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Everything posted by breedme420

  1. Hey bro...you look pretty damned hot! thanks for the friend add...hit me up!

  2. What an awesome way to get gifted! Just keep it in all night like that! Great story!
  3. That is a very hot, impressive way to get your first load! Mine was from my older brother and one of his buddies when our parents were out of town one weekend...and Im glad of it!
  4. Nothing wrong with starting that young at all! I was very young myself when I started taking cock and cum...dont regret any of it at all! Cant change things that happened in your past, so why regret anything youve done! And as drscorpio put it...people are always quick to judge... :-D
  5. I love tattoos...have several of my own (although Im still trying to earn my biotat...) and as for shaved heads, well, in my opinion lots of tats look better on guys with medium length to longer hair. But I wouldnt turn down a guy with a shaved head either!
  6. Great read! Keep em coming!
  7. One of the fetishes I have is DP...ive had a cock in my ass and one down my throat before, but I get really turned on by 2 dicks-1 hole. Although Ive never had the chance to take 2 up my ass at once, I would certainly love to!
  8. Hot breeding story! How many more loads did he give ya? LOL
  9. Good start! Cant wait to see where this goes, and how you wound up with a daughter out of it!
  10. From the very first time I had a cock explode in my mouth Ive swallowed. Ive always looked at it as "if the guys cum is in my mouth, why spit it out?" (Unless its going up his ass as lube, or a snowball!) been swallowing since I was a kid...why stop now! lol
  11. So far, great story! Cant wait for part 2!
  12. I try to absorb as much of it into me as I can.
  13. Great story so far! Cant hardly wait for the next part!
  14. Why delete it? Its a great story!
  15. I love the feeling of having the cock sliding in and out of my hole; but I also love the feeling of that twitching, pulsing, throbbing cock burried deep up in me as it shoots me full of his load...guess I like both!
  16. really hot fucking way to convert! Hope i get that kind of experience! Im still chasing...
  17. Some of the best comments Ive ever had were "Ive had hundreds of blowjobs from both guys and girls, and I usually dont even get hard from them; but that was in the top 5 blowjobs Ive ever had!" That was from a guy Id known for years, but had never had the chance to do anything with him until 1 night I finally got to give him head. He was also quite impressed that I had no issue swallowing and going for more. Another guy told me that when he blew his load up my ass that he'd "never had such a tight, hot hole," that made his cock "erupt like a Texas oil well." But my personal favorite was an ex bf who told me after the first time I fucked him: "FUCK!! Enough of a scuff to make me bleed and beg for more!" That one still makes me smile, and that was about 20 years ago! :-)
  18. Great story! Got me hard as hell while reading it, and that doesnt happen too often...just from reading! lol
  19. Damn hot story! Hope theres more like that!
  20. Great story, and if theres truth in it, I hope it takes!
  21. Im really interested in where this is going!
  22. All I can say to this one is WOW!
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