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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. let me share this I was reading your story together with my bf and he commented "I had no guts to escape from honeymoon like the character did" And I said "I had no guts to force you out from that cage too"
  2. Cutie! I was just worried for you.

  3. Sequel or prequel? I really don't know how to develop my new "pozworld" story.

    1. PozBearWI


      Follow your gut.  You'll develop it into a great story

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      last time I wrote one with my ass at least it seemed as such. So I gave it up

  4. Oh fuck! It's almost like my "pozworld" - the only difference is that "pozworld" is an entire city (ambitious to become a state) but poz citizens have the same strain. And negative folks have no public rights -vote included- until they earn their conversion badge. I hope to develop it more in 2024 than I did in 2022. I'm really curious for you to continue the story, with James initiation and eventually him to recruit a neg chaser Btw, welcome back! So glad to find you here again. Up to poz dirty talk anytime as usual.
  5. 21. And I do not feel to be ashamed or something; AIDS fear and conservative family blocked me from having experiences more intimate than kisses and occasional penis-hand contact. Btw it's been an experience I still remember - painful but intense, the guy respected (and respects) me we're still in contact. It was safe, with condom then! Being an adult already I was perfectly aware about what I was doing.
  6. STD'S different than pozzing - rules clearly explain fetish for sexual infections (discharge, warts and that stuff) isn't allowed.
  7. Illegal, and disgusting! I do my best to be kind to everyone but hearing about people mistreating animals or training them for their own sexual pleasure, makes me become violent. Animals and minors. I also remember something similar it concerned two Rottweilers and I immediately reported it to mods.
  8. I must plan it, taking my experience and exaggerating it into fiction.
  9. maybe it's going to rain - I've never talked so serious on Breeding Zone like these last days.

  10. Oh, such a shame this author doesn't log in here any longer; we have so much in common! This is the kind of stories I like. When two partners bond with each others, although I'd never pretend roleplaying for pozzing in real. Anyways I've done the opposite: saying to my ex I was pozzing him in real but I was faking I just changed meds timetable and took them out of his sight. Reverse stealthing my abuser has been the most intense experience I had, humiliating the man who used me for years. Could come out a fiction from this? Who knows, 2024 is still so long!
  11. I have no experience about Texas social backgrounds and cultures but, talking generally about "diversity equiti inclusion" I'm quite upset, scared, about bans. Banning these programs is, let's say, extreme; of course sometimes they need a change, but ban? No sense! For the matter of meritocracy I also could agree but this is not a fact of "DEI" but people's minds should need a "hard reset" like computers as in some situations we mostly tend to "forgive" something that wouldn't deserve to be forgiven, because we fear being judged assholes after having been unpolite to a person representing a "minority". I could give you a stupid example: one of my closest friends is totally blind and last year I invited them at my place to have dinner, a talk, some piano play... I've studied piano for years and love playing, so I said "try yourself, you've also played in your life, let's have fun" My friend tried and my answer has been "not bad, for a person who hasn't played any longer in 11 years". I could have simply said "you should train again, do more exercise, your fingers are quite rigid" but I've been afraid to humiliate, despite knowing this person for years. I think that if this is the mindset adopted for a DEI program, that one would miserably fail. Or I could refer to another friend who's deaf - he works in a company which has a long-time DEI program but guess what? No subtitle or at least written support, when they have meetings, calls, events - also the ones regarding DEI. Too easy to join prides, "black live matters", talk about fighting gender gap and violence, but then... I have the sensation many people treat inclusion and diversity like something to show rather than something to do. At last, merit is a valid thing but when "merit" chooses the healthy, straight and white man rather than the woman, person with disability, gay or whatever... It becomes a biased selection and always the same people are left behind. And the opposite sucks too: if you select, for a university or a job, a person for their "diversity" regardless of their real skills, it becomes a failure. I experienced this myself when I came out with my HIV status at work. It was my deliberate choice, nothing mandatory. Luckily I had no discrimination then, but I've had some co-workers treating me differently. With more admiration than before. But why the fuck! I think these kinds of "exaggerations" can make "people with nothing in particular" feel the complex of "minority" and make them freak out. In that case though, I say "welcome on board" as white-straight-male-rich is a combo that has dominated the world for centuries... Despite being the minority!
  12. And pleased to chat again when we have the chance! When I joined here I thought not to be appreciated at all; and I'm happy there are several folks respecting me and on occasion even playfully flirt me!
  13. Hey, cutie! 😉💞🤗😘😘😘☣️

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      how's my girl today?

    3. TransfemmeNflkUK


      I am well thank you. Just currently doing housework and chasing the puppies out to do their business, then “window” shopping for essential items of clothing needed as I had a proper clear out of things I hadn’t worn in a while because they were the clothes I wore before I started this journey.


      how is you lovely man?

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      Just took a long walk with my bf and now going back home for lunch

      You deserve to be well clothed, cutie!

  14. New year started full of big SURPRISES! Good surprises at the moment and it has just started!

  15. What are all these dangerous behaviours!!! Like, like . . . . Let's see... Smoking in bed!!!! 😮😂😂😂🤗🔥🔥🔥☣️🤣
  16. maybe we cry together. Never talked directly, never confronted on anything here but now let's experience this common feeling and let it flow.
  17. Many story details were a coincidence with something he told me privately. Of course I won't share them. And, a couple chapters before completion, he told me "this one will be completed! For sure!" We loved each other and he knew it
  18. sounds strange but I had no dirty talk in 2024 yet! Am I turning serious? Hope not!!!

  19. thanks for follow! My virus and I welcome you 

  20. I had the sensation this wasn't a fiction story but a farewell - after my sensation got confirmation I never had guts to bring it up again. I still remember him, at this time last year he was comforting me because I learnt about a painful event during new year's eve. He's pushed me forward to take the right decisions then.
  21. Train my partner's hole to take my hand... Maybe open our couple? Not certain about this but never excluded. Modify my mother's vacation house, now mine, removing everything from the past and maybe build a sex room in the cellar. Lots of inspirations even from here!
  22. I am sorry, when I read this I was in sexless mood re-organizing new year's celebration because of a sudden plan change. But, now let me say WTF! Longing for next one - I expect a good family reunion (then, are lewis and ryan converting? Or have I missed it?)
  23. Celebrated new year with an unwanted and unplanned homophobic guest. Well, at midnight I've hugged my guy and planted a passionate kiss on his lips in front of the fucker then shouted "happy new year". 

  24. Happy to hear this... We might playfully flirt in other places here around 🤗😉😘🔥
  25. Hey! Love this - as you mentioned me in the crushes topic! Very intriguing if you have a crush on me!

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