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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Thanks for the follow, sexy!

    1. Blake


      Anytime handsome! 

  2. Moderator: This topic, which was a bit questionable to begin with, has devolved into sheer conjecture about victimization. It's inappropriate here, and arguably inappropriate anywhere else.
  3. The original posted version violated the "community harm" policy instated in 3/21 (you can read more here) He and I discussed the issue and came up with some minor tweaks that brought it into line, and it's back up now.
  4. According to my slower google search it appears that the maximum penalty for rape in Australia varies from state to state, and is actually life imprisonment in South Australia, 14 years in NSW. But it's surprisingly hard to tease out such detail from most of the sites.
  5. https://barebackbastards.com/57448/fucking-a-marine-i-met-at-the-gym/
  6. @LaLatin contributed an "enhanced" post to this topic. You can find it here.
  7. @KylerIsTrash My apologies! 😳 I wondered when I posted it whether my language was clear enough, and evidently it was not! YOU were not rude and ignorant in the least, but quite reasonably trying to get information from others that might support or negate the hypothesis you had formed based on your observations. The other student, who blocked you, was the one whose behavior I intended to criticize.
  8. Well, that's just incredibly rude and ignorant. Also completely antithetical to my experiences with people who have progressed some distance in higher education. I'm a PhD and a happy frequenter of a good number of bathhouses, not to mention tea rooms (including more than a few at top-tier schools), highway rest stops, adult bookstores, parks... well, you get the picture. Most of the academics in my personal circle of friends are definitely sex-positive and the group as a whole has, I would say, a higher than average representation of LGBTQ+ people as well as plenty of straight allies who are very far from narrow (including one whose professional academic focus is basically the study of BDSM).
  9. What @BootmanLA said. Here's a quote from the Wikipedia article I referenced above: Of course, the books are not evidence of a militant homosexual agenda. But these kinds of power plays by right wing assholes make it seem like there ought to be one. To protect the innocent children, if nothing else.
  10. It's the bonobos you really have to worry about. They'll have sex with anything.
  11. Yes, there needs to be a topic and initial post for the system to attach the poll. Good thinking on your part.
  12. You miss my point. First, let's presume that no sane teacher anywhere is exposing children under 10 to "any depiction, description, or simulation of sexual activity, any lewd or lascivious depiction or description of human genitals". I think that's fair. In that case, why are they really making this law? To make it illegal for teachers to discuss "any topic involving gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, sexual orientation, or related subjects". Which, in the context of materials intended for children under 10, means material such as "Daddy's Roommate" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daddy's_Roommate) But basically ALL materials for children under 10 that portray ANY kind of "STRAIGHT" relationship portray a (cis-hetero) gender identity in completely comparable terms and contexts. Cis-hetero gender identity is completely pervasive in nearly every context to which they are exposed. These materials would be just as illegal under the proposed law. But they are "programming" or "grooming" children to be straight rather than gay, bi, non-binary, trans, or rainbow unicorn. So no one would ever prosecute it.
  13. How do we know this? Because, boys and girls, the text reads... Literally, that means any topic involving boys and girls. Which would mean that federal funds could not be used for any materials that discuss anyone of any gender (including het-cis-male and het-cis-female) with reference to their gender in any context in which it is relevant. Hell, just close the schools now.
  14. When you create a new topic, immediately below the Title box there is an area to add tags. Just type them in there.
  15. Neither Hep B nor CMV necessarily causes chronic disease. CMV remains in the body but normally does not cause any disease after the initial illness - nearly half of Americans have the virus. Hepatitis B is often cleared from the body after an acute illness, though it can remain present as a chronic illness. It's important to note that the presence of antibodies to the virus does not necessarily mean that you have a chronic infection.
  16. No, no... the math doesn't work that way. With those exact numbers (chances of 1 in 10,000 per encounter and number of encounters 10,000), you would have slightly under a 2 in 3 chance of infection. If you really want it, you have to WORK for it! LOL
  17. "In love" makes you nuts. The movie "Moonstruck" depicts it very well. "Love" in my opinion is much more encompassing, and can be deeper. I used to be afraid to use the word more broadly lest it be misinterpreted, but now that I've been around the track a few times (*cough* old enough to be your dad *cough*) I'm starting to care less about that and more about expressing feelings that are important. The best way of explaining it I have yet found is, Love (in that sense) is Family (in the good sense - your blood family may not qualify). These are people (and almost everyone I know has more than one) we trust implicitly, we know are on our side, for whom we'd go to the ends of the Earth. We can live with these people (or could imagine doing so - sometimes we're incompatible for cohabitation). For me, this group includes birth family (my father, mother, and brother), extended family (at least one uncle, one aunt, and one cousin), and chosen family (my fiance, my best friend forever whom I met in college). Whether that relationship includes a sexual element is up to the people involved, but American culture is on the prudish side about it, and even such things as back massages with adults in one's extended family can get the hairy eyeball. Physical contact (at the hugging and cheek kissing level) with people in this group is completely normal, and sanctioned in many cultures. In my personal opinion, more sexualized contact within this group is probably also perfectly normal for humans, in a biological and psychological sense, but that culture and the incest and adultery taboos have mangled our natural responses. That said, if the individuals involved are sufficiently self-aware to transcend that cultural baggage, it can work just fine, and probably does more often than we hear about. Furthermore, because sex in this context is less about eroticism and more about the expression of a personal bond and trust, it can (and does) cross the lines of "straight" and "gay" (which are only sensibly defined with respect to erotic inclination). I can attest to those possibilities from personal experience - in my case they did become reality, and though very occasional in that case, it was more than once and quite clear that it was intentional and there were no regrets (I was not the instigator). So, if you and your friend are respectful of each other's feelings and boundaries and can get past our cultural neuroses, it seems to me that you need not fear claiming whatever kind of love you have together and enjoying it to its fullest blossom, whatever that may be in this case. Love is Love, and there's no such thing as too much!
  18. Only one I can find that seems to semi-match that description is Joe Spears, working in the early 90s. Couldn't find a movie with carnival or related words in the title though. Definitely sporting the red curly hair, and a kind of all-American jock appearance.
  19. 1. These are not conversion symptoms (it's much too long after you contracted HIV). 2. It's probably the flu. Or possibly another illness with flu-like symptoms (there are many). 3. You don't mention how your immune system is doing with the HIV, not being on meds. If your T cell count is OK, then you don't have any reason to worry more than anyone would with flu-like symptoms. Go see a doctor if they persist, otherwise your immune system did its job. 4. If your T cell count is low, you may have trouble with any illness. In that case, definitely see a doctor (and consider going on ARVs for the HIV). 5. The fever is "moderate" (under 100) and the weight loss is likely due to dehydration. Rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  20. You have achieved a new member level and will have acquired additional privileges... more messages and reactions per day, for example. Yes, it's a good thing! Only @rawTOP knows the details of how it works, but it's generally by posting good content and participating constructively in the forum. Congrats! I'm merging your post with the thread about "0 reactions per day" because there's a lot of discussion of this same question there. Folks who are reading that thread: do what this guy is doing! I will note that he achieved Senior Member status (the highest there is) in a little over 2 years with just over 400 posts.
  21. Actually it's less than 1 in 100 (per contact), because the chance of acquiring HIV from (anal receptive) sex is only about 1 in 70 to begin with. So with PrEP, it's somewhere in the range of 1 in 700 to 1 in 7,000 (depending on whether it's 90% effective or 99% effective). ^^^ A whole lot of this!!! Of course, it's true for intercourse with a condom as well. And for oral sex, and even for frottage depending on the particular STD we're talking about. Life isn't safe. So adjust your risk to suit your comfort zone, but by all means ENJOY!
  22. You're "good to go" as of Thursday/Friday. As long as you keep taking your Descovy regularly, your chances of being infected with HIV from sex are extremely low. Estimated at 1 in 10,000, but the number of actual breakthrough cases in people who could be verified as taking the meds regularly is less than 1 in 100,000. Pig out and enjoy!
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