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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Perhaps "For God's Sake" on the left and "Cum In Me Bro" on the right?
  2. So much this: Yes, I want to see the hairy chest, the treasure trail, the expressions on the faces as something particularly pleasurable (or painful) is going on... Especially that last one.
  3. Short answer: Yes, it would be improper, unless you have the explicit blessing of the original author. Here's a quote from one of our senior members and most-loved authors that demonstrates why: It's great to get inspired by a piece that seems to have been cut short. But your work needs to stand on its own, and certainly should not be posted in the same topic with the "original" story. @BootmanLA's final paragraph is really the right way to go here:
  4. It's a relatively minor issue now. But exponential growth is never something to fuck around with. So to speak.
  5. Moderator's note: This topic is not in the Backroom. Please refrain from posting bugchasing and chemsex comments here.
  6. It's still just as manipulative. It happens to have a more agreeable effect in cases like those. At least in our opinion.
  7. Food for thought: "Gay" is a one-dimensional label for something that is far more complex. Human beings have all kinds of sex for all kinds of reasons, and the same person may (and frequently does) have a great variety of experience and responses. So if you're denying that the label applies to you, it might very well not, and even if it does, it's probably not very descriptive of you as a sexual being. So, no issue there. On the other hand, if you're in denial about your own nature (and "in denial about being gay" is shorthand for that), well, that's IMO very uncomfortable and probably unhealthy. You are what you are, whether you see it as God having made you that way, being born that way, being molded that way by events or other people, or choosing to be that way. Shame is an invention of society that allows it to manipulate our behavior. That is a double-edged sword - it's useful for keeping social friction under control, but it can make individuals anything from miserable to batshit crazy.
  8. If you make a mistake in a post and catch it in the first ~10 minutes, you can edit it yourself. After that, use the Report tool (both it and the Edit tool are in the menu from the "..." button in the upper right corner of the post) and put the change you need in the text of the report.
  9. The full-on search tool (the one you get when you actually click the search icon) can do that for you. Set content type to "Image" or "Album" and put the gallery name (or a bit of it) in as the search string. You can search by author too, but it's problematic because the system insists on a search string. To find your own image content, it may be easier to create a filter for it - I started with the "Content I Started" from the Activity menu and narrowed the content type to "image + album" and my albums and photos popped right up.
  10. Assuming you're talking about tags, I believe the system allows you to create new tags, so if people mis-type "bareback" (instead of typing it correctly or selecting it from the drop-down) it will create the erroneous tag. Therefore, there are a great many typos for "bareback" that have become tags over the years that the system has been in operation.
  11. I suspect you have nearly reached your total allotted space for attachments. If so, you will have to prune them down a little. We recommend posting your images in the Gallery when possible, to avoid filling up your attachment space.
  12. Works fine for me. I was having a problem a week or so ago wherein the site would occasionally crash my browser, but it seems to have cleared up.
  13. And now for something completely different... Ran across this article on non-(straight monogamous) sex in other species, and if you are curious about that sort of thing, it's a lot of fun. Turns out the naturalists of the 19th century were a wee bit narrow-minded, shall we say... [think before following links] https://nautil.us/overthrowing-the-patriarchy-through-ecstatic-sex-21451/
  14. No, nobody does. And this is why we still have to fight for equality.
  15. I'm not big on any of the above, either. The latter two are not against the rules, but it's fine to "dislike" them, and in fact I recommend that you do. Scat, however, and in particular images of it, are not allowed anywhere on the forum. If you see any, please report them!
  16. ... global climate change, pandemic disease, peak carbon ... The world is careening out of control. One has to be secure-minded indeed to face it every morning. It helps to remember that control - of anything other than oneself - is largely an illusion. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...
  17. I consistently shoot larger loads when I have am aroused for a longer period (either foreplay or edging) before I ejaculate.
  18. Comparisons are odious. That said, for me personally, none of the features described would constitute a controlling factor in which person was more attractive. Except possibly being willing to participate in a particular role that suited my mood of the day (I'm 50+ versatile and sometimes really want to top, or bottom, though I'm almost always willing to do both). Factors that matter a lot more: Can they put more than two words together in communication and conversation? Are they passably good at indicating what they enjoy and understanding what I enjoy? Can they plan a connection and show up for it in anything less than geological time? Do they look like a man and not a prepubescent person? Etc...
  19. If it "wasn't really", they did rape you. You can choose what to do about that, but it is absolutely OK to call it what it is. You can get PEP for that if you do it promptly. I suggest that doing so might help you to feel more in control of the situation and give you time to make a considered assessment of your feelings about HIV risk.
  20. It would be unwise to rely on that... as someone said earlier in this topic,
  21. The only sure way to find that out would be experimentally... and the necessary experiment cannot ethically be done. In theory one could look for antibodies, but that wouldn't give an actual efficacy number.
  22. Those were removed because they included off-limits fetish material.
  23. Gee, do you think he'll recuse himself if they take up a reversal of Loving vs Virginia? 🤨
  24. I'll second this. My choice of words wouldn't be that I don't trust them, rather that I'm aware that they are just people, too, and have their limitations and make mistakes sometimes. Medicine, for all its progress, is in many ways still more a practice than a science. True. Having worked in that industry also (not in marketing, thankfully), I can say that while many of the people in the industry are in it because they believe in saving lives or improving quality of life, the companies are in it for the money. Because capitalism.
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