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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. This is NOT the Backroom! Please post POZ fetish videos in the Backroom topic where they belong: [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/52666-poz-video-thread/
  2. Super sexy pics, man!

  3. Thanks for the follow!

  4. Yeah, definitely a rough neighborhood. Well, their motto is (or used to be) "A Clean, Well-lighted Place for Sex". Perhaps they are hoping to provide a nucleus for gentrification? 😉
  5. #facepalm Please don't feed the trolls.
  6. OK, he has told you his boundaries. Options are: You convince him to move them, or you move yours, or you cheat (with concomitant risk), or you pack up and get out of Dodge. My choice (and it's just my personal one) would be #4. It would hurt, but I've been there and it didn't get better - I kept it in my pants and he got all jealous anyway and the end was just ugly. But if you're inclined to #1 and/or #2, I'd look at his boundaries carefully. ...as long as we're both involved... Probably that's not going to change, but if it does it will likely be a gradual process. I wouldn't push it. ...and it's safe... This is where I think you have some room to change things. Fact: There is no safety this side of the grave. You could be hit by a bus! (thanks Cher!) PrEP and vaccines mean your risk of getting something incurable and nasty from sex are really pretty low. Getting something curable is less likely with condoms, but as someone who has acquired STIs more than once while using condoms every time for anal intercourse, it's pretty easy to do anyway. Education may be your best strategy here.
  7. Anyone know who the dark-haired guy in this ad is? Woofy, IMO...
  8. It seems to suggest that you actually are proud of spreading Covid... which is a forbidden topic, and would get you a penalty. On the other hand, if it is a joke, it is in very poor taste.
  9. All I can tell you is to keep posting. As of now, you should be very close to having it. The exact details of the algorithm that decides it are undisclosed to prevent spoofing. Even the moderators don't know them.
  10. Reacting to posts is a privilege, so you may not be able to do it if you are very new to the site. If you have the privilege, you will see a gray heart icon in the lower right corner of each post. Click that and it will open a slider of reactions for you to choose from. You can only edit a post yourself for about 10 minutes after you post it. The "..." menu at the upper right corner of the post contains the edit option. If the edit option has timed out, you can use the report option to request that a moderator make the edit for you.
  11. I don't think that is correct, @BootmanLA My understanding (based on personal experience) is that there is at least some ACA subsidy for all incomes less than 400% of the Federal poverty level, for people who aren't enrolled in Medicaid. Those subsidies cover most of the premium cost for "silver tier" plans at incomes below about 120% of the FPL, and special plans area also available that reduce co-pays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums to the insured.
  12. The article reads like a drug ad... so much so that it makes me suspicious. I notice it doesn't have any author or other attribution posted, and there aren't any references for any of the content.
  13. Thanks for the follow!


  14. Definitely the latter, but also a holdover from the '90s, when many people actually used them in that sort of situation.
  15. If you read the first page of the thread you just posted this in, there are several good explanations of why the system is programmed the way it is, including one by RawTop (the site owner, who makes the rules). Here's the TL;DR: It's not just the number of comments a day. Other parameters (including the responses to your comments) count, too. So making "me, too" posts will (probably) count for less than will constructive contributions to the discussion. The exact details are not disclosed TO ANYONE (including the moderators), in order to prevent spammers from spoofing the system, and for the reason hazarded by @TheSRQDude. The stated and intended purpose of the site is to be a discussion forum, NOT "to message other people". There are lots and lots of sites that do that already (BBRT is probably the best for people who enjoy BZ, despite its drawbacks). It really doesn't take that long to get out of "New Member jail". It just feels like it. There is at least one Junior Member (the second privilege level) who has barely been here more than three months, and whose total number of posts is less than 50.
  16. If the author of a post is listed as "Guest Xxxxx", that is usually the system's way of labeling the posts of someone ("Xxxxx") who has ended their membership. If they come back, they may well have a different name. That said, I think iJoey was posting quite recently (as of spring 2022), so I'm not sure what happened to them.
  17. Unless you felched yourself. In which case I want to meet you!
  18. There's more info on various brands of amyl in the chemsex forum here:
  19. There's a long thread about this in the chemsex forum.
  20. Thanks for all the welcomes! IMO this site is amazing and it's really cool that RawTop has been able to keep it flying as a place for all of us to discuss some pretty darn edgy topics for so long. Everyone on here who contributes is part of that. The other part of that is keeping it aboveboard and civilized (as much as such lurid content can be), so that we can keep having it in the future (despite all the people who are freaked out by it or want to ban such stuff). That basically means don't post banned stuff and post restricted stuff in the right place. So if you pretty please help us out by doing that, you won't hear from us unless we're chatting you up. 🙂 Now I've said too much... *blush*
  21. You might want to specify what vaccine you're referring to. People will probably assume it's Covid-19, but there are several other vaccines that are pretty relevant for sexually active gay men.
  22. Any relationship is about negotiating a balance between your needs and the other person/people's. Communication is key. You know what happens when you ASSUME. And that goes for what you assume about your partner(s), what you assume about others, and what others assume about you. No one else has a right to tell you what to do. Rules (societal and otherwise) are there for a reason, which may be important, but you are the only one who gets to decide whether you follow them.
  23. I'm thinking I'll try and get there for CumUnion that Friday. Not sure I'll have the wherewithal.
  24. I will suggest the possibility that the pictures are accurate (within the limitations of camera angle and lighting), and your perception of size is not. My dick is pretty damn big according to the perceptions of my partners. A large proportion of them comment on it. In photos it looks reasonably large but by no means giant. A tape measure says a little under 8 inches.
  25. MODERATOR'S NOTE: Please be really careful to respect the rules about escorting content when you post in this thread! Here's a link to the rules if you need a reminder:
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