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Everything posted by phillygwm

  1. A question for the cumdumps: Have you ever been recognized outside of the bathhouse/club? That is, somewhere that isn't an inherently sexual environment. What happened? The only dump I knew personally told me he never saw anyone because he'd keep his door open and be laying face down, a pillow elevating his ass a bit, and legs open. He wouldn't be able to see anyone if he wanted to and it was unlikely one of his breeders would identify him from the back of his head 🙂 But I assume some of you prefer seeing the guy fucking you. What then?
  2. I'd agree. I don't like either extreme. As I've gotten older, I just try to stay inside when it's super hot or cold. As for the snow, I live in a HOA where they shovel the common areas so I'm responsible for maybe 15 feet from my door to the sidewalk. I tend to be an inertia kind of guy so it won't surprise me if I stay here, or at least in the general area, through retirement. But it's fun to think about other possibilities. I've only spent a few 2 week vacations in Thailand (a friend had a long distance BF.) I recall it being hotter than hell. It was a great value, especially at the time when the Baht was very weak. Language can be an issue there. People spoke enough broken English for me to get by but that was in the touristy areas. Also the government doesn't seem to be especially stable. I was never there for the demonstrations/coups, but there seem to be a fair amount. Similar to the US, there's a split between city and rural areas.
  3. Friends and I were on a cruise a few years ago and I made it a point to meet up with my friend for lunch on the beach. He told me all the places to get laid but I was only there for the day and I was with friends, so it just didn't lend itself to the opportunity. I liked it, but it was a fraction of day; not enough to decide to spend my life there 🙂
  4. I usually tolerate winter, though I don't love it. OTOH, I'm not a fan of July in South Florida, either. I just had this conversation with a friend. I'm probably not retiring for a couple years, unless someone wants to give me a nice severance package 🙂 That's still early 60's, though. I have a HS friend who moved to Puerto Vallarta and loves it. BUT he speaks reasonable Spanish. You can probably survive on English in a resort city but the home language is helpful. If I were ever to relocate, it would be somewhere I could maintain a higher standard of living. I never thought about it too seriously, just sort of like how people who aren't looking to move peruse real estate listings for fun. But given the political environment, while I'm not panicking, I'm thinking about it slightly more than I did a year ago.
  5. I'm in my late 50's. I technically already have my retirement number but want to pad it a bit more. I won't work until 67 but looking at early 60's. I'm starting to think about where. I can stay where I am, which is probably my default setting. But if I were to move, where would it be? I've always considered myself politically moderate, but the cheapest alternatives tend to be in MAGAland, which I'm not sure I can handle. This. A friend talked about moving to Thailand. We visited decades ago as tourists and I knew, while it was fun for a couple weeks, there were too many negatives to make it permanent (being halfway around the world from home, language, and climate, for starters.) English speaking Europe is nice but not sure it's much cheaper than the US. I don't speak any languages, aside from English, and I'm concerned about infrastructure so I'd really want to do a short term lease if I went somewhere in, say, Mexico or Belize.
  6. It isn't that black or white, pun intended. I'm white. I've been with black guys, white guys, Latino, Asian, etc. It honestly depends on the guy. I was in my late teens before I even saw a non-white cock and that wasn't sexual so in my 20's I preferred races other than my own. Nowadays, I like younger and cleancut/nerdy types (not a lot of tatts/piercings/facial hair.) I've always had a thing for uncut guys -- again, I was an adult before I even saw one -- so in the US that usually means Latino or Asian but that's certainly not a prerequisite.
  7. I'm over 55 and have been single for most of my life. That isn't the way I planned things, just the way they've worked out. I'll disagree with the premise of the question: Being in love and being a whore are not mutually exclusive. Sure, there will be guys for whom non-monogamy is a deal breaker. But there are many guys on the apps who say they're in happy -- but open -- relationships. I won't say that I've given up on the possibility of finding a relationship but I'm no longer fixated on it. I'm probably too picky and if that's the case, so be it. If it happens, it happens.
  8. It occurred to me that I never introduced myself on here (I did on the Philly group but obviously not everyone reads that.) Late 50's, top though orally vers, now living in the Philadelphia suburbs. Recognizing this isn't really a hookup site, I'd be open to exchanging messages/pics and possibly meeting the right guy. Typically into younger, slim guys within a reasonable distance.
  9. I've only fisted once -- it was a sexual bucket list thing -- but he took 2/3 to my elbow. When we were done (because my arm literally fell asleep,) he wanted me to fuck him. He was so gaped that wasn't gonna work but he was a headmaster, so it was all good. I've been with 1-2 other guys where I got close (4 fingers) but never the thumb.
  10. Me ex used to run to the bathroom immediately after I pulled out. He explained that he hated the feeling of liquified cum dripping out. I often tried to unload when we were pressed for time, so he had no opportunity to squeeze it out. Based on what he said, it felt like a lot more cum than there was and he thought it would leak through his pants and be visible to anyone looking at him. It never did, but I'd sometimes ask "What's that spot on your pants" if I wanted to throw him into a panic. Why no, I have no idea why I'm single 🙂
  11. Or your name on your twitter tab 🙂
  12. I chose reproductive even though I've never ejaculated in a woman. When I'm topping a guy, I want to unload as deeply as possible. Why? I'm not sure it's inherently more pleasurable than cumming some other way so maybe it's some instinctual thing. Skipping to the last question, I think the answer is usually non-reproductive considerations, depending on the guy. Most younger, unmarried guys absolutely do NOT want to get a female pregnant. People fuck because they find someone physically attractive. There is certainly an emotional/romantic component for some but I suspect if you went to the local cruising spot or sex club, that isn't their primary objective. Obviously, sometimes straights are trying to conceive but that's ideally a planned thing.
  13. Sorry to respond to an old thread but please elaborate. I'm guessing inmates can't choose which housing unit they want to live in -- or can they?
  14. That's the thing. It's the old adage "You can't rape the willing." If it happens to a top it's rape and he's probably not posting an arousing story about it.
  15. I never knew this was such a thing. As I posted earlier, I know I enjoyed it but had no idea so many other tops do,
  16. I agree with others who say that strangers are unpredictable. It MIGHT be hot or maybe a dud. Plus, and this is just me, I don't like the hunt. I want to walk in, fuck, cum, and leave. If I'm still horny after I cum, I might hang out a bit and go a second round but at my age that's less frequent than it was. With a regular, the excitement factor is less because it's generally predictable but the sex is usually better (otherwise, why is he a regular?)
  17. Back in the day, I spent many hours in the basement there. Haven't been back in years, though I thought about it. Looks like it might be closed now, though.
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  18. How long have you been together? Speaking firsthand, for someone who is used to "traditional/romantic" relationships, the idea of treating someone like the hole they are is a foreign concept. Especially if he wants to cuddle afterward 🤣 And it may be baby steps. So what to do? YOU'RE going to have to take charge, at least until he gets comfortable. Be verbal with him. Tell him you want to be treated like a cheap whore while he's fucking you. I realize that's diametrically opposed to what you want (i.e. you don't matter; it's all about him.) But he's way out of his comfort zone so you need to condition him to believe that you really want it and he isn't going to hurt you. And if he thinks your moans are pain, then don't moan. And remember, top does NOT equal dom. So if it's going to work, you'll probably have to compromise since he's not a natural dom and may not enjoy treating you like a Fleshlight. So you'll occasionally need to kiss and cuddle as the tradeoff.
  19. Before I started PrEP, I fucked a good number of guys who were HIV+, some of whom subsequently died (back in the late 80's/early 90s.) When my then BF told me he had pozzed and I did it to him, because I was the only person he'd been with, I took it for granted that I had and we broke up soon thereafter. I went years without going to a doctor, assuming I was poz and was going to die anyway, so it didn't bother me to fuck someone who was poz. One day it occurred to me that years had passed and I had no ill effects. I took a home test and -- surprise! -- I was negative. To your point, the chances of you getting infected as a top are less than if you're the cumdump...but that isn't zero.
  20. A guy's tongue is the only thing I want in my hole. I have rimmed guys (infrequently) but wouldn't do it in an anon situation. I joke that if I'm eating someone's ass, they're husband material.
  21. No. I have no issue with it but if I don't find a guy attractive I can't perform. And attractive guys generally don't have to pay for it. I've paid a few times, years ago, and usually in another country. I suppose I'm too cheap to spend hundreds of bucks just to get off but if it was a nominal amount "for gas and parking" (say ~$50) and he was going to do what I wanted then leave, I'd be OK with that. Actually, I'd love an arrangement like that. Frankly, if it saves me the trouble of trying to pick someone up at a bar (with the attendant costs there) it's well worthwhile.
  22. I've done this to a bottom before. He had a lightweight rape fantasy: I'd come into his unlocked apartment, he'd pretend to be asleep, etc. No problem. But then he wanted it over and over and it bored me. So I stepped it up a bit. Once when I came in, I immediately made him cum because I knew he was one of those guys who was "game over" after he came. Then I flipped him over and used him. I used his cum as lube, roughly pushing a couple fingers into his hole before fucking him. He tightened up and I really was just doing it to violate him. To be clear, I'd call it "quasi-rape": If he wanted to get away, he could have. And I wasn't going to rough him up or anything like that. But I knew he wasn't enjoying it and he was begging me to hurry up. That turned me on. After about 1/2 hour -- I usually don't last that long but when I felt myself getting close I stopped and put him in a different position -- I flipped him on his back, threw his legs in the air and pounded him. I'd fucked him dozens of times in that position but the other times were passionate. He usually loved looking deep into my eyes as I came but I knew he REALLY wasn't feeling it this time because he was trying not to look at me. So of course, I told him I wouldn't cum until he looked me in the eye. Finally I went balls deep and dumped my load. As he felt it, he had this look I would best describe as disgust. He asked why I did that and I told him "You asked to be raped!" We played many times after that but he never asked for that again. He later told me that he thought he was going to throw up when he felt my load which oddly turned me on.
  23. I found the comments above interesting. I'm a top, though orally vers. I've bred my share of guys over the years but if a guy has skills, I'd much prefer blowing my load down his throat. If it's a pump and dump, then anal is more practical; I'm in control of the pace and can finish quickly as needed. Oral with the right guy is more like a roller coaster ride. I'm largely not in control (unless I'm fucking a throat, of course) and the build-up is usually a lot more gradual, making the release more intense. The problem is not everyone can get me off orally so, if it isn't going to happen, I'd rather use his hole versus getting jerked off.
  24. Thanks for the response. Ironically, I just got a response to a post on the Europe board about my Iceland trip (alas, we'll be there at different times.) Some of the Caribbean is infamously anti-gay but wasn't sure of Bermuda. Haven't found much to this point, and if nothing develops that's fine. Both are cruises so perhaps I'll meet someone on the ships. I know the site doesn't really lend itself to hookups but hey, a guy can try 🙂
  25. Mid-July (7/17-19 IIRC) Then a week-long cruise ending in Rotterdam, and we're heading up to Amsterdam for a few days.
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