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Everything posted by C10H15N

  1. Jack and I were both 20 (1984). We met on one of those crappy phone chat lines. We sent each other photos via snail mail and finally met up in the city where he lived. He came over to my hotel room and we immediately ripped each others clothes off. After about an hour of making out and sucking, I was ready to give him my cherry. While not the best fuck of my life, it was the first and I will never forget it. Over the weekend we must have bareback fucked each other a half dozen or so times. I have no idea if I was his first, but he was definitely mine. We only got together one time after that, but it was not the same. About a year ago I saw him in a news article. He is from a politically connected family in this state and was making a rather futile run at public office. I have no desire to contact him now. I still have that photo of him as a cute Latin twink and the fond memories of our short but memorable encounters.
  2. If not wanting women to have anything to do with the thoughts, interest, execution, or expression of my sexuality is misogynistic, then so be it.
  3. Who said anything about lesbians? I'm talking about Third Wave Feminists who only see you as the Patriarchy. They don't give a fuck that you're gay.
  4. Sleazy adult bookstore / video arcade in Albuquerque NM. Drunk young Hispanic guy stuck his uncut cock through the glory hole into my booth. I had just slipped it into my mouth and my tongue inside his foreskin when he unloaded, pulled out, and took off. I'd say ten seconds tops. I got a nice treat, but I wanted more.
  5. Check out his gallery - He's hot as fuck in and out of his latex.
  6. Who we really are is now Toxic, Unacceptable, and Offensive. But never fear, Ze will fix that.
  7. I'm surprised the male only bathhouses have lasted as long as they have. COVID may the excuse the angry vaginas need to close them for good.
  8. I agree completely.
  9. The only fa I see right now is coming from the totalitarian far left. Don't be fooled into thinking this is a case of good against evil. It's just one set of assholes trying to seize power from another set of assholes.
  10. Little by little every bit of our history and identity as gay men is being eliminated in the name of political correctness. I guess if it's not worth remembering then it wasn't worth much to begin with.
  11. Lots of private fisting video, not much fucking.
  12. It just happened for me. My PrEP script has just gone generic and no longer requires a copay or copay card.
  13. When I was 8 with my 9 year old best friend. We learned together.
  14. If I know I’m going to be taking 8” or more, I damn sure do a full deep fisting clean out with my shower shot and Imodium. Anything less won’t be banging on my second letting the dogs out.
  15. Started fingering myself around six or seven. Worked up to toothbrush handles, hairbrush handles - whatever looked fun in the bathroom during my bath. Had my first orgasm at twelve and had something up my ass by my third jackoff session.
  16. A mixed race couple I know are into race play, but I couldn't join them. I'm not into it and when I tried to fake it I kept cracking up and ruining the mood.
  17. Nope. I was born this way - no choice in the matter. I have also never felt degraded having sex with anyone.
  18. Cut. Love foreskin. Wish I had mine.
  19. I have no use for them.
  20. You obviously know nothing about real conservatives .
  21. Old laws that are unenforceable remain on the books because nobody passes a law to get rid of them. At least the case that make homo sex legal nationwide (Lawrence v, Texas) has Texas in it forever. The original covenants of my subdivision written in the early sixties prohibit black people. This is, of course, unenforceable but it does remain in the legal documents.
  22. I'm too old and well off to not be fiscally conservative. I'd have to be poor or incredibly rich to afford to be a liberal.
  23. Yes. But I wish there was a better choice.
  24. What I like: He’s a businessman, not a corrupt career politician or from a political dynasty named Bush or Clinton. He’s beating the career politicians at their own game - especially the Democrats who have been sucking his dick for political contributions for decades. They all hate him for this. He’s destroying the lame stream media and exposing them as lying frauds. What I dislike: He’s a typical NYC asshole.
  25. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Trump is a Republican. He’s a life long New York Democrat who, like Bernie, ran as a Populist - he just did it on the Republican ticket. The GOP establishment hates him more than the Democrats.
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