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Everything posted by SlampaBay

  1. Lucky boy. Lucky dad. And lucky us. More, please!
  2. And by the way, what is YOUR source of information, especially for things like “70%”?
  3. When, as the #1 power in the world, we realized that we were PART of the world and had to take responsibility as such. There is plenty of aspects that Washington, Adams, Franklin, et al didn’t take into consideration when they were figuring out our new country’s government. They had their hands busy and couldn’t imagine a future such as ours. If they had they would have been overwhelmed. And likely more specific when crafting some of their work.
  4. Yeah, I get that there are others mentioned to look forward to, but at this point (at least after the friend Steve leaves for work) there are only 3 in the room/scene- the straight narrator and his 2 stealthy hosts. Or am I wrong? Did someone else show up? And I’m letting it all go cuz otherwise this is a hot fucking story and I got too much lube on my hands to be typing.
  5. Does cock in my throat count?
  6. But how many of the most vulnerable and maginalized will be lost in the meantime?
  7. Me too! Even now after the holiday I’d still be up for more of Baby Boy’s Xmas. Last I heard hereforfiction was eager to continue but was caught up in the state-by-state blockages of adult content.
  8. I don't know if i could have any ideas to offer that are better than what you're coming up with. Excellent hot AF POZ story.
  9. I bet if all us naughty boys wished really, really hard for it that there might be a new chapter for us under the tree cum Christmas morning... Maybe if you sit on his lap and asked him Santa would get it done.
  10. I know i shouldn't laugh. Patricide is a terrible thing. But I can't help it. 😂🤣😂🤣
  11. I'm the spirit of the season, and out of appreciation for the exceptional, if unfinished, story, i wanted to bring this one back to the top of the list. Happy Fucking Christmas friends!
  12. I’m following him down into deeper and darker pleasures and loving every fckn MOMENT OF IT ! Thank you.
  13. When did a "Thanks" constitute small talk? Just wondering. I mean, if a Top inspired me to feel like a sub/whore them i feel like i should thank HIM. And usually i do. But I'm surprised when they leave with a smack on the ass.
  14. But i remember the ESC back when the WSC first opened. All the Chelsea boys left the place like lemmings and what was left were the men who wanted to fuck, party and have fun. Probably where i picked up the gift.
  15. Exactly what i was thinking. Same dimmer, same white glove light fixture in the same location and the same gray walls as the WSC. And the downstairs cabins didn't get nearly the traffic that the upstairs rooms got.
  16. Lots of it on Twitter you say? Please share the link if you can, either here or privately.
  17. Hear! Hear! And I don't care if they speak English. Talking dirty in any language is easily understandable and just as HOT.
  18. Me! I did! First time in 3 weeks, too! And the only reason I remember that date is cuz it was a lost loved one's b-day and I slutted out in their memory.
  19. I used to freeze cum into popsicles. It's what I'd do with half of the bowl, especially if it was charged cum. I'd use a paper straw instead of the stick and drop a nice share into the straw to get that nice burn for a finale.
  20. What “continuing”? This is exactly what we’ve had all along. This feels like someone is taking credit for someone else’s work, considering how long it’s been since it was (re)posted and hasn’t been continued. And I was so excited that someone had taken up the task of continuing one of my favorite orphaned stories.
  21. Also, in my experience, married men are usually grateful, which is not as prevalent in some circles as one might think.
  22. I'm sorry. Am i missing something? Isn't this the original first chapter that we already have? What's been added?
  23. Terrific one-off !
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