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Everything posted by pipesmokin'manfucker

  1. What an appealing thought, msnbb. Would work for me.
  2. All I can add to rawTop's excellent advice is - you tell the bottom why but do it calmly. I've found most bottoms I've fucked are awfully sensitive abt. this possibility and can be quite chagrined when it happens. So me, I try to communicate the problem in an undramatic, even perhaps amusing way. I like to do what I can to dispel tension & anxiety, which can easily lead into an emotionally unpleasant situation. I don't like none of that dam drama & trauma malarkey. I can contribute to it or I can try to defuse it.
  3. I administered 2 loads up the ass of a cute little 30 yr. old cowboy with a big blond fu-manchu I met @ a certain bar in Dallas; on New Year's Day. We did it in his room at a nearby Red Roof Inn. Lots of face-sucking & mutual caressing/fondling prepared us for it. I ate him out & then rolled over on my back; he hopped on facing me & raped my cock & got 1 load out of me; then I rode him doggy-style and gave him another one. I got to suck one load out of him - I had fucked the cum out of him the 2 times I bred him, so there wasn't much left. The man was quite verbal: whimpering, gasping and repeating "fuck me daddy!" a lot - It was mutually satisfying and completely devoid of moral meaning. Dam - but did he ever know how to slam that tight, hot ass up and down my stalk. Happy New Year 2013. Yee-Haw.
  4. I think redheaded men are hot. They tend to have heavy body hair (a+); heavy facial hair (another +) and thick, long cocks (yet another +). Not into getting fucked much at all but the few times I've enjoyed it, redheaded man have done the trick for me. I do like sucking cock and feasting on mancream and redheads have never failed in that dep't either. A buddy of mine however likes to throw cold water on my enthusiasm for redheads by dogmatically asserting they all (!) have fiery tempers & that the red hair is a warning about that. Feh!
  5. I'm unable to pass moral judgement on you but I do suspect this relationship is emotionally toxic for you both. Doesn't sound like either of you enjoys it anymore. I've discovered through experience that "being in a relationship" can mean several bewildering, even contradictory, things. One of the things it can mean is that it's demanding & challenging in ways neither participant expected.
  6. My impression is that quite a few bottoms are a bit ashamed of, or somehow uncomfortable with their preference. How many times have I heard, "Please don't tell anyone I let you fuck me." And I don't. I keep my dam mouth shut when it comes to gossip. Ain't nobody's business anyhow, who I fuck or, for that matter, who fux ME. Which admittedly hardly ever happens 'cause I'm pretty clear about the fact that I prefer to top. BUT - part of me says the most masculine men are the bottoms: they're MAN ENOUGH to love getting their holes fucked. That's pretty butch, IMO. Nothing fem abt. it. And I really do like butch, masculine, hirsute, hairy-faced bottoms. Yesindeedy. They kinda like me, too.
  7. Condoms inhibit my dick. My dick doesn't like that. As far as oral is concerned: since one of my goals is slurpin' down as much mancream as possible, then no thanks.
  8. Gee- what a surprise. Doing the kinda stuff many of us do inevitably brings us into contact with deranged and/or dangerous folks, i.e., sociopaths. And the results often ain't too pretty. Our respective societies are packed chock-a-block full of tragic persons labouring under the burden of serious, serious mental illnesses. The mass shootings which have taken place here in the States and elsewhere (Norway & Germany) testify to this. So it being that I want to avoid experiences like you guys have described in yr responses, I do not give out my phone # & I do my best to get acquainted with a man before I do the do with him. Altho I've had lapses in judgement on the latter point...I've made a lot of dumb-ass choices in my 58 years. I've been lucky. The only real kook I suffered at the hands of was my unfortunate ex. He was a loo-loo. And I was a loo-loo for taking up with him. Also the fact that (so I've been told) I often come across in gay bars & other gay venues as mildly distant but cautiously friendly and that I can bestow a hard, stony glance which would turn someone into ice and that I'm usually pretty self-confident AND that I neither drink alcohol or use mind-altering drugs: all of this, plus my size, tends to keep the lunatix at bay.
  9. I'm 58. To quote Toby Keith, "I ain't as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was." Whatever sexual deficiencies I may have I think I make up for in stamina. I can fuck hole literally for hours. I have plans to keep on doin' it. The sooner the better. The bottom's age is unimportant to me - except he be of legal age. The youngest man I ever fucked was 24 and the oldest 81. Both were great.
  10. Hell, I'd LOVE to pound his pucker. I got a hard cock & it likes to go places no (other) man's ever been. He'd notice it, too. I promise.
  11. Midtown Spa. Or yr hotel room. Can be as dark as you like.
  12. One of my goals as a top is to drive my bottom lust-crazy for my cock & so I've discovered that repeatedly pulling out all the way and then driving it back in - over and over - almost always works. I'm capable of doing it for quite a while; just love fucking the cum out of the bottom...I like it when men convey to me they enjoy my dick. I sure as hell enjoy virile asses - except the ones attached to green meanies.
  13. Dim to semi-dark for me. While I admit I like seeing the man (men) I'm fucking or sucking - I'll lock eyes with my bottom & THAT's a turn-on - when all is said & done it's about how GREAT a tight, warm & creamy manly hole feels around my cock. I just love it. All the rest is ultimately lagniappe.
  14. My distant cousin & I used to hang out at the Dallas Eagle & he'd always remark, "Look at that guy's basket!" to which I'd invariably reply, "What basket? Just look at that ass!" And he'd roll his eyes and say, "you're such a top" - which was more true than not. However I do love sucking & draining cocks. I used to have a t-shirt: "Cowboy butts drive me nuts!"
  15. Me, I exercise a lot of self-restraint. Might be good idea for lotsa other folks as well.
  16. May Josh Weston's memory - and the collective remembrance of all deceased porn performers - be for a mitzvah.
  17. I like my bottoms on top, raping my cock. Then leaning forward so we can suck face & I can give him a jackhammer-fuck. I like being able to guide him up and down my pole, run my hands thru his chest hair and play with his nips and spread his buns further apart. This position also enables me to swap smoke with him if he's a pipe or cigar man.
  18. Yes, it has been a boring day. I "treated" my boredom by sleeping most of the day & when I wasn't asleep, by sending Christmas greetings to friends/relatives in Lithuania, Germany, Canada (QC) & Mexico. I'll send similar greetings to friends/relatives in Ukraine on Jan. 7, when they celebrate Christmas. Last night, after our highly ethnic customary Christmas eve community supper, we attended the lengthy church service, with lotsa "smells and bells" - afterwards I dropped in at the Dallas Eagle but it was poorly attended. Two guys half-heartedly hit on me but nothing came of it. This, too, will pass.
  19. yep: pipemen are great! Make terrific bottoms.

  20. Doesn't do anything much for me but if my bottom wants a drink, I'll let him have it. As long as it also involves a good BJ.
  21. I do like the intimacy with a man I'm aroused by: spending time cuddling, kissing and since I have a pipe-smoking fetish, swapping smoke with him - just holding him close. All that kinda soothes or even perhaps heals me interiorly. However IMO there's often a fine line between intimacy and "I'm-becoming-codependant-on-you", which on more than one occasion I've found alarming. This buddy of mine says he likes a man to spend time fucking him silly but then would like him to turn into a pizza at 4 a.m., precisely to elude intimacy. Go figure. Many of us are mysteries unto our very selves.
  22. Florian Manns, Jake Wetmore, Michael Brandon, Matt Sizemore & Donnie Russo.
  23. Don't know abt. such porn but I can say I've inflicted pain & it was well received. Except by one guy who was hot to get fucked - until he got my cock up his hole. Don't you just hate that when it happens? ARRRGH; SNARL.
  24. Well if he ever got it into his head to start bb, I'd be happy to demonstrate a few things to him. I could tutor him, so to say.
  25. I've used condoms but just hate 'em; they kill my hard-on...going thru the trouble of getting one in place and then staying hard is a challenge I don't like...I began fucking my ex raw & just loved it; plowing and breeding hot, tight man-ass feels so unbelievably great I just about go bonkers doing it.
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