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About Wombat2765

  • Birthday 05/01/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
  • Interests
    Raw Breeding taking Poz loads.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    Looking for a Poz Daddy to convert me.

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  1. 357 has closed. The building was sold. The owners have taken over the old Bodyline Sauna. It is much smaller and gets very crowded Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.
  2. I wish the developers at least responded to my error reports. I did the updates and still had the same problem, so I deleted the app. I think I will keep using my spreadsheet.
  3. Like Qaniker said above my app stopped working about 5 weeks ago. I have sent the error messages to the developer and nothing happens, not even an acknowledgement. I have gone back to my excel spreadsheet. Seems to be the only thing that can be relied upon.
  4. Yes I feel very masculine when I bottom. I takes a real Man to let another Man use his arse as he sees fit. The top is in control.
  5. Can't wait for the next part. Please keep writing.
  6. Absolutely I would. And like kckinkybtm said above, If he wanted to convert me I wouldn't have a problem with that either.
  7. Level 2 until PrEP 2019 Level 6 Since 2019
  8. I like to absorb the gift of cum. There is not greater gift a Man can give another Man that his seed. But there has been the occasion where I have had no control over keeping it in. I don't let my top see that I have lost his load.
  9. I am versatile so I like to exchange loads. When I am bottoming, I want the load.
  10. I caught up with a FB yesterday who I haven't been able to catchup with for a while. Pumped two loads into him and sent him on his way.
  11. Cum, is my first choice, followed by spit. My favourite lube is Admiral Cum. It doesn't get sticky like most others and it looks like cum
  12. I never used to. But since deciding that I want to join the Brotherhood, I ask prospective Tops. As a top I am never asked so don’t provide the information.
  13. I am 57. I have been lurking here on BZ for a few years and finally joined January this year. I was a late bloomer in that I didn’t accept my sexuality until my early 30s. I was in a previous monogamous relationship which became sexless and boring. I am now in an open relationship with a very loving partner (11 years). It started out as monogamous, but we both realised that we that we have different sexual kinks and desires. Why limit yourself to vanilla ice-cream when you can have the entire ice-cream shop. We both encourage each other to play around. We don’t play together. I really enjoy reading the blogs and stories. I am now seriously considering becoming part of the Brotherhood and having my own brood of “Sons”. My partner doesn’t know I am here or that I am seriously considering join the brotherhood. We don’t have sex together anymore. Any advise on bring up the subject would be appreciated.
  14. Just an update, I did a home test - Negative. Viking8X6 was right
  15. Yes I do. It was the late 90's. It was a hookup from one of the phone line hookups lines back in the day. He came to my place. I recognised him from the petrol station that I got fuel from. Always thought he was hot. He was late 20's, tall, blond hair, blue eyes, muscular surfy dude with a big dick. It hurt like hell as we were using condoms and he went balls deep in the first thrust.
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