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Everything posted by Evan6314

  1. For me, it'S whenever I party
  2. It's a really hot story, but, personally, I detest the 'N' word.
  3. I would love a group of Black Men, with their BBCs to slam and use me as their white bitch. Black in white forever!
  4. Excellent
  6. My ass insisted that I let you and my fellow BZ'rs know that it's available and open to act as your understudy or as desired by fellow BZ'rs. New expansion = wide open gaps to fill in schedule. Chanukah Special: let me be your bbbtmslamslut pro Bono solution for your private or corporate gang bang needs.
  7. *I would strongly suggest Spa Excess. They actually have 'Bear' events on certain Sundays. Check out their website spaexcess.com Also https://bearsinexcess.com/ I have no problem meeting multiple top guys whenever I'm there. Unlike steamworks, guys are there for your ass.
  8. Nicely done. I hope it won't be too long before chapter two is available. I'm in knots lol
  9. Evan6314

    Where ?

    Where are you looking? This isn't exactly a hookup site, is it? Maybe if your profile wasn't empty.....
  10. Condoms
  11. Fuck Yeah! Reading your perfectly written story is better than watching any porn. Just ask my cock! I hope you can soon look after our hunger and need for more of your perfectly paced and well written words.
  12. Father's cognitive impairment has necessitated a slight edit to my previous comment..... Hello son, Don't be disappointed that my face is non hairy. Be disappointed that your limits are limiting you. Step off the path occasionally, lose the agenda and go with the flow. Your reward will be the ass you've been searching for in addition to lots of surprises
  13. Meth is like medical marajuana. It instantly gives your ass the munchies and then that insatiable hunger for filling. VW beatles have been mistaken for butt plugs.

    1. Toxicwanted


      I did it once, and wanne do it again

    2. bareall77


      You should be in marketing Evan6314!

    3. poz4neg


      one can only dream...x

  14. Great story! Had to stop and blow some clouds before part 5.
  15. Need a good binge// Behaved too long. Time for the Spa Excess vacation.

  16. Totally enhanced at Spa Excess in Toronto and losing track of number of loads taken. To infinity and beyond

  17. Totally enhanced ay

  18. Once I discovered the amazing sensations that are possible once you relax and totally let go, I have to include my ass in every solo session. (toysRus ) There's nothing better than playing with a man who knows exactly what he's doing and exactly what it's doing to you.
  19. After a month of clean living, I treated myself to a birthday gift of a few days at the bathhouse to continue my Slut training. I also have a new addiction which has really helped me to increase my training. After showering and cleaning and preparing for fun, I administer a really generous booty bump using a lube injector, quickly followed by a well lubed dildo or plug. After a few minutes, I grab my stuff and head over to the sling in the dark area. My new addiction is being in the sling while blindfolded wearing my leather harness and jock. The blindfold has recently changed everything. Guys used to just browse and walk away, maybe they were shy. As soon as I included an eye shade, (thanks to the booty bump), wow,it is now non stop pounding and load taking on a scale I never thought possible. The other night when I was on a break from the sling, I barely had the energy to move or do anything. While having a shower, I burst out laughing because of a thought that popped into my head. I realised that it is possible to be "fucked to death" and if that happened, they would call it, Death by Pounding.
  20. New addiction = bathhouse sling while blindfolded, leather harness and jock

  21. Loved your story on many levels. Thank you for raising the mercury in my barometer. Well done!
  22. Been studying for my upcoming Slut exams. I'm at the bathhouse, where I've been for the past 24 hours and I've reached new levels of sluttish behavior, even for me. I've been totally monopolising the dark area sling, with my leather harness,nasty pig jock and blindfold. Apparently booty bumps take me from 0 to Slut instantly. I just took 2 massive loads in less than 20 minutes and then I experienced the thickest cock of my life. It was attached to a giant looking man, possibly related to Hagrid from Harry Potter. I stayed on that thing like a cowboy on a bucking bronco, despite the utter destruction of my ass. Too bad he lacked the finesse and skill to give me time to adapt which would have resulted in a much longer ride. However, suffice it to say, the fact that I am writing this down now, mere moments after my universe was expanded, says it all. I guess a Hummer can fit in a small single garage after all. OK, back to my studying now. Too bad I didn't study this hard years ago at non-slut school. Been studying for my upcoming Slut exams. I'm at the bathhouse, where I've been for the past 24 hours and I've reached new levels of sluttish behavior, even for me. I've been totally monopolising the dark area sling, with my leather harness,nasty pig jock and blindfold. Apparently booty bumps take me from 0 to Slut instantly. I just took 2 massive loads in less than 20 minutes and then I experienced the thickest cock of my life. It was attached to a giant looking man, possibly related to Hagrid from Harry Potter. I stayed on that thing like a cowboy on a bucking bronco, despite the utter destruction of my ass. Too bad he lacked the finesse and skill to give me time to adapt which would have resulted in a much longer ride. However, suffice it to say, the fact that I am writing this down now, mere moments after my universe was expanded, says it all. I guess a Hummer can fit in a small single garage after all. OK, back to my studying now. Too bad I didn't study this hard years ago at non-slut school.
  23. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  24. You have an amazing ass, when are you going to bring it to Toronto?

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