucking business and the lines started forming as before. Piston and Red stepped into the tavern and looked at the gang rape with disgust. "You mother fuckers started without us," the dirty blond, Piston, complained. "Quit your fucking bellyaching, he ain't pulled the first train yet," Crank replied. "The fucker's just starting to warm up." Reb wasted no time shedding most of his clothes before getting on line to rape Willie's mouth. As he waited, he rubbed one hand over his small hairy chest, while with the other he stroked his puny prick to get himself primed and ready for his turn. "Come on, Piston," he called cheerily to his boyfriend, "you don't want to miss the fun." "Got fucking business," Piston replied sulkily as he ambled over to Wolf's table to report to the gang leader on his mission with the car. "What did you do with it, Piston," Wolf asked the big blond biker as he approached the table. "Took it to the junkyard, Wolf," he replied in a respectfully disgruntled tone, "it will be on its way to three fucking states by tomorrow. The fucking cops will never find it no matter how hard they look." "A-fucking-one!" Wolf congratulated him and Piston's chest swelled just a little with pride. "Thanks, Wolf," Piston's tone was slightly mollified, "guess I'll go get on line for some fucking ass. The shit's going to be fucking sloppy by the time I get to him." "That fucking train has left the station, Piston," Wolf laughed, "you don't want sloppy seconds when you can be first on board. Join me. You can be the first man on the train, when this fucking engine leaves the station." Piston was all smiles as he nodded his thanks and took the seat on the other side of Tad. The blond biker looked at Tad as he lay with his cheek pressed against the table and his eyes screwed tightly closed. "What's the fucking matter with him," Piston asked as Tad groaned when the biker but his hand on the teenager's thigh, "he looks like he's been hard used?" "I had to bust his fucking balls, just to get his attention," Wolf put his hand on Tad's other thigh and the boy groaned again. "I think he's learned his fucking lesson and will do what he's fucking told." "Mind if I try him out, Wolf," Piston asked with a voice edged with excitement. "Go ahead, just keep your prick in your fucking pants," Wolf conditionally replied, "he ain't ready to leave the station yet." "Sit up," Piston commanded Tad, "let's see if you've learned your fucking lesson." Tad unscrewed his eyes and looked at Piston in bewilderment. The pain befuddled teenager seemed to recognize the dirty blond giant from some where though he could not remember exactly where that was. He did distinctly remember Wolf's crippling punch between his legs as his balls still ached from that awful blow. He tried to raise his head from the table and felt a sharp piercing pain stab from his nuts through his loins to his back. He put both his palms flat on the table and pushed himself up by his arms as he bit his lip to keep from screaming with the pain. "Good boy," Piston praised Tad as if he were a puppy sitting up for a doggie treat, "what's your name?" "Tad...Sir," The teenager gasped between waves of nausea. "Good Tad," Piston praised the teenager again and the boy half expected to be given a treat, "Now Tad put your hands behind your back and let the boys hold your arms, then spread your legs real wide so Wolf and me can feel you up." Tad with a sinking heart knew that he must obey. To beg for mercy would be a waste of time and would probably only anger his tormentors. Neither Wolf nor Piston nor the two brawny bikers standing behind his chair knew anything about mercy. They were interested in only two things, pleasing themselves and torturing him. To fight was to invite another bruising of his testicles. He could not win and would only suffer more. To comply was the only road to follow and that road did not lead to safety but to rape. Tad put his arms behind him and the two brawny bikers each put a hand to one of his wrists. Tad slowly spread his knees apart and held his breath in anticipation of his tormentors first caress. Piston with a wicked grin slid his hand from the top of Tad's thigh to the inside of his leg. He felt the boy's muscles tremble beneath his fingers and watched with excitement the look of anguish on the teenager's handsome face. Piston's cruel mouth opened slightly and his thick tongue slid out and curled up over his top lip as he slid his hand from Tad's inner thigh and cupped the boy's crotch. Tad flinched, his legs jerked and he drew back from Piston's cruel touch. "What's the matter, fuck meat," Wolf snarled as he saw Tad recoil, "ain't Piston your type? Don't you like big, blond, fucking bikers or are you too fucking good for shit like us?" "No, please," Tad protested as he twisted around to look at Wolf and felt a stabbing pain in his nuts, "I couldn't help it. I'm just so sore." "Then tell Piston your sorry," Wolf's command carried and unspoken threat, "and ask him really nice to grope you." "Please, sir," Tad almost wept with humiliation as he spoke to the leering blond biker, "I'm sorry. Please grope me. Please, sir, touch me down there." Piston ran the tip of his tongue across his upper lip and leered at Tad through half-closed eyes. "Show Piston that you like him," Wolf suggested forcefully, "Kiss him and give him a lot of fucking tongue." As Piston opened his mouth and leaned in closer to Tad, he squeezed the tender bulge in the crotch of the teenager's gray flannel slacks. Tad opened his mouth to scream as the biker mauled his tender crotch and Piston clamped his mouth over Tad's lips. Tad tried to pull away but the two bikers behind him held his neck and head and forced him into Piston's lewd embrace. Tad had no choice but to accept the bikers hard, hot tongue into his unwilling mouth. As Piston's warm hard muscle invaded the teenager's mouth, he tasted beer, cigarettes and decaying teeth. Tad tried hard not to swallow the hot saliva that poured from the biker's mouth into his nor to move his tongue in response to the biker's probing muscle. "Give him tongue, asshole," Wolf ordered Tad when he saw the boy was not responding to Piston's sloppy kiss. Tad whimpered and swallowed the foul juices the blond biker had deposited in his mouth and tentatively moved his tongue. Piston responded by pressing his mouth into Tad's with such force that his teeth slid between the boy's and forced the teenager to take even more of his foul tongue. The blond biker held the struggling teenager for several minutes in a fierce embrace while using his tongue as a weapon to rape Tad's mouth and throat. When at last Piston broke his violent kiss, they were both gasping for air and sweating like pigs. "Hog and Bull," Wolf addressed the two bikers standing behind Tad's chair, "I ain't waiting any longer. It's time for this little fucking engine to pull the fucking train." Hog grunted and Bull snorted their eager assent. "Hog and Bull, you boys get him up and strip him," Wolf gave his orders as he rose from the table to start pulling off his clothes, "Piston, you bust his fucking cherry and make sure that it fucking hurts." "No! Please," Tad protested as Hog and Bull dragged him to his feet. "Shut up!" Piston snapped as he rose from his seat to backhand Tad across the face. The blow stunned the teenager who fell back into the arms of Hog and Bull. The two bikers caught him and started tearing at his clothes. The two bullies quickly tore the teenager's button-down shirt to shreds while Piston tore at his belt and the button on his pants. Hog ripped the white tee shirt from Tad's chest and back as Bull and Piston stripped the boy's gray flannel trousers from his legs. Tad tried to struggle but did not have a chance. Bull pulled the shoes from his feet, while Piston tore off his underpants. In less then two minutes Tad was naked and trapped inside a circle of four horny, brawny men.
    1 point
  42. Part 3 The whole gang laughed but not at Tad because they were paying no attention to him. They were laughing as Willie flopped about on his stomach while Crank forced a second fat finger into his aching asshole. Crank laid one thick finger atop the other and turned them like a corkscrew into Willie's tight canal. "Where's the fucking grease, Sam," Crank complained loudly as his fingers refused to be pushed further than the second knuckle into the groaning teenager's dry ass hole. Sam scurried off to the kitchen to fetch a can of shortening with a backwards glance at the suffering boy. By the time he returned with a can of commercial shortening, Willie had been rolled on his back by the bikers and his wrists tied to his ankles and his elbows to his knees. By this method, his legs were forced to bend at the knees and spread wide apart as they were drawn up towards his chest. As he lay on his back, his buttocks were lifted from the table and the space between his legs was laid open and fully exposed. The bikers left him on his back with his buttocks hanging over one side of the table and his head hanging over the other side. Some helpful gang member lifted Willie's head so that he could watch Crank grease his big dick. Willie watched with his mouth open and panting in fearful anticipation as Crank scooped a gob of shortening from the can that Sam was holding in his shaking hands. Crank smeared his hard cock from its root to its tip with the thick white goo. He took a second gob on the two fingers he had been using to assault the boy's ass and shoved it into Willie's puckered asshole with a single stroke. Willie screamed and bucked at the double digit invasion of his virgin ass and screamed again as Crank screwed his fingers in and out to smear the grease about inside Willie's newly opened shit chute. Tears clouded Willie's vision, as in a blur Crank take his place between Willie's thighs. As Willie felt the blunt tip of Crank's dick kiss his greased asshole, the boy whimpered in anticipation of the raping thrust. "Take a deep breath, fuck meat," Crank cheerily advised him, "and kiss your fucking cherry ass goodbye." Crank lunged forward and with a single brutal thrust buried the entire length of his dick in Willie's gut. Willie screamed and the gang cheered as Crank began humping his greasy prick into the boy. Tad did not raise his head to look but screwed his eyes closed as if that would block out Willie's screams. "Shut him up," Crank huffed as he put a hand behind each of Willie's knees to brace himself while he humped. The helpful biker dropped Willie's head and being helpful still stopped the boy's screaming by thrusting his cock into the teenager's gaping mouth. As Crank pounded his prick into Willie's overstretched asshole, the helpful biker at the boy's head engaged in oral rape. The two brutes quickly found their rhythm and double humped the boy like two rutting beasts. After a few minutes, which to Willie seemed like hours, Crank grunted and drove his prick all the way into the boy. The biker's massive body froze for an instant in sexual paroxysm, then his loins contracted as he ejaculated his hot semen into Willie's gut. Willie had no time to think about what had been done to him or that he now carried inside his body a part of his rapist, which he would absorb to make it forever a part of him. He could only feel relief as Crank's raping dick left his body and horror as another biker's raping dick took its place. Willie tried to scream as the new penetration renewed his agony but his scream was muffled to extinction by the prick filling his mouth. "Deep throat me, cocksucker," the helpful mouth raping biker husked as forced his bloated cock past Willie's virgin glottis and down into the boy's throat. Willie gagged and wretched as his body tried to expel the hot mass plugging his throat. The boy couldn't breathe as his throat was completely stopped by hot, hard man meat. The helpful biker looked down and smiled as Willie twisted and writhed in a desperate and futile fight for breath. Willie's frightened face turned red and then blue, before the helpful biker withdrew enough prick meat to allow Willie a few gulps of air. Willie was still gasping desperately when the helpful biker slid his prick back down the teenager's ravaged throat. The helpful biker's oral rape had a rhythm, which Willie quickly learned. Three rapid throat raping penetrations were followed by one deep throat which the biker held until Willie thought he would pass out. Willie learned to fill his lungs between the three short strokes so that he would have enough breath to carry him through the deep throat ordeal. Willie did not know that it was his struggle for air and the working of his throat that turned the helpful biker on and kept him going strong. The biker between Willie's legs picked up the helpful biker's rhythm and started fucking in three short thrusts which was followed by a deep penetration during which he ground his coarse pubic hair into Willie's upturned buttocks. The two men worked together as they grunted and sweated to torture the teenager by making him feel every moment of his double rape. They thrust their hips until their heavy, hairy balls slapped against his forehead and his backside. They ground their filthy pubic hear against his tender skin. They corkscrewed, pounded, plowed and pried their pricks into his body and not satisfied with his suffering from these assaults, they tormented him further by using his body as a sexual toy. In a concerted effort to torture the abused prep-school senior by sexually arousing him during his rape, the helpful biker tweaked the boy's pink nipples and caressed his heaving chest while the other rapist stroked the boy's pink prick and tickled his clean shaven scrotum with touches lighter than a feather. Willie to his shame started feeling aroused by the things his rapists were doing to him. As the rapist between his legs pounded his prick inside Willie, he hit a place that made the boy moan and curl his toes in a spasm so intense that the battered teenager longed to feel it again. To this pleasure was added an arousal caused by suffocation which made Willie long to hold his mouth rapist dick in his throat until he passed out. His torment was completed by their tender caresses to his nipples and his cock and balls. The abused teenager could not fight the stimulation coming from all directions at once. His mind was overwhelmed by sexual arousal and his body betrayed him as his prick became fully erect and he started pushing his face into the helpful biker's crotch while humping his hips for the man between his legs. The helpful biker covered Willie's head with his hunching body as he squeezed Willie's tender nipples and pulled them away from his chest. "Take my fuck," He gasped as he drove his prick down Willie's throat. "I'm cumming, cocksuker. Eat my fucking scum." Willie gagged and gulped and gagged as the helpful biker filled his throat with bolt after bolt of scalding fuck juice. Halfway through his ejaculation the brute pulled his pulsing prick from Willie's throat and mouth to shoot the last of his cum across the boy's sweaty face. The helpful biker released Willie's nipples and uncurled himself from the boy's head, then he stepped out of the way for the next biker to have his turn at Willie's gaping mouth. Willie was disappointed, he had been so close to cumming when the helpful biker had pulled his prick from Willie's aching throat. Willie was ashamed of his desire, but he needed another prick lodged in his throat. He opened his mouth eagerly and accepted the next biker's drooling dick into his mouth. Willie wanted to cum, to feel his balls boiling over and pumping hot nut oil out his dick, so that he would have to feel nothing else. The biker between Willie's legs changed his rhythm to match the new mouth raper's pace. He teased Willie's hard cock and jerked the boy against his will. Willie was being driven to sexual madness by the unending double penetration and the unwonted manipulation of his nipples and his cock. He knew that he shouldn't but he wanted his rape to continue so that he could feel the constant sexual stimulation, that tickling pleasure that drew him ever closer to climax and blocked out all the horror and humiliation of his rape. He grunted with each penetration and thrust back to force the rapist deeper into his gut. His nipples turned to hard peaks of sexual stimulation as his testicles congested with lusty blood and his achingly hard cock leaked precum in a steady stream. The biker between Willie's legs abandoned his steady rhythm and started copulating like a rutting dog upon a bitch. As he drove his prick into Willie in a blur of short, sharp strokes while he jerked the boy's hard cock at lightning speed. The biker reached his climax with a shout and humped the boy throughout his orgasm while he twisted Willie's prick as if he would tear it out by the root. With a strangled cry, Willie came in a fountain of hot cum which struck the biker in the chest and dropped back in fat white gobs onto Willie's heaving belly.
    1 point
  43. Part 2 Willie through his tears could see that Tad was held helpless in his seat by the two burly bikers standing behind his chair. The big biker named Wolf who was sitting next to Tad was watching the scene with eager eyes. The rest of the gang were drifting toward him with their hands on their crotches and lust in their eyes. Willie could see no one to help him in the room as even Sam, the fat bartender, was stripping off his apron as he joined the crowd. Willie with a strangled sob opened his lips and thrust out his tongue. He touched the tip of his tongue to the moist lips of Crank's proffered prick and instantly pulled his tongue away. "Don't lick it, asshole, it ain't an ice cream cone. Suck it! Take it all into your mouth!" Crank demanded as he pulled Willie's head toward his evil smelling crotch. "No, I can't," Willie cried, "Please don't make me. I can't." With his rough hand, Crank forced Willie's jaws open and slid his plump prick into the warm wet depths of boy's unwilling mouth. With his mouth held wide open, Willie remained unmoving as Crank's unwashed penis lay on his tongue like a dead brown slug. "Wrap your fucking lips around my fucking dick and suck it, asshole" Crank demanded. "Hurry the fuck up, shit head, I ain't got all fucking night." "Ya, get it on, fuck meat," one of the gang members hollered, "there's others waiting for their fucking turn." Crank positioned his big dirty hands on either side of Willies head and gripped the boy's pink ears like jug handles. Suddenly without warning, the fat biker pulled the reluctant teen's head into his crotch, while a the same time thrusting his own wide hips forward. Willie found his forehead pushed back by the biker's big belly while his face wash pulled into the biker's smelly crotch. The teenager's nose was pressed into Crank's open fly and his mouth completely engulfed the biker's fat penis down to its hairy root. As the full rich flavor of Crank's unwashed dick bloomed on the boy's tongue, Willie wretched and gagged and tried to pull away. "What's the matter, cocksucker," Crank sneered as he ground his crotch over Willie's face, "don't you like the taste of prick meat?" "He better fucking learn to fucking like it," a biker yelled, "he's got a whole fucking roomful to eat." Willie held his mouth as wide open as he could and allowed Crank's penis to lay on his tongue undisturbed. He could see nothing but Crank's dirty crotch. He could smell nothing but Crank's dirty crotch. He could taste nothing but Cranks dirty crotch. He could hear nothing but the lusty laughter of the gang and the sound of his own blood pounding in his ears. Willie determined in his rabbit's heart to do whatever he must to survive. "Close your mouth, cocksucker and suck my fucking dick," Crank commanded and Willie reluctantly obeyed, "that's right, faggot, roll your fucking tongue around my meat. Watch your teeth, cocksucker, one fucking nip or scratch and I'll kick them down your fucking throat." Seven of the bikers along with the bartender were gathered round the mouth raping Crank and his teenage victim to watch the fun up close and lend a hand. Some of them took Willie's arms and twisted them behind his back, while others pumped his head up and down on Crank's meat. Tad had a clear view of all the dreadful action as the bikers were careful not to obstruct Wolf's line of sight. Tad watched in disgust Willie's oral rape and felt ashamed of his timid friend for inviting the biker's lewd attack. He knew that Willie by being such a frightened rabbit had made himself a victim of the biker's unnatural lust. Tad felt that if his friend had more guts and put up a fight, that the biker's would leave him alone. He knew that any real man would rather die than suck cock. He would certainly fight any man that tried to make him do such a filthy thing. Tad felt that there must be something wrong with Willie that he would suck cock without a fight. Perhaps, Tad thought, Willie secretly wanted to do it and had been asking for it. Tad remembered catching Willie looking at the other boys in the gym class showers and how Willie had even looked at him. Tad's lip curled up in a look of loathing and disgust. "Look good? Want to try it?" Wolf asked as he slipped his hand from the table and dropped it to Tad's thigh. "Get your hands off me," Tad snapped as he clamped his legs together to throw off from his thigh Wolf's dirty paw. "That ain't polite, pretty boy," Wolf leered at Tad as with brute force he pushed his hand between Tad's thighs and cupped the teenager's crotch. "Leave me alone, I not a homo," Tad cried as Wolf groped between his legs. Tad started manfully to struggle using every muscle of his athletically trained body to resist Wolf's lewd assault. But his efforts were futile, the two bikers holding his arms were bigger and stronger than he. They held him down in his seat with his arms twisted behind him, as Wolf touched him in places that no man had ever touched before. "Settle down or I'll really fucking hurt you," Wolf snarled as he pulled his hand from between the teenager's legs and then closed his fingers into a fist. "Let me go!" Tad shouted in impotent fury, "Get your faggot hands off me! I'm not a queer like Willie! Let me go!" "You fucking asked for it, baby, now your going to fucking get it," Wolf snapped as he drove his fist with full force into Tad's crotch. An A-bomb of agony exploded between Tad's thighs that sent a shockwave of pain through his loins. As the pain gripped like a fiery hand of steel, Tad's teenage body went rigid as his eyes grew wide and his mouth gaped open in a silent scream. He made several little strangled gasps of pain as brightly colored star bursts of agony exploded before his eyes. He slowly leaned forward until his head rested on the table as he grunted his pain through his nose. "That's just a fucking taste of what I'll give you if you don't fucking learn to do what you're fucking told," Wolf angrily admonished the suffering boy. "The next time I'll pound your fucking balls to jelly and make you eat them with a fucking spoon. Now watch you're fucking boyfriend chow down on Crank's cock. You can pick up some pointers for your turn." Tad saw nothing but flashing lights which, with each new wave of pain, exploded into stars before his eyes. Willie slurped and sucked and slid his tongue over, under and around Crank's fat prick and was rewarded with an ever larger prick to suck. Willie gulped his own saliva which was made foul by the juices oozing from the biker's throbbing erection and closed his eyes and snuffled his sobs. The other bikers around Willie were not idle as they were busy exploring every part of his hard young body manually. Rough hands stroked his bare chest and pinched his nipples, while others groped between his legs and felt his firm round buttocks. Calloused fingers slipped beneath the waist band of his gray flannel trousers to prob his anus or tease his testicles. But the worst were the gentle fingers that fondled his teenage prick and tickled and teased it and brought it to life. "The cocksucker's starting to enjoy the party," the gentle biker commented when Willie's prick began to engorge in response to the biker's gentle caress. "The cocksucker is throwing a fucking boner, he must be really into dick meat or maybe he's just fucking turned on by guys." "Getting hot, fuckmeat? Sucking cock turn you on?" Crank taunted Willie as he drove his now fully erect dick to the back of Willie's throat. Willie coughed and spluttered and tried to pull his head back, but Crank's grip on his ears prevented that. Willie had no choice but to swallow as Crank pressed more of his hard dick into the boy's mouth. The teenager felt his stomach heave as the biker's slab of meat pushed into his gullet and slid down his throat. Willie found he couldn't breath with his throat plugged by the biker's hard cock and he grew fearful that he would choke. He grunted and groaned and struggled desperately to communicate the he was suffocating. The only result was that his throat contracted around Crank's mouth raping prick and massaged it until the fat biker groaned with ecstacy. Just as Willie thought he would choke or die of suffocation the panting brute above him pulled his swollen penis from Willie's throat. "You're a natural cocksucker," Crank complimented the gasping boy as he wiped his drooling dick across the boy's bruised lips, "but I ain't wasting my fucking cum in your cocksucking mouth when you've got that sweet ass just begging to be plowed." Willie held his empty mouth wide open and let the saliva drip from his lips as his stomach heaved in the grip of nausea. "Get him up on a table and get his pants off," Crank ordered, "I got a fucking hard-on that won't quit." The gang cheered and hooted as they dragged Willie to his feet and threw him face up on the dirty table behind him. Many hands make light work and the gang quickly stripped the gray flannel slacks and clean white jockey shorts from Willie's slender hips and stripped them from his leanly muscled legs. An amused titter went around the crowd of bikers when Willie's clean shaven completely hairless crotch was revealed. "He ain't got no fucking hair down there!" one biker exclaimed with a hoot. "He's smooth as a fucking baby and just about the same fucking size," another said and they all laughed at Willie's cock and balls and ridiculed his small size. Willie blushed with humiliation and went red from head to feet. As rough hands touched Willie's cock and balls to stroke his long, limp prick and lift his ball sack to heft his nuts, Willie's degradation was made complete. Willie was not hung like a bull or even a bulldog. He was an average, ordinary, eighteen year old boy with average ordinary sized cock and balls. When erect his dick was slender but long and when his testicles were engorged they made a good display. But his penis when flaccid looked very small as did his shriveled testicles. With his groin shaven and his genitals shrunken by the icy blast of fear, he looked no bigger nor better developed than a ten year old child. The gang rolled Willie onto his stomach and pulled his buttocks apart to expose his puckered brown asshole to view. Crank stepped between the boy's legs and put a blunt finger tip to the tiny wrinkled opening. Crank pressed his finger into the opening and twisted back and forth. Willie screamed as he felt his ass lips forced open and Crank's finger wormed its way into him. "He's a fucking virgin," Crank crowed, "his ass is tighter than the pussy of a little girl." "Better get some grease, Sam," Wolf called from the table, "we wouldn't want Crank to scrape his cock raw." The sound of Wolf's gruff voice made Tad stir. No matter how much the teenager hurt, he had to make an effort to save himself and Willie. "Please, Wolf," Tad begged weakly as he lifted his head from the table and felt even that small movement send a shockwave of pain through his loins. "don't hurt us anymore. Let us go. We'll keep quiet. We wont make trouble. Just let us go and we'll forget all about this." "Don't bother begging, cocksucker, we ain't stopping," Wolf said as he laid a his hand on Tad's thigh just to see him jump."It's too much fucking fun. When we're finished with your faggot friend, then its you're turn to pull the fucking train." Tad quailed at Wolf's cruel words as he felt his courage fade. His situation was hopeless. He was surrounded by brawny thugs thirsting for rape. The rapist bikers outnumbered him by ten to one and were grown men who were bigger, stronger and more skilled in violence than he. Tad couldn't run because he was held in his seat by two burly thugs. He couldn't fight because his arms were twisted behind him. He couldn't struggle Because Wolf's single testicle smashing blow hurt so much that every movement was agony. His only safety lay in co-operation, in allowing himself to be used by the gang to satisfy their unnatural sexual needs. He had never imagined that such a thing could happen to him. He wasn't a timid rabbit like Willie. He hadn't asked for it. He was a man but not enough of a man to die rather than suck cock. He would do what he had to do to save himself. He wouldn't be a man anymore. He would be a sex toy for queers. Tad lowered his head back to the table and moaned. The state to which he had brought himself and Willie in his heedless action in entering the bar was too much for him to bear. Tad let his tears drop on the table and without shame he cried.
    1 point
  44. Met a guy on craigslist, hooked up at his condo pool changing rooms, he sucked me hard, then i bent him over the sink area and fucked a load in him, watching myself in the mirror in front of me. Creamed his hole, pulled out, pushed him down to suck my cock clean, then bent him over again and seeded him again. Made him suck me clean, then out the door i went.
    1 point
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