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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. Just got back home from a week in Berlin and still shitting out the cum. My bf asked how the trip went (it's an open relationship). When I started to tell the clean version of my visit, he rolled his eyes. When I started with the dirty version, he covered his ears. Ha! But I stopped at an electronics store in Berlin and bought him a new gadget. I guess that was guilt. Should have added a card saying, "babe, this is for all the dick I got that wasn't yours." About to go to him now and let him fuck what's left of my ass.
  2. Yes he does know but I'm strictly don't ask, don't tell. I don't think it's hot hearing about his sexcapades. He wants to know about mine but then can't handle it and gets jealous. So I keep my mouth shut. For us to be the sluts we are, it's rare that one of us catches anything.
  3. It's just fantasy talk. Trust me, nobody is doing anything to me that I don't expressly approve of. Being a guy built on a larger frame, I can back that up.
  4. I'm in Berlin at the moment and so far having a nice time. I've never had much luck with Grindr but today I scored a 24 yo, total top, with model looks, washboard abs and a 8 inch dick. We made out before he pushed me down on the bed and entered me. He fucked me with good, long strokes, flipped me over and fucked me some more. It wasn't long before he began to moan and started unloading in my ass. His dick stayed hard and he kept fucking, his cum the perfect lube. After he pulled out, I licked him clean. When he left, I pushed his load out and ate it. I've been singing show tunes, negro spirituals, skipping and whistling all day. He's got one of those dicks that make a bitch want to write a check! And it gets better. He left his sunglasses here by accident. When I texted him and told him that, he didn't even rush back. He was like "I'll get them tomorrow". I don't even want any more dick today. And I'm in BERLIN, okay? See this is what happens when a man hits the bottom of your vagina. You lose your damn mind.
  5. If I am horny and I've been fucked good (meaning my prostate is well massaged), I HAVE to cum or my balls start to feel like bowling balls. My nut sac becomes so tender and the pressure is such that I'm in pain if I don't cum.
  6. No answer IS an answer in my opinion, particularly if you've played with the guy before. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, in this day and age with all of this technology available, guys can pick and choose and there's not much that can be done about it. If it's not your dick or ass, trust me, another one is just a click away. Instead of getting all up in your feelings about it, just go with the flow. Guys who I've played with hit me up too and sometimes I just don't want their ass or their dick in that moment. Tomorrow or next week may be different. I think it hurts a guy's feelings more (this is me projecting now) to say I'm trolling for dick/ass right now, but not YOURS - than it is to stay silent. Try to give guys the benefit of the doubt. Getting all huffy with them will do nothing but get you blocked or further bumped down the list. There is a lot of competition out here so we unfortunately have to wait our turn and wait for our buds to want what we're offering as opposed to what that guy around the corner or that guy visiting from out of town is offering.
  7. What not to do? Not having a roll of paper towels or extra towels for people to clean up a bit. Not providing lube and/or poppers. Being too fussy/picky. You're probably not going to like everyone who shows up (because they posted fake photos, lied about age/looks etc) or every dick that is offered (e.g. too big, too small, piercings, unwashed etc). My advice would be not to do this in your own home and having a buddy/partner in crime who has got your back. I am way too much of a control freak to allow men to just come into my space like that - even for example at a place like a big hotel during MAL in Washington, DC. The number of things that could go wrong kill the "hotness" factor of it for me. Being a cumdump in a sauna or sex party is a totally different story.
  8. Happy belated birthday. If it's an option in the future, try to visit a piggy city for your birthday. Get a hotel and try to live out a fantasy. Or visit a bar with a darkroom or go to a sauna. It's hard to make something special happen in a familiar setting I find. My bf is very possessive of me on my birthday so I can't exactly be a pig note to self: I'm lying about my birthday in my next relationship. Just kidding. Not.
  9. I work in a very conservative field (financial services) so I am not so thrilled to run into guys I know from the office. And with me being black and living in a city with few gay black guys, it's kind of hard not to notice me! In fact, I almost never go to the baths because years ago I ran into a married guy there who I was working with on a project. Awkward. I also ran into a married professor I had to subsequently work with in a park on a Saturday night, who was there trolling for dick. He became very touchy feely with me at work after that and I HATED that shit. A couple of years ago, I got fucked and bred by a guy off the chat lines who works at my company now. He could be a little more discreet when I see him at work. He is always giving off that "yeah we fucked" vibe. And has even asked me on the corporate instant messaging system if I'm down for a hook-up. Um, no bueno!!! I guess I'm one of those people who like clear boundaries between work and play. I prefer to travel out of town and do all my dirt away from prying eyes. Oh, and by the way, quite a few gays work at my company (some closeted). It's just not cool in my view to be seen as a cumdump by colleagues.
  10. I don't love rimming but if I am into the guy and he wants it, I'll oblige, providing he has washed his ass. Poppers helps me lose my inhibitions. I do have a fuckbud who goes nuts when I eat him out. After a few minutes, he always says, "get on your knees" and then he breeds me. We both have bf's so it's not easy to hook up, but when we do, it's just awesome. Random fucks are nice, but there's something special about knowing you occupy a special place in a guy's sexual life.
  11. I collected all of your threads below for you to see just how long you've been ranting. Perhaps you might try updating one of the many threads you have started about this guy instead of creating a new one every time. Just sayin'. October 2012 https://breeding.zone/threads/16708-Should-I-feel-guilty October 2012 https://breeding.zone/threads/16855-Is-this-normal January 2013 https://breeding.zone/threads/18455-Do-I-expect-too-much January 2013 https://breeding.zone/threads/18694-Am-I-changing February 2013 https://breeding.zone/threads/18820-Is-it-over July 2013 https://breeding.zone/threads/21961-Moving-on August 2013 https://breeding.zone/threads/22359-Ups-amp-downs August 2013 https://breeding.zone/threads/22565-Why-do-I-get-bored-so-easily October 2013 https://breeding.zone/threads/23607-Am-I-the-only-one-who-finds-this-strange November 2013 https://breeding.zone/threads/24086-Still-miss-him March 2014 https://breeding.zone/threads/25904-Is-he-worth-it
  12. I think at some point we all need to stop bullshitting each other with the phrase "DDF". Guys say that shit to signal to other guys that they are down with fucking raw. That's it. It has almost nothing to do with the state of one's health. Unless the guy is coming straight to your house with his test results and hasn't been having any unsafe sex within a specific window, DDF doesn't mean jack shit. To those who want to have guilt free raw sex, it is easier for one's conscience to seek out "doctors" or other "clean-cut" looking dudes who say they are "DDF" than to fuck someone who openly says "I was taking loads last week in the park or I never wear condoms when I fuck." Give me a poz pig on meds ANY DAY over one of these DDF guys who never see a doctor or get tested for anything.
  13. I'm not upset at all about your situation. But apparently you are and apparently upset enough to start different threads talking about the same situation. To be honest, it's getting hard to feel any empathy for you. You clearly don't like how this person makes you feel but you keep going back to him. Then you drop by here and "rant". That's your prerogative. If you want some professional help, then there are resources available to help you. And we are only hearing your side of the story. Something tells me that in your ex's version of this story, you probably don't come off looking so good. After all, there's three sides to every story: your side, my side and the truth. If the guy really is an asshole, stop fucking him and cease all contact with him. Block his email address, phone numbers etc. If you think his company and his ass are worth all the drama, then carry on mate. But always remember, people do to us what we allow them to do. When I see crazy, I cross the street.
  14. True. But I just can't seem to wrap my head around the idea of putting pharmaceuticals into my body to prevent me from getting something when there are other effective ways of achieving the same outcome.
  15. I'm in favor of respecting the guy's decision to cum where he feels most comfortable cumming. I dated a doctor years ago and he fucked me raw all the time but never came inside me. His argument was that it was safer for both of us. I never challenged that since I never asked him to cum inside and he never asked me if I wanted it. If the original poster is worried that the guy is lying about his status, then wrap it up. This is your health that you're playing with after all. If you are ok with pozzing, then keep doing what you are doing. Some guy, either intentionally or unintentionally, will knock you up. I have quite a few fuck buddies who all have different preferences when it comes to cumming. Some cum always in my mouth, some always in my ass, some on my hole. If the guy is hot and you like him, just chill. I've successfully moved guys from condoms to cumming in me raw so it's not like your doctor friend will always feel the same way. Besides, some guys don't like sticking their dicks where every other raw dick has been. I tell all my top friends who are uneasy with raw fucking that if a bottom is asking to take your cum, chances are he's asking or letting other guys breed him too. There is no reason to think your dick is special in that regard. I know many of us here are all about taking or dropping loads wherever we can but there are still some guys out here for whom that is the ultimate intimate act and they reserve it for guys they really have some type of connection to.
  16. Is this the same guy who has been the subject of various threads you have started over the past year? If so, I really hope you will consider reaching out to a professional for some help and closure. It's really kind of sad to see you constantly pine over someone who does not appear to love you back.
  17. I'm there Sunday 13 April to Sunday 20 April. Wouldn't mind meeting up with someone and going to Snax together! I'm trying to get more exposure to other areas of Berlin besides Schoeneberg. But no complaints though. I get all I need there.
  18. Pozzing may be a rebirth of sorts. Realizing that you have a deadly virus coursing through your veins makes you reevaluate everything and focus on what really matters - including staying alive. You may feel that this is your one chance to cheat death. You start living in the moment and just not taking anything for granted. Then you think about how lucky you are that medicines will keep you alive, hopefully with no or few side effects. You appreciate most things when you feel they are slipping from your grasp, right? You just want to be a better, fitter, happier you. I can't even begin to explain just how much better my life is now. I experience countless moments of pure gratitude. I was simply living before I pozzed. Now I am alive.
  19. I've never been in prison but everything I've seen or read about prison sex is far from being this hot and horny experience that gays often fantasize it is. Most gays I know get upset if a guy they are not attracted to comes onto them. Can you imagine being raped by someone who repulses you? Ick. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/sex-in-mens-prisons-the-us-system-cultivates-rape-if-you-treat-people-like-animals-they-behave-like-it-9155241.html
  20. I had a stressful week and needed some dick. Even though my bf is coming tomorrow and asked me to wait, I got online and arranged a threesome with two of my fuckbuds. Between them they pumped seven loads into me in less than 30 minutes. I even fucked one of them while the other watched in amusement because he thought I was a total bottom. So off to bed but before I do, I'll let a couple of guys know I'm pre-loaded. That seems to get the pigs hot.
  21. I began to "chia" 5 days ago because I was going to a sex party this past weekend. I noticed that my bowel movements were more solid, but also odorless. By the time the party rolled around, I needed very little prep time and for the first time in years didn't need to take Immodium to stop the traffic. Was fucked for several hours with no problems. The chia seeds also have many other benefits. Just ask our friend Google.
  22. I agree with those above. I think it's particularly important to start meds if you plan to continue barebacking. I cooled it until I got my viral load down, primarily because I wanted to know my meds were working before I continued to take unmedicated loads. Besides, if you infect someone and you know you're toxic, there are the legal and moral aspects to consider. If you're having anonymous unprotected sex with a high VL, maybe it's easier for you to say the other person should have taken responsibility for his health. But if you know you're toxic, and the person is someone who could trace it back to you, your life could get complicated really fast. I told my regular fuck buddies when I converted. All three initially dropped me, but get this, two eventually returned and started breeding me again when I became undetectable. My one MAJOR regret is that one of my occasional buds from out of town bred me when I was not undetectable. I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I have since lost contact with him. The fact that I could have infected him haunts me to this day.
  23. I asked my doctor about this. He said it's not advisable but he did not sound the alarm bells.
  24. The more I live, I value friendships, romantic relationships and the ability to be a depraved sex pig on occasion. I have found a man that allows me to have all those things and it's beautiful. I take him to sex parties and we just fuck everything we fancy and meet at the bar and laugh about it. Then we head home and sleep in each other's arms. Or we spend the entire weekend just watching movies. Or cooking. Hanging out. Going for a walk. I can't get with the whole online thing although I do lurk. I want to feel a guy's energy. I want to negotiate what we do on the spot. I am full of contradictions at times. I have some fuck buddies whose last name I don't know. I fuck or get fucked by sometimes the same guys at parties and we've never even spoken. I have deep friendships with guys spanning decades and we've never had sex. I've hooked up with guys and felt a connection so strong that I could sit and talk with them for hours. I've stopped trying to label everything or understand it. And I don't have enough time or energy to make sense of everything I have experienced. If it works for me, I just go with the flow. I do think being constantly tethered to the internet makes guys impatient, insensitive, lazy, indecisive, picky and intolerant. The internet is like cable tv, offering you one thousand channels filled with a lot of rubbish and you miss out on something good because you're too busy surfing.
  25. Any week spent in Berlin will yield similar or better results. The guys come to you, or you hit a bar with a darkroom, do some outdoor cruising or go to a sex party.
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