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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Excellent writing and great characterization of the regional culture! Looking forward to following this.
  2. Barbie was AWESOME (no, I'm not joking)
  3. Y'all are making me sad... I'm a fan of the furry types here.
  4. 1. Yes 2. That's normal. When you first had sex with a woman, I bet that was all you could think of for a week, too... 3. PrEP is extremely reliable if you take it regularly. Do get tested for other STIs, as it does not protect from those and you do want to treat them promptly if you happen to contract them. Also get vaccines for the ones you can. There are several good topics in the PrEP forum that give details on all that. 4. There's no reason you can't have a relationship with a woman and keep taking cock if she's down with that, and (at least in the US where I am) that's probably easier now than it has been at any other time in the last century. I was in a relationship with a woman for 28 years and took dick the whole time, though sex between her and I stopped about 5 years in. She knew from day one.
  5. It is certainly possible to get candidiasis (thrush) even if you don't have HIV/AIDS, but it's unlikely unless your (immune) system is out of whack. Antibiotics of the usual sort (antibacterials) won't do anything against it, because it's yeast. It could certainly also be some kind of bacterial infection that isn't severe enough to cause a sore or other symptom - either STD or otherwise. Oral hygiene is your friend. With a symptom such as this that isn't one of the "usual" symptoms of the common STDs, your chances of getting useful information about it from an internet discussion forum are very, very low. If it continues/worsens, see a doctor! That's what they're for.
  6. If needed, you can get support by email at support <at> studio3x.com (or that should be correct). The footer of the MalePrime page (the one you get if you are blocked) contains a link to the Studio3X about page, which includes that email address.
  7. only once, many years ago, and he wore a condom. would love to have it again, bare this time.
  8. I suspect it's not necessarily what you think. I get a lot of weird evolutions in message-speak, particularly on Grindr. Example: "haha", which the younger set seems to use all the time to mean a variety of things. Language is constantly in evolution, and the effects of mobile communication (with UI challenges and emojis and images, oh my!) seem to exacerbate this. It's getting to the point where sometimes I genuinely can't understand what people are trying to say. And don't even get me started on the decline in literacy (there's one local guy here in WV whose messages on Sniffies are honestly really difficult to understand).
  9. If it was ever posted here, it would have been removed. Bestiality is not allowed anywhere on the site (it's illegal).
  10. Short answer: No, it isn't. HIV fetish content is restricted to a few specific forums. Everywhere else on the site is stuff about all the other wonderful aspects of bareback sex. 90+% of my work as a moderator is attempting to keep it that way.
  11. From everything you say about his behavior, he's clearly interested in you. Whether in a sexual way or not, you'll find out in time. But he's asked you on a dinner date, and you accepted, and you had fun, so there's some kind of connection there. As to how he can be so shy - trust me, I have firsthand experience: The most amazingly "eligible" people can be very shy when (in their perception) the stakes are high. In my 30s, I had brains, education, good job, good looks, athletic, interesting hobbies... the whole package. I would still get tongue-tied when trying to approach a guy I was truly interested in. In public life, I wasn't shy at all - I was friendly and helpful to colleagues (even some I didn't like), gave talks at conferences, all kinds of things. So I'd say, stick with it and see where it goes - sounds like you may have caught a prize!
  12. This sounds like a very bad idea. FWIW, if he was fucking you in the ass and you were infected, the infection would be in your ass, so you'd be very unlikely to pass it to your wife (unless she's a lot kinkier than I think).
  13. What @BootmanLA said. Testosterone level modifies the amount of facial and body hair, but genetics have an awful lot to do with it also. The genes for hair are inherited from both parents (they're not on the X and Y chromosomes), so your body hair patterns can resemble either parent or be somewhere in between. There is definitely a correlation between body hair prevalence and ancestry - genetics from east asian, native american, and some other backgrounds are linked to little body hair, while european background is linked to more.
  14. Agree, live venues are far better than apps. I find I get best mileage from apps with a repeat "customer" strategy. Not quite at the FB level, but knowing which guys are real and not too damn flaky helps a lot. The trick is to get my brain to pay attention to that rather than the latest pretty face/dick/ass... Which is harder when one is thinking with the little head.
  15. My endurance varies greatly depending on prior activity, mental state, situation, and partner. Almost always, I will put in quite a bit of effort to last longer, as I know that's what I'd enjoy if I were the bottom. On the other hand, there's a certain point where that switches and the goal (mine, his, or best of all both) is to get the load in the ass.
  16. I've done this on a few rare occasions. I'd like to have done more. But hey, I'm still above ground, so it's not too late...
  17. Actually, you received a warning because someone else complained about your post.
  18. @ErosWired - As I said, I generally agree with you here and I think your expectations are reasonable. I certainly think it's appropriate to expect that people who are outside the generally accepted status quo in a bathhouse - or any situation in which personal interaction takes place without the usual layers of clothing, manners, structure [work, school, business] and so forth that normally moderate that interaction - should be the ones to tread carefully with respect to violating people's expectations. Apropos of this, when the whole #MeToo thing blew up three or four years ago, at least one of the bathhouses in my current orbit instituted a policy that consent is required and put up signs explicitly stating that "unwanted touch" is off-limits. It's not clear exactly how this is supposed to work in the case of ass-up in a room...
  19. Not sure about now, but I definitely remember a dark room in the upstairs of a bar in Amsterdam - sometime around 2001 - that was completely pitch black. Couldn't see your hand in front of your face. Very hot!
  20. I have no idea whether I'm nicer than you, harry, but I'm quite certain that I'm nicer than Trump. Frankly, I wasn't attempting to address those questions, as they weren't what your post purported to be about. That was whether left-wing people are "nice" and conservatives are "mean". IMO neither is a valid generalization, nor are the opposites accurate.
  21. 1. Appearances can be deceiving. 2. The right wing does not have a corner on schadenfreude. 3. Please don't feed the trolls.
  22. I agree with you about much of this. Hence my comment that if one isn't comfortable with the rules of a particular space on a particular occasion, one shouldn't go there. Or in your hypothetical case, one should put up that notice or choose another activity. But I would argue that it's not a question of whether the space is safe to be who and what one is, but whether it's safe to engage in a particular activity (yes, I'm splitting hairs here). In any case, the management of such establishments clearly should make their policies very clear, for the benefit of all their would-be patrons.
  23. Absolutely true. I lost my anal virginity to a guy who was practically a virgin himself (and therefore inexperienced) and is hung about the same I am (8 inches and thick) - no pain whatsoever.
  24. I'll just point out here that all of this is not dependent on the person in question being transsexual. What about non-binary people? What about eunuchs (of whom we have at least one on BZ)? What if a bi guy want to bring a woman? In point of fact, some bathhouses are open to both male and female on particular occasions, and at least one that I used to go to occasionally in SF (no idea if it's still open) was always open to both. If you aren't comfortable with the rules of a particular space on a particular occasion, that's on you. Choose a different one. But IMO bathhouses are generally not so small that you can't just go there and say "no" politely if a person who approaches you isn't your cup of tea. And "yes" if they are. Which is what I believe is the proper interpretation of @brnbk's comment:
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