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Everything posted by TattPig

  1. My only point was that it is inaccurate at this point to claim that he contracted meningitis at the White Party. You have no idea where he got it--no one does, yet. It was wrong for you to claim--at this point--that he got it at the White Party. I wasn't trying to "spin" anything and you shouldn't be "surprised" at my second point. I was simply trying to set the record straight. If people get lulled into complacency and feel safe just because they didn't go to the White Party, that's dangerous. This is very serious, and it is important to be accurate and stick to the facts--not unsubstantiated assumptions.
  2. Just to set the record straight...No definitive connection has been established between this case and the White Party. Nobody knows if he contracted it there or not. They also don't know yet if this is connected with the strain in New York. So let's not: a.) Jump the gun on where he got it, b.) let our guard down just because we didn't go to the White Party.
  3. "I know there is no real statistics regarding precum, just wondering what experiences or stories u have heard?" Stories and personal experience are useless. Read the study linked above by Tiger Milner. It's a study of 1700+ sero-discordant couples. The language is a bit obtuse, but lots has been written about it that's clearer, and it's available on the web. The important point is their finding that there was only 1 case of transmission in the study in a couple where the poz member was on ARVs and undetectable. And, that 1 case happened within a time frame (first 3 months) in which the poz person probably hadn't become undetectable yet (it was before the first 6-month checkup). If not for that 1 case, the success rate would be 100%. Is it really 100%? Nope. Are you going to be the one exception to the rule who catches it from an undetectable top? As a practical matter, Nope. Being undetectable is far better than the protection offered by condoms. That's why there is such an emphasis on getting people linked to care and on ARVs.
  4. "Daddy" is an attitude. Some guys just bring out the daddy in me. Some don't, but I still love playing with them just as much. It's not a full-time thing being a daddy, at least not for me.
  5. Everybody who has fathered a child has barebacked. Making a list of so many people is going to be an exercise in futility. Just assume everyone has.
  6. John Aravosis, at AMERICAblog-gay, has posted a great detailed summary of the issues. Very readable and lots of information in a short article. It's a must-read...seriously. http://americablog.com/2013/04/meningitis-nyc-gay-men-cdc-fact-sheet.html
  7. It's not "gay cancer". It's not cancer at all, and calling it that confuses the issue. It doesn't have a "60% kill rate". If the last 2 cases killed 2 men, that doesn't mean it has a 100% kill rate. This is a serious issue and should be addressed seriously and accurately without a lot of histrionics and sensationalism. We need to look at the big picture. And I do NOT for a minute mean to downplay the seriousness of this, but we need to focus on the reality. There have been 23 cases since 2010, and 7 people (30%) have died. The normal death rate from meningitis is about 20%. The incidence of meningitis does not seem to be higher than normal (given New York's population), but the mortality appears to be. And the NY Health Department's release, linked to above, has caused more confusion than necessary due to the odd specificities of its recommendations (men "who regularly have intimate contact with other men met through a website, digital application (“App”), or at a bar or party). That is 4 very oddly specific conditions for guys who regularly have intimate contact. Why those four? Is it based only on a small sample (23 cases) that may not be adequate? Should it be more general? Being so specific means that other types of hooking up (bathhouses, book stores, porn theaters, etc.) may be ignored by the target population. I wish they had done a better job with that announcement. This is serious, and people need to pay attention, get informed, and act accordingly. My only point is that sensationalism should not get in the way of clear thinking.
  8. My favorite biohazard is on Dak Ramsey, the porn star. It's front and center, between his sternum and navel, about the size of a DVD disc. More subtle, fairly common choices are scorpions and black-widow spiders. They seem most often done in a stylized tribal style.
  9. I get the green blob in my vision too. And headaches. I quit doing poppers because of the headaches (I get enough of them without poppers).
  10. Yes, Folsom East is still drawing crowds, but mostly because it's packed into such a small area; I wish it had the room that Folsom does. I find it really claustrophobic. As to "what's up back there"...A. The legacy of Rudy Giuliani, B. Gentrification of the meat packing district. You wouldn't recognize the place now, especially since the High Line opened.
  11. "I don't want to have to assume that every guy I flirt with thinks that it would be sexy if he were to "knock me up"." And yet you choose the handle "cumslutfordaddy". Right And in your other rambling thread you say, "...I only want to date straight acting men my own age." And you fantasize in that thread "Do most of these boys...also have usually average to above average cocks?" None of this adds up.
  12. Whoops. Thanks, Bearbandit. I saw cumslutfordaddy's name as the last poster when I came in and misread it as the original poster, just as you describe. My mistake; sorry RawTop. My radar was triggered by his posts yesterday and I jumped the gun. But my point still stands about him, though; his posts are disturbing and conflicting. And I don't buy for a minute that he's a "young gay male". He doesn't write like one. Be wary.
  13. This guy (cumslutfordaddy) is typing with one hand and stringing you along. Be very, very careful. He joined 2 days ago, has an empty profile and created 2 threads. This one is titled "What are some ideas to get more young guys into barebacking?" and now he posts in his own thread..."When I read shit like this, it makes me think this website is subsidized by the pharmaceutical industry. Essentially, what you're saying is. "How do we make young impressionable gay guys follow our dogma that HIV is not a serious deal" ". In his only other thread (the rambling "Hello guys") he says "...just genuinely considering the idea of never dating again after finding out about the whole concept of big chasers and gift givers." And he wants to know about the penis size of young guys who bottom! Seriously. Stop feeding the troll.
  14. He's not a "kid". Kids don't write like that. Kids don't talk about "these boys" and "young men" that way and they don't say "quite remarkable". Sorry, this sounds like someone fantasizing or trolling.
  15. The CDC is now looking at ways to change the diagnosis categories, switching to a 3-stage model and dropping the term AIDS in diagnoses (substituting Stage 3 HIV). They are also considering dropping opportunistic illnesses as a criteria for Stage 3 and just using CD4 counts. And they propose a system in which someone can move from Stage 3 back to a lower stage if their condition improves, similar to what Bearbandit described in the UK. I don't know when a decision will be made. Here's a link to a 3-page PDF about the report of their study... http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/resources/reports/pdf/HIV_Case_Def_Consult_Summary.pdf
  16. Unfortunately, Rawhide is closing this weekend. There's a rumor they might move to a new location in a few months, but nothing official. New York used to be so much more fun! (Mineshaft, etc.)
  17. " I saw a post once..." Seriously. Welcome to the Internet. One post does not a topic for discussion make. And..."There exists a lot of men from 18-21 with HIV...". That is either his tortured fantasy or yours, but it is not a basis for a serious discussion (including the silly speculation about their cock size). Look up the CDC records for the rates of HIV by age/gender. All cases diagnosed last year below 20 years of age (male and female) were about 5% of the total. And at least 10% of them were born with it and 25% were female. So there aren't a LOT of men (or women) under 20 with HIV. Ick.
  18. "Nice to see the trash on the street." I'm going to steal that one. My favorite (though not particularly hot) compliment was when someone said about my ex..."The best thing about him is that he has great taste in ex-husbands". I'm one of 2 ex-husbands they were talking about.
  19. He doesn't need to have the catheter inserted into his dick; you could just arrange some type of funnel/collector. The outside end of a catheter isn't designed for insertion, so it could be uncomfortable for him. Definitely be prepared for the possibility of a bladder infection (and having to wear a cath for a few days). But that's not a big deal. Been there; done that. I ended up in the E.R. in horrible pain because I couldn't pee. A catheter took care of that and some meds fixed me right up. The coolest was phenazopyridine which soothes the urinary tract. But it is also an analine dye--turns your pee dark orange, like orange jello with a little iodine in it. Very cool; but it will stain anything it touches. When they inserted the catheter, I released 1.25 liters (over 1 1/3 quart) of piss. No wonder I was in pain (the staff was very impressed with the amount--not that I'm bragging, of course).
  20. Do some turn guys away? If you look hard enough, you could possibly find some who do. But every reputable tattoo artist and shop practices what is called universal precautions--gloves, masks, sterilization, etc. That protects them--and their clients--from any client's bodily fluids. So most do not have any problem with potentially POZ clients. After all, there are worse bugs out there that they want to avoid, like Hep C, and they can come from any client. Never get a tattoo from any shop that doesn't practice universal precautions. In prison? Don't know. Are you planning to go there? ;-)
  21. I was kind of tongue-in-cheek about the urinal gag. I didn't mean to imply that it really did leak like a sieve (it shouldn't for almost $200). The tube is a removable insert (for cleaning), and I guess the bottom just loosened it so he didn't have to drink. You can see it loose in some shots. Bad bottom! (but great eyes) I can see how it would be fun to have a guy on all fours for a party evening making himself available to everyone as a utility--with no concern for his pleasure. But for me, I'd much rather take it (and give it) direct.
  22. It's a nice idea, but either it leaks like a sieve or the guy in the video isn't really into piss play, because all the piss is running down his chin. Me? I'd rather have the guy's dick in my mouth. I can take it as fast as he can deliver it. Now, if it could be locked on a guy's head, that would be cool. That would be the way to spend a night at the baths.
  23. "What yogurt would a TOP eat?" Anything with fruit on the bottom.
  24. "When a top isn't on top of me. Or when a top asks me if I'm ok." "I hate that tops feel like they are superior to bottoms" "My main one is when they try doing stuff with my dick." "Kiss. I like taking your spit." Good lord, no wonder there are so few tops--there's no winning. I think they all just gave up trying to please you lot. :-)
  25. Fuck yeah. And I'd make his lack of balls a focus of our session. Hot.
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