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About WhOregon

  • Birthday 10/03/1972

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland Oregon
  • Interests
  • Role
  • Background
    A very sheltered queer kid making up for lost time in his 40’s
  • Looking For
    Dirty minded men to corrupt me

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    telegram- PDXDAVE

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  1. Hey. I’m in Portland. Message me on Telegram ManKinkWhore or see my profile by the same name in Newtumbl.com and message me there. Love to chat!

  2. Text me sometime..30 y old across the river from you..3604489117

  3. Anyone from Breeding Zone Lazy Bottom only guys Eternal text threads going nowhere Guys who seem more interested in drugs than sex Guys who are more interested in getting pics than talking about sex One text per day to make a plan
  4. Hot Profile 😜

    1. WhOregon


      Thanks. I’ve had profiles here before & we’ve chatted. Your photo hasn’t changed so I’m able to recognize you. You were always begging for dirty loads but were never available, or always moving or changing the plan. This site is full of guys pretending to go after something they’re not really willing to get. That seems to be your MO too. 

    2. tprbttm4u


      I got blood slammed and it 3 Toxic loads this morning ☺️

  5. This shitty site won’t let me do anything here, so I will stop trying. 


    1. viking8x6


      It's an old-school discussion forum. If you expect it to be anything else, you will find it frustrating. If that's what you're looking for, I recommend you stick with it - the community here is really great.

      I will agree it's rough at first with the restricted privileges. If you want to get past that, the fastest way is to make some thoughtful contributing posts in the discussion areas.

    2. WhOregon


      I get it, but if I’m only allowed to post a couple times a day, can’t react to things & can’t message, I’m not likely to spend much time here. This is the only forum based site (of any kind) that puts such restrictions on Users. 

      Run your site how you want, just know just know it’s a turn off to many Users who could be participating more and building up your forums more - if you’d let us. 


  6. Fabulous and Beautiful Profile picture - making me Hungry - Perfection COCK ! Thinking of a Beautiful HOT action being used in Public - breeding and seeding me while standing up - my erection bouncing for joy !   or being in a Movie theater bent over in the seat in front of me - while others enjoying watching being laid !

  7. If I have one fetish- it’s weird guys. step aside muscle guys, leather daddies, drag, twink, gymbod, tattooed cliches of gayness - Make way for the WEIRD GUYS! Original cartoon Aquaman Dr Spencer Reed Cousin Randy My mailman (when he’s wearing THOSE socks) That guy in FREAKS with no limbs who rolls his own cigarette.
  8. I don’t rim. I EAT ASS! Me lying down with a pillow under my head. Him squatting on my face - balls on chin, tongue deeper than he’s ever had it.
  9. @oregonverse I’m very interested. Please email me at Wallace51041@gmail.com 


    We could have a lot of fun

  10. Since Admin forbid so many users from messaging each other, putting e-mail addresses out there makes sense.
  11. PDXDAVE on Telegram very interested!
  12. YES - these restrictions seem completely arbitrary! How long does it take to see that a regular user isn’t spam? Why would any site prohibit users from taking to each other? If BZ said - after x-many weeks, or y-many posts - sure. But all they say is - LATER/indefinitely. Huh?
  13. Since Breeding Zone won’t let most users send messages or communicate with each other on this site, please email me - wallace51041@gmail.com 

  14. I understand trying to minimize spam, but if Users can’t communicate with each other - half of the point of being here is gone, and I’m less likely to spend time here.
  15. Hey pig - it’s Dave in Portland- heading to a scat sex breakfast then to a day of bug sharing - wish you were here.

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