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Everything posted by einathens

  1. here is the official site for the 15-minute film: http://www.salbardo.com/chaser.php and here is a quote from the film's indiegogo fundraising page: "As HIV shifts from a life-threatening disease to a manageable "condition," the number of gay men practicing unsafe sex, both out of recklessness and self-injury, continues to grow. We need your help to raise awareness about the alarming complacency surrounding the issue of HIV/AIDS today. As filmmakers, we're not interested in making a judgment about anyone's behavior. Instead, our goal is to start a dialogue about the increasing number of people practicing unsafe sex and ask one simple question: Why?" note that they raised $11,619 of their $20k goal.
  2. you haven't moved on. be active, not passive. unfriend him. block his number and email.
  3. concentrate on what made you love him in the first place. anyone can find one-time cock; men who stick around can be much more rare. prior to your present, had you discussed such a scenario with him, or does he just know you well enough to figure it out? had you two ever done 3ways or group scenes before? i love a good gangbang and i'm familiar with how exhilarating it can be to take on dozens of men. what those situations offer lack is true intimacy and emotional connection (especially if you're blindfolded and earplugged), which is what you get from your partner. personally, i think that not knowing which of your friends fucked you and which know what a cockslut you are is kinda hot. being able to smile at what a whore you are is a good thing. some men freak out and feel guilty and ashamed when confronted with that knowledge. i think you should be glad that your partner was able to bring it out in you and give it to you for one night. some men never get that. and you do have a birthday every year.....
  4. einathens


    i've never understood rigid positionists, those who boast of being 100% top or bottom. be who you are, of course, but why would anyone willingly reject half of the options available? i don't get it. i do have phases where i bottom 90% of the time or top exclusively for a week or two, but then the mood changes or opportunity presents itself and the dom top turns into an aggressive butch bottom for the weekend, or that sweet pussyboy spends the afternoon pounding my hole until i can't take it anymore. it's all the better because it's unexpected. topping makes you a better bottom, and vice versa. never let yourself be forced or coerced into doing anything sexual you don't want to do, but recognize that what you want can change, even just for a few minutes, and be willing to explore those changes. sex is when we are our true selves, and few of is are just one thing. enjoy all the parts of yourself whenever you have the chance. if nothing else, being versatile doubles your chance of getting laid.
  5. @fuckboy20: the next time you want some ass, let me know. i'd love to swap loads with you.
  6. i get all my ggod underwear from guys i have sex with. when they pick them up off the floor to get dressed, i say 'i'm keeping those. ' of course i offer them mine in exchange.
  7. all men are beautiful in the dark. it's only when the lights go on that the superficial judgments begin.
  8. how do you know the guy's not pityfucking you?
  9. first, i hope you've learned that if you're gonna do drugs and have sex with guys off the internet, have them bring the drugs with them and reimburse them when they arrive. second, your lawyer should notify the moderator of the hookup site where you first met the guy. you may not be his only potential victim.
  10. for some reason i'm under the impression that a recent flu shot can give a false positive result when getting an hiv test.
  11. antonio biaggi is my current porn crush. he has a great scene in TIM's new vid 'damaged goods.' who knew he'd be so good with the hot wax and the tawse? just makes me love him more.
  12. or you could call it __________, part 2. then people can scroll back and reread the first part if they want.
  13. i don't understand the logic that if there are gay men present, there must be techno. be it sexclub, private party or 1-on-1, i prefer to hear the sex, not the beat that someone else thinks i should be fucking to.
  14. i remember this story from the bugtales section of the old bugshare. it was one of my favorites.
  15. i'm about to go off into the woods on the land of a man i don't know to help a buddy get fucked by a dog at 2am.
  16. what can you say? how about 'goodbye'?
  17. why would you want to be friends with an overbearing, indifferent, insulting sponge?
  18. stealth: the act or action of proceeding furtively, secretly, or imperceptibly the over-riding point is that you don't have the right to presume to know what's in someone else's mind, or to project what you think should be in it. if they don't ask for a condom, don't use one if you don't want to. but if they demand one, your options are to agree to use it (and then actually use it without sabotage or subterfuge) or to move on. lying is simply wrong.
  19. form this and other posts, i would suggest that if it's on again/off again, has to be a certain type of guy, the sex has to be great, and you're able to move quickly to totally indifferent, then you probably weren't totally in love in the first place. love hurts when it leaves.
  20. i have no game whatsoever. i'm more the 'nice shoes. wanna fuck?' type. when asked in bars, i will reluctantly admit that, yes, my IQ is in the low 170s, no, i am not freakishly overendowed (almost, but not quite), and yes, if i chose to i could probably suckstart a greyhound bus. but i wait until i'm asked.
  21. you can't change the way that you feel, but you can change the way that you act. it's an on/off long distance relationship. keep it off and maintain the distance. you realize that he's wrong for you, and a moment of attention from him changes your mind. he tells you that the relationship is toxic and the time is wrong. how much more clear can he be? he tells you he misses you. so what? i bet he only misses the sex. my advice is block his number and delete his messages without reading them. it'll hurt for a while but it's better to move forward alone than to circle the drain with the wrong guy.
  22. i always wondered about that scorpion. when you rub it and talk dirty does it turn into a lobster?
  23. my point was that gay men who chose the adjective 'straight-acting' instead of just saying 'masculine' or whatever are self-identifying with those who by and large still seek to oppress, beat, deny and sometimes even kill us. there is a gay culture. it is up to us to define it for ourselves, not for them to define it for us. and don't get me started on gay men who use the term 'faggot.'
  24. how straight-acting can you be if you're seeking sex with men? the accent is on the acting, and i don't participate with men who feel the need to pretend to be something they're not or think they have to fool the world. they're only fooling themselves. i won't play along with self-hate or internalized homophobia. and as for all of them being 18-30 and having above-average penises, welcome to the internet. i once posted the following ad: 6ft4, 225 lb, 27yo versatile blond/green hairychested weightlifter/neurosurgeon millionaire with 14" uncut veiny throbber and balls like grapefruits ISO LTR with same. fakes need not apply. an apallinging number of men didn't realize it was a joke.
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