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Everything posted by thomassdca

  1. @thomassdca
  2. Great story. Such an important journey for both characters. Congratulations for writing it.
  3. I have been poz for years and am more and more excited and proud about sero converting. I made the choice to stop meds years ago in order to fully experience my hiv, and it's beautiful. Not always easy, but right for me.
  4. The love story is beautiful. Building the bond of love through hiv is incredible. I converted for love and know he will always be part of me.
  5. I understand this kind of love. The love of sharing hiv with someone you care about. So beautiful. So wonderful that he wanted it from you.
  6. Such a hot man. I want your load.

  7. It is a powerful callling. One that can't be ignored. I know it to be true.
  8. Fantastic story. So wonderful to hear that neg men want to become poz, It's only natural. To convert with such a high viral load is perfection
  9. Chapter 4 was beautiful. So real, so truthful. I look forward to hear how Cody processes through this new situation. He is now hiv positive. He has achieved.
  10. An incredible continuation of an amazing story. I am so glad that the progression toward hiv has not stopped.
  11. Incredible story. The relationship that the three guys have is so open, so free and yet so committed. Asking Shawn to come into the relationship and share what he can offer is inspiring and will, I believe, bond all of the characters together more closely in future chapters. I definitely hope that there will be more chapters!
  12. Incredible story. The relationship between each character is so important and so hot.
  13. I have been actively contemplating a return to meds. Intellectually, I know I should, but emotionally it doesn't feel authentic. When I read a story like this, fiction or not, I am reminded why I stopped meds in the first place. It's important to have reminders like this story that keep me on course to what's really important. Thanks for posting this story.
  14. Great story. Maybe it's the effect of Valentine's Day, but I love the romance. I understand Quinn's choice. I made the same one.
  15. You are such a hot man. I am honored to know you. Thanks for your caring and support.

  16. Thanks for the update on your status, and congratulations on the changes in your VL and cd4 counts.

  17. Congrats on your VL/CD4 counts. It will be great to hear if they change after being bred by a full blown guy. I am on yahoo messenger at thomassdca. I am a full blown bottom and not on meds

  18. POZ bottom, not on meds. In LA. I am on yahoo messenger at thomasdca. Love to chat and meet.

  19. I have made similar choices about meds. Love to chat with you. Thomassdca@yahoo.com

  20. Thanks for your comment to my post in the HepC group

  21. I have been off meds for almost a year. I have experienced some health issues and my counts continue to change. I am proud of my choice and know it is right for me. I want to stay on course, but I admit to being a little scared. It would be helpful to hear from others who made this choice, how it effected you and if you ultimately decided to go back on meds.
  22. Chat on yahoo messenger. My yahoo ID is thomassdca.
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