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  1. Preface: This story if 100% true. You also have to know I enjoy getting fucked in public situations. Last night I was in a slutty mood for cock, in fact, my hole was twitching, so I went to the local ABS here in town where there is an arcade where, after paying the admission, there are ample booths to cruise. Of course the arcade is hit or miss, so I decided to go to the all-male theater. I paid the admission, entered the theater and waited for my eyes adjust to the dark. Immediately I could see a naked guy going down on another guy. This has promise, I thought to myself as I took a seat in the front of the theater, enjoying the show. Soon the cock sucker stood-up and came over to me. He was about 6’, 190 pounds, had a somewhat hairy chest, and a nice cock, probably about 6” soft. I should say right now that during the summer months, I shave all my body hair off so I’m smooth all over. I find it very sexy myself, and it’s cooler. Plus, smooth guys get me hot. Okay, back to the theater. The guy leaned over, and jabbed his tongue into my mouth for a very deep, sloppy kiss, which I found very hot, so I kissed him back, our tongues swirling around each other. Feeling for his cock, I began stroking him, and as I did so, he slid his his hand down my tank and rubbed my nipple. Now, my nipples are the quickest way to turn me on, in fact, I call them my 'whore buttons': rub them the right way, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a guy. I suggested we move to the back of the theater, where there is a small couch. We get back there and I strip nude. I don’t know how he knew I was a bottom, but suddenly he has me almost upside down, ass up on the couch. I’m so horny; I’m ready for whatever happens. He’s rubbing my ass and my hole, getting me even hotter. He puts lube on my ass and puts two fingers in my hole, rolls them around stretching me open, and then I feel even more fingers, which is even hotter. I’m hitting the poppers and flying. He starts to put his entire hand in my ass. I’m not new to fisting, but this wasn’t the place, and I didn’t have any J-lube. I let him know that that won't happen here. So he gently slides his rock hard cock in my hole. I love the feeling. I can feel the veins on his cock slowly moving over my outer ring. The sensation is glorious. Just what the piggy ordered. Slowly in and out a couple of times, then he plays with my hole again. I’m in heaven. I love ass play. While I’m lying upside down, he pushes his cock back into my hole and he leans over and kisses me. We play tongue hockey for awhile, and it’s at this point I beg him for his load in my hole. He doesn’t say anything, but stands back up, and pulls out. He begins jacking his cock, and just as he’s about to shoot, he slides it in back in my greasy hole. He started convulsing and moaning loudly. I feel him shoot his cum in my guts. I thank him. He gets dressed and leaves. Load #1. I stay in my upside down position. The guy that was getting sucked off stands up, comes over, doesn’t say anything, but slides his nice sized cock deep in my already cum-lubed hole. From what I could tell, he was about 7” cut. I groan because it feels amazing. He was a nice thruster, and he file me nicely. He kept up a steady pace of gliding in and out of my cum-lubed hole. I kept hitting the poppers. Suddenly he grabs my legs, thrusts in one last time, and unloads deep in my hole. He stays in that position for a little while, while he cums back down to earth. He gets dressed and leaves, never saying a single word. Load #2. I sit upright on the couch and watch some porn. Not good porn, but it did the job. I played with my nipples, just to keep them alive. After awhile an older guy comes in, drops his pants and tries to jack off, but I don’t think he got hard. Then this big guy, solid build comes in and sits on the couch in front of me. I didn’t really pay attention to him, until the old guy gets up and goes to the new guy and kneels in front of him, swallowing his cock. I lean over his couch and I can see a very nice cock on him. It looks very thick, and probably a good 7.5” cut. The guy getting sucked told the guy sucking him that he didn’t want to cum just then, so he got up went back to his seat. We all sat there for awhile, and I leaned over the couch in front of me where the solid guy was and checked out his cock again. He was waving it back and forth, as in an invitation, so got up and knelt in front of him. Remember, I’m nude, and no one else is. I eye his cock, almost in a worship-like state. I take his cock in my mouth. It’s pretty thick, probably about 7.5”x5”, and very suckable. I hit the poppers like it’s my last time to do so, and I’m consumed with this guys cock. It was amazing. Just the maleness of it was astounding. I taste some pre-cum coming out of his slit. It tastes so good. He asks me if I like his pre-cum. My mouth was full of his cock and all I could do was nod. The guy starts talking to me. “Suck my cock, faggot.” Normally, I don’t care for that word, but being on poppers, anything was fine with me. I work his cock slowly, and savor the feel of his skin. It’s warm, solid, and intimate. He tells me to suck just the head. I do this and he begins to moan. I drive him crazy with this for a few minutes. I look up at him and he’s staring at me. The most butch, masculine, and sexy look there is. At one point, he asks if I’m a bottom. I tell his yes. He asks how many loads do I have in me. I tell him two. I tell him that I’m a cum receptacle. He keeps up the dirty talk for a little while, calling me whore, slut, and I’m still huffing poppers. I grasped his cock to help guide it to my mouth, but he pushed my hand away telling me, “Don’t touch me, faggot.” My knees began to hurt being in that position so long, so I went back to my couch and sat down. The guy stood up and went to the old guy, who started sucking his cock again. I guess that he was the fluffer for the evening. While he was sucking the guy, I got in the upside down position again. Suddenly he pulls out of the sucker’s mouth, and says, “Let me fuck this fag.” I was one happy piggy. He comes over and puts his cock at my hole, and makes me beg for it. I tell him, “Please fuck me with your cock. I need it.” That seemed to do the trick. He just rams his cock in my hole. It was wider that the other two guys. I loved feeling full of his cock. It was a sense of complete satisfaction knowing that this guy had his maleness inside me. OINK! There was nothing gentle about this guy’s fuck. I didn’t care, I just wanted the load. After a bit, he says, “Stand up and lean over the couch.” I do. He grabs my hips and thrusts his cock back in my hole in one thrust. It nearly He may have been trying to get a painful reaction out of me, but I didn’t give him one. I was enjoying the ride. I was high on poppers and I had a wide cock in my hole. He kept the dirty talk going, calling me a faggot, a dirty whore, and a slut. I agreed with him, telling him again that I was a cum receptacle. He asks, “Do you want my load?” I begged him, “Yes, please, cum deep in my guts. I want it, I need it.” After two or three more thrusts, he says, “Here’s load number three!” As he’s filling my guts with his cum, he grabs my hips and holds on. I reach behind him and grab a thigh, to keep him in me. He pushes my hand away and tells me again, “Don’t touch me faggot.” He pulls out and gets dressed and leaves. Load #3. I stayed for a little while longer, but no one else came in, so I went home, all sloshy. I love that feeling of my ass filled with cum, and going out in public, while no one else has a clue about it. I kept all three loads all night long.
    7 points
  2. "Relax buddy, we won't cum in you. Today is all about your pleasure, not ours." That's what they said right before they started tag teaming my asshole with their raw cocks. But I'm getting ahead of myself. When I was 19, my family took a trip to one of those all-inclusive resorts to Cancun. It was over Christmas break, so I guess it was a nice escape from the winter, but the resort wasn't exactly geared for the fun of a 19 year old who wasn't drinking. We had done the side trips to the ruins and shit, but mostly we hung at the resort where I was bored and mostly alone while my parents drank and had fun. One day they opted for the catamaran drunk cruise. I begged them to not make me go. I pulled the "I'm not a child anymore" card and said I would be quite content reading, napping and lounging by the pool. They finally relented, and I was left to my own devices for an entire day. If only they'd been more protective of their horny, gay son. I hit the pool pretty early with only my book, towel, mirrored shades, and swimsuit. Since I used to be a competitive swimmer I still had my speedo, which is what I decided would make for the best tan lines. I claimed one of the lounge chairs and set in for a nice day of relaxation. And I promptly fell asleep in the warm sun. I awoke some time later hearing hushed voices next to me. It was two, obviously American men whispering in close proximity to me. Voice 1: Look, the kid totally has a boner! Voice 2: Shhh! Don't wake him up and embarrass him. Voice 1: (laughing) Looks like part of him is already awake! (This is when I realized that I had one of those relaxed, sun-boners and they were talking about me! I was mortified and kept still while desperately trying to will my hardon away, but it wouldn't budge.) Voice 1: Damn, it just flexed in his suit! Totally hot! Voice 2: Yeah, the kid has a nice package on him, and a nice little body. Voice 1: I'm getting hard just looking at the outline of his cock. Oh the things we could do... Voice 2: Don't even think about it. Voice 1: Oh, like you aren't thinking about filling that young ass. Voice 2: Go get us a couple beers and cool off. I heard Voice 1 guy get up and flip-flop away toward the bar. Hearing them talk about me in a gay way was making my dick so hard that I knew it wasn't going to go away without a serious spank. I made sort of a fakey "I'm snoring and waking myself up" noise and rolled over onto my stomach. I tried to lay there quietly like I was still asleep. And when Voice 1 came back, I did an equally fake slow wake up and roll over, but simultaneously grabbed my towel and covered my still throbbing junk. I sat up and decided to read a bit, thinking this might take my mind off things. No such luck. Especially when I saw the two men attached to the voices. One was mid 40's, salt and pepper hair, rough beard, and a stocky, muscular body covered with a pelt of coarse, curly black hair. The other was blonde, a bit younger (maybe mid 30's), tall, smooth, tanned and toned. Both were exceedingly attractive (the blonde could have been a model) and both were wearing straining speedos that left very little to the imagination. I tried to ignore them, but they could tell I was staring. Voice 1: Hi there! What are you reading? (it was the blonde) Oh my god. They were so hot and they were talking to me! I stuttered a bit before telling them that I was reading Humboldt's Gift for my American literature class. I remember this fact purely because I never did finish that damn book and had to cliff note the fucker. This opened the doorway into conversation, through which I learned that they were John (Voice 1) and Vince (Voice 2), a gay couple on vacation. They asked many questions about me, like was I there alone? Was I enjoying my free day? What time would my parents be back? Did I have any plans for the rest of the day? By this time my boner had actually gone down and I was thirsty, so I uncovered myself and stood up to go to the bar to get a coke. My further mortification was imminent. Vince: Um, you might want to sit back down. Me: Why? John: (laughing) Because you left a spot of precum in your speedo the size of a half-dollar! I looked down, and sure enough my penis had betrayed me yet again. My electric blue speedo had a huge, dark blue spot of wetness centered right at my cock head. I hastily sat down and covered up again, completely and utterly embarrassed. Vince, however, knew what to do. "John, go get him a coke would you?" "Sure thing." As John walked off, Vince quietly remarked "Don't be embarrassed. It happens to all of us. And, truth be told, that's a pretty impressive spot. You must be a big leaker. Or just incredibly horny." "Well... um...." "So, are you? A healthy cummer, I mean?" "Isn't that sorta personal?" "Lemme guess. You are stuck here with family and you haven't jacked off in days. And now you are so backed up you were going to fire off a few loads today with your free time. Am I right?" "How'd you know?" Chuckling, Vince replied "We've all been there, guy." "What are you two laughing about?" John asked as returned, coke in hand. Taking the lead, Vince explained "The poor guy hasn't cum in days because he's been cooped up with his parents. Hence the gigantic wet spot." John handed me my coke, and a glance passed between he and Vince. I couldn't believe I was having an open conversation about jacking off and precum with two relative strangers, even if they were two, handsome gay men. Apparently they were of one mind, cause without any further discussion John remarked "You know, we could help you out of your jam. You need to empty yourself out before you make a mess all over this pool deck, and it just so happens that Vince and I like to pleasure guys, such as yourself." "Oh, I don't know... I um...," I stuttered, turning even beet red in embarrassment. "No pressure or anything. It would just be a relaxing, fun time and all about your pleasure. We would make sure you would be empty enough to survive the rest of your stay here with your parents," Vince explained, in a very discrete, man-to-man voice. "Honestly, I'm not sure I should," I responded, honestly more than a little interested. John: What else have you got to do today? I guarantee you'll have a better time than just sitting by the pool kicking yourself for missing a mind-blowing afternoon of sex. Vince: It's your call, but we're nice guys and I think you would have fun. Me: .... ok. We left the pool together and they escorted me up to their hotel room. Now, while I wasn't a virgin (I'd been having oral sex with other boys for a few years now, and I had a fairly regular suck session with a fraternity guy at school) but I'd never done any kind of anal. And definitely had never done a three way. And I'd never had sex with men clearly much older than I was. So you can imagine how very nervous I was. At first we just sat on their bed and they gave me a beer. I drank it fast and relaxed a little. Then they each reached out a hand and started stroking me lightly. Massaging my neck a little. I started to get hard. Both were very patient to start. They gently stripped off my swimsuit and laid me back on the bed. Both of their mouths fell to working on my body-- my neck, my nipples, my stomach, my thighs, my balls. And then I felt the wet heat on my cock. Instantly I was rock hard and straining to hold myself back from the waves of pleasure rocking my body. It was John sucking my cock while Vince sucked and tongued my nipples. He slowly traced his tongue up my neck, to my adam's apple, and then over my chin to my mouth. When Vince's mouth met mine, everything exploded-- including my orgasm. John greedily clamped down on my cock and took every drop. He stayed there until my dick finally stopped squirting like a minute later. John: Holy FUCK this kid's a cummer! God damn! Vince: And I think I found his trigger points. Me: I'm sorry! It's just that when you kissed me I couldn't hold back. You are just so... handsome. And hairy! Vince: (laughing) Yeah, I do have a bit of fur. Me: It's hot! John: I think the kid isn't done yet... he still hasn't gone soft. After that, John and Vince stripped off their suits... and wow. John was totally clean shaven, which made his cock look exceptionally huge. Judging from the size of mine, I figured he had to be at least 8 inches. And Vince had a dark bush of pubes, big balls and a shorter, but decently thick, uncut cock. And both had these curious tattoos on their hips. Me: Oooh. You guys have matching tattoos! Looks like a nuclear symbol. Are you guys radioactive or something? John: (smirking) Something like that. Me: Well, you both are pretty hot! Vince: I think we should massage another load or two out of our friend here, John. Me: Hell yeah! Deal! We had another couple of beers, and then Vince got the lube out of their travel bag. I was buzzing well at this point and feeling pretty good. Vince got me up on all fours, and then proceded to do something that nobody had done to me up to that point. He ate my ass. And when his tongue hit my pucker, I almost came unglued. This released the last of my inhibitions, and I became an insatiable fuck hole that afternoon. John was kneeling on the bed close to me, and as soon as Vince started rimming me, my mouth latched onto John's cock and I started sucking for all I was worth. I was only able to fit about half his cock in my mouth and I tasted his precum as I worked his salty slit with my tongue. John: Damn Vince, this kid can SUCK! Vince: Yeah, but we're here to milk him dry. And I think he needs to be milked from the inside. And with that, Vince lubed a finger and slid it into my butthole. Electricity jumped through me and I became a sex crazed novice bottom. He fingered my prostate (nobody had ever done that either) and it made me go crazy with desire. I sucked John like a hoover while bucking around on Vince's finger, all the while drooling precum all over the bedspread. Vince worked a couple fingers into me along with more lube... then his fingers left my ass. It felt like someone had shut off my horny switch. But then, I felt Vince's cock head rubbing up against my hole, teasing and pressing against my pucker. And while it was electric, warning bells were going off in my head. Me: Do you have a condom? Vince: Yeah, somewhere I think. But how about I just tease your pretty butthole a bit with my cock first? Me: We really need a condom. And you need to go easy on me-- I've never been fucked. Vince: Never?? Me: Nope. I've wanted to do it, but it just hasn't ever happened yet. John: Vince, pass me the poppers. I'll help our little bottom virgin out. Me: What are poppers? They aren't drugs are they? I don't do drugs. John: No, you just sniff them and they help you relax. They actually have a medical purpose. Me: Um.... John: Here, I'll show you. Just take a small sniff like this... John took a hit, and I could see him go flush a bit and relax. Then he held the bottle under my nose. I debated it for about a second, and then took a hit. The warm rush was incredible. Vince timed my rush with another finger assault which had me begging for more. The damn poppers had made me desperate for cock and had silenced those pesky warning bells. Me: Oh god. Fuck me! Vince: You want it? Me: Yes! I need to feel your cock inside me! Now! Please?? Vince didn't need to be asked twice. John held the little bottle under my nose again, I took a hit. And as I went soaring on a wave of pleasure, Vince entered my ass. While it hurt, it really didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Sure it burned a little bit, but overall he was able to slide right in and I just felt full. It probably helped that he was uncut and I was an incredibly horny teenager. Vince slow fucked me while I got used to having a cock in my ass, and I went back to working John's big cock with my tongue and throat. The pleasure I was getting from both ends being filled, plus the alcohol, plus the poppers had me rock hard and begging for as much sex as these two men could dish out. Vince eventually sped up his tempo and the sensation his fat cock was giving me was making my head reel. I was tingling everywhere and begging to cum again. I reached back to cup Vince's balls and to feel his cock sliding in and out of my ass. And that's when I noticed he didn't have a condom on. Me: Where's the condom? Vince: You told me you wanted cock in you now. I didn't have time to put one on. Me: But sex without a condom is risky... Vince: Relax buddy, we won't cum in you. Today is all about your pleasure, not ours. John: Here, have some more poppers... Vince continued to fuck me and my protests ebbed as the pleasure increased. John pushed his dick back into my mouth and I let the poppers relax me into the pure ecstasy of man on man on man sex. Vince: Oh Johnny, you really need to feel this boy's ass. It's so tight and smooth! John: I can't wait for my turn! Vince: Well, it's coming soon. I'm about ready to share... John: Sweet! Here kid, take another hit Me: Damn this feels so good. Vince: It's gonna get better in a minute. I'm going to put my cock head right at your prostate and you are going to feel me flex it. Trust me, it will drive you wild with pleasure. Me: Do it! I wanna feel that! Vince thrust a few more times in me quickly, then parked his cock a little more than halfway inside me. And then I felt it. His cock head was pressed up inside me, and I could feel throbbing and flexing inside me. The sensation was incredible! John: You doing it Vince? Vince: Fuuuck yeah. You feel that, kiddo? Yeah, I'm trying to milk your load out from the inside. Me: It feels amazing, I don't want it to stop. Vince: I can do it again later, but now it's John's turn though. And just wait til you feel him inside you! Me: I don't know... he's so big! I'm not sure I can take it... Vince pulled out with a wet plop, and shifted around the bed. He suggested that I try riding John's cock to start. That way I could control it better and be more comfortable. Without Vince in me, I felt like my switch had again been turned off and I desperately wanted it back on again. So I agreed. John lay down on the bed- his cock enormous and intimidating. Vince lubed him up and worked a bit more lube up my ass. Me: Shouldn't we get a condom? John: Vince didn't have to wear one. Me: But we have time to get one one now and... Vince: It's okay kid, just try it for a bit. We can always get one on later. I want John to feel what I got to feel! Me: Just... don't cum in me. Okay? John: Wouldn't dream of it. I straddled John's groin. John held onto the base of his cock while I tried to line up his head with my hole. Vince fed me more poppers, and before I knew it I was sliding down almost the full length of John's big cock. He bottomed out inside me with still about an inch of cock to go. There was a dull pain deep in my abdomen when John's cock head was poking my guts, but the sensation of that much cock sliding inside me and filling my guts sent me over the moon. I think my eyes literally rolled back into my head. John: Holy fuck! This kid is a natural born bottom! Vince: What did I tell you? John: So fuckin' hot and slick! Thanks for lubing it up for me! Me: Oh my God! You are so fucking BIG! Vince: Enjoy the ride you two. I started sliding up and down on John's cock and he let me control the fuck action. Every thrust into me from his cock gave me the sensation like I was stroking my own erect penis. Only I wasn't touching myself. It was like I was jacking off, but no-handed. The pleasure was building, and it sent my body into sort of a fuck frenzy. I was fucking myself down onto John's cock and building my orgasm with every bounce. Vince straddled John's face and fed his soft, uncut cock into John's mouth while John grabbed my hips and helped ram my ass up and down faster on his cock. Vince worked my nipples and then planted another deep, wet, scratchy beard kiss on me. I went into overload. Me: Oh God! I'm gonna cum! Vince: Do it, kid! Me: Dont' stop fucking me-- I'm so close! John: I wanna feel you cum with my dick jammed in your sweet fuckhole! Vince grabbed the back of my head and kissed me again hard and with that kiss my first shot arced up between us and spattered all over Vince's hairy chest. As soon as he felt me start to shoot, John grabbed my hips and thrust all the way into my butt, even that last inch that wouldn't go in seemed to find a place inside me. The pain in my guts mixed with my orgasmic pleasure was enough to make me cry out into Vince's mouth. But I couldn't stop cumming. Volley after volley of my spunk coated Vince and dripped down onto John's face. I was spasming like I was having a seizure and Vince eventually just looked on in amazement as John started laughing and licking up the cum gobs that spattered his way. I kept shuddering and shaking with the post orgasmic shivers. Vince kissed me gently while I was still impaled on John's cock and trying to relax my quivering sphincter. John told me that if I stopped wiggling around so much he could make himself go soft so it would be easier to pull out. A few minutes later and after some deep breathing on my part he was indeed flaccid and I was able to ease myself off of him. Feeling fully satiated, I was going to take my leave but Vince and John convinced me otherwise. Vince: You are a young stud, and I bet you have another load in you yet. John: Besides, we haven't cum, have we Vince? Vince: No we haven't. And there's still a few more things we could do together. Three cocks offer so many options... John: It would be a shame to waste them. Me: But I probably should be going... Vince: Where? You're parents aren't gonna be back for a few hours yet. Might as well spend it fucking. John: Hasn't it been fun? Haven't you enjoyed yourself? We've sure enjoyed you. In the end I agreed to stay for another round of sex. We had a few more beers, and they eventually got me hard by tongue-fighting over my cock. This got them hard too and the next thing I knew it was a free for all on their bed. We were all kissing and sucking whatever we could get our mouths on, rubbing on each other, humping, etc. I ended up on top and this time rode Vince's cock (I had decided that I quite liked riding and being in charge) while John stood on the bed so I could suck him. Then John squatted over Vince's face so Vince could tongue his hole while John and I made out. John worked my nips and I begged Vince to do the pulse-trick on my prostate again. After about 15 more minutes of fucking, he grabbed my hips and I felt the magic throbbing inside me again. Each pulse was like an joy buzzer shock inside me- I loved it! Then they both maneuvered me so that I was on my back with my head hanging over the edge of the bed. More poppers and John was fucking me again with his huge cock while Vince stood over my face with his flaccid, wet, uncut penis. Me: I've never sucked an uncut cock before. Vince: Well, this is a day full of firsts for you! John: (giggling) And lasts... Me: I think I'll remember this day for the rest of my life Vince: Of that I have no doubt. John grabbed my ankles and took to fucking my ass hard. And I took Vince into my mouth and let my tongue savor his foreskin. The feeling of the skin was silky, and I could taste a mixture of lube and what I thought was his precum. When I inhaled, I got a full whiff of his musky manscent. It was almost better than the poppers. The rush of blood to my head and the feeling of foreskin in my mouth was dizzying. John flipped me around (all while not pulling out his cock) and got me on all fours. He then suggested to Vince that since this had been a day of firsts, how about they make me Lucky Pierre? Vince agreed and hopped up on the bed in front of me. I had no idea what a "lucky pierre" was, until Vince spit on my cock, and shoved it into his ass. It was so warm and velvety... so unlike anything I had ever experienced. So hot! So much better than a blow job! I was getting my ass fucked by a big cock while simultaneously losing my anal topping virginity inside a hot, furry daddy! It was all too much. I think I lasted all of a minute before I warned them that I was getting close. That's when John reached forward, grabbed Vince's hips and Vince reached back and grabbed mine. I was locked in place between them and stuck in Vince's ass! Me: I'm gonna cum! I should pull out!!! Vince: Just cum in me, kid! John: Do it! He wants you to! Me: But... but... Vince: I trust you John: C'mon kid! Shoot that load! Breed my boyfriend! John thrust again hard inside me and with that I erupted inside Vince's ass. The wet heat of my orgasm enveloped my cock as I shot my third load of the afternoon into Vince's bare ass, groaning "God DAMN, this feels awesome!" Apparently it was an impressive orgasm because Vince echoed my remarks saying "Holy fuck, I can feel him cumming in me!" In full approval, John answered "So hot! Take that virgin load!" After my orgasm finally subsided, John slid out of my ass with ease and I did the same to Vince. We collapsed in a sweaty heap on their bed. I awoke about an hour later, with a headache and instant fear. According to the bedside clock, my parents were due back at any time. I jumped to my feet, pulled-on my speedo, grabbed my stuff and headed out. I thanked Vince and John for the best sex of my young life and they said it was truly their pleasure. I made it back to the pool and managed to rinse the sex off about ten minutes before my parents arrived, so they were none the wiser about my afternoon activities. Several weeks after we got home I got really sick. My parents figured it was just some bug I picked up while in Mexico. Six months later at the student health center at college, I found out my parents were right. It was something I picked up in Mexico. And I discovered the meaning behind Vince and John's matching tattoos.
    3 points
  3. OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER, YOUNG ENOUGH TO DO IT ANYWAY PART I: INVINCIBLE BEGINNING At some point all teenage boys reach a moment in which they are transformed from a normal kid into a super powered, unstoppable force…or at least something deludes them into believe that about themselves. Once it has occurred, these kids will take on daring, and even foolish risks, with no fear that they might face consequences for their actions. Most boys probably couldn’t tell you when that moment was, but Chris could pinpoint exactly when and where and what he was doing (and who) when he lost his sense of self preservation and became a daredevil willing to try anything and always looking for the next adventure to prove he was all he believed himself to be. The night in question was during his sophomore year, only hours after he’d been told he’d be starting pitcher for his varsity baseball team the next season. So excited he could barely see straight, he texted some buds and made plans to meet them behind the diamond that night to celebrate. After three or so beers that had been purchased by someone’s older sister, Chris found himself doing handstands on the top row of the bleachers. This brave and idiotic act of show-off-ery was made possible by his alcohol intake and the appearance of some girls from his English class, but soon he’d feel strong enough to do such things without anything clouding his judgement. As it turned out, the handstand were sufficiently impressive to get one of the girls to come over to him and ask what else he could do. Not even an hour passed before they’d both gotten drunk enough to climb in the back of his dad’s truck and start fucking while all their friends were only a few feet away. Drunk and loud, their moans gave away what they were up to, and drew the other girl and the boys to come over and watch. Pretty soon a chant started encouraging Chris to go faster and harder. Now Chris would remember that this went on for at least a half hour and his girl orgasmed 3 times before he finally whipped his dick out and shot copious streams of jizz across her pussy, stomach and tits. The truth was more like five minutes, one (possibly fake) orgasm, and his cock slipping out at the last second, missing her tits or cunt, and instead coating the insides of her thighs and calves. While she retrieved her panties from his radio antenna, one of his buddies secretly took a photo of the cum covering her legs and showed it to Chris. It was right then that he became a myth to his buddies and any shred of self-preservation was gone. He was convinced he could do anything, having seduced the hottie with his athletic prowess, fucked her royally with an audience cheering him on, and a photo to prove it was all as awesome as he thought it was. That night when he got home and went into his bathroom to shower off the sweat, cum and pussy juice, he stripped nude and admired himself in the mirror. For months he’d been working his ass off to get his biceps bigger, his abs tighter and his legs stronger to help his game. Smirking, he suddenly saw the resulting body in a new light, as if it was imbued with mystical properties. Another foolish teen was born that night, and no one would be able to break him of his delusions of grandeur for quite some time. Over the next year he was cock of the walk, ruling the school as only buff, tall, handsome teen varsity jocks can. He even managed to make honor role first semester, which got him an offer to join an Honors track in the spring. With nothing to fear, he accepted without a second thought, and continued to spend his time perfecting his physique and juggling three girls. Once baseball season started in February, Chris was starting to realize that his honors classes might not have been the best idea. Midterms would be right around the same time as the first game, and so far Chris was barely finding the time to study enough for a ‘C’ average between practice and his workouts. Still he figured it would all work out just fine even when his teachers began pointing out that he was getting dangerously close to dropping below a ‘C’ which would keep him off the list for academic eligibility. Finally his coach pulled him aside after practice one night and mentioned some rumors that Chris might be off the team if he didn’t get his grades back up, and some fear kicked in. The next weekend, Chris cancelled his dates and spent the whole weekend studying and writing papers. During the week he began doing homework at lunch and between classes, and even used study hall for its intended purpose. His grades began to pick up, but now the coach was riding him for not playing as well. Friday’s practice was worst of the week, and Chris found himself barely able to focus with all the stuff he was freaking out about. Too wired to go home, he decided to drive over to his family’s athletic club and get in some time on his arms and try to figure out what he was doing wrong. An hour passed while Chris worked different weight machines to pump up his arms, but he was still distracted by all the work he had to do. So much so he accidentally loaded 20 lbs more than his top weight, and almost killed himself on the first press. Out of nowhere appeared a tall toned white guy covered in tattoos who jumped in to spot him and helped get the weight readjusted. Chris sat up to thank the guy, and found out he was one of the personal trainers at the club, Freddy. They chatted as the lifted and walked into the locker room together as Chris explained that with all he had to get done, there just wasn’t enough time during the week to do it and be well rested and ready for practice. “What if I could make the weekend longer?” Freddy asked, lowering his voice and leaning in closer. Chris asked what he meant and found out that Freddy had some stuff at his house that would allow Chris to stay up all night Friday and Saturday, get his work done for the week, and not make him groggy afterwards. Chris agreed without asking anything about what the stuff was or what it did. He was so excited about the idea of being able to get everything done that he didn’t notice Freddy checking him out as they showered. Inside Freddy’s apartment, Chris was offered a drink, but declined in favor of getting the stuff he needed to help study. He figured on the short drive over that it was probably caffine pills like truckers use, but he wasn’t sure if he could take those since technically the school could check for drugs at any point, even though they always did it Friday after school. He tried to hide his shock when Freddy returned to the living room in nothing but a pair of baggy bball shorts and a cap, with a small glass piper and lighter in one hand and a tiny bag of something resembling the rocks Chris grew in chemistry class the year before. Chris watched as Freddy explained that the stuff in the bag was called ‘Tina’ and was used to fight fatigue, as well as a few other things. Chris inquired as to why he needed the pipe and when Freddy started to show him, Chris objected quickly. “I don’t do drugs man, can’t risk it.” He said, losing some of his posture unconsciously from the disappointment of realizing there was no miracle way to stay up without chancing an ‘f’ on a piss test. “If any of this shit is detectable on a UA, then I would be fucked if it was still in my piss by Friday.” “No sweat man,” Freddy responded while loading some of the rocks into the glass bowl. “This stuff burns clean and is out of your system in 2, 3 days tops. Plus it won’t show on any UA for sports enhancing drugs or opiates.” Assuming that meant that the ‘tina’ wasn’t a drug, Chris spirits rose, but he remained wary, asking if there were any side effects or if it was addictive. “It can be addictive if you aren’t able to handle it properly,” Freddy said as he measured some of his baggie into an even smaller bag. “but you’re a big dude and you don’t look like one of those pussy bitches who can’t drink or smoke without ending up strung out on the side of the road somewhere. As for side effects, it just hypes you up and gets you running on overdrive, which can sometimes make you really thirsty or horny, kinda like a really good work out but with no fatigue after.” Chris’ sense of invulnerability over-rode all the ‘don’t do drugs’ lectures he’d heard over and over again in school and scouts, convincing him he could handle it in small doses. After all, no one was ever hooked after just one hit right? Wrong. Freddy asked him if he wanted to try it out, but Chris hesitated for one more second as he tried to decide if he was really willing to do this to get his stuff done. “Up to you man,” Freddy shrugged and pocketed the baggie and went to take a hit off the pipe himself. “I just need to know if you want this or if I should save it for the college chic I got on her way here. She loves smoking this and riding any cock in the room, so maybe I should save it for her anyway.” The idea that some girl could handle it and he was hesitating made Chris realize that it was time to man up. There was also the image of some co-ed tits bouncing as a girl rode his dick that had him wondering if he could use this as an excuse to hang around take a turn. He stopped Freddy and said he was ready to try it. Since he’d never seen a pipe like this before, Freddy offered to help him by lighting it for his first few hits. Instructing him to wait to inhale until Freddy gave him the signal, Chris sat as close to Freddy as he could. The tattoo’d taller, older guy held the pipe to Chris’ lips and flicked the lighter until it lit under the clear glass bowl. Crackling could be heard as Chris noticed the crystals melting and smoke beginning to billow in the round enclosure. From the weed pipes he’d smoked, Chris assumed the hole on top was a carb, but didn’t say anything since Freddy left it uncovered. Once some whisps of clean white smoke began to seep from the hole, Freddy said “now.” Inhaling deep into his lungs, Chris was surprised that he wasn’t tasting the smoke like he had when he’d smoked pot before. ‘must be due this being a cleaner burning substance or something,’ he thought, until he began to exhale and coughed really hard. Freddy laughed and asked if he was okay and Chris nodded. Taking another hit, Freddy handed Chris the bowl and told him to try it that time while Freddy retrieved water for the two of them. Chris had an easier time on that hit and wondered how long it would take to kick in. Just as Freddy came back with the waters, Chris got his answer in the form of a huge head rush and a wave of heat flowing over him. Now he understood why Freddy had stripped to his shorts. They continued passing back and forth the pipe while Freddy listened to him drone on and on about how amazing he felt. Once the bowl was finished, Freddy told Chris to strip down to his boxers if he was too warm, which Chris went ahead and did, with all the confidence of a boy his age. He didn’t even worry about getting hard when the extremely sexy 22 yr old girl showed up and smoked with them. By the time they’d smoked another bowl, Chris was concerned that he wasn’t getting hard, but kept his mouth shut since he was enjoying the 22yr old fingering her pussy and Sucking Freddy’s large dick. Within minutes of starting, her cunt got slippery, then sloppy and finally she creamed all over the couch cushion when Chris worked up the courage to reach over and stroke her pussy lips. Still, Chris couldn’t get any response from his dick. When the girl left, he asked Freddy, and he explained that it was a common side effect and if he decided to come back for more “study helpers” the next night, that Freddy would toss in a Viagra just in case. Confused, but wired, Chris left the apartment and went home, where he spent the next 6 hours pounding out a term paper, two research papers, and a set of flash cards for his midterms that week. Around 7 am, he was fading and went into his pocket for some more tina. Immediately he realized he had no pipe and no lighter. Whipping out his phone, he texted Freddy and prayed he was awake. By 8, Chris was back at Freddy’s door, and was greeted by the tattoo’d dealer’s naked body, semi-hard cock, and a nasty gangbang video playing on the tv. He was so distracted by his need for a pipe that it took him a minute to realize there was another guy there, around Freddy’s age, but shorter, around Chris’ height, and very muscly. He stammered and tried not to stare as the two men absent mindedly jerked their rods while he told them what he needed. The buff shorter guy laughed and told him to go buy one at the Mexican market on the corner, but Freddy stopped him and said he would give him one as part what he owed for the tina. Chris asked what he meant, and Freddy explained that tina was not free, and told him the bag he’d left with earlier was worth $30, and he’d toss in the Viagra he’d promised, a pipe and a lighter for another $10. All the money from Chris’ wallet added up to $38, and the change from his car got him another $1.57 closer, which Freddy graciously accepted on the condition that “next time you bring the cash before I give you the goods.” All Saturday, through the afternoon and evening, Chris was working at full speed, sneaking into the bathroom and locking the door periodically, in order to be sure he could take a few puffs without his parents catching him. As promised, the tina was life-changing, allowing Chris to stay focus and on task all day so he was done with all his work by midnight. With that, he booted up his laptop and hunted through some porn online so he could celebrate. Try as he might, even his favorite videos did nothing to help him become erect. Frustrated, he fished the little blue pill out of his pocket and gulped it down. He wondered if Freddy and the other guy had taken one, since they seemed to have no issues getting hard when he was there. Suddenly he realized he had no idea why the two of them were stroking together with no sign of a female anywhere and no mention of any coming over. A brief thought that they were fags crossed his mind, but he dismissed it as quickly as it arrived, reminding himself that Freddy fed his dick to the college girl right in front of him the night they met. Perhaps they were jerk off buddies like he and his friend Nick had been in middle school. It seemed weird that they’d continued as adults, but he forgot all about it when he looked down and found his own dick was now fully hard. Assuming it was from the slutty blonde getting a facial on the computer screen, he began to stroke and think of all the girls he’d been blowing off the last few weeks. One hand on his cock, he reached with his other hand for his phone and texted the girl who lived closest and asked if she wanted to come over. Imagining her taking a hit from his pipe before letting him use her slit, he felt his balls tightening already. Pausing to take another hit off his new pipe, he prayed for a pussy. Mere moments passed before the girl he’d texted sent a response saying: just got home from party. Come over and letz fuck. The sex was better than he ever could have imagined, even with a half-asleep drunk girl who didn’t want to do anything other than missionary. When he pulled out and shot his load on her pussy lips, she smiled and rolled over. She was out before his breathing returned to normal, and he was already figuring out how he was going to make $30 bucks that week to get more tina. PART II: UNSTOPPABLE ADDICTION Nine weeks had come and gone since that first night partying, and Chris had spent every weekend high as a kite. His grades were safely in the ‘B’ range and his performance on the team had never been better. He’d even managed to lose the baby fat around his waist with the help of the drugs, giving him an even more enviable form. In that time, he’d run through all his birthday money, he allowance, his gas money, and had even taken to selling some of his comic books from when he was younger, all to support his new habit. What began as a $30 bag and the occasional puff through the day was now $100 a weekend and a constant intake of meth. Days he spent at home locked in his room behind a combo lock he installed himself, nights he snuck over to Freddy’s apartment and smoked and jerked and hung out naked, occasionally enjoying a left over girl from Freddy’s customers. Recently Freddy was kicking him out more and more often, which required Chris to schedule hook ups with girls and friends at bizarre hours. He was loving every drugged minute of it, and had become totally okay with spending hours in the buff with Freddy and random friends and customers he had over now and then. Finals came just in time for the money to run out, and Chris was panicked when he asked Freddy what to do. “You remember the guy you met the first weekend we hung out?” Chris nodded. “Well he has mentioned you a few times since then and I bet he’d be down to spot you some cash if you’d be down to let him suck you off.” “Seriously? He’s a fag? Seemed so…normal. I dunno man. I’m not into gay shit. I just really need this for one more week.” Chris was already aching for a puff when Freddy explained that he could pretend it was a girl and keep his eyes closed the whole time. Glancing over to the coffee table, Chris saw Freddy’s pipe laying out and his eyes glazed at the thought of being high again. He nodded okay. No sooner had Freddy gotten off the phone with the guy and told Chris to use his shower really quickly. Chris was now including some extra cleansing of his balls, ass and hole when he showered, since the tina had a tendency to make him empty his bowels. He’d just finished verifying there was nothing left inside him and getting washed when Freddy knocked and told him the guy was there, stripping nude and eagerly dropping to his knees in front of the chair where Freddy directed Chris to sit. The dude wasted no time and immediately began to suck as best he could, but it was no use since Chris was only thinking about getting high. Freddy suggested they smoke a bowl and gave Chris a Viagra to help him out. Once the smoke hit his lungs, Chris felt the high he needed and was able to turn his attention to the tv screen where an asain girl was taking two black dicks in either end. It turned out that the man was an excellent cock sucker, so good that Chris forgot who was doing it and grabbed his hair and started pounding his dick down the man’s throat and saying things like “take my fucking cock” and “I’m gonna feed you my cum bitch!” Sure enough, the next stroke was all it took for Chris to shoot load after load down the throat of a man he barely knew. As the euphoria wore off, he looked down and was disgusted to see the masculine face as it licked his shaft and balls. He pushed the man off and hurriedly got dressed, only pausing before leaving to get the tina he needed. PART III: INESCAPABLE OUTCOME Finals and the end of the baseball season went off with no problems, and Chris decided he was going to stop smoking now that he no longer needed to do it for his grades. Friday came and he was doing okay until he received a video message on his phone from Freddy. The clip was the college girl he’d met at Freddy’s apartment, and she was taking a hit from Freddy’s pipe totally nude. Never in his life had he wanted something so badly, and he couldn’t figure out if he wanted the pipe or the girl more. Since classes ended with finals, Chris rushed the last half of the last essay on his lit final, before tossing it on the teacher’s desk on his way out the door. On the way to Freddy’s apartment, he called the dealer and explained that he was still broke, but Freddy told him not to worry about it, because he had a friend coming over that was willing to share. When the other guy finally arrived, Chris had the co-ed on her back on the couch, with her legs over his shoulders and his cock ramming her pussy as hard as he could. He told Freddy how impressed he was by his own staying power since he’d been inside her for at least 20 minutes by then with no sign of cumming, and Freddy just laughed. “That’s because the pepsi I gave you to wash down the Viagra had some g in it,” Freddy mentioned like it was nothing. Chris looked concerned. “Don’t sweat it bro. G is ghb, all of us have some in our drinks. It is just like taking a couple shots.” Once the other guy started stripping, the girl declared that she needed a break and they all sat around and smoked a large bowl. Chris was so hard he was practically humming when his female fuck-partner got a text and apologized, explaining that her roommate was locked out and she needed to go give her the keys to their room. Promising to be back soon as she got dressed, she stopped only to stroke Chris’ cock a few times, before slipping on her shoes on her way out the door. “FUCK!” Chris shouted when she left. “I really need to fuck her! I am so fucking horny man!” “Chill Chris,” Freddy advised him, handing him a freshly loaded bowl. “Why don’t we each do another shot of G so we can calm down a little and by the time the bitch gets back, you’ll be ready for round two.” They all agreed and Freddy dashed into the kitchen to get the g. “I’m Steve, by the way,” the other man spoke up, sitting across the sofa from Chris, in only a jockstrap and his sneakers. “Guess I forgot to introduce myself before sucking you off last week.” “No worries,” Chris responded, awkwardly. “I’m Chris.” Freddy returned with three small shot glasses each filled about half full. Chris said they were wimps if that’s all it took, but both guys chuckled and told him to wait and see how he felt once he drank it. Sliding it back, he gagged at the god-awful flavor and almost threw up, eliciting more laughs from the other guys. Assuming they didn’t choke because they were used to it, it didn’t occur to him that it was actually because their glasses had water in them instead. Within minutes Chris’ vision was getting blurry and he felt himself start to fade into a state of semi-awareness. He remembered thinking he should be worried when Freddy moved to Steve’s side and the two of them started whispering back and forth, but he couldn’t seem to find the energy or will power to question them. As the tv became too difficult to make out, Steve got up and went out on the balcony to make a phone call. “How about we move into the guest bedroom so we can watch porn on the big screen?” Freddy suggested once Steve was out of ear shot. The high school boy agreed amicably and stood up too quickly, falling right back on his butt. Luckily the high from the pipe and the g was making him easy going, so he just laughed and let Freddy help him up. Inside the bedroom, he tried to object as Freddy stripped them both naked and placed Chris next to him in bed, but every time he opened his mouth, Freddy would stick the pipe in front of him and feed him another hit off of it. He soon forgot to protest when the tv began playing a very hot porn featuring a girl who looked a lot like the college girl from earlier, getting plowed in her ass by a tall tattoo covered tan guy who Chris swore looked almost identical to Freddy. Reaching for his cock, Chris discovered Freddy was already playing with it. “I’m nat a fig brew.” Chris slurred. “What?” Freddy asked, sliding his other hand between Chris’ legs to stroke and tickle the balls and asshole. “I’m…not a fag. Bro.” Chris struggled to focus, making his word come slower and more clearly. “Who said you were Chris?” Freddy replied before bending down and engulfing his buddies cock with his mouth. Chris moaned and tried to push Freddy away, but once he felt the dealer’s lips against his pelvis, he moaned and relaxed enough that moments later, he was passed out. Looking up at the nude, ripped teen boy in the bed, Freddy let the stiff post-pubescent cock fall from his mouth, which curled into a smile. Hopping up, he leaned out the door and motioned to Steve, who ended his call, came back inside and climbed onto the bed next to Chris’ head. Together they readjusted Chris until his ass was at the foot of the bed and Steve was kneeling over his head, pinning the boy’s arms beneath his muscular thighs. Freddy chuckled quietly as he applied some lube to his fingers and work one, then two and finally a third one into the teen’s tight virgin ass. As the third one slipped in, Chris began to stir and Steve tensed his legs to keep the boy’s arms still. Withdrawing from the boyhole, Freddy was pleasantly surprised to find Chris’ ass as clean inside as it was outside. Showing Steve, the two of them made some quiet jokes about what a good little slut they’d found, doucheing before they used ‘her.’ “Time for a little wake up call,” Freddy whispered, pulling out a syringe with no needle, a small cup of water and some of his tina. He put a large crystal of the drug into the syringe then reinserted the plunger and used it to suck up some water. Not enough to make a mess, but enough to dissolve the rock with a little shaking and swirling. Once neither one could see the crystal, Freddy lubed the syringe and slowly slid it in the ass where he had just had his fingers. As soon as it was in as far as it could go, freddy pushed down on the plunger and emptied the liquid into Chris’ ass. “Baby’s first booty bump,” Steve said, laughing. The two men watched as the drugs took effect, reviving the boy slowly. Five minutes passed before they figured it was in his blood stream, then Freddy pulled out the syringe and leaned down over the teen’s body. Lifting the boy’s legs over his forearms, he moved his erect cock in until the lubed head was pressed against the virgin cunt. “Open your eyes ball boy,” the dealer said softly but in a commanding tone. Chris was dreaming that his math teacher was on her knees sucking his balls while his French teacher ate his ass with her bright red lips, and he wasn’t happy to respond to the male voice demanding he awaken, but he did anyway. Fluttering eyelids gave way to one and then two pupils, followed by some blinking before Chris finally became fully awake and looked up puzzled. For a few seconds, it didn’t register what was happening to him, until he managed to look a little further down his chest and caught sight of a tattooed torso between his thighs. Dawning on the fact that it was a set of male abs and pecs bent over him, his eyes shot wide open and he began to struggle. Steve and Freddy laughed at the feeble attempt to escape, since the boy was still on enough g that all he could really do was shake his head back and forth and wiggle his hips. “Get off of me mother fucker!” Spat the teen trying to gather enough strength to get an arm free. “what the fuck are you doing?” “Nothing much,” Freddy said, beginning to add pressure to the hole with his large, leaking cock. “I just want you to be awake when I make you a man.” “Fuck you queer!” Came the reply from the baseball boy, which did nothing but anger his rapists. Freddy dropped a thigh and smacked the teen’s face. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but with enough to force to shut the boy up and make him tremble slightly. “The only queer here,” The dealer said, sneering at his victim and lifting the leg back over his arm. “Is you bitch. I knew from the moment you smoked the very first bowl with me that you were a no-good faggot cock-sucking whore, and now I’m gonna prove it. Hold onto your panties.” Suddenly Freddy reared back and slammed his hips and cock forward, pushing half his engorged dick past the boy’s tight outer sphincter. Chris screamed like an 11yo falling off his bike, and slammed his eyes shut. Freddy motioned to Steve, who reached back on the bed and picked up Freddy’s discarded jockstrap, shoving it in the boy’s mouth. Freddy reared back again, withdrawing until only the head was still in the boy’s butt, and slammed forward a second time, until ¾ of his cock was inside. Another scream, muffled by the jock, came shooting out of the teen’s throat, as well as some sobs and tears. Pulling out again, the third slam saw the huge tattooed man’s meat make it all the way in, pushing past a second sphincter and causing one pitiful cry from the boy before he passed out. Minutes later the boy returned to consciousness, but somehow he was no longer in pain from the dick in his ass. Instead the sharp knife stabbing his insides had transformed into a warm ache and something else, something suspiciously like…pleasure. He heard moaning and grunting as he opened his eyes again and found Freddy ramming his ass full speed. With each driving thrust, the dealer added another guttural sound of pleasure, explaining the grunts he heard, but Steve was no longer kneeling over him, so where were the moans coming from? Shame filled the boy’s head when it dawned on him that he was the one moaning, from the pleasure of having his ass reamed. With no Steve above him, his arms were free to fight. Raising them, Chris expected them to push against his rapist, but as the cock inside him slid in and out of his no-longer virginal asshole, it rubbed something that caused tiny orgasms to shoot through the teen’s body, and made his arms reach out and pull the dealer’s hips against him harder. “Look who’s up,” Freddy said, bending down and kissing the teen. “And it looks like he’s enjoying himself.” Chris kept his mouth shut at first, which frustrated his fucker. Freddy slammed the boy especially hard, making Chris’ mouth pop open in a yelp, allowing the taller man’s tongue to slip inside the boy’s mouth and rape that as well. Once their tongues began wrestling, every last ounce of resistance faded from the youngster, and he became a willing participant as Freddy proceeded to fuck him on his belly, on his side, doggy style and finally on his back again when he was getting close to finishing. “You want me to cum in you bitch?” Freddy asked, his forehead resting against the boy’s. “Please don’t” Chris whimpered, part of him wanting the man to go ahead anyway. “Then I’ll stop fucking you.” Freddy threatened, pulling almost the whole way out of the boy. Chris cried out, hating the empty feeling and throwing his hands out to pull the man back into his ass. “That’s what I thought,” the tattooed top said laughing, resuming his full force fuck into the teen. “So I’ll ask you again. You want me to cum in you bitch? Want me to cum in you now and again tomorrow and again every day from now on until you’re nothing but a used up cunt full of sperm and shame? Tell me what you want!!” “I want…” Chris stopped himself, but Freddy slammed as hard and deep into him as he could, forcing the boy to continue. “I want you to cum in me.” “Good cause here…I…CUM!” Chris felt the cock inside him swell as his rapist slammed a dozen more times harder and deeper than he had yet and suddenly he could just tell that the man was cumming. The tight tattooed abs rubbing his own teen cock and the stiff giant cock in his hole, stimulating him in places he’d never felt before, joined together to make the teen shoot 1, 2, 3,…a dozen shots of thick, ropy boyjizz against the two male chests. Both men breathed hard and fast as they emptied their balls together, until both were finished and Freddy collapsed onto Chris, making out with the teen as their sweat and cum rolled off of them onto the bedspread. “hot damn.” Steve said, stepping out of the shadows with a camera in his hand. Chris’ gut dropped as he realized the two men had just taped, possibly even broadcasted his rape. “This oughta be enough to make sure you come back for more.” Chris felt the shame stream back into his mind as he stood in the shower, washing himself with boiling hot water. Tears fell from his eyes as he realized Steve was right. He had no choice now. If he didn’t want the men to release the tape or show his parents or get him kicked out of school, he’d have to do what they said, when they said. His feeling of being invincible was over, replaced by a mix of fear, resignation and excitement. Drying off, he walked back into the guest room and laid down without a fight. Steve started moving between the boy’s legs and lubed up his own cock for round two, and Chris knew there was nothing he could do but take the man’s cock, and any other cock they wanted him to take. He was theirs now.
    3 points
  4. I was in Louisiana and I had just arrived for a three month project with my job, and I was cruising the sites trying to find some playmates in my new place. I am 38, white, 5’8” 160, in good shape, clean shaven, military cut brown hair, a very eager bottom pig and usually if I’m playing I am also slamming T - love to get fisted on T; I have done other chems, but nothing is better. I have been told I am a great cocksucker, love to get fisted deep and long, love dirty Dominant talk, into water sports, bondage, spanking etc. etc. I typically play in just a leather jockstrap as the guys I play with are not at all interested in my cock and I like it that way. Naturally on the passive side, I do tend to respond to whoever I’m with by being increasingly submissive as the guy I am with is increasingly Dominant. I have a pretty suggestive and slutty online profile - good pictures of my body and face, even some of me getting fucked and fisted. For an hour, I had been looking online this being my first Saturday evening in Louisiana. I had sent messages to three or four guys when I noticed there was a message in my inbox from a guy in Lafayette, a city about an hour from me. “Hi. I’m Leon, are you looking to get fucked tonight?” This Leon was not one of the guys I had sent messages to, so I checked out his profile and the description was pretty short: “44 year old total top guy in Lafayette who can host.” There were mostly “ask me” answers in his profile, his HIV status was poz, but I figured we would jsut fist, so no big probelm there. His picture showed that he was in shape and handsome, so I replied, “Really looking to get fisted...you into that?” “Sure" was his reply. I unlocked all my pictures, giving him my cell number inviting him to give me a call or text me. Five minutes later he called, and his voice was low and smooth as he asked, “Hi, this is Leon, are you Matt?” “Yes, hi!” I said, and we began to talk. His voice sounded gentle but commanding and firm and the sound of it tuned me on. I had seen his pics and stats, so I knew he was a tall (6’5” 245) good looking black man with a shaved head and a lot of tats on his arms and body that looked hot as hell. He did not have a pic of his cock, but I was sure he had one and I wasn’t too concerned about it. I could tell by how he talked he was witty, intelligent and self-confident. We exchanges pleasantries, talked about sexual likes and dislikes and we seemed to mesh so well it I was all I could do not do sound over-eager. He said he’d like to see me dressed in my leather stuff, which was fine with me. I asked him if he partied, and he said sometimes, but that he really got into fucking tweaked up bottoms, so if I wanted to, I could. I told him that I was really looking to suck his cock and get fisted, but loved to party while I get fisted. He said he had some stuff, but I told him I would bring my own. This impressed him - he said he runs into too many mooching little bottom sluts just looking for a bump. Then he got right down to business - “Come over now so I can start working your hole, pussyboy.” I told him I loved that kind of talk and he said good, and that he’d call me ‘pussyboy’ and hoped I would live up to the name. He gave me his address and I told him it was an hour to his place, but that I’d get there as soon as I could. I ended the call, and was so sexually aroused I could not think. I had recently acquired two eight balls of very large crystals of tina which I was not too eager to use up quickly, so I fixed three pretty strong points of about a third of a gram each and left the rest of the stash safely in my room. I put on my metal cock ring, leather jockstrap, harness and chaps which left my ass exposed; I opted for wrestling shoes rather than boots and also inserted a medium butt plug for the ride. I threw on a light jacket over it all and carried the rest of my toys and stuff to the car. It was a long hour knowing what was waiting for me on the other end of the trip, but at 8:00 PM I arrived at Leon’s place. The address was in a a somewhat rundown trailer park and the natty look of the place gave off a kind of sleazy aura which I liked. The trailers were so close to each other - people were going to hear us. The thought of that got me hot. I parked my car and made the short walk to his door in my harness, jock, chaps while I covered my exposed ass with my gym bag as I knocked. Leon opened the door, gave me a once over with his eyes and with a toothy smile invited me in. We stopped inside the door and our eyes met each other as he palmed the back of my head, pulling me to him to kiss me deep and intensely. He firmly pinched my nipple and I rubbed his crotch as we kissed. I thought that since we had not discussed his cock size that it was nothing remarkable, but as we made out, I could feel one of the biggest cocks I had ever seen (including in porn) straining at the jeans he was wearing. He was stroking my exposed hole as he held me. “Nice pussy, boy. Nice.” I met his finger with my hips and continued to suck on his tongue like it was a cock. He paused after a few minutes and asked, “You need to do anything before we start, pussyboy? You bring your party stuff?” “Yes, sir, I said, “I would like use the bathroom just to make sure I’m clean and then I could slam too.” “No,” he said, “and call me Daddy. You can go ahead and clean up, but don’t slam until I tell you to, understand, boy?” Softly I said, “Yes sir, Daddy.” Leon put his finger under my chin to lift my head, looked into my eyes and said, “I am hot to fuck your slutty ass, maybe even as hot as you are to get fucked. You’ll be just fine - just do what Daddy says. Got that bitch? All I could think of was, “Oh Shit, how am I going to keep him from barebacking me?" I knew better, but his strength and confidence mesmerized me. “Yes, Daddy.” In that quietly moment I completely submitted to this magnificent stud and I found I wanted his barecock and load even more. I bowed my head a bit and looked down in submission. He kept fingering my hole, softly but firmly putting me in my place, “I do like fuckin little white pussy boys like you, show you where the line is, how a real man fucks - oh, I know what you want - I know what a white fag like you wants. You just make sure you are always taking care of my cock, you got that pussyboy?” I began to respond to his Dominance, breathing heavily, I looked into his eyes and whispered, “Yes sir.” Trembling at the idea of what lay ahead, I went to bathroom and briefly cleaned out, using Leon’s well equipped shower. I dried off, popped a little lube in my hole and walked back into the bedroom. There was Leon, clothed and lying on the bed; his eyes motioned me over. I crawled up next to him, and he fitted a black leather collar around my neck and snapped a leash to it. “Now, he said, “undress me and suck my cock until tell you to stop. I mean to breed your ass first off, so get me hard.” I was scared to death, but I couldn’t help myself. I was fixated on him as he exuded sheer masculinity and I knew I would be taking my first bareback cock in 15 years, and I knew he was poz. I unzipped and unbuttoned and peeled off all his clothing until he was naked, staring at me while he slowly stroked himself. “Where is your party stuff?” “I have it here,” I said as I pulled a prepared .3 syringe out of my bag. “Give it to me to hold and start sucking, pussyboy.” I moved between his legs and with only my mouth, engulfed little more than the head of his magnificent and incredibly thick cock. I tried to wrap by hand around the shaft lower down, but could not get my whole hand around it. Fucking amazing cock, had to be 10 inches long and impressively thick - I was getting so I couldn’t wait to have it in me. I continued sucking and slurping and Leon made approving noises. I swallowed as much as I could, and as I deep throated about three quarters of his lovely black cock, I looked up at Leon’s face in total submission. Seeing me there, kneeling between his legs with my hands gently rubbing his stomach, nipples and chest, he said, “You look like you’re praying, all down on your knees like that.” I tried so swallow more, and he ramped up the talk, “Yeah, bitch, worship that cock! That’s a real cock, white boy, you like it huh? You’re a good cocksucker, aren’t you? Fuck, you fucking faggots can’t help yourselves can you - gotta have my cock don’t you?Tell me how much you want my big black cock in your ass, you fucking pussy. Tell me pussyboy!” I lifted my head off his cock and quietly begged, “Oh Daddy, I want you to fuck me silly with your magnificent black cock! I want you to own my ass..”your pussy, you mean, he said, twisting my nipple ...yes sir, my pussy, and pump it full, breed my pussy ass." “Yeah, you’ll that, bitch. You’ll get that and more.” I resumed sucking him and soon his cock was fully hard. I paused to look at its beauty and perfection and wondered how big it really was. Seeming to know what I was thinking already, Leon said, “It’s eleven by eight, boy. enough for you?.” I nodded and smiled and continued to worship his manhood...nothing else even existed for me - this man’s cock was all that mattered. After a few minutes he touched my forehead, and said, “Climb on top of my cock and take all of it to the balls, pussyboy.” Immediately, I generously lubed his cock and straddled him, reaching behind me to put the head into my ass. Leon held a bottle of poppers under my nose,“Take two hits, boy.” I did, and since my ass was nice and lubed too, his thick cock split my butt open and began to slide in. “Yeah, fuck your self with a real man’s cock, you little faggot! Look into my eyes when you take my cock...fuck, look at your face! You really love it, don’t you, you really are a little faggot, huh - Oh fuck your pussy is hot! I love having a faggot like you riding on my big nasty nigger cock. Tell me how much you love my nigger cock.” I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just blurted out, “This is the greatest cock I’ve ever seen, and I love sucking it and and having your big black cock...” Leon tweaked my nipples roughtly - sternly correcting me, “It's nigger cock, pussyboy. Say it!” Here I was riding the biggest thickest cock I have ever seen, taking it bareback, something I never do, and about to use a word I never do, but I knew it was just like taking him bareback - it was not an option, but a simple act of total submission, and so was what I said as I looked in his eyes. “Fuck yeah, Daddy I love your hot nigger cock in my faggot white pussy. I want you to fuck me, all night with your huge fuckin’ nigger cock! A triumphant smile came over his face. “Yeah, bitch, yeah,” he said as he thrusted his massive tool into me. By this time I had all by two inches of him in me and I was slowly gyrating to get the last of his awesome pole into me, when he gave me the poppers again. Looking deep into his eyes, I took a couple big deep hits and slid down balls deep on his gigantic 11 manhood. “Good little faggot, your pussy is so fucking hot, oh, I own your ass, boy!" “Yes sir, yes, Daddy, it’s yours, all yours...” His 11 inches of hard black cock stuffed all up inside me had me in a trance. "Fuckin' Slut, you're a hot little faggot, you jsut keep making my cock happy." :Fuckin' love your nigger cock, Daddy! “Here, bitch, he said, handing me the point full of meth I gave him earlier, “do this now as you ride my cock - show me how much you want to be my faggot white slut!” I reached to take the point from him, saying, “Yes Daddy!” “Tell me how much you want to be my slut, pussyboy!” I sat there, with Leon’s huge beautiful thick black manhood completely embedded in my eager twitchy white ass; in front of me was a monster slam of meth and he was asking me to do something I had never done - take a slam of meth with a bare cock inside me - a fucking monster black - nigger - cock, a fucking mandingo fantasy cock, one that was eleven inches balls deep inside of me. This could be the hottest and most twisted way I had ever slammed - and beyond the slam lay all the intense, piggy, uninhibited sexual adventure I would ever experience. All I had to do was beg like a filthy cheap whore for his beautiful cock. As the words came out, I was surprised how easily I gave in actually. I looked deep into his eyes and ground my pussy on his stiff thick monster pole, tweaked my nipples and started to whisper, “Fuck yeah, Daddy, it's so fuckin hot to get fucked by a real man like you - I need it - I need, crave, your huge nigger cock in my pussy. You nigger cock craving faggot, boy? "Yeah, I'm your nigger cock-craving faggot!” Leon smiled “You really are a filthy white trashy whore, aren’t you?” I just smiled and quietly moaned, "Yeaaaaah Daaaady...” “Fuck yeah, that's hot bitch, I own your sorry ass, now, let me see you slam this, and keep looking into my eyes as you do it, pussyboy.” “Yes, Daddy.” With that, he handed me the point and said, “Get ready, pussyboy.” I swabbed my arm and put on the tourniquet as he picked up his cell and made a call. “Hey man. You have got to come over and help me fuck this white boy I have here. He’s sitting with my hard cock up in his pussy right now. Yeah, man, lotsa fun. A total faggot, yeah a pig, definitely...sending you a pic of what we’re doing now...ok, hang on.” Leon held the phone to my face. “Hello?” I said. “You Leon's whore tonight? “Uh-huh, his pussyboy.” “You sitting with Leon’s big cock up your ass? “Uh-huh, all of it” I said. “Say it, you bitch, say it so I know.” “I’m sitting with Leon’s big thick nigger cock all the way up my ass,” I said matter-of-factly. “Fucking slut! Give me back to Leon!” Leon took the phone back. “Yeah, we will, see you in a few,” Then he chuckled at something the other guy said and ended the call. The he pointed the phone’s camera at me. “Put this over your face, pussyboy, I am going to video you slam and ride my cock.” He handed me a black hood, and I put it on. In my mind I paused at how thoughtful he was even though he was only going to tear my ass up as much as he could...so fucking hot. I took the hood from him, it was made of a comfortable light material and just had eye and mouth holes. It went on easily, and he started the video. “You slam that shit, now” Leon ordered. I put the needle to my vein and drew back a good register, then I pushed (as Leon videoed me) and I took the needle out of my arm and handed it to Leon; he kept videoing. As I raised my arm I removed the tourniquet with a snap and on came the inevitable coughs, the rush that brought sheer abandoned sluttiness, the ringing in my ears, the rolling unfocused eyes and an endless hunger for that massive cock inside of me. The slam gave my impaled ass an intense super hot sensation, and I vigorously rode Leon’s huge cock with total abandon. All I could think of was how much a hot fucking stud Leon was! “Oooooooohhhhh, Daddy fuck yeah!” was all I could manage to say. The slam transformed my already whorish nature into Leon’s wanton single-mindedness bitch who only wanted to please and serve and submit to him. I looked as him and was fixated for a moment on the contrast his skin made with mine and with the perfection of this man, this black man - this example of true masculinity. I was exactly where I wanted to be, and I started writhing in ecstasy on his rock hard cock, the cock that was the center of my existence. “Yeah, fucking junkie faggot, ride my fucking cock!" Leon was the best I ever had at dirty talk, I was helpless in his power. and His words heated me up even more, “Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah, I’m your faggot bitch and I love your thick nigger cock in my pussy, please Daddy, fuck me like this all night!!” I rode him for a half hour, with him taunting me racially and me not caring as long as I had his cock in me. I was riding him, in ecstasy, facing him. He stopped the video and set the phone aside. My legs and feet were on the bed on either side of him. I was using my arms to raise and lower my hole, sliding the whole length of his cock as I did. I was reveling in the full feeling in my ass, the sluttiness of it all and the approving taunts Leon was serving me along with his hard cock. “Fuck yourself on that hard nigger cock you little bitch...you can’t get enough, can you? Oh fuck, your faggot hole is so hot, feels just like a little girls’ pussy, this is what you're made for - I interrupted, "Yeah, to be a pussy for a real man like you.” I got back on my knees leaned forward and we kissed with me riding him for I don’t know how long - I was oblivious to anything but his massive prick in me. Finally I felt his cock get super hard like he was about to cum. “Gonna fill that fucking hole now boy, get ready," Leon whispered in my ear. Fuck, Daddy your cock is so fucking great! Breed my pussy Daddy, oh yeah!” I hissed as he took my hips and began to increase the speed and intensity of his thrusts. “Yeah, here it comes pussyboy, gonna seed your ass, yeah...take it,” and Leon shot a huge load of his seed in my ass for nearly a minute, and then lay still, his cock still hard in my hole. I clenched my hole on his cock and looked into his eyes. He thrust up at me gently but continually. He stayed hard and kept pumping my ass some more. The massive quantity of his first load was leaking out of my ass. I started catching it, and eating it off my fingers while he continued to fuck me, his 11 inches just as hard as before he bred me. We kept going this way for at least another 30 minutes and he shot another load of his cum in my well fucked ass, and after he pulled out, all I could do is think about when Leon was going to fuck me again. After he settled, he gently lifted me off his cock, he smiled at me and told me, “I think someone is waiting for you, pussyboy.” I turned and noticed that sometime during our fuck session, a second man had entered and was sitting in a chair enjoying the show. His hard cock was in his hand and he was slowly stroking it as he watched. The new man’s skin was brown, and he looked Hispanic and about 45. He was thinner but still very good looking and muscular. He wore roomy jeans and no shirt. His bare arms and chest looked chiseled and along with his angular face, gave him a hard kind of sinister, even scary, look, like someone used to getting his own way. Our eyes met, and he smiled, the hard look went away. “Fuck, Leon, he is some freaky little white boy.” Leon spoke up, “Pussyboy, this is Pedro.” Pedro gave a little chuckle at the introduction but didn't say anything. "Hi," I quietly said to Pedro and smiled a little. “Yeah, ok, ‘pussyboy,’ get over here and suck my cock. I went eagerly over to the chair Pedro was sitting in and got between his legs, took a couple massive poppers hits from him. I held the last hit and looked up into Pedro’s eye as I exhaled it and took his whole cock down until my nose touched his stomach. Pedro groaned approvingly, “ooooh puta, you a good cocksucker. Yeah.” I still tweaking majorly and would be for some time. Pedro’s cock was nearly as thick as Leon’s, and not as long, but was still 9 inches long with a nice curve that made for great deep-throating. I kept taking Pedro’s full length hungrily down my throat, and soon Pedro pushed my head down and held it there as he shot his load. I was able to take all he gave me and stayed on his hard cock until I milked every drop from him. Pedro turned to Leon, “I want to tag this faggot’s ass now, man, OK? Get on the bed and suck your Daddy’s cock, bitch,” and as I climbed on the bed, Pedro gave me a hard slap on the ass, and I eagerly got on all fours between Leon’s legs and began to sucking his cock back to hardness. Pedro took charge for a bit, “Suck that big fuckin cock, yeah, you little faggot, get your ass up in the air more, bitch! Keep sucking Daddy’s cock, there you go...” I was enjoying the feel of Daddy’s cock hardening in my mouth, when I felt Pedro’s fingers in my hole. “Shit, bitch, how many loads have you taken so far?” “Two, sir,” I said quickly and resumed sucking Leon’s ever growing hardon and Pedro was fingering my cummy hole. “Nicely fucked ass, but you want more, right, you slut? I gave him a ‘mmmhmmm’ as I continued with Daddy. “You give him a slam, Lee?” Pedro asked. “Yeah, it was about two hours ago now I think. Time for another?” Leon asked. Let me get all the way into his ass for a while, OK. But get it ready, OK? Pedro slid his cock all the way into me and held it there for a minute or two, then he withdrew it and vigorously slapped my ass cheek before pounding it forcefully back into my hole. He repeated the sequence for a while, thrust, pull, slap, thrust, pull, slap; I kept Daddy’s cock in my mouth and squealed at the enjoyment of the pain. Eventually Pedro just pounded my ass until he put the third load into me, saying very little, but grunting as intensely and loudly as I’ve heard from anyone. Pedro pulled out and out and sat on the bed. “Clean his cock, pussyboy,” Leon said. I turned around and cleaned off Pedro’s still hard cock with my mouth, being sure to look Pedro in the eye as I swallowed the cock that had just been in my ass. Pedro smiled and muttered, “Fucking nasty slut. Hot.” After he was clean, he ordered me on all fours. “Suck your Daddy’s cock again, bitch.” You like that cock don’t you? I nodded with Leon’s cock in my mouth, and Pedro ordered, “Say it!” “I fucking love worshiping Leon’s awesome nigger cock with my faggot white mouth!” Shit, Lee, he thinks he’s in love with you! Leon said, “No pussyboy knows better. He’s just a fucking faggot, right boy? I nodded and gave a ‘mmmmhmmmm’ as I took Leon’s cock down my throat. “You like getting fisted, pussyboy?” came Pedro’s voice from behind me. I gave him another ‘mmmhmmm’ and kept at Daddy’s cock. “Get him that slam, ok Lee? Can you give it to him?” “He can do it himself and it’s hot to watch. I’ll dose him some G though.” Leon got up for a second and came right back with a glass of gatorade. Pedro kept was still hard and kept fucking me while Leon got the drink. “Here pussyboy,” Leon said, “drink this, you’ll like it.” After I emptied the glass, Pedro slowly withdrew his cock from me and said, “OK, bitch, time for you to slam again. How should we do this?” Leon ordered me, “Stay on all fours, boy." Turning to Pedro, without ordering him, but leaving no doubt he was in charge, Leon said to Pedro, "Work your hand into the faggot's pussy, and when you get in, just stay still." He'll slam himself with your hand in him.” With that Pedro began to stuff crisco into my hole handfuls at a time. His hands were, like he was, slender but strong. My hole was quivering. I could hardly wait. Pedro alternated hands as he inserted fingers, four at a time to knuckles to prime my ass for his whole hand. He pushed his left hand into my willing greasy hole and slowly he slid it all in and slapped my ass in triumph. “Fuck! pussy took that fist quick. Hungry little faggot, huh?” Slap! went Pedro’s hand on my newly fisted ass. I moaned and continued sucking Daddy's cock as Pedro’s hand slowly twisted into my bowels. FUCK! I had never been so totally turned on in my life! Their racial taunts and spankings only made it hotter by the minute. Daddy lifted my head. “Time for this, pussyboy. I know you want it, you fucking junkie, you been staring at it for 5 minutes," His look as regarded me was one of complete and utter confidence in his superiority. He held the loaded point between his thick fingers. I eagerly took it. He handed me a swab and tied my arm for me as Pedro still twisted his hand slowly into my sloppy hole. Daddy told Pedro to stay still and as Daddy held the leash attached to my collar, he stood and watched me take the dose - I put the needle to my vein, hitting it right away. I drew back, got a good influx of blood and pushed the plunger home. Leon took the used needle and I raised my hand above my head and removed the rubber band from around my bicep and I felt Daddy raise my upper body nearly upright while Pedro kept his hand in my ass. The rush was epic! I was afraid for a second or two that I couldn’t breathe, but that passed and soon all I wanted was Pedro to shove his arm into me as far as he could. I was transformed by the raw lust I had for Daddy's cock right then, and I gobbled as much of him as I could. My world was their two cocks, and my giving over to be used by these two amazing studs. Both Pedro and Leon let me get back to breathing normally. Leon put me back on all fours, he fed me several hits of poppers while I went down on his massive cock. Between the G kicking in and the extra slam, I swallowed nearly all of Leon’s cock and held it there while I stared into his eyes. Leon saw me look at him and said, “Fuck, look at those eyes! Yeah, you horny faggot, you tweaking now, aren’t ya? Look at you swallowing Daddy’s dick all the way, and big bad Pedro opening up your sloppy pussy with his arm, damn, pussyboy, you’re a sight! I increased my intensity on his cock. "Yeah, Leon groaned, "keep worshipping my cock boy, I got another load for you, just worship Daddy’s cock and take what Pedro gives you.” With Leon’s cock firmly down my throat, Pedro went to work on my hole with his hands - he was a masterful fister. Leon offered, and I deeply huffed on the poppers a few more times and as they took effect. Pedro began his skillful penetration of my ass with his forearm. My hole felt like it was a mile wide and as he progressed into me, Pedro knew just what to say. “Fuck man, you have such a fine faggot hole, you’re fucking built to take it up your ass.” “Damn, bitch, look in the mirror,” Leon said, “Pedro is almost to the elbow and you’re still gobbling my cock - you like seeing yourself like that, pussyboy?” “Fuck yeah, Daddy,” I answered, “so fucking hot, being your faggot, fucking love it! “That’s my pussyboy, now get ready to swallow my cum, bitch!” he snarled. In a couple minutes he shot another big load all over my face. Leon looked at me and said, "Let it be, boy, you look good that way." “Shit, you are a happy little whore with all my cum on your face, and Pedro stretching your little pussy out, huh boy?" I just smiled, then Leon fed me his cum from off my face, which I gladly ate. Leon sat back and watched Pedro work further into my hole, twisting and turning his arm further and further into my ass. Leon fed me poppers as Pedro gave my eager spun hole a good work out. Slowly, bit by bit, he sank his arm into me. Pedro whispered to me, “here it comes - all the way into that sloppy hole of yours! FUUUUCK, you're a good little faggot, huh, boy? Pedro turned to Leon, "Fuck! Lee, look at this,” as slowly he began to twist his forearm into me all the way to his elbow. I looked in the mirror and saw that Pedro had reached his elbow and was grinning evilly at me. The night had only just begun. This was the start of an amazing three months I spent in Louisiana, and I saw Daddy and Pedro almost exclusively during that time - including two very eventful trips to the bathhouse in the French Quarter....
    3 points
  5. I don't know who planted the load that finally converted me, but I know when it happened. You see, I work at a medical testing lab running blood and urine samples all day long. We do all kinds of testing: drug, disease, CBC, etc. In order to ensure the accuracy of the test machines we have various samples of blood with all the pathogens we test for. We run "calibration" tests often. When I started barebacking more and more, I got in the habit of running my own blood through for the HIV calibration test. Then it happens. The antigen test with my blood shows hiv antigens. I must say the initial shock passes quickly; I know the machines can be wrong. I run a PCR test to see if my blood is truly toxic. My viral load is north of 5 million. So this is it. After being less inhibited and less careful and taking more risks and more loads, it happens. I have an arednaline rush and my hands shake some. I feel tingly, numb, thrilled. I guess I feel a little more shock when the PCR test was done, but I start thinking about it. I think about how toxic my blood and cum are. I think about how *my* cock could deliver a life changing load of *my* seed, and I suddenly realize my cock is hard, rock hard, straining against my clothing. The thrill of knowing the power I have between my legs is intoxicating. Before I finish my shift I start making dates. That evening I visit Nicky. Nicky is a gorgeous boy with a strong taste for tina. I don't touch the stuff, but I always get extra hard when I find a vein and send whoever I am with spinning. When I get to Nicky's place I tell him he has to empty his balls into my ass before I will slam and fuck him. Nicky is thick and about 7 inches. He tries to fuck me well, but I can tell he really wants my cock and a hit of tina inside him. He stretches me out good and leaves about a quart of jizz sloshing in me. I can tell he is aching more and more for tina and my deadly cock... although he doesn't know that last bit about me... yet. I want my first poz top fuck to be worthy of my newly toxic status. I think how I am about to do something major to him that cannot be undone. My hard cock gets harder and harder. While I mix the tina and fill the rig I was wonder how to rough up Nicky's hole without being too obvious. Then inspiration strikes... Nicky has already tied off and is itching, dying for that hit of crystal. I find his vein easily. Out comes the plunger, making the clear potion in the syringe dark red with Nicky's blood. In goes the plunger, sending that burn up his arm and straight to his brain. He gives a small gasp and shakes a litle as the tina goes to work. Now he is staring at my cock. "How about a little extra?" I ask. From the look on his face, I can tell he is curious but not sure what I mean. I take the needle and slide it into my vein. Out comes the plunger, filling the clear tube with my concentrated death serum. I look at it. Nicky looks at it and looks at me. I slide the needle into his vein again and pull the plunger out some more. Our blood - my lethal and his spiked- mix. In goes the plunger, and with it my mark is forever on him. I can see the look in his eyes. His mouth quivers a little as he catches his breath. He is deeply into it, but not at the level I am. I have precum flowing down my shaft. Nicky licks it all up, and sucks me deep. Then I go to work on his ass. My cock is hard beyond belief. I show no mercy. Only my precum and Nicky's spit lube my cock. I thrust in balls deep and push deeper. I fuck as hard as I can. I can hear Nicky wimper with each especially hard shove of my deadly cock. I am at the edge. In addition to the intense hot pleasure of violating Nicky's beautiful ass, my mind is flashing on the poison welling up in my throbbing cock; the seed of change. Finally I give him my second load of biotoxins. I see he has cum again from my fucking. Later that night I am finally able to mate with a kid from adam4adam who has been teasing my cock for almost 4 weeks. Him waiting, playing shy, and not meeting the first night we chatted makes a lasting difference for him. I gather from our chats that he is the only son of a well to do family from the east coast. He is finishing his first year of college. He tells me he is a virgin. At first I assume that's a load of crap but later I believe him. He says he has been using his fingers to anally pleasure himself since he was 12, and he just knows a cock in his ass will be amazing, like it's his calling. As we chat almost every night on a4a, he makes a big deal of how conflicted he is. He says he knows safe sex is best, but he wants his "first time" to be special... and raw. I figure he's just being a cock tease but I play along. At first he asks me a few times if I am clean. I tell him, honestly at the time, that I am. At some point he stops asking, but he keeps teasing. Finally he gives me his address and asks me to come over. He opens the door and he's not disappointing. He's cute, slender without being skinny, and he smiles at me in a way that tells me I meet with his approval too. I go in and he closes the door. I gently use my fingers to lift his chin so he is looking up at me. I kiss him; I slide my tongue in his mouth. His arms wrap around my waist and he presses his body to mine. I feel his hard cock through his pants. He leads me to his bedroom and we continue to make out and undress. I take a quick break to pee and while I am in his bathroom I see a razor sitting on the sink. I laugh to myself as I bet he needs to shave once a week at most. I go back to the bedroom and he's totally naked now. I soon join him and we continue to make out, our cocks growing harder and harder. As he sucks my cock (clumsily) I notice he has some hair around his pink hole. I get up and order him to follow me. He does so obediently. Good boy. We go to the bathroom and climb into the tub. I sit on the edge of the tub and bend him over my knee. I run some warm water and finger his hole to open him up some. I soap his ass up and grab his razor. I go to work shaving his hole clean. Every so often I stick a finger or three inside. The soap stings him a little, which is good since it makes him not notice that I am also using his razor to makes some small cuts just inside his relaxed anus. I rinse him off good and lead him back to bed. I make him lay on his tummy with his ass in the air, and I start to rim him. He is groaning with pleasure. My tongue dances over his sensitive little boy cunt, and slides inside now and then. He pushes his ass back against my face, wanting more. He is going to get more... much more. I think about how in the previous weeks when he chatted with me he would chicken out... tease my cock to a diamond like hardness then back out and ask to chat more later. I decide he is going to be punished for teasing me that way, and he's going to be punished for being a barebacking little faggot. I drop a wad of spit on the tip of my cock and spread it over the head. He has his arms folded so that his head rests on his hands. I move his arms down by his side and place his hands on his back. Now he is down on his chest with his ass in the air. His arms are in such a position as to be useless. He is vulnerable. He is mine. I move the head of my cock against his hole. I put my hands on each of his shoulders and hold him down. I rocket my hips forward as hard and fast as I can. My whole cock goes all the way in. He shakes and screams in pain. I think to myself, "This is your punishment for being a cock tease." I hold a pillow over his mouth until he stops screaming. I let him catch his breath and give him more brutal thusts. He starts to make noise again and I cover his mouth with the pillow again. He is struggling in vain against me. His hole is tight and clenching around my swelling cock. I keep thrusting. I show no mercy. He is whimpering, "Please, please, please... it hurts... please stop... please..." I thrust harder and see tears running down his face. As I continue to pull out and brutally push in, again and again, I can see in the dim light of the bedroom that my cock is covered with blood from his torn up hole. I remember how toxic I am. I wonder if the precum alone would convert him. I think about him... so young... such a... a what? A blank canvas! Yes, that's it... he's my blank canvas and I am going to make him be what I want. I will take away his plans and he will be, for the rest of his life, an example of my work. This is his punishment for being a barebacking slut the first time he gets fucked. I ram harder and harder, more and more. He is crying quietly and his whole body shakes as I climax. My deadly cock shoots like a gun... bang, bang, bang, bang bang. I pull out and make him lick my cock clean as he continues to cry. I get dressed and go home without saying a word. To be continued...
    3 points
  6. Got my last loads at the dirty bookstore Saturday where I spent about 14 hours total. 8 or 9 loads in my mouth, definitely 3 loads up my ass. One of the guys who fucked me said I was the biggest whore there that day.
    3 points
  7. The next day I am antsy at work. I don't want to be there; I want to be planting my charged seed everywhere I can. I see Kim's ad on backpage. Kim is a tranny sex worker and she's in town. I have known Kim for about two years. When I first met her she would not have any bareback sex,. Despite this, I saw her again... because of her cock. Like most latina t-girls, she is well hung... really well hung. Feeling her tits (which like most trannies are way better than any genetic woman's rack) pressing on my back as she topped me from behind was so hot that I went back. As we talked more I told her that I do web pages for my friends. Her face lit up when she heard this. She asked if I could help her make a web page to advertise her services. I was not sure I could, but I said sure. It turns out what she wanted to do was easy, really easy, but she had no clue. At that point I stopped paying to meet her, and we would just trade services every month or so. Finally, about a year ago, I was laying on my back making out with her, my legs wrapped around her as she lay on top of me. I got her inside of me with no condom. She looked me in the eye and asked if I was clean. I held her gaze and said yes. The tension in her body melted and she got into fucking me more than she ever had before. A few weeks later she let me top her raw. Ever since then, it's been bare, raw, uninhibited and intense between us. Kim doesn't care for tina, but she sure likes to burn a bowl or three. I call her and ask when she would like me to come to her motel. She says any time after 6:30pm. I go home and get my stash of weed. I mix in roofies, X and cocaine. Lots of roofies, X and cocaine. I have no idea what the effect will be on her, but I bet it will be fun. I get to her motel at 6:45. I give her the joint and light it up for her. Sometimes I join her, sometimes I don't. Tonight, she gets to have it all. We chat a little bit while she tokes. Soon she's swaying (probably the roofies) and her eyes are scanning around the room constantly (probably the coke). She finishes the joint and strips naked without a word. Her cock is hard and pointing to the sky. I follow suit and we move to the bed. I deepthroat her cock as she lays on her back, obviously more high, more intoxicated than just 420 make her. She pulls me up to her and kisses me deep. She holds me close and rolls over on the king size bed. "Baby, I want to make love to you missionary tonight, ok?" I think to myself, "Make love? She never said it that way before..." That must be the X. I spread my legs and lift them in the air. She lubes up and slides inside me. She french kisses me as she rhythmically fucks me. "I am close," she whispers. Then as she cums, she tells me she loves me. I cannot wait to spread her ass cheeks and flood her with my poison seed... but first I give her another joint. By the time she's half way done with it, she's so loaded she has trouble with even basic muscle control. "Make love to me, baby," she slurs out. "I will, Kim. But I want you know this will be special. I have hiv and my cum and blood are full of the virus. Tonight I am going to convert you to be hiv positive. I want to be the one who does it." It doesn't register, really, with her. She says, "Thanks, baby, thanks." I use my fingernail to scratch her hole until it's nice and bloody. She tels me it hurts a little so I scratch harder. I roll her onto her back and spread her legs. I tell her again, "Kim, I am going to give you hiv now. I am going to fuck you to death." This time it seems like she is a little more understanding. "OK," she replies. I fuck her. I use only enough lube to get my head inside her. I often held back before when I barebacked Kim. I did not fuck as hard or rough as I wanted to. Tonight I make up for all those times. I hold her feet on my shoulders. I suck her toes now and then, but the whole time I am fucking her as hard as I can; I mate with her to make her pregnant with my death cum. I lay on top of her and make her bite my nipples hard as I get closer to cumming. I see blood on her lips as I continue to pound her. She has drawn my virus laden blood at my command. I cum. I give her my gift. I mark her. She is now bearing the fruit of our uninhibited rutting... forever. I drive home and log on to adam4adam. There is a message for me from Will. Will is a Chinese consultant. He basically spends his time commuting between London, the Bay Area and Hong Kong trying to fix dysfunctional organizations. In the office, Will gives orders and makes changes. In the bedroom he's a needle dicked sub bottom. When I first met Will he put a condom on me before I fucked him. I figured it would be one and done with him, but he always stayed at hotels convenient to my work so he was good for an easy lay. One time he asked if I would booty bump him. I said sure. He said his tina was on the desk. It was in a little package of folded wax paper. I opened it up and spread it on my hard spear. I dabbed some lube on his hole and slid in. "Take it easy," he said, "it burns some." Once he got use to it I was able to fuck him the way men should fuck: raw. He asked me to put on a condom before I cum. I said no. I told him I was going to cum in him. He didn't say another word. He just moaned with pleasure when I shot my load. Since then, he usually blindfolded himself and even cuffed his own hands behind his back before I would enter his unlocked room. He started to leave his tina out on a small mirror, leaving me the choice of when to booty bump him. So tonight I see his message on a4a. I reply and ask if I can head over at 9pm. Within a minute he replies yes. I get to his room and I get straight to work. A little lube and I fuck him for a while. I go over to his mirror and see his tina. I also notice a wax paper package in a pocket of his suitcase. I open it and find more tina... a lot more tina... including a few Breaking Bad Walter White hunks of crystal that look big and sharp enough to use as weapons. I put the small chunks on my cock and hold two big pieces in my hand and I re-enter his gaping hole. He gives the usual reaction: A gasp and a plea to take it slow at first. I don't take it slow. I pound. "Stop stop stop!," he begs. I pull out and pull both of the huge shards of meth on my cock. He is still blindfolded and cuffed. As he takes a breath I pinch one of his nipples hard. He was not expecting it but it seems to bring him around to being ready for my cock again... or so he thinks. "Ok," he says. I line up the head of my cock with his hole and ram him. I can feel the crysal scraping all the way in. He starts to scream and I hold my hand over his mouth while I continue to brutalize him. His little body squirms and twists against my violation but it's no use. I think about what a worthless phony he is. He acts like some genius leader but he's really just a submissive tweaking cock slut. I think about how I am going to spray a deadly load of my dirty charged cum into his bleeding ass and how it will infect him. I shoot. My cum flows and flows and flows. I pull out and he curls up in the fetal position. I wipe my dick on his sheets, get dressed and leave. More to cum...
    3 points
  8. One day I decided to act on a dark fantasy I always had. I put a ad on CL and dug through the 20-30 responses I had gotten. I picked a married man as I was, and planned this for the afternoon on my way home. I left work early and headed to the woods. Parked on the side of the road texted the guy I would be ready in 15 minutes and his my keys and locked up my truck. Headed into the open, light woods and found a nice but small tree. I Stripped down naked and Layed out my supplies, ky lube, crisco, poppers and paper towels. Bagged my clothes and hid them about 100 ft away. I put my wrist restraints on, wrapped my eyes with self stick gauze wrap so I couldn't see a thing and proceeded to lock myself to the tree and wait for someone to show. Suddenly I hear a car come around the distant corner and pull up. I hear a car door close and then rustling of footsteps through the clearing. My heart started pounding and my cock instantly got hard. The footsteps got closer and closer and I hear them stop right behind me then a faint "Mmmm, nice" from a voice. He runs his hands over my ass including a single finger in along my asshole. My cock is now throbbing as hard as my heart! He reaches around from behind and takes my cock into his hand. He strokes it while coming around to the side of me and I feel him kneel down and take my cock in his mouth. He sucks it for about 2 minutes and then stands back up. I hear him wrestling, sounds like taking off his shorts or pants. Using the lube he lives my asshole up and works a finger in to get me all wet inside. He continues to work a couple fingers into my ass while also stroking my cock. He stops abruptly, with a moments pause and then I feel the head of his cock slide into my ass. I hear him take a couple hits off the poppers and then slowly he pumps away for a moment and then started really pounding it to me, pulling my hips into his groin. I realized I didn't bring condoms and I doubt he did. After a couple minutes of him pounding into my slick ass, he stops before he gets close to getting off and pulls out. I hear him open the crisco up and then I feel him packing my now loosened hole with the oil. He shoves about 3-4 fingers in me working the lube in good twisting and fingering me real good. I feel him work his thumb into the mix and start putting pressure to my well lubed hole. He gets it worked into his last set of knuckles when he reaches around with the poppers and shoves it to my nose. I take two long hits off it and I bend over some more putting pressure on the tree and forcing my hungry hole over his knuckles until his fist slides in and I let out a loud grunt. I hear him say "Wow, that's Hot" and slowly starts twisting and working his fist about in my hole. As my head began to spin i felt as though his hand was working a orgasm up inside my from the deepest depths i had never felt before in my life. I swear he worked my hole for 15 minutes because my legs almost went limp, he had worked it so hard my hole felt like it was turned inside out. He put the poppers in front of my nose again and I took another big hit as he came around the front of me. As my head began to get light again & he had his fist in my ass, he took my cock in his mouth. It grew hard again and he sucked hard while working his fist in my ass. I felt it coming, my nuts were tightening up, my hole was starting to tighten around his wrist and pushed back agaonst his fist and I shot my load in his throat. My ass spasmed wildly on his wrist and He quickly pulled his fist out and I almost came again. He stood up and shoved his cock in my now very sloppy hole. I have no idea how he was going to get off in that loose mess, but he took a hit of poppers and began fucking me hard...he had ahold of my hips and was taking me to pound town. Within about 30 seconds he began to grunt and shot his load deep into my messy asshole and let out the longest sigh of relief. As he pulled out I felt his cum flood down my thighs. I was spent! He got dressed, said thanks for the memory that he will jack off to for the next 6 months and left. After I heard his car leave, I unclipped my hands and uncovered my eyes. Wiped the cum off my thighs, licked it off my fingers and proceeded to clean up and get dressed. It was the most amazing time I had ever had and it will not be able to be topped. I jack off to the thoughts almost every day in the shower!
    2 points
  9. Definitely ass first. Then suck him back to hardness and let him decide where the second load goes.
    2 points
  10. Had a fab Sunday with my dirty lil 19 yr old twink, he's so hot. Spent 4 hours with him, we flip flop fucked for most of it, very sensual, he shot a gallon of cum up my arse, after he'd cum though, he wasn't up for getting fucked and loaded by me, so I wanked off and shot all over my chest and he was a good enough boy to lick it all up. I've seen him about a dozen times now, the sex is awesome.
    2 points
  11. Hey guys, I posted this a while back in the "Sex with enhancements" folder, but a lot of guys have asked me about my experience being pozzed, and I try to refer them to this posting but always have trouble finding it. So I am posting the account here. With just a few minor changes "to protect the innocent" LOL this is how it happened. * * * * I guess it is time for me to tell the account of how I was pozzed. It was 1997, I was 31 and I had been chatting with a guy named Stan from San Francisco on-line (anyone remember IRC?) at the time chatting on-line was a strictly text based affair – though with some trouble you could ftp a guy’s pic. At 42 Stan was older than was I, but I’ve then always been attracted to older men, and Stan was really good looking with cropped salt-and-pepper hair and dark beard, hairy – just the way I like them! Anyway, in our chats the question of bare fucking had come up and I admitted that I fucked bare from time to time because I thought it was really hot, but that I was really selective about the guys with whom I did so, that I got to know them first, etc. He replied that he was the same way. After we had been talking for a few months I found out that I was going to be able to attend a conference in San Francisco for work and I excitedly let Stan know that I would be visiting his home town. He generously offered to let me stay with him, and I accepted. The conference was going to run from Wednesday until Saturday around noon and he said that Saturday afternoon he would show me around the Castro (where he lived) and we could hit some of the bars that night. Sounded good to me! I even arranged to take a personal day and fly back on Monday so that Stan and I could go out on Saturday night and not worry about me needing to get up early on Sunday for a flight. The conference came around and was actually one of the better conferences I’ve attended - I enjoyed it and learned a lot. Stan was a great host – helping me figure the public transportation system, and giving me a key so I could let myself in and out of his place. We even fooled around Thursday night. Nothing major, but it ended in a hot 69 and we blew loads down each other’s throats. On Saturday, true to his word, Stan showed me around the Castro and even took me out to dinner. When we got back to his place we went into the living room and Stan informed me that he had invited a few buddies over for a couple beers – then he said we would all hit the bars together. Once again, sounded good to me. Shortly after that the door bell rang and Stan let in this really hot looking guy who was probably around my age, but easily 6’3” and #215, also bearded with really hot green eyes. After introductions (I honestly don’t remember his name), Stan told us to get to know each other in the living room while he went and got drinks, going into the kitchen and was in there a while. I was having a good time talking with this new guy, so I wasn’t really paying attention. I remember hearing Stan talking on the phone, but I didn’t try to eavesdrop or anything – I was engaged with a guy I was hoping was going to fuck me later that night. Little did I know. Stan came back a while later with three beers and handed me one. He handed one to the other guy and then lifted his beer up and toasted to me and my visit. We all drank. I was looking to get a little loose, so I took several gulps fast before lowering my beer, and a couple more good swigs shortly thereafter. And that is when I began to feel it – a feeling that felt like I was getting really drunk. But I had only had half a beer! Sure, I gulped it down, but I knew myself. I didn’t get drunk that quickly. Turns out of course that Stan had drugged my beer and had been planning to do this all along. He hadn’t invited a few buddies over, he had invited 16 guys over. I came to learn that Stan was well known for his bareback parties – where frequently there was a "guest of honor" whom he lured in through the internet. This night I was that victim - errrrrr - guest. It didn’t take long before I was in a serious (but very pleasant) fog – Stan knew what he was doing in terms of dosing. I heard the doorbell ring and a couple more guys arrived. As he was answering the door, Stan called out to the other guy in the room, “Take him down to the basement. I’ll be down in a minute.” The guy lead me to a door and I compliantly went with him. My coordination was bad and I was really stumbling so the guy had me swing my arm around his shoulder and lean against him as we made our way to the back of the condo to a door. He lead me down some stairs and into a play area that Stan had not before shown me. There were a couple of slings, a platform with a queen-sized mattress on it covered in a black plastic sheet, and several other spaces with cushions and benches and stools where guys could pair or group off and enjoy each other. The guy I was with suggested I get undressed and try out one of the slings. I had no problem with that - seemed like exactly what I wanted to do! It took a little help from him to get my clothes off – my coordination was completely shot by the drug, but after a few minutes I was naked and he helped me into the sling. I heard the basement door open and shut and Stan was coming down the stairs. “Get him ready” he said and the other guy went over to a table and got what looked like a ribbon and a handi-wipe packet. The ribbon turned out to be a rubber tourniquet and the handi-wipe packet an alcohol pad. Next thing I knew the guy had my arm pinned under his arm and the tourniquet was wrapped around my bicep. Stan had a small syringe and he expertly found a vein and quickly injected me. I had never so much as even seen Tina before, much less slammed! When the other guy pulled the tourniquet off I felt the flash and rush, my heart racing, for a moment I thought I couldn’t breathe and then I was hit with the cough. Several coughs. I was sure I couldn't breath. There was a moment of panic but it was vague and removed - I guess because of the drug I had been given earlier. And then, dear god, the horniest feeling I had ever had rushed over me. I just started saying "Oh fuck me, oh fuck me, oh fuck me!" over and over again, and the feeling of need to have a cock in my hole was overwhelming. Stan, with a wicked smile on his face said, “Oh yeah, I think he is ready." As he put a little lube on my hole and on his cock he told the other guy to go ahead and open the door for the other party goers. My friend the bear climbed the stairs as Stan pushed his cock into my hole. While Stan was fucking me I watched man after man enter the basement. They all got naked, lots of them undressing themselves while keeping their eyes on the action taking place in the sling. Several guys egged Stan on and commented on the hot piece of ass he had found for this week's party. I have no idea how long Stan fucked me. I know several other guys fed me their cocks while he was fucking me, and I sucked them all gladly. Eventually Stan blew his load in my ass, pulled out and walked over to my head, saying "Suck me clean." I eagerly complied. As soon as his cock was planted in my mouth Stan asked to the crowd of guys "Who's next?" Another man quickly took up position at my hole and pushed in. I got fucked all right. From about 8:00 p.m. Saturday until about the same time on Sunday, all 16 guys invited to the party fucked me at some point. (At least so Stan told me when I chatted with him on-line a few days later when I was home – for me the night was mostly a blur.) While I don't remember much of what happened, I do remember a black man wish a huge cock taking his turn and screaming out in pain as he shoved his entire cock into me in a single violent thrust. But as much as it hurt, as soon as the screamed had exited my throat, I was begging him to fuck me. I loved that hurt! Another highlight was being double penetrated by two really beautiful muscle studs. Again, it hurt like hell, but this time I didn't scream I just begged for them to wreck my ass and flll it with their cum. In that on-line conversation I had with Stan days later (holy hell was the flight home torture - five hours in coach with an ass sore and still oozing blood from the abuse it had taken) he informed me that all of the guys who had been at the party were poz, several of them had full blown AIDS. Of course I was freaked out – but strangely not in a bad way. I know I probably should have been angry with Stan, but I wasn’t. I never did get the fuck flu, but at my regular four-month testing interval (about three months after the conference), I tested poz. I was online that very day sharing the new with Stan who congratulated me and welcomed me to the brotherhood. Strange thing – the greatest impact the experience had on me in terms of my behavior is that it actually scared me away from Tina for another 12 years! The intense rush I got that night was the most amazing thing I had ever felt. Way too fucking good to be natural. It was literally so good it scared the hell out of me. Even now that I am a regular partier - I still rarely slam. I can count on one hand the number of times I have done it since, and each time I do, I get a little uneasy - nothing should feel that good....it just isn't natural. Why do I have the feeling that I'll be doing slam #6 real soon?
    2 points
  12. Halloween: the night when all the freaks come out, and I decided, as I usually did, to join them. Usually I go as the sexy pizza boy or shirtless lumberjack. I get a lot of grabs and looks from the boys at the bars, all in the name of harmless sexy fun. However, this year I decided to go as the Dark Knight Batman: a little dark, totally anonymous with the face mask, and I get to let my inner nerd out. I also decided that since I'm 26, I don't have to be treated like an object at every costume party, at least this year. I live with my parents close to the local college which my younger brother attends, now 21 and in his junior year. He is almost always out at parties or bars, he just sleeps here. Sometimes. Anyhow, since around here Halloween gets very noisy and disruptive, my parents went on a weekend get away, leaving the house in my care. On the big night, I prepared myself for the festivities, dressing in flattering torso armor, armored tights, half mask, utility belt, phone, keys, cash, my ID, and a couple condoms and couple lube packets- after all, a superhero is prepared for all forms of combat. A couple of my boys wanted to meet up at the local leather bar rather than our normal hangout. Since Halloween is a Saturday this year, the bars are going to be packed. The leather bar usually has fewer people, but it has surprisingly good music and a small dance floor. Drinks are cheap, too, so I'm looking forward to the party, and to get fully in the mood, I made myself a couple of vodka tonics, and down them just before I left the house to await an Uber at the end of the driveway. As I stood there, I could feel the vodka kicking in, I must have poured them stronger than I thought, it's going to be some night! The driver could tell I was drunk by the time we got close to the bar. There was utility truck and a small crowd, so he had to drop me off down the street. I stepped out, thanked him, to which he replied, "Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun! Stay safe!" I laughed. I felt sexy, I was solidly buzzed, I loved how the tights clung to me. I still had my runner's body from college. I was giving myself a hardon, and I chucked: the plastic codpiece let me sport full mast and no one was the wiser. As I approached the bar building, I heard a guy beckon, "What's got 'ya grinning, Batman?" I turned and looked, and saw a beautiful specimen in a snake-scale body suit and had a cobra half-mask with open hood around his neck standing the entrance to the alley leading behind the bar. "Whoa..." I stuttered, "y-you do." I suddenly gained my composure and pretended to play cool. I glanced down and saw an unsupported bulge in the spandex pants and I licked my lips. "Hot costume. Looks like you're a very big snake!" I stepped closer to him and he stepped closer to me. "You're too kind!" he said, pretending to be bashful, placing a hand on my chest. "But you see, I'm cold blooded. I grow a little as things heat up." "Really?" I stepped closer and started to lean in. "Sounds like we need to heat you up and get you all stretched out. You must be all cramped up." I could feel my heart begin to race. I'm never this quick and obvious, but the vodka and my concealed erection were speaking on my behalf, and it's working. The cobra guy suddenly puts a hand behind my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. Our masks just barely let us kiss. I lean in entirely into his body, minding my codpiece and moved to the side slightly, allowing his slowly growing cock to press firmly against my thigh. A couple guys whistled as they passed behind us, one even grabbed my ass, pushing me into Cobra a little more. I felt a cold spot soak through my tights: a precummer, sweet. We continued to make out for a minute and I had to have him. It was clear for the moment, both of us looked around, grinned devilishly and Cobra grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the alley. Barely turning the corner, we continued to make out with abandon. My hand ran down his body suit and to my relief, found the waist of his tights. I grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth and felt around with my other hand to find the waist at his other hip. He laughed as I pulled on his lip and started to lower his tights. His cock sprang out as soon as it was free from the spandex. It was a nice seven and a half inches, thicker than my own, uncut with loose foreskin. I was a little jealous- I remember as kids my parents explaining they changed their minds about circumcision when I saw my brother's peeper was different than mine. Ever since, I had foreskin envy. Seeing that uncut beauty, I immediately dropped to my knees. One of the plastic knee pads jabbed under my kneecap and made me jump and readjust. It's ironic that these armored tights hurt. "Are you okay, Batman?" "Yea-" I gulped as I slid my mouth as far down that cock as I could go, pulling that supple foreskin with my lips. I felt my Snake's body shudder as the head of his cock hit the back of my throat. I wrapped my tongue around as much of the shaft as I could and started to swallow all my drool and all his precum that started gushing out. "Oh, God!" he yelped. It sounded like he was holding back tears. He gasped slightly every time I slid down his cock, brushing my tongue and lips across his foreskin. It sounded like he never felt a real blowjob before. I'm glad I was giving it to him. He took a deep breath and came down from his small piece of heaven, placed his hand under my chin to gesture me to look up. When I made eye contact with him with his dick still in my mouth, he started talking, "It's been a couple weeks since I've been able to sink that fang you're sucking on into something tasty, and I'm starving. Can I take a bite?" I nodded. All this character talk would normally be cheesy, but it made me even hotter. I slowly stood up, letting his dick pop out of my mouth in one smooth motion. I reached into my utility belt and found the lube packets and set them on the lid of a trashcan next to us. I reached back into the pouch, trying to feel for the condoms when I felt Cobra's hand unsnapped my belt and pulled my own tights down. I stuttered, "wait a-" when I felt his hands bend me over and his tongue slide in me. Getting rimmed while drunk is amazing, I instantly relaxed and moaned as his spit started to invade me. I put my hands on the wall in front of me, pushing my hole on his tongue. I felt him stand up and felt an equally wet cockhead against my hole, and I instinctively pushed back and wiggled to help get his rod into me. He was a little thicker than I was ready for so I stood still for a second. Cobra knew why I stopped for a second and I felt him squeeze another lube packet onto his partly-inserted dick. I took a deep breath and he took that opportunity to slide the rest of the way in. I grunted and moaned when he hit me balls deep. He impaled me breathless. He was the perfect size to stretch me to capacity without pain. He held there for about twenty seconds. I felt his cock twitch in me, buried to the hilt. He was sharing this heavenly moment with me. His cock pulsed in me again, and my prostate tingled, causing me to involuntarily shudder. He inhaled rather forcefully and whimpered, "Damn..." as pulled his dick out slightly and pressed firmly back in. This brought me back down to Earth and awakened a cock frenzy I never felt before. I slid back and forth, almost letting Cobra's cock slip out of me slamming my full body weight back onto his dick. He grabbed my hips tightly and took control back from me. "Damn, this is the finest meal I've ever sunk my fang into!" He exclaimed as he gave my ass a slap. His breath heaved. "I recently charged up, been waiting almost a month for prey like you to try my potent venom on!" "Oh ye-yeah!" I grunted. "This feels too good, this is perfect!" as I succumbed to being my Cobra's meal. My hole started pulsing around his dick as he sent me into an anal orgasm and I moaned uncontrollably. Five minutes of constant solid pounding, I felt Cobra's body begin to shake, I knew he was close. He leaned over and spoke in my ear, "My fang is in you. It's toxic. It's about to shoot. Can I shoot my poison in you?!" By the tone of desperation in his voice I knew he had only a couple seconds before cumming. I clumsily nodded with my Batman mask teetering on my head, I pulled my ass as apart as I could and surrendered my hole. He tightened his grip on my hips and started full-force slamming into my ass. After the tenth thrust, he pulled my hips into him and held me there, neither of us could breathe. Five seconds later his cock started flexing in me and a torrent of cum was unleashed. His cockhead swelled with each jet which actually hurt. His dick went from the perfect size to swelling into something I could not fully handle. My hole disagreed and tightened and pulsed to match the spurting of his dick in me. We were startled by the sound of clapping. Two guys deeper in the alley watched the show without either of us noticing. They were a shorter muscle-built Latino and a taller black man. The Latino had his dick out and was fully hard. He was probably stroking for a few minutes as we unknowingly put on a show. Cobra laughed which made his dick throb in me. Being stimulated and embarrassed, I could only blush and look down. "Can't let any of that POZ load go to waste!" The Latino proclaimed as he started to walk up. "Nope! Go for it!" Cobra agreed as he pulled out of my hole, volunteering it. The Latino's cock was already underneath Cobra's dick to catch any cum that might leak out. I felt an ooze forming when I felt Latino's dick pressed against my hole. "That monster of yours and my load, this piece of meat has no chance!" I started to panic and pull away when the black man stepped up and pushed me down. I started replaying everything. I thought it was character talk, not him trying to poz me. I couldn't find the condoms in the utility belt then forgot about them. Latino started to push in. His cock was thicker than Cobra's. "Wow, that's one wet mess in there, he must've cum a bucket!" Latino just kept pressing in farther. I stiffened up. "Relax dude, he already filled you up, I'm just going to make sure it stays in there." Latino wasn't even as deep as Cobra was in me as I felt impossibly full- all of that really was cum. Latino chuckled, "Now for the fun part!" He pushed firmly but slowly into my hole. "Lee, for my next trick, I'm going to pop this boy's 2nd ring cherry!" He commented to his black companion. I heard a cell phone bloop as Cobra somehow produced his iPhone. "Damn, I wanted to watch this, but I gotta go!" Cobra tucked his cock back in his tights and straightened his costume. "Make me proud!" He laughed as he hurriedly marched out of the alley. "Yessir!" replied Latino. He pressed deeper into me and the pressure was getting intense. Lee was holding me down and Latino kept driving into me. My ass flexed and twitched on the inside, I felt a gush deep in me... My hole clenched Latino's cock again and I felt another gush. I now knew what he meant by popping my 2nd ring cherry. Latino moaned each time my ass clenched which made him push harder. Then he hit a spot and couldn't go deeper. It hurt. Latino spoke up, "There's that 2nd ring! I felt that other dude's load squeeze in there so it's nice and lubed up, but I gotta push the rest in. It's gonna hurt at first, but once my nine and a half is balls deep, you'll want to marry me." Latino could feel me panicking, my legs were shaking and Lee wasn't letting me up. "It's okay, take a couple deep breaths." I followed his instructions, knowing I had no choice. He felt me relax, "There you go, baby, this isn't bad. This sounds a little complicated, but grip my cock and push out when I tell you. Now breathe... Grip and push!" Latino leaned his whole body into me, my inside muscles started throbbing. I started yelping and Lee had to muffle me. All the pressure gave way and I felt Latino's pubes starting to scratch against me. I groaned involuntarily as my second ring was learning to relax around this thick cock which was now fully impaled in me. I somehow got fully hard and was on the edge of an orgasm. Latino grunted, "You're damn tight! God!" He started thrusting deep in me, "I can't hold back!" Within seconds Latino started to cum. The load shot deeper in me than anything has ever gone in me. His cock flexing in my second hole started to make me cum. His dick hurt but felt incredible. I shot a spurt onto the ground. Lee was able to catch some of it and fed it to Latino. Latino was coming down from his orgasm and snorted in laughter, "Sweet like a virgin!" Latino started to pull out- I shuddered as he extracted from the second ring and let out a gentle moan as each inch tugged out of me. He had two inches left in me and he commanded, "Tighten that hole!" To which I complied. He suddenly jerked the final two inches out to a 'pop' like a wine bottle being opened. I sighed in relief. "Good to the last drop?" Lee teased Latino. "Always!" as Latino slapped my exposed battered hole. "Cool. It's my turn, yo!" Lee unzipped and let out his seven inches. Latino moved to my shoulders and Lee moved behind me and slid all the way in me. I offered no resistance, my hole had no resistance left, Lee was able to pump into my hole at will. Bending over me and whispering in my ear, "I love a worn out hole. I only fuck sluts like you." Lee continued his pace for another minute and unceremoniously ejaculated in me. "Last deposit of the night!" And pulled out. Lee zipped up and patted Latino on the shoulder. "Time for drinks!" They walked down the alley laughing, leaving me with my armor tights at my knees, already forgotten. I pulled up my tights, sat on a crate next to the trash can and took off the Batman mask. I'm amazed it stayed on the whole time, it nearly fell off a couple times. I looked down at the ground. Two wrapped condoms. They must have fallen out as I was looking in my utility belt. My utility belt... Some superhero I was... I couldn't even work that right. I opened one of the pouches on the belt and found my phone. A couple text messages were sent about ten minutes ago- friends wondering where I was, saying the dance floor was amazing tonight. I texted back, "Srry. Feeling Sick. Staying home." I sat there for ten more minutes and recollected myself. I stood up, put my Batman mask back on and walked out of the alley. A taxi was chilling just down from the bar entry. I walked over, hopped in and ordered him home. The cab driver said, "Great costume- done partying already?!" "Yeah. Kinda not feeling well." "Aww. That's too bad. We'll get you home quick and you can get to rest." The rest of the cab ride was silent. I tossed him a twenty, almost double the fare and hopped out without a word. I got in the door, stripped my costume off as I started climbing the stairs, threw it in my room and walked naked to the bathroom, where a cool shower greeted and comforted me. I dried off, put on a pair of boxers and went back downstairs to watch TV in the living room. I woke up about an hour later to the front door unlocking. My brother came in the door and carrying a couple bags. I got up to greet him, "Rick, I'm surprised you're home tonight. I thought you would crash at one of your bud's." Rick put his bags down next to the living room stairs. "Yeah, but I gotta come home sometime, this is where I keep my clean underwear." We laughed. I glanced at him- tank top and basketball shorts. He's usually commando in those so yep, home is where your undies are. "Thought you'd be out with your boys at one of your gay bars. No Slutty Starbucks Barista this year?" Rick asked. "Nah, got dressed, went out, started to feel sick, came back. I started prepartying, didn't sit well." "That sucks." "Did you go out?" I asked Rick. "Yeah. A few of us got in costume, went around some of the Houses. I'm not as wasted as I should be!" Rick peeled off his tank top and threw it on top of one of the bags. "Tomorrow's laundry. Gonna turn in, absolutely drained, you know." He looked at me with a naughty glint. "Oh, really- deets then bed!" "Just some bar skank, met passing in front of a bar, wandered into a back alley, didn't get a name... Costumes and all made it one of the hottest hookups ever. Like I said- drai-ained! K, night!" Proud of his account, Rick promptly ran up the stairs and abruptly closed his bedroom door, shaking the handrail, knocking over one of his laundry bags, spilling its contents. A cobra mask rolled out. ~fin~
    1 point
  13. Making My Dreams Cum True I went to a leather bar in New York, dressed in my leather chaps, vest and cap. I had been there several times, hoping on each occasion to hook up with one particular very hot Leather Man. We had eyed each other a few times, but nothing had happened. This particular Friday night I intended to try harder, so I wore a worn, tight pair of 501s which displayed my tight ass quite well. Shortly after entering the bar, I headed to the men’s room, and in the process brushed-up against him as he lounged against the bar. Sure enough he followed me into the restroom, and stood at the urinal next to me. Naturally, my cock immediately came to attention and, upon noticing it, he drawled “Boy, that cock sure looks good, and your butt looks even better!" I replied “I’d sure like your cock to know my tight hole better.” Giving me a somewhat sinister look he asked “You bareback?” “Well, I’ve never been barebacked, but you’re so hot I think I just might. If you’re safe.” “Yeah, I’m safe,” he replied, and with that we agreed to meet the following night at his place. Finally Saturday night arrived. All day I had been both excited and leery of barebacking with him, but the thought of playing with him took control. At least that’s what my asshole seemed to be saying as it twitched throughout my day time activities. When I arrived at his apartment he gave me a drink to relax, and it definitely worked. In short order I was so fucking horny I don’t think I had ever before felt so excited. Looking back, I’m sure he had spiked my drink, just to put me in the mood to have my neg hole used raw. He took me down into his dimly lit dungeon where a leather sling hung next to a leather draped which was illuminated by two large candles on opposing sides of the table. He instructed me to lay in the sling. I eagerly complied, and within seconds found myself restrained. He opened a drawer which was filled with toys. My cock remained rock hard as I anticipated the pleasures that were before me as he selected a large dildo and slowly worked it up my quivering hole. Man, I was utterly overwhelmed in sexual excitement, and naturally wanted more and more, so I was not all that surprised when I found myself begging for his raw cock, which only made him ply my hole all the harder. Even so, after thoroughly loosening up my ass, he slowly and deliberately removed his leather cod piece, and then lowered the sling so he could straddle over my mouth, ordering me to slowly lick his cock and announce my desires. So I found myself speaking to his cock, telling it I wanted, no, I needed hot cum in my hole. Slowly his cock began to rise. Damn, it was unbelievably large – perhaps as much as nine inches of pure man muscle, when fully erect. Fuck, I needed to be fucked. Perhaps reading my mind, he raised the sling into position over the leather draped table, and positioning the candles to provide the necessary lighting, he used a pre-prepared turkey baster to insert a white liquid into my ass, pausing briefly only to explain the liquid was cum that he had saved-up just for the occasion. Damn, I was so ready to receive his hot hard cock deep within my ass. Involuntarily I found myself begging to feel it, and to my pleasure he positioned himself at the entrance to my hole and whispered “What do you want?” “My ass full of your cum,” I whispered in reply. He slowly worked his cock into my ass, sliding it in and out, preparing it for his eventual assault. “This is only the beginning,” he advised as he varied his pace and the angle of insertion, giving me a wide range of sensations to enjoy. As the tension increased, again I found myself begging for his load, but he cautioned me saying “Not so fast. You’ve gotta earn the right to enjoy my gift. And that means I’m in charge.” With that he withdrew, and inserting the turkey baster again into my ass, he forced additional cum into my hole, but this time he used a small brush to work it in deeply. Fuck, what a feeling! To be filled with man cum, lubing my hole in preparation for his raw cock. Damn! It was like being fucked for the first time, all over again! After he had vigorously abraded my hole, the brush bristles were pink with my blood. “Your hole is ready to receive my man cum. Is this what you want?” “Absolutely,” I replied. My hole was in desperate need of his cum. With that he pushed his rock hard cock deep into my ass. Again he asked "What do you want?" “Your cum,” I replied, as he fucked deeper and deeper. “Again,” he demanded. “I need your cum, Sir." “Well then, you will receive it. If you truly want the seed of lust, Boy. You do know what I mean, don’t you Boy? "Yes, Sir, your seed,” I replied. “You know my seed is special, don’t you, Boy. That it’s charged hot seed. You want my special seed in your hole, don’t you, Boy?” My hole twitched and tightened on his cock in acknowledgement. I was absolutely ready to be blessed with his seed, but he slowed the assault on my hole, and delayed gifting me, asking yet again “Are you willing to take my poz load deep into your ass and to be almost certainly be converted?” My hole relaxed as if to let him drive his cock home Damn! I was gonna get a poz load! My hole rejoiced with excitement beyond anything I had known before. I looked directly into his intense eyes and shot my final neg load all over myself as, with a final thrust, he announced “As you wish, Boy. Here’s my poz seed!” blowing volley after volley of his charged load deep into my ass. The next weekend, four of his friends would each blow his load into my ass – just as a reward to me for being such a good bottom boy. Ah, if only in my dreams!
    1 point
  14. In the summer of 2010 I flew to Spain for a week in the sun. After a couple of days of debauchery in Barcelona, my boyfriend and I took a train to the seaside town of Sitges, which several of my friends had recommended to us. So I found myself on a train filled with many hot, sexy men. I'm 35, 5' 11", with short, buzzed, brown hair, a youthful face some facial hair that I've allowed to grow into a closely trimmed goatee. I have blue eyes and a solid build. I'm not particularly hairy, but my chest and stomach are covered with fur, which I keep it trimmed and neat, not shaved. My cock is cut, above average in size, and seems to be always hard. I would describe myself mostly as a vers bottom. I only bareback with my boyfriend, but will sometimes blow other guys outside of our relationship and even then I insist the guys wear a condom. My boyfriend of three years and I had the talk; the talk that gave each of us approval to play outside the relationship without any guilt. We also talked about how if we fucked or got fucked by anyone, we would always wear a condom. The afternoon we arrived at Sitges, I stopped at a sex shop and picked up some single-use lubes, a couple of condoms, and a bottle of poppers. That evening, around 12:00 AM, my boyfriend and I went to XXL. While it wasn't all that busy, the music was amazing, so we danced for a while and the place gradually filled up. There were muscle bears, bears, otters, twinks, the 'guy next door' type, in short, there were men of all shapes, ages, and sizes. After about an hour on the dance floor, my boyfriend disappeared, seemingly for ages. I figured he must be upstairs in the dark room. I've been to the odd dark room in my time, but mostly it's always been a lot of groping and a few blow jobs that haven't turned into anyone cumming, at least in me. Anyhow, I decided to see if I could find him, so off to the dark room I went. The narrow dark room was pitch black, and, as it turned-out, so packed with men that I found it difficult to navigate. While I could see some shadows, that was about it, so hands proved to be the only way of exploring. Not surprisingly most of the guys were wearing t-shirts, and I took the time to explore some well-developed, hairy chests. I also encountered several cocks, so while most of the guys seemed to be fully clothed, a fair number of the guys were nearly naked. One of the nice experiences was that I could pretty much feel anywhere and no-one pushed my hand away, whether I was exploring some guy's chest, his neck, the small of his back, or slide my hand into the waistband of a guy's pants. Many a guy would even wiggle a little so I could reach further in his underwear and feel his ass and crack. I was feeling a little drunk and guys were grabbing my ass. I walked along and this one particular guy grabbed the back of my belt and pulled me backwards towards himself. I let him pull me to him until I was standing directly in front of him, my ass pushed up against his crotch. His hands started roaming my chest, under my t-shirt, rubbing my nipples and rubbing my entire front and cock through my jeans. I was hard and he could feel it. He began to lick my neck, and almost involuntarily I reached behind my ass, the palms of my hands rubbing the front of his shorts. To my pleasure I found the top button of his shorts was already undone and the zipper was half down. He massaged my shoulders a little and whispered something Spanish in my ear. He was rock hard. I was able to lower the zipper a little lower and I reached into the front of his shorts. This seemed to be a invitation for him to reach down, unfasten my belt and fly and lower my jeans. I leaned forward away from him a little and he slowly pulled my jeans down and then my underwear, only pausing for a moment to grab my hard cock that sprang forward when he yanked down my pants. Other guys were still passing in front of me in this dark room that was more of corridor than a room, but other than the odd grab-and-rub of my cock, all the action was coming from the guy behind me. And let me say, he knew exactly what he was doing. I reached inside his underwear and felt a large, fat, uncut, dripping cock. Fuck, was he horny. I moved my hands so that my palms were facing and rubbing his furry belly. With one hand firmly and slowly jerking my cock, he pulled his shorts and underwear down, and they fell to his feet, so I kept exploring his body. With his free hand he began rubbing the crack of my ass, his firm fingers going right for my hole. They were rough and he was intent on trying to push a finger inside me. My pants were only partially lowered, certainly not quite at my feet, but I still had to lean forward to grab the small tube of silicone lube I had in my pocket. Retrieving it, I handed it to him. He flipped open the bottle and I thought he was going to rub some on his finger to lube my ass, but instead, he pushed me forward a little and he began lubing his cock. Obviously he thought I was giving him the green light to fuck me, but I wasn't. I didn't want him to fuck me without a condom. Not here, and not with a guy I didn't know or couldn't even see, but I was a little drunk and it was all happening pretty quickly and before I realized it, he was pulling me back towards him and his cock was lodged between my cheeks. His cock was really solid and his hands on my waist were strong and pulling me back on his cock, the head of his cock was pushing right for my hole now and I knew he was going to push it in. Raw. I thought for a second he was going to miss my hole but he didn't. I didn't want him to miss so I leaned just a little forward and then I felt him enter me. Slowly and firmly, my ass was stretching as he kept a firm hold on my hips. It felt fucking amazing. My mind was racing. I thought I either pull away now completely, or enjoy our session. I decided on the latter. I reached into my other pocket and fished out my poppers, but found I had to lean forward to reach down enough into my pockets because my jeans were now halfway down my legs. When I made this move, he pushed right in. All the way in. I could feel his pubic hair on my ass. His cock was inside me and he was holding me there, still for a couple of seconds, but not for long. His hands were on my waist and his cock was completely inside my ass. I opened the poppers and took a hit - a deep hit. He took the bottle from me, and I heard him take four deep hits, then he handed the bottle back to me, so I took another hit. Although I was now flying,and everything was a little out of focus, I could still feel the thump of the music and I could feel bodies pushing past us in the dark room. I was sweating and flying. He held onto my waist and pulled me on and off his cock, steadily, not fast, but with the serious intention to fuck me deeply. He straighten me upright with a few gestures, and then he began licking and sucking my neck, whispering in my ear, licking my ear. I tried to turn my neck and head so he cold kiss my lips. He took the hint and we kissed a little. I could feel stubble on his face. He was sweating, breathing heavily, and his tongue pushed into the corner of my mouth. As the position was very difficult on both of us, we stopped kissing and he placed his hands on my hips. I took the hint and began to rock forward and backward, slowly. I wanted him to enjoy my ass, so in my mind I was imagining that I was jerking him off with my ass, clenching and unclenching my ass muscles so he would not be able to stop fucking me before pulling out. He started a regular steady rhythm of fucking. I opened the bottle of poppers and took another hit, and he followed suit, taking several strong hits. The entire time I moved forward and backward on his cock. He was fucking me more deeply and I was completely enjoying the sensation of his cock inside my ass. As his fucking intensified, my mind was flying. All I could think about was what we looked like. What he looked like and what is cock looked liked pounding in and out of my ass. His fucking was taking on an animal like quality. I could hear him grunting. I reached down and grabbed my cock and started to jerk. He was pounding my ass so fiercely I thought I might bounce right off of it but he kept amazing control. I could hear the music of the club and I was loving every minute of the experience: the beat the music and the hot raw cock in my ass. I reached between my legs and I could feel his cock fucking my ass. I felt it with my fingers as it was pounding in and out of my ass. This must have driven him a little crazy because his fucking began to get harder and I could hear him grunting and his body started to spasm a little. He was cumming in me. I could feel him cumming inside me. He slowed down a little and then his cock popped out. Cum immediately ran down my leg. He turned me around and pulled me towards him, kissing me passionately. For the first time our cocks rubbed together. His was gradually going soft, even if it was sticky with his cum, but my cock was hard and pressed up against his. His hands grabbed my ass and he pulled me very tightly towards him. That was enough for me, and I came, shooting between our bodies and stomachs. He knelt down and licked my cum, taking my cock inside his mouth for a couple of seconds, sucking out the last couple of drops of cum from out of my cock. Then he stood up, pulled up his pants and said 'ciao' and disappeared. He was done, I was done, so I pulled up my pants and went off in the opposite direction, wondering if my boyfriend was also getting into some trouble. Anyone have any stories from some fun they've had in Sitges?
    1 point
  15. My load soaked my fuzzy chest, firm pecs, all the way up to my well trimmed beard. I was surprised at the amount since this was my third load of the day, all produced while watching a video of the ripped 19 year old stud who was renting one of the smaller apartments in my building. On my computer screen, the webcam recording showed him going from fully clothed, to naked and hard, to shooting his hot teen spunk onto a pair of black lace panties(left on his bedroom floor by one of the sorority sisters who shared the 3 bedroom apartment above his). Every time I watched it, I always ended up cumming when he reclined on his bed and described fucking her in the stairwell only 5 yards from his landlord's (aka my) door. As the vid rolled on to his massive explosion, I began to get hard again but had to put it away before I rubbed myself raw. How did I find myself stroking to my hot, young buck-of-a-tenant? With a little luck, some careful planning and a bold goal. This was only stage one of my plan to transform Derek from a normal, innocent young ladies man into my personal plaything. It all began when he walked into my rental office and asked if I'd had a chance to look at his application for the smallest unit, hidden near the back of the building in the basement. Normally I do not rent to college guys, due in part to their irresponsible tendencies, and in part to my perpetual hardon whenever I am near one. Derek could see my reluctance before I spoke, and cut me off with a well thought out list of reasons why I'd be lucky to have him living there. After the usuals, like tidy habits, quiet hobbies, etc., he added that he was working two jobs to pay for school since losing his athletic scholarship due to a blown out knee. His warm smile, round cheeks, deep blue eyes and dusty blond hair made me want to say yes, but his tight tee shirt and shorts led me to say no. Still he persisted, practically begging, since his dorm was too loud to study and all the other apartments within walking distance of his jobs and the school were either too expensive or taken. I apologized and waved for him to leave, knocking down a stack of flyers accidentally. He bent to help me recover them, causing his sagging briefs to reveal his firm bvd covered buns. When he stood up, his shirt rode up, giving me a tantalizing view of the most chiseled abs I'd ever seen in real life. He moved in two days later, and soon his fan club included all of the ladies in the building as well. After he was let go from one of his jobs, I decided to take advantage of the situation, hiring him on as afternoon help in the office. Now that we were spending a few hours a day together, I discovered just how naïve Derek truly was. Everyday some girl would find an excuse to come interrupt us in order to check out Derek, but he would just blush and get shy. One of the smutty sorority girls from the third floor even came by in her bikini (on her way to the pool lol) and the only thing that proved he was alive was the obvious outline of hard teen meat in his pants. "damn those are nice tits." I said once she left. Derek was caught off guard but agreed whole-heartedly. "fuck yeah man, and what a sweet ass." he added while trying to discreetly readjust his hefty hard on. "wish she'd invite me out for a swim." "if you asked," I laughed at his innocence. "She'd let you tittyfuck her in the middle of times square." This began our free discussion of sex, which proved, as I thought, that Derek's experience was limited to some sloppy head from drunk party girls, and 4 sessions of missionary with a girl from his high school. Since he was too shy to approach girls outright, I suggested he try meeting them online. At first he seemed hesitant, until I told him about sites where girls with webcams would strip and masturbate if he found the right one. The next day was spent with him regaling me with tales of smutty bimbos creaming on cam, and his desperation upon discovering they'd do more if he had a cam too. Begin phase one: I offered to let him use the office computer after closing time as long as he was careful not to be seen. Meanwhile I downloaded security software so each of his sessions was saved for my pleasure. After a few weeks of scenes where he'd only whip it out at the end and usually cum off camera, I became proactive. The thing I should have mentioned before is my real profession: drugs. I make a tidy living selling to the local campus and surrounding area, with a select few of my employees living in the apartments, right next door to unsuspecting students and model citizens. One such employee was the same girl that gave Derek a fashion show in her string bikini, and she owed me big. A few months earlier she'd given in to temptation and spent 3 days with her ass in the air at a local frat house, getting gang banged and smoking almost 300 dollars in Tina, which she still owed me. She had no problem with my plan to work it off by seducing Derek and convincing him to perform a stroke show for her while she was "out of town." All it took was getting her to catch him at the computer one night and she had him. Friday night I could hear them fucking on every surface of his apartment, and from the sounds of it, he was talented. The following morning he was at my door by 7, recounting every glorious moment. "I could pound her cunt forever Mr. E," he praised. "it sucks that she is going to visit her family this weekend, but she wants to video chat tomorrow night. I want to make her squirt on the keyboard." "Then you better get some moves Derek," I said, leading him onto phase two. "Why don't you watch some dudes who jack off on cam for money, see what they do that works best, then copy it for her?" The result of his research was the video I can't stop watching, with another session the next morning. As expected, Derek became obsessed with getting her on his cock, which was difficult to fit in with his classes, afternoons in my office, evenings bussing tables at the old Chicago's, and the 90 minutes a day in the gym. He skipped a couple work outs to hook up with her, before I told her to only be free during his bussing shifts instead. this leads us to Phase three: deciding between paychecks and pussy. "so what should I do, sir?" he always called me by my last name or sir, which had me hard in no time. "Do I keep giving up shifts for the fuck of a lifetime, or do I tell her I can't do it then?" "first of all, she is just a piece of ass Derek," I educated him in the secret to women. "She seems magical now, but I bet I can find you another slit who is even hotter if she can't be bothered. Second, didn't you say you'd been doing those cam shows every weekend with her? Why not do a live show for a paying audience? Chances are you'd make enough in one night to equal a month at that shitty restaurant." He declined, but left with a look on his face that told me he wasn't as sure about it as he let on. When he went to his 'girlfriend' that evening and told her he needed to work, she informed him that he could either do her when she was free or she would find a new stud. Stunned and a little heartbroken, he went to work, but texted me when he was on his way home that night: Taking u up on offer 2 find new girl, and decided to do the pay show. C u tomorrow. Saturday night he did his first show and made enough that he quit his busboy gig before the clock hit midnight. A week later, he'd done three shows and had enough to splurge on some beer and brats, which I shared in. He'd never had any beer before, except a sip here and there to seem cool at parties, but my influence was having its desired effect, so he'd finished his third when my 'surprise guests' arrived at my door. Lana and Lois were two of my regular clients, buying enough each week to provide their clients with enough crystal for any and all dates they scheduled. As pros go, these two were the least skanky, but they still had the hints of 'will fuck for cash' in their clothes, make-up and long hair. Lana was some sort of Asian/Hispanic mix, with dark red loose curls, and per my instructions, she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. Lois was creamy white with black straight lochs, and her huge breasts were barely covered by her tight, see through dress. Derek sat in silence while I lead them inside and asked them to join us while I got them their goodies. Phase 4: introduce Derek to drugs as a side dish to hot pussy. As expected, his jaw dropped when I admitted to selling drugs to these "sweet grad students." if Lois hadn't sat in his lap when I brought it all out to measure it, he probably would have run for it, but after some drinks, he was all too eager to let her grind into his lap. Accepting a couple beers, they playfully flirted with us both, suggesting all the wicked things they could imagine happening if they got high with us. By the time I brought out a pipe and asked Derek if he minded if we smoked it, Lois had taken his hand and slid it between her thighs, riding his fingers and whispering how horny Tina made her. "Tina? Who are you talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes drifting to where Lana had joined me on the couch, her hand in my fly getting me hard. "this," she said, loading some crystals into a pipe, lighting it, and exhaling a giant cloud. "is Tina. Wanna try some? It make Dicks throb, pussies drip, and orgasms like you won't believe." "I don't do drugs," Derek said, regurgitating the line he'd been hearing since he could crawl. "isn't it bad for you?" "Yeah, but so am I," Lois moaned as she slid off his fingers and walked over to hand me the pipe. I took a huge hit and shotgunned it back to her before reaching out and tugging on her dress so her tits popped out of it. I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth while Lana and Lois hit the pipe, shotgunning back and forth. Derek stood up and walked over to our miniature orgy, pressing his huge bulge against Lois' bubble butt, but still declining the pipe. "Don't pressure him if he doesn't want to, he's just a kid Lois." I said dismissively, taking a huge hit while Lana fished out my hard 8 inch Dick and swallowed it whole. Really, I was fed up with his prudishness, and I winked at Lois who turned around and backed Derek into his seat. "That's okay," Lois said, stripping out of her dress entirely. "Lana and I will just fuck around with your boss. Maybe you can join us next time, but I guess it's just us grown ups tonight baby boy. Lock the door on your way out." Derek sat speechless while the three of us continued getting naked and grabbed the pipe to head for the bedroom. "How... How do I smoke it?" Derek's soft voice stopped us as we were almost out of sight. I smiled before turning back around a walking over to show him in nothing except my dogtags and socks. "go ahead and get him started while Lana and I get ready for you two." Lois said before pulling Lana into the bedroom and shutting the door. They knew I wanted to be alone with Derek when I got him addicted to meth, so I'd always be the first thing on his mind when he smoked it. "Hold this but don't inhale until I tell you," my hard dripping meat pulsed while I lit the torch and cooked the crystals, until a thick white cloud swirled out of the round bowl. "Ok, now suck as hard as you can boy." Derek did as he was told, inhaling until he couldn't anymore, then coughing hard for a minute while I took my turn. We did that back and forth, and in only a minute or two, Derek's whole body came alive and started humming for sex. "Get undressed for those hot bitches. We're wasting the smoke boy," I said, watching Derek peel off his tight tee shirts and slide off his basketball shorts, leaving him in tennis shoes and a pair of white briefs that barely contained his massive rod. "this time, exhale your smoke into my mouth and I'll do it for you too." When he leaned in to shotgun, his briefs grazed my thigh, causing us both to drip precum. When I returned the favor, I got closer so our lips were almost touching, bring our hard cocks together, separated by the thinnest of cottons. His next exhale, I leaned in and our lips rested against the other's, as I felt the pulse of his racing heart pumping through his shaft and head. The last hit before we went in the bedroom, I put my arm around his shoulders, and peeled away his briefs with my free hand, kissing him hard and gripping his penis for a long moment before striding away. When he recovered from shock, he ran after me, and we spent the next six hours trading off using the girls' in every combination imaginable. By the time we shot our loads, Lana was practically blacked out on the floor and Lois was hanging from my neck, sandwiched between us while we double fucked her pussy. I locked eyes with Derek as I covered his Dick in my semen, which freaked him out enough to make him pull out and spray his load on her ass. While Lois and I went to shower, Derek grabbed his clothes and ran off into the night... End of part one. Still to CUM: Derek craves more Tina, needs cash and agrees to fuck a girl on camera in exchange. Instead Derek discovers the last Phase in Mr. E's plan: taking Derek's cherry.
    1 point
  16. (the picture at the bottom is the actual guy from this story!!!) INTENSE INTENSIVE PART I: INTRO TO PROPER DICTION 101 The height of the building in front of me was almost as intimidating as the prospect of actually going inside and living in it for the next year, but I knew eventually I would have to pick my jaw up off the pavement, stop staring up at my new dorm like a tourist, and make my way inside. It wasn’t as if I’d never seen a skyscraper before. Being from Denver I’d spent my life in a major metropolis, so I was hardly some country hick. Still the 30-some story building near the Brooklyn shore was almost twice as tall as any place in the small town where I’d been going to college, and the people in this dorm would be a lot more interesting than anyone you might meet at a state school in Colorado. Gripping my bag firmly in my right hand, and my admissions folder in my left, I took a deep breath and shouldered my way through the crowd of teens and 20-somethings until I had worked a path into the lobby and made it up to the sign in desk. Handing my folder to the disinterested man behind it, I looked around at the place I’d be living for the next year. HUGE was the only word I could think once I’d taken in the expansive marble floor leading past the desk another 50 feet, before opening onto a set of doors that led to either a computer lab, an industrial size kitchen and a set of elevators. Behind me was the entrance, some pay phones, a bulletin board and a set of stairs that disappear down a short hallway with some doors off of it. Probably building management offices, but I didn’t want to ask and seem like an idiot on my first day. “Well?” The desk clerk asked, obviously waiting for an answer to some question I hadn’t heard. I looked at him without a clue. “I said, how old are you and what group were you put into?” That was my chance to look at him like he was an idiot, but this was before I was used to the NY attitude, so I simply smiled and pointed to the next page in the folder I’d handed him and waited for him to turn it over and realize he had the answers in his hand. Something on the paper in front of him made his eyes bug a little, and his posture improve greatly, not to mention his attitude. “Sorry man,” He said, standing and motioning for another lackey to take over at the desk. “I didn’t think any of the advanced class was arriving until tomorrow. I’ve been dealing with snotty high school brats all week and I’m ready to fucking snap.” ‘Advanced class?’ I wondered while he picked up my luggage, and walked me to the bank of elevators. I had no idea what he was referring to, but I wasn’t going to object when he moved us in front of a line of 20 or 25 fellow students waiting for an elevator, and answered their complaints by shouting out “Sorry newbies, he’s a JMS talent winner.” This somehow not only silenced their groans and shouts but caused them all to push forward to try and see me as the elevator doors shut. “What did you call me?” I asked as he pushed the button for the 34th floor and we began to rise. “Don’t be a dick,” He responded, leaning against the railing, which caused his tight polo to ride up and reveal his tight abs and elastic waistband of his briefs above his sagging jeans. “You know each of those kids is dying to meet one of the four peeps who won a Janice M. Sysco Talent Scholarship. You must be hot shit since you beat out all the other auditioners for one of those slots.” “All the other…”My voice trailed of as I wondered what he meant. I had decided to audition on a whim this past spring when one of my acting professors told me there would be some people in town from a film school in New York. Mostly I just wanted to attend their master classes and see if I could get in, so I was pleasantly surprised when one of the people behind the table in the auditions told me she wanted me to attend a year-long film intensive and could offer me a talent scholarship. I figured the scholarship was offered to any student old enough to meet the pre-reguisite requirements, and would probably be a pittance until I received my admissions letter explaining that, should I decide to attend, I’d have my entire tuition and housing completely covered with a weekly stipend for food and transportation. Up until that offer came through I assumed I’d have to turn it down, since I could barely afford to put myself through state school, even with academic and talent scholarships. Once I realized it would actually save me a ton of cash to go, I couldn’t say no. No one ever told me this was a special scholarship, or how rare and coveted one was. “…rumor that your rooming with the other guy who got one.” My mind snapped back to the present as the elevator door opened and I realized my companion had continued talking while I spaced out. “The two girls who won it are just down the hall from you, but only one of them is in your group. The other one is only 15 or 16 from what I hear, and she’s starting at the bottom. Here we are.” Opening the door with a key from his pocket, he walked inside and held it open for me. Once I passed the threshold I took a look at the room. Not too shabby, it had a big square closet right by the door, and directly across from that was the entrance to a bathroom with one small sink, a full bathtub, a toilet and some towel rods. The room itself was long and rectangular, with two full size beds and two windows, one with the shade pulled down and the other looking out on a blank brick wall and the roof of another wing of the building. This was the window with the air conditioning unit in it, and it was directly over the radiant heater. “Want some advice?” the desk guy said as I tossed my bag onto the bed by the shade covered window. I nodded the affirmative. “Take the bed by the ac and heater. It’s the only way you won’t cook at night till September and won’t freeze after that. Trust me the novelty of the view wears off when you are miserably hot or cold.” “What view?” I laughed, moving my stuff to the other bed and looking over the small desk and chest of drawers opposite them. “This one.” With that my tour guide tugged at the ring at the bottom of the shade and it snapped up onto its roll, revealing a spectacular sight. Walking over to him, I heard myself say ‘wow’ as I took in the view starting at downtown Manhattan and working across the island and two bridges. “That is an amazing view,” I said unable to look away. “It’s better from back here,” the deskman added. Turning to see what he meant I realized he was sitting on the desk on the far wall checking me out. He smiled and squeezed the bulge in his jeans as he added “unless you don’t go for that.” “I can appreciate the sights,” feigning confidence, I walked towards him while I said it. He hoped off the desk and met me by the foot of the bed and we began kissing and undressing each other. In no time he was deep throating my 8 inch cock while I fingered his ass. He was pretty hot, and took my cock up his ass like a champ when I proceeded to ream him against the chest of drawers that would eventually become my roommates. He asked if I had a rubber before I shoved it in and I just laughed and went balls deep. Having just turned 21 a week before, and attending college where I did, I’d only fucked around with a handful of guys before this, but I decided when I got accepted that if I was going to school in NY, then I was going to use the year in the big apple to discover if I was really a homo or bi or just a sexually confused str8 boy who could go back in 11 and a half months and finally settle down with my girlfriend of 3 years. As I shot load after load of cum all over this college boy’s ass, I already knew I wouldn’t be going back to pussy again, but I wasn’t ready to admit that just yet. PART II: SOCIOLOGY AND HUMAN INTERACTION 201 The next few days went by fast, with a half-dozen different orientation seminars scheduled and almost no time between sessions for anything but a granola bar or piss in the disgusting bathroom across from the ballrooms on the third floor where we were meeting. By the third morning I wondered if I was never getting a roommate, but alas it wasn’t so. Returning from the morning session to shower before heading back for the afternoon, I found a giant dufflebag strewn across the other bed in the room, some books spilling from a backpack on the second desk and the door to the bathroom was locked while the shower ran. My mysterious roomie must have arrived shortly before my appearance here in the room, and since I had little time before I needed to head back, I wasn’t able to snoop as much as I’d have liked. Instead I made sure all my valuables (aka a 3000 year old laptop and some bi porn dvds) were hidden in my dresser and locked the door behind me. On the third floor, I walked over to the desk clerk, (who I now knew as Rick after another fuck session in the stairwell the night before), and asked him what the next session was. Whether or not he could tell how excited I was when he told me we were finally being put into our leveled class groups, I don’t know. I can tell you he seemed a little jealous when they began the separation with an announcement for everyone in the level 1 intensive class (my group) to go ahead and head into the smallest ballroom and for everyone else to head into the biggest and await instructions. As the first person in the tiny room, I had a moment of awe at finding only 14 chairs in the room, all set in a small semi-circle facing one chair with a stack of papers on it and a silk cape tossed over the back. I made no effort to disguise the fact I was reading the papers when a well-dressed woman came in a back door and strode confidently to the seat. Normally, I’d have made some lame attempt to pretend that I wasn’t looking at them or sat down with a shy smile, but I was catching on with how things worked around here. “Hi, I’m Peter Hayward,” I thrust my hand out and shook hers with ease, making eye contact and smiling. We continued chatting as the other group members made their way in and took seats in the circle. “I know who you are Peter,” she said with a smile in her voice. “The question is do you know who I am.” “You’re…you were the woman who offered me the scholarship when I auditioned last spring.” My stomach was in knots at the realization, but I wasn’t going to wimp out now. “So that makes you Mrs. Sysco I presume.” “You presume perfectly,” She responded and motioned for me to take one of the two empty seats. “but my chosen 4 get to call me Janice.” She turned from me to the rest of the class and kept going as if they couldn’t hear what she’d just said to me. “Welcome to the Level 1 intensive class. For those of you who don’t know who I am, now is your last chance to learn.” She sat in her chair with ease and command, and only paused as the door flew open and the last member of the group came in. Everyone gave the tall boyish lanky guy a glare that would roast weenies as he apologetically made his way to the chair slightly behind mine. “As I was saying, I am Janice M. Sysco, but you may refer to me as Ms Sysco. Some of you know me from the auditions, others from my reputation, and a few from the rare opportunity you may have had to have me direct you at the master classes.” Suddenly I realized I had been one of two kids from my school who’d volunteered to have my monologue reworked during the master class that spring. The girl from my scene study group had her monologue reworked for 20 minutes before she broke down and began to cry. She was seated only four seats away from me now and looked terrified. I, on the other hand, had allowed her and her colleagues to rip me down to the studs and rebuild my performance from the ground up, and an hour later I still only responded with “Thank you” and “Certainly” when they’d attack a choice I’d made or belittle something in my performance. Janice went on to explain that almost all of us had been rudely and viciously degraded during our auditions, and the two of us who’d handled ourselves like pros were the two college age recipients of her personal talent scholarship. She directed the two of us to stand, and I looked over as I rose to see standing a gorgeous blonde almost as tall as I am with a hot rack and fantastic butt. We shared a smile and a nod of both mutual respect and awareness that each was the other’s biggest threat. “I also give two scholarships to high school students who perform exceptionally well at their audition, but sadly I am unable to be as ruthless with them since their parents often attend,” She continued and pointed for us to be seated. “Still each of these students shows such amazing potential they also receive my scholarship, and for the first time in many years, I decided to allow the male of the high school winners to be in the top level class. Please stand up Jeffrey.” The guy who arrived late stood up slowly and with some awkwardness. Turning to check out my other competition I was both relieved and turned on. Relieved because the look on his face told me that he was likely to run screaming home to Florida (where I’d discover he was from) or go completely catatonic at any moment. On the flip side, I was hard as a rock looking up and down the fit, tall frame of the most strikingly handsome young man I’d ever seen. He was skinnier than I’d normally get into, but his wide shoulders, chiseled jaw, cut cheek bones, wild golden hair and sharp blue eyes were enough to almost make me sweat. When he realized how frightened he looked, he laughed a little and relaxed, showing a smile that could soften steel. I had a hard time focusing on the rest of Janice’s introduction and the tapes of each of our auditions while I pondered if the hottie sitting just inches from me was also my new roommate. His hair looked damp, but so did many of the group, since it was august in New York and the ac wasn’t working In the hall outside the ballroom. When we packed up to leave I tried desperately to see what the room number on his folder said, but I was stopped by the girl who’d won the other college scholarship. “So you must be Peter,” she said, forcing her hand into mine and leaning just close enough for her tits to brush my pecs. “I’m Jenna Marks, from Dallas. Former Miss Teen Texas and graddaughter of –“ a very well known Hollywood director. “So are we gonna be friends or competition, cause you’re too cute to be my enemy. At least too cute for a Colorado boy.” “I’m always up for new friends, and you’re too cute not to be my friend,” I smiled and shook her hand tightly. “Even if you weren’t cute enough to go all the way to becoming Miss Teen USA.” Her jaw dropped and I thought she might slap me, until she began laughing and linked an arm in mine. From then on we were best buds according to her, and eventually me. We chatted all the way up to my dorm room and I was very pleasantly surprised when I came in to find the high school hottie laying on the other bed, with a new laptop open and earbuds in his ears. He hopped up to introduce himself and after some quick hellos, he dashed out the door with his computer to ‘meet some friends from school.’ Within an hour Jenna and I had discussed everything from her famous family to my total ignorance of what I had won to who we’d already screwed. She correctly guessed I’d screwed the desk boy Rick, and when I asked her how, she just shrugged. “One thing I can recognize is a homo with a heart-o-gold,” she said kicking off her high heels and pawing through Jeffrey’s stuff. “Meet enough closeted movie stars and you’ll be able to do the same.” Jenna stopped pawing through the bag when a knock came at the door and one of our classmates asked if we wanted to go with the whole group to get dinner. Unable to think of a reason why not, we joined the entire level 1 group, minus my roommate who nobody could find. After a good meal with everyone, and a few bottles of wine, we became fast friends and ended the night with a game of strip poker in somebody’s room. I left before I lost my briefs, but decided not to put on anything before making my way down the hall to the elevator. As I passed a door, I saw my roommate sitting on the floor next to a hot high school girl, who was all cuddled up to him and listening as he explained how he was ‘in over his head’ and ‘might just go home.’ I snuck to the elevator and got in, hoping I’d get a chance to see Jeff naked before he left. Back in the room, I took the opportunity to finish the snooping job Jenna had started and fingered through his bag and drawers. Mostly there was nothing to find, until I saw something sticking out from under his bed. There was his laptop and a small zip up toiletry case. I pushed the computer to the side and unzipped the bag. Nothing but the usual shaving kit, contact solution and a spare set of glasses. On the outside zipper I felt a bulge, and after pulling it back I got instantly hard when I pulled out a green silk pair of thong type underwear. Peering in further, I found some crudely printed photos of Jeff in the underwear, posing and flexing in front of a mirror. He had almost no muscle mass to flex, but his arms and butt were hot and the size of his cock in the posing strap was impressive. Hearing someone walking down the hall, I shoved the stuff back in the case, zipped it up and shoved it beneath the bed. The bedding was just being readjusted back to cover the pile when a knock came at the door. Answering, I was pleasantly surprised to see Rick and another hot young guy standing there in nothing but pajama bottoms. “Sorry sir,” Rick said rather seriously. “My colleague and I got a complaint that someone on your floor was wandering the dorm in only their underwear and possibly concealing a weapon.” “What weapon?” I said ushering them inside. “This one.” The hot muscle jock said, squeezing my bulge as he walked past. “Might need to do a strip search.” I let him continue to feel up my dick as he and Rick slid their pajama pants to the floor and we made our way to the bed. Asking if I liked to party, I assumed they meant alcohol and nodded yes while we all made out. Rick produced a small cloth bag from the pants pocket of his pajama bottoms and took out a glass pipe and a bag of crystal from it. Going to school in a small town means you have three means of entertainment: drinking, vandalism, and drugs. I’d never personally smoked meth, but I’d seen it done a few times so I knew what this was. Nervous, I made some excuse about my roommate being back any minute and said we shouldn’t do it. Muscle boy just smiled and took the doorstop and shoved it under the edge of the door to the hall. This way no one could get in without us moving it. Out of ideas, I watched as first Rick, then his friend took hits, and after trying to beg off, I gave in as muscle boy shotgunned a huge hit into my mouth. Flight and fireworks were all I felt as we smoked, slowly transforming to passion and impatience. By the time we smoked a big bowl, I had Rick bent over the desk and went to breeding his ass while muscle boy fed him his cock, before they switched places. Hours later the sun was coming up and I was coming up…muscle boy’s tight ass. It was my third load for the night and my first for muscle boy. We all got dressed and agreed to meet later that day for a late Sunday lunch and I let them out, just as Jeff came around the corner and came face to face with my two fuck buddies. I blushed when he followed them down the hall with his eyes and I realized he could see my cum leaking into the butt of their pajama pants. He didn’t say anything when I moved aside to let him in, and we made small talk while he stepped into the large closet to get changed into a new set of clothing. Finally he came around the corner and I asked him if one of us needed to switch rooms. “No way Peter,” Jeff said, almost too quickly. “I missed all the orientation and already seem to be on Janice’s bad side. I am gonna need your help to figure out which subways to take into the city to get to our classes, which rooms we’ll be in, which teachers teach which subjects, all that shit! Who you do…stuff with is no business of mine.” “Thanks Jeff,” I replied, laughing at him calling fucking ‘stuff.’ “Looks like you were doing some stuff with that blonde hottie from your high school last night too.” He asked how I knew about his blonde buddy and I told him what I’d seen the night before, but he said they’d been dating on and off for awhile and she wouldn’t take it any further. I figured the pictures must have been for her and maybe he’d only accepted the scholarship her to be near her, but decided instead to ignore it at just chat about what he’d need to know for class. PART III: THE DANGERS OF DRUG USE 301 For a few months after that first week, life was pretty simple. Weekdays began with a 6:42 ride into manhattan by Subway, followed by 10 hours of soul-crushing classes split up by a 23 minute lunch hour and then a 5:33 ride back to the dorm in Brooklyn where our class would meet for dinner at the shitty pub down the street, go over classwork while we ate, then retire to the dorm for 4 or 5 hours of homework, and then a short workout at the gym on the 12th floor, and bed by 11 or 12. Jeff was there for everything but the workout, choosing instead to get up at the butt crack of dawn and work out before going to class. A few nights when I got back from the gym early I’d caught Jeff jerking but he was always under his covers with the lights off watching something on his laptop, so I never had a chance to see his cock or what he was jerking to. Weekends were the only time we could let off steam, and it usually involved Jenna and I getting a group of our friends from the class or maybe some of the hot guys I’d been screwing or one of the hottER guys she’d been screwing to go with us to dinner and a club Friday night. We never got back to the dorm before dawn, and often ended up going home with some strange from the club. I scored about as often as Jenna, but very rarely did I get as hot of guys. I did snag a few hotties she was done with though, getting to suck off the hottest model ever born on the subway back to Brooklyn after Jenna broke it off with him before hopping in a cab with a tall black dude, and taking an ass fucking from a gorgeous, muscle bound bouncer from one of the clubs after he found Jenna sucking off his boss in the backroom in exchange for some blow. Saturdays were more in flux, depending on if Rick or his muscly friend (Alan) had their room to themselves. If one of us got a room alone, the other two were invited up and we’d get high as fuck and then fuck all day and night, sometimes not even stopping before we had to shower and go to class. Those were some rough Mondays. We tried to hook up a few times in my room over the first two months, but Jeff would always ‘happen’ to come back before anything could start. If it wasn’t for the doorstop under the door, we’d have been caught smoking and fucking a lot! Finally around October Jeff told me we was spending Saturday with the girl downstairs and I was able to invite Rick to my room (Alan was out of town). In honor of the occasion, Rick brought some extra goodies including some extacy and ghb for us to take later. We’d just finished a bowl and I was about to shove my cock into Rick’s ass when we heard a key in the lock. Realizing none of us had blocked the door, we threw a towel over the drugs and covered our junk as Jeff walked in. “Sorry guys!” Jeff said, obviously checking out what we were doing before remembering what was going on when he heard a female voice call out ‘get back here asshole!’ Slamming the door and locking the deadbolt, he ducked down so he wouldn’t block the light from the peephole as someone started banging on the door. “Get out here chicken shit!” The girl continued. “I know you’re in there Jeffrey! Get your ass out here and face me you mother fucker! I worked my ass off to get into this program to be here with you! I waited almost a year for you to make a move and fuck me, and the night, the FUCKING NIGHT you say we finally get to fuck, you break up with me?!!?!? Come out here and face me like a man you pussy!” Jeff looked mortified, and I was tired of this bitch reaming my friend so I motioned for Jeff to go hide behind my bed and made my way, naked, to the door. “What the fuck do you want?” I yelled in my most intimidating voice, as I opened the door. My fierce tone caused a lot of cracked-open doors to slam shut. “I don’t know who the fuck you think is in here, but Jeff hasn’t been here all day and all you’re doing is interrupting an ass fucking session.” Her face froze in terror as Rick pulled back the door to reveal his own nude body. “Now unless you want to get fucked in the ass too, go yell somewhere else, got it?!?!” and with that I slammed the door in her face and watched through the peephole as she slunk back down the hall and began looking for Jeff again. We all shared a laugh as Rick and I pulled on our briefs, and after some apologies from both sides about embarrassing situations, Jeff asked if we wouldn’t mind him hanging with him that night. My hard on objected but our friendship won out, so Rick and I took showers, called Jenna and met some of our friends at a club in midtown. Three hours later, Rick and I had slipped into the bathroom twice to smoke and fuck and wanted to leave, so we started to look for jeff. We found him in a booth with a black man who easily had 3 or 4 inches on Jeff’s 6’4” frame, with the black man running a hand up and down Jeff’s thigh while he massaged Jeff’s shoulder with the other hand. When we approached and asked Jeff how he was doing, the black man tried telling us to move on, the ‘bitch’ was his. Rick told the man that the ‘bitch’ was in high school and the son of a cop (a lie) and the black guy hightailed it towards the exit. Without the black guy up against him, we realized Jeff could barely stay upright. The black dude must have rufied Jeff’s coke, because it took Rick, Jenna and I to get jeff up and out onto the street. The fresh air helped a lot, but our whole group took turns with an arm under him, walking the 16 blocks to the subway. By the time we got back to the dorm, Rick and I agreed to take Jeff back to the room. Minutes later Jeff was passed out in his bed and Rick and I decided he was out enough for us to play. With only the light from my ancient laptop playing a porn dvd, I was balls deep in Rick’s ass, while we passed the pipe back and forth. Pretty soon I was getting close and Rick started to jerk to join me. His elbow knocked the edge of the laptop and it turned just enough to cast some light over to Jeff’s bed. At Jeff’s waist level, the covers were tented and I would guess by the look of it, he was jerking off as fast as his drugged lil mind could go. It was too dark to see if he was looking at Rick and I so I reached down and retrieved my phone from next to me, and, as inconspicuously as possible, turned on the night vision camera and turned it toward Jeff. From the angle I was at, I couldn’t see what it was recording, but it hardly mattered as I began to breed Rick and he shot all over the floor. Rick collapsed in my bed and I excused myself to the bathroom. Once the light was on and the door was closed, I checked my videos and was disappointed to see I didn’t get a good angle on Jeff’s face. About a minute into the video it finally caught him just as I came, and sure enough Jeff was looking right at us as he jerked his cock. Returning to the bedroom, both Jeff and rick were passed out in the respective beds so I joined rick and wondered what that meant as I too drifted off/ PART IV: HISTORY OF ESPIONAGE 401 Over the next few weeks Jeff was always around. He never wanted to leave my side except for our separate gym schedules. It got to where I hadn’t met with Rick or Alan or anyone of my fuckbuds for almost a month and finally I decided enough was enough. I was going to tell Jeff I was spending the weekend out of town and find some strange. Friday morning I was awake early, pondering how and when to inform Jeff of my plans, when Jeff’s alarm went off and he got up to head to the gym. Before he went, he turned on his computer and checked his email, as he often did, then stepped into the closet and got change into his gym clothes. When he returned from the closet, he forgot to close his laptop on his desk and left for the gym. Curious about what he was always checking on his laptop, I crawled out of bed, went to the door, put the doorstop under it and went to the computer As it turned out the password wasn’t required if he didn’t close it, so one swipe across the thumbpad and the screen came up. There on his internet browser was his email. I almost closed It before remembering that it might give away what I was doing. Instead I started reading the subjects of some of the emails and was amazed when they seemed to be a correspondence between Jeff and an older woman telling each other to do sexual stuff. I read further and further back until the woman asked Jeff to send her photos. At first there were just shirtless pics, but then some of the posing strap shots came up and finally on shot with Jeff nude. He was soft in the photo, but his cock was thick, hung low and cut. He barely had any pubic hair and that was the only other than his pits and head I could see. I whipped out my cock and stroked. Jeff asked for pics in response and I almost skipped them but decided I wanted to see what he liked. The first pic loaded and I almost came right then. The emails weren’t from a woman, they were from a man. A hot, toned man with a large dick who seemed to be wearing the same posing strap as Jeff. Reading on I discovered Jeff had been given the undies by the man, who was actually the wrestling coach at Jeff’s school. From what I could tell, Jeff and the man hadn’t done anything…yet, despite the coach obviously wanting to. Opening Jeff’s other programs I came upon a video player and opened the last file. It was a video of the man masturbating on a picture of Jeff’s face. The second video was a video of the man receiving a bj from another guy and then I clicked on the third video. This was a video of me. Me naked. Laying in bed. Jerking off with my finger in my ass. The video was taken from the closet. About a minute into the video the camera panned down and there was Jeff’s hard cock. He was jerking off while watching me jerk off. I clicked another and it was more of the same, only this time I was getting head from Alan while the two of us smoked a bowl. The next video was the coach smoking from a pipe and jerking off. The last video was Jeff in the green silky posing strap, stroking his cock and saying things like “I want to try getting high and having you fuck me like my roommate fucks the guy downstairs” and “I can’t wait to take my first hit of meth and get your bare dick in my virgin hole coach.” As soon as I heard him say that, I shot my load all over my chest, even up onto my chin. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, until two seconds later when Jeff pulled a small pink vibrator out from under his mattress, sucked on it for a second, then pushed it into his ass and shot his own load all over the place. I rewound the video and shot again watching that part over and over. Remembering where I was I quickly got up, and closed everything on his computer. I left the internet window open but shut the screen so it would go to sleep. As I pulled the door stop from under the door, I heard jeff walking up and fiddling with his keys. I ran as quietly as possible to my bed and almost tossed the covers over me, when a light dawned. Instead I stroked my cock back to hardness and positioned myself like the covers had slid to just below my balls. The door opened just as I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. Listening for his footsteps I heard Jeff come in and drop his gymbag on the bed. I waited and stayed “asleep” as he quietly inched his way over until he was standing over my sleeping form. Sensing he was close I willed myself not to flinch as I felt his hand brush my semi-hard cock. His fingers ran up my body, through my two cum loads and I heard him scoop up a little and lick it off his finger. My cock involuntarily jumped hearing him moan. I felt his hand wrap around my cock again and start to stroke it. Not able to help myself, I humped his hand and moaned “Jeff.” He jumped away, as I predicted but I stayed ‘asleep’ and took the opportunity to roll to my side and move my arm over my eyes. Squinting from under my arm, I watching him grope his hard cock through his shorts before sliding them down, revealing the fact that he was wearing MY jockstrap! He began stroking his dick in ernest, just as my alarm ruined the moment by going off. Both of us jumped and Jeff dashed into the bathroom and slammed the door. I heard the shower running as I got up and wiped myself off with a pair of his boxers. PART V: ADVANCED CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN THE HUMAN BODY That night I was supposed to go out with Jenna and the crew but I feigned illness and Jeff being Jeff, he told everyone he’d hang out and take care of me. Once they left I told him I had a confession to make. He went white as a ghost, probably assuming I was going to tell him I knew what he’d been up to. Instead I confessed that Rick was supposed to come over later and we were going to get high and fuck around. Jeff didn’t get the hint, so I continued to tell him I didn’t think Rick would be okay with Jeff being there and maybe he should find someplace to be once Rick arrived. Jeff’s shoulders dropped and he said he understood. As he got up to leave, I stopped him. “Look Rick won’t be here until after his desk shift is done, so you can hang till then if you want, the only thing is…” “What?” jeff asked, returning to his seat on his bed. “Well I already got the drugs from Rick and I was gonna get high before he arrives,” I feigned trepidation, as if I was afraid of what I had to say next. “And the thing is, the stuff we smoke…it isn’t just weed…it’s something…better.” “So?” Jeff leaned back trying to seem super calm about the whole idea, but obviously hyped up by the way his knees were bouncing. “So once I get started I’m gonna wanna get showered up and cleaned out and was probably gonna take some pix of myself and send them to rick,” I said quietly. “Whats the big deal?” Jeff was practically buzzing with sexual energy while pretending not to care. “Pictures of me…naked.” I said while reaching under my pillow and pulling out the pipe I’d already loaded and a lighter. “I’d feel too weird doing all that with someone here who was stone cold sober. So you can stay if you wanna join me for a bowl or if you can find some booze or something. Cool?” The wheels in Jeff’s head were turning. Like me at that age, the idea of doing drugs was cool to fantasize about, but when it came down to actually drinking or smoking, it was terrifying. “Can’t I stay for a little while and leave before you take the photos?” Jeff asked as I shook my head no, then held the pipe to the light, pretending to check to see how much was in it while really making sure he saw that it was full. “I don’t know where I can get booze tonight. Everyone is out partying.” “That’s up to you to deal with, but I don’t do this shit unless the people I’m with are on something too,” I held the pipe close to my mouth and picked up the lighter again, staring at my roommate. “So do you wanna join me or what?” I almost didn’t believe it when Jeff nodded yes. Smiling I asked if he wanted me to go first, which got another nod. Lighting the lighter, I held the flame to the bowl and we both watched as the crystals melted and popped, before a cloud started swirling inside it. Bringing it to my lips I sucked it in carefully and took a HUGE hit from it before blowing it out causing Jeff to say “Holy shit Peter.” “Your turn,” I said, and motioned for him to take the pipe. After a minute of him fumbling with it, I decided to take the initiative and took it back. “You just hold the flame to it like this, and don’t inhale until you see a little smoke start to swirl…right…now.” Jeff put his lips against the pipe and inhaled a medium sized hit from the pipe. As he sucked in the smoked I adjust the way I was holding the pipe so my fingers were up against his lips. When he pulled back and exhaled. I patted him on the back and moved over so I was sitting next to him on his bed. On my next hit, I told him I was going to blow the smoke into his mouth and he was to inhale while I did. I took another huge hit and went to blow it into his mouth, surprising him by pulling his face to mine until our lips almost touched while we shotgunned. When he exhaled it, he coughed a little and his eyes widened a little. When he exhaled the next time, I sucked in his smoke, and ‘accidentally’ brushed my lips across his. After my next hit I pressed my lips to his with full force and almost tongued him before realizing his hand was shaking. Not wanting to scare him off, I told him I was going to change into something to take the photo for rick and he could watch one of the porns from under my bed while I got ready. Stepping into the bathroom, I stripped off my polo and jeans and pulled on the jockstrap that Jeff had been wearing that morning. When I stepped back in the room, Jeff was taking another big hit from the pipe and just started a film called “Cream lovers gangbang 6” in which a hot redhead get gangbanged by a bunch of college frat looking dudes, all of whom eventually cum on her pussy, ass, and tits. “Good choice bro,” I said, startling Jeff almost making him drop the pipe. “What do you think? Will Rick like it?” I spun around in my jock before reaching down and stroking my dick a little. Jeff just nodded while I picked up my phone and took some (purposefully) awful photos with my phone “Shit man,” I plopped down next to Jeff. “These won’t turn him on at all. Can you take a couple for me?” “Uh….sure. yeah.” Jeff was sweating as he began taking photos of me in various poses on the bed and against the wall. I took the phone and looked at the pictures he’d taken and complimented him on how good they looked. Jeff was sweating hard now, partially from the tina, and in part due to the fact I’d turned up the heat when we got back from class and then unscrewed the temperature control and told jeff it was missing. “Fuck you look hot bro, do you need to take off your shirt?” “Fuck yeah Pete, it is brutally hot in here.” Off came the shirt, revealing the slim but extremely toned body of my teenage roommate. His boxers and pants sat so low on his hips that a few of his barely there pubes were peaking out, but I pretended not to notice instead complimenting him on how good he was looking. “All those mornings in the gym are paying off man, you are getting ripped!” I said, running my fingers down from his pecs to his abs. His body tensed and he sucked in a breath so I told him to hit the pipe again. “and then maybe I should get a couple shot of you man.” “What!?!?” He said almost choking on the smoke. “Yeah bro take some hot pics and make the cunt downstairs resent ever breaking up with you,” I added, knowing full well it was Jeff who broke it off with her and not the other way around. “What do you say?” “Hell, why not?” He said, taking another big hit then hopping on the bed and making a bunch of Adonis poses. As if the fates were on my side, he kept having to readjust his pants between photos and almost tripped getting up. “Damn dude these are hot, but not when you trip all over your pants man,” I said showing him the blurry shots from when he was pulling up his pants. “Don’t you have anything sexier you can wear? Or anything tighter?” “No.” Jeff wasn’t going to admit to the posing strap without some work. “Nothing huh? Maybe I have something…” I said bending over and exposing my bubble butt and hot hole to Jeff. “Shit everything in here is too big for you. There must be something for you to wear…” “There might be one thing…” Jeff said so softly I barely heard. Smiling, I stood up, but put on my best acting face before turning to him and asking what it was. “Promise not to laugh?” I crossed my heart and held up my fingers. Jeff sank to his knees, pulled his toiletry bag from under his bag and pulled out the green silky posing strap. “Damn dude, that is hot. Will you try it on?” I said, groping myself and handing the pipe to Jeff. He took a huge hit and nodded yes. He moved towards the closet but I stopped him. “You can put it on here, it is just us bros here.” “Okay,” and with that he slid his jeans and boxers down until his semi-hard big cut cock popped out. Stepping into the strap, I leaned back and hit the record button on my computer so it began filming the action in the room. “How do I look?” “Amazing Jeff,” I said, honestly. “Hotter than any dude I’ve ever seen. Now lie on the bed and pose for me.” I took twenty or thirty photos while opening stroking my hardening cock. Jeff wasn’t getting hard (probably due to a mix of nerves and meth) so I wasn’t too surprised when he made some comments about “never having any trouble before.” “I know a trick that will get you hard, turn over.” He did as he was told once I handed him the pipe. While he hit it, I leaned in and pulled the strap to the side and began eating Jeff’s ass. He moaned his approval as I retrieved the lube laced with tina from under the bed and began fingering his hole. “It burns a little,” he complained, pulling away a little. I moved until my weight was on his legs and ass so he couldn’t go anywhere. He might have been 4 inches taller than me, but I was easily 40 pounds heavier than him, and it was all muscle. “Just for a second, it feels amazing once I get another finger in there.” He tried to say no as my second finger broke through, but bit his lip instead. “Shot gun a hit to me.” I said, leaning in close to his face. He did as I asked and I held the smoke in my lungs until I got close to his hole and then exhaled. This made him shudder and relax enough for a third finger to join in. He was so busy moaning and riding my fingers he never noticed me slide my cock out the left side of my jockstrap, or lubing it up. Suddenly my fingers pulled away and my cockhead took their place. Catching his eye in the reflection in the window over looking the city, he instantly knew what was about to happen and buck back to get away. Instead it only pushed his ass open and my cockhead popped inside, eliciting a scream from his lanky form. My hand clamped over his mouth as I proceeded to inch my way inside him until my hips were firmly planted against his butt. “Don’t act like this isn’t what you wanted Jeff,” I whispered in his ear as I slowly began to pull in and out of him. “I saw the vids on your laptop. I know you’ve been watching me and now it’s time for payback little boy.” He nodded okay and I began to fuck him. He never relaxed entirely during the first fuck, but a few minutes passed and I could feel his ass contract as his cock shot cum into the pouch of the posing strap. Never one to stop when my partner was done, I kept fucking until I could feel my own load building. I didn’t warn Jeff at all, I just rammed his ass as hard as I could and bred him so deep he’d been shitting my cum for a week. PART VI: PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION TEST That night we fucked another five times, with him cumming twice. I thought at first that he’d run scarred but after a week of silence he surprised me by letting me walk in on him sucking Alan and Rick off the following Friday. We all bred him that night and once they’d left, Jeff climbed on top of my exhausted, tweaked body and bred me without mercy. Almost every from then on I would fuck Jeff before we went to bed and he’d feed me his load the next morning. Weekends I took him downtown and found some older men to get us high and screw around with both of us. By Christmas break, he was an expert at taking my cock, so I was sad to be apart for two weeks while we went to our respective homes but I couldn’t wait to hear what happened with the coach. Especially since I sent him the video of Jeff’s first time and had been emailing with him ever since. That coach is one dirty faggot…and so am I.
    1 point
  17. Does anyone know who the top is in this vid? It's on Xtube but it's not amateur. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=pCRur-G302-&cl=1#.VYex-Hkw_IU Thanks
    1 point
  18. A had an old ad on CL. The NASCAR group was in town and I got an email from a twink. He was 19 and at the races. He sent me a face pic and it was hot. Now 9 put of 10 times these are a complete waste of time but I responded. He said he would be at races and could he come over to shower before. I said sure and then completely forgot about him. Well about 7 the doorbell rang and there he was. We went upstairs and he stripped to take a shower. He came out and asked if all was okay. He said he had a girl friend at home but liked older guys every so often. He then proceed to suck me and finger my hole. His dick was rock hard all 8". He asked if was ready and I said sure. He said condoms bothered him and since he was clean would I mind bareback. I lay on my stomach and in he went. He lasted a long time till I heard him moan. He said he was going to cum and I just pulled him tight. He shot a river in my ass. He was in no hurry so we fucked two more times. It felt like I had a gallon of cum in me. After he left he said he would keep my email and maybe next time come over again. Fine cannot wait
    1 point
  19. I want the bottom to cum! If he is going to cum before I do, I'll pull out and eat his cum then go back to fucking him while we share his load. I'm usually with younger guys and their cum tastes so fucking good. If I'm bottoming I can go either way. It's no big deal to wait till later to cum.
    1 point
  20. Ass first, then suck his cock clean after
    1 point
  21. As a bottom, I like coming hands free. But if that doesn't happen, I prefer for the top to shoot all up inside, then I'll wank it after he's gone. Or at a bear party, then I'll fuck a guy and cream in his hole instead.
    1 point
  22. Books store fucking is the best sex.... I love it
    1 point
  23. A guy responded to my craigslist ad a month or two ago. Straight guy...well, mostly straight. He liked fucking thick beefy ass, but has only had one other experience doing it. Loved it. He loves dating women and loves pussy, but somehow, thick beefy ass drives him nuts. Being new to this and nervous, we met at a bar near my home and drank a pitcher of beer together. We talked and laughed, and he could see I was a regular guy, just like him. He was not a regular guy. No, not at all. He was handsome. Big thick hair, handsome jawline, perfectly white teeth. He was not muscular, but had muscles. More like average/athletic with little fat. We had exchanged photos, but his did not do him justice. As soon as he walked into the bar that first time, I realized he had no problem getting women to fuck. No problem. That first night we hooked up was fun. We had great sex. He said that he wanted to try kissing, something he had not done prior. Asked me if it was okay. I didn't mind. We kissed and he said it was okay, but kissing a woman was still better. The sex was fun and he nutted inside me--in a condom. I wanted his raw load. I figured it might take a few sessions, but I thought that eventually, I might persuade him. A full month passed before I heard from him again (he preferred I not contact him and I agreed). We exchanged texts about getting together and I thought I'd start planting the seed in his head. Well...the seed to plant his seed. These are the actual text messges we exchanged a few hours before we were to get together: Him: I'm very very horny right now. Might have to pound your ass multiple times tonight. That sounds good though. Me: Multiple times sounds hot...You might be tempted to slip off the condom and dump your first load inside me so you can use it as lube for the second time... Him: Ha ha. I'll try really hard not to. I'd like to do that. Fill your ass up all the way to the brim. I'm already about to explode just thinking about it. Me: Hmmmmmm. It's hot thinking about it, isn't it? All your warm creamy sperm swimming deep inside into that pink hole.... (after a few minutes of him not responding...) Me: Freely ejaculating with the goal of shooting it as deep as possible... Him: Alright, you seriously have to stop. Me: LOL...I like teasing you. Straight guys are proud of their cum. They wanna breed. Gosh, what's going to happen if I don't stop teasing you?.... He did not reply to that one until close to our meeting time. He got distracted by a hockey game with friends. We met in the bar again and drank. I refereced our hot text exchange and he groaned. I apologized if I was making him nervous or uncomfortable with this topic. Not uncomfortable, he said. He wanted it...but... I explained I was on Truvada, the HIV prevention drug and told him the stats. He had heard of Truvada, but didn't realize how effective it had become. I could see him mentally debating in his brain. I told him one of my fantasies was to be with a top who secretly took off the condom while we were fucking and only told me once he was close to cumming. His eyes bugged out and said, "That sounds dangerous." I said, "Yeah, maybe ten years ago. But with the Truvada...well, I'd find it hot. I'm just saying...it's a fantasy." I worried I pushed too hard. I tried to explain that it was more about giving the top power over my butt...giving him the decision-making power over how I got fucked. THAT he understood and liked. That he could appreciate. The first time we fucked, he held my head into the mattress as he pounded me. I made sure we had plenty of beer before we careened back to my place. He was eager to start fucking right away nad bent me over the couch. "Right here," he said. He pulled out a condom from his pocket and I heard him unwrap it. I was disappointed but at the same time, I kinda figure that one of these days...one of our sessions, he would come around. I have also discovered I kinda like trying to convince a guy to bareback...to go raw. It's a turn on to me. He entered me and it was good. HIs dick is about 6 inches. Maybe 6.5 It's not huge. Average thickness. But he's a hot guy and he fucks well, as if he figured out how to make the most of his cock. He fucked me for about five minutes and I groaned my appreciation. He kept saying how much he loved my ass. Then he pulled out and said, "I'm taking off the condom." Just like that, he was back inside me again, this time raw. He moaned as soon as he slid in. He felt the difference right away. I knew I was gonna get his load and within about four minutes, he growled, "I'm gonna breed you." And he did, collapsing on my back. When he pulled out, I suggested we go upstairs to my bedroom and I would massage his body until he was ready to nut again. He liked that idea. I gave him a great massage and told him how amazing it felt to have his semen inside me. He liked it. He liked hearing how much it turned me on to carry his sperm. I described how he came, how turned on I was by his words, "I'm taking off the condom." In less than ten minutes, he said, "I wanna fuck you again." When he slid into me, I said, "Does it feel wet?" "Yeah," he said in a heavy breath. "Yeah, it's wet." He nutted in me twenty minutes later. I sucked a third load out of him and we slept for a while in my bed, naturally falling asleep. He woke up and put his cock inside me. I asked him if he liked feeling how creamy it was and he said that was his favorite part, feeling his own cum on his dick and knowing it was going to stay in me all night. Making out with a man must not have been so bad after all, because we kissed for a long time with his cock in me before he pulled out, dressed, and went home. On his way out the door, he said, "That was intense. I've never been inside a guy bareback." Next time, I don't think we'll even start with the condom.
    1 point
  24. ST. LOUIS - Did the anonymous hotel cumdump scene tonight. It'd been a while since I'd been fucked. Took 4 loads. Best fuck was from a 24 year old guy. Great cock and was hard the second he walked into the room. The rest were good breedings but that one really stood out! Thanks STL!
    1 point
  25. I have a buddy with whom I regularly fool around. One day I was at his place cruising Grindr when I was hit up by a hot couple who lived right next door. They were slimmer and younger than most guys I let fuck me (as I'm a 'daddy's boy'), but they knew how to open me up, and after they both shot in my ass, I left their house and went back to my friend's place and was fucked some more. This story is just a background for the video that they took, which I find pretty hot. You can find it on Pornhub here: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5581dde39ef43 Enjoy!
    1 point
  26. That's a hot scene.
    1 point
  27. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=xm2XF-G501-#.VYi0wmt5mSM Gorgeous mature top. Im so envious of the bottom. If I did a home video this is very similar to what it would look like as I love this position.
    1 point
  28. From mid 2007 to early 2008 I had a black lover who would come over to my house unannounced and fuck me at will. I had given him a key, and It could have been at 3am when I was asleep or just after 6pm when I got back home after work. It was a very subservient relationship and it wasn't forced in any way nor wad there any type of role playing. He came, he fucked me hard, and he left (not before taking a beer or snack out of the fridge I should add). What I loved most about his cock was the bulbous head and the low hanging balls. He was also in great shape and worked out alot,..his sweaty body fucking me after a gym session was always a nice treat. I have had black cock since then but not over any length of period like with him.
    1 point
  29. So many, but at the top of my list Bearbandit
    1 point
  30. That's Owen Hawk from Raw Fuck Club.
    1 point
  31. First, understand that this happens to almost every gay man. For me it was falling in love with a freshman dorm mate. I met him the first day of school. I was watching TV with Mark's jock roommate and Mark walks in from the shower, nonchalantly takes off his robe, and when I saw his blond furry chest (like Redford) and pretty pink cock I was smitten for the next couple of years. If you know for sure is straight, then I recommend moving on and quickly. I know it's hard, but you're facing nothing but disappointment, frustration, and sadness. And trying to satisfy your feeling by becoming his friend will just make the longing worse for you.
    1 point
  32. As long as he shoots his load down my throat after I fuck him, jerking off is fine with me
    1 point
  33. The best compliment is my infected sperm in his guts. If I am really into him then I will tell him that I want to fuck him again in the future and follow through with it. Bottoms are for use, but need to be appreciated also.
    1 point
  34. Some of the circumstances described below are true, but the flow of events is really the fruit of my sleeping mind… Returning home, I found my door closed, not locked, which is quite unusual for me. Sensing some noises from the living room, I was stopped by a friend of mine who has the key of my flat. We kissed, as we usually do, and I was really happy to find him there. He explained that he planned a visit to my city and got in touch with some guys to have a good time. Entering the living room I could see six to eight naked men, fucking, sucking, kissing… Next thing I know I’m fucking raw a guy with his muscled back tattooed all over with small red hearts. A guy appears standing o top of him and I start sucking him. He motions to take his cock out of my mouth and I understand he wants to piss. I grab his butt and don’t let him, he starts to piss in my mouth and I get even harder when I feel his chemmed piss going down my throat. I’m back to my friend and we kiss passionately and I feel his tongue feeding me with X. I take a glass of water and realize it’s laced with G and I know Im headed for a warm place. Looking to my side I watch a guy preparing his arm to get slammed by himself, he’s quite muscled and as I can see his prominent veins I offer my help, I register the slam and slowly administer it. When he takes the elastic band out of his arm and starts coughing hard I lean down to lick the small droplets of blood out of his arm and I feel someone’s fingers pushing a rock inside my hole. After the burn, inside, I feel the almost burn, outside: my skin gets hot and I start sweating even more, all over, and this black guy shoves his thick cock all the way in my hole. Without all the chems, it would take me a while to accommodate it, but the only sensation I get is being filled and I start craving for his cum. He shoots deep inside and leaves my hole open and dripping. My friend takes the opportunity to lick his cum and starts kissing me. No wonder I woke up hard and smiling.
    1 point
  35. Part 2 As I opened the door, here he was, Hot guy, smiling at me. I was somewhat surprised and didn't know what to do or say, but he wasn't quite so tongue-tied, and opened saying "Hey, I'm Peter, we haven't met." I took his hand and barely manage to introduce myself. He smiled, and commented "I saw you tonight, and got the impression you weren't enjoying yourself." "Well, I was about to go home." "Can I get you a drink? But I've gotta pee first." "Sure. I saw the bathroom in that direction. I'll wait for you in the kitchen." A few minutes later Peter entered the kitchen, and upon connecting with me, said "Finish you drink. I'll get you another," which he did. "Cheers!" With that introduction we began chatting, talking about random things, and generally getting to know each other. At some point, we started to talk about drugs, what we had done. I mentioned I had never done G, but was somewhat interested in trying it. About then Peter poured me yet another drink. I was already getting pretty high from the alcohol, but even without the alcohol, for a guy as hot as Peter I would have done anything. Then we started to talk about sexual experience. I tried to conceive the fact that I'm a slut, a bareback one no less. With the G working up, I felt horny, and out of nowhere I started to kiss Peter, deep French kiss. At some point, he just whispered "So you really are the slut everyone is talking about." "What are you talking about?" "Why do you think I came by tonight? I hear you got fucked by everyone here , that all the guys have shot a load in to your ass. Why do you think they call you the 'glue' of the group?" I was kind of shocked to learn that my friends where talking about me behind my back. But it was essentially true. Virtually everyone of the guys at that particular party had fucked me at least once, and several guys had fucked me repeatedly. "Hope I didn't offend you," commented Peter. "No, you didn't. I just never really thought about it - that, in fact, I have had sex with almost all of my friends. Which, I suppose, does make me a slut. I hope you don't think less of me." "Are you kidding? I like the fact that you're a slutty ass. Your ass will be great tonight, 'cause I'm gonna fuck you. But it's nice to see that you're also a smart guy." "Okay, so when did I agree to let you fuck me?" "When you kissed me!" I only could smile.
    1 point
  36. a great trip back in the time machine... and hoT as fuck (you and o'hara)
    1 point
  37. Piss enema is great, feeling his hot piss filling my hole. Also want to be covered in piss and to drink it right from the tap!
    1 point
  38. SidI was in Ohio and ran an ad on Craig's List. Of course it was to get fucked. This guy answered and said he was up to fucking me. When he got there he was a knock out but he said all he wanted was oral. So I thought why not. He then pulled out a condom. I asked him what that was for. He said he wanted to get sucked with a condom on. I told him I did not want to suck a piece of rubber. I could chew on a rubber band if that was what I wanted. he was adimate about it. He said he did not want any bugs. Even when I told him it was impossible with a bj he said with rubber on or nonothing I said then it is nothing. Then he asked if he could jack off on my face. I said hell no and he left. I just did not understand.
    1 point
  39. I got rock hard reading that.... you lucky fuck you!
    1 point
  40. I was finally on my way to Will's house for our third date. I am 18 and had been so close to jacking off so many times that day but I was pleased I resisted. The day had been endless but I knew he didn't get home from work until 6pm. I had told him I'd arrive by 7pm. I was on the bus about 10 minutes from his place when my phone buzzed with a text. My crotch throbbed with excitement when I saw it was from Will. I opened the message and he was asking if I was on my way over. He said he had two friends with him who were there to meet me. The message filled me with apprehension for several reasons. I was hoping that we would have fun as soon as I arrived but now we'd not be able to. Secondly, the idea of meeting his friends worried me. What if they didn't like me and influenced Will and he dumped me? I replied that I would be there in about 10 minutes. Arriving at his house, I rang the bell, so nervous now. Will opened the door wearing a pair of shorts and a vest. The shorts did nothing to hide the shape and size of his dick n balls and the vest showed his masculine chest. Despite my nervousness, my heart skipped a beat and I had a flashback of him on top of me fucking his cock and cum into me. Will smiled, bent over and kissed me, pushing his tongue in my mouth and feeling up my ass. He led me into the living room and introduced me to his friends, Alan and Mike. Will sat in the armchair and they were sitting on either side of the sofa. Will told me to have a seat which meant the only place to sit was in the space on the sofa between Alan and Mike. The TV was on and a porno playing where a guy about my age was getting barebacked off a group of men. As I sat, I was thinking how unlike that Alan and Mike were to Mike. Alan was about 30, he looked skinny, he had a gaunt skeletal face, and I would never have found him attractive in a 100 years. Mike was in his late 20s shaved head, average looking and dressed like a skinhead. As I walked into the room and then sat down, I noticed that Alan and Mike were staring at me as if they hadn't eaten for a month and I was the first food they had seen. Alan especially had the expression of a hawk that was following its prey. (I didn't know then of course that they were not friends of Will's but hook ups from some site and they had never met Will or each other before. The only reason they were there was to top bareback me knowing I'd only ever had Will.) The atmosphere was charged and uncomfortable. Will was clearly excited as I could see from the bulge in his shorts that he was solid and he had a wet patch. He was the only one talking, asking about my day and what I'd been up to. All I could feel was Alan staring constantly at me from the side so I pretended not to notice. The porno reached the point when when one of the tops pushed in deep and yelled “I'm shooting take my load”. That was the trigger as I immediately felt Alan's hand on my crotch and a groan from him. I reacted by saying “What the fuck you think you doing”. He quickly pulled back his hand and Will was saying Jake it's OK He likes you and I'd love to see him touch you all over.” That stunned and confused me. I had hoped Will was thinking I was his boyfriend so why would he want someone else to touch me? Will quickly went on to say that it was OK and to let Alan do what he wanted. With that, I felt both Alan and Mike's hands begin to touch me. Despite my confusion, I boned up instantly, and submitted to their hands feeling me all over. I looked over to Will and he smiled and nodded that it was all good and to go with it. He then took off his vest and shorts. Seeing his cock again made me moan and remember what it felt like in my ass. My groan further encouraged Alan and Mike and it turned into a frenzy. They both started stripping me. After Alan took my boxers off he looked at me and said “fuck yeah, short height, smooth, very thin, perfect, I can't wait to get in him”.” He put his hand through my legs and grabbed my ass. I felt his finger at my ass hole and then he groaned and said to Will “you're right he is still cherry tight”. Mike began taking off his clothes whilst Alan fingered me. He looked at Will and said “I'm going to enjoy doing that.” Mike had tattoos all over his body and had a hard cock maybe 7inches long. Apart from porn, Mike's cock was only the second one I'd seen. Although it was much smaller that Will's I still looked at his cock and thought how amazing it looked. He had low hanging balls all shaved. In fact, he was shaved everywhere, even his pits. Alan move out of the way to take his clothes off and Mike replaced his hand at my ass saying “fucking nice” when he felt my ass hole. He used some of his prelube on my ass hole and pushed in his finger. I looked over at Will who was slowly stroking his cock and smiling encouragement at me. Alan took the last of his clothes off and I thought gross, lecherous. His body was gaunt, painfully skinny and unattractive. His cock though was impressive. It was maybe 9 inches, solid and leaking like a faucet. He came over to me and told me to suck it. I was thinking fuck no way but then Will said to go ahead as he'd love to see me do it. Reluctantly, I took the head in my mouth then something came over me and and I went for it. I took him as far back in my throat as I could. Alan moaned then as he said how good it felt, I then felt something else against my mouth and realised it was Mike's cock. Will said “suck them both Jake”. Alan put poppers against my nose and after two deep sniffs I took the head of both cocks in my mouth one on each side of my face. I could hear Will saying how proud he was of me. I was thinking, I have two cocks in my mouth and just three days ago I had never even touched another guy's cock. I thought what would my ex girlfriend or straight friends think? Whilst Mike continued to face fuck me Alan went down to my dick. I felt him suck it. He was good at it but sensed I was close. He stopped and moved around to my ass. He ate my ass hole so good. I heard someone moaning and realised it was me. I had a guy eating my ass and a cock in my mouth. Alan told me to bend over so he could get at my ass better. I did so but Mike never took his cock out of my mouth. He was forcefully pulling my head onto it. I felt Alan's cock against my ass cheeks as he slid his cock against me. I then felt his dick head at my ass hole and I knew he wanted in. Will passed him some lube which he smeared on my ass and his dick. He then pushed back against my ass hole. I said “no way man, not without a condom.” I sensed all three of them hesitate whilst they didn't know how to handle my rejection of Alan's raw cock. Will came over in a second and told me he so wanted to see Alan fuck me raw. He said Alan wouldn't shoot in me, he just wanted to feel inside of me. Whilst Will was saying this I could feel the pressure on my ass from Alan's cock as he pushed. I was frozen by indecision. I knew it was risky to take it raw especially from a guy like Alan who was gross. I couldn't work out why the guy I thought was my boy friend wanted this but at the same time Alan's cock at my ass felt so good. Will held the poppers to my nose and after a few sniffs they took away my reluctance. I felt the pressure from Alan's cock as he pushed and pushed. I felt his cock head pop in and Alan said “mmmmmmmm fucking nice”. He slowly pushed in until I could feel his balls against my ass. He held it there as if savouring the feeling. He asked Will if it was true that he was only the second one to get in me. I saw Will wink and nod. Alan groaned. Will whispered in my ear that Alan's cock looked so good in my ass and to tell Alan that I wanted it. I replied by telling Alan to give me it. That started him off and he began fucking my ass. On the one hand I thought about how gross Alan was but on the other his cock felt so good in me. The verbal started building up. Alan telling me how good he felt in me, Will telling me how proud he was of me and Mike encouraging Alan to go for it. Alan continued fucking me for maybe 10 minutes whilst the three of them talked filthy about “doing me”. Will looked at Alan and nodded whilst he said to me that Alan was going to shoot in me. Will quickly said he wanted that and he would slide straight in after Alan was finished, fucking Alan's cum deeper in me. Alan's thrusts got fast and hard and in no time I heard his breathing change and he yelled as he shot in me, I felt his cock throb four times and he held still deep in me. My mind was spinning with the thought id just taken Alan's cum. After a minute he pulled out and Will got behind me and slid straight in. Will's cock, being so much longer and fatter than Alan's seemed huge. Will groaned and said how hot my ass felt covered in Alan's cum. He said he was using his cock to coat my ass walls with Alan's cum. Will fucked me like that for maybe 5 minutes then slid out without shooting. Mike got behind me a slid into my ass. He had the smallest of the three cocks but it still felt good and I was blown away by the fact that in the space of 40 or so minutes I had had three cocks in me and one load from a gross man I would have ignored any other time. As soon as Mike slid in me the verbal started again about how he was going to shoot his load in me, only the third load I'd ever taken. Will stood in front of me and told me to lick and suck Alan's cum off his cock. I must admit the thought of Alan's cum didn't do anything for me, but Will gently gently pulled my head onto his cock. Once I tasted it, I lost all reservations about Alan and really got off on the taste. I cleaned, licked and kissed Will's cock. The entire time Mike was hammering my ass , the other two were telling him “to do it”. Finally after a bit, Mike shouted to them he was about to cum and they yelled encouragement to him. His whole body shook as he unloaded in me. Will said how proud he was of me and got back behind me. He said fucking on two loads felt so good and he wasn't going to last long. He talked dirty about the two loads getting hammered into my ass walls by his dick and asked me if it felt good. I could only moan yesssssssss and at that, he shot so deep into me. He seemed to shoot for ages, holding all 10 inches in me. Without a break in the proceedings, Alan again entered me. He took his time and fucked slowly but so deeply. The encouragement from Will and Mike continued. They were telling Alan “give to it to him again”. I caught sight of myself in the mirror, bent over and taking raw cock from an fuck ugly man and it sent me over the edge and I shot. Will was underneath me licking Alan's cock each time he pulled back, so he got my load all over his chest. Mike licked my load up and the three of them kissed as a 3some swapping my cum from mouth to mouth. Will then came over and kissed me with my own load and whispered he was so proud of me. Alan and Mike both shot another load into my ass and finally Will hammered it all deep. They both enjoyed Will doing it in their loads and I must admit it felt good. As Alan and Mike left, Alan said to me “thanks” and it was only then I realised that neither of them had spoken to me once since I had arrived. They had only spoken about me to each other or Will. Will lay next to me for an hour with me on my stomach so the cum would stay in my ass. He kept telling me how proud of me he was and that he liked his boyfriend to take other guy's raw dicks and cum. He said he wanted to see me take cock off 100s of guys, even guys I'd never seen. He said I would do so soon. I was so pleased he said he was my boyfriend, I didn't give any thought to Will wanting to share ass to any raw cock. The next night Will took me to a fuck club, but that's another story.
    1 point
  41. Like drscorpio said: Get ahold of RawTop and see if he can help. I can see it fine. Tried to paste and copy to another guy and it won't let me do that.
    1 point
  42. This first part is fairly tame, but sets up the rest off the story. GtP-P1 Steve was your typical next door type. He was a clean cut 20 year old, at 5' 10", 140 pounds, he had a decent body and a great 7.5" cock to match. He was 50/50 vers and always on the prowl. You'd never know looking at him that he was sick, well not really sick, but that he was HIV+. He got infected when he got in over his head with Rick, who was a rough type Steve met at a local bar. Before Steve knew what was going on, Rick was taking him home. There Rick got him in his sling and forced him to take a generous slam followed by his raw cock. Steve enjoyed the drugs so much he found himself back at Rick's on several occasions after that first night. When Steve came down with the 'flu' about a month later he went to the doctor. His doctor didn't think that Steve had the seasonal flu, establishing since it was in the middle of July. He took a lot of blood and sent Steve home. Steve got a little worried when he got a call from his doctor a week later that asked him to come into the office. He went right over and was taken back to the doctor's private office. The doctor came in and delivered the news that Steve was HIV+. At first Steve freaked, but as he made his way back to his apartment he thought about the past few weeks with his drug use and taking raw cock from Rick (and others) he knew he couldn't blame anyone but himself. Now that he was poz he made the decision to be open about his status. One night he was cruising on Adam4Adam when be came across a profile that caught his eye. It was a cute kid all of 18, who was 5' 8", 130 pounds, with an average dick and he was a vers/bttm. But what caught his eye is that his profile stated that he was looking for friends. Steve sent the kid a message introducing himself but got no reply. He knew the message was read, but still no reply. A few days later he noticed the kid again and tried sending another messages. The message he sent was one that said he was looking to chat. The kid replied that he didn't hook-up with anyone that was HIV+. This seemed to anger Steve a little. Sure he thought about fucking the kid, but he would have been OK with just chatting. He sent back a reply staying that he was only looking to chat and no where in his previous messages did he imply otherwise. The kid read the message then blocked Steve from being able to contact him in the future. It was at that moment that Steve decided to get the little punk. He contacted his friend Rick and cooked up a plan to create a false profile on A4A with Rick's picture and stats in the hope of getting the kid to meet with Rick. Rick knew who Steve was talking about and loved the idea of knocking the kid down a peg (or two) and knocking him up (as Rick had done to Steve). Rick sent Steve several pictures to use and left everything in his capable hands. Steve made the profile making sure to omit any reference to HIV status. He only posted public pictures of Rick just showed his clothed body. The plan was set into motion, in fact Steve didn't have to make the first contact, the kid sent the first message. The kid introduced himself as Jeremy and that he like 'Rick's' looks. Steve replied with a 'Thanks' and unlocked the private pictures that showed Rick's face and his naked body. Jeremy replied by opening up a direct chat. Jeremy was very eager which made him easay pickings. Steve (acting as Rick) asked Jeremy how he felt about kink and bondage. Jeremy admitted he lacked the experience but the thought of trying some kink and bondage excited him as long as they played safe. Steve kind of dodged the question among the kid if the kid had any diseases that he needed to Wirth about. The kids replied that he was clean , but never pressed 'Rick' for an answer. Jeremy was then asked about role playing. He replied with a question as to what type of role playing did 'Rick' have in mind? Steve knew the next step was crucial, he described in detail the scenario that he and Rick had discussed. Jeremy ate it up and agreed to every detailed. They set up Jeremy to meet Rick at a local dance place that Rick normally wouldn't go into since it was not his scene. It was set for Friday night.
    1 point
  43. I had always been a good boy. For 31 years I had avoided all drugs. Never been drunk, never had a cigarette, never touched a drug. That all changed at 31. Due to some very interesting circumstances I tried pot for the first time. This changed everything. All of a sudden I had done my first drug and my first “illegal” drug. After a year of smoking pot (first occasionally and then regularly) I was introduced to something quite different. I had a boyfriend at the time. An older man whom I loved but didn’t do much for me sexually. So on the side, Alex (The Cuban) had always been there. Alex drank, but that was it. He had never done drugs, not even pot. Alex had introduced me to poppers and that was a lot of fun, but that was it. I’d skateboard over to Alex’s place, he’d fuck me for an hour or two and that would be that. The sex was always spectacular. I was 32 at the time, 5’10-11”ish, lightly hairy, muscular/athletic build but not a body builder. I was blessed with some very good genetics. Born in Charleston, SC on the Navel Base, my legs had always been huge. Skateboarding around South Beach for years had given me rock hard legs and brought my butt into alignment with the rest of me. I could easily pass for mid/late-20’s, but never lied about my age. Alex was older. Around 40, but Cuban so he could pass for my age if necessary. At this point we had been fucking for years and it never got old. Alex was smaller in stature, but but had a damn nice cock. Not huge, but definitely big and thick. One night I was at Alex’s doing our normal deal. He had procured me some really great pot and we were sniffing some great poppers like normal. Only this time, when he came, it was something different. His orgasm seemed to last forever and he even jumped up thrusting his cock in the air. He wasn’t shooting cum anymore, that was all deep inside me, but he was clearly still having an orgasm. Once subsided, he said he had something to tell me about. He had been smoking “tina” before I got there and whenever he would leave the room (sex was always marathon like) he was taking hits off of his pipe. I was in awe. I had no curiosity to try it myself, but clearly it had a very sexual effect. Not too long after we started round 2, (I’m usually good for 2 rounds at least, especially if I don’t cum), he said he wanted to try something. He had a small bag with some “dust” in it. He wanted to stick the head of his cock in the bag and fuck the dust into me. He said it wouldn’t have much of an effect since it was only dust. At this point I was stoned and horny. I had already tried pot, one illegal drug, how much different could tina be? I watched as he lubed up his beautiful cuban cock and stuck the bag on the end. He did what he could then cleaned out the bag with his finger, applying what was left to the tip of his cock. Now I trusted Alex… We had been fucking for 3 years at this point and when sex is involved I’m a pretty submissive guy. So without any hesitation he began to sink his fat, cuban, tina laced cock deep in my hole. At first I felt normal. It burned a little but that was it. Within minutes though, the nerve endings in my hole were on fire. All of a sudden my hole was alive. I didn’t care about my cock or anything else. All feeling had been redirected to my beautiful, southern, white boy, corn fed pussy. We fucked and fucked and fucked. Even the showers in between felt incredible. Cleaning out my hole with his shower shot felt amazing. He eventually brought out a different bag with actual clear shards. I ended up with a shard up my hole. Many hours later (who knows), we were still fucking. Thank God he has no problem staying hard on the stuff or cumming. Eventually he had to go to work. I still had not cum and still did not care. I left hungry and very much so awake. I eventually came that night after many hours of jerking off. My nose was sore from the poppers I had inhaled over the past day of fucking and jerking. Finally I was able to sleep. The come down lasted for days and was not pretty, but in the moment and for the many hours of mind-blowing sex (like literally nothing like i had felt before), it was worth it. This happened 3 more times. Haven’t touched the stuff since but I totally would. Don’t care about smoking it. Slamming it intrigues me, but having it fucked into me will always be my favorite. One of the three times I got fisted for the first time ever, but we’ll save those stories for another day.
    1 point
  44. “Need to extend your room?” Javier smiled at me. The hot little Latino had been working the counter at Club Z for about two years, and knew I was a frequent flyer. “Am I that predictable?” “I saw that blond tweeker pulling them in upstairs. I figured you’d probably hang around to see what comes out,” he grinned. “Last time you were here, we had a deal…. you still interested? 10 bucks a bag?” “You know it.” “I started collecting ‘em when you checked in….just in case.” He stepped into the laundry room and returned with a chrome dog dish, containing six knotted condoms, full of thick white cock snot and covered in stray pubic hairs and ass slime. They looked like massive albino banana slugs involved in a cluster fuck. “I only count five. That one’s used, but not really full.” “Tell ya what? You buy ‘em all, and I’ll fill the sixth one myself.” “Installation included in the 60?” I asked. “Hey Dave,” he yelled to someone in the back. “I’m taking 15.” As I followed him to his favorite storage closet, I handed him the lambskin rubber Psycho Mike had given when I left him upstairs with Tweeker Timmy. “Will you stuff this in there while you’re at it.” “Dios Mio! What kind of fucker filled that thing? It looks like there’s a cup of spunk in there.” “It’s all from one milking,” I told him. “Bullshit! I never met a guy who could shoot that much.” “He’s…. a…. more of a monster than a man,” I said with a smile. Before hitting the counter, I had stopped by Timmy’s locker and retrieved his stash from where he had hidden it in his sock. Out of courtesy for the kid, I’d split the bag in to two matching parcels, so he wouldn’t finish it all in one snort. There was a hell of a lot of Tina in the one zipped bag. “You want a line?” I offered my assistant. “Si papi!” I passed along a bump to my buddy and then poured about half the powder from the smaller bag into Mike’s monster condom, before retying it. “This one’s got to go in last. We’ll pop it once its inside,” I instructed. Locking the closet door, he dropped his shorts down around his tennis shoes before stepping out of them. Javier little brown dickhead was covered in skin, but I was much more interested in his sweet round bubble butt. Laying on my back on the grungy janitorial floor, I wiggled my ass up against the wall giving him full access to my fuck-hole as he squatted down on my face. He started fingering my slimy ass-ring as I began tonguing his butt. Lost in the smell of garlic, green chilies and buttjuice, time became meaningless. He poked and pulled on my pliable sphincter as I French kissed his tight little ring. The scumbags he’ couldn’t untie, he simply nipped of the tip with his teeth before massaging the leaking baggies into my guts. After spending so long sucking on Timmy’s dripping dilated cunt, the brown hair on my lips made a nice change. Getting my tongue up into his gooey mucus membrane took a little while. Sealing my lips around his tight hole, I sucked his pucker until it began to pout, then I’d push my taste buds deep into his colon, sodomizing him repeatedly with my mouth and nose. It wasn’t until his hairy little ring began to loosen and then clamp, loosen and clamp, that I realized he was beating off as I ate him out. Suddenly he groaned and shuddered, rubbing the whole weight of his body down on my gaping mouth and nose. Looking down at me between his legs, he held the freshly filled rubber with two fingers, and asked if it was full enough. He didn’t wait for a reply before pushing the warm fuck-sock inside my hungry crack. Finally he told me to open wide, as I felt him push the biggest bag into my butt. For just a split second I thought I felt his lips on my own asshole, as hit bit the reservoir off the last scumbag tucked up my butt. Suddenly, he gave may ass cheek a quick, sharp slap and said, “Tighten up, Esse! It’s a long climb up those stairs.” Even as he stood up to let me stand, I could feel my head begin to swim. Despite all the dildo pounding earlier on, my ass reacted to the chemicals leaking from the last torn condom he’d stuffed into me. I didn’t need to thank him, and I couldn’t if I tried as my language skills were giving away to wave after wave of pure, unadulterated lust. How long it took me to waddle up stairs with my ass clamped shut, I have no idea. My key opened the door and I was accosted by the smell, even before my eyes could adjust to the hazy light. My heart raced and my head spun from all of the chemical coursing through my brain, pounding in my blood, making it hard to focus on the bizarre tableau before me. Tweeker Timmy lay on his back wedged between Bear 1 and Bear 2 as they double fucked his little ass. Attached to his face was a piss gag with a funnel, and Psycho Mike sat above him on his rim stool, talking on his goddamn cell phone. Under the suspended toilet seat, Bear 2 held Timmy’s head in place below Master Mike's exposed ass, growling obscenities into the struggling kid’s ear. It took me a moment to realize that, although Bear 1 was plugged into the kid, instead of pounding the punk’s pucker, he too was chatting on another fucking phone. Between the stink and the fucking techno-culture, I almost turned around and walked out of the room. “It’s about fucking time,” Psycho Mike said, standing up and stepping over the boy and the bear, adding “The kid drank all six beers and now I’m a little fucked up, too,” he said rubbing his big, bloated belly. “Take the gag off,” I told Bear 2, who laid on his back, holding the kid on his belly. “I think the boy has earned his treat.” “Yeah that’s right, we’ll need the donkey and both of the horses,” Bear 1 said into his phone, “Sure, you can call Ted. Give us about two hours…. Hell yeah, you can video tape it….he wants to send a copy to his folks for father’s day…..Seriously, he asked us to…..sure, but if you sell, it we want a cut for providing the talent….” “How much longer will you be using It for?” Master Mike asked. “I don’t know….30 minu…Jesus Mother Fucking Christ!” That’s when I saw it. The kid’s disco dick was over and his monster had returned. Even with his ass turned up so that both the Bears could fit inside his ass, the skinny blonde’s tightly bound cock reached past his bellybutton. I knew it had been inside me, but I never imagined it was so long. Maybe the rawhide stings wrapped around it, biting into the skin, had something to do with it. “He owes me a load,” I said amending my time estimate, asking “Why, what are you fuckers planning?” “When we unplugged his sewer hole, he started going on and on about “Barnyard romance” and it just so happens my buddies here have a farm, half way to Tacoma. Wanna join the party?” My head spun. The speed soaking into my ass walls made it impossible to focus. The boy’s dripping monster-meat hypnotized me. My bowels burned. The giant cum slugs wiggled and writhed inside my itchy, manhole, lining my guts with their gooey slime trails. Slowly the stink transformed into nature’s musky perfume. “There’s some dick-on-a-stick, if you want it?” Mike pointed to the full hypodermic sitting between my used, greasy butt-toys and a couple empty beer cans. “I reloaded it when these freaks were done.” “Did you all use it,” I asked, suddenly thinking about getting my dick back. “I don’t need that shit, but the bears sure like it. Want me to stick you?” Mike with a needle was a dangerous idea, but the Kaverject whispered how much it needed to be in me. “Let me give the boy his treat. You can do me while I’m on the rim seat.” My mind returned to my mission. “Okay son, how many loads have you taken for Daddy?” Looking up at me with big puppy dog eyes from inside the recently vacated toilet seat, Tweeker Timmy almost shouted, “Twelve!” “Good job, son. I guess you’ve earned it.” He struggled to get up out of the bear trap, but I told him to stay put. “A buddy down stair shoved TEN full, used rubbers up my ass. Your stash is in one of them, and I’m not gonna let you use you fingers to get them out” I said as I stepped over to where the boy and the bear could look up at me from under the rimseat. “My whole stash?!?” he whined. “Stashed in my hole. If you want it, then you’ll just have to eat it out of me, pussy boy.” The conversation ended with me sitting down on the warms suspended toilet seat. “Count them out as you go. I expect you to show me them before you swallow ‘em.” The starving boy’s mouth attached to my sphincter, before I could even get balanced. The big bear gave a low yummy growel. “Eat up, Cumdump” he snarled into the little junkies' ear. Mike smiled as he brought the point, and reached through my spread legs for my drug-withered weenie. This is the sort of thing that got Psycho Mike off, plunging a needle used by three guys into another guy’s stump. The rational part of my brain had been burned away by the amphetamine fire. All I wanted was wood, so I let him do me. “ONE!” The boy shouted, before the Bear snarled, “Swallow it." I didn’t bother to look down as the base of my dick suddenly exploded. Mike stepped away and I allowed myself to focus on the feeling of the kid's lips, suckling my most private prize. He started retching, but Mike just looked at me and said “He does that.” “….So nasty…” the kid whimpered, and the bear below him inquired if it was one of Mike’s. “Yup.” “Get used to it, shit for brains,” he said to Timmy, adding "That’s how you gob is gonna taste for the next 24 hours. Now Kiss it. Kiss It. Don’t get all piggy, yet. Kiss it like you’re gonna kiss my sister. Real sweet. Right on the lips. Just like it’s your first time. Kiss his hole real nice now. Okay now give him a little French kiss. Just slip your tongue in there a little…. That’s it.” The kid already new how to suck ass real well, but the coaching helped ad to the atmosphere. His tongue found another surprise in my rectum, and he began wiggling fiercely, trying the loosen my grip. “Oh look at that, it looks like you’ve got two there.” Glancing over at the mirror beside where I sat, I could see the fat white tips of two partially full cum bags hanging out of my dripping asslips, like thick globs of spunk frozen in time. “Milk on em, boy. Don’t pull ‘em out yet. Just chew the tips off.” Now that his mouth was filled with liquid crystal, I though he’d start loosing it but, he could still manage a little oral control and was rewarded with the rewarmed jizz that dripped on to his taste buds. “Show Daddy,” the Bear commanded. Pulling my cock and balls aside I looked into the kid’s shiny toilet hole. “Eat em both, Son,” and a split second later I felt the latex worms sucked out of me with a slick pop, followed by the sound of him chewing. Bear 1 grinned from where he knelt across from me, his fire plug prick still jammed in the boy’s over stretched cunt. “I gotta piss like a race horse,” he snarled, “but I don’t want to sour the kid’s implantation.” I responded “Hold on to it a second there, bud. You can rinse me out when I’m done here,” thinking to myself So the kid had been telling people what a foul deviant fuck his father was, huh? Baring down, I tried to push out a good, sloppy fart over the boy’s probing lips and nose, and Tweeker Timmy went nuts. Like a little kid licking a bowl of frosting, he tried to stuff his whole fucking face up my butt, and by pushing down, I made room for his mouth, nose and chin, up in my guts. Another good deep grunt was all it took, and the kid’s whole face fit up inside my ass-mask. I swear I could feel his nostrils snorting the lining of my rectum. A second later, scum bags 4, 5 and 6 sloshed from my insides into his, but the pressure of squeezing them out took its toll. “Show daddy what you found,” I commanded, and the boy responded by opening his mouth and rolling the used sperm bags around for me to see. Stuffing my swelling dick in his mouth, I started pissing right away. He coughed and choked and swallowed as fast as he could. Wrapping his slimy lips around my cock head, he began drinking, and to my amazement, he was actually sucking the urine straight from my bladder with all the force in his body. It couldn’t last. The drugs in my dick started boning me up, making it too hard to piss or even keep my baby-breeder pointed down at such a sharp angle. “Starting fingering my hole,” I told the Bear below me, and he gladly accepted. His furry fingers pushed into my ass, and then he shoved them in the kid’s mouth. Again, he shoved four fingers up my butt and wiggled them in my gut-slime, before smearing them all over my boys’ face, spending extra time pushing his slimy fingers up into the kid’s crusty nostrils. Mike, who’d been packing up his gear, stepped over to me with two more huge lambskin rubbers, as full as the first one he’d given me at the door. “Here’s an extra,” he said, “I thought I’d save it for myself, but I guess the kid will be milking it straight from the source in a couple hours.” Having promised the kid 10 cum sacks, I’d felt a little bad knowing there were only 6 for him to find, but the extra rubber inspired me. Setting one on the table next to my dildos and cunt-plugs, I untied the knot on the other, and looked down past my rock hard fuck pole to the grimy, grinning sickos below me. “Hey, Man-Bear-Pig,” I said catching the big dudes eye. “Stuff this as far up into my belly as you can reach.” His fingernails felt fine when he was digging around earlier so I wasn’t too worried as he squeezed the mouth of the massive jizz bag tightly between his thumb and first two forefingers, making the proper homosexual fist. Mike used the Joyrider brand rim seat, which features a toilet seat suspended by four springs, allowing for more bounce and control, as I sat up slightly, letting Bear 2 reached through the seat. After the dildo ramming I’d given myself earlier followed by one of the best rim jobs of my life, my hungry hole didn’t need lubing or coaxing. Sitting down on the big hairy hand, I worked my slick ass lips around his thick knuckles, then his thumb, and with one serious push, down around his wrist. Fireworks, gut searing fireworks. Even with my swollen prostate, his hand felt like it was built to fit in my bowels. And as I grunted and squirmed further down, the farther up into my stomach he reached. At some point, I stopped to breath in and adjust, and that’s when I felt him squeeze the overflowing scumbag in his hand. The extra juice was all I needed, and my intoxicated fuck hungry twat went insane, trying to swallow his entire sweaty, tattooed arm. Wringing out the deformed and bloated prophylactic with his thick fist, the big bad Bear massaged nature’s perfect steroid all over my intestinal lining, pure all natural testosterone mainlining into my blood stream. Rage and Lust pushed me up and own, rage and lust with each squish, squish, squish of my swollen ass lips on his hairy forearm. The sharp taste, bitter but something savory underneath, filled my mouth, the back of my nose and my throat. I road my prostate hard against his wrist, lost in the depraved fantasy of what was going to happen to the kid over the next 24 hours. Squish, slosh, grunt, squish, slosh. Riding up and down on the horse shaped appendage, listening him grunt at the kid, “That’s it slick up my wrist, lick that animal juice off my arm, buddy. That’s what your little cunt’s going to look, all stretched out like that real soon, Breeder boy. How’s that ass soup taste?" Master Mike had double dosed me, the son of a bitch. Weight and gravity normally did a good job of keeping my dripping prick sloping toward the ground, but the angry red fuck salami pointing out at 95 degree angle ached something fierce. The kid could only mumble and all I could do was grown. Cock sauce is the only kind of lube, and Mike’s beasts made the best semen in town. The kid didn’t know what he was licking, but I sure did, and it made my fuck hole ravenous. But I was going too far, too fast. My prostate was on the verge of detonations. Looking over at Bear #1, I stood-up, asked at the same time “You mind if I slip in there?” As I reached full height, a flood of goop splashed out of my ass along with the big bear’s fist, washing over the faces beneath me in a dense wave of gut warmed cock sauce and ass goo. And back into the kid’s mouth went the bear's slick fist, followed by his tongue and nose. They shared deep, slimy kisses as the Bear with the fat dick slid out of the boy, allowing me to pound my rock hard cunt-wrecker in alongside his friends. The change startled the boy. My dick was too long and too hard to be happy with his rectum alone, and following the other fucker's bumpy shaft. I pushed past his second sphincter into the twisting boy’s lower intestine. All his coughing and struggling wouldn’t stop me, and my buddy Bear held his gross, slimy mitt over the kid’s mouth while Tweeker Timmy screamed into his cum-covered palm. “You fucking WHORE,” I cursed, adding "You stupid, demented cum dump. Letting all theses mean men take your little cunt, spunk for brains? You let all these dirty fuckers Tag your twat, when YOU KNOW your hole belongs to Daddy!” The kid thrashed under the onslaught, inspiring the other dude to start grinding deeper still, slapping his balls against mine, as we threw the meanest fuck possible into the struggling junkie youth. “Daddy’s dirty, little Spermbank,” I repeated over and over, my mind lost in the sickest imagining of how I would have raised Timmy if he were mine, and the shit that Psycho Mike and the farm Bears were going to put him through in a few short hours. “He’s ours! Now, you sick bastard,” the ooze covered bear roared, pounding his rock hard cum gun against mine with each syllable he bellowed. “What kind of fifthly, sick, fucking pig brings his little boy to a sleazy fucking bathhouse to suck the seed out of nameless strangers? We knocked him up! He’s ours now. His insides are festering with our lethal demon seed. You gave up your right to this cunt when you pulled your dick out of him!" We waged war in his hot clenching oven, digging in deeper, trying to take more ground, carving our filthy signatures on his cave walls- his sloppy, over stuffed, cum covered walls. “Shut Up,” roared the Bear to the bo, "You think this is rough, you fucked up little bitch? This ain’t shit next to the meat that’s going to get stuffed up inside you when we get you to the farm. Cry all you want now, because I’m expecting you to take it like a man with the big horsies start riding you.” I giggled, and the Bear snarled at me, “You sick degenerate….” Timmy’s eyes rolled in his Head. Heart attach or seizure, it didn't matter to me. I had my second wind, and I was going to decorate the kid's bowels with some more of my fatherly nut-slime. His little body trembled and shook as we sword-fought inside his body, the other guy's hairy, veiny shaft working like a piston against my own. “Make room for a billion little brothers,” I shouted before I let loose, with thick rope after rope of vile, charged cock snot. The last load of the night, the copious dense cock-sludge that had collected at the bottom of my balls, blowing into my baby, big gobs of jizz as thick as chewing gum, exploding against another man’s dick a he pounded it further and further into my son’s convulsing innards. Even his little bowels craved the taste of his father’s incestuous seed. The thug beside me mashed my gunk into his own, smearing my DNA all together with his, in a sick and twisted experiment in eugenics. Slapping the boy, the Bear ordered, “Thank Daddy for his seed. Tell him why you were born." Little Tweeker was crying (and/or hyperventilating). “Thank you Poppa….Thank…." Suddenly someone shoved a fist in my unsuspecting twat…no….not a fist. Bear # 1 dropped his hairy belly on my back and stuffed his fireplug fuck knot, up into my colon. “I said,” he grrrrrrrroweled “….I gotta piss like a race horse….” And so he did. My mind couldn’t tell you what the Bears had been taking. The mucus membrane in my ass was so saturated and abused, all it could do was drink and expand. Swallowing the fire-hose straight down as it erupted inside me. “He’s our BreederBoy now,” snarled the my new Gut Master, “our sister’s ov-U-latin’ in two weeks and keeps askin’ us to bring her a pretty little sperm donor. We’re gonna pump Timmy here full o’ Zink and B6, and he’s gonna bang her cervix blind, for four days, none stop. Timmy here’s promised us triplets. He’s gonna breed us a whole bunch of little of nephews with big dicks like their daddy, and they’ll all be pre-fucked up and ready for rollin’!” The Kaverject and Padingtons humping dick kept me from getting soft or relaxing enough inside the kid to fill him with my own warm piss enema, as my lower intestines quickly filled with the urine of the beast on my back. “He’s gonna make us batches of puppies to play with,” his voice echoing in the back of my poached brain. Breathing through my nose, I tried to make room, to rearrange my inside for the filthy waste that was filling me, passing into my blood. There was a moment of silence. Pure, perfect Zen light….how long it lasted I can’t say. My inner ears were numb. My nose deaf. My skin sparking with sheer electricity. The cock yanked out and a plug slammed in. “Are we done?” Bear 2 asked Master Mike. “The car will be here in twenty minutes,” my mentor offered. Shocked by the sound of my own voice, I grunted. “Timmy owes me a load. You can’t take my boy, until he pays his daddy back for his first unfinished fuck.” “Where do you want it?” Mike asked. “In the sling…, but grab me a plug, first.” Reaching for the first cunt-cork on the table, Padington used the same slick plug I’d stuffed into Timmy earlier on for the very same purpose. This time the Bears lifted me. "But first, I got some thing for my boy…..” Neither Timmy nor I could stand very well. He’d been on his back for hours and, I had to concentrate on clamping down on the twat-stopper, holding back the gallon of bear piss, squishing around in my belly. Balancing one hand on the dildo table, I retrieved the last of Psycho Mike’s super-sized sperm samples. “Do you know where these come from, Son?” The fucked-up kid stared blankly at me, still trying to find his sea legs. “Here,” I grabbed my mega plug from the table and passed it to Pooh, “He’ll need this, you don’t want him loosing all that evil shit you pumped up into his little tummy.” Timmy shouted, but his spine straightened immediately. Untying the thick swinging scumbag, I poured the final few rocks and powder, from the smaller zipper sack into the gaping mouth of the jizz filled condom. Timmy’s eyes focused suddenly. “You want me to drink that? 'Cuz I’ll do it. I don’t give a flying fuck. Give me that…” he reached, but I kept playing keep away. “No son, if you want it, you’re going to need to snort it out.” I smiled handing him half a straw. “Gentlemen? Hold his hands.” Placing the straw in the spiked spunk, I inserted the other end into the kid’s dry nostril. And just like a little boy with a thick vanilla milkshake, he snorted in as much cock-snot as he could. “These bags were filled by Master Mike's two big buddies, REX and Marky D,” I explained, pulling the half empty bag from the dazed kid. “I’m sure they’ll make you dance with REX and Marky D before they let you go for your donkey ride.” The blond boy’s face twisted in disgust, as the ejaculate filled and then drained his dry crystal coated sinus. “That’s fucking disgusting,” he grumbled tasting the slob draining down the back of his throat. “Was it old or frozen?” “No,” I assured him, “That’s farm fresh. Mike milks it before he comes out to play.” Moving the straw to the other nostril, I couldn’t hold the secret back any more. “REX is a Bull Mastiff and Marky D is a Great Dane.” Confusion played on the kid’s face for a second. “Dog jizz?” He asked out-loud. “That’s right, crystal fortified canine ejaculate. Now finish it off for daddy,” and with one mighty snort, the sick little fucker did. Holding his head back at an angle, he shouted, “Get this Fucker into the sling!” He shook his head violently, and the Bears obeyed. My ravenous ring didn’t want to release the kid’s warm, greasy cunt-plug, but it didn’t have any choice. Squeezing my innards as tight as I could, I tried to the pull the Bear’s sewage back into my stomach, but the kid rammed his flagpole up in me before I could spill a drop. The little rings inside my ass had clamped shut to keep the piss inside me, but my boy wasn’t going to stand for it, pushing in as hard and as deep as he could. All the stretching from the butt bumps, the bear fist and my own dildos made it easier for him to slam his way into my lower intestine, brutally pushing the other guys urine deeper into my system. “Carve your name in his ass,” Bear 1 coached the boy. “Spray-paint your DNA all over your daddy’s sloppy cum-chute,” added Bear 2. “Charge him. Charge his ass good. Spark up your Daddy.” “Make ‘im your first convert.” "Yeah, breed him with your sick seed. Plant your germ it your poppa’s ass.” “Breed, BREED, BREED!” They chanted as the kid pounded, and I ground down as hard as I could, trying to mash his teenage testicles into my bottomless pit. “Make him cry, Timmy,” Master Mike instructed, “Make your daddy cry as you poison and pollute his insides. Hurt him, boy, hurt him real good.” The tweeked out little freak shook insanely as he put his roto-hammer to work. He snarled and grunted like a dog. Foaming white froth seemed to form around his nose and mouth. Somewhere in the background, I could hear the sound of one of the sweaty spectators slapping his ass, smacking the buttplug with hard, loud pops. “Come on Son, show Daddy what’s in your nuts, you stupid little pussy….” That set him off. “I Am Not Just a Fuck Hole For You and Your Friends To Fucking Violate every Fucking Day of My God Damned fucking Life you Fucking Filthy bastard,” the boy cried, “I am A Man, I am a Fucking Breeder, I’m Gonna Be a D….”” “Breed him, boy….” “Get daddy preggers with your demon seed, Buddy-boy. Shove it up deep inside Daddy, mark up his walls….” “Come on, Son. Tag me, boy. Whitewash my insides and go.” And he did. He howled and jerked and thrashed and fucked, pumping a nights worth of pent up ball juice up deep inside my worn and battered bowels. Despite the drugs and the piss and the bruised tissue inside me, I could swear I felt his goop fire up into my stomach- wad after wad of backed up baby-batter, spewing all over my insides, as he tried to hammer it and mash it into my tender mucus membranes. He grunted and groaned and dumped and grunted. The men behind him where congratulating him, telling him what a good father he’ll be, and how he was the perfect carrier for their toxic waste. Their words helped him slow down a little as he tried to catch his breath. Bear #1 asked him a question and he nodded. “Do it now,” said the Bear 1, “Do it now so we can be done with him.” My mind couldn’t quite grasp what had been said, but it didn’t matter. Something happening in the pit of my stomach held my attention. Fire down below. The pressure of pent up piss began to increase at a gut churning rate. My asshole bit down on the base of his prick but it didn’t stop the swelling inside me. His fever burned my bowels once again. The hot flashes of his piss blending together with the bear’s set me spinning. The shitty six pack enema the boy drank earlier had worked its way down his throat and into his bladder in a very short time, and as my stomach began to buckle, I tried pointing to my towel. I tried to focus on all of the grinning whiskers that looked down around me. “For my boy” I whispered, and Bear 1 seemed to hear. My throbbing, bruised prostate, my heart, my brain, my eyeballs, my tongue all floated in a sea of warm, noxious piss. Words weren’t forming, just wave after wave of stinky, stale salt-water, pushing into me as it soaked into my bloodstream, absorbed through my lining of my bowels. “Good boy” was all that I could get out, when Pooh returned with the other baggy full of Tina, Timmy’s shiny face lit up like a little cherub on Christmas day, grinning at the sight of all the snow still waiting for him in his bag. “Wait ‘til you get him to the barn,” I tried to say to his new pals… his brothers.. in law, if I was really remembering their plans… “Good luck with the triplet’s… don’t clamp down when Mr. Ed cums or you’ll…. Kill your self.” “Too late,” Master Mike chuckled. As he removed his rod from my Honey Bucket, he very gently slipped the fat plug back in its place. Stretching over my body, laying his smooth sweat soaked skin on my furry bloated belly, Timmy tried to kiss me, but I wasn’t going to let the little fuck-hole embarrass himself in front of his new friends. “Jesus mother Fucking Christ,” I said so they all could hear me, “Your breath smells like you’ve already blown the whole fucking kennel.” The kid stopped and smiled. Slapping his palm on my forehead, he pushed my head back, stuffed his nose in my mouth and gave a mighty blow. Before they left, I asked them to turn on the porn and shut the door. They invited me to join them, but I knew if I did, I’d end up trying to steal the spotted donkey dong form the hungry boy’s cunt-mouth. Laying on my back with my swollen dick of death pointing like rock hard arrow up at my chin, I marinated, lost in the clamping and relaxing of my aching gut-ring, wrapped round the fat pacifier, holding back the jizz of ten men and two massive dogs, along with the piss of a bear and a boy. My convulsing heart beat caused the plug to hump me with little conscious effort. I rubbed my swollen, bloated belly, and basted, savoring the warm, salty-sour mixture of canine ejaculate and bitter Tina dripping down the back of my throat, just waiting for another second wind.
    1 point
  45. enema enema enema enema enema
    1 point
  46. four weeks later I returned to SF. I finished my meetings late Thursday afternoon and headed right over to Dan's as we had planned. Just like the last time I was greeted at the door and led to his bedroom. Before I could say more than hello he grabbed the back of my head and pulled my mouth to his. He pushed a pill into my mouth grabbed a bottle of water and pushed it in with his tounge. It wasn't long before we were enjoying each others body feeling the closeness only x could provide. By the time the effect wore off I had opened my mouth, legs, ass, and mind. My deepest and most twisted thoughts, desires, and fantasies had been shared with a man who I barely knew but wanted to trust. Dan then gently put his hand on the back of my head and guided my mouth to his soft cock. I opened my mouth and started to suck. He told me to just hold it without sucking. Slowly warm piss started to fill my mouth as he said "Swallow it". He emptied hiss bladder down my throat and asked if this satisfied one of my desires. He knew it did. Then he sent me off to the bathroom and told me too clean up and take a long hot shower. As I showered I started to feel buzzed again. Having learned my new friend was a hardcore partier/business man I knew the buzz came from a gut of high octane chem piss. Back in the bedroom Dan had wasted no time getting ready for a long night. The familiar bag on ther night stand was open and I saw what looked like 15 premade rigs, poppers, lube, straps, and alcohol swabs. My dick started to get hard and my ass started to twitch at the sight of bags contents. I put on a jockstrap, sat on the bed and offered up my arm. "Nope" he said. "If your gonna be a slam pig you gotta learn to hit yourself" We spent the next hour going through all the do's and don't of proper admin. As I watch him show me step by step my feelings for Dan grew stronger as his careful and articulate intructions came from a caring place. After a few bumbled attemps I figured it out and was on my way to pigdom as we timed our hits and started a hot pig session that ended with his dirty seed in my ass. As I cleaned my assjuice off his cock he unloaded another chem charged load of piss down my throat. He then sent the short video of me getting barebacked to a few of his buddies and within minutes had two offers from bareback tops to join us. It wasn't more than 30 minutes when the door rang. Dan returned to the bedrooom with two leathermen who had the hardparty look to them. Dan sat them down and they watched me follow his instructions. A perfect hit earned me an "attaboy" from Dan. As I sat back on the bed with my arm above my head I let out a couple dry coughs. My eyes were fixated on the sight of 3 hot men tied off and ready to fly. With the fisrt hit done the younger of the two started to undress. 45, mediterranean, 6', 175, some hair on his chest and a biohaz tat on shoulder. A thick uncut cock hung down soft until he started to stroke it. Kicked back in the chair he asked me if I wanted his raw cock in my hole. "Fuck yeah" i said and to that he came to the bed as I laid back and spread my legs. Dan watched from the other side of the room with his other buddy as I opened my legs and ass to a total stranger. I was so spun the thought of taking a poz load didn't matter or to be honest was what I craved. Using the cum I had in my ass as lube he pushed his hard cock inside me and pumped my ass. I watched is cock slide in and out with ease. I felt his balls slap against my ass as he held my arms back behind my head. Within a few minutes I felt his cock start to violently thrust as he shot a load deep in my ass. The warmth was followed by a rush that flowed through me. As he pulled out Dan told me to clean off his buddies dick which I happily did.
    1 point
  47. There's two that things really turn me on: a hole full of other men's cum and a very verbal bottom who gets off on POZ/AIDS talk during sex. I fucked a guy a couple weekends ago, during Gay Days here in Orlando, and he kept saying stuff like: "I can't wait for you to shoot your charged seed in my ass and REINFECT me... I want you to give me everything you got just like I'm going to give you everything else I got from the guys who fucked me before you... I want to be left med-resistant by the time this weekend is over... Shoot your AIDS juice deep inside me..." Goes without saying that I was in total bliss. He was young, very attractive, and clean cut. Certainly not the type of guy you expect that trash talk from, just by looking at him. He's raised the bar for me and now it's all I want to talk about while I'm fucking anyone. For me, POZ/AIDS talk during sex has become as fundamental as poppers. They definitely make the sex a whole lot hotter.
    1 point
  48. Got fucked by one of the interns I work with. He's 19, probably about 6' tight athletic body with real muscular thighs and a thick 7.5'' uncut cock. He's been giving me looks at work and hit on me earlier in the week and so I had him over after work today. Fucked me with a rubber that wound up splitting& Wound up with some of his load in me
    1 point
  49. Last night, had an awesome 8c white straight pole allow me to blow him blindfolded for an hour or so and then he put me on my back, said "lube me up" and then proceeded to fuck hard for a bit... This guy kept calling me a slut and nasty pig & that he was using my hole. He asked, "where do you want this load"... it was hot. After, I kept it in all night... it was big load for sure. HOT!
    1 point
  50. I think it's better to clean yourself out first. I did before I met a top one night. Had no idea we were going to do piss anyways but cleaned my hole out nice and well regardless of what would be done (besides me being done). One of the first things he did was piss fuck my hole. Damn it was so hot. I'll admit I'm not a fan of shower shots and cleaning myself but something about that warm piss going up inside me reminding me of how earlier I was getting myself nice and clean for the top felt right. He let me use the restroom immediately though (thank god) and continued to fuck me, breed me, piss in, and repeat several times over. Damn good night. ..I guess the thing to really know about a piss enema is once it's up there it's going to need to come out soon and fast. Try to be somewhere convinent nearby if he is going to piss in your ass. Unless he wants to breed you that way
    1 point
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