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indian faggot

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indian faggot last won the day on August 28 2014

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About indian faggot

  • Birthday 06/17/1985

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    pune, india
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. I agree that limits can be pushed only in fantasies. Of course, no bottom with healthy mind would want to go through such abuse in reality. Although, for the theoratical clarity here I would like to point out the difference between chem sex and chem violence. Rape is not SEX without consent, but it is violence of sexual nature that comes with politics of power dynamics. Politics is inersectional with the sexualities, power can come from any aspets like age, race, money, physical strength or anthing that creates imbalance / inequility. Difference between BDSM and violence is that in BDSM the slave craves the abuse because of the trust, skills and chemisty he has wih the master and both of them know that its a roleplay to be done with prior consent, also even through pain/torture/humiliation it still remains about the mutual pleasure. Violence is not sex although the act of penetration might be involved. This is a chem-sex forum, not a chem-violence one. Any random bully with corrupt power can choose to perpetuate violence of any kind on the vulnerable, whereas it takes skills, time, patience and chemisty to build that connect with a slave for him to want to crave the bdsm play. I imagine that story would be a challenge to write. One of us could try may be.
  2. hot story..next part please !! Slam Paul now pls
  3. hot story...more parts please !
  4. next part, please
  5. want to be your faggot brown slave.get slammed n re infected , sir

  6. hot story..get that slut more fucked up and infect him
  7. How you doing Faggot? Love the pics ... you pleading with your eyes for some cock. Looks like you might get it too!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nicesexyass


      another use of ropes, very nice gay suspension art ... would you like be attached like that ? hope you like it ..


    3. nicesexyass


      Nice , tied up gay .. and a so nice way to have low hangers ..


    4. ronnie4u


      WOOF !  very Exciting - getting into Bondage and be Blindfolded - being used and abused - multi Dicks breeding and seeding me while being forced taking in party drugs !    :)

  8. Breed my faggot holes sir please .. get me tweaked and open up my cunt



  9. I would love to see more photos of you being used. 

  10. hot story . i was given .5 slam last weekend and got bred blindfolded n tied up by i dont know how many raw cocks at s hotel room .
  11. Tops  guys, send me dirty nasty messages . i wanna chat about pig sex, chems , scat and bdsm . Drug addict bb slut slave here 


    1. bing227


      You're so fucking hot. I wish I could use you. 

    2. ronnie4u


      So Fucking HOT !  HOT Memories - let's do it again and again !  :)

    3. bamfaze


      Amazing sexy fuck pig

  12. I was pozzed and introduced to chem sex in a similar way , 6 years ago . Though my owner was a white british guy who gave me .5 slam first time and got me barebacked by a group of guys for free. I was kept on high for 4 days with really strong doses of tina and was used by more than a dozen tops whose faces I didnt get to see as I was blindfolded . Just felt raw cocks sliding in n out of my holes all the time . I was hooked on to meth n cum after 4th day .
  13. please finish this story cublad.. this is exactly how i was introduced to chem sex n m an addict now for both , cum n chems
  14. more parts please
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